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02x03 - Season 2, Episode 3

Posted: 10/19/15 02:26
by bunniefuu
Noah: Previously on The Affair...

You have chosen to divorce in what I like to call a humane way.

Noah: All I want is joint custody of the kids.

Jeremy: Do you have a physical space for them to live in at the moment?

As soon as my book is finished, I'll get the rest of my advance, and then I'll rent an apartment in the city that's big enough for all of us.

So you wanna go with this ending instead?

I think it's really powerful.

What can I tell ya? I don't agree.

Helen: Are you living with her?

Noah: No, Helen, I'm not.

I don't want her anywhere near my kids.

Well, you might not get to have everything you want, Helen.

I always thought I'd be planning a wedding for the two of you after graduation.

I just can't believe I finally got her.

Stop talking.

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm his lawyer, Jon Gottlief.

Any decisions concerning my husband's legal representation need to go through me.

justice: The state of New York hereby charges you with obstruction of justice, leaving the scene of an accident, and vehicular homicide.

It's a horrible thing to love a writer.

All their secret worlds, their fantasies.

[chuckles] Have you read it?

Alison: Not yet. No. [chuckles]

Yvonne, meet your new assistant.


What are you doing here?

Relax, I just came to bring you your stuff.

Almost forgot the most important piece of the puzzle.

I'm sure you didn't mean to leave that behind.

♪ I was screaming into the canyon ♪
♪ At the moment of my death ♪
♪ The echo I created ♪
♪ Outlasted my last breath ♪
♪ My voice it made an avalanche ♪
♪ And buried a man I never knew ♪
♪ And when he died his widowed bride ♪
♪ Met your daddy and they made you ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ I have only one thing to do and that's ♪
♪ Be the wave that I am and then ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the o ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the o ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪
♪ Sink back into the ocean ♪


What's wrong?


You made a face.

No, it feels good.

You sure? You can say.

No, it feels great.

Just say.

You sure you don't want to stop?

No, I want you to come.

I want you to come too.

I will. Just keep going.


[murmurs] I'm gonna come.

Yeah, me too.

Oh, God.



Was that okay?

Yes, that was great.


[Alison sighs]

[exhales deeply]


You're a real sphinx, you know that?

Is that a compliment?

No. [chuckles]

I'm gonna jump in the pool before dinner.

Go for it.

Why don't you come with me?

No, no, I'm okay.

You haven't got in the pool once since we got here.

Come on, it's saltwater. It feels amazing.

I don't feel like swimming.

And what if I drag you there?

Drag you there.

No, Noah, stop! Noah!

Drag you in the pool.

Noah! No, I said stop!

I just don't want to. Okay?

Okay, no problem.

[♪ soft music ♪]


[♪ ominous music ♪]


[tires screech]


We're late.

I love being here with you.

Let's just stay here forever, and I could write one book after another, get rich, buy Robert and Yvonne's house right out from under them.

[laughs] And what will I be doing while you're busy writing?

You'd be my muse.

You know you can trust me, right?

Yeah, of course.

You know, you can... you can tell me whatever you want.

You don't have to hide anything.

I don't. [laughs]

Tell me a secret. Something nobody else knows.

I hate beets. [laughs]


Come on, seriously.

We can't be late.

They're not the kind of people that find that charming.

[drawer rattles]

[drawer rattles]

What would you say if I asked you to marry me?

It would depend on the ring.


Would that be okay?

What's that?

What's it look like?

You can't. Stop.

Come here. Come here.

Come here.

I want you to know how much you mean to me.

These last six weeks here have been the best of my whole life, and I know it's crazy, but...

What's wrong? You okay?

Yeah, I'm just... [exhales sharply]


It's okay. It's too soon.

I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have...


Yes what?

Yes, I want to marry you.

You sure?

Put it on me.



You sure?


[both laugh]

Yvonne: Oh, it's just so sweet.

[Robert and Yvonne laugh]


All right.

All right, another toast to the lovebirds.


May you have as much happiness as we've had and more.

Mazel tov.

Thank you.

I knew, you know, from the very first time I saw the two of you together, I turned to Robert, and I said, "He's going to propose while they're here."

