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02x03 - ... Through Expansion

Posted: 10/17/15 22:34
by bunniefuu
female narrator: Previously on Satisfaction...

Who's Kate?

She called your friend Simon? He booked you.

I'm Kate. You are very handsome.

You're not really here on a date.

I'm writing an exposé on your business.

Where are you staying?

Oh, with a girlfriend. Feels good to have my own space and support right now.

This thing with your father, it's not going away.

Stage four and it's everywhere.


Say cheese.

I posted it at 3:00am this morning.

Your business is gonna take off.

I don't have a business.

You will now.

woman: Marriage is a sacred union and your sex life is an expression of that bond, but when love-making gets routine, how can you spice things up?

An open marriage can be a safe, fun way to bring excitement back into the bedroom.

And we can help.

What do you think?

How exactly did you find me?

A friend showed us the article on your new service.

We tracked down the author, begged her to give us your information.

You really understand the escort experience is not just about sex. It's about making a connection.

I'm flattered that you responded, really, and I agree with you, but I run that service in my free time.

Obviously, this is a corporate environment.

That's why we're here.

We have a business proposal for you.

Just hear us out, please.

Right now, your market niche is men for women, but we know from personal experience there is a huge, untapped demand for couples.

People may fantasize about being with another couple, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they want the whole lifestyle that goes along with it.

We've garnered a small following with our limited resources, but your service feels like the right way to take our approach to the next level.

And what approach is that?

We happen to think open marriage is to 2015 what premarital sex was to 1950, a new frontier that will eventually become the norm.

Face it, till death do you part is a lot longer than it used to be.

No one person can possibly meet all your needs for 30, 40, 50 years.

I was married... am married, and when you introduce sex with another person into the relationship, it can change things for the worse as well.

How do you deal with the jealousy?

Well, we're partners as well as friends.

We share our feelings and talk through them together.

And that honesty creates intimacy.

Which only makes our bond stronger.

Then we challenge our clients to face the same fears.

They may think the experience is about this, but then we take them further beyond the body.

It's sex as a means to self-understanding.

A way to reach...


Did you disagree with them?

Not at all.

I've gone crazy, haven't I?

You started this journey not sure where you were going.

Now your eyes are open.

You're accepting new ways of thought.

In my business, we call that "enlightenment."

Yeah, well, one man's enlightenment is another man's nervous breakdown.

You don't really believe that's what this is, do you?



[sighs] I guess I'm just jealous.

I mean, Grace and I used to love each other like that.

Why couldn't we make it work?

Maybe you still can.

What do you want?

I guess I want what I had with Grace.

Just not all of it.

And I want something new.

I just don't know what it is yet.

Or how to get it.

I am crazy.

You know what the true definition of "crazy" is?

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

You're not crazy.

You're just trying to be happy.

There's not great goal in life.

You staying for meditation?

I don't need to now. Thanks.

Uh, Simon, it's Neil. You got a minute?

I wanted to talk to you about a business proposal.

♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Satisfaction ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ But I can't get no ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

[birds chirp]

We need to talk.

Good morning, sunshine. Would you like some coffee?

Perhaps something stronger?

Like a martini?

You had something to do with this, didn't you?

I ran into Chris yesterday.

I brought him to the party the other night.

Ah, yes.

He said that, uh...


He's working for Neil now?

Well, bully for him.

Not at the office.

Neil's starting an escort business?

It doesn't even make sense when I say it.

Oh, I don't know, money management didn't exactly make his heart race. I get it.

He's hiring escorts and working with Simon and moonlighting as a pimp.

Mm... sweetheart, that word is not used.

And what Neil does is none of your concern anymore.

He's my husband.

He was your husband.

Oh, God, you're not still holding out hope, are you?

Sweetheart, Neil is exploring a new side of himself.

And he's happy.

He's on some new spiritual path, I guess.

He doesn't want you anymore. Let him go.

You do have something to do with this.

I'm only telling you what I read.

I saw it this morning, did an interview with some blogger, talked all about his new venture.

They don't use his name, but you can tell it's him and he's quoted here.

And I know this must be a shock.

You've been through so much lately, but you know what?

You need to focus on your own path now.

Love yourself.

What does that even mean?

It means... screw Neil.

Get dressed.

I'll show you where to start.

This is terrifying.

"The key to a successful date is an acceptance of the other person and willingness to be open to new experiences."

A little touchy-feely, don't you think?

I know it kinda reads that way, but look, what's your philosophy, Plato?

