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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 07/17/14 23:40
by bunniefuu
My name is Neil Truman, and I have what every man in America wants.

[Alarm clock beeps]

An 80-inch 3D TV.

I watch Sportscenter on it...

The occasional fishing show if I see one...

And sometimes, when my wife is getting dressed, I'll sneak in, find one of those soft-core movies you can get on cable 24 hours a day.

[Woman moans over TV]

Not that Grace doesn't satisfy me, even after 18 years of marriage.

But with two busy schedules and all the stress of raising a family, we can never find the time to connect.

My daughter doesn't seem to mind.

But at 16, I know these are the years she needs her dad the most.

I do all I can to be there for her, but I'm almost never home because I'm here: Bastian National Investments.

70 hours a week sometimes.

Feels like twice that when you're missing your daughter grow up.

Still, I know I'm a very lucky guy.

But when picking out what color tie becomes the most exciting part of your day...

The yellow one, honey. Brings out the eyes more.

Something's not right.

And I need to start figuring out what the hell is wrong with me.

I know why you're in such a funk.

Mid-life crisis.

No, this feels bigger. More universal.

You realize that 75% of the world is covered in water, and we are running out of fish?

Yeah. Fish.

Not that it's safe to eat them anymore anyway.

But then you got rain forests are burning, ice caps are melting, frigging polar bears drowning.

What's the point of busting your ass every day, paying a mortgage, when it feels like the world's coming to an end?

You need to chill out, man.

2012 is over.

Nostradamus was wrong.

I know.

What's it all mean?

You know, I wasn't raised with religion.

But I wanted to check it out for myself.

You know, get like a different perspective.

And I wanted to go outside the box.

Did you know that the Buddha was actually a prince before he became his enlightened self?


Yeah. He had a wife, a kid, three palaces.

The American dream.

Yeah, and then one day, he just gave it all up.

Left his family to travel the world in search of meaning.

You know, like personal fulfillment.

You need a change, my friend.


You want to see my doctor?

He'll fix you right up.

It's better than drinking three martinis every night.

Now I don't worry about any of that crap.

I think the problem is I need to feel more right now, not less.



What do you think?

That had some good movement on it, right?


What are you looking at? That Stock Tips for Dummies?

Can I help you with something?

Dude, I'm just trying to be friendly.

Big guy's called a meeting. We're all waiting on you.

All right.

We got a lot to cover this morning.

Truman, where are you?

Ah. Just saw your quarterlies.


Outstanding. Again.

And this time, I'm not the only one who noticed.

We're all familiar with Updike Pharmaceuticals, aren't we, gents?

They're trying to get FDA-approved on that new diet pill, right?

Not after two people just died in clinical studies.

Their stock just tanked.

Which is great for us.

They just fired their current brokerage firm.

They're shopping around now, trying to find somebody to plug in the holes of their sinking ship.

I told them we had just the man for the job.

Tomorrow, I want you to go to New York.

This is gonna be a lot of money for us, gentlemen.

What do you say, Truman? Can you close the deal?


Don't just stand there with your d*ck in your hand, Truman.

Say something.

I don't know what to say, because I hate this job.

None of what I do really matters.

I don't even get to see what I'm trading on a daily basis.

It's just numbers on a screen. It's not real.

We don't contribute anything to the world in any meaningful way.

We just hoard money.

And I always thought you were an assh*le for making that a virtue.


You son of a bitch.

[Men chuckling]

We all could learn a thing or two from this guy.

You could sell ice to an eskimo.

You almost had me going there, Truman.

All right, next order of business.

[Keys clatter]

[Briefcase thunks]

[Anika singing indistinctly and strumming acoustic guitar]

♪ ♪
♪ purpose in life ♪
♪ just surviving ♪
♪ and no one's supposed to ♪
♪ get it right ♪
♪ right ♪
♪ no one's supposed to... ♪

That's beautiful.

It's still a little rough.

What's it about?

You'll see tomorrow night.

You forgot about the talent show, didn't you?

Sweetie, there's something that I have to do for work now...

You don't need to explain it to me if it's not a new excuse.


No, not by then.

No way, Frank. I can't get it done by then.

Fine, I'll make some calls and see what I can do, but only because I love you.


[Phone beeps off]

How was your day?

I tried to quit my job.

Tell me about it.

Frank's got a house he wants to show this weekend.

He wants me to have it staged by tomorrow.

