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01x09 - Spooky Action at a Distance

Posted: 09/22/14 17:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Manhattan"...


That's right. Music.

Man: He's with her again.

We're gonna enjoy a night to ourselves, hmm?

And my husband won't even notice I'm out.

We're WACs.

Just transferred to the Hill.

(Both giggling)

We were having fun.

El, why won't you dance with me?

The last three months, while you've been making your name writing school papers and eating cr*cker Jacks at Fenway, we've been stuck in this desert sh*thole working six days a week.

You just got a promotion.

It wouldn't k*ll you to smile.

Can I think about it?

There's a problem with Thin Man.

We're dead in the water.

We are, too.

So what are we gonna do about it?

(Knock on door)

Nearly midnight.

People don't usually keep me waiting.

I don't take an offer like yours lightly, Dr. Akley.

Well, it doesn't sound like you take it at all.

Charlie, since the day you arrived in this desert, you've been rejecting my canteen.

Now I brought you to a lake, you still won't drink.

I've never taken it personally.

I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should.

I accept the job.

I'll pour us another.

- But I have some conditions.


Three to be exact.

Otherwise, I can't be your deputy.

What are your conditions?

Security is slipshod.

I want to bolster compartmentalization.

Make information strictly need-to-know.

I'll take it under consideration.

What else do I need to know?

We need to thoroughly rattle-test all our work down to the last data point.

Check all the math...

We're through the design phase. You make these boys backtrack, they will hang you by your slide rule.

To be frank, sir, I've seen more than a few sloppy calculations come across my desk recently.

If Thin Man were assembled based on faulty numbers, it'd be a hell of a black eye.

Your funeral.

What's your third condition?

Fritz: More detonators won't change the laws of physics.

Well, we never let the laws of physics get in our way before.

We checked the Brit's math a hundred times.

It says that the only problem with implosion is that it's completely impossible.

I try to keep a positive attitude...

Full speed ahead.

Towards what destination?

Have a little faith in Frank. He got us this far.

It has been a group effort, tulip.

Helen Prins.


Gather your personal items, ma'am.

(Playing on car radio) ♪ Ten more miles down the road ♪
♪ Ten more miles down the road ♪
♪ My heart is heavy, Lord knows I'm weary ♪
♪ Ten more miles down the road ♪
♪ Ten more miles down the line ♪
♪ Ten more miles and she'll be mine ♪
♪ Then we'll start living, forget... ♪


Anybody home?


Frank: Hello?

(expl*si*n in distance)

♪ She's waiting for me and I know... ♪

Hello there.

You're Lazar, yeah?

I'm Frank Winter.

(Mumbles, chuckles)

Hell of a backyard you got here.

Must be the only place on the Hill where you can't see a fence.


One more.

39, 40.

40. 44.

Sure hope that's one of ours.

(Jet engine roaring)

One, two, three, four... five, six, seven.

Why are they always late?


(Theme music playing)

Manhattan 1x09
Spooky Action at a Distance

I brought you a bottle of vodka.

Heard you make your own sausages.

Thought you might be interested in a trade.


Yeah, my wife, she just loves them.

Uh-huh. That's not why you're here.


I said that's not why you're here.

I know you. I know that your group is in the dog shed.

No more expl*sives. No more detonators.

You probably won't even get matches to light your cigarettes.

So you come to my armory and you ask me for some sausage?

I hate liars. I hate vodka.

I thought this stuff was mother's milk in Moscow.

I'm not Russian.

I'm American.

Now get off my property!

Gentleman, as we approach the finish line, I will be stepping back from day-to-day operations around this office.

However, you will not be without a leader.

As of this afternoon, you will report to Charlie Isaacs.


This room contains some of the finest scientific minds in, um... well, in New Mexico.

As I take over, I'm going to be asking a lot of you.

Not just your hard work and brilliance, but also your loyalty.

To me and my new deputy.

If anyone has a problem answering to a woman, I can arrange for transfer to another site.

Helen: Frank! Where have you been?

Did you hear what Akley did, that smug prick?

Heard he gave you a promotion. Congratulations. Why aren't you in there?

Well, they're not even letting me into their offices yet.

Or in ours. They're making me take another ridiculous polygraph test again.

You'll pass it.

I don't want to pass it.

It's for the best, Helen.

Implosion's the endgame, Frank. I want to be a part of it.

Tell Akley he can't have me.

I can't do that.

Please, Frank.

It was my idea to transfer you in the first place.



