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04x04 - Miss You

Posted: 10/17/15 18:35
by bunniefuu
Hey, there's my... angry girl.

My relaxing morning off took a disastrous turn.

Oh, don't tell me you went to the early bird scrapbooking thing.

Alex, just admit it... you hate scrapbooking, you hate crafts, you hate crafting.

Do you know what this is?

Uh, no.

This is a memory book for Luke, and I'm supposed to fill it with family photos.



So, do you notice anything?

That somebody likes pink glitter.

The photos are of just us and him.

What are we supposed to tell him about the rest of his family?

Well, you could tell him the truth. The truth always works.

Okay, so I will tell him that his grandfather committed su1c1de, his uncle plunged to his death, possibly high on dr*gs.

Okay, there's your mother?

No. She doesn't count.

Well, she's alive, and by virtue of the fact that nobody else seems to be, then she definitely counts.

She's been a ghost my whole life.

What's wrong?


Speaking of.

One of your friends?

Alex, you know I don't believe in friends.


Hey, I recognize you.

Aren't you that guy that was tangled in my sheets this morning?

I was.

I'm also the guy who said he'd make you breakfast. Here.

I went hard on the wheatgrass because I know that you can take it.

Wow. You came all this way to bring me this.

No, I, uh, came all this way to bring you this.

Yeah, no.

I'm the chief of surgery. I have a reputation to uphold.

Oh, what, are you mad?

No, I love when my girlfriend won't kiss me.

Reminds me of high school.

Yeah, well, I worked really hard to get here, right?

I know.

That is why I also brought you this.

What did you do?

Uh, this is way too much.

Are you serious?

I've never been more serious in my life.

I don't know what to say.

Say that you'll let me take you for lunch today.

Oh, your reputation.

Oh, screw it.

Excuse me.

Calling in your coffee orders now, Dr. Lin?

Thank you.

It's the only way I'm gonna get through this double shift.

I'm shadowing Rocca today.

Wow. Busy bee.

I guess we'll have to chat later when you're not so buzzy.

Okay. Huzzah fellowship.

Huzzah fellowship.

That was the lamest huzzah I've ever heard, which is a feat because huzzah is pretty lame to begin with.

I know, I'm just... I don't know.

What, a working mother who's terrified of losing her professional edge?

Hey, have you been reading my diary again?

Hmm. You know, being a mother doing this job, god, it's one hell of a balancing act.

It's a freaking tightrope.

Well, I hate to tell you, but that feeling doesn't go away, you know, that life/work thing.

And that you're not doing well at either.

[cellphones vibrate]

Ooh, speaking of work.

What is it? Oh, E.R.?


Did you hear the news?

They think they can wake me up from my coma.

Yeah, your body's healed up. Time to get you back on your feet.

You're gonna be there, right?

Well, I'll try, but I'm on call, so...

No, I mean, when I go back in my body, you still gonna be in my corner?

Yeah, of course.

I don't think I would've been able to get through this without you.

Well, I think you would've found a way.

You seem pretty resilient.

Yeah, well, growing up on a farm in the prairies will do that to a kid.

Yeah, how old were you when you went into the system?

After my dad died, so 10.

Yeah. I was 7.

Medical school seemed like a breeze in comparison.

Yeah, it's funny now, but learning how to fend for myself actually made me pretty good at prison.

Still looking for someone to call for you.

Oh, there's no one.

Seriously, Charlie, there hasn't been anyone that's cared enough to help in a really long time, so thanks.

Elizabeth Grant, social worker.

Client of hers threw sulfuric acid on her face.

Happened 30 minutes ago.

She could have burns to the oropharynx.

We need to intubate. Get me 50 mgs of ketamine.

I need another I.V. started now.

Here we go.

Heads up!

Zach: Okay, she's got an open fracture here.

She's gonna bleed out if this artery blows.

Somebody page Dr. Harris.

One, two, three. [grunts]

Dana: Back is clear.

Burns to the face, chest, and arms.

Please, it hurts so much.

Get me a Morgan Lens. I need irrigation.

B.P.'s 70.


Dana: Let's get her out of these clothes so I can properly assess the burns.

Let's get her to the O.R., Take care of that arm.

Where's Charlie?

Right here.


Okay, let's move it.

Dr. Reid, I paged you.