We need to come up with a singular message if we're really gonna do this.

Start our own escort business?

That's right.

You weren't kidding on the phone?

You realize you've gone crazy, right?

Maybe, or maybe I'm just happy.

So, what's your philosophy?

Be yourself, listen more than talk, and be great in bed.

That's it?

That's it.

Life is really simple for you, isn't it?

I set up some interviews for talent.

Since that article came out, I've been swamped with calls.

You and I can't handle it all.

You set up interviews?


That should be my department, division of labor.

You should handle marketing.

I bring in the talent.

[phone vibrates]

All right.

I'm gonna go to the gym and I don't trust you enough to stay in my place alone yet, so...

Tomorrow afternoon, my house. We can do the interviews there.

You really want to do this?

I really want to feel like I'm alive and right now, I feel like I'm alive, so...



[phone vibrates]

When you said love yourself, this isn't exactly what I had in mind.

Lingerie's for men. I'm not really looking for one right now.

And you won't need one.

[crowd murmurs]

What is this place?

Masturbation bar.

A what bar?

It's the latest trend.

Modeled after one in Japan, it's a safe place for women to come shop, relax, and... relax.


This is for real?

It's like happy hour with vibrators.

Try one. See if there's a connection.

They have private rooms.

Here? Are you kidding?

Well, you buy it first. If you don't like it, you can get store credit.


No, I've always preferred the real thing.

You know, skin and heat.

What is this, metal? No thank you.

Oh, darling that one is 24-carat gold-plated and very expensive.

Grace, you just went through a highly traumatic experience, not to mention the loss of a partner.

Your head may be confused, but your body still has needs.

[electric whirring]

At least then you won't be so tense all the time.



Now you're not returning my calls.


Guess I was hoping you'd ignore that fact and decide to stalk me down at my gym.

He's trying, Simon.

Can't you just meet him halfway?

After ten years, giving me a hug and telling me all is forgiven doesn't just make everything go away.

He invited you to dinner.

Just come, please.

God, I don't... I... I don't get any of this.

You show up at my door and we're back here again, like no time has passed at all.

You didn't exactly fight me off.

Because I'm still in love with you.

Isn't that what you wanted to hear?

Why you really came back here, and now you're just going to t*rture me by starting this all over again.

Is that it?

I thought so.

[men murmur]

Yes, I still love you.

I have never stopped loving you, which is why I want you to resolve this thing with your father before he dies.

You've gotta show him some kindness or you're going to regret this for the rest of your life.

You tell him I'll be there, but I'm doing it for you.

You're missing the whole point.

Well, thanks for stopping by. We'll be in touch.


[electronic beep]

[The Rolling Stones' sl*ve]

[rock music]

♪ ♪


♪ Do it, do it, do it ♪
♪ Do it, do it ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Do it, do it, do it ♪
♪ Do it ♪
♪ Don't wanna be your sl*ve ♪
♪ Don't wanna be your sl*ve ♪
♪ Don't wanna be your sl*ve ♪
♪ ♪

[electronic whirring]

Lisa's voice: It's not just about sex, it's about making a connection, making a connection...

[electronic whirring]

"Open marriage is to 2015 what premarital sex was to 1950, a new frontier that will eventually become the norm."

[Lisa's voice echoing]

♪ Don't wanna be your sl*ve ♪

[electronic whirring]

Brett's voice: "It's sex as a means to self-understanding... self-understanding...

A way to reach."




"Making a connection that will eventually become the norm."


[breathes heavily]

[electronic whirring]

[breathing heavily]

male voice: Thanks so much for coming.


I know it took some arm-twisting.

Well, look at this.

Sins of my past come back to haunt me right here.

Well, before, it was steak and whiskey and now the doctors tell me if I wanna live a few extra months... eat this shit.

Louis, would you bring out the main course?

I need some protein.

And the wine.


Well, I gotta live while I'm dying, don't I?

She's right, you're not supposed to...

Look at us.

Having a family dinner together.

My long-lost son.

My wife.

I remember that youthful love you two had for each other.

It was silly, wasn't it?

Look, if we're here to dig up the past, if that's the case, I don't even...

Arthur, please.

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I was just trying to make light of it so we could all...

So, what have you, uh... what have you been up to?

What do you do for a living now?

I work in sales.

What kinda sales?


I want to know about this cancer.

I want to know what the doctors are telling you.

Oh, they're all a bunch of assholes.

