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01x06 - ...Through Exposure

Posted: 08/22/14 22:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Satisfaction...

I absolutely have to have it.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you for a very pleasant evening.

Everyone is in love with what you've done.

It's such a lovely space.

How would you feel about being a little exposed?

[Camera shutters click]


I'm only interested in making you look good, okay?

Pretty girl getting thrown out of a bar?

I was supposed to play, but I left my guitar on the bus, and my wallet is in it.

I want you to play me something original.


Because I want to be the first to hear it.

You let my daughter drive?

And then you took her to the E.R.?

What is wrong with you?

I was there for Anika when she needed me.

I want to create a program that helps people figure out what makes them happy.

And I'm gonna need your help with that.

Any idea what's next?

Adriana said it was a very unique situation.

They're a married couple.

Maybe these people are looking for the same things that Grace and I are.

[Phone rings]


Are you accepting new clients?


I would love to talk about redecorating my house.

The house was modeled after a family villa in Tuscany, built in 1939.

There are a variety of fruit trees on the property, including six seasonal gardens.

Handmade plaster walls, reclaimed hardwood floors from Sicily.

All custom moldings.

I put the most money into the kitchen.

Cooking is a passion.

When you love to entertain...

Good morning.

You should spare no expense.

Master suite, where I like to spend most of my time.

When I have time.

It's a sanctuary.

Oh, and I love this.

Me, too.

I think every woman should own a piece of art reminding her of a night of delectable sex.


Now, let's get to the part where you tell me where I went wrong.

It's not the decor.

Every room has an identity of its own, and a well-fashioned one.

It's just you're not sure how to feel about the house as a whole when you walk through.

And your taste is superb, it's...

I'm just not sure where you are in... in this house.

It's a little impersonal.

I mean, maybe even just photos of you, or your... your family.

Who else lives here?

No one permanent.

Just you? In this big house?

Just me.

You know, I... I don't consider myself a vain person, although others might if I wallpaper my home with selfies.


But you raise a fair point.

You're married?

Um, yes.

How long?

18 years.

I've always admired people who can commit like that to another person.

There's so much risk involved in marriage.

Well, it has its rewards.

So does divorce.

You're going to have to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

Not even your husband can know I'm a client.

Is that a problem?

Oh, no. Of course not.

I... wait, I have the job?

You have good instincts.

My instincts are invaluable to me.

Then again, I can't find the end of my driveway without a G.P.S.

But I know that about myself, which is how I know that I can trust you.

Oh, well, from now on, your only instinct should be to be completely honest with me.

Tends to be the best policy in my business.

Not so much in mine.

What is it that you do?

♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Satisfaction ♪
♪ and I try ♪
♪ and I try, and I try ♪
♪ and I try ♪
♪ but I can't get no ♪

[Clears throat]



This just came for you.

From the future?

It was on my desk when I came in.


And Grace is on hold.



Neil, your wife is on one.

I wrote the algorithm.

Tell her I'll call her back.

It pools all of your available information from public and Internet records, e-mails, social media posts.

And then it creates a unique profile of who you are.

Based on that, the program then determines what you need to make you happy.


Pink is an interesting choice.

A personal shopper wasn't really what I had in mind.

And targeted advertising from data mining isn't exactly something new.



I know. There are programs that do it.

But this is targeted, need-oriented purchasing.

You didn't prompt the search.

The program came to its own conclusion independently on what you needed, and then delivered literally.

What I'm offering isn't analytics.

What I'm offering is tangible.

You can smell it.

All because I got a new gym membership?

What did you say to me? "Get me what I need," right?

"Got happy?"

It's a cute name.

Took me longer to come up with that than the algorithm.


Well, I didn't really need your help in creating something to tell me what I needed from a store.

I want...

You want what?

I don't know.

Because you're not a product developer.

You're the money. A suit.

And you wear it well.

I don't think you're seeing the whole picture, though.

If we partner with some of the big retail chains...

No, my life's more than that right now.

I don't want to... I don't want to just use.

I want to create.

You mean like a venture capitalist?

No, not a... no.

This should be more than just about money.

Look, whatever this is, this is a tool.

I want a result. A want a human result.

You want it to create happiness.

I want it to help me create happiness.

To help all of us.

Does that program have access to texts?

Not yet.

All right, let's keep it that way.

Build me something that isn't just a distraction.


No, but I looked into it.

You do a semester in Florence, you get the same credits as you would here.

Uh-oh, looks like rent-a-cop's making another big bust.

I think I know that guy.

