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04x04 - The Slender Threads That Bind Us Here

Posted: 10/15/15 11:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

With a new number nobody else has?


Is Juliette even getting these messages?

Oh. Oh, okay.

Anytime you need help with Cadence, I'm your girl.

Markus Keen... I think we should sign him.

Country music... it's a great opportunity.

Layla: No one from my team sticking around to see it?

So much for being Highway 65's priority.

The truth is, I'm gay.

Gabriella: Country is not ready for a gay star.

Dr. Sugrue: There's nothing more we can do.

No. We're not taking her off life support.

It's not up to you.

The decision is yours, Ms. O'Connor.

We have to let her go.


We should get going, hon.

I thought these would look good with your suit.

Thank you.

[Shoes clatter]

Got the printer working?

[Sighs] Yeah.

One eulogy coming up.

Gonna be able to deliver it?

Somebody in the family has to.

Sure ain't gonna be Scarlett.

Zoey: ♪ ...Grows drear : Precious Lord, linger near : When my life is almost gone : Hear my cry, hear my call : Hold my hand lest I fall : Take my hand ♪

I think you should say something to her.

I want to respect her boundaries.

♪ ...lead me home : Take my hand : Precious Lord, lead me home ♪

Thanks for singing. Means a lot.

Zoey: Of course.

Beverly was my sister, and, uh...

She was something else.

She struggled.

She had her demons... Complicated as hell.

But underneath all that was a woman with a big talent...


[Voice breaking] ...and a big, big heart...


[Breathes deeply]

...and big dreams.


I'm sorry. I'm...

She's not supposed to be here right now.

It isn't her time yet to be here right now!


I can't do it.

It's okay.

[Sighing] Oh, God.


Beverly overcame a lot through the years...

Abuse, abandonment, mental illness...

But it was her love of life, love of family, and her love of music that kept her going.

She may have lost her way once or twice, we may have lost our patience with her, but she never stopped fighting to get right with herself, and when we saw her last, she was.

We love you, Beverly.

Thank you for your spirit...

And your sacrifice...

And for taking such good care of your younger brother.

Rest in peace.

Get your ass out of bed.

[Groggily] What the hell are you doing in here?

You missed another interview, which now makes a total of three lost press opportunities in as many days.

You need to stop acting like a party girl and start acting like a pro.

Yeah, I'm a pro. I've always been a pro.

Hey, where's the work ethic, Juliette?

Where's the artist that mounted a #1 album in less than a week?

I'm just taking a few days off.

I mean, Luke's in New York with his image guru.

The next concert's not for a couple of days.

What is the big deal?!

Hey, hey.

You want an Os... you want an Oscar nomination?

You want your album to stay at #1?

There is no time off.

Now, I got E! Online to do an "on the road with Juliette Barnes" piece instead of running one on Katy Perry, but I had to give them full access to do it, and one of the reporters is gonna be following every press appearance, every fan event, and every interview you do for the next 48 hours.


There's your new itinerary.

Suffice it to say, we might have overbooked.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to oversee this, 'cause I got to get back to Nashville.

So get it together.

And show them just how amazing it is to be you.

[Door closes]

Get me a double espresso.




[Indistinct conversations]

It was beautiful ...t-the song.

Used to sing it in church a lot, so...

Well, uh, h-how have you been?

I'm good.

You look it. [Chuckles nervously]

Good, that is.

You know, maybe we could, uh, grab a drink while you're still in town.

Just so you know, I'm seeing someone in L.A., so...

Yeah, right. Of course.

It'd be nice to catch up.

I really need to be here for Scarlett.

Yeah, no, absolutely. You're right, you're right.

But if I have a chance, I'll... Stop by.


See ya.

Avery: Hey, Scarlett.

Hi. [Chuckles]

How you holding up?

Uh, good as can be expected.

It's real nice to see you guys, though.

How's the baby?

Oh, she's good. She's great.