Your friend is in the waiting room.

He's refusing to be seen by anyone but you.

I don't believe this.

What the hell do you want?

Hey, Reid. Surprised to see me?

Yeah, considering I told you I never wanted to again.

Come on, Alex. We were just kids.

What do you want?

You know what? I-I don't want to hear it.

I don't care.

Alex, wait.


Kyle? Kyle.

Kyle? Kyle!

Some help in here, please!

Kyle, it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.

Some help now!

Full thickness burns to the face.

Full thickness circumferential burns to the wrist.

I'm debriding the wound now.

How are we doing on that arm, Dr. Harris?

Got healthy tissue here.


With fascia muscle over the exposed bone, but I still can't close the wound.

Tell me you have a plan.

Yeah, I've placed a VAC dressing to help keep it clean while you do your thing, and I'll take care of the break after.

That's why you're my favorite ortho.

You know how to share the dance floor.

You must be Dr. Williams.

I-I'm sorry.

I-I got my rotation mixed up.

How can I help?

Take the cheese grater.

Help me remove the necrotic tissue.

Can you put some gauze over her face, please?

I need everybody's focus here.

You paged?

I did.

I need you to take a patient. Kyle Sawyer.

He was just admitted with severe abdominal pain.


I'm just surprised you're dodging patients.

Well, I'm not dodging patients. My hands are full today.

He spat blood, so you'll need to do an endoscopy.

Wait, you've not done a work-up on him?

That's what you're here for. He's in cubicle three.

I owe you one.

Kyle, have you ever had bleeding from your stomach before?

I mean, the pain's been on and off for a couple weeks now, but that's the first time I've ever puked blood.

What do I win?

You win... a camera.


Unfortunately, it'll be going down your throat to locate the source of this bleed.

Where's Alex?

I, uh, thought she was gonna be doing this.

Dr. Reid has a busy O.R. day.

You two know each other?

She's like my sister.

Don't ever let her catch you cheating at cards.

That girl can throw a punch.

I'll bear that in mind next time we're in a gangster film together.

Jackson: Anita Alamo, 20.

Woke up this morning with heaviness in both of her legs.

I tried to go to work, but they just kept getting heavier.

This ever happen to you before?

Reflexes are good. You feel this?

Yeah, but barely.

You can fix this, right?

We're gonna try our best.

'Cause I had a friend in here...

Samantha Smitts.

Remember her?

Not ringing a bell.

But that suit sure is.

You're the sidewalk-singing chicken, right?

♪ I like wings and spicy things ♪


Let's, uh, start on her bloodwork, check her G.A.D. antibody levels.

Could be S.P.S.

What's that?

Stiff Person Syndrome.

Yes, that is the real name.

It's just a development that happens in the lower extremities.

We just have to rule it out.

Okay, 'cause I have to get to a party tonight.

I'm the designated driver.

You're in the hospital. I'm sure they'll understand.

Besides, there will be other parties.

Well, it's more of an anniversary.

Emergency room on your anniversary.

Welcome to my life.

Okay, let's get started on those tests.


Any chance of an extra gown?

You know, help a chicken out?

You bet.

[monitor beeping]

Stop thinking like a civilian.

You're a doctor. Time to get used to that.

I'm never getting used to this.

The sooner you stop denying what human beings are capable of, the better off you'll be.

That's kind of harsh, Dr. Kinney.

It's kind of the reality, honey. Apply the antimicrobial.

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Her heart rate's rising.

Dr. Kinney, there's blood in the VAC dressing.

I'm not getting a radial or ulnar pulse here.

We need to restore circulation or she's gonna lose this hand.

Prep the microscope.

Uh, Dr. Harris?


You're Elizabeth Grant's physician?

Um, actually, Dr. Kinney is the lead surgeon on the case.

Do you know where I can find her?

She's in the O.R., But, um, I can have her come see you when she's done.

Thanks. I know Elizabeth. We work together a lot.

Yeah. You guys catch the guy who did this to her?

Colleague I.D.'d someone.

Elizabeth: This is all my fault.

You can see me.

How can you see me?

Probably best we do this somewhere else.

Daven: You talking to me, doc?

No, no. I will send Dr. Kinney your way, and, um, I'll let you know when Elizabeth's well enough for visitors.


