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02x04 - ... Through Bondage

Posted: 10/17/15 22:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on Satisfaction...


The friend's house that you've been staying at, huh?

Separation papers. I had my lawyer draw them up.

Unless, of course, you two are ready to get back together.

My husband just left too.

Anyway, I was thinking of redecorating the space.

I brought some tear sheets.


Simon, it's Neil.

I wanted to talk to you about a business proposal.

Our future's are tied together, Neil, so when you open your mouth about a new escort business and it draws attention, some of that comes my way.

I have never stopped loving you, which is why I want you to resolve this thing with your father before he dies.


Oh, shit.

I just saw Neil.

He didn't say anything about this.

You know how men are.


Simon: I hit him hard, Neil.

Too hard, I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

Wait, wait. Slow down.

You're a Waverly.

I wasn't for ten years. I left.

Look, I'm not gonna get into it right now, and none of it matters.

Boxing is how we used to connect.

It's how we'd work things out and I guess I was just a lot smaller back then.

All right, what do you need?

I went to the hospital this morning to apologize to him, and in the room, there's all these bankers and lawyers and board members and they're there with their get well cars and their flowers and they're just waiting for him to croak so they can drain his accounts.

He must have someone he trusts.

You would think so, but my father is a class A son of a bitch.

So I've heard.

Then you know even his most loyal men would probably poison his scotch.

He needs protection.

It would be a huge favor.

Adriana: I booked the space through Ludwig six months ago.

Yes, it was a verbal agreement.

All our agreements are verbal agreements.

That's the benefit of doing business with someone for 20 years.

Find him and tell him to honor our deal.

What's up?

You know, now's not a good time.

Grace, what is it?

Look, um...

Last night, it was... it was fun, but this... all this between us and me living here, it's... it's happening too fast.

What are you saying?

It's just better if I move out.

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but things are a tad busy around here at the moment.

I hired you to re-design Fisher's room and to oversee the project 24/7.

So you just expect me to be here at your beck and call?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm planning three separate events and my home is crawling with contractors.

If it makes you feel any better, we can pretend last night never happened.

But I don't want to do that.

Rick: Ms. Truman?

Uh, we've uncovered an, um... issue.

Please tell me it's not water damage.

No, not water.

I expected to find plaster behind the dry wall, like you said.

What do you make of this?

It's bluff stone. Why would anyone cover this up?

What the... ?

Can I have your hammer?



What is this?

Fernando, why don't you guys take an early lunch today?

Sure thing.

Maybe just take the... the rest of the day off.


♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Satisfaction ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

So that's the wall you wanted to tear down?

It was all in the plan, the plan you approved.


I trust you so much I barely even looked at it.

It's been so long.

I almost forgot we did this.

Did what? What is that?

Would you like to try it?

I don't even know what it is.

Fisher built it for me not long after we were married.

Not just that, but this whole room was our play space.

We'd spend hours in here.

Days, sometimes.

I would have done anything for him.

He liked to be locked up in this?

Oh... [laughs].

No, darling, quite the opposite.

So those are for...

It's the old cliché, right?

Ruthless by day, submissive at night.

It was more than that in the old days.

I was after extremity. Sensation.

I thought you were into self-love.

Pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin, Grace.

You can't know one without the other.

It's not just about the physical pain, but the act of surrender.

To give yourself over to another human being.

Mind, body, and soul.

To free yourself from the burden of choice.

Rosalie: Oh, shit.

I remember that thing.

Oh, look. We have lovely volunteers.

Step right up, ladies, and enter the cage of sublime torment.

I'm still recovering from the last time you put me in there.

I'll do it.

Eager. I like it.

Now, the benefits of having a cage in your guest room are not readily apparent... that is, until you... lock the cage.

As you can see, the subject is rendered both immobile and easily accessible.

[moans quietly]

I think she likes that, don't you?

I don't think she's the only one.

Arthur: So, Neil...

What has my son told you about me?

Nothing I haven't already heard.

Profitability margins on your assets are pretty much a bench mark for people in my field.

I'm in wealth management.

That's interesting.

You have a friend in wealth management.