Didn't I?

Did you?



You know perfectly well that I did.

I want the whole story. Tell me the story.

The story?

Yes, you're a writer, aren't you?

I want all the details. How did the two of you meet?

Uh, well...


We met in Montauk.

Last summer.

Yvonne: Divine.

Uh, well, Noah had come to the island to research his book.

Yvonne: Oh, of course, the book.

And I was living there.

I mean, I always lived there. I'm a native.

And I had never met a real writer before.

I was so intimidated.

Probably hadn't even read a book since, I don't know, Catcher in the Rye?


Alison: Mm-hmm.

So you're not a reader?

No, not at all.

Come on. Come on, that's not true.

You read plenty.

There are other things to do in life besides hiding behind a book.

Thank you, Robert.

Yvonne: Yes, thanks so much.

So, anyway, uh, there's this little lighthouse right at the tip of the island.

I think that's where we first laid eyes on each other.

Isn't it, babe?

Your memory is really impressive.

Well, how could I forget that?

It was so romantic.

That day in the rain.

I'm enchanted. Go on.


Well, I was going through a difficult time in my life.

Yvonne: Oh, no.

And that day, I walked all the way out to the lighthouse in the rain.

And I was sure it'd be empty, but when I got there, I found one other person.

It was him.

Yvonne: What a beautiful story.

Yes. It was somewhat unreal.

What were you doing there?

At the lighthouse that day in the rain.

Oh, I was, um...

I was researching. I was doing research.

How's the book coming?

It's, um... it's coming.

I'd love to read it when you want an opinion.

Oh, Noah doesn't like to share his work until it's finished.

Yvonne: Oh, I'm sorry. Of course.

No, it was rude of me to ask. I'm sorry.

No, no, no. Of course, no, I could make an exception.

Anyone want more wine?

I've had enough. Thanks.

I'd love some. Thank you.

[wine pours]

Yvonne: Recognize those books?

Some of them.

They were all written in the cabin you're staying in.



Since Robert and I moved up here 20 years ago, we've hosted an author a year, sometimes two.

And most of their books have done very, very well.


I'm very particular about whom I invite up here, and I don't usually take on writers I haven't personally read, but...

Harry vouched so passionately for you.

I tried to read your first book.

I couldn't find it anywhere.

That's 'cause it's out of print.

Well, Harry says this second book is a big step forward anyway.

I hope so. I feel kinda good about it.

And you like working with Harry?

Harry's great.

We just can't agree on the ending, and it's driving us both a little nuts.

I had a brilliant professor once tell me, "If you're having difficulty with the end, you f*cked up the beginning."

Oh, wonderful.

I think he just meant, if you've laid all your cards out in the proper order, the ending should flow.

It should feel inevitable.

At some point, fate takes over a story, and even the author himself loses control.


That's, uh... never really happened to me.

Tell me, what's Harry's issue with the end?

Oh, I don't know, he, uh... he thinks I'm afraid to follow through on my original idea.

He might be right.

Would you like me to look at it?

Just for another set of eyes?

I wouldn't tell Harry, not even Alison.

It's a very bad idea to mix love and criticism.

[laughs] Well, of course.

I mean, I'd love you to.

I just don't want to impose on any more of your time.

I wouldn't offer if it were an imposition.

[knock at door]

Come in.

Yvonne: What is it, dear?

Noah, can you come out here?

We're in the middle of something.

I know, but...

Well, can it wait?

I don't think so.

You're living in a freaking mansion?

What the hell?

Whitney, what are you doing here?

Who's this?

I'm his daughter. Who are you?

Uh, Whitney, this is Yvonne, who is, uh, very generously allowing me to stay here for a while.

Yvonne, this is my daughter, who seems to have, uh, I don't know, gone rogue.

Hey, Dad, what's she doing here?

I thought you weren't living together.

Okay, Whit, I didn't expect you, but you're here, so fantastic.

Let's show you the cabin. Come on.

Wait, ew, a cabin? Can we just stay in your house?

No. Come on. Come on. Let's go.

No, why can't we just stay in this house?

Can we stay here?


So what's going on, Whitney?

How'd you even get here?

