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01x08 - ...Through Security

Posted: 09/04/14 22:28
by bunniefuu
Previoulsy on Satisfaction...

I love my husband.

I am sure he still cares about you.

I wanna feel wanted.

No one has wanted me in so long.

I want to get back home to Daniel, see if anything's changed now.


I just saw the most wonderful article about your work at the stringer building downtown.

Are you accepting new clients?

I wrote the algorithm.

Program determines what you need to make you happy.

I don't know if I like this idea of us working together.

You absolutely do need the money.

I made, like, 1/10 of this when I tried to play outside.

You know what that means? We're better off as a team.

Do you think we should get a motel?


Hey, babe. Want me to make us some breakfast?

You're the photographer.

Uh, yeah... yeah. You're... you're the husband.

[Elevator beeps]


[Office chatter]

Mrs. Harper.

Thanks for coming.

[Heavy breathing]

[Pleasurable groans]

Thanks for seeing me.

So, my office is this way.

Please come in.

And just take a seat.

Can I get you a drink?

I'll take a scotch if you have any. Heh.

Well, um, you look great.

Look, uh... this doesn't have to be awkward.

It is awkward.

Well, let me just start by saying I don't want to talk about my personal life.

I realize that you have found out that I'm not who I said I was.

And that's why I asked to have the meeting here, out in the open. You can trust me.

I know that.

No, you don't, and that's exactly one of the reasons I liked you.


Why the urgency?

My husband found out.

I told him. It was starting to eat at me.

I thought I could just keep the secret to myself, that it would just fade away over time, but...

It's funny.

The further away I felt, the closer he wanted to be.

I felt so guilty.

It was a mistake telling him the truth.

He didn't handle it very well.


Well, um, look, I completely understand that, but once he calms down, maybe there's a chance that you two can work through things together, make your marriage stronger.

Why would you think that?

You told me you still loved him.

That hasn't changed, right?

He kind of snapped.

What do you mean, "snapped?"

He moved out of the house, and he started saying some pretty scary things.

He wants to hurt you.

It's misdirected, I know, and I told him it wouldn't change anything, but...

Does he know who I am?

Oh, God, no.

I-I wouldn't tell him that, but he has the phone number, the original one.

He could trace it if he wanted to.

I'm so sorry. I didn't want to drag you into my mess.

No, no, no.

I just thought you needed to know.

♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ satisfaction ♪
♪ and I try and I try ♪
♪ and I try ♪
♪ and I try ♪
♪ but I can't get no ♪

You certainly do know how to please a woman, don't you?

Should I lie down now?

Please. What do you think?

Sexy, sophisticated, expensive.

All the things I adore.

Soon as I saw it, I thought, "this is clearly made for a woman who owns her sense of style."

And not too many homes could carry it off.

Don't worry, darling.

You won't always live with a teenager.

Well, what about a husband?

He'd never understand this piece.

If I brought that home, he might try and sh**t it, and after he saw the price tag, he'd sh**t me. Heh.

I know it's hard for you to imagine, Grace, but you may not always live with the same man, either.

Life is full of surprises.


Oh, I shouldn't.

Oh, God. Honestly, it's just exhausting, watching you be the good girl all the time.

You are entitled to let go, you know.

I let go.

I mean, you saw the photo I did.

What'd your husband say when he saw it? I'm curious.

When he saw it?

Um, it was... it was...

He was... it was shocking at first, I guess, but, um...


It just was a huge turn-on after.

Was it really?

Well, married 18 years, I imagine things must get stale from time to time.

Still, it's nice to hear.

Yeah, it is hard to break out of the routine after being with someone for so long.

Ever think of breaking out of the routine without him?

It's just us girls here, darling. You can share with me.

Well, um...

God, do you think I could photograph the house?

Are you changing the subject?

No. I just... I-I'm so proud of what we're doing here, and I'm starting to build a portfolio, and having pictures of my work is essential for future jobs.

