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11x03 - The Bad Seed

Posted: 10/22/15 12:28
by bunniefuu
Impetus bestiarum.

[ Groans ]

Dele malum hoc.

[ Growling ]


Where the hell are you, Cass?

I'm fine.

You don't sound okay.

Cass: What I have, you can't help me.

Please tell Sam that Rowena escaped with the Book of the Damned and the codex.

Mike: Her name is Amara.

We're bound, Dean.

We'll always be bound.

You helped me.

We will always help each other.

Dean: I think Amara is the Darkness.


Whatever's in that house, I can taste the power radiating from it.

It's old, Dean...

The dark.

Where you going?

To see the child that eats souls.

Stay away from her.

[ Whoosh ]


Crowley: I want that child, and I get what I want.

My, haven't you grown into a sweet young thing?

I feel the spell just cutting deeper and deeper.

And I'm trying to fight it, I'm trying.

[ Grunting ]

[ Groans ]

[ Screams ]

[ Breathing heavily ] Help me.

...and they shall know us far and wide and fear us.

And we shall be known as the...

Mega Coven!

Mega Coven.

See, because it's greater than Grand Coven.

So it's not grand, it's mega.

It's the Mega Coven. I don't think you're followin'.

And whyever would we join you in such a thing?

Because that Grand Coven of yours is obsolete.

Don't you see?

And utterly falling apart since the high priestess Olivette disappeared.

Which we hear you may have had a hand in.

Idle gossip. Cut the crap, Rowena.

You're just looking for protection from the hunter Winchesters and all the rest of your many enemies.

And, honey, you don't have the guts or the chops to pull this off, so let's not kid ourselves.


It so happens, I k*lled the King of Hell.

My own son, the King of Hell, and compelled an angel to do it.

Guts? Chops? I'd say that qualifies.

I have a friend who cut a deal with Crowley only yesterday.

Crowley didn't look so dead.


You're as delusional as ever. We'll be going.


We'll see.

[ Hand thuds ]

Vomicae, putramen, nex!

[ Whoosh ]

[ Women gasping and choking ]

[ Women screaming ]

[ Explosions ]

[ Exhales shakily ] He lives?

[ Screams ]

♪ Supernatural 11x03 ♪
The Bad Seed
Original Air Date on October 21, 2015

[ wind whistling ]

So that was the last of the neighbors, just like the rest.




You okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.

Just saying we got nothing.

No one saw anything unusual going on at the house the day the baby disappeared.

If this is truly the Darkness we're talking about, it's more of a time b*mb than a baby.

Yeah, but it is still a baby, right?

I mean, the Darkness I saw was an adult.

So it still has to, uh, grow up.

The Darkness is almost infinite power.

I'm not sure what “growing up" means in this case.

Well, God kicked this thing's ass once before, right?

Yeah, it'd be nice if he put down the Mai Tai and show up for work.

I wouldn't count on it.

It's possible he's around. Closer than we think, you know?

What makes you say that?

I believe he made a fairly definitive statement when we walked away.

[ Chains rattle and clank ]

[ Sighs deeply ]

Sorry about those, Cass.

Till we know what's going on with you, you're still a bit of a wild card, you know?

[ Chains rattle ]

I hate to point this out, but you both know who we might need to help deal with the Darkness.

Don't even say it.

He was God's scribe. He did hear about everything.

That's just like saying it.

[ Growling, inhaling deeply ]

Cass, you all right, pal?

It's the spell.

We were hoping your angel wiring would fight it off or...slow it down at least.

It appears I simply respond differently from humans.

If you were you human, you'd be gone.

With you, it's like it's digging deeper.

You know, Rowena's the only one who can remove it.

We're doing everything to find her, okay?

But so far, we got nothing.

[ Lowered voice ] Well, it's getting worse.

[ Grunting ]

[ Groans ]

[ Chains rattle ]

Yes, majesty, my operative is certain.

Your mother has been found.

Then move.