Dr. Miller, you got to see this.


My legs... I can't feel them anymore.

Can you feel this?


How about this?

No. Nothing.

Page Dr. Hamza now.

What's wrong with me? Am I paralyzed?

Thank you.


Patient with the acid burn, how is she?

Elizabeth. Touch and go.

We're just setting up for microsurgery now.

I hear you dumped a patient this morning.

What's up with that?

Wow. Walls have ears.

He only presented with gastritis.


It's adenocarcinoma.

He'll need a distal pancreatectomy at the very least.

Ah, well, in the wrong hands, that could be a death sentence.

It's a good thing that Patrick's a great surgeon.

Yeah, but it's a rare procedure and one you've done before.


So, you should be in there.

We have a history.

He used to sleep on my couch whenever he got kicked out of his house.

My mother felt sorry for him.

So, I still don't see the problem.

He got my brother hooked on dr*gs.

Never mix the professional with the personal.

Didn't you teach me that? No. I hate him.

[man speaks indistinctly over P.A.]


Hey, Charlie.

Hey, Tom.

Looking for a girl. Um, beautiful, dark hair.

Don't you already have one of those?

No, not Alex.

Um... spirit. Named Elizabeth.

Short hair, blue eyes?



Stopped me dead in my tracks when I saw her.

She looks just like Rina Potts, a friend from back home.

From High River?


Um, where'd you see her?

In the basement.

Need me to come with?

Her name's Mya and she's asked to speak with you.

Kyle has a wife. [chuckles]

Dr. Reid, this is Mya, Kyle's wife.



Kyle always said you were a firecracker, but for some reason, I thought you'd be shorter.

He's gonna make it, right?

Dr. Curtis is an excellent surgeon.

But what do you think?

It's a long shot, isn't it?

So, what do I tell Lucas? He's only 4.

You named your son Lucas?

Yeah, Kyle loved your brother so much.

I don't think your brother ever really forgave himself for getting Kyle into that lifestyle.

Oh, did-did Kyle tell you that?

No, your brother did when he became Kyle's sponsor.

Excuse me, Mya, um, we do have to start prepping.

Thank you.

Will you come see us after?

I will if I can, yeah.

I loved him, Alex. We all did.

You don't feel your legs at all?

I can barely tell they're there.

How about this?


That's very interesting.

So, am I paralyzed or what?

It's conversion disorder.

Her paralysis is emotionally rooted.

So, she's faking it?

Her symptoms, in her mind, are real.

We just need to treat them accordingly.

So, she thinks she's paralyzed?

We know she's not, but we pretend that she is so that she can stop being paralyzed?


Why don't we just ask her what...

Why don't we just ask her what her problem is and tell her to get over it?

Because we risk making it worse.

I'd rather approach this from a more obtuse angle.

Well, how's this for obtuse? Jackson, page the psych ward.

But I think it's best if we keep her here, if you can spare the bed.

I know beds are at a premium, but trust me.

Administer a vitamin drip, tell her you're running some tests.

Shahir, we do not have time for this. We're busy.

Well, she needs to believe that she's being treated for a physical issue.

Only then can we identify what's truly triggering all of this in the first place.

Man, the stitch is in the way. I can't grasp the needle.

Take a breath, breathe. Now move into proper position.

Damn it. It slipped again.

Keep your mind on the artery. Stop thinking about the patient.

One of us needs to.


I'll do that.


We'll confirm blood flow and then we'll close.

You with me, Dr. Williams?

Or perhaps there's something else you'd like to blurt out first.

Will my face ever look the same?

I don't know.

What I can tell you is that you're in a medically induced coma.

Is it because of what he did to me?


Listen, before you said that you thought that this was your fault. You don't... believe that.

Jake was, um...

Jake was a client of mine, and I...

I knew his history.

He was really... he was really violent and really unpredictable.

I don't know why...

I don't know why I thought I could save him.

I don't even know why I wanted to.

You were trying to do your job.

Well, my job is to look for signs, and I literally missed every single one.

How bad is it, doctor?

That's what I thought.

Show me.

I really don't think that's a good...

With all due respect, this is my face and I need to see it.

Show me.

I knew that...

I knew it was gonna be bad.

I just didn't...

I didn't think it was gonna be that bad.