Can you believe that? Tomorrow?

I should have told him to go to hell.

You're home early.

I have to go to New York in the morning.

What's in New York?

Victor wants me to sign a new client.

What... Victor wants you to sign a new client?

Wow, that's great, honey. That's really good news.



What's wrong?


I was just looking forward to spending some time with the family this weekend, that's all.

And Anika has her talent show.

Oh, just stay here. I... I got you something.

I just...

A tie?

I know it's almost the same, but I loved the color you had on this morning.

It made you look sexy, and now you can wear it to New York.


I think I'm gonna go out and take a swim.


It's... it's freezing outside. What...


[acoustic music]

♪ ♪

We need a vacation.

On a beach somewhere.

Far away.

[Kissing sounds]

[Whispers] I'm tired now, honey.


I think we need to fire the pool guy.

Ladies and gentlemen, we can now begin general boarding, Silver Sky Air flight 427.

Flight 427...

Three hours late and not even a "sorry for the delay."

Ladies and gentlemen, we're ready to push back just as soon as everyone is seated.

If there's no place in the overhead compartment, place your carry-on under the seat in front of you.

We have a full flight today.

I need every passenger seated as quickly as possible.

Excuse me, ma'am, would it be possible maybe to get a water...


Does your air work?


[P.A. chimes] Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like the initial delay has kept us here at the gate.

Might be an hour or so before we can push back.

[All mutter] I'm very sorry.

[Baby crying]

We're sorry.

There's one working restroom at this time.

We're doing everything we can to remedy this.

Thank you.

Don't just stand there with your d*ck in your hand, Truman.

Say something... [Echoing] Say something... Say something...

[Water dripping, baby crying]

Excuse me, ma'am, it's really hot in here.

I know, sir, and I'm so sorry you're uncomfortable.

[Cell phone rings]

[Baby crying]

[Quietly] Bitch.

[Baby continues crying]

[Cell phone ringing]

[P.A. Chimes] Folks, hate to say this, but we're over our limit here in the cockpit.

Gonna have to power down now and keep you here while we shuttle out another flight crew.

[All moan and shout]

I'm sorry.

Big guy's called a meeting.

We're all waiting on you. [Echoing] We're all waiting...


[Water drips]

Ma'am, we're really thirsty.

Now you're harassing me.

It's been nearly five hours.

[Whispers] assh*le.

You need a change, my friend.

[Echoing] My friend... my friend...

[Water drips]

Ladies and gentlemen, we need you to stay seated.

I promise we're doing all that we can to make you more comfortable as we experience this delay.


That was it.

That one simple moment.

Everything that had been bottled up inside me... fear, the frustration, the uncertainty just melted away, and I was overcome with this sudden sense of clarity, courage.

And that's when I decided I would not be quiet anymore, [inaudible under voiceover] Do what was expected of me, surrender to some pathetic middle-age anxiety.

And I realized that I was the one who'd built this prison that I was in.

I was going to take back control of my life and set myself free.

[Sirens approaching]

[Funky Amazing Grace playing]

Have you ever had that kind of experience?


And as your lawyer, Mr. Truman, I'd like for you to forget that you ever said that.

Look, four years ago, you'd be grabbing your ankles at County right now, probably not even have a hearing until Christmas.

But since they passed that Passenger Bill of Rights, you've wedged your way in this little loophole that's gonna save your ass.

Not to mention everybody on board's coming to your defense.

Well, they're saying the flight attendant att*cked you.

No, no, no. She didn't attack me.

Okay, you let me handle that.

Right now, there's 200 people who are backing you up, so I'd keep my mouth shut. Hearing'll be scheduled later.

Now let's get out of here before anyone changes their mind.

A no-fly list?

Well, I'm not surprised.

Show him that thing. That thing you showed me.

Yeah! Now, let's get the [Bleep] off this plane!

What do you think the guys at Updike are gonna say when they see this, huh?

Hell, any of our clients.

It is embarrassing.

They kept us waiting five hours.

Our lawyers advised us to put out a statement.

You were off your medication. Diabetic dementia.

Some shit like that.

You're gonna sign this and then you're going to offer a public apology on behalf of this firm.

And then you're gonna take a leave of absence and agree not to speak to the press.

And then you're gonna get on your knees and thank me for not firing you right now.

I'm not signing that.

You have any idea how much trouble you're in? I am offering you a gift here.

