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01x09 - The Golden Lotus

Posted: 10/11/14 01:01
by bunniefuu
One second.


Hold it right there!

What do you think you're doing?

Police captain: The charges stand as follows.

(papers shuffle)

A man identified as John Wilkinson Thackery was apprehended inside a pharmacy at number 745 Hudson Street at 3:00 this morning.

At that time, he was observed to have in his possession an assorted half dozen stolen bottles of cocaine and paregoric.


The man doesn't have enough problems.

He suffers from diarrhea, too.

Ever since this country's cargo ships became bottled up in the Far East, not a night goes by we don't arrest a couple desperate hopheads or them that would sell it to them.

Surely you don't mean to include Dr. Thackery among those miscreants?

He is a white man, those are immigrant crimes.

He was holding a hypodermic needle.

He is also a practicing doctor.

And he had removed his shoes.

Captain... if I can convince the owner of the pharmacy to drop his complaints against Dr. Thackery...

(bills rustling)

...will this sufficiently satisfy your understanding of the letter and the spirit of the law?

Breaking and entering carries with it a minimum sentence of five years at Sing Sing.

(bills rustling)

And something for the roundsmen who apprehended him.

(bills rustle)

So I think this makes us even, don't you think?


You need a lift?

No, thank you.

I need to stretch my legs.


Where do you live?

Park Avenue just below the train station.

Climb aboard.

Oh, to your health, sir.


What are you even about?


I always assumed the reason Dr. Thackery never decamped to a more prestigious hospital is because he was in some way indebted to you.

Let me ask you a question, Mr. Barrow.

I'm not going to find out to my displeasure that you've known about Dr. Thackery's condition all along, am I?

I can say that I never wanted to believe this about Dr. Thackery.

I bought myself a hospital full of doctors.

You ought to be able to find one who can treat him.

Here's something that'll interest you.

"Narcotic shortages caused by the w*r wreak havoc here.

A case in point... last night a man identified as a prominent New York doctor was arrested after breaking into a Greenwich Village pharmacy in order to meet the increasingly desperate needs of his patients.

Informed of the doctor's motives, the proprietor of the pharmacy, Mr. W.A. Cleveland,
hailed his selflessness and subsequently withdrew the complaint."

(door opens)



John, let me in!

You alone?

Of course I am. Who would I be with?

"When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions."

I beg your pardon?

Who sent you?

Nobody sent me.

Was it Robertson?

Miss Robertson?

Her father.

Did that son of a bitch send you to spy on me?

John, did something happen to you last night?

You look terrible.

When did you last eat?

I'm not hungry.

Have you slept?

(chuckles) That is the question.

I've never been more tired in my life.

Why don't you let me give you a bath and put you to bed?

I can't go to bed. I have bedbugs.

You don't have bedbugs.

I can feel them under my skin.

I've treated people with bedbugs and that's not what they do.

Wait a minute. How did you know something happened to me last night?

Barrow sent you, didn't he?

It was in the morning newspaper.

I don't believe you.

It didn't name you.

But the way you've been... acting, I just assumed...

I don't believe you.

It was Barrow who sent you to spy on me, wasn't it?

Wasn't it?!

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

What can I do to help?


Just tell me what I can do.

You can find me... an ocean of cocaine.

Collier: Look here.

What's your game?

Well, I assure you there is no game, Mr. Collier.

(laughs) You don't think I know why you're here?

You think I don't know how to read between the lines?

That was your man Thackery, wasn't it?

Your top doctor's turned out to be a f*cking cocaine fiend.


You see what dire straits we're in when a man of Dr. Thackery's reputation must resort to burglary for the sake of his patients.

Oh, for Christ's sake.

I'm in the hooker trade.

You don't think I recognize a burny blower when I see one?

Then you also know that it is in your best interest to get Dr. Thackery back on his feet.

Because I can never repay you without him.

Well, I ain't gonna loan you any more money, I'll tell you that right now.

But I may find it in my heart to advance your man some few bindles of the drug.

You can do that?

Ain't you been listening? I'm in the hooker line.

How do you think these dumb young clucks are able to face each day of their miserable f*cking lives?

Cocaine, morphine, ether...

I can get my hands on practically anything.

Consider it part of your loan.

Mr. Collier...

I don't know how to thank you.

Oh. Oh.


You can thank me by never again f*cking telling me what's in my f*cking best interest, you f*cking mutt!

That's no problem at all. And thank you.

Bertie: Dr. Johnston from Metropolitan did black out at the last surgical conference.

It was a bit of a scandal, really.

I'd wager anything it was Thackery.

Don't let me interrupt.

I believe you were all talking about Dr. Thackery.

Edwards: It would account for the superhuman energy he has.

Perhaps it's what distinguishes a great man from an ordinary one.

I'd say it's more likely some sort of drug addiction.

What's the man accused of stealing?

Cocaine and paregoric.

Why paregoric?