You should concentrate on finishing the job you have first.

I need to take this.

Soji, darling. Did you get the numbers I sent?



Oh, my God.

This is... this is... this is amazing.

But you haven't actually read what it says.

Um, after the part where it talks about promoting our single, what else is there to know?

Well, first, we would have to rerecord it.

Then when we do...

He owns the song. 100%.

Okay, who is this guy again?

I mean, you-you said he's a big deal, right?


He founded a publishing house called total noise.

They sign young talent.

Okay. Do you realize that we recorded this on your laptop and sent it to him, like, a week ago, and he's already picked it. I mean, that's huge.

Look, you wrote the song.

I'm just trying to protect you.

I... I don't need you to protect me.

I want you to support me.

Look, I get it.

You have a lot more of experience with this, so if you really don't think we should do it, then...

I'll trust you, I guess, but...

Let's meet him first, see how it goes.

If it feels right, then we'll take the next step.


Hmm. Okay.

[Knocks on door]

Come on. I got ten minutes.

Let me guess. You're getting married later.

By married, you mean me playing the boyfriend of an overeager and underpaid junior staffer at the governor's dinner, then, yes, you are correct, sir.

So, I'm confused.

How is this my problem now?

Her husband found out about that, he's coming after you, not me.

Mallory didn't set a date with Neil.

Mallory set a date with Simon.

Yours was the number she called, remember?

Well, I been doing this long enough.

I know how to cover my tracks and stay safe.

Yeah, but what you don't know is what it feels like to be the pissed-off husband in this scenario.

You weren't that big a problem.

Oh, yeah? How's the audit coming?

You know, I think you're projecting your own shit, Neil.

95% of the guys in this situation will do absolutely nothing.

And the other five percent?

Of course you don't understand.

You have absolutely no idea what it feels like to care about someone that much, what that does to you. You just have clients.

I know what it feels like to care deeply about someone, okay?

You don't have to be married to understand that.

[Closes briefcase]

Let me ask you a question.

What does it feel like for you now to be the other guy?

To know you dropped a grenade into someone's marriage?

I never intended it to be that way.

Then you're not so different from me.

Oh, I'm completely different from you.

Yeah? How?

Because I actually give a shit.

Except when it comes to your own wife.

You care so much about her, why don't you tell her the truth?

Are you really trying to give me a morality lesson right now?

Are you trying to give me one?

If you need some crazy excuse to screw around on someone, go ahead.

Sex with the same person for 20 years...

I never met a man or woman who thinks that makes sense, but I say if you're gonna do it, just be honest about it.

Otherwise, what's the point of marriage in the first place?

How much longer are you gonna be?


I'm just gonna be a minute.

All right. Make sure you lock up.

Look, husbands getting violent is not just some cautionary tale, okay?

It does happen.

Grace. Your daughter.

You were right before.

Your situation is different than mine.

What happened to your 95%, sir?

It's not like I'm an actuary.

So you're saying I should be worried.

If you're not willing to lose the stake, the odds mean shit.

Which begs the question...

Why even play, Neil?

Why are you even playing?

Grace? You home?

Ooh, you making school lunches for your daughter?

So, you're the best mom.

Good morning.


Oh. You gonna make another pot?

I thought you gave up caffeine.


That's what I like to call an experiment.

I have to borrow some clothes.



You hate my clothes.

Well, your taste has really improved lately.

I'm very impressed.

It's mostly work stuff.

Whatever. You're over that frumpy mom phase now and buying the hot little numbers like this?

No, you can't borrow that. It's cute, though, right?

Dylan would love it.

How are you guys doing?

We had the talk. We're exclusive now.

And as you know, that's, you know, always been my cue to bail, but this time with Dylan, I had butterflies, and, Grace, I think he's the one.

You don't mean the one as...

It's been two weeks, Steph.

Oh, I don't mean the one as in get married.

I mean the one as in the one I could see myself dating for more than three months.

And then see where it goes. I'm not insane.