Annihilate the treacherous bitch.

She's making impressive progress in her studies, considering just days ago she was in diapers.

Watch her.

She speaks to no one outside the court.

If she's half as powerful as I think she is, I want her on my team.

Amara's a pretty name. Did you name her?

That's what the lovely Jenna called her, just before Amara sucked out her soul.

What do we have her watching now?

h*tler's Nuremberg speeches.

We had them translated.


Amara, sweetie?

You can take a little break if you like.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

Nanny said you're doing very well with your schooling.

[ Crowd cheering ]

I want you to be happy in your new home.

Whatever you want, whenever you want it, you just have to ask.

I just want you to save me, from him.

From God?

He's been very mean to my little girl, hasn't he?

He tricked me.

He's a wily one.

He sealed me away.

And how exactly did he manage that?

I don't want to talk about it.

Of course.

You're a very lucky girl.

I'm a king.

And if anyone can protect you from that rascally deity, it is I.

Thank you.

“Thank you, Uncle Crowley.”

[ speaking indistinctly ]

[ Speaking German ]


“How did this happen” I kept asking myself.

Witchcraft was a proud and adventurous calling.

But the Grand Coven let it collapse in disgrace.

Cowardly witches hiding in shadows.

Well, we were being b*rned or hung by the thousands.

It put a lid on our enthusiasm.

Nonsense. Poor leadership.

Our people deserve a renaissance.

And I'm looking for the best of the best to leave the Grand Coven and join me in...the...

Mega Coven.

[ Woman laughs ]

You hear what I said, right?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

My...Look at the time.


Did I mention I have in my possession the Book of the Damned?

Aye, written by crazy sister Agnes herself, on her own flesh.

Its secrets are making me a force of nature, girls.

A force of nature.

And you'd share these secrets with the...Mega Coven?

I've always been a giver.

Is there a chance I could be an officer?

In the Grand Coven, I never made it past sergeant-at-arms.

You have no idea the rewards headed your way.

[ Kn*fe clicks ]

[ Gasps ]

Defende nos.

[ Slashes ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Squish ]

Meatus impeditus.

[ Table scrapes ]

[ Furniture clattering ]

Come on, Crowley, pick up.

I've left you a dozen messages.

Why isn't he answering the phone?

[ Cell phone beeps ]

Because he's a d*ck, and that's not breaking news.

[ Exhales ]

He's gotta have Rowena in his sights, right?

I mean, she did try to take him out.

He's not gonna deliver Rowena to us just so she can lift the spell.

He'd rather let it do whatever it's gonna do to me.

He's gotta be up to something.


Again, not breaking news.

Metatron is also off the grid.

He stole your car in Blaine, Missouri, right?


Yeah, uh, no accidents, incidents, violations, or anything remotely interesting involving a crappy '78 Continental Mark V.

You think it's crappy?

Eye of the beholder.

[ Typing ]


A shut-in for centuries, former scribe of God.

You wouldn't think he would be a good driver.

You know what? I'll look for unusual occurrences at places he might hang out.

[ Types ]


Places Metatron might hang out.


I mean, he loves waffles.

You could try places that have those.

Okay, so, every restaurant in the entire country.

[ Typing ]

[ Groans ]

[ Grunting, gasping ]


[ Continues gasping ]

Aah! [ Groans ]

Cass? Cass, hey!

Easy! Easy! Cass?!

[ Voice echoes ] Cass? Hey.

Are you okay?

[ Breathing heavily ] Relative to what?

You know where you are? What's the date?

[ Exhales slowly ] Earth.

Several billion years from the beginning.

Come on, buddy.

[ Groans ] Come on.

It's like I was... inside a blender that was set to purée for a tomato salsa.

And you're the tomato?

In this analogy, yes.


Cass, what was that?

You scared the crap out of us.

I blacked out for a lot of it.

But I... I don't know. It overwhelmed me.

I-I couldn't control it.

Let's get him up.

Come on, come on.