Look, this is a private campus.

So unless you have business here...

I do, but if you don't let me on, I can't...

Her. I was looking for her.

Anika, can you please tell this man I'm not a sexual predator?

Uh, we know each other.

It's okay.

Well, explain the rules to him, and next time there won't be a problem.

Let me talk to you later, okay?


You're not on Facebook.

Anymore. What are you doing here?


Oh, my God!

There's only one bus line that drops off anywhere near sidebar.

You found this?

Yeah, it was easy.

I went to the bus depot, searched about a dozen buses.

Interviewed ten bus drivers.

Oh, it had your school info in your wallet.

Thought I'd stop by here.

Figured if I showed up at your crib, it'd be kind of creepy, you know?

You did not have to do this.

[Laughs] Are you kidding? You actually forced me to.

Your song from the other night.

I... I can't get it out of my head.

I really want to record it.

Record you.

I mean, it's got some real pop potential.

You're a real talent.

Are you making this up?

I know you said the song's not finished, but I got some serious connections.

If you can get it done, I think we could make a hit.

I just got a pair of those.

Heard they're great.



Nice to meet you.

Thanks for meeting me like this.

Lunch is my only free time, so I kind of have to pack all my extracurriculars in.

So, Adriana explained the situation?

Enough to intrigue me, yeah.

What did you find so intriguing?

Well, the fact that it was your husband that set this up.

Well, you run into that all the time in your line of work.

I guess I... I still find it unique.

A married couple exploring other partners openly.

I mean, it's hardly common.

But it works for you.

Well, it works for us.

I think if it just worked for me, then that wouldn't make much sense.


So how... how does that work?

I mean, what are the benefits? What do you get out of it?

No, I'm just trying to understand what you guys want.


I'm going to let my husband explain that.

Hi, babe. Hey.

This is Simon.

Hey, nice to meet you.


What do you think?

Shave another two minutes off our time today?

You guys run together?

Well, we used to ski together, but didn't work out too well.

I'm going to go stretch and let the two of you get better acquainted.

I like his energy, babe.

Adriana tells me you're a great dancer.

I used to be pretty good myself.

Now I'm only good in straight lines.

My wife, though, she really misses it.

On the list of things I can no longer give her, that seems to always be near the top.

So you want me to take her dancing?

As a start.

Everything below the waist, in case you were wondering.

Oh, no...

It just really limits what I'm capable of, so I have to be creative.

Love can only take a couple so far before their needs get in the way.

Hey, babe.


I need to get back to work early, so do you mind if we run first and sort of...

Oh, that's fine by me.

Great. Okay.

It was important we met face to face first.

I can call you later.

Yeah, that's fine.

She's been real picky in the past, but...

I think this is gonna work out.

And you'll see, she is absolutely amazing in bed.

Ready? Here we go.

[Cell phone rings]

No, thank you.


So this is what you've been up to with your life, huh?

I meant that in a good way.

You know, I signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Nobody's supposed to see this.

Oh, top secret color swatches.

Wait, you can't even show Neil?


He doesn't know yet. We've both been swamped.

Okay, look, you know I'm not good at this.

But I did try harder this time.

Knowing that I needed some sort of peace offering after I endangered the life of Anika, my niece, my goddaughter, my own flesh and blood, which I would never do that. I...

If it's another sweater from the juice bar's lost & found...

What is this?

Open it.

Are you s?

I figured you could us little taste of home.

You know, they have three locations now.


You're right.

Anika's your daughter.

And there are things sisters shouldn't keep from each other.

But I've gotten the sense that...

And maybe I'm crazy...

But I've gotten the sense that you've been a little lost lately.

I know you have. We should talk.

We haven't talked in so long, Grace.

Thank you.

Thank you.



Got something in my eye.


[Groans and coughs]

I can't believe you went through all this trouble.

I know. I'm pretty cool, right?



So you started modeling now, too?


What are you talking about?

Oh... what?

Oh, my God.

♪ Honey ♪
♪ sucking on your lips so sweet ♪

[Cell phone rings]

[Music stops]


Hey, songbird. How's it going?

Hey... hey.

Good. What's up?

Can you video chat? I hate talking on the phone.

Uh, sure.

All right, cool.

My screen name's "play4change."

[Laughs] Okay.

How's the song coming? You finished it yet?

You're pushier than my mom.

Wouldn't you be if you thought you found something great?

It's not finished yet.

And I broke a string.

Hmm. Well, read me what you have so far so I know you're on the right track.