Dr. Kinney's the best in the city, if not the whole country.

So, she's gonna be able to fix me and I'm gonna look like I used to?

It's gonna take some time.

I don't... I don't want to look like that.

Listen, we're gonna do everything in our power to make you whole again.

How am I supposed to help people if I look like a monster?

I can't believe he did this to me.

You were trying to help him.

I loved him.

It's never happened before.

Never with a client, but with Jake, I fell so in love with him.

I'm so ashamed.

Listen, none of that matters.

You need to focus on your own recovery right now.

Doctor, I just need to be alone.

All right, so, uh, I want you to run those cultures.

Keep me notified.
Are you Dr. Kinney?

I'm wondering how Elizabeth Grant is doing.

Uh, she's stable.

Needs to stay intubated until I can operate on her facial burns.

Okay. Uh, I'm the first to know if anything changes, yeah?

Mm-hmm. You two work together?

Yeah, uh, Elizabeth was at Children's Aid when I worked regent park.


She helped a lot of kids.

I want to be here when she wakes up, get her statement.

You're gonna get the bastard who did this, right?

Make him pay?

Oh, for the love of...

Excuse me. Come on.


Shrug your shoulders.

Did you shrug?


Yeah. Go like this.

Okay, now hit me.


Go ahead.

You get one, so make it good.

And not directly in the face. Go.

Dr. Kinney, I...

What? Why not? You're mad, aren't you?


But aside from the legal issues and you being surgical royalty, I'm new here.

So, you think it might be unprofessional to lose control of your emotions like that?

Right. Message received.

I hate to tell you, but the way you are feeling, that's about you.

That isn't about that woman in there.

There will always be a patient who will break your heart, who will remind you of a friend or a sweetheart.

The jerk your sister dated when you knew she shouldn't.

Sometimes their wounds open ours.

And the only way to deal with it... the only way... is to focus on the medicine.

So, what are you gonna do?

Run some cultures, keep you updated.

Hey. What's going on?

Dr. Curtis is supposed to be in there.

He was pulled. There was code trauma. Motorcyclist versus truck.

We need your help in there.



Just give me a minute.

Scrubbing in.

The money has already been allocated.

End of story.

Yeah, well, me, too.

Why do I always have to be the bad guy?

Even Lex Luthor had a day off.

Yeah, but he still spent it plotting world domination, so...

You don't like it.

Like what?

Of course I like it.

I love it.

I love it.

Then why aren't you wearing it?

Because I don't want to lose it.

I mean, we have to scrub in, and it just... you know.

Are you okay?



I'm just playing.

Wow, you think I'm that neurotic.

That is good to know.

Do you want to drive or shall I?

Uh, yeah, no, I, uh...

I can't. I just realized.

Have an emergency meeting at work.

Oh. Okay.

Uh, what kind of emergency meeting happens at a P.R. consulting firm?

[chuckles] S&P 500.

Massive stock drop.

Angry investors everywhere.

Yeah, okay, sure.

Rain check.



Nothing. Nothing.

Have a great day.


Am I going in for tests now?

Nope. Even better.

Okay, put your arm around my shoulder.

On the count of three, we are gonna transfer.

One, two, three. There we go.

We thought you might've been getting a little bored sitting in that bed all day.

You're giving away my bed?

Yeah, but that dude's actually sick.

No, no, no. What Jackson means to say is...

Has anyone been down to talk to you yet?

Okay, just excuse us for a minute, okay?

Bodies are stacking up out there.

Yeah, I know, which is why you need to get your Freud on.

Chop, chop.

You need to, you know, shrink her, mobilize her legs.

You want me to analyze her?

Don't you think that's above my pay grade?

Maybe, but I don't do feelings, especially other people's.

Yeah, what makes you think I do?

You're a nurse.

Okay, uh, Dr. Hamza said something triggered her this morning.


She mentioned a friend... Samantha Smith.


She was a patient here. Something about an anniversary.

Okay, good. Let's start there.

I'll track down her chart.


[monitor beeping]

T60, please.

I am moving across the gastrocolic omentum.


Thank you. That's it.

Okay, let's see what we've got in here.

Wait. Damn it.

What is that?

It looks like the tumor's invading the transverse colon.

Which didn't show up on the C.T.

No. It certainly did not.