[ Grunts ]

[ Chair scrapes ]

Here you go.

We gotta find that witch.


What can I do to help?

No, no, no, you just, uh, sit there and take a breather, try and put yourself back together.

[ Whispers ] Okay.

[ Normal voice ] I'll do my best. It's...

[ Groans ]

It's difficult with these voices.

[ Chains rattle ]

Now there are voices?

Are these voices telling you to hurt someone?

No. Guys, I'm -- I'm hearing Angel radio.

It's a lot of chatter.


They've been looking for me ever since I escaped, as well as scouring the earth for the perp.

It's slang for “perpetrator”.

Ah. Yeah, thank you.

Um, a-any...”perp” in particular?


They're doubling the effort to find him, so...

If we need to get hold of him, we better do it soon.

Yeah, before the God squad does.

All right, well, first thing's first.

[ Typing ]

Listen to this. May be something here.

Uh, in Denver, three women were at this Café Elta, when their waiter, for no apparent reason, stabbed and k*lled one.

One survived and the third vanished after furniture seemed to slide around by itself.

[ Cell phone beeps ]

[ Chuckles ] What do you think?

Hi, who's your lead on the Café Elta investigation?

[ Tapping key ]

[ Whoosh ]

You look confused.


God did all of this after he locked me away.

I didn't know it was so much.

All for his own ego.

And no matter what he made, that doesn't excuse what he did to us.

I know.


You must stay fixed on our purpose.

Even we cannot undo what's already done.

But as you grow and become stronger, your true destiny will become clear to you.

I am what you are becoming.

And we are mightier than God.

[ Doors open ]

Not in bed yet?

Not yet. Soon.

Working on your studies. Good girl.

Learning anything interesting?

I think so.


[ Door opens ]



Pretty bad in heaven?

Yep. How 'bout downstairs?

Yeah, don't get me started.

Alarms go off?

You wouldn't believe.

I know, right? Us, too.

Something's changed.

Something's here.

It's big.

Big as God. Big as Lucifer.

They doing anything about it on your end?

[ Scoffs ] Zip.

How 'bout upstairs?

Ah, business as usual.

You'd think there'd be an executive order, but...

The King's holed up doing who knows what.

After Hannah d*ed, Heaven's pretty much been a suck sandwich.

You know who gets squeezed? It's grunts like us.

Yeah, punch a clock, you're expendable.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

You know, our two operations will always butt heads.

That's the set up.

[ Sighs deeply ] But this?

We could be out of work.

Yeah. We get knocked out, it takes over.

Someone's gotta do something.



If management won't, it's up to the little guy.

[ Exhales deeply ] Yeah. I hear ya.

Power to the people, my friend.

Well, not actually people.

You know what I mean.

[ Siren wailing ]

Man in distance: Sheriff's station.


[ Telephone rings in distance ]

Man: Agents, here you go.

We got it. Yep.

Hello. [ Clears throat ]

So, ladies lunch goes south when a waiter, who reeks of sulfur, att*cks with a blade, k*lling one of you, while the redhead who invited you yells something in Latin, disappears, and the furniture forms a pile. That about right?


Any idea why a demon would wanna att*ck three witches?

I-I don't know what you're talking about.

Right. The waiter was possessed by a demon assassin who was gunning for Rowena, since she tried to k*ll her son Crowley, who just so happens to be the King of Hell.

[ Huffs ] Why do I think you're not F.B.I.

Like the police said?

Let's cut to it.

The cops say that you're so scared, you don't wanna leave here.

Well, you should be, 'cause Crowley's not only going after Rowena, he's going after every witch that she hangs with.

I-I'm no witch.

Sure, you are.

And your pal Rowena, she's recruiting a new coven. Hmm?

You can't do this. I have rights.

And I have a fake badge.

[ Objects clatter ]

Look at this.

Chicken bones.

Hex bags.

A pentagram.

Still sticking with, uh...

[ Object thuds ]

Not a witch?

