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02x06 - ... Through Negotiation

Posted: 10/18/15 09:46
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "Satisfaction"...

Who's in the conference room?

SEC. We're shut down.

Somebody went out of their way to bring on some real hurt.

You made any enemies lately?

Adriana called them in. Revenge for when you and I...

Help yourself to the files.

You won't find anything.

I've been cooking the books for years.

I never saw that.

I was good at it.

You want to burn down my house?

I'm going to burn down yours.

A standard in-house Bastion contract.

It specifies a large amount of cash that you've been funneling into investments.

Cash obtained illegally.

You forged my signature.

Where do you think I learned that little trick?

Work with me. Partners.

Now, what do you really want?

You want me?

You want Grace?

I want you both.

Suddenly single. Starting over, I guess.

Is that what we're doing?

I'm not gonna see you for a while.

We're going to Argentina.

Simon, what's wrong?

He's not sick. This is all bullshit, okay?

The will, adding me to the company.

He's been lying to both of us this entire time.

Who is that?

I don't want to sell this house.

Me neither.

Wait, stop.

What is it?



I just thought we were good.

You're right. It's too soon.


You should be.

For thinking I want some lame missionary position.

There's just something about bedroom sex that's... so predictable, you know?

So... so "old married couple."

I'm just a girl who's more into... surprises.

You're right.

Beds are for sleeping.



We were married?

I had no idea.


[heavy breathing]

[rock/pop song plays]

♪ ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, now ♪
♪ I'm gonna be bad ♪
♪ Yeah, now I'm gonna be bad ♪

[doorbell rings]


Oh, don't stop.

Don't stop.

[heavy breathing]

[doorbell rings]


[knocking on door]

Don't move.


Who is it?

Hope this isn't a bad time.

The phone, Adriana.

You need something, call.

But then I wouldn't get to see your beautiful face.

We have a problem. The Ibani hotel?

They just cancelled our party.

And Jimmy Valenti changed his mind.

Nothing's been signed. There's really no recourse.

A hundred guests have confirmed and we have no place to put them.

I understand you're a bachelor, Neil, but for God's sake don't let the place go to seed.

So I've been scrambling to find a backup location.

You must have connections.

Somewhere discreet.

I'll see what I can do.

There's another matter we need to discuss.

This is my biggest party of the year.

We're all going to have to multitask.

Darling, it's just business.

Is that what you call it?

'Cause to me it looks like blackmail.

Look, Mommy and Daddy are playing house again.

The dining room table? Bravo.

Is this gonna take long?

We were kind of in the middle of something.

I just want a few minutes with your husband, Grace.

Like so many women do.



Love some.

She's never gonna stop. Ever.

Today it's the SEC shutting down Bastion.

Tomorrow it'll be something else.

It's just... it's never gonna end until we stop her.

Look, Bastion employs 130 people.

I can't endanger their livelihoods if I can fix this in one night.

Right. You're right.

If she wants you to help her organize and find a location, that's a small price to pay.

When's the last time we did it in front of the mirror?

Grace... she didn't just come over to talk about the location.

Her name is Audrey.

She's going to be my date.

She's beautiful.

I'm sure you'll show her a good time.

♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Satisfaction ♪
♪ And I try and I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

[opera singer singing]

♪ ♪

You gonna jump?

Oh! [chuckles]

You know, with my luck, I'd end up surviving the fall and end up eating my food through a straw the rest of my life.

You sure you should be smoking?

You just got out of the hospital.

Are you freaking kidding me?

A heart attack would be fantastic right about now.

Can I turn this off?

[opera singer continues]

[music stops]

Look, everything's going to be fine, Victor.

I just need you to show me every illegal transaction that you've made.

I promise you, it will only stay between us.

Are you wearing a wire? Huh?

What the hell is the matter with you?

You're with them, aren't you? The SEC.

They got you to cooperate.

Victor, I'm here to help.

All right? I would never betray you like that.

You're right.

You're right, I'm sorry. I...

I'm losing my mind.

It's all right.

We're partners.

We figure this out together.

You know what you are?

You're a nurturer.


I couldn't even keep my own little dog alive.

Little shit.

All he needed was some food, a place to take a dump, pee.