I'm real sorry about your mom.

Me too.

I feel bad for not being around as much as I should have.

Oh, no. You were busy, and [Sniffles] you were very brave also.

Listen, call if you need me, okay?

I will. Thank you.

Same here... anytime.

Thank you.



Thanks for coming.

Of course.

Thanks for being my friend when I needed a friend.





Will you excuse me for a second?

How is she?

Hard to say, really.

Well, if you need anything... anything at all... Just... just let me know.




How you doing? You all right?

Ah, I just got a few more people to say goodbye to.

Then we'll head on home.


All right.

[Cellphone ringing] sh**t.

Excuse me.

I'm gonna take this really quickly. Sorry.

Rayna: Hey.

Hey. It's your most important artist.

What are you doing calling me? I thought you were on vacation.

I was, and then I got bored, and now I'm ready to work.

Guess who's coming to Nashville.

Where are we with producers?

Bucky: Well, I've made some calls, and, you know, obviously, there's a ton of interest, but, Ray, he wasn't supposed to be here for weeks.

I know, but he's coming, so we're just gonna have to deal with it.

I get it. He's got to feel good about signing with us.

Look, I know it's a rough day for the family, so why don't you let me get Markus settled in and take that off your plate?

I'll show him around town, dazzle him with our plans.

Yeah, that'd be great.

Um, and, obviously, let him know, you know, I've had a death in my family.

Otherwise, I'd be there with you.

Okay, sure. When do you think you'll be able to connect with him?

Hey, you know what?

Let's have him come to the Opry tomorrow night.

I mean, I'm playing anyway.

Right... he'll get to see you perform.

He'll see another Highway 65 artist debut.


Show him how we do it in country.




So, you start every day with a workout?


Exercise plays an important role in me being able to do...

Everything that I do.

It's a lot. Almost every hour of the day is scheduled.

[Cellphone ringing]

Doesn't even allow time for your family.

Speaking of which, that's my husband calling.

Will you excuse me for a second?

Hey, baby! I was hoping you'd call.

I love hearing your voice.

Um, you know this is Lindsay, right?

I'm calling you because...

Yes, idiot, I know.

Look, I'm sorry... I have six more events today, and I'm gonna need something stronger than coffee to get me through that.


[Glass clatters]

Nothing illegal, just...

S-something you'd get from a doctor... something for energy.

I really don't have any medical-type friends.

Not here, anyway.

Then make one.


Oh, I miss you, baby. Mommy loves you.

Okay, bye.

She's so sweet.

Boop, boop, boop.


Best 10 bucks I ever spent.

Hasn't been working very well lately.

Oh, yeah?

Think she might be teething.

Aw. Are you being fussy, baby girl?

How was the service?

Oh, it was sad.

[Fussing continues]

Thanks again for babysitting.

Shh, shh, shh.

Yeah, anytime. You know that.

I'm glad you said that, 'cause I'm gonna be asking more often.

I got to find work.

Oh, seriously, anything you need.

Well, what I need is for my wife to come to her senses.

You know, at the funeral, I was thinking...

Beverly was sick, but...

She never stopped loving her daughter.

And I don't believe that Juliette has, either.

Maybe I'm just being too impatient.

Maybe I should just trust that what binds us isn't broken, trust that she's still in there somewhere.


What's the matter, baby girl?


[Camera shutter clicking]

What we're striving to do here at Highway 65 is fully support our artists.

That's cool. So, where is Rayna?

Ah. Is this her office?

Yes, it is.



...unfortunately, Rayna had a death in the family.

So, uh, the funeral was today.

She's not gonna be able to join us, but she's looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

[Scoffs] Tomorrow?


Um, evening.

We've, uh, got you scheduled with the best producers in the business during the day.

Uh, tomorrow night, Rayna's performing at the Grand Ole Opry, and she would love it if you could join her backstage as her guest.