He wants to take me out for my birthday.

We're hoping you and Neil can come.

Like a double date?

Like the four of us?

Yeah, a double date means four people, Grace.

I know it's a big step for me.

I've never really brought a man into this, but I think it's time I took the risk.

I can't be crazy, sexy, single girl forever, right?

Do you have shoes that match?

Tell you what... you can borrow the dress and the shoes if I can borrow your boyfriend.

43% of the focus group participants felt "got happy" was overly intrusive and posed a privacy threat.

What threat?

There's no threat. Who felt threatened?

Maybe stop doing your market tests in La crosse, Wisconsin, home of chocolate-covered bacon-on-a-stick.

Public opinion matters, even land locked red ones.

Wisconsin has a huge coastline.

Neil, will you weigh in on this?



Neil. Back me up here.

Look, this thing doesn't exist as a theory anymore.

We actually have something tangible that people can experience.

Find a way to spin it, or find a way so that she doesn't have to.

You're both right, but you're my guy, and I need you to hear her out.

That's what we're paying you for.

Cancel my lunch.

♪ This is my life, these are my colors ♪
♪ strong on my bones, they built for no other ♪
♪ these are my dreams, my heart is electric ♪
♪ this is my life, this is my tapestry ♪


[Song ends]

All right, we're gonna go a few more times, but let's take a break first, okay?



Aah. Hah. Hey, hey, hey.

There they are. There they are.

Hey, I want to thank you two for coming down today.



Look at what a cute couple you make.

I love it. Ah, I love it, I love it.

Hey, they've...

Signed? No, not yet.


Well, we wanted to meet you face to face first.


Then we saw on your website...

That you really like to kind of foster...

Okay. Okay, here's what I'm thinking.

We can get to the paperwork in a second, okay?

Now, I listened to the demo again, and it sounds great. It does. It sounds great.

Great, great, great, but it needs some refinement, obviously, and I had a few things I wanted to try myself.

Yeah. I was actually thinking that there might be some parts that we could lay...

Right, right.

You're guitar player? Right? Backing vocals on the track?

Uh, yeah. You know, I try to keep up with her.

Yeah. You want to take a quick tour of the studio with me?

Yeah, sure.

Yeah? All right, all right.

Uh, you know what?

While my girl's in there, my singer there in the booth, can you just hang here for a sec while I show Mateo our set-up?

Look, look, look. I don't want my girl...

To get intimidated or anything, okay?

Okay, yeah.

All right, all right.

All right. Hey, grab her something to drink.

[Clears throat]

Jaden just has one of the kind of voice I want.

I loved your song.

You didn't say anything about this on the phone.

Well, look, look, I'm not saying she doesn't make sense in some capacity, okay, just not for me.

We keep the water at room temp. I hope that's...

I'm sorry, man.


I make sense in every capacity, and I've heard her sing.

Without auto-tune, I bet she sounds like a cat in a blender.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Wait. Let her go.

Just hear me out. Okay? Just hear me out now.

You're only gonna get one shot at this.

You don't want to blow it. You do not want to blow it.

She's not here, love.

Not you. Hold on.

Just coming by to pick up my envelope for last night.

She was doing work outside by the pool.

It's probably in the file out there.

25 people? Yeah, for sure.

We'll make sure it's a great time.

Yeah. Sounds great.

Okay. Well, I'll be looking forward to hearing from you, of course.

Okay. Great talking to you. Bye.
I don't think this one's mine.

Oh, that's the bill from the designer for the chaise.


Wow, I really like that.

Yeah. Cost more than my car, if you can believe it.

Let me check inside. I'll be right back.

Oh, I've got a gate at the front, hedges around the back.

It's pretty hard to see anything in here from the street.

You don't need to worry about seeing in from the street.

I don't?


You know why?



Guys are flying them around neighborhoods now, scopin' out your house like a hummingbird at a tulip.

Zzz. Zzzz.