Akley has a room full of IBM machines he doesn't need.

You traded me for a calculator?

I did what I had to do for the good of the project.

When everybody else was ready to pack it in, I never wavered, Frank.

You really are a son of a bitch.

Elodie: Lunch break?

I brought my own sandwich.

No, this one is better. Saucisson.

It's one thing you avoid me and now you refuse even to break bread?

Very rude.

I'm not avoiding you.

Well, at least have a drink.

Need to wash down all those Yiddish consonants.

You worried I'm gonna slip you a Mickey?



Neonatal seborrheic dermatitis is a not uncommon condition presenting as yellowish, crusty scales on the infant's scalp.

If you observe this in your newborn, ladies, do not panic.

Treatments include, but are not limited to...

Dr. Adelman, bed seven is crowning.

If you'll excuse me.

Ladies, I'm gonna leave you with Mrs. Winter.

A wonderful new addition to our team.

She'll distribute everything you need.

When in doubt, just remember, mothers have been doing this for millennia.

If cavewomen could do it, you can, too.

So, um... compliments of the hospital.

Please, help yourselves.


(Baby crying)


Anybody home?



Javier wanted to talk to you.

Javier, who is he?

Paloma's cousin.

He's been waiting an hour.

(Speaking Spanish)

He says, "It's been hard at the pueblo."

(Javier speaking Spanish)

"The farm, the harvest was bad this year."

(Javier speaking Spanish)

"Paloma has so many skills."

- (Javier speaks Spanish)


And we appreciated what she had to offer.

(Javier speaking Spanish)

Paloma told him you're a generous man.

What does he want?

(Speaks Spanish)

"A truck."

- A what?

He wants a pickup truck.

A pickup truck?

(Speaks Spanish)

Callie: I think he needs it by Friday.


I'll see what we have lying around.

- Adios.

Gracias por la leche.

Man: Have you ever inflicted physical harm on others?

No. Jesus.

Have you ever inflicted physical harm on yourself?

Well, I drink too much.

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

Yes. Joe Stalin and I are pen pals.

No, I'm not a Communist.

Do you believe in God?

I met him. His name's Niels Bohr.

This is not a vaudeville routine.

I was asked these questions before and my answers were the same as now.

If you'd like, I could have a smoke and you could copy my old form.

Have you in the past or do you plan now to pass intelligence to the government of occupied Holland?


Have you in the past or do you plan now to pass intelligence between divisions of this installation?


Announcer: Your attention, please.

Be advised, due to tight security on the Hill, all residents are subject to random searches.

Soldier: Next.

What's the holdup?

You should know. Your orders.

Extra security was supposed to be internal for our purposes.

Oh, it's internal, all right. Checking every orifice.

Man: Please, open your briefcase.

ID's out.


All I'm saying is the boys need direction. They're idling.

They wanna go to work for Helen?

Maybe we all have to consider options.

We have thrown everything we know at it and a few things we don't.

Density maximization, activated charcoal.

None of it can overcome the shock wave problem.

Oppenheimer wanted to shut us down before the Brits.

Now it's just a matter of when.

If we have to join forces with Akley... that's what we'll do.

(Clock ticking)

Callie: Why doesn't Paloma just come back and work for us?

We're doing just fine without a maid.

They cost too much anyway.

A pickup costs a lot more.

And yet you're considering that.

You know, this isn't your problem, young lady.

It's not Mom's problem either?

You didn't see how upset she got at that Indian funeral.

It was just too much like it used to be.

Let's let her enjoy the new job, okay?


Why don't we lock our doors, by the way?

What do you mean?

When I let Javier out, he said that people should lock their doors.

- (Pounds on window)


Stay there.

What the hell are you doing here?

We need to talk.

Be right back.

MPs are sweeping my office, they're frisking everyone.

We've created a monster.

A useful monster.

You remember, you knocked on my door.

And now 50 of my guys are working on your problem.

Our problem.

I'm in a henhouse full of foxes who think they're hens.

Have you told them you had to recheck all the Thin Man math?


Then I don't understand, what's the issue?

These are some of the smartest guys in the world.

How long do you think it'll take for them to realize they're working on implosion?

The shock wave calculations are broken up into tiny parts.

If the puzzle pieces are small enough, there is no way one guy can see the big picture.

Not one of your guys anyway.

I want you to requisition 12 sets of detonators and 100 pounds of TNT.

No, I get you the math, you worry about experiments. That's the deal.

Well, there's a new deal.

Akley gave you full authority to sign for resources.