She feels it'd be the perfect introduction for you to country music, what with the Opry being at the center of it.

I like that.

[Both chuckle]

And Layla Gran, another Highway 65 artist, is debuting there tonight.

Grand Ole Opry?

That's where they did "Hee Haw," right?

I'm really glad you're home.

[Sighs] Me too.

I felt so alone after I found out Rayna signed Markus Keen.

God knows no one saw that coming.

So much for staying at Highway 65

'cause I'd be a priority.

Don't say "I told you so."

[Both chuckle]

Look, as much as it pains me to say it, Rayna hasn't done so badly by you.

She's got you at the Opry, which is half the battle in this town.

As far as signing some rock god, well, smart move.

One that will only help you, because rising tides...

Raise all ships.


Of course, as your manager...

I'm gonna make damn sure of that.

I really wish you could come as my date tomorrow.

Yeah, well, I think having me on your arm in public is not the right look for your career.

Or your Opry debut.

But I know what is.




Oh, my.




They're perfect.


[Indistinct shouting]

Here you go.

Don't forget to buy the album, okay?

How long we doing this?

We're about 10 minutes shy of being done.

Close enough.

Thank y'all so much for coming! I'm so sorry!

[Crowd "aw" s]

I have to head out, but I will make sure that everyone left in line gets a free album, okay?

[Indistinct talking]

They were lined up around the block.

I know, and I love my fans, but...

But there's just too many of them.

Oh, there's never too many fans.

Will you just excuse me for a minute?

I promised I'd meet my friend's friend.



You the doc?

Yeah, this is Ken.

I got his name from someone at the hotel.

What do you have for stamina?

Adderall... keep you going for hours.

Do you have a pen? I'm gonna need more than this.

Just make the prescription out to her, okay?


There's the check. This should cover it.

You must get so tired of signing autographs.

Oh, not really. Next stop... fan-club meet-and-greet.

Thank you all so much! I love you!

Come on.

[Indistinct shouting]

Girls are hungry. You, too?

I'm just thirsty.

[Tab pops]

I was thinking maybe I'd... I don't know...

Cook up one of these things and...

We could just have a real quiet night.

We can watch a movie if we want or go for a walk.

Baby, I don't want to watch a movie, all right?

I don't want to go for a walk.

I sure as hell don't want to eat some damn funeral casserole.

All right? I'm sorry. I just... I don't know what I want to do.

I just...

[Breathes heavily]

I need to go to a meeting.

So, I got Zoey set up on the pullout sofa.

I just wanted to check on you.

Can I get you anything?

Um, this button.

Could you get this, please?

Got it.

Scarlett, I know that, um...

You're in a lot of pain and you probably don't want to talk much right now, but, um, I've done a lot of reading on the stages of grief, and I think...

Oh, don't do that.

Do what? What did I do?

I don't need you to recite Kubler-Ross to me.

I read the books, as well. I'm not one of your patients.

All right, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to talk to you like one. I...

It's not your fault. You speak another language.

You talk doctor. I don't speak doctor.

Franked: It's just frustrating, you know?

Uh, after all the hard work put into something.

I mean, I've had my share of losses, but this...

This dream I...

Made a reality...

Losing it's gonna hurt worse.

Just like everybody else in here, I truly am...



Man: All right. Anybody else?

Sorry to be yapping about money.


Considering what you're dealing with.

You gonna share tonight?

I doubt it.

Won't do nothing.

Listen, Frankie, I'm gonna head out of here.


You need a one-on-one, I'm around.


Lindsay! I'm too wired.

Do you have anything that'll relax me?

Um, I think I have some sleeping pills in here somewhere.

Thank God. Give them to me.


How long will these take to kick in?

I don't know. Half an hour, maybe?

[Sighing] I don't have that long.

[Breathing heavily]

We didn't have to go out.

I could've made breakfast for the three of us.

Oh, I wanted to get out of the house.