Oh. Oh, no. I'm... I'm sorry.

I, uh, I didn't realize it was a gift.

May I? Whoops.

What the f...

Guess I'm in real trouble now.

But just to make sure that I, uh, close the deal...

[Recording continues playing]

What the... now that... had some movement on it.

♪ Siren of an ambulance comes howling right through... ♪

Hey, Frank, is Grace there? She's not answering her cell.

Oh, yes. No, she told me about that house last night. Yeah.

Could you text me the address?


[Tires screech]

[Engine revs]

♪ Stand by and I wait my time ♪
♪ they say you gotta toe the line ♪
♪ they want the water, not the wine ♪
♪ but when I see the signs ♪
♪ I jump on that lightning bolt ♪

Grace? I'm right here.



[Grunting and moaning]

Grace, tell me a little bit about yourself.

I'm married, 18 years. We met in college.

And we have a 16-year-old daughter, and she's starting to look at colleges now.

And it's just crazy how fast the time goes.

I meant tell me why I should hire you.

Right. Of course.

Um, because I'm an amazing designer with a sense of humor.


What's your website? So I can see some of your work.

I brought this instead, if that's okay.

It's old-school.

This layout is part of a project that got me a fulbright scholarship to study in Florence.


Tell me about that.

Well, funny story, actually.

I never did take the scholarship.

Um, I'd just gotten pregnant when... when we found out, and just things got put on hold.

So you don't have any real experience since college.

Well, I do stage open houses now.

It's just part-time, but it's kept my eye sharp...

Mrs. Truman, you clearly have talent, but that's not the only thing I consider when I look to bring someone onto the team.

I have designers that come to me from all over the world.

My mother was French.

I need people with real life experience.

And frankly, it sounds like you've had a pretty normal life.

Grace, you've had an amazing life.

No, you know what I realized? I've had mom's life.


I just...

I had this whole other life I was planning on living.

You know, I considered myself an artist once.

And then I just turned into Neil's wife.

How are things with Neil anyway?

Fine. They're always fine.

Like three-times-a-week fine?

All right, well, at least once a week?

Once a month?

You know, you're not married.

Sex just doesn't become that important after a certain point.

Sad! [Clapping]

All right!

Who's ready to pump out a 20-mile ride?

[All cheer]

[Techno music throbs]

I'm totally running late. Let's go.

Your father's driving you tonight. I have book club.

Dad is in his force field right now.

He said you have to.


Neil, I have my book club tonight.

You have to take Anika to Jenny's.

I have a huge presentation due tomorrow.

No, I... I can't.

This is the one night a month with my friends.

Okay, if I don't get all this work done by tomorrow morning, we could lose the account.

Well, it's always life or death.

Do you really think this is how I want to spend my evening?

Somebody has to take me.



You're gonna be so proud. I took notes.


All right, I'll take her and...

Hi, Neil.

Hey, ladies.

All right, I'll take her, then I'll have to go into work.

I'll probably have to sleep there.

At least I'll be out of your hair.

Great. Well, I'll pick her up then.


Don't party too hard.

Well, I thought the author was trying to say that we should just move past our fears and let go of our childhood.

Are you just reading that from the Internet?

Uh-oh. No mas vino. Grace?

And I'm gonna need a little more before we discuss those last few chapters.

Oh, my God. What are we doing here? Huh?

This is our one night a month, and can we just go out? Hmm?

Create some of our own adventures, just talk about those stories.

Come on, get some life experience.

I think if we just open up another bottle of wine...

I'm driving.

Let's go.

[Dance music blaring]

You didn't catch it, but Neil's sleeping at the office tonight.

You think everything's okay?

I wouldn't read into it. He lives at the office.

I don't know. Look at her.

♪ Could imagine Neverland ♪
♪ it's our special place ♪
♪ and I know what to do when you touch me ♪



Where's Monica?

Went home.


I was just offered some ecstasy.

Isn't that cool?


♪ Into the sunlight ♪
♪ the sunlight ♪
♪ beauty lives in what we see ♪
♪ in the sunlight ♪
♪ the sunlight ♪
♪ take my hand and walk with me ♪

What's your name?

Oh, sorry. [Laughs]

Grace. Um, I'm married.


Congratulations. I'm Simon.

What are you doing here tonight, Grace?

Uh, kind of a long story, but...

Hey. Oh, I go to the bathroom and you start picking up other women?