Edwards: They drink it for the camphorated opium it contains so they're able to sleep on those rare occasions when they actually do.

Thackery shows all the signs.

Boundless energy, euphoria alternating with exhaustion.

Insomnia, paranoia, a compulsion to itch, hallucinations.

In nursing school, I treated some soldiers who were addicted.

Nurse Elkins, do you have a moment to discuss next week's rotation?

I don't know.

Johnston has this very weird laugh.

I mean, we shouldn't rule him out.

Barrow: Tell me what you know about Thackery's condition.

I don't know anything.

Your loyalty is commendable, but I need to know everything right now.

I don't know a thing.

Let's both of us be frank here, shall we?

You're betraying no confidences here.

I was the one who fetched him from the police station this morning.

Is there really no cocaine to be found?

No, there is not.

And I ought to know.

Since this w*r began, I've been horse-trading every manner of dr*gs from every reputable hospital and pharmaceutical company on the East Coast.

What about the disreputable ones?

Is there anything I can do?

Pray for peace in the Philippines.

Edwards: Not now.

Woman: Well, I suppose you get what you pay for.

Edwards: How did this happen?

Woman: He stubbed his toe against a table leg.

Edwards: Looks like he gave it a good swift kick.

Woman: It wasn't nothing but a little cut at first.

But it won't close and that was two weeks ago.

Edwards: Was he always like this?

A couple of times a day whenever he's not eating, and he's always eating. I never knew a boy who ate...

Dr. Edwards, when you're finished, I need to talk to you in your office.

Wait for me there.

You're late?

Three weeks late.


Could it be Phillip's?


That's impossible.

Algie, do you want to keep the child?


Stop and think about it a little.

I don't need to think about it.

It's our child, Cornelia.

Keep your voice down.

Don't you?

I do.

And I wouldn't even hesitate to lie about who the father is if only...

If only it wasn't a colored man.

Everyone will know when they see the child.

Does it... does it have to be a procedure?

Is there a medicine?


A girl I knew at school said she heard there was an old Indian remedy.

There's no proven method except surgery.

(people chatting)

Gallinger: Edwards, stop right there.

I really haven't the time, Doctor.

If you'll kindly excuse me.


You cannot change treatment on one of my patients without my prior approval.

To do so is nothing less than a breach of medical ethics.

Which patient are you...

Miss Gibson.

Which is she?

She's the woman who ingested the so-called sanitized tapeworm in order to slim her figure.

You cannot be serious.

Do you remember her or not?


Yes, I remember her. Miss Gibson, the rich, fat white lady.


I remember thinking no one will ever make the mistake of confusing her with the real "Gibson Girl."

Don't walk away from me!

You prescribed castor oil as a purgative.

And what is wrong with that?

They have been prescribing castor oil as an anthelmintic since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs.


Darling, what are you doing here?

Are you feeling all right?

I fear it's another brain fever.

Are you feeling ill?

No, it's the baby, Everett.

But never you mind. I think you'll be proud of me.

I took a page from your book and put its little head in an ice bath.
Lucy: ♪ I don't want to play in your yard ♪
♪ I don't like you anymore ♪

♪ You'll be sorry when you see me ♪
♪ Sliding down our cellar door. ♪

Don't stop.

♪ You can't holler down our rain barrel ♪
♪ You can't climb our apple tree ♪
♪ I don't want to play in your yard ♪
♪ If you won't be good to me. ♪

(clock ticking)

Where'd you get this?

Barrow got it for you.

Salt water.

(women speaking Chinese)

Now... what can I do for you this afternoon?

I'm a friend of Dr. Thackery's.

I thought you might know how to get the cocaine he needs.

It is difficult enough to acquire opium for my customers here.

Please tell Dr. Thackery sorry.

You have quite a dainty foot.

In Chinese we say it is Jin ping Mei.

A golden lotus.

Here, I'll write it down for you.

During the act of passion, a man's pleasure may be enhanced immeasurably by having his concubine place her foot in his mouth.

Do this for me, and I shall trade you 10 grains of opium and...

100 Yankee dollars.

(Cornelia crying)

You heard the news?

The whole hospital is in tears.

Two little girls in as many months.

If I was Everett, I don't know what I would do.

I suppose you'd find comfort in your faith.

Faith isn't always a comfort.

I've lost so many over the years.

God blesses every child born and unborn with an immortal soul.

All I can do is pray for them, especially the unbaptized ones, wherever they may go.

Aren't they all allowed into heaven?

I just assumed.

But we can hope that God in His infinite mercy will one day still welcome them into His eternal communion.

And may He do the same for me.

(bottles rattling)

(knocking on door)

What have you got for me?

Lamb chops. I thought you might be hungry.

Oh, Lucy, please don't tell me you've come empty-handed.

What is it?

A few grains of opium.

How did you know where to get this?

Don't be angry, but I followed you one night.

You got it from Ping Wu?

I'm sure he took quite a liking to you.