What did he do, hire you to make sure I didn't cheat him out of his inheritance?

I'm trying to help you.

You didn't hear what the vultures at the hospital were saying about you.

You were eavesdropping on my business?

He's worried about you.

Simon told me a little bit about your situation.

Hmm. That I'm dying?

That you're an assh*le, which means people are gonna want to take your money.

The business, the trust. This estate.


Liquidated before they finish carving your headstone.

Now, you may think you have enough safeguards in place to prevent that.

My experience... they won't be enough.

Guy like you... you don't need safeguards.

You need an 80 foot firewall.

I happen to specialize in those.

And I'm not taking a fee, so you know you can trust me.

Oh, Bastion. Well, I know Victor.

If anyone's a bigger pain in the ass than me, it's him.

You his partner?

So, Neil...

How does one build an 80 foot firewall?

How long can she stay like that?

Until we're done playing with her.

Isn't that right, darling?

I asked you a question.

Yes, Mistress?

Wipe that smile off your face.

Yes, Mistress.

She calls you Mistress. I thought you were the...


Oh, no, only with Fisher. He was my one and only Dominant.

Why the drywall?

I pushed him too far.


You pushed him?

But you were tied up.

Power exchange is a funny thing.

Right now, you could look at her and think that she's helpless, that she's at our mercy, but you'd be wrong.

One word from her, and it all ends.

It's the job of the Dominant to know your Sub's limits so well that you can push her right up to the very edge and then... stop.


Is that how you like it?

Yes, Ma'am.

I think she's had enough for one day.

So Fisher didn't stop?

No, Fisher stopped too soon.

Said he loved me too much to give me what I wanted, and then... up went the wall.

What did you want?

I wanted him to let go.

To get in touch with his primal self.

I wanted him to... take it all out on me.

Face me with his ugliest truth.

Men have a hard time with that, don't they?

Neil could never do that, no matter how much I loved him or how safe I tried to make it for us.

Acknowledging the monster inside of us is scary enough.

Facing it... It's damn near impossible.

[cell phone dings]


Adriana: Close, but no cigar, darling.

What, you confiscated her phone too?

Don't be so dramatic.

I just need the name of your solicitor.

Neil voice over: What are you talking about?

Your lawyer, Neil. Your divorce lawyer.

Oh, don't start this again.

She signed, Neil.

The separation papers?

Ready to go, just as soon as I get your John Hancock.

Then why are you calling me?

Adriana: She's beside herself, poor thing.

I'm just trying to help move things along.

Have her copy sent to the office.

And have Grace call me. I mean it, Adriana.

Yes, sir.

What are you trying to do to me?

Help me out, Victor. It's been a busy morning.

I just got off the phone with Arthur Waverly.

He wants to audition the firm.

$10 million worth.


Well, that's great. That's... what's the problem?

You're not acting like a partner, Neil.

You've gone rogue.

I don't know what you're doing anymore.

These strange new clients, and now Arthur Waverly?

If you're trying to usurp my power, just... just remember who built this company.

Arthur Waverly's son is a friend of mine.

I was just doing a favor.

And as for the rest, Victor, you're imagining things.

I'm on your side.

How long have I been here at Bastion?

I've given this place the best years of my life.

Okay, but if I find out you're up to anything else I don't know about, I'm not gonna be happy.

[laughs] And you've seen me when I'm not happy.

No more surprises.

No more surprises.

Penny for your thoughts?


You know anything about estate law?

You know, it's a beautiful day outside, and we have the whole place to ourselves.

The trust is safe.

He could funnel more money into the trust.

He'd have his firewall.



You sound like him.

Don't let him hear you say that.

He'll take it as an insult.

You know, I know you didn't mean to hit him that hard.

I know you're only trying to help.

Don't always make yourself the bad guy, Simon.

I still love you.

Is this as impossible for you as it is for me?

It's incredibly stressful.

You and I need to learn to relax more.

Arthur: Emma?

Hon... I thought you were out.

Can I talk to you in the study?

I want your opinion on something.

Yeah. I'll be right in.

[clears throat]




He said we can put up walls if we want, but I really like it open.