Abite, ab oculis meis --

Ah, ah, ah, ah.

Listen, before you finish what you're about to say, know that we are the only thing between you and Crowley's ninjas.

But I didn't try to hurt him.

I mean, I am nobody. I-I'm worse than nobody.

I-I'm nobody's third cousin who doesn't even get invited to dinner.

We don't care.

We just need to know where Rowena is.

I have no idea.

But you do know how to scry, is that right?

Scry? What's that?

Exactly what you know it is. A locating spell.

When you witches use crystals and then prisms and mirrors to divine images of who you're trying to find.

We're trying to get our hands on Rowena.

Okay, now with her out of the picture, Crowley has no reason to go after you.

You got it?

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

I don't have my crystals.



This ought to work, huh?

I'll get the light.

[ Switch clicks ]

Ostende mihi illum quem quaero.

I see her.

She's packing a bag.

[ Doors creak, clank ]


I have a gift for you.

Two, actually.

Is that...Blood?



[ Bag rustles ]

You have to forgive me for being the tiger mom, but it's never too soon to improve your mind with books.

Agreed, but I like the one nanny gave me more.

“Dante's Inferno”?

[ Book thuds ]

In the original Italian.

Has nanny been teaching you other things about our world?


Doesn't work very well, does it?

That's God for you. Not really thought out.

The whole big bang thing? More of a big bust.

I mean, boom, bang, stars, evolution, Taylor Swift.

I'm guessing you'd have done things differently.

I sure will.

I've had a lot of time to think it through.

Any...specifics that we have to look forward to?

I'm hungry.

Of course.


[ Gasping ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Body thuds ]

I k*lled her.

[ Sighs ] Not...Quite.

The meat suit was already dead.

It was just the soul that was inside it that was keeping it alive.

Not anymore.

Thank you, Uncle Crowley.

[ Exhales sharply ]

You're welcome.
[ Horn honks in distance ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Breathy voice ] Airport. And be careful with the bags. They're antiquities.

[ Normal voice ] Abi!

Uhh! Aah!

[ Groans ]

Just my way of giving you the finger...

Aah! Mr. Winchester.

I don't suppose you're here to thank me for removing the Mark of Cain, which, by the way, you're welcome.

[ Whoosh ]

Let's just take things up a notch.

[ Breathy voice ] What do you say?

[ Shackle clicks ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

I think you'd know by now, Samuel, these things don't hold me long.

I just need to hold you long enough.

Well, they do say blondes have more fun.

[ Chain rattles ]

“To pull up information on a car, select search box, type in violations. And enter license plate number, make...”

[ beeps ]

[ Tapping keys ]

[ Woman moans, gong crashes ]

Woman: Fortune Nookie, your premiere web site for all your Asian girl fantasies.

We have hundreds of lovely girls just waiting to chat with you 24 hours a day.

[ Sighs ]

What could “Fortune Nookie” be?

[ Gasping ]

Impetus bestiarum. [ Echoing ]

Castiel... [ Echoing ]

[ Growls ] Don't!

Dele malum...

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

[ Roaring ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Groans ]

[ Body thuds ]

Cafeteria is serving dead meat suits, right?

Yes, majesty.

No chance of soulless lunatics roaming the halls.

Did I hear someone mention dessert?

In a minute, sweetheart.

Now, what were we just chatting about?

How when God created mankind, he really screwed it up.


Is that any way for a primal force to speak?

Every time I take in a soul, I feel how much emptiness there is.


God made a world where people have to suffer, and then they die.

Unfortunately. But frankly, why would they want to live in such a world?

[ Chair scrapes ]

I salute your insight, cupcake.

Yes, God's plan is hideously flawed.

But you and I together?

Well, we can shape things to our own world view.

A place where, like the dinosaur, virtue is extinct, where the very air that we breathe is pure evil.

Would you like that?

Would you?

You'd really be happy if everyone... was evil?

Well...Actually, now I come to think of it, if everyone was dark and damned, wouldn't be much of a challenge.