I'm... I'm sorry.

What are you still doing here?

Hey, hey! Okay...

[Crowd commotion]


No, no, no. Hey, let go.

All right, all right!

[Siren wails]

If you're not willing to press charges, neither is she.

I've never been in a bar fight before.

And, you know, in college, I... I studied so much, I never went out to clubs.

I was kind of a geek.

Sorry to hear that.

Well, look, evidently you dropped this during your bar fight.

The gentlemen over there wants to make sure you get that back.

Okay? Grace...

You all right?

Grace, Grace, Grace, Grace.

Hey, Grace. Hey, what the hell?

Are you okay?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Are you the husband?

Yes. Yes, I am.

Uh, what happened?

I'll let her tell you.

Okay, you're never...

Guys, guys.

Can you guys take Grace's car home?

I'll have her drive with me.

You're never gonna believe this.

I... I got into a bar fight.

What are you doing here?

No, I just... we wanted to have some fun.

Honey, how much have you had to drink?

Just... well, I could have another and we could, uh... we could fool around when we get home, and...

Come on, what... what is wrong with you?

Nothing. Nothing is wrong.

No, I just...

I just... I feel like myself.

You know what? Let's, uh... let's just get in the car.

No, damn it.

Do you realize this is the first time we've seen each other outside the house in, like, six months?

Let's just... let's go out to eat, huh?

Why don't we just grab a coffee and... just take me out on a date, huh?

I think where I need to take you right now is home.


W... w... where I belong?

No... Grace.

[Police radio chatter]

♪ Oh ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ I've been trying to do it right ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ I've been living ♪
♪ a lonely life ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ I've been sleeping... ♪


♪ Hey ♪
♪ I've been sleeping ♪
♪ in my bed ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ been sleeping in my bed ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ so show me family ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ all the blood that I will bleed ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ I don't know ♪
♪ where I belong ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ I don't know where I went wrong ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ but I can write a song ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ I belong with you, you belong with me ♪
♪ you're my sweetheart ♪
♪ I belong with you, you belong with me ♪
♪ you're my sweet... ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ I don't think ♪
♪ you're right for him ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ think of what it might have been ♪
♪ if you took a bus to Chinatown ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ I'd be standing on canal ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ and bowery ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ oh ♪
♪ she'd be standing next to me ♪
♪ hey ♪
♪ I belong with you, you belong with me ♪
♪ you're my sweetheart ♪
♪ I belong with you, you belong with me ♪
♪ you're my sweetheart ♪
♪ love ♪
♪ we need it now ♪
♪ let's hope ♪
♪ for some ♪

[Engine revs]

♪ We're bleeding out ♪
♪ I belong with you, you belong with me ♪
♪ you're my sweetheart ♪
♪ I belong with you, you belong with me ♪
♪ you're my sweet... ♪
♪ hey ♪

[Breathes heavily]



[Door opens and closes]

[Car alarm chirps]

[Rock music]

♪ ♪
[Car engine revs]

[Engine starts]

[Tires screech]

What... what are you doing, man?

I don't know what your problem is, buddy, but you...



[Grunts] Relax, man. Ah!

Come on. I saw you with my wife.

Saw you and Grace at the house...

I can't breathe.


You're Grace's husband?


Oh, shit.

You were at the house just now?

So... so...


Does Grace know you were there?

[Breathing heavily]

All right.

Listen to me.

Uh, you can't go back there, okay?

And you can't go to your house either.

You need to wait 24 hours, especially if you have kids.

I mean, you don't want to do anything you're gonna regret.

A little late for that today.


You're just a kid.

What's your name?

How'd she meet you?


It's a professional arrangement, okay?

Your wife pays me.

What? For sex?

Hey, hey. If it helps, she told me that she was happily married.

And I know the ones that aren't.

My wife has been seeing a hooker.

"Escort" is more the industry term.

I can't believe this. This...

You know what?

You wouldn't believe how common it is, actually.

With the economy these days?

You got husbands working longer hours, and the wives are at home, no companionship.

Then you've got the women who've had to return to the workforce.

So you actually do this for a living?

I started doing it for fun, but, yes, it makes a good living.

Look, if you love her, I wouldn't throw it all away just yet.

I mean, marriage is about a lot more than just sex.

Are you married?

How would you know?


I've slept with a lot more married women than you ever will, though. So, here.

Believe me, when everything's said and done, you don't want to throw this all away over a few orgasms.