As long as you didn't have to put your golden lotus in his mouth to pay for it.

Could you grab that lamp and matches?

And light the lamp for me.

Just hold that over the flame.

Am I doing it right?

Just hold it over here.



How did you pay for this?

My bicycle.

Good morning, Dr. Edwards.

Good morning.


I'm afraid it's just the two of us on the ward today.

Oh, well, doesn't appear to be anything the pair of us can't handle.

Shall we?

Mr. Oates.

I want you to open your eyes for me.

And, please, don't be alarmed.

I'm a colored man.

Don't make any difference to me.


Patient presents capsulocretaceous cataracts in both eyes.

I advise surgery.


In the absence of cocaine, I'd recommend Holocaine.

Looks like we are meeting halfway.

It would seem so.

My father says that's a sure sign of any good relationship.

I was just headed to see if Dr. Thackery needed anything.


You've been awfully solicitous of Dr. Thackery lately.

Should I be jealous?

What do you mean?

(chuckles) No, I just...

What did you think?


Mr. Barrow is looking for you.

Barrow: No, sir, I did not say that.

And I do sympathize with your situation.

I just wish you'd show a bit of sympathy for mine.

No, sir, I have not had that privilege.



The army's requisitioned the lot from the German Hospital.

Waiting to arrange shipment to the US military post at Havana harbor.

Cleary: They can't be persuaded to part with a lousy hundred bindles or so?

The army would never miss 'em.

Barrow: Not for love or money.

Well, that's the Germans for you.

Never been a race better at squeezing the life out of a dime.

I thought that was the Jews.

Nice of you to grace us with your presence this morning.

How's Dr. Thackery? Better?

No better. The dr*gs you gave me were salt water.

Can you get your money back?

I don't think so.

Do you happen to speak any German?



Go to work, Lucy.

It's going to be a very long day.

Luff: Dr. Thackery. Always a pleasure.

What can I do for you today?

It's more a question of what I can do for you.


I have agreed to accept your offer to endorse Thackery's Rejuvenating Liniment.


I think you mean Peter's Rejuvenating Liniment.

Perhaps you're acquainted with Dr. Peter of Cornell Medical.

He's a fine doctor.

Natural-born salesman, too.

Can't you peddle two of them?

That ship has sailed, Doc.

In fact, it might be the only ship that's sailed around here lately.

That damn w*r in the Philippines has interrupted my supply of narcotics.

They're prohibitively expensive if they can be found at all.

I venture to guess that's the reason for your coming here today?

What's in this stuff anyway?

Oh, blackstrap and whatever else I can find for an added kick.


Would if I could find any.

Mr. Luff... would you consider giving me a small advance in earnest of the day when the w*r is over and you can sell one of these with my name on it?

I'm afraid I can't help you.

Well, then I'm afraid...

I will be forced to go to your competition.

I'm afraid they won't help you either.

You see, in our line of work, a man has to present to the customer a convincing air of healthful vitality.

Not to mention trustworthiness and incorruptibility.

Please, please, please, please.

I'll do anything.

Yes, that is exactly my point.

Now, if you'll unhand me, sir, this moldy rogue has some business to attend to.

Nurse. Nurse. Nurse!

I don't think I know you.

No, ma'am.

They sent me over from the hospital's nursing school.

Surgical specialty.

Well, you should have come to see me straightaway.

I'm Nurse Braun, Superintendent of Nurses.



Welcome, Nurse Thackery.

Scrub in and report to Herr Dr. Schmidt in the main surgery.

Where is that, ma'am?

The other end of this corridor on the left.

And where is the drug dispensary, ma'am, in the event I'm asked to fetch something?

Across the hall from it.

Thank you, ma'am.

(vials rattling)

What do you think you are doing?

Dr. Schmidt asked me to fetch him some supplies, ma'am.

Excuse me, ma'am.

What's under your cape? Show me.

I said remove your cape. Stop her!

Man: Stop that woman!

Get undressed in there.

Do you want me to get completely undressed?

Yes, it's advisable.

Because they'll be bleeding?

The procedure is called dilation and curettage.

The cervix is dilated and an instrument called a curette is inserted to remove the... tissue.

Will it hurt?

No, you'll be etherized.

Cover yourself with this.



Algie, why won't you look at me?

I can perform the procedure, but I cannot perform it on you.

You have to.


I can't k*ll my own child.

What are the alternatives?

We could sail to Europe.


They're more tolerant there.

Europe? Liberia?

There's no place on earth we can raise it, Algie.


Are you insane?

We have no choice.

I'm sorry.


I can't.



I can't.


(Eleanor humming)

(clock ticking)


Well done, Nurse Elkins.

(drawer opens)

Here, let me do it.

You're a resourceful girl.

You're the most... resourceful... most wonderful... beautiful girl...

I have ever known.


Oh, you.

Lucy: Wait, let's douse your sex with it.


Let's douse yours.



(music playing)