Is this like some sort of test?

Well, the first ends the same.


And then the second one, something like...

"See your torch burn a mend.

"A shadow come alive.

"Lead me, save me, you, the light ahead..."

Hold up, hold up.

The song's about being lost.

And then being found.


Why does she have to be saved?

At the end of the day, a song's a story.

Give yours a heroine.

She should save herself, not wait around for someone else to do it.

I think you should put yourself out there more.

Take a risk.

You think you can do that, or you need my help?


After that speech?

No, I... I asked for 50 in the ad hoping to get, you know, 35, 40 if we're lucky.

Yeah, no, we'll... we'll figure that out when we get there.

That's him?


I love men with scruff.

You love men with faces.


And that's why your attention to details is shit.

Love you too. 9:00 A.M.

Grace, hi.


Oh, Dylan, this is my sister, Stephanie.



Oh, boy.

Uh, you weren't supposed to find out this way.

I'm sorry. My production manager was supposed to...

I hope you don't mind me using the shot.

Well, uh, Dylan, to be honest, we're not sure how we feel about it.

Well, I was gonna go to print with something else first.

That, actually.

But my promoter threatened bodily harm.

Oh, wow. That's big.


"Draw them in with honey" was her reasoning.

And when you look at this photograph, it's hard to argue that logic.

Oh, the photo release did cover me for re-use.

I'm sure you didn't read the fine print.

No one ever does. So, yeah.

You know, the magazine gig is just to help pay the bills.

But my real passion is doing portraits.

So you decided to use my sister to sell your wares?

I guess I was just hoping she'd be flattered.

I think the only way Grace is gonna get over this is if you let us take part in your next sh**t.

What? I was a model.

You're a model now. We have experience.

What do you have coming up?

Well, if... if you're actually interested, I do have something.

It's a group installation.

My own personal spin on Spencer Tunick.

I love Spencie's work.

Then you should absolutely come.

You have a great eye for spaces.

You could help me make sure everything looks okay, even if you don't wan to participate.

What do you say?

I thought Gail and Doug wanted something more than just sex.

That's why I agreed to help them.

And who are you to guess what they need?

An outsider to their marriage?

I don't want to have sex with her.

Not every Jane is your wife, Neil.

In fact, none of them are.

You don't have to have sex with her.

In fact, I can guarantee that you won't.

What do you mean?

She never sleeps with any of her escorts, ever.

At the end of the night, the gentleman make his move, and Gail rebuffs him.

I don't understand.

It's a test.

Doug sets up the date out of love, but what he's really hoping for is that she'll say no when the time comes.

And she just plays along.

Well, aren't all marriages about playing along?

Do what you think your partner wants to keep the fantasy alive.

Why didn't you tell me this sooner?

You were looking for something to connect to.

I didn't want to spoil it.

Go dance with Gail, learn about the patch of grass that is their marriage, then mosey back to yours.

Everyone's happy.

So Lisa can confirm for tomorrow?

What do you think of the color in this room?

I was thinking of spicing it up a bit.

Not my area of expertise.

Refreshing to hear you say that.
You coming?



What time is it?

Did you spend the whole night here?

Uh, yeah.

I had to, uh... I had to finish something.

What homework is this?

I got to clean this up later.

I've got to get ready for school.

"A trail of you behind.

A trail of me ahead. Clenched..."


"I unclench my empty hand."

You're working at home today, right?

I'm expecting a package.

You know that program I told you I've been working on?

Well, Caleb said he'd get me something for the weekend.

How's it going?

I don't know.

I think I'm more confused about what I'm trying to do than he is.

Well, I'm out most of the day.

Is it something he can leave at the door?

Oh, yeah. What is the new project you're working on?

You never told me.

Oh, because it is top secret.

It's this crazy new client who's very secretive.

But she's gonna pay me a lot of money to keep quiet while I decorate her house.

Sounds mysterious.

Yeah. If you'd met her, you'd think the same thing.

You look great.

Oh, well, I wasn't sure what to wear.

Stephanie roped me into something you're not gonna believe.

Okay, models, let's get into position, please.

So once they're actually...

There he is.


Hey, Dylan.

Hey. Where's our dressing room?

We specifically requested our own dressing room.

You made it.

Yeah. We're a little late.



I think we got our window here.

Ok, shit, let's do this before we lose our permit.

Get them naked.

All right.

Get them naked? Never heard that term before.

Okay, people, place your personal items and your clothing in the numbered bags.

It's showtime.

We have all the bags put in there...

I think it's an orgy.