Transparency inspires trust.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

You okay?

Let... uh, let me ask you something.

If Arthur were to transfer all of his assets into the Waverly trust, that'd be kinda like a firewall, right?

Once the money is in the trust, it can't be touched?

You've been studying his financials.

What, you think you're the only one who knows how to read a spreadsheet?

Well, we're talking about a wildly diversified profile with multiple corporations and holdings.

I mean, Arthur's money is tied up around the world in real estate, startups, infrastructure.

2.3 is his net worth.

It's not a lump sum that can be dropped into a trust.

Well, excuse me for trying.

You gonna tell me how to run the escort business now too?

I think maybe it was a mistake bringing you in on this.

I don't need your help with this stuff.

Okay, this isn't about me.

Your father's manipulating you, and you're letting him.

You don't know anything about the relationship I have with my father.

But I do know that it seems like Arthur's hell-bent on breaking you down.

I mean, guys like that with that much wealth, they made their money by being ruthless.

They don't know how to switch that off.

So instead of letting him walk all over you, shift your focus here instead...

To our business.

Ten years ago, I was cut out of the family for making a stupid mistake, and I'm not gonna do that again.

As far as I'm concerned, I can't be a part of this.

Or our business.

You can show yourself out.


I'm sorry.

I forget sometimes how... different all this must be for you.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna have to get used to different now.

In your own time.

That's just the thing.

I don't want to waste any more time.

I'm so sick of being sad and...

Sick of everyone just treating me like I'm some... fragile flower.

You said pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin?

Well, I know pain.

I've experienced pleasure.

I want to know what power feels like.

That can be arranged.

But first, you'll have to slip into something a little less comfortable.

[rhythmic dance music]

♪ ♪

Good evening, ladies. Whose list are you on?

We're on Sacha's list.

I remember you.

It's been awhile. How's Fisher?

She's with me tonight.

Sacha: Zora?

The valet pulled the Senator's car around.

Well, well, well. [Laughs]

Look what the cat dragged in.

So where the hell have you been, my lady?

Does it matter? I'm here now.

Yes, you are.

And who might this be?


Princess Grace.

So nice to make your acquaintance.

Shall we go in?

Yes, sure.

After you.

Neil: Neil Truman, here to see Arthur Waverly.

Please, come in.

This way, sir.

Is there anything I can get for you?

No, I'm fine for now. Thank you.

Mr. Waverly will be with you shortly.

[whispered conversation]
Emma: You must be Neil.

Simon has told me so much about you.

I'm Emma.

Mrs. Waverly, nice to finally meet you.

Arthur: Hail, hail.

The g*ng's all here.

Neil, shall we?

Of course.

I would like Simon to sit in on this one as well.

He had some great ideas that he was sharing with me about the trust.

Oh, well, leave it to the trust fund baby to have ideas about the trust.

♪ You walk the line ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪


♪ Tonight ♪

[dark pop music]

What? What?

♪ ♪


[indistinct chatter]

She looks like a lost little lamb.

Adriana: A wolf in sheep's clothing.

♪ ♪
♪ You say that it's easy ♪
♪ Well, I'll hold you to that ♪

May I offer you ladies a drink?

Perhaps something stronger.


Well, it looks like our favorite room just freed up.

You'll have to excuse me.

Whatever they want.


Arthur: I take it you got the 10 million?

We did.

I drew up our preliminary investment plan.

Yeah, I want to hear your story first.

Who you are.

That'll tell me everything I need to know.

Where are you from?


You went to Penn?


I'm not familiar.

Philadelphia's finest community college.

And you made it all the way to my study with a $10 million proposal in your hand?

Well, that's where I got my start.

Transferred to Rand after two semesters, met my wife.

The rest is history.

Well, I admire a man who could take a disadvantage and turn it into success.

I didn't even go to college.

No school can make a man great.

What's your father do?

He was a mechanic.

Had a body shop in North Philly.

Had a thing for British racing cars.

Did he have a favorite?

'65 Triumph TR4.

British racing green, number 15 on the side.

Now you're speaking his language.