[phone chirps]

Me? I just take, take, take.

So I have to take this.

Just... Don't start crying.

Okay? And don't k*ll yourself.


Have you met her yet?



Your date.

Do you usually meet them first?

Grace, if you want me to call this off...

No. I'm just curious.

Neil: Sometimes I meet them, sometimes I don't.

Just seems so strange.

Agreeing to have sex with someone you haven't even met.

Grace, what's going on?

Where are you?

Uh, at a hair salon.

In fact, I-I have to go.


It's Neil, right?

Yes, Neil.

Oh, he is gorgeous.

Strong chin, warm eyes.


I can almost taste him.


Adriana never sent anyone to meet me before. Why now?

Oh, it's just something we do for our most valued clients to ensure you have the most enjoyable experience.

I'm flattered.

So give me a sense of what you're looking for, and how you envision your night with Neil.

Do you mean like the perfect date?

Sure. Let's start there.

I want to fall in love.

It's not just about the sex.

It's about the before.

And the after.

Lying there in messy sheets, drinking him in while he tells charming stories.

Running fingers through his hair as he soaks in a steaming hot bath.

You know.


I think I do.

This one, Adriana says is one of her best.

So I hear.


I think I'm in love already.

Gah! That would have been a clean 50 from the both of you.


Excuse me.

Which one of you is Dr. William Blunt?

I am. Is there a problem?

[exhales] I'm afraid there is.

I need to talk to you about my father.

Arthur Waverly.

You might have noticed we're playing a round of golf here.

You have a question, call my office. I'm sure...

That's not how this is gonna work.

We're gonna talk about my father.

We're gonna do it right now.

Hey, buddy. This isn't the time.

Maybe you should tell your friends to take a walk.

It's okay, guys. Just give us a minute.

I'll see you at the clubhouse.

Look, I don't know what you think that I could tell you, but...

How sick is my father?

He has stage four.

It doesn't look good.

That's one.

One what?

I understand that you sent him to Argentina.

I'd like to know why.

I can't discuss private medical records.

That's two.


That's all from mini-golf right there.

No lessons. Can you believe it?

I don't know what you think you're doing here, but...

I was just starting to count the number of your fingers I'm gonna break.


Get it? You know what?

I'm not too good at math, so I might lose count here.


Wait. Ah!

He paid me. A lot of money.

For what?

To make up test results, phony prescriptions, medical bills.


I don't know.

You know who your father is.

I didn't ask questions.

I did it as I was told to do.

He came to me with a lot of cash.

He said he needed a terminal illness, so I gave him one.



Jesus, Victor.

We need to get something straight about this partnership.

I'm in charge here.

You work for me.


Every decision about this party has been made for a reason, so before you go unwinding my hard work, you might want to get...

What the hell are you talking about?

Your date, Audrey?

She got a visit from your wife.

Grace cancelled her.

Grace did?

You had no idea?

Do you know how this impacts my business?

Audrey Richardson?

She's one of my most important clients.

Well, if Grace thought it was a bad idea, then I'm fine with that.

I'll find Audrey someone else.

Rein in your wife.

I don't put my wife in her "place."

This isn't the '50s.

Remember what's at stake here.

Look around, Adriana.

We are shut down. The SEC is up our ass.

I am well aware of what's at stake.


This is it.


The location.

It's perfect.

Your office?

Not my office.

A 1950s office.

A throwback to old traditions, gender roles, where a man could "rein in his wife."

With all the sexual role-play that implies.

I like it.

I like it a lot.

That was inspired, Neil.

And a bit risky.

Well, the only way to get what you want is to risk what you have.

That's a belief you and I share.

And what is it that you want?

I'll find Audrey another date.

You want Grace involved in this, fine.

But I can't have her working against us.

Why were you even there?

I wanted to meet the person who was planning on screwing my husband, and I'm glad I did because that woman wanted to have your baby.

They're all looking for a connection.

That's why they're seeing an escort.

You of all people should know that.

Don't make this about me and Simon.

You know I have to have a date.

Then I want to be there.

And I want a date, too.

I tell you what.

If it'll make you more comfortable, you choose my date, and I'll choose someone for you.

This is insane.

Maybe. Probably.