Metro-North and then a cab. I have street skills.

Would you like something? Some water?

Nice love nest.

Wow, I especially like this dead fox.

It's extra erotic.

Does Mom know you're here?


Come on, cut it out.

Oh, do you still call her "Mom"?

Might be more appropriate to go with a formal "Helen."

Or perhaps Mrs. Solloway. The ex-Mrs. Solloway.

We're not divorced yet.

Right. Hear that, Alison? They're still married.

Not like that ever stopped you.

Okay, Whitney, can you at least try to act like an adult?

Sorry. I don't know any adults.

How do they behave?

[sighs] Whitney, just...

Is that a f*cking ring on her finger?

Holy shit, Dad, I knew you were lame, but I didn't know you were stupid.

Noah: What are you doing?

Texting Mom, your wife.

Whitney, no.

No, stop!

Alison: Whitney...

Don't you f*cking talk to me.

Just give me that phone. Just give me the phone!

Make her take the ring off of her f*cking finger!


You have a family. You have four kids.

I know I do. Now j...

Then ma...

Take off the ring, bitch!

Just stop!


Stop that!

Alison: I'm gonna wait outside.


[door opens and closes]

Come on, Whitney.

It's okay. It's all right.


[crickets chirping]


I'm okay. Thanks.

I think we're making a terrible mistake.

[sighs] Please don't say that.

She's right.

You're not even divorced yet. Neither am I.

Everything's fine here now, but what happens when we have to leave?

When we actually have to face the real world again?

We'll figure it out.

What if we can't?

Why are you asking that?

Because it's a possibility, Noah.

Are you really so naive?

Do you really think that things just work out for the best?


That true love conquers all?

I can't follow you today.

What does that mean?

Well, one minute you're giving Yvonne some romance novel version of how we met, and now you're spouting f*cking Hegel on the deck.

Did something happen while I was gone?

Something you haven't told me?


A lot of things happen that I don't tell you.

Do you really want to know things about me?

Things I've never told anyone else before?

[exhales] Yes.

No, you don't.

I slept with Oscar.




A couple of months ago.

The day you came back to Montauk actually.

Okay, well...

I don't love that, but it's okay.

I'm not apologizing for it. I'm just telling you.


Then I tried to hurt myself.

Wait, you mean you cut... you...


I walked into the ocean.


I wanted to drown.

[sighs] Oh, God.


Come here. Come here.

[kisses] Do you still feel like that?


You sure?

There's nothing you can tell me that would make me give up on you.

I know you don't trust a lot of people.

Trust me.

Cole came to visit.




About a week ago.

He came to drop off some of my things.


I thought you said Jane sent you those clothes.

I lied.

Nothing happened. We just talked.

What are you doing?

I'm offering you the chance to take it back.

You're a good man. You're kind.

You wanna fix everyone, but I'm...

Just... just stop talking for a second.

I just need to think.

Are you... are you trying to get rid of me?


Are you sure?

'Cause I'd understand if you were.

'Cause this is scary and... perhaps insane.

So, if you are, you need to tell me.

Just say it.

Neither of us is perfect, Alison, and there are many, many things that I wish I had handled differently.

And God knows we could spend the rest of our lives judging each other, but that's not how I want to live anymore.

My whole life, I've been afraid of what other people think of me, and I'm done.

I'm just done.

I want to start my life over again.

With you.

So, if you're not ready for that, then just, for Christ's sake, just be decent and tell me.

'Cause I'm not f*cking around with you.

[♪ soft music ♪]



I don't want to go home.

I hate it there.

Between Grandma and Mom, it's like I live in a coven of depressed witches.

I honestly think it might be affecting my schoolwork.

That's not true.

Yes, it is.

It's like a f*cking graveyard, Dad.

I want to come live with you.

Well, I want you to be able to live with me too sometimes.

No, not sometimes. Permanently.

Okay, Whitney, well, I may need your help with that.

I have to ask a favor.

Don't tell Mom.


I think it'd be a mistake.

We're going into mediation, and...

I'm doing everything I can to create a situation where you can live with me, at least part of the time.

But in order for us to do that, to find a way...

She can't know you're engaged to Alison.