You know, I thought he might have grown up to be a doctor at one point.

Do you remember that thing with the cat?

What was his name, the one out at the country house?

No, wait, Simon was six.

This cat drags in a mouse, drops it at his feet.

The thing's twitching. It's practically dead.

But you, you were determined to save his life.

You got one of your mother's shoeboxes and you made a hospital out of it, and damned if you didn't bring that thing back from the brink.

You know, I still have that shoebox.



When you're a father, those memories are very special.

You have a good heart, son.

Hey, do you still box?

Let's hit the gym sometime soon, all right?

Like in old times.


I told you. You're okay.

Yeah, I just hate it when you're right.

Oh. [Breathes heavily]

[phone buzzes]


What the hell happened to you?

[sighs] Shit.

I totally forgot.

Um, how'd the meetings go? Did you hire anyone?

Well, I was waiting for your input.

Division of labor, remember?

Yeah, all right, um, let me make a call and I can set up some candidates for tomorrow.

I booked a double-date for tomorrow night.

Okay, so if we can't find anyone, you and I will do it.

Hey, um, everything okay with your father?

Saw a text on your phone yesterday.

You looked at my phone?

I mean, I didn't mean to, it was just there in front of my face.

I mean, if there's anything you want to talk about.

You talk all about trust and then you go and do something like that?

No, well, I figured, you know, if we're partners...

Then I don't work for you.

In fact, I was doing just fine on my own before you came along with your enlightened approach.

Back off. I will take it from here.

[indistinct chatter and laughter]

And when I was 23 and got my first real paycheck, the first thing I did was hire someone to do my laundry.

I said to myself, "I am never doing this again."

And you know what I never had?

Well, you never had kids, that's for sure.

Did you ever want?

No, not with Fisher.

With my first husband, very much, but... he died.


You're not the only one who's lost a good man, Grace.


It's so beautiful here. [Snickers]


There are so many stars.

Which one is yours?


When I look up at the night sky, I always pick out a star.

And then I buy it.

Because I don't want anyone else to have it.

Mm. [Laughs]

This wine.

I could use a swim.

Care to join me?



I'll go get my suit.

Grace, it's just us girls.



God, that feels good. [Exhales]

A lot of that going around for you today.

What about your new purchase?

Did you have a chance to release some tension earlier?

[laughs] I don't know.

I never got one of those before.

Because you're a prude.

[both laugh]

I always thought a woman's sexuality was like a grand adventure.

You are the Louis and Clark of your own body.

A fearless explorer who... maps out the territory.


Men are just the settlers who come along later in covered wagons and screw everything up.


Just be careful with that.

No wonder I couldn't sleep.

We need to talk.

Oh, absolutely. I'm gonna want to see some paint samples up on the walls right away and some tear sheets, fabrics...

I feel so far behind in here.

Happy to show you samples.

Look, what happened last night isn't normal for me.

Oh, darling, please don't worry about it.

I'm not worried about it. I just don't want to give off the wrong impression.

I'm not...

Ready? I know.

And how could you be?

This lifestyle is just a little more spiced-up than a boring marriage.

My marriage wasn't boring.

What was your perfect marriage like with Fisher?

You don't marry for love the second time, Grace.

Ours is different.

You mean better?

Doesn't make me weak that I still love Neil.


So are you prepared to accept his new business operation without jealousy or anger?


Can you love him, all of him, the way he is right now?

Because if you can't, you are weak.

Let me show you where that goes.

It's not going on the truck.


Smell of this place takes me right back.

Yeah, some good memories here.

Of beating me up every weekend?

Come on, I made you a man.

You didn't have to waste four years of your life in the Navy like I did.

We'll take it light.

Don't worry.

[phone buzzes]

Hey! Come on!


So good to meet you.

Looks like Simon's running a little late.


This way.

So, I wanted to ask you.

Commodities, huh?

What kind you in exactly?

We have to talk about this right now?

I'm curious.


Don't get lazy on me.

You're sick.

I'm fine, look at me?


What kind of commodities?

All kinds.


Depends on the market.

Blondes, brunettes? Occasional redhead?

I don't want to say anything, but I had Donnie look into what you're into exactly.

Man whore?

Simon, do you have any idea how hard that was to hear?

You're gonna have to stop that shit now.

Oh, really?


Hate to break it to you, but I like what I do.

In fact, I'm expanding my business.

Gonna partner up with somebody.

You being in that business is me being in that business and I'm not going to have the family name brought down like that.