Watching a human reject the light and embrace depravity...

Yes, well, that's where the gratification really is.

Never gets old.

This bemuses you?

Good, evil, heaven, hell, people..

It all seems so unimportant.

Well, I don't know that I'd say that.

I don't think you're seeing the big picture.

Meaning what exactly?

Guess what, Uncle Crowley?

I'm hungry.

Man: No.

[ Grunting ]

[ Whimpering ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Chair scrapes ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Chains rattle ]

Mind the undergarments, Samuel.

Imported, of course.

Where is it?

[ Shackle clicks ]

Where is what, dear?

The book!

The Book of the Damned.

The codex is in there, but the book is not.

So where the hell is it?

Do you take me for a fool?

Like I'd run around with those two spectacularly powerful items anywhere in proximity.

Well, now we've got the codex and Charlie's code-breaking, so the book isn't as useful to you as it was.

Or so you hope.

That's what I admire in you, Samuel.

That plucky optimism.

That plucky, stupid optimism. [ Laughs ]

Sam, why don't you go grab Cass so Florence Nightingale here can do her stuff?



[ Codex thuds ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Groans ]

[ Thud ]

You do recall our deal, eh?

First I de-spell the angel, then I go free.

Mm, except for one thing.

There were no exceptions in our arrangement.

The book. Gonna need that baby back.

The book was never mentioned in our negotiations.

Well, now it is.

Our deal says --

Our deal says whatever I want it to say.

You're gonna play by my rules because I have your son on speed dial.

Call him.

If I'm dead, you've got a big fat pile of nothing.

No book ever.

And your friend with the bent halo?

He goes foaming-at-the-mouth mad and dies.

Your turn!

[ Chain rattles ]

[ Chuckles ]

Your eyes...

So burdened.

What happened precisely when I removed the Mark?

The book wasn't specific.

Yes, I read quite a bit of it.

What new hell has Dean Winchester unleashed upon the world?



Hey, I can't find Cass.


He's not there. He -- he -- he broke free.

He's gone.

[ steam hissing ]

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

So absurd, driving in circles looking for your unhinged angel.

We're not driving in circles, all right?

We're locked onto his phone's G.P.S.

We're tracking his location.

I have no idea what you just said, but I'm sure I could do it faster.

Yeah, maybe you could, but you would have to do a spell, which means we would have to take the cuffs off, and we are not going to take the cuffs off.

There's no trust?

Are we not a team?

Sam and Dean: No.

[ Sighs heavily ]

You sent for me, sire?

I wanted to commend you for how well you've stepped into your new role as nanny after the last one became indisposed.

“Indisposed”? She's dead.

At any rate, you seem to be cut out for this kind of work.

Amara clearly responds to you.

She looks at me like she wants to eat me.

She wants to eat everyone. Don't take it personally.

Majesty, uh, I have no experience with children.

Um, is there nothing else I can do?

Apparently not, seeing as you failed to assassinate my mother.

I'd hate to be disappointed twice.

[ Chair scrapes ]

I'm aware.

So, here's the thing.

[ Pen cap clatters ]

Amara seems to be growing in leaps and bounds.

Not just in maturity, but in strength and confidence, too.

I don't want her to get out of hand before I'm sure of her loyalty.

I need you to stop overfeeding her.

But you said to give her whatever she wants whenever she wants it.

Well, now I'm saying something different, aren't I?


We don't want a generation of entitled, pudgy kids, do we?

No, we do not.

So simple inform her that we're cutting back on her soul food.

It's, uh, it's the healthier choice.

You want me to tell her this?

[ Clipboard thuds, chair creaks ]

You are her nanny, aren't you?

Well -- 'cause if you're not the nanny, then what are you?

Oh, I know -- roasting on a spit until the end of time.

I'll, uh, do my best.

Good man.

And you look wonderful in an apron.

[ Sighs heavily ]

You wouldn't think a road trip with two such strapping lads could be this tedious.