Tell me about your boyfriend.

Is it serious?

Not at all. And that's what I like about it.


But I didn't come here to talk about him. How are you?

Better with you here, since you knew mama, you know?

She would've loved the service you put together for her.


Still think it should've been in Natchez.

Deacon wanted it here, and I felt very strongly about not arguing about it, which didn't do any good, 'cause he's still not speaking to me.

He'll come around. You two just need time.

Maybe after the tour, you can sit down and just...

I don't know there's gonna be a tour.

Doesn't feel right to go traipsing around the country, singing songs, when I just buried my mother.

Hey. You're gonna get through this.

You have me.

And you have Caleb.

He's like hugging a textbook.

[Elevator bell dings]

Linds, coffee. [Sighs]

Oh, actually, that's mine, but... Okay.


You have my purse, right?


Can I have my vitamins?

I need all the help I can get today.


What's my schedule, again?

Uh, right now, you've got the meet-and-greet with the press and radio promoters, then a walk-through at the stadium, and then you're doing a drive-time show with Deejay Max, and then you're done.

And I can be rid of this damn reporter.




[Indistinct shouting]

All right.

[Camera shutters click]


Am I in the right place?

I know you're a busy man, so I'm just gonna be blunt.

I need a producing gig.

You guys were happy with my work with Sadie, so I was hoping there was something else you could send my way.

I know you signed Markus Keen.

Yeah, we did. Um, he's actually here in town... unexpectedly.

Really? That's perfect.

When can I meet him?

You can't.

I've already got him booked with every heavy hitter in town.

Okay, but I probably know his music better than any of those guys.


Look, I came out of alt rock.

I know how to steer this guy into country.

Are you seriously asking me to cancel someone else so I can slot you in?

No, I'm just asking you to find me 10 minutes to talk to the guy... that's it.

Just... give me a chance.


All right. How about this?

Markus is gonna be backstage at the Opry tonight with Rayna.

I will ask her how she feels about introducing you.

Maybe we can make an informal meeting out of it.

But listen... no promises.

Markus is a...

Complicated guy.

Hey. Do you need help with anything?

No, I-I got it. I think it's all done.

It's probably gonna take us about 45 minutes to get to the Opry with traffic right now, so we should get a move on.

Baby, I don't think I'm gonna go, if that's okay.

I don't know how many "sorry for your loss" conversations I can have.

Of course, babe.

You girls go, and you have fun.

Break a leg.

You know, Mom, I think I'm gonna stay home, too.


Honey, Markus Keen is gonna be there.

I know. I just...

I'd rather stay home and keep Dad company for a bit.

Okay. I appreciate that.

I'm gonna go get changed, then.

All right, sweetheart.

If Maddie's not going, I don't want to go, either.

Y'all are blowing my mind right now.

I mean, it's your favorite singer!

He's Maddie's favorite singer, not mine.



What are you d... Is Scarlett all right?


Uh, I mean, yeah, she's... she's fine.

Um... [Sighs]

I'd like to take you up on your offer to help me.

I'm confused.

This has been really hard for her, and I'm trying my best, but everything I say apparently makes her feel like a patient and not like the woman that I...

I want her to know how much I care about her and that I am there for her, and I want her to let me be there, but it's like she can't hear me, you know?

So, uh, I was thinking maybe I would, you know, try to speak her language.

Y-you wrote a song?

I started one, and I was wondering if you could help me finish it.

[Indistinct conversations]


Hey, hey!

How you doing?

[Chuckles] Good, thank you.

Good. Nice to see you.

It's good to see you, too. I came to see you play tonight.

Thank you.

Well, you and Layla.

I mean, we may be exes, but we're still friends, and I'm real proud of her.

I have to tell you, I was real proud of you.

Telling your truth to the world like that... couldn't have been easy.

No, it sure wasn't.
Excuse me, Rayna?


Can I take your photo?