I haven't been a part of this family in ten years.

You don't get to make decisions like that for me anymore.


How much do you need?

I don't want your money.

I make my own.

I'm not going to give it to you, I'm going to hire you.

You're gonna have to work for it.

You think I want to work for you now?

[grunt] [yelp]

You don't want to work for me?

Fine, but you are going to have to grow up and get a real job.

No son of mine should have to waste his life getting paid for something the rest of us still get for free.

I raised you better than that.

You didn't raise me.

You're right.

If I had, you'd have turned out better.



Hey, I'm sorry. Are you okay?


Even that punch was weak.

You'll start to realize this is a very small business.

Sooner or later, you're going to run into everyone who plays a part.

Why am I not surprised?

Paola called me the second she got off the phone with Simon.

If you paid her what I do, she might have kept her mouth shut, but these things you will learn.

How are you, darling?

Fantastic, you?

Oh, a little insulted, honestly.

Starting a new business on my block and I don't even get a phone call?

After all I've done for you.

So glad you're getting the chance to explore this deeper part of you, Neil.

It's what you needed.

Actually, since this article came out, I have other needs.

Oh, please.

Those boys are a dime a dozen. What you need now is insight from someone who's made all the mistakes you haven't even thought of yet.

Adriana, for years, people have been telling me what I should do, what I need...

Honestly, right now, I'm just following my gut.

So, no, thank you.

Look at you.

Fluffing your feathers and you haven't even launched.

Our futures are tied together, Neil.

So when you open your mouth about a new escort business and it draws attention, some of that comes my way.

Good and bad.

Now, if we're going to play in the same sandbox, we're going to need to establish some ground rules.

Come by tonight for an early dinner and hear me out.

Oh, and I have a surprise for you as well.

Paola, bella, ciao, ciao.

Lisa: Can you help me with these?

Sure. She's having company for dinner.

She's hoping you would join.

Oh, no. I have to work.

Um, you're going to have to tell her yourself.


She's in there.

That's what he said.


Thank you.


Adriana. Thank you for the invite, but I just... Neil?

The friend's house that you've been staying at, huh?

We ran into each other earlier. I hope you don't mind.

Were you both competing for the same clients or something?

Adriana: Let's grab a drink, shall we?

We need to talk.


And you will over dinner.

Why do you think I asked him here, darling?

To get everything out in the open.

We're all friends here, right? Come.

Like all fine meals, a divorce must begin with a little amuse-bouche.

Separation papers. I had my lawyer draw them up.

You have a business now that, if anything goes wrong, Grace becomes liable for as well, and Grace, we talked about taking care of yourself first.

This will ensure that...

Unless of course you two are ready to get back together.

Now, as lovely as you both are, honesty was clearly not the strong suit of your marriage or separation.

But now that everything is out in the open, this is for your benefit.

Enjoy your appetizers. I'll be right back.

I had no idea she was planning something like this.

Should I believe that?

Why wouldn't you?

'Cause I'm not sure I even know you anymore.

I haven't changed, Grace.

I'm just more me now.

And you're more you.

Really, you're running an escort business out of our home and...

That's more you?

I wasn't running a business.

I was just meeting some people there.

When were you planning to tell me about that little sideline?

Oh, and you're being completely honest with me lately.

That's what you want? You want me to be completely honest with you?

[phone buzzes]

I have to go.


The more things change, Neil...

We can talk about this later.

Why? I hear you loud and clear.

Oh, there you go.

It would really be the same.

There he is.

Well, look at that. Prodigal son returns.

You changed the time on me.

Well, these two lovely ladies are only in town for such a short while.

I wanted to make sure they got their money's worth.

Plus, since it is my company, I didn't think it was a problem to start a little earlier.

Lexi, Paige, this is my esteemed colleague, Neil.

Neil, this is Lexi and Paige.

both: Hi.

Hello there.

I don't know. Do we even need him now?

Things are going so well with just the three of us.

Don't you think?

How about we flip for him?

Yeah, that's a good idea.


Heads, I win. Tails, he loses.

[all chuckle]


I guess I win now.

Shall we order dinner?

I confided in you, and then you go behind my back and pull a stunt like this?

How dare you?

I'm sorry, Darling.

I was only trying to help. [Sniffs]

I don't need your help.


Did you have to take everything out?

You asked me to.

Yeah, well, when are you going to learn never to listen to me? [Sniffs]


You did love him?

Mm. [Chuckles]

I was used to him.