Camera on the drone records what's inside.

The thieves wait till you're off at work and...

What do you do about drones?

I just emailed you an appraisal.

Alarms at every entry point, windows, doors, and a full closed-circuit camera system.

And it comes with the app, right? I just download it...

I can see what's happening in my house from my phone?

Even control the cameras.

Okay, well, um, is that enough?

There is an off-the-menu item I like to recommend if you don't have it already.


That's my buddy.

Mention my name, he'll give you a great discount.

There's no better home protection than that, if you ask me, especially if you have a family.


I'll be back in a few hours.

Okay. Uh, the truck should be here soon with the delivery, and I'll head out after that.

Is it cocktail hour already?


Sorry. The front door was open, and I like to get where I need to be early, remember?

Yes, I remember.

You didn't see anyone leaving when you came in, did you?

Uh, no.

This-this place is incredible. Feels like I'm back in Italy.

Italy? Really? Where in Italy?

Throw a dart. I've probably been there.

I'm glad you called.

Yeah, well, you know, you and my sister are so close.

I figured, why not take advantage?

Well, I am happy to be taken advantage of.

Just show where we start.

So, uh, are you looking for detail, or do you want me to frame as wide as I can?

Well, it's gonna be before-and-after sh*ts, so whatever you think is best.

Okay. So tonight should be fun, huh?

Yeah. Dinner.

Do you, uh, do you know where we're goin she didn't tell you?



Well, they do serve dinner there, but it's not exactly a restaurant.

It's more of a, I'd say, you know, girls in not that many clothes.

Oh. Like a strip club?

No, not exactly a strip. More like a burlesque show.

I can't believe she didn't tell you. It was her idea.

Heh heh. She didn't tell me. It sounds like fun, though.

I think it'll be.

But, you know, if it's too much, we can always...

No, no. I've been to clubs like that before.

Actually, no. I went to a strip club once in college and got a lap dance.

You got a lap dance?

Yeah. Yeah. I liked it.

It was, uh... made me feel kind of powerful, you know, when...

She was just very sexy.

And I don't know why... Why I'm telling you this.

It, uh... my husband doesn't even know this.

Why not?

I don't know. Just never told him.

Um, do you want to start sh**ting here, and I'll get the dining room ready?

Yeah, sure.

I never betrayed you.

It's a red button and word "listen" written on top of it.

So you heard everything.

Enough to make an informed decision on how I want to proceed with my career.

Mateo, God, every cell in my body is screaming, "Idiot. You don't have what it takes.

You need him."

Every cell.

Ever since I can remember, music has been the one part in my life that's really mine, so I've earned the right to selfish with it.

There's only so much of me I'm willing to give away to other people.

So that's it?

I don't want that.

Is that what you want?

Of course not, but what do you think's gonna happen?

I mean, I can't have you resenting me if I sign on.

Well, that's my problem. It's not yours.

We can be, like, June Carter and Johnny Cash...

Have solo careers with special collaborations.

That movie was depressing.

I'm gonna be fine.

You should totally take advantage of this opportunity.

In fact, I'm telling you to.

So, let me know how it goes and send me the song.

Are you sure?

Yes, how many times do you want me to say it?

You should go before my dad gets here.

The bombing of Dresden was actually a series of four raids that took place over a three-day period in mid-February, 1945.

Well, the syllabus has changed, so...

Please go online and update your reading materials.

All right, let's break early today.

Daniel, my name is Neil.

I wanted to talk to you about a personal matter.

What'd you say your name was?

Your wife came to talk to me this week.

In fact, she came to warn me about you.

I'm the man your wife slept with.

Is this some kind of a joke?

No, not a funny one.

In fact, I know exactly how unfunny this is since I was in your shoes.

My wife slept with a male escort as well.

When I found out, I wanted to k*ll him.

I thought, "there is no way I can get past this."

My whole world was flipped upside down, and then the most unexpected thing happened.

I'm not saying it was right, I'm not saying it was wrong, but it did open my eyes.