You got to get will Lexington in there.

Come on. Let's do a selfie.


All right.

[Camera clicks]

All right.

Thank you so much.

Oh, sure. Take care.

Well, I should probably go check and see how Layla's doing.


Nice to see you.

Good to see you, too.


Break a leg.


[Country music playing]

How you feeling?

[Chuckling] Nervous.

But she's gonna be fantastic.

Well, yes, she is. We can agree on that.

Honey, you got this. You belong here.


Host: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, in her Opry debut...


...miss Layla Gran!

[Cheers and applause]

["Mess Worth Making" plays]

♪ Sometimes we're dancing in the kitchen : Sometimes I'm throwing dinner plates : Sometimes the world stands still : Sometimes the ground shakes : That's love ♪

Glad to see you've finally done right by my client.

Shut up, Jeff.

♪ Mmm : Yeah, we win some : And we lose some : We heal some : And we bruise some : We're a mess : We're a mess worth making, a wreck ♪


♪ A wreck worth saving ♪

You know, I always thought it'd be you out there.

♪ Drive each other crazy : Takes some time, but, darling, it's time well-wasted ♪


I think of myself as a performer.

Deejay Max: And not as a star?

Come on, you're on the big screen.


I did one movie.

And it was huge, and so is your album.

You're larger than life, and that's what makes you an icon.

Oh, gosh, I don't know about that.

It's true. People are fascinated.

They want to know about every part of your life.

There's literally a reporter in the studio while we do this interview.

That's true. You got me. You got me.

That's got to be the hardest part [Laughs] of the whole thing, right?

When you become famous, so does everyone else around you.


This hit Newsstands today.

Do you read the rags, Juliette?

Uh, no. Not if I can help it.

Neither do I, but for the listening audience, this is a tabloid sh*t of your husband and a mystery woman.

It says "Is Juliette's baby daddy finding love elsewhere?"

This kind of stuff probably happens all the time, right?

People taking pictures of you and your family everywhere you go?

And making false allegations like this one?

It happens all the time, because this woman is actually a dear, dear friend of mine and a longtime employee, and she helps out with my daughter when I'm on tour, so... [Chuckles]

I never doubted it for a second.

Who in their right mind would cheat on Juliette Barnes, right?


We're gonna take a break.

We'll be right back.

You lying bitch!

What'd you do... just move in on him the minute I left town?!

How dare you!


Was this your plan the entire time... to steal my husband and my child?

I trusted you, but you're just a gold-digging, backstabbing whore, aren't ya?!


You and my husband can go to hell!

[Knock on window]


I just wanted to say bye.

I'll be uploading the article soon.


You're amazing.

Thank you.


[Talking] Thank you.

I'm telling you, you k*lled it. So good.

Thank you. I hope so.

I owe it all to you, though.

Thank you so much for everything.

You know, this is a dream come true for me.

Listen, honey, I'm telling you, it could not have gone better.

And, you know, the press is gonna be incredible.

Rayna James, where have you been my whole life?


Hey. Mmm.

Welcome to Nashville.

Thank you.

Yeah, your pal Bucky's been keeping me busy, but I'm ready to unwind, see how the other half lives.

Is this seriously happening right now?

Come on.

What? This was supposed to be my night, okay?

Now everyone's just gonna talk about him.

Look, no one gives a damn about what happened backstage, okay?

All that matters is what happened onstage, and you k*lled it.

Okay? End of story.




Do you want company?

Sure. Yeah, of course.

You know, I'm a good listener, if you ever want to talk.


Or we could play a game or listen to music.

Or I could go get my guitar, and we could, like, write or...

You know what?

Um, I just remembered... I can't, uh, do this right now.

I got to go back, uh, by my house to get some papers, stuff I got to go through... bunch of stuff... but thank you.

You are just the sweetest.

I'll be back real soon, all right?

Wembley Stadium, 86,000 people, and for an encore, we decide we're gonna play "God Save the Queen."