Neil: My father practically built it himself.

Did he ever race it?

No, he drank himself to death before he had time to enjoy it.

There's something I want you to see.

You coming?

Now what?

I find you a playmate.

How about him?


Would you mind asking that gentleman if he'd like to buy us a drink?

He says... "Anything you like."


This way.

It's not a '65, but...

'68 Triumph TR250.

In British racing green, my God.

It's perfect.

Keys are on the dash.

You never let anyone drive your cars.

Yeah, you know what? It's getting late.

Simon's always been into bikes.

Less wheels to deal with.

That's why it takes more skill.

Maybe we should race 'em.

This hunk of junk against the Ducati.

Neil's right. It's getting late.

No, no, I like the idea.

But, hey, if we're gonna race, let's make it interesting.

The 10 million.

Let's say it's up for grabs now.

Winner take all.

Adriana: Power is an illusion.

It's a machination of the mind that only works when both parties are fully invested in their chosen roles.

Grace: How do you know when someone's fully invested?

Adriana: You'll know.

Arthur: Ready?

On your mark...

Get set...


Adriana: He wants to submit to you just as much as you want to dominate him.

Grace: But... I don't know how.

Adriana: Sure you do.

You don't need whips and chains to dominate someone.

You don't need anything. It's all in the mind.

And the mind, as we all know, is the sexiest organ.

I want to see you.

Yes, Mistress.

It's all in the mind.

Are you okay, Mistress?

No talking.

[loud thud]

He's primed and ready.

How's your back hand?

Guess you can write me a check.

Well, it wasn't really a fair fight, now, was it?

Even with a head start, a 40-year-old car against a bike made for street racing?

No, I think I will keep that money where it is for now.

You ready to talk those numbers now?

Keep your money, Arthur.

I don't work with people who welch on bets.

radio announcer: Philadelphia's experienced new investments...

[announcer's voice fades]

I can't believe that was really me.

Some people go their whole lives without knowing what they're truly capable of.

I'm exhausted.

Thanks for tonight.

It was... powerful.

[gasps] Ooh, gosh, you scared me.

I don't bite.

Guess who signed her separation papers like a good girl?

What have I told you about snooping?

[laughs] To do it.

Rosalie: Often.

Adriana: Well, then. We're 50% there.

Yeah, but if Neil's signature is forged, are the papers even legal?

Why don't you let me worry about that?

Already did last call, man?

Just here to pick up my Pop.

You. [Laughs]

What are you doing here? [Laughs]

I haven't seen you since, uh...

The funeral?

Yeah, what's it been? Five years?

Eight, in December.

You drive up for the day?

How's the family? How's Grace?

She's good, they're good. How you doing, Mike?

Well, I can't complain.

I mean, I could, but... wouldn't get me anywhere.

What you drinking?

Gimme his.

All right.

Been on my mind a bit, lately.

Well, your...

Your pop was a great guy, Neil.

Everybody loved him.


True, he was a great guy.

Shitty father, terrible husband, but a great guy.

Neil: You know, up until recently, I just thought he was weak.

But it wasn't weakness. He was selfish.

He liked to drink.

And he liked to lock himself up all day in that damn garage.

But how can I blame him for that?

It was his life. He made his choices.

Looks like you did pretty good in spite of him.

Great job, beautiful family.


[phone rings]

Grace: Hi, it's Grace. Leave a message.

I guess I wasn't so tired.



I'm in charge.


Yes, Mistress.


You think that's funny?

No, Mistress.

Sit up.

Get up. Put this on.

Put your hand on my shoulder.

Follow me. No talking.

Grace, what are you doing?

Why don't you look?

You lied to me.

Let's be honest, dear.

You needed me to do the heavy lifting.

You're psychotic.

Says the woman who just locked me in a cage?

What is it about my marriage that you're trying to destroy?

You're in love with Neil? With me?


Get over yourself, Grace. I liberated you.

You know your marriage is over.

I was only trying to spare you the drawn out death rattle.

All right, I've had enough of this.

Let me out of here.

What are you gonna do, hurt me?

We both know you don't have it in you.

You see, I'm better at this game than you are.