We don't have to do this.

You just say the word, I'll call the whole thing off.

No, I-I don't know where we're going, but...

We can't go back to what we were.

So... tell me... what are you looking for in a escort?


Thanks for coming.

This better be important.

I've left you three messages over the last couple of days.

Your date for the party.

She's fun. She's friendly.

A little too friendly for me, apparently.

Uh, never mind.

Her name is Audrey.

All right. Audrey.

Got it.

You good?

I need a favor.

My father isn't sick. He's been faking his illness.

Why would he do that?

That's what I want to find out.

Why not just ask him?

He left the country.

With Emma.

Look, there must be someone else that knows about this.

His... his bodyguard, Donnie, I've left him messages.

So far, nothing.

I'll see what I can do.

All right.

Hang in there.
Grace: How often do you see an escort?

Once a month or so.

I just started doing this.

Uh, I got a raise at work.

The dating pool is depressing.

It's full of boys in skinny jeans and baseball caps.

It's hard to find, like, men.

Cesar: Women are like wild horses. You stroke 'em, put 'em at ease. Whisper in their ear.

In my experience, the more high society they are, the more they like to be manhandled.

I get to have no-strings-attached sex with someone who's not my husband.

That is the fantasy.

What's the ideal client for you?

Rich women.

They tip well.

Carol: Half the men I meet mistake me for a bank. And the other half are either just plain boring or collecting social security.

So, it's about companionship for you?

[laughing] No, dear.

It's about the sex.

Jeremy: I take my job seriously.

I brighten a lot of lives, and that takes care, focus.

I want every woman I'm with to feel... seen. Feel special.

His name is Jeremy.

He was the only normal guy.

Lisa: Marriage is a sacred union.

And your sex life is an expression of that bond.

But when lovemaking gets routine, how can you spice things up?

It's research.

Lisa: An open marriage can be a safe, fun way to bring excitement back into the bedroom.

And we can help.

I hired them for the party.

They work as a husband and wife team?

Yeah. That's crazy, right?

I don't know.

A lot of it does make sense, doesn't it?

I mean, when you meet them, they seem like a really happy couple.

Is this what we should be?


An open marriage?

Is that what we're doing?

Grace, at this point, I don't have an answer to that question.

How does it even work?

Would we always pick each other's partners?

Well, it's our marriage.

It'd be whatever we decide.

And on that note, His name is Jeremy. He seems like a decent guy.

And his only wish is to satisfy your every sexual desire.

You're really okay with this?

Me sleeping with someone, and you knowing about it?

Better than not knowing.

I think.

This is Denise.

44, software consultant.

Most important, not looking to fall in love.

She just wants sex.

You can do that, right?

All the equipment's in working order.

I feel a bit like we're stepping off a cliff.

Here's hoping there's a trampoline at the bottom.

Donnie? Simon. Look, avoiding my calls isn't going to work.

I need to talk to you about my father.

Don't make me hunt you down.



Sorry. I-I was just about to knock.

No. It's all right.

It's fine. Come on, come in.

Um, I got your tea if you want me to make you some.


Yeah, that'd be nice.

Of all the dozens of women you've been with, you must have fallen in love plenty of times.


What's this really about?


His, um, his other job...

We're working on being more open, but this little voice inside my head isn't so sure.

So if I fell in love with you, Neil could fall in love with one of his dates, too.

Grace, you were the only one.

Come on, I'm serious.

You don't do what I do and catch feelings.

It's the ultimate transgression.

You were it.

So you just sleep with all these women and you never feel anything intimate?

In passing.

It's that way with a lot of people.

Clients and escorts.

That's the fantasy.

That's... that's why this business is booming.

When I met you, I was hungry for something more, emotionally.

But you were never going to leave Neil.

It took me a while to figure that out, but...


Neil's gonna be seeing someone tonight.

Someone I selected.

But I don't want to be the wife who sets rules and tells him what he can and can't do.

If you're worried about Neil falling in love with someone the way I fell in love with you, that's like worrying about being struck by lightning.


I know what he has.

You don't have to worry.


Got everything?

Any sign of technology will throw off our theme.

Yes, I figured that out when I tried to make a phone call.

Details are important.