I mean, crazy, right?

And then all of a sudden, this guy, he runs out onstage, and he just takes the mic and starts singing the chorus with me.

I'm wondering like, "where the hell is my security?"

And "who the hell is this guy?" When all of a sudden, I look over, and I realize it's prince Harry.



Heard you talked to Bucky.

I did, yeah.

Listen, I would love a sh*t at producing Markus' album.

Nothing would make me happier.

He's been real specific about what he's looking for, so I just kind of set him up with a handful of producers...

It's a long sh*t. I get that.

But what I bring to the table is that I know his music and yours.

Come on. Come meet him.

[Sighing] All right.

Rayna: Hey, Markus?


I've got somebody I'd love for you to meet.

Uh, excuse me.

This is Avery Barkley.

He is one of the finest producers we've got here in Nashville.

Well, that's saying a lot coming from you.

I'd love for y'all to talk a little bit.

I think he could be really great for your record.

I'll leave you to it.

Gonna go get ready for my set.

You get ready.


All right.

Mr. Keen, longtime fan.

I know you, man.

You're Juliette Barnes' baby daddy.





Hey! The article got uploaded.

That reporter totally loved you.

I need that doctor of yours.

I'm not sure I can reach him right now.

I said, get him in here!

[Guitar playing]

♪ I'm around if you need me ♪

You know, maybe we could try, uh, something like, um...

♪ You can count on me : You can count on me ♪


I mean, that is so much better.


I don't know how you do it, man. You make it look so easy.

It is, and it isn't. I mean...

Subject has a lot to do with it.

Listen, um...

What I said before about music, you know, not being a thing...

Yeah., that was stupid.

I mean, it really is a gift, and I could never do what you do.

Well, I could never do what you do, and it's... that's pretty important.


Seriously, I'm... I'm a huge fan.


I got all your stuff.

I mean, one of my favorite songs ever is "Drunk Moon."

"Drunk Moon"? Y-you have "Dru"...

That didn't even make an album. It got voted off by the band.

Where... where did you get "Drunk Moon"?



I bought the cassette tape demo.

Told you... I got all your stuff.

Right on, man.

Tell me a little bit about your work.

Well, I worked with an amazing artist... Sadie Stone.

You heard of her?


Isn't she the girl that sh*t that guy?


Her ex-husband.

Yeah, we weren't able to finish the album, but I could play some of the tracks if you're interested.

You got anything on the radio?

I co-wrote and produced "Dirt" with Juliette, which was nominated for CMA song of the year last year.

Did you win?

No, but...

[Cellphone ringing]

...that category errs on the side of conventional songs rather than hybrids with a message.

Yeah, yeah, trust me, I know. Rock's the same way.

Ah, I'm sorry. This... this is the sitter.

Just one second.

Emily. What's up?

[Cadence crying]

Cadence woke up with a fever. She's at 104 now.

I'm gonna take her to the emergency room at baptist.

[Cadence screaming]

I'll be right there.


Hey, Markus, listen, man, my kid's really sick, so I got to go.

Man, we just started talking.

I'm sorry.

And I want to help, but I have no idea what to do, 'cause he's silent.

Yeah, when my parents got divorced, neither one of them felt all that comfortable talking to me about how they were feeling.

'Course, I didn't really feel like talking to them, either.


I don't know.

Sometimes it's less about saying and more about doing.

I could bring him something to eat.

I know he didn't eat dinner.

Yeah. Want me to drive you?


Hey, Daphne? I'll be back in a half an hour.

Don't do anything stupid.

You ever get stage fright?


Uh, more like stage appreciation.

You know, I mean, so many legends have performed in that circle.

Yeah, I was trying to think about what, like, the rock equivalent was, but I don't think there is one.

I don't think so.

I mean, between this show being a live radio broadcast and just the fact that anybody, no matter how big they get, always wants to come back and perform here...