Still, maybe I was wrong.

Maybe the woman I saw tonight was an act and deep down, you're just a plain, old, boring housewife.

Is that it, Grace?

Is that your ugly truth?



Uh, we need to talk.

I've been selfish.

I don't want to make the same mistakes my Dad did.

I want to be there for you and Anika.

I don't know how, exactly, but in a way that works for all of us.

I'm just begging you, just give me a little more time to figure it out.

I... I didn't want to sign the papers.

She told me you did. That's the only reason.

What, no... I... I don't understand.

Isn't it obvious?

Where is she?

Look who joined the party.

There's some rotten fruit in the fridge if you'd like to take turns throwing it at me.

Oh, I think we've spent enough of our lives indulging your need for attention, don't you?


Oh, the united front.

How cute.

I'm taking my wife.

We're going home.

Of course you are.

You know what I think?

In a couple of months, you're gonna be right back where you started and you're both gonna wish you had signed those papers.

You know, I feel sorry for you.

You did everything you could to break us apart, but it only really proves one thing.

And what might that be?

That you have absolutely no idea what it is to really love another person.

I love her.

It's not negotiable.

It doesn't change because times get tough.

She is... or was, my best friend.

She is the most beautiful, strongest, most loving person that I know.

And I'd die for her.

Quick. Someone build a monument.

[quiet music]

♪ I kneel before you ♪

Should we let her out?

I think we proved our point.

♪ To hide your dripping tears ♪

Maybe we should just make sure.

♪ They fall into my palm ♪
♪ Like oh so many ♪
♪ I take the lashes ♪
♪ From your back to make you smile ♪
♪ Carry you with broken feet ♪

[both groaning]


♪ Across the dusty mile ♪
♪ ♪

You gonna be okay?

I will now.

You sure you don't want to come home?

For tonight, anyway.

No, I need time to process this.

All of it. I need to do that on my own.

All right, well, for what it's worth, what you did in there?

It was incredibly hot.

[knock at door]

Who is it?

Arthur: It's your assh*le father.

Come on, are you really not gonna open the door?

I'm here to make peace.

It's nice.

Kinda what I imagined for you.

Look, I don't really have time to talk...

Your friend Neil was right about me.

I can be a pain in the ass.

Old habits die hard, I suppose.

I was just always trying to do what I thought was best for you.

I meant what I said.

I don't want to go to my grave knowing that my only son hates my guts.

I don't hate you.

Sure you do.

I put $10 million into an account that you can access when I'm gone.

I don't welch on my bets.

And not only that, I'm keeping Neil on.

He's smart and he's honest, and that's a rare find these days.

Is that all?

I'm sorry, I...

You got a girl back there?

Arthur: Is it a client?

Nevermind, I don't want to know.

Why don't you come to the house tomorrow night?

Take some of the cars out for a spin?

Yeah, sure.

I know Emma would like to see us patch things up too.

She's got a good heart, that one.

Neil: Hey, honey, it's Dad.

Checking in with my favorite girl.

How's Austin?

Are you still camping or did you give it up and go with a hotel?

Listen, just give me a call when you get a chance, okay?

Dad just needs to hear your voice.

All right, I love you.

I, uh, found him waiting in the lobby.

I was gonna call, but Victor insisted I come up.

Why don't you stay for this?

Oh, I have a lunch. You got this.

Mr. Waverly, this office is at your disposal 24/7.

You take good care of him, Truman.

What's up?

The loft isn't gonna work out.

No, I... can't say I'm surprised.

But you need to focus on your family.

I understand.

I'm not quitting, Neil.

Remember that million dollar view?

It's not gonna be there for long.

Yeah, turns out all the neighboring lots have been sold and they're putting up high rises on three sides.

So I did a little research on other options.

Thought we could go and check them out, if you're interested.

You were right.

That man has been ruling my life one way or another for too long.

It's not enough for me to stand on my own two feet.

I need to make something of myself, you know?

That starts with me admitting my mistakes and moving forward so we can grow this business together.

Richard? It's Adriana.

That favor we talked about last year?

I'm calling it in.