Maybe it's the same thing.

I think you need to take some of your own medicine.

Follow your own path now.

Let me show you where I like to start.

[women giggling]

So who's ready for some dessert?

Oh, my God. I cannot eat another bite.

Oh, I didn't mean off the menu.



Shall we talk? Little girl's room?

What the hell are you doing?

Be yourself, listen a lot?

Oh, really? Am I getting in the way of your enlightenment, Mr. Touchy-Feely?

No, you're just being a d*ck.

You know what?

Without me, you'd have no idea what you're doing.

I am good at what I do. I don't need your judgment.

I can make my own decisions. I'm my own man.

Who are you talking to? 'Cause it's not me.

If you don't like it, you can leave, 'cause I can handle them both on my own and you know it.

I think you're the one that might want to call it a night.

So we just decided something.

We're officially horny now.

Not what I was expecting.

Are you going to make me a home-cooked meal to prove a point?

This way.


See these books?

I read 'em all.

Oh, God.

You're in a book club, aren't you?

I feel like I'm driving a mini-van and we'll have to drop the kiddies off at soccer practice just standing here.

Don't be such a prude.

You know you want it.


Try this one.

See if there's a connection.

Jane Austen?

You brought me here to give me a book?

One of the most important books on love ever written.

The Kinsey Report is one of the most important books on love ever written.

This is 19th century porn for middle-aged mommies.

You think you are grandly passionate, but really, you are sense.

You force love to submit to logic, to the material world, when what you long to be is sensibility, where you dare to abandon yourself to your emotions.

To love and to be loved.

To be hurt and then to love again.

Sounds like an English major's way of saying you think I'm heartless.

Aren't you?

I'm a realist, Grace. You should try it.

I'd rather just feel my feelings.


If you had been in touch with your feelings, you'd have kissed me in the pool and not run away.

Thanks for trying.


You heard me, sit.

"What do you know of my heart?"

"What do you know of anything but your own suffering?"

"For weeks, Marianne, I've had this pressing on me without being at liberty to speak of it to a single creature."

"It was forced on me by the very person whose prior claims ruined all my hope."

"I have endured her exaltations again and again whilst knowing myself to be divided from Edward forever."

"Nothing has proved him unworthy, nor anything declared him indifferent to me."

"Yet I've had to suffer the punishment of an attachment without enjoying any of its advantages, and all this at a time when it has not been my only unhappiness."

"So, if you can think me capable of feeling, then surely, you may suppose I have suffered."

"Believe me, Marianne, had I not been bound to silence, I could have provided proof enough of a broken heart even for you."

Hey, it's decaf.

They ran out of the good stuff.

Somebody's brewing up a fresh pot.


The girls still, um...

Out cold?

Wild night, huh?

Wild night.

All right, look. I should apologize for dinner.

I was an assh*le.

Major assh*le.


Look, you don't know anything about my father, but we haven't talked in years, and I just found out that he's sick.

Like, "months left to live" sick.

So now we're trying to mend fences and all that.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Shit happens, right?

I went through something similar.

Tried to make peace with my old man before he passed.


If you need any tips...

I mean, we're partners, right?

If there's anything I can do to help.

There we go.

All right.

Look, if you don't want to do that again with two girls...

I don't want to talk about it.

Okay, 'cause I just saw you were just like...

I don't want to talk about it.

All right.

It was good teamwork.

Like I said...

If you need any tips.


Did you sleep here?

You didn't.

I came by last night to... to get some books and, uh, ended up crashing.

I have to go.

Back to Adriana's?

It's been good for me.

Even after that stunt she pulled?

I'm just as confused as you are, all right?

She's going through her own separation and it's helping to talk about it.

She is not your friend, Grace.

Just want you to be careful.

I know who my friends are.

Yeah, well, I lost my best friend, so...

Me too.

You know, we never had that talk.

I just, I can't right now, Neil.

You need your space.

Well, when you're ready.

[car engine]

Hey, whoa, whoa! What's going on?

You didn't get my messages?

He's in the hospital.


The boxing, that punch, something happened to him afterward.

He's in the E.R.

All right, I'm gonna drive. Come on.

I've been waiting for you to get back.

We need to celebrate.

Messenger dropped them off while you were gone.

I just saw Neil.

He didn't say anything about this.

You know how men are.

They won't tell a woman bad news to her face.

They don't want to deal with our reactions, our...

Our sensibilities.


This is a new beginning for you, Grace.

And I'm so happy you're here.