She can't know I'm living with Alison.

Don't worry, Dad. I got you.


Noah Solloway.

How are you, man?

Oh, I thought we'd lost you, brother.

Nearly did.

Heard about that acquisition, you f*ck.


Yeah. [sharp exhale]

Pretty big deal.

Yeah? How much did you make?

Uh, my abacus broke.

I don't wanna know.

Yeah, you really don't.

How long has it been since I've seen you, man?

Is it, like, a year?

Come on, no. Six months? Not even.

Is it? I don't know.


I guess time moves more slowly when you're [whispers] a gazillionaire.

You're such an assh*le.

I am an assh*le.

Uh, just coffee for me. Thanks.


Thank you.


[laughs] Why don't you get her number?

Tell her how rich you are.

Ah, nah, man. Waitresses are your thing.

Ah. Touché.

Actually, I started seeing someone.

Really? Since when?


It's recent, but I think it might be getting serious.

When do I get to meet her?

Oh, I don't think we're ready for that yet, but it's exciting.

That's wonderful. I'm really happy for you.

Sometimes you just get lucky. How about you?

Oh, I'm good.

I'm just, uh, you know, getting divorced.

You know what, Noah, I'm sorry.

I am. I really thought that you would work it out.

I know, but it's for the best. It really is.

I mean, Helen will be fine.

She's gonna be single for about 30 seconds.

The kids will all pull through.

And I'm feeling good.

Better than I have in years.


Just need to figure out a way to afford an apartment, so I can get co-custody of the kids and...

How's the book coming? I heard you got a big advance.

No, it's good. I...

They only give you like 20% up front.

They keep the rest until you turn in the book, so...

You almost done?

I'm having trouble with the ending.


It'll be fine.

I'm working it out.


What are you doing?

I am sending an email to my accountant and telling him to send you $50,000.

Come on, Max. Come on.

Are you insane?

It's not a loan.

It's a gift, okay?

I... no.

I don't want to take any more money off you.

Noah, take it. I can afford it. Believe me.

No, it's too mu... Max, come on.

I want to help you.

Look, the sooner you and Helen get divorced, the happier everyone will be.


[laughs] You're a mensch.


Thank you, sweetheart.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

[knock at door]

[door handle jiggles, door rattles]

[doorbell buzzes]

Anybody there?

Are you Noah Solloway?

I am. Do you work here? I have an appointment.

I'm here on behalf of attorney Jon Gottlief and his client Helen Solloway.

This is an action for divorce.

You're being served.
[♪ soft instrumentals ♪]



Yvonne: How about another toast to the happy couple?

To your future and your life together, which is just beginning.

Thank you.

Alison, more wine?

Oh, uh, no. Thank you. I've had enough.

I've always wanted a wedding on this property.

Robert: Yvonne...

I thought our daughter would be married here, but in the end, she wanted a destination wedding, so we all traipsed off to Provence, which, of course, is exactly like here, only more expensive.

Provence was your idea.

No, it was not.

I distinctly remember it being your idea.

Only because it became obvious that's what Mellie wanted.

I was just trying to be a good mother.

Anyway, I'm just offering, you know.

Something to think about.

No, thank you.

Uh, we haven't even set a date yet.


Well, there's no rush.

Unless, of course, you're pregnant.

[Yvonne laughs]


Oh, uh, no. No. We're not... we're not...

No, I'm... [stammers]

I already have four kids from my first marriage, so...

Four kids?


So I think I'm done.


Or at least, I...

She doesn't seem as certain as you, Noah.

Robert: Yvonne, please, enough.

This is obscene. Leave them alone.

You should just do it, you know, if you want to.

Men always say no to a baby, and then in the end, they're thrilled and take credit for the whole idea.

That's it.

Hey, hey.


That's the 2005.

Noah, are you through?


No, Robert, please. Let me.

Noah, this would be a perfect time to have a little chat about the book.

Want to join me in the living room?

It's okay. Go.


You're a pro.


I used to be a waitress.

[indistinct chatter]

[Yvonne laughs]

Book people, so snooty.

So you're not a book person?

Not really. I can't sit still.