There she is.

Hey, I've been wanting y'all to meet all night.

This is Markus Keen.

Layla Gran... fellow Highway 65 artist.

Nice to meet you.

You too.

And Layla just had her Opry debut a little bit earlier.

That's a big deal, right?

Huge! [Chuckles]

Uh, Jeff Fordham, manager.

I'm real proud of you tonight.

Host: ...Welcome to the stage Opry member Rayna Jaymes!

[Cheers and applause]

Hello, Grand Ole Opry!

Oh, I am just so happy to be with y'all tonight.

How about that Layla Gran?

Layla, come on back out here, hon.

[Cheers and applause]


Wasn't that a wonderful Opry debut?

So talented, this one.

Well, I learned from the best.

No, you were writing songs and singing way before you met me.

Layla is a Highway 65 artist.

She has a new album coming out that is gonna knock your socks off.

Hey, hey, what is this I hear about Highway 65?

[Cheers and applause]

Because that's my new label, y'all, and this right here is my new label head, but she is more than that.

She is the one and only miss Rayna Jaymes, everyone!


Markus Keen, everybody. How y'all doing?

[Cheers and applause]

You know what? I got an idea.

How about we do a little special number for these folks, huh?

What do you think about that, Nashville?!

[Cheers and applause]


Layla, wait!

Emily? What's going on?

Where's Cadence?

She's in with the doctors.

They think it's an ear infection, but they can't get her temperature down.


I got to get ahold of Juliette.

He literally stole my spotlight!

Well, yeah. Well, it wasn't as bad as you think.

I'm sorry, but didn't you say that all that matters is what happens onstage?

Well, look who's onstage now.

It's not me and Rayna, Mr. Manager.

♪ I want to take you everywhere : So the world can see what I got : I want to treat you with tender love : Till you say I've got to stop : I want to do everything for you : 'Cause that's all that a man can do : When he loves a woman like I love you : And I love ya : Love ya : I love : I love : I love : Love ya : I love ya : Love ya : Love ya : I love ya : Ooh-whee, I love yo-o-o-o-u ♪

[Cheers and applause]

Can you believe this?! He's all that anyone's gonna talk about!

Listen, baby, you need to calm down, okay?

[Cellphone ringing]

Don't "baby" me!

I'm sick and tired of never feeling like anybody's priority!

Don't you dare answer that damn phone.

No one would call this many times unless it was a crisis.

I'm in a crisis!

Don't I ever deserve your full attention?!

Yes! But what if it's an emergency?

Get out!


All right, okay, I'm out, I'm out, I'm out!

Get out!


[Cellphone ringing]

Manager/client thing.

This better be life-and-death.

I need Juliette's new number.

Not a chance. I was sworn to...

Our daughter is sick. We're at the hospital.

Now, I need some way to get in touch with my damn wife!

Dr. Graham: Tell me what you'd like to feel.

I don't want to feel anything.

I don't want to think.

I don't even want to dream.

You got something for that?

I do.

[Clears throat]

You'll need to lay on your side.

Just a little sting, then...



[Glass shatters]

[Breathing heavily]

Whoo! That was awesome, right?

[Chuckling] Yeah, that was great.

That was... That was really fun.

No way.

It was a little uncool.

Uh, it was Layla's big debut tonight, and...

You don't know. I mean, this is your first time at the Opry.


This is kind of a sacred place.

You know, there are traditions, and...

Listen, it's my bad.

I won't let it happen again, okay?

It's okay.

It was really fun...

It was.

...playing with you.

Thank you. I'm gonna let you change.

All right.

Uh, oh, hey, by the way, that guy, Avery... y-you like him?

He is a phenomenal producer.

But you got some great meetings tomorrow, so...

No, no, no, no, cancel them. My gut tells me he's the one.

It's the same gut that told me you were the one.