Wait, what's going on?

Oh, I thought you knew when I explained it at the gallery.

It's a human installation. A nude one.

Oh, no, I missed that part.

I'm not at all expecting you to do this if you don't want to.

Are you kidding?

We're doing it.

Um, we're not. I'm not.

Where do you want me?

Just follow the herd.

Why do I get the feeling your sister was gonna walk around nude in public today with or without this sh**t?


Look, I'm not gonna have much time for the shot, so...

Over here, guys.

Organize. Quiet, please. Listen to instructions.

Hey, it's not... It's not about nudity.

It's really not.

It's about viewing the spaces we inhabit every day differently.

You know, in a more human way.

You and I are kind of similar in that way.

I thought you'd appreciate that.

Lay down, if you would. Watch those rocks.

All right, I'll tell you what. You hang out here, clothes on.


And if at some point you feel like showing your sister what a real woman looks like...


You let me know.


You coming or what?

♪ All day ♪
♪ you raise your eyes today ♪
♪ in time ♪
♪ to see yourself ♪

All right, guys. Keep it close.

Don't look at the camera.

[Camera shutters click]

All right, guys. This is great.

Last chance.

[Camera shutters click]

[Camera shutters clicking]

[Rock music plays]

♪ The northern lights will shine on you tonight ♪

[Strums strings]

♪ As the satellites come into view ♪
♪ as we're making our way ♪
♪ oh, the paranoia ♪
♪ searching for it ♪


I'm going to Paley's to study.

With your guitar?

You know, I read some of the lyrics you wrote last night.



Did you get what they were about?

I thought it was a little vague, but I...

I'll be back at 11:00.

Oh, hi. Uh, mom, someone's here.

Your father was expecting a package.


I was hoping you'd be home.

I could let it breathe if you'd like.

Oh, I should've called first.

I hope it's not too much trouble.

No, of course not.

You're the client.

I figure I'd show you mine, you show me yours.

Yeah, well, I've been meaning to update a few things.

No, no. I love everything.

It's so warm.

Your husband, is he going to be home soon?

No, he's gone for the evening.

And I haven't told him anything about our agreement, if that's why you're asking.

Ladies are good at keeping secrets, aren't we?

Well, I'm glad you came.

It gives us a chance to get to know one another better.

Well, I'll drink to that.

They were women's size 6 shoes.


And in pink.

And you didn't know that when you ordered them?

I didn't actually order them.

They were... You know what?

It's too hard to explain. [Laughs]

Well, they're a great pair of shoes, if you decide to get a man's pair.

Good to know.

We should get another bottle of wine.

We'll be falling all over each other on the dance floor.

It'll be more fun.

And I'm not really into the idea of dancing, actually.

Really? I thought...


Well, it's just that he likes to believe that that's what's important to me, and so I let him think it.

That makes him happy.

And that's what's important to you?

Making him happy?

Well, if it's not, why stay together?

He's the love of my life.

Well, some people would say that means not going out with other men.

Well, most people wouldn't have the courage to in my situation.

And you know what? I have plenty of friends who think I'm crazy for going along with this.

I don't think you're crazy.

In fact, it makes complete sense to me.

You know what?

We should definitely get another bottle of wine.

You grew up in France?

[Speaks French]

Twelve, hmm.

From the accent, I'd say Paris.

I spent my early 20s in Europe.

London for school.

Paris for love. I did a spell in Germany.

Dated a bitter communist for a while, which was fun.

[Both laugh]

You're very nimble.

You... you should live in a...

God, you should live in a loft downtown, you know?

Not a house. Not something so dug in and removed.

Yeah, dug in and removed.

You can be removed anywhere.

The city the most sometimes.

Hmm. Yeah.

Let me find a better metaphor.

I just see you as a...

As a wrap dress with an overnight bag kind of a gal.

You know, not a...

Eight-piece luggage set type one?


Are you a duchess?


Then your house is too big.

I thought it was just empty.

I cried myself to sleep every night for the first three years after Doug's accident.

Then this one morning I rolled over in bed, and I looked at him laying there, his eyes closed.

His eyelids were fluttering.

He was dreaming.

And I whispered, "yes."

"Yes, you are my husband."

Just not the same man that stood across from me ten years ago and made all those promises to me, but you, this man, this second love of my life, who dreams dreams of... legs that work and children he'll never have.

And I said, "yes."

You know, you make more vows to yourself in a marriage than you ever do to your spouse.

I think you got me drunk.

Is that a good thing?