All right?

You have somebody you can call? I mean, there's... hey.

I get it. All right, all right.

[Car door closes]

[Engine starts]

[Tires screech]

[Mellow pop music]

♪ ♪
♪ it's been a long, long time since I've memorized your face ♪
♪ it's been four hours now ♪
♪ since I've wandered through your place ♪
♪ and when I sleep on your couch ♪
♪ I feel very safe ♪
♪ and when you bring the blankets ♪
♪ I cover my up face ♪
♪ I do ♪

[Mechanical clicking]

♪ Love you ♪
♪ I do love you ♪
♪ love you ♪
♪ ♪

Jugglers, you're on in three.


[Cell phone vibrates]


Hey, sweetie.

I'm about to go on. You'll have to call me back.

Wait. I'm outside. In the parking lot.

Dad, what are you doing here?

I thought you were supposed to be in New York.

It's your big debut. I wouldn't miss that.

I was wondering if I could watch it from backstage.

You know, just me? Maybe...



Neil. I thought you were in New York.

Nope, it was canceled.

Anika, you're almost on.

Oh, my God. Uh, coming.

Go, go, go. We'll be right in.

Hey, proud of you.

Have fun out there.

I will.

How come you didn't call?

You okay?

Yeah. No.

It was, uh, postponed, so no big deal.


Well, I know it means a lot to her that you're here.

Me, too.

Please welcome Anika Truman.


I'd like to dedicate this song to my math teacher, Mrs. Tigh.

And Mr. McKernan, from gym class.

[Audience murmurs]

[Plays guitar]

♪ Dear hider and seeker there under the bleachers ♪
♪ I caught you, you riding my favorite math teacher ♪
♪ you held her, you ruled her like Julius Caesar ♪
♪ you handled her like a stud ♪
♪ but when it was over, heard tell of abortion ♪
♪ and fear of exposure and threats of extortion ♪
♪ did Mr. Tigh find out and try to divorce her? ♪
♪ Was it even ever love? ♪
♪ Oh, what a shame ♪
♪ we're all to blame ♪
♪ look out, here it comes, here it comes ♪
♪ the truth, a loaded g*n, loaded g*n ♪
♪ no one's safe, nowhere to hide ♪


We confiscated all the cell phones that we could.

The last thing we need is this all over the Internet.

That was smart.

I'm going to expel her.


I... I thought we were here to discuss this.

What about these two teachers having an affair on school grounds? What are you doing about that?

That was a vicious rumor.


Wait outside.


[Door opens and closes]

We really had no idea what she was working on.

Maybe that was the problem right there.

Excuse me?

Wait, what are you...

We pay a lot of money in tuition to this school, and I think that entitles us to an opportunity to resolve this without an expulsion.

This is a total disregard for our institutional ideals.

And if I may, Mrs. Truman, tuition money is just the beginning of what we expect at this school.

And honestly, if this had happened with one of our more committed families, we'd have more of an incentive to discuss a resolution.

We need to go back up there.

No, absolutely not.

Okay... wait, Neil.

No. We are not giving this school another penny if that's the way they're gonna treat her or us.

I totally agree.

You hated it here that much?

I told you a thousand times, I don't belong here.

Besides, everyone hates me anyway.

I'll drive her home, then we'll talk.


What are you doing?

Cleaning the pool.


I can't remember the last time we were out here.

We used to love this thing.

What happened?

[Clicking, burbling]

♪ Call me ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ on the line ♪
♪ call me, call me any, anytime ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ on the line ♪
♪ you can call me any day or night ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ on the line ♪
♪ call me, call me any, anytime ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ on the line ♪
♪ you can call me any day or night ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ on the line ♪
♪ call me... ♪



I know we said 9:00, but I was so nervous that I got here almost an hour ago.

Is there any chance you could come early before I lose my nerve?

Uh... I'm sorry.

I forgot our appointment.

Where are you?

Plaza Rouge. That was your suggestion, right?

[Cell phone vibrates]


Grace, it's Simon.

What are you doing? I said never call this number.


What was... what was your name again?


I got the room already.

Have you seen your husband yet?

What? He... he's right outside. Why would you ask me that?


Did I... did I leave my phone at the house earlier?

I... I can't find it.

That's why you're calling me?

I have to go, I'm sorry. I don't have your phone.

I have to go into the office.


Yeah. It's an emergency.