Shall we have a wee sing-song?

Sam and Dean: No!

I have myself to blame.

Should never make deals with Winchesters, since they seem unable to hold up their end of the bargain.

Meaning what?

Oh, just that thing between Sam, Crowley, and myself.

What? What's she talking about?

Oh, surely, you knew Sam made a deal with me to k*ll my son if I removed the Mark of Cain from your arm.

[ Chuckles ]

Well, is the Mark gone? Yes.

Is Crowley dead? No.

Mm. Oh, he didn't know?

He didn't know!

Look, I was gonna tell you.

Obviously, nothing ever came of it, so I-I figured there was no point, you know?

No point, huh?

I-I mean, I see what Dean's saying.

Your wee pal Castiel wouldn't be in this pickle if you'd done what you'd promised.

I would've had no reason to cast the att*ck dog spell if Crowley were already dead.

Excellent point.

It's not my point.

Sam knows my point.

Keyword -- secrets.

Ah, well, I'm just glad I got the conversation flowing.

Family relations are a speciality of mine.


Did he stop?

Yeah, he stopped.

And he's close.

[ Screams ]

[ Cell phone clatters ]

[ Turns off engine ]

Come on.

All right, he's gotta be around here somewhere.

So I'll head up the street, you guys head the other way.

Are you joking? I'm in heels.

[ Scoffs ]

[ Chain rattling ]

[ Panting ]

[ Door rattles ]

[ Door rattles ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Loud thud ]


[ Banging on door ]

[ Growls ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Objects crash ]

[ Running footsteps ]

Hey. Get a life.

Hi. Ugh.

[ Objects crashing in distance ]

[ Metallic clank, crash ]

[ Objects crashing ]

[ Door creaks ]

[ Loud crash ]

[ Screams ]

[ Choking ]

[ Growls ]

[ Loud thud ]

[ Continues choking ]

[ Growls ]

Cass! Cass!

Don't do this.

Okay, this isn't you. It's the spell.

You can b*at this.

[ Groans ] Cass...

Let her go.

[ Continues choking ]

[ Growls ]

[ Gasping ]

Go, go, go, go.

[ Running footsteps ]

Hey. Okay, okay.

[ Growls ]

It's gonna be okay, buddy, all right?

[ Growls ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Growls ]

[ Fence rattles ]


[ Grunting ]

Rowena: Desiste. [ Whoosh ]

Do I need to remind you these are witch-k*lling b*ll*ts?

Finish it!

Yes, yes, all right.

Adlevo onus tuum.

[ Grunting, groaning ]

[ Choking ]

[ Groans ]

[ Whoosh ]


[ Grunts ]



[ Whispers ] Hey, hey, hey.

Come on. Come on. [ Grunts ]



Permitte telum.

[ g*n thuds ]



[ Grunts ]



[ Loud clank ]

I'm sure you had every intention of honoring our deal.

But why take chances?

[ Birds chirp ]

[ Sighs ]


[ Ice cubes crunch ]

You should keep applying that.

Thanks, mom. You just keep the beers comin'.

[ Chuckles ] Dean, I...

There aren't words.

You're right. There aren't words, Cass, 'cause there's no need.

You were under a spell. It's fine.

Yeah, but you had Rowena.

Because of me, you...

You know, Cass, we've got the codex.

That's a start. You know, it'll slow Rowena down some.

If we'd k*lled her, the Book of the Damned would've been lost.

Besides, we got bigger fish to fry.

The Darkness.

What does she want?

Well, the big question is, where the hell is she?

[ Groans ]

Dean, I can fix that.

No, no, no. No, no. It's fine, Cass.

Besides, I had it comin'.

[ Ice cubes crunch ]

Hereby command and decree...

Blah, blah, blah.

Hung on hooks for all eternity...

Entrails removed...


I'm hungry.

Of course, Pumpkin.

But tell you what, maybe we should have a chat first.

I said I'm hungry.