I'd rather just be outdoors. [chuckles]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't do that. Don't do that.

Salmon skin. I'll take it. Here, put it in the bag.

What do you want it for?

Can you keep a secret?

Sure, I guess.

You can't tell Yvonne.

[chuckles] Tell Yvonne what?

It's for our dog.

You have a dog?


His name's Pete.

He's part wolf.

Well, where is he?

Yeah, I don't know.

[laughs] Okay.

He ran away a few weeks ago. Yvonne was thrilled.

She's hated him ever since I brought him home.

She thought he was dangerous.

Was he?

He snapped at our grandson once, but I-I think he's just misunderstood.

He was never meant to sleep in a kennel or walk on a leash.

He needs to run free. So now...

I leave little scraps of food outside for him when I get a chance, just so he doesn't go hungry.

[both laugh]


Yeah.'s a secret.



Be careful with your knee.

Yeah, yeah.


Whitney: Hello?

Dad, hello?


What are you doing here?


Ruby owes me 50 bucks.

She's a stupid f*cking waitress, and she's also a slut and she's a liar, and she destroyed our entire family!

Noah: You're being melodramatic.

Whitney: Oh! Oh! Okay, really? Am I?

Did you know that my dad moved to bumblefuck New York with his bimbo girlfriend after he cheated on my mom and left her with four kids to raise by herself?

Maybe I'm being melodramatic 'cause I live in a f*cking melodrama!

Noah: Calm down, Whitney.

f*ck you! Okay?

You don't even know her, Dad. You know nothing about her.

You're leaving our family for a total stranger!

[continues indistinctly]

[♪ melancholy music ♪]



[crickets chirping]

Is it safe?

Jesus Christ, you scared me.



Where is she?

She's smoking a cigarette right over there.

I don't know what to do.

It's okay.

You know she Uber'd here from the city?

Gonna cost me 200 bucks.

Where is she gonna sleep tonight?

I don't f*cking know.

Probably our bed.


Where are we gonna sleep?

You can have the couch. I'll... I'll take the rug.

[sighs] Do you think we're making a mistake?

Do you?

Do you want this back?

No. I...

No, I want you to keep it.

It's so easy when they're young.

All they need is food and sleep and hugs.

And they think you're a god.

Why do they ever have to grow up?

What's the worst thing you've ever done?

This, probably.

How about you?

[waves lapping softly]

[♪ melancholy music ♪]


I've done a lot of things.



Whitney: Oh, hey.


I'm making eggs. Do you want any?

Uh, sure.


Uh, where's your dad?

Oh, he went outside to try to find some cell service, so he could call us a cab.

How do you take it?

Oh, uh, black's great. Thanks.

Look, Whitney, I just want you to know I'm not into the whole wicked stepmother thing, okay?

I... I just want to be your friend.

[silverware clatters]

Here you go.

Do you want toast?

Wow. Uh, no, thanks.

I'm okay.

Aren't you gonna have any?

Oh, please, breakfast? Gross.



Friend, can I ask you a very friendly favor?

Of course.

Can I please have Scott Lockhart's number?


Scott's number.

He changed it. And his address too.

Don't you have a restraining order against Scotty now?

No, no, no, no, no.

That's not a real thing. My grandmother did that.

No, I'm pretty sure that's a very real thing.

Not to me.

To the police.


Well, you know what? f*ck you, friend.

Forget I asked.

Wait, Whitney, I'm sorry.

I ju... [chuckles]

I-I don't get why you want to get in touch with Scotty after everything that happened.

Because I love him.

Like you love my father, right?

[chuckles] It's...


Well, don't you?

I do love your father. Yes.

Okay... then you understand, and you'll get me Scotty's number.

I can't, Whitney. I'm sorry.

Why not?

It's not appropriate.


Are you f*cking kidding me?

You want to talk to me about what's "appropriate"?

Okay. Why don't we ask your dad what he thinks?

You are a very disappointing person.

[door opens]

Hey, Daddy. Good morning.

Hey, kiddo. You get some breakfast?

Yup, I'm all full.

Okay, we need to go if we want to get this train.

See you later.

Call me.

[♪ curious music ♪]



Oh, hey.