[Door closes]

[Cadence crying]


[Telephone ringing]

[Clears throat]

What is it?

Avery: Is Juliette there?

[Cadence crying]

Yeah, but she's sleeping.

This is her husband. I need you to wake her up. It's an emergency.

Who'd you say this was?

You need to tell her that our daughter is very sick, and you need to do it right now.

I don't think...

Wake her up, damn it!


Hang on.


Hey, Juliette?

Wake up.


There's someone on the phone for you.

Is it work?

No, it's...

If it's not about work, then I don't care.

Okay, I told her. She said she doesn't care.

[Cadence crying]

Wait, what?

Yep. Anything else?

[Crying continues]



[Knock on door]

Hey. It's me.

You mind if I come in?

Thought it was tradition to keep the dressing-room doors open around here, you know, unless you're getting dressed.

I've never been so embarrassed.

Yeah, that sucked.

But I'm pretty sure you've been through worse.

Layla, you put on a hell of a show tonight.

[Breathes raggedly]

You're part of history now.

Nothing and nobody changes that.

Didn't go the way I planned.

Ah, you got overshadowed. So what?

Least you got to have your Opry debut.

Some of us might never get the chance.

Now I'm more embarrassed. I'm sorry.

No. No, don't be. All I'm trying to say is, it's all right to be happy with what you got.

Even if it ain't perfect.


[Sighing] Thanks.



I just want to say that I'm sorry that I haven't really been able to reach you.

I know that I may not always get it, but I know how powerful music can be when it comes to reaching people.

I want to reach you, Scarlett.

I want you to know what I'm feeling...

Not just as some doctor...

But as the man that loves you.


...I wrote you a song.

Can I...?

Uh, sure.

[Keyboard plays]

Gunnar: ♪ I'll be right here when you fall : Hold you close until you calm down : It's not as bad as it seems : You still have me : I'll be right here, wait and see : You can count on me ♪

You wrote this?

[Inhales deeply]

I had a little bit of help.

I'm not sure what happened back there, but...

You want to talk about it?

Just drive.

♪ Remember, it's okay to be afraid ♪

Why do you tempt yourself like this?

Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment.

You're a stronger man than me.

Then again, my sponsor better be, because right now...


I want a drink.

Me too, man.

Me too.

Doctor: Her fever broke.

Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.

She'll be on antibiotics for a while, but she's gonna be just fine.

We'll send a prescription for her, and the discharge nurse will be right with you.


[Sighs deeply]

Everything all right?

Yeah, she's gonna be okay.


Hey, baby.

But I was wrong about Juliette.

Whatever she used to be, whatever she used to feel...

It's gone.

She's gone.

♪ When your heart is heavy : I'll do my best to live and learn : To be the one you can always turn to : You can count on me ♪

You dropped these.

I'm sorry.

I was just really happy and then really upset.

And angry, you know, 'cause I can't...

Be the way that I want to be around you without people...

♪ ...count on me : Mmm-mmm : Mmm-mmm ♪

[Chuckles softly]

It's an amazing song.

You write it for anyone in particular?

It's... it's Caleb's.

Caleb... who doesn't have a musical or poetic bone in his body?

That Caleb?

[Sighs] Well, he asked me to help him write it, so I did.

But you did most of the work.


You know, it's funny.

When we broke up, I thought it was because of Micah.

But it went back further than that.

You were never really over Scarlett, were you?

I'm so sorry, Caleb.

For what?

Blaming you for things that weren't your fault.

It happened.

Terrible things do.

I wish I could've done more to help your uncle.

I didn't just lose Mama.

I lost him, too.

Rayna: So, where were you?

I wasn't drinking, if that's what you're worried about.

It's not.

Babe, I know you're in a world of pain, a world of hurt.

I'm not hurt. I'm angry.

I know that, too.

Come here.

Her whole life, my sister...

Was a fighter.

You know that.

She never gave up... ever.

Scarlett gave up.