Well, it's where the devil lies... in the details.

So, we done here?

Not quite.

I believe you owe me a document.

The Bastion contract with my forged signature.

Not just yet.

You do like to play hardball.

You'll get your contract as soon as the party's over, Bastion is in the clear, and we go our separate ways.

Oh, are we breaking up?

If I'd have known, I would have insisted on being your date tonight.

Break up sex is the best kind.

Not for business partners.

Is that all I am to you, Neil?

After all this time?


[Latin music plays]

♪ ♪

[woman sings in foreign language]

♪ ♪


In here.

You look...


Here, let me help you with that.

I'm a little nervous.

Jeremy should be here any minute.

Jeremy won't be coming.

I cancelled him.

Neil, it's just a night out, and we need to try new things.

Yes, but you deserve a better escort than Jeremy.

You deserve the very best.

You were right.

We need to start over.

Like we're meeting for the very first time.

Get out.


I said get out.

If this is a date, then you shouldn't be in my bedroom when I'm getting dressed.

♪ ♪

[doorbell rings]

Oh, hello.

You must be Grace.

And you must be?

Neil. Neil Truman.

You're a little early, Neil Truman.

Come on in.

Thank you.

You have a beautiful home.

Thank you.

My husband and I bought it a long time ago.

You're married?

Does that shock you?

That a married woman would want to have sex with a stranger?

Oh, I'm not here to judge.

Only to give you a night of pleasure that you'll never forget.


Well, we better get started then.


Typically I receive the envelope before we begin the evening.

The envelope?

The fee.

For companionship.


[piano music in background]

♪ ♪

This is all I have. Hopefully that's enough.

We can stop by a cash machine.

[Ain't That a Kick plays]

♪ ♪
♪ How lucky can one guy be ♪
♪ I kissed her and she kissed me ♪
♪ Like the fellow once said ♪
♪ Ain't that a kick in the head ♪

So this is what a day at the office is like, huh?

Just another typical Tuesday.

Neil... and Grace.

Is it date night tonight?

How adorable you both look.

I'm impressed.

That's because it's authentic.

Everything in the spirit of the time period.

Except tonight, the women are in charge.

Explore. Make new friends.




Two vodka martinis. Up. Olives.

Have we met?


You look so familiar.

Yes. So do you.


Oh, Audrey.

Oh, now I get it.

You cancelled me so that you could do him yourself.

Well, can you blame me?

No worries.

I am more than happy with the way things worked out.

Hey, guys.

Enjoy the party.

♪ Ain't that a hole in the boat ♪

Oh, my favorite married couple.


Come on.

I'll show you around.

Why not?

Think of this party like a 1950s housewife...

Proper and reserved on the outside... naughty behind closed doors.

Each room has a different office-related theme for play.

We call this the afternoon delight room.

Everything in here is about your middle of the workday fantasy.

That's one way to get ahead.


Give that man a raise.

Adriana would like to speak to you for a moment.

In your office.

Don't be long.

I paid for your ass tonight, and I expect to have it to myself.

Yes, ma'am.


Adriana: This is a great location for a party.

Promise you'll let me come back.

If this small talk is just a ploy to seduce me, I'm not interested.

I just got a call from Agent Garcia about your case.

Good news: the investigation will be closed on Monday...

Thank God.

When they arrest Victor on fraud and money laundering charges.

They found out?

They already knew, Neil.

They just needed a name to pin it on.

I certainly didn't plan any of this knowing your boss was a crook.

Serendipity, I guess.

A man is going to prison and you think that's serendipitous.

Well, you could've gone down, too.

When I found that out, I convinced Garcia to focus on the big fish.

Victor's already been informed of the indictment.

Darling, it's over.

Victor's my friend.

Oh, please.

You know he would've thrown you under the bus the first opportunity he got.

Just like someone else I know.

You were second in command, now Victor's gone.

This whole firm falls under your control.

I didn't betray you.

I saved you.

♪ What happened to our love ♪
♪ Where did it go ♪
♪ Your kiss upon my lips ♪
♪ I used to know ♪
♪ What happened to your... ♪

[singing continues in background]

♪ ♪

We are we watching?

A little role-play game.

Each of these young account executives presents something to the boss.