You really slept with my wife.

I have a family, and when I heard you were angry enough to come after me, I actually considered buying a g*n, and that's when I realized, "this is crazy.

It doesn't have to be like this."

Mallory loves you very much.

No, she told me.

You're the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

That what she said?

Yeah I know.

It sounds crazy, but she really means it.


Whoa. Wait, wait, wait. I'm just trying to talk to...

[Bell rings]

Forget something?

Thank you.

Can I come in?

What do you want?

An explanation, for one. You weren't returning my calls.

Yeah. Come in, please.

Rosalie said you came by, left without taking your envelope.

Didn't even say good-bye.

From what I remember, things went very well the last time we were together.

Is Grace Truman working for you?

As a matter of fact.

How long?

Couple of weeks.

She's been a real pleasure to collaborate with.

How'd you know that?

I knew there was something about you I didn't trust.


After I just couriered over your pay.

You see her name on my client list and you specifically ask about her, and two weeks later, she's decorating your house?

Funny how that works, isn't it?

Should I tell you who does my gardening as well?

There's a lot more here you're not telling me.

Actually, you're the one who's been keeping secrets.

I could tell you had a little something extra for her.

I was just trying to spare your feelings.

She called me a few weeks ago as a referral.

Talked about setting up a date.

Didn't mention you at all, darling, which I guess means she's moved on.

But you're a professional. You understand the game, right?

Once I got to know her, she had some great ideas for my house.

She called you? That doesn't make any sense.

You know what doesn't make any sense?

Having feelings for her.

From what I gather, she really does love her husband.

I know it's a business hazard, but honestly, you?

I thought you knew how to keep things professional.

You don't need it.

No. You look fantastic. I would never do it.

Thank you.

So we really have to go to this thing, huh?

Yeah. She's trying really hard this time.

Just try and go along with it.

Do you know how many of her boyfriends' names I've had to forget over the years?

Well, I think this one might be around for a while.

Really? You mean all the way through dinner and dessert?

[Radio playing]

[Knock on door]

All right, honey. We're going.

You okay?

I'm fine.

You can always call us if you need us.

And no visitors.

I know.

You tell her?


After our talk the other day, we have an agreement...

No boys in the house when we're not home.

Okay. Well, cameras are installed, so we can check who's in the house from our phone.



It's all part of the package.

I don't like that.

You never told me the code for that thing, anyway.

Oh, no. It's our anniversary.


Which is...

No, I I don't have to tell you. You know it.


And what made you decide to get that thing, anyway?

Oh, it's just, uh, something I've been meaning to get around to.

[Jazz music]

Wow. Are we really this cool?

Sure, we are.

Heh heh.



Happy Birthday.

Thank you. I'm so happy you're here.

This place is so you.


Happy Birthday. Mwah.

Oh, I love this.

Don't you love this place?

It reminds me of Paris in the '20s.

Oh, and tonight is our treat because we basically used your house as a hotel, so it's the least we can do.

No, it's totally fine. It's her birthday.

No, it's very generous offer. Excuse me.

We'll have four bottles of Dom Perignon, thanks.


Thank you very much.

Tell you what... I'll buy you a lap dance.


Wait. Do they do that here?

Uh, it's my birthday. I can do whatever I want.

Right, boyfriend?

Well, it is my birthday coming up soon.

Do I get a dance?

A lap dance?

No, I don't think so. It's not really my style.



Oh, it's about to start.

[Sultry jazz music]

♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

[Music ends]

[Cell phone vibrates]

Come outside.

Are you here?

I'm parked up the street.

[Car door closes]

I have to be downtown in seven hours at the studio.

I figured.

I feel like there's seven hours left for you and me.

Is this my fault?

Look, just...

Go down there and sign the contract.

Your first number one single can pay for my college education.

Just listen to me, okay?

The perfect scenario...

I mean, the perfect scenario...

We would be doing this together.