I'll, uh...

I'll check in with you later.

♪ Something old ♪
♪ something new ♪
♪ something sad ♪
♪ something blue ♪
♪ something lost ♪
♪ oh, something found ♪
♪ since my poor love put me down ♪
♪ oh, I've tried ♪
♪ for a long, long time ♪
♪ tried to find the guy ♪
♪ that I can fall in love... ♪


Very nice to meet you.

I'm sorry I called in such a panic.

No, I'm sorry I was late.

You came very highly recommended, by the way.

Really? By who?

I mean, don't worry. It's not important.

Is she married?

I mean, of course that's a silly question.

Of course she was married, right?

Why would you be here if you weren't married?

Why are you here?

You mean...

What do I want?

No. Clearly I think we both know what you want.

No, wait, no. I'm sorry. This was a mistake.

No, I didn't mean it to sound like that.

It's... you're so beautiful, I can't imagine, you know, why you'd even need to...

Can we start again? Please?

This was really hard for me.

I have never done anything like this before.

Me neither.

[Both laugh]

You seem so... normal.

Well, I am trying very hard right now.

Would you care for anything else this evening?

Uh, yes. Would you like another?

And I'll have a vodka soda.

Very good.

I'm not sure what I want, to answer your question.

Okay. Well, why don't you tell me why you called me.

I've been married a long time, and I love my husband.

But he's just never around.

He works a lot?

And even when he is home, he's on his laptop and he completely ignores me whenever I try and talk to him.

There's always some deadline he's worried about.

I am sure he still cares about you.

It's men, you know?

We feel so... so much pressure to perform at work that...

I just wish he felt the same way about our marriage.

I want to feel wanted.

No one has wanted me in so long.

[Cellphone vibrates]

[Cellphone keeps vibrating]

[Cellphone keeps vibrating]

[Cellphone keeps vibrating]


Where are you?

I'm still at work.

You didn't return any of my texts.

No, I turned my phone off.

Oh, and they rescheduled that trip to New York, so I'm gonna have to go out of town again for a while.

Who's this new client, Neil?

No one you'd know.

Anyway, uh, I have to go.

I'll call you later.


I put it all there.

Plus tip.

Something wrong?

No. Uh, no. Thank you.


I hate to just run, but I want to get back home to Daniel, see if anything's changed now.

Thank you.

[Door opens and closes]

[Elevator dings]

Can I help you?

Hi. Sorry.

It's just, um, my husband's worked here for five years and I've actually never seen his office.

Um, I'm Grace. Neil Truman's wife.

You're Neil's wife?

Is he here?

So despite everything that's happened, I thought there still might be hope for me.

So is there anything you can tell me to help me make sense of all this?

All of your answers are here.


My... my entire life just went enron, and... that's your answer?

A flower?

Is that all you see?


Um, respectfully, what I see is you're the one that's crazy.

No, I read your story about the Buddha leaving his family.

It's insane.

I mean, if I... if people like me just give up everything, I'd be certifiable.

You know... oh, hey, you know, of course I could just take anti-depressants, be just another zombie walking around, just trying to pay his mortgage.

Or, um, oh! Pour my passions into a home theater system.

What's the point?

I mean, who wants to live like that?

♪ Call me ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ on the line ♪
♪ call me, call me any, anytime ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ on the line ♪
♪ you can call me any day or night ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ on the line ♪
♪ call me, call me any, anytime ♪
♪ call me ♪
♪ call me... ♪



Uh, where?

No, I... I think I can work with that, yeah.

All right.

Um, text me the address.


That was a woman who wants to pay me $5,000 to have sex with her for the weekend.

I'm gonna go.

When you're ready, you will come back.

You ask me, anyone can be zen if you meditate all day.

Try having a family.

Yeah. Live in rush hour traffic half your life, and work 80 hours a week.

Now, if you can do all of that with a smile on your face, then I'll believe you are truly enlightened.


No, no, no, no. You left one.

What are you gonna tell Anika?

I don't know.

The whole thing might be my fault.

I'm sorry, what?

He's just... he's been so unhappy lately.

I've tried to cheer him up. I... I bought him a tie.

Grace, you've been nothing but supportive of him since you first met.

Nothing you said or didn't say could've made him do what he did, unless there's something else going on.

Is something else going on?

Oh, and you know what his office said?

That when he went to New York the other day, he freaked out on the plane and pulled the emergency slide.