I don't know.

Well, while you figure that out, why don't you show me where your sanctuary is?

I don't know how Doug does it.

Does what?

The jealousy.

I mean, look. It's...

It's two minutes past 10:00, we have a table full of empty glasses of wine, and... and no one can hear us.

I mean, any two people can go running together, screw for a night.

But for me, it's this.

Sex isn't the true barometer of a marriage.

Conversation is.

I love it. I knew I would.

What is it?

No, it's just this house, it isn't...

It isn't really my style.

A 40-year-old man lives here, and I barely see him.

A teenager who won't let me into her life.

And I picked most of this. I just... I can't claim ownership.

If I was... if I was more like you, if it was just me, this house would look different.

Style and circumstance.

Guess you can't have one without the other.

I would've pursued 10k running, and I would have pursued dancing and sex with or without Doug in my life.

But I wanted to experience those things with him.

I wanted to see life through his eyes.

And he doesn't get that.

So you're right. There's a lot to be jealous of here.

So we should get the check, and the hotel's three blocks away.

I was exposed today to the world.

In what sense?

In every sense.



Look, I know you don't want to have sex with me.

What are you talking about? That's why you're here.

What did Adriana tell you?

She told me you were a good dancer.


What kind of escort are you?


Kicks in the amp.

We had to use all the money at the door.

Shakes the whole thing.

I have to go. Listen, I'll... I'll...

I will deal with the check on the way out.

I... I have to go.

This is my style.


Your style has an exquisite ass.

That... that's...

That's who I am.

Or that's who I was supposed to be.

It's never too late to become who you want to become, dear.

I've seen it happen recently with a man I know.

It's been liberating to watch.

Trust me.

There's hope for you.

[Cell phone rings]


Hey. No way I'm gonna make it to spin class this morning, Steph.

I was calling to tell you I'm not going.

Yeah? What's your excuse?

I got a breakfast date.

And you want to guess with who?

I really wouldn't.


He asked you out?

I texted him last night.

You asked him out?

You bet I did. Ooh.

That's so like you.

But you know what's not like me?

Feeling like I see a future with this guy.

I'm serious.

He's, uh, kind of got me already.

Isn't that crazy?


For you, that's crazy.


[Clears throat]

Stalk much?

You didn't return any of my texts.

Wow, you really are like my mother.

You should've stayed.

You were with someone. Whatever.

It was dumb to show up like that.

Why? You finished the song?

She was just a friend, by the way.

Why would I care?

Why wouldn't you?

Oh, someone's full of themselves.

Come on. Own it, will you?

You took a risk like I told you.

You did the right thing.

So it didn't work out.

Use it now. Finish the song.

What are you talking about? I did not take a risk.

I just wanted out of the house.

And you just happened to end up at my place?

You don't know anything about me.

Well, I'm starting to.

And I guess I'm a little disappointed now.

Look, if you finish it, give me a call if you want.

I'm not gonna bug you anymore.

Wait a second.

All right then.

[Doorbell rings]

She's not here.

She's hungover.

You never slept with her.


You probably think that's some sort of victory for you, don't you?

Doug called me this morning. Where do you think you're going?

I thought you two might want to be alone.

You said you wanted to learn how I do what I do, so learn.

She asked you to sleep with her.

And you told me that wasn't part of the evening.

It's part of the job description.

And I don't think I want to do this anymore.

Honestly, Neil, sometimes I wonder if your brains are really worth it, because your body certainly isn't.

Now I know why your wife did what she did.

You don't judge my wife.

You don't get to judge.

I don't judge it, I applaud it.

God, why do couples always feel the need to test their spouses at the first sign of trouble when they should really be testing themselves?

What the hell do you think I've been trying to do?

Biding your time before you can make a real decision about what you want out of your life.


I know exactly what I want out of life.

I want a partner.

A partner that I can love.

A partner that I can trust.

You want a fantasy.

Sorry, darling, but we're all alone in this world.

No matter how hard we try, we are alone.

The rest of it... Love, marriage...

It's just a distraction.

You only believe that because you've given up on that ever happening to you.

I haven't given up. I've surrendered.

There's a peace that comes with that.

[Creaks open]


I'm here to help you.

Tell me what it is that you need.

Tell me what it is that you need.

Tell me what it is that you need.

[Heavy breathing]

[Loud groaning]


I'm here to help you.

[Panting] [Groaning]

Tell me what it is that you need.

Hello, hello.

I'm here to help you.

Tell me what it is that you need.

Tell me what it is that you need.