Signing, taking the next step.

Stop. Stop.

Something you've said has haunted me.

I feel like everything I say to you is so stupid.

That's not true.

You said you needed to be selfish about your music.

I could sign tomorrow.

It would be... it would be enough, you know?

What kind of p*ssy-ass 18-year-old settles for enough?

I want my life, I want my music...

I want it to be great.

You make it great.

This is to my place.

When you're not sleeping, you are here.

We are working.

I don't care what anybody says.

This is about as adult as it gets.

I'm betting on you.

Don't let me down.

I like him.

Think those two are made for each other.

Why do you say that?

Well, he's an artist. That's her type.

Did you like that place tonight?

Yeah, I did.

Did you?

Yeah. The girls were very sexy.

You're sexier than any of those girls.

You don't have to say that.


You are.



[Tossin' & turnin' by Andre Williams playing]

♪ I'm gonna tell you, pretty baby ♪
♪ what you're doin' to me ♪
♪ hurt so bad ♪
♪ I'm all in misery ♪
♪ you've got me tossin' and a-turnin' ♪
♪ and burnin' all up inside ♪
♪ you got me tossin' and a-turnin' ♪
♪ and burnin' all up inside ♪
♪ you got... ♪

[Alarm blares]

God! Shit.

Please, dad.

[Blaring stops]

Where were you?

I was... outside. That thing is nuts.

No way am I gonna remember to do that every time I come home.

What you mean, outside?

Anika. What happened?

Looks like someone found a way around our little rule.

I'll talk to her.

You already sent this out to a few investors?


You know how many called me back already?


It's tapping into something, the technology.

And there's all sorts of uses for it, not just in an app.

Understanding what makes people happy...

It's universal.

You were right.

And in honor of that, chocolate-covered bacon.

They are delicious.

Neil, your 2:00.

Oh, great. Send her in. And you're welcome.

So let's talk at the end of the day, set up these meetings, see what we want. Good work.

You got it.

Mr. Truman.

Have a seat.

So, I got your message.

I can't do it.

Okay. She's in town. We can always reschedule.

I don't know that I want to go out on any other dates right now.

You don't know?

Well, that does leave room for interpretation.

Can you give me more of a hint as to why?

Neil, if I can help you...

I was contacted by a woman the other day.

I guess you could say she was my first experience.

Her husband found out.

And I don't think that I want to be a part of that.

Apparently he's extremely upset.

This is someone you were dating before we started working together, so before you knew what you were doing, and before I could manage your clients for you, make sure something like this doesn't happen.

That's not the point.

Of course it is.

I would never put you in that position, not with the clients I work with.

If there's something that you need help with now, just tell me.

Or are things getting a little good at home?

Why do you think that is?

Neil, don't say no to the one thing that's actually been helping you.

It's not like you've been going to marriage counseling and working on your communication skills.

You've become this person because of what we've done together.

I'm not interested.

But you don't even know who the client is.

She's perfect for you.


[Tablet beeps]

Oh, that piece goes in the study.

It's on the left when you get in. Thank you.

Just sign right here.

Looks almost good. Thanks.

Come here.

Mm. What?

What the... what the hell? What are you doing?

I'm telling you the truth.

What are you talking about? What... what truth?

I want to tell you the truth right now, because the longer you live with this lie, the further away from me you're gonna get. I don't want that.

Okay, I care about you, and I'm tired of treating this like it's some kind of business transaction.

You mean more to me than that.

Oh, my God, you've lost your mind.

No, I haven't. I'm being honest with you.

Unlike your husband.

My husband?

He's been lying to you for a really long time, okay.

He knows everything.

What are you talking about?

We met.

We met at one of your properties up in the master bedroom.

You remember that time?

Neil was at the house that day, and he saw us together.


He knows. He knows everything about us, all right?

And I'm... I'm sorry.

Grace, look, if you need to be with someone else and if you don't want to be with your husband, I want that person to be me.

Oh, my God.