So, what do we do?

We take a second to reorient ourselves, and then we keep going.


This tumor is attached to everything.

So, that means we close, right?

No, it does not. I can do this.

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Dr. Reid, pressure's dropping.

Give him a dopamine drip, stabilize him.

We should close.

At least he'd have some time with his family.

Not helping, Dr. Mirani.

Um, Dr. Reid, with all due respect, if we keep going, this patient could die.

This is my little brother's best friend.

He would've wanted me to try, and that is exactly what I'm going to do.

I'm sorry.

Okay. We're back in business.

Beginning the transection of the body of the pancreas.

Whoa, okay.

The tie has come off the splenic artery.

I need you to apply pressure, please.




Suction, please, while I continue to dissect.


How's he doing, Baumann?

Pressure's holding.

Okay, he is doubly tied now.

What do you say we get the rest of this out of him?

Okay, I have it.

Oh, my god.

I'll take this to pathology.

Make sure the margins are clean and there are no cancer cells.

Call me when you're done.

Dr. Mirani.

Thank you.

Uh, you're welcome.

I mean, thank you.


So, our chicken lady...

Found her friend's chart.

Oh. Let's see what we got here.

Wait a minute.

I remember this girl. She came in here with a TBI.

Drinking and driving.

We couldn't save her. She died.

Year ago today. Could this have triggered it?

The anniversary of her friend's death.


I'd say that's a bingo.

[woman speaks indistinctly over P.A.]

Mind if I join you?

[imitates tire screech]


Did you get my test results?

Uh, not yet.

Hey, why don't you, uh, tell me a little about this party tonight.

Um, it's a get-together.

Friends and family.

It's like a reunion.

Samantha Smitts.

It's okay.

Tell you what, why don't we... why don't we call over there right now and tell them you're not gonna make it, okay?

I got their number right here.


I don't think that's a good idea.


What would you tell them?

Say I'm sorry.

Sorry I couldn't pick her up that night.

The designated driver?

It was always my responsibility.

That must've been exhausting.

Always being the responsible one.

It's like I always have to be there 'cause if I'm not...

Someone dies.

Do you have any idea how much it hurts?

She was my best friend.

I should've been there.

That's not true. That is not true, okay?

And you're not gonna walk out of this hospital until you accept that.

High River, Alberta. Planning a fishing trip?

Nope. A friend of mine lives there.

Just trying to track her down.

Any luck?

[P.A. chimes]

Man: Code blue, burn unit. Code blue, burn unit.

That's Elizabeth.

Code blue, burn unit.

[P.A. chimes]

Coming through.

[monitor beeping rapidly]

Her B.P.'s 60.

Her WBC is up along with her heart rate.

Her temperature's 39.

She's septic. Have you cultured the blood?

Yes, blood, sputum, and urine have all come back negative.

Then it's the skin. We need to excise it.


Okay, start antibiotic. Let's get her back to the O.R.

Oh, come on, Elizabeth.

Don't give up on us now.

Elizabeth. You are very sick.

You have an infection.

If you don't fight this, you could die.

You know that I work with people just like you do.

How will they believe that I can protect them when I can't even protect myself?

No. No one's gonna judge you.

You're the victim here.

I don't want to be a victim.



Wow, usually I'm better at this.


But what do I say to you that... that isn't gonna sound trite?

Mind if I sit?

I never thought that I would be on the other end of this conversation.

Well, how does it feel?


Like you couldn't possibly understand.

I don't.

But I want to.

Can you help me out?

If this were your case, if you were me, what would you do?

I would wait until I was ready to talk.

I'm supposed to be resting.

You're not gonna narc on me, are you?

Still the guy who gets away with everything.

You know it.

[cellphone vibrating]

Go ahead.


Apparently we're out of hot cereal and applesauce.

Did you move into an old-age home, Alex?

No, my son.


What can I say. Great minds think alike.

Well, just gonna have to get the two of them together someday.

Just a couple of guys named Luke hanging out.

Maybe go bowling or something.

[both laugh]

Do you still hate me?

Who got who into what...

It doesn't matter anymore.

I got to tell you, once a Reid, always a Reid.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means the only thing bigger than your big brain is your even bigger heart.

Just like Luke, you know?

And your mom.

Oh, well...