So you want me to arrange these manuscripts chronologically, right?

So should I go by the date on the cover or...

That can wait.

I need to know what happened last night.

So that's Noah's daughter?

That's his oldest, yes.

She seems like a holy terror.

Ugh, she's a teenager.

So? I never let my daughter behave that way.

Well, I'm not her mother.

No, of course not.

[car door shuts, engine starts]

Still, it looks like you're gonna have your work cut out for you.

[car pulls away]

What in the world?

Why is Hugo leaving? He just got here.

Ugh. Robert?


Why did Hugo just drive off?

I fired him.

What? Why?

He said something that offended me.

What are you talking about? What did he say?

He said I would need six more months of physical therapy.

Oh, honey, I don't have the time for this.

Yvonne: I already raised our child.

I do not have the energy to raise you.

[cell phone ringing]


If that's Hugo, I'm telling him to come right back.

Hello? Oh, hi, Marilyn.

What happened?

Oh, my God.


Oh, you're kidding.

Marilyn, I'm so sorry.

Yeah... we'll deal with this right away.

Be in touch.

What happened?

[sighs] A m*ssacre.

Marilyn's chickens. Every one of them, dead.

A dog got into the chicken coop.

Marilyn swears it was Pete.

Impossible. Pete's gone.

Well, he hasn't gone very far.

Apparently he's somewhere very close by, perpetrating a chicken holocaust.

What would you like me to do?

Call the dog catcher like you said you would weeks ago.

They'll just put him down if they find him.

Which is exactly what needs to happen.

Well, maybe if you hadn't kicked him out of the house, he wouldn't have to go eat other people's chickens.

Kicked him out? Robert, your dog ran away.

Because you made him feel so unwelcome!

Alison, do me a favor.

Find me a local dog catcher.

No! Stop!

Robert: This is ridiculous.

I'll do it.

I'll go k*ll my own dog.

Will that make you happy, Yvonne?


Alison, which one of us do you think is the crazier?


You, obviously. Otherwise she'd answer.

You're going now?

No time like the present to execute your best friend!

I thought I was your best friend.

[Robert groans]

Alison, go with him, so he doesn't hurt his knee.

I'll be fine!

No, you won't!

Do you mind?

No. No, not at all. I'll...

When you get back, could you help him with those exercises [lowers voice] he refuses to do?

Of course.

Thank you.

All right, I'm going to go read the fourth draft of a memoir about surviving a tsunami.

Needless to say, do not disturb me.

You ready for this?

[♪ pensive music ♪]


[hawk cries]

Look, it's a hawk.

[hawk cries]

There are two of them on our property.

They mate for life.

You must be pretty excited.

About what?

Getting married.


Or maybe just getting cold feet, huh?

I don't know.

I guess it's important to Noah, but...

I don't need to get married again.


Uh, yeah.

I was married before too.

Wow. You're so young.

I'm not that young.

We got married right after college.

Didn't pan out?

Not exactly.

My first marriage fell apart.

Don't let it scare ya.

You just gotta get back on the horse.


That's what they say.

Oh, you don't believe me?

The thing is, I had a child with my first husband.

He's... he's dead now. He, uh... he died.


Yeah. He... yeah.

Oh, no.

You poor kid.


Right, so... the thought of doing this again with somebody who didn't know Gabriel just...

That was his name? Your son?



Do you mind if I ask how he died?

Uh, no. No.

Um... he died of something called secondary drowning.


It's very rare.

Children go swimming, and they... accidentally swallow too much water.

And then later...


I didn't know how sick he was, and I didn't take him to the hospital.

He died in his sleep.

And so you carry that with you.

Yeah, I do. Yeah.

That's, uh...

That's the worst thing in the world, kid.


And your Noah, he knows all this?

Uh... some of it.


What you got there?

Oh, uh... it's Gabriel's stone.

He was a worrier. [laughs, sniffles]

A really sensitive kid.

So... we used to go down to the beach, and we'd collect these rocks that the waves had carved a little pocket into.

And I told him, whenever he was worried, he just had to rub the rock and everything would be fine.

He believed me.


You okay?



I just thought that if... [exhales]

I could go somewhere else or... be with somebody else, then...