Boss likes it, Boss gives them permission to use it.

I think this will go better with a drink.

Be a doll and get us some champagne please.

Oh, I recognize you from, um, your... your ad.

Oh, right. The video.


Yeah, you... you and your husband do the whole, uh, open marriage thing.

Professionally and personally.

It's saved our marriage.

How do you mean?

Well, we were both stepping out, carrying on little emotional and physical affairs, keeping secrets.

It got so bad we weren't just lying about sleeping with other people, we were just lying about anything.

I mean, why am I lying to my husband about whether or not I put gas in the car?

[both chuckle]

It was stupid.

And we each thought the truth would destroy the other person.

Funny how that happens.

But we all want to have sex with someone new.

It's risky, it's exciting, and that's okay.

But divorce over that?

I would never leave my husband for a better orgasm.

Thank you, honey.

Do we have to do it in here?

There's a private office downstairs, I think.


[heavy breathing]

[phone chimes]

Oh, God.

Hold that thought. Hang on.

Is everything okay?

Let me get you another drink, okay?

There's no need to rush.

We're here to take our time.

You want me to wait?

You know what happens to those that wait.

Good things.

They come.

Oh, God. [exhales]

Oh, excuse me.

Neil, there you are.

What's wrong?

Adriana's done a very bad thing.

I don't know if I can fix it.

What the hell?

Oh, no.

Oh, I get it.

You're celebrating already, huh?

You ungrateful pieces of shit!

He's okay. He's okay.


What are you doing here?

You're bloodsuckers.

All of you. I hope your 401ks go straight to hell.


Whoa, whoa. Hey.

Come here, come here. Calm down.


You're making a scene.

These aren't your employees.

Oh, wow. You're right.

Come on.

Why did you do this to me, Truman?

Why did you do it?

You think I don't see what's going on?

I go to jail, and who benefits?


You prick.

I thought we were friends, Neil.

[rat pack music continues]

Donnie, what the hell, man?

I'm here.

Where are you? Get your ass over here.

You have reached the voicemail box of...

[bell dinging, train blows horn]

[muffled chiming]



[whispers] Shit.

[keys rattle]

[wood creaking]

All right, all right.

Is this one of those memory foam beds?

I've heard great things.

I hope you don't mind.

We were waiting, so I had to take a little cat nap.

I'm not a young man anymore.


Who are you?

How did you get in my apartment?

Omar: I had some empathy for your father and his illness.

A man in his position shouldn't have to worry about owing his associate $50 million.

I was willing to work with him, but then he was gone, in the wind, an apparition.

So I started to think... his sudden lack of presence was so that he wouldn't have to pay Omar Sandahl.

That's me.

You k*lled Donnie.

Do you know where your father is?



Then it's a good thing...

I know where you are.

Because if he disappears... you inherit his debt.

I'll get my money.

[phone chimes]

Finally. Anika.

"Sorry, been busy.

All good. Talk soon."

Hmm. Well...

There are some advantages to having the place still to ourselves.

Neil, tonight, Victor...

I'm sorry.

It's not over yet.

♪ You trace shadows ♪
♪ Down the sunny side of the street ♪
♪ ♪

I'm exhausted.

Oh, thank God. Me, too.

Hey, we never stopped at the cash machine.

That's right. I still owe you a lot of money.

Well, maybe you'll find some other way to pay me.

I'll see what I can come up with.

♪ 'Cause in your darkest hour ♪
♪ I'll be your lasting light ♪

Whew. I like these parties, but they are a lot of work.

♪ When you're alone ♪
♪ In your darkest hour ♪
♪ Sunrise will hide your tears ♪
♪ In your darkest hour ♪
♪ I'll be your home ♪

[knock on door]

♪ ♪


May I help you?

Hi. I'm sorry to show up like this.

You're Adriana, right?


I'm Anika Truman, Grace Truman's daughter.

Yes, of course.

I thought you looked familiar.

I know she did some work for you a while ago, and she showed me the drawings of your house, and I'm just passing through town, uh...

Of course. Would you like to come inside?

Maybe you'd like a cup of tea.

I'd love some tea.

All right.

♪ I'll be your home ♪
♪ I'll be your home ♪