She took care of us all by herself, worked two jobs.

When she wasn't drunk off her ass.

Hey, listen, I know you think you had it rough, but you didn't.

You don't know the fresh hell that your mom saved me from.


Sorry. We couldn't wait.

[chuckling] Hey.


Hey, there's my little guy.

How you doing, little buddy.

Careful, careful.


Hey, Alex.


Thank you.

I missed you so much.

♪ dove colored in your dress ♪
♪ and they're bringing in the bells ♪
♪ all you wanted you could've had ♪
♪ partly paralyzed ♪
♪ and part of you is dancing ♪




Thank you.

Is it raining?

You asked for a rain check earlier.

Thought I'd, uh...

[chuckles] It's a joke.

Obviously not a very funny one.

You were right.

About me not wanting to wear the necklace.

But not for why you think.

I haven't done this in a while, Lane, and I am a little rusty.

And maybe a little scared.

Why didn't you just say so?

I just did.

♪ crying ♪


[both chuckle]

[siren wailing]

Zach: Anita.

What? You don't say goodbye?

I thought you left.

I almost forgot my head. [chuckles]

How you holding up?


I have to come back tomorrow.

I have an appointment with, uh, Dr. Druckerman.

Yeah. He's a good shrink. You'll like him.

Well, you're not so bad yourself.

Maybe that's because I know how you feel.

A while ago, I watched a friend of mine die.

How did he die?

Saving a man's life.

Very noble.


He went out like a rock star.

He was like that.

The anniversary's coming up. You got any advice?


Accept it.

'Cause if you don't, it'll drive you crazy.

Thank you.

B.P.'s normal, so is her heart rate.

Well, keep her monitored.

Burn patients are especially resistant to antibiotics.

On it.

Elizabeth's parents are here.

As hard as it was today, this is gonna be worse.

What are you gonna say to them?

I don't know. What are you gonna say?

Um... that Elizabeth has a long road ahead of her, but we're gonna be there with her every step of the way.

So, how long did your sister date that jerk?

Too long.

Accept the things we cannot change, have the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

You're in recovery?

No, it's my daughter, actually.

One of the many things she's taught me... no matter how painful the past, look to the future.

Thought I'd find you in here.

So, when I wake up, is this gonna be like it was all a dream?

Rina Potts.

Friend from back home.

What about her?

I went looking for her.

Why would you do that?

Well, I just wanted to talk to somebody who knew you.

Imagine my surprise when I found out... she's been dead for 15 years.

Water in the lungs, bruise in the arms and torso.

That sound familiar to you?

I've had my run of bad luck, Charlie.

You of all people should know that.


Yeah, 'cause we're basically the same, right?

Two farm kids growing up in the prairies all on our own.

But I guess that's what happens when... when a kid goes into the foster system, right?

When he gets out, he can be whoever he wants.

He can change his name.



So, when Tom Crenshaw's accused of murdering his wife, nobody's looking at the dead little girl in Alberta.

No one's connecting the dots.

Say it, Charlie.

I dare you.

You k*lled your wife, same as you m*rder*d that little girl.

You have no idea who you're messing with.

You're gonna rot in that prison cell, Tom.

You said you'd help me.

[electricity crackles]

I'm not gonna forget this, Charlie.

You will.

[monitor beeping]

I'm ready.

Let's have a look and see what's in here, huh?

What do we have? what can mommy show you?

[gasps] Wow.

That's a picture of mommy before her first dance recital.


Let's hope you get my rhythm and not your dad's.

Yeah. Yeah.

What else? What else?

This is your family.


This is your uncle.


You know, he was so bad that he had to pay the other players to pass to him.

Worked his way up to MVP, thought.

That was him in a nutshell.

Loved to prove you wrong.

Do you want to see what else we have?


What's this?

What's this?

This belonged to grandpa.




I guess...

You know what?

We don't have any pictures of grandma, huh?

Why don't we call her and ask her for one?

Yeah? I mean, why not.

Let's call her.


♪ I bet you even know ♪

It's ringing.

♪ where we could go ♪

Hey, mom. It's me.

Yeah. It has been a long time.

♪ will never keep your ♪
♪ proud head from falling ♪
♪ the way is... ♪

Do you want to talk to your grandson?


Can you say hi to grandma?