But it doesn't ever leave you.

And Noah doesn't understand.

I mean, he wants to, but he can't.

Let me ask you something. You love this guy?

Very much.

I made this mistake with my first wife.

Uh, I wanted her to understand everything about me.

When she didn't, that she had failed me somehow, that it wasn't "true love."


You've obviously been dealt a brutal hand, and he may never be able to fully appreciate it, but there'll always be something about him that baffles you.

Being alive is, essentially, a very lonely proposition.

You have to mostly carry your pack alone.

Nobody gets as much help as they need.

But in marriage, things get less lonely.

Just a little, but... it makes a big difference.



That's him.

That's Pete.


Come here!


[laughing] Hey. Hey!

Where are ya? Oh, there you go!

Hey! Hey!

Hey, hey, hey. Yeah. Yeah.

You old rascal. Yeah.

Yeah. Come here. Come here.

[Pete grunting softly]

I'm gonna have to k*ll ya, Petey.

You've become a menace to society.

[♪ dramatic music ♪]


[Pete whines]


[g*nsh*t] [Pete yelps]


[exhales sharply]



Here. Oh.




I heard the g*nsh*t. Did you get him?

Robert, I said, did you get him?

I got him.

So he's dead?

He's dead. And I need a drink.

Was it very gruesome?


It was sort of... beautiful.


[♪ tense music ♪]


[takes a deep breath]


[♪ gentle music ♪]



[Noah sighs]


What can I get you both?

Coffee? Tea? Whiskey?

I'll take a double.

He's kidding.

I'm kidding.

I'm not.


Uh, he will have a Jamison's.

On the rocks?


Be generous.

And for the lady, a chamomile tea?

Wild guess.

Fine. Thank you.

Luke: Coming right up.

Good. Sit, sit.

[clears throat]


So let's get right to it, folks.

My time is expensive.

First thing we gotta do is get this case moved out of Montauk.

They f*cking hate you there.

There's no way you'll get a fair trial.

Can you do that?

Of course I can. That's the good news.

The bad news is that, unless the grand jury surprises us, there will be a trial somewhere.

So, ladies and gents, it's time to talk about that night.

[door closes]

Ah, perfect. Thank you, Luke.

Thank you.

Sit down. Take some notes.

So, ahem, tell me what happened the night of Cole Lockhart's wedding.

Look, I didn't k*ll Scott Lockhart.

I am glad to hear that, Noah, but, sadly, the jury won't take my word for it, so...

Uh... [exhales] it was a bad night.

I didn't want to be there.

It was her ex-husband, for f*ck's sake, and, uh...

I still don't know why we were even invited.

He was trying to be nice.

Was he?


I was uncomfortable. I drank too much.

We got into a fight.

She left. I went to look for her.

And I... I hit a deer.

Gottlief: You hit a deer?


Was Scott Lockhart riding the deer at the time?


So they have you on tape bribing a mechanic, telling the detective that he did not fix your car the day after the wedding.

I know it looks bad.

Now I think I can get his testimony declared as inadmissible, because I guarantee you, it was coerced, but that doesn't mean the jury will forget it anytime soon, so please... [sucks in air] help me, Noah.

Why the bribe?

Did you know Scott Lockhart was involved with my daughter?

Yes, I'm aware of that.

Well, so does everyone else.

And, as you say, they don't like me very much out there.

My book wasn't exactly well received.

People thought it was... exploitative.

Look, I heard Scott got k*lled. A hit-and-run.

No suspect.

And there I was, having hit a deer, which, by the way, are everywhere in Montauk.

I've got deer blood and guts on my f*cking car.

So... how do you think that makes me look?

You were worried you'd be named as a potential suspect?

I just wanted to keep my name out of the press.

It was idiotic. I see that now.

It was a total lapse in judgment.


You know they have you on tape threatening to k*ll Scott.

At the Planned Parenthood.

He knocked up my kid!


Scott Lockhart was a low-life and a creep.

And would I have liked to k*ll him?

Of course I would, but I didn't.

Because I'm a civilized human being.

[♪ tense music ♪]


Well, I guess we gotta find out who did.