Are you kidding?

No, and I think you can see the whole thing online.

Hold on.

Oh, I think I found it.

Tired of being told to remain calm...

Oh, my God. He looks crazy.

Okay, do you ever get the feeling you're being lied to?

No. Uh, don't worry about pollution.

Just forget that it's getting harder and harder just to get by these days.

I mean, we're told that if we obey the rules, that everything's going to be okay.

Well, guess what. It's not.

[Turns engine off]

[Buzzer dials, phone line rings]

Step back from the camera, please.

Now turn around.

[Gate whirs]

I have a contact in Customs.


Paperwork won't be an issue. Yeah, I'm sure.

Yeah, it went through this morning.

Just transfer the funds and I'll put you in touch.

Yeah. Ciao, ciao.

On time. That's good.


Simon. Nice to meet you.

Are those the only clothes you have, Simon?

Uh, I have a business suit in the car.

I'm sorry, I... I didn't know what we were doing.

When a woman makes the date, you should always come prepared for any occasion.

How big are you?

You mean...

No, wait. Don't tell me. I want to guess.

Jacket... 44 regular.



Size 11 shoe?

11 1/2.

You sure?

Pretty sure.

All right.

Let's get you out of those clothes.


We're going to a fundraiser tonight.

There'll be a lot men there with a lot of money.

You should be able to find something more stylish in here.

Anything specific?

Yeah, something that makes me look good.


Wow, that looks great on you.

I want you to keep it.

Oh, no, no, really, I... I can't.

A woman's generosity should never be taken for granted.

You're right.

Thank you.

Sorry, I was a little confused, because you just stole the view right out of this room.

You look gorgeous.

I'm starting to get a little worried about you.

I just needed a little time to warm up.

I knew you had it in you.

[Door closes]



[Dance music plays]

♪ Yeah ♪
♪ oh, yeah ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ it's been too long living ♪
♪ in the same old lives ♪
♪ I feel too cold to live, too young to die ♪

I absolutely have to have it.

Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be closing bids in five minutes.

Thank you.

The piece I wanted.

We never bid. I'll take care of it.

If there's one thing I know how to do, it's close a deal.

Would you like to bid, sir?

I would.

Just tell me your assigned number, I can go ahead and do it for you.


I'm sorry, that's not coming up.

Sure it is.

You know who's bid on that piece and for how much.

I need to go home with that tonight.

What was that number again?

Try 1-7-5.

I think you're all set.

Thank you.

Is that Neil Truman?

You work with O'Connell over at Bastian, right?

Charles Lipton.


I thought that was you.

So, how are they treating your money over there at Montgomery, was it?

Like I pissed on it before I handed it over.

I wouldn't let it worry you... in the short term.

You know something I don't?

Of course.

If I didn't, how could I do my job?

Well, from what I hear, you're doing it very well these days.

Maybe you'd like to take a look at my portfolio, tell me what you think.

All of your answers are right here.

Hope I'm not interrupting something.

Adriana, Charles. Charles, this is Adriana.

How do you do?


Would you please tell your husband that I need his help.

He is being very, very coy with me.

I'm not being coy with you, Charles.

I'm just really not interested in helping you.

Have a great evening.

Who was that?

Someone from another life.

[Grunts and moans]


Thank you.

I needed that.

You're welcome to take a shower before you go.

It's 60% less than what we talked about on the phone.

My cut.


Wait, your cut?

What's this all been about?

I don't really advertise it, but I have a service that caters to very rich, very busy, very picky women who are looking for a man, not a husband.

And usually just for an evening.

I've been hearing about you for a while.

Word does travel in certain circles.

Since I'm always on the lookout for new talent, I figured I'd take a little test drive before I make the offer.

So this whole entire evening has just been one big job interview?

Come work for me.

[Laughs] I think you'd be surprised how much your business improves.

Unless you like banging all those lonely housewives you've been filling your phonebook with.

I'm not interested.

What were you before?

You're not the typical personal trainer or model I usually come across.

You have a soul.

I managed other people's money.

I was pretty sure I didn't have a soul anymore.


Well, thankfully it's not a job requirement.

Though it is a plus.

Thank you for a very pleasant evening.

When you're ready to make a real change, I'll be here to welcome you.

[Dramatic music]


Look what I just got. r104 inches, high-def, 3D, L.E.D. clarity, baby.

The biggest on the market. What do you think?


Super Bowl's gonna be at my house this year.

Got the speakers hooked up.

Gonna be like you're taking the snap yourself.

Looking forward to it.

[Chuckles] Hut, hut, hut, hut!


[Door opens and closes]

In here.

[Clears throat]

You wanna hear something funny?

Your wife actually staged the house I bought two years ago.

[Chuckles] You know, I think we actually kept half that furniture, too.





Would you mind if I steal him for just a sec?

No. Please.


Yeah, I got to tell you, Neil, you really took me by surprise.

Twice in one week.

That doesn't happen very often.

Sorry about the TV.

Don't be.

Reality is, it's exactly that kind of passion and recklessness that made this firm great.

I don't want to lose it.

I don't want my job back.


'Cause I'm offering you something better.


I got a call this morning from Charles Lipton.

Said he saw you at a party the other night.

He is insisting that you take over his hedge fund.

I told him you couldn't wait to get started.

Don't make me beg here, Neil, okay?

Do you have any idea how much money a partner makes?

I don't care about the money.


What do you care about?

[Mellow music]

♪ ♪

I fired the pool guy.

You were right.

He was lazy.

I don't know why I never saw that before.

Well, we don't spend any time out here anymore.

It's the whole reason we bought this house, remember?


How come you never told me?

About the job?

Just everything.


I didn't want to worry you.

All worked out.

What about us? Are we, uh, are we gonna work out?

I don't know, I just... I'm scared, Neil.

I don't... I don't what's happening to us.



Do you still have that tie you bought me?


No, it's that color.

No, it really...

Brings out your eyes.

Brings out my eyes.

Yeah, I know.

I want you to know that I appreciate when you give me things.

I should never take that for granted.

Thank you.

And I returned it.

Oh. [Both laugh]

So this is your real job.

Grace told me you were some financial guy.

Looks like you do okay for yourself.


I know you have my phone, all right?

I know you slept with one of my clients.

That bartender at the hotel is a friend of mine.

What did you do with my contacts?

I can't access them online anymore.

That's my livelihood, man.

What are you trying to do to me here?

Same thing you did to my wife, I think.

I... I know where you live, all right?

I... I know where you work now.

If you don't undo what you did, I'm gonna have to come after you.

Do... do you get me?

[Laughs] That's not a real threat.

Uh, you know what a real threat is?

The IRS looking into your finances for the last ten years and discovering what it is you actually do for a living.

And all that would take would be one phone call.

You got me?

Yo! Ha ha.

I heard the good news.

We got our cleanup hitter back. That's awesome.

How you doing? Darryl.

You know this prick?

No, he doesn't.

Well, lucky you. He's a massive pain in the ass.


I'm just kidding. He's... he's the most talented guy in the firm.

Why don't you get the elevator?

Oh, of course, my liege.


Nice to meet you.

Did we have anything further to discuss?

Tell Grace I said hello.

[Best Day of My Life by American Authors]

Got the elevator.

Well, I got it.

♪ ♪
♪ I had a dream so big and loud ♪
♪ I jumped so high I touched the clouds ♪
♪ whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ I stretched my hands out to the sky ♪
♪ we danced with monsters through the night ♪
♪ whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

I've been thinking a lot about that story again lately.

About the Buddha leaving his family in search of meaning.

It didn't really make sense to me the first time I read it.

I mean, what kind of man would you have to be to leave everything you've ever loved to search for the meaning of it all?

Ha. I guess you never really know where enlightenment will come from.

Two, three, four.

♪ Whoo, whoo-ooh-ooh, whoo ♪
♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪

God, dad. I thought you were dead.

Me, too.

See? We didn't need a vacation, babe.

Just a little family time around the pool.

Uh, I actually think going somewhere warmer would've been better.


Yeah, well, that's not the point.

I was gonna make lunch. Who's hungry?


Tuna fish coming up.

Grace. You should come in. It's actually not that bad.

I, uh... I was planning on it.

[Gasps] Wow, mom, you look hot.

I know.

[Cell phone vibrates]

I knew it was too good to be true.

You're gonna have to go into the office now.

Let's just see who it is first.


Who is it?

♪ The best day of my life ♪
♪ my li-i-i-i-i-fe ♪
♪ whoo, whoo-ooh-ooh, whoo ♪
♪ this is gonna be the best day of my life ♪
♪ my li-i-i-i-i-fe ♪