Thin Man is finished with expl*sives testing.

I go asking for detonators and TNT, the army will be on my doorstep an hour later.

My source won't give us any.

This was your idea, figure it out.

I need you to leave now.

Don't you come back to this house again.

You were right, I lied.

If you know who I am, then you know I've spent the last year working on implosion.

I'm not ready to give up on it.

No matter what the army or anyone else says.

I respect that.

I need detonators. I need TNT.

expl*sives belongs to your army.

Yeah, but you're in charge of doling them out.

Should I go to the colonel and tell him you're going behind his back, huh?

You won't do that.

You don't know me.

I know you worked at the Navy Ordnance Bureau last year.


I made some calls this morning.

Asked an old friend there about you.


Albert Einstein.

He told me you were a good scientist.

He also told me you could be trusted.

Listen, the only risk I would like to take is to work with my expl*sives.


Fair enough.

For your time.

I don't take bribes.

And Einstein was wrong.

I'm not a scientist, I'm an engineer.

All right, stay where Mommy can see you, Joey.

To him, this is completely normal, hmm?

Then again, who am I to say what is normal?



Was it normal?


What happened between us that night.

You Americans.

Always looking for explanations.

Or penance.

What do you think happened?

You fell asleep.


Yes, but before I fell asleep.

You know, the first time I made love was a day just like this.

Spring in winter.

His name was Philippe.

He had this belt... leather, all beat up.

When he moved to London for university, I made him give the belt to me.

Still have it.

Every now and then, I take it out.

Sometimes I even... bite it and taste it.

Suddenly, I'm right back there.

What if your husband found it?

Secrets are what keep us alive, chérie.

Without them, we'd just be normal.


Well, come right in.

If I'm going to be your number two, you better get used to it.

Are you ready to start working?

You mean keep working on implosion for Frank?

Keep your voice down.

He told you?

He didn't have to. I'm a clever girl.

Thin Man has the resources, but it's flawed.

Implosion's the right model, but we have no manpower.

What you guys can do in a day will take us 10.

I had to keep you in the dark.

Or I wouldn't pass the polygraph.



So now I'm complicit in your crime.

We're all sticking our necks out here. We don't have a choice.

I always have a choice.

You can't tell anyone about this.

By the way, I'm screwing Paul Crosley.

Meeks: Terrible things always happen in threes.

Next, they'll probably stop printing "Superman."

- Helen will find her way back somehow.

Crosley: I say good riddance.

She doesn't know anything about shock waves anyway.

We need to have some fun, boys.

Should we assay your urine again?



Psilocybe cubensis.

Welcome to the wingding, gentlemen.


Psychotropic mushrooms.

Got 'em at the WAC dorm.

One of Jeannie's clients paid with these.

Oh, Jeannie's still seeing clients.

Fritz: They're from the natives.

We scarf these down, you'll see quite a show.

Meeks: Mm.

It's better than diddling our thumbs in the lab.

You twiddle thumbs, you diddle yourself.

Frequently, I'm sure.

Uh, you know, I tried marijuana once, you don't even want to know what happened.

Let me guess, you forgot your mother's phone number?

Come on. The Indians have been eating these for centuries. You will be fine.


Meeks. Meeks. Meeks.

(Chanting Meeks)

(Both cheer)

Are you satisfied?

See you in Wonderland.

(Music playing)

Elodie: Oh, no!

No, no. She's way too wholesome.


All those high-neck blouses.

No, but she's so beautiful and she's married to Laurence Olivier.

He can have her.

I would take the sweater girl over Vivien Leigh every night.

"Sweater girl"?

Lana Turner.

Oh, she wears the most beautiful sweaters on a pretty little figure like yours.


Mm. It's getting late.

Oh, keep your maid another hour.

It costs pennies.

I really should get back.

You think too much about "should."

Look at that, home before dinner.

Oh, Mrs. Isaacs, hello.


I was just on my way. Charlie should be back any time now.

Well, it looked to me like he'd be there half the night.

Heavy's the head that wears the crown.


Won't you stay for dinner?

I really shouldn't.

Yes, stay.

Why go home and wait for your man when you can be waited on for a change?

So this is nirvana?

Yeah, your fungi weren't much fun, Fritz.


Funicular, funambulist, funkiness, funnel cake.

(Both laughing)

Waste of a perfectly good evening.

I'm going to run my lines with Phyllis.

(Laughing continues)



Can you see them?

Yes, I also see a moat and boat.

And I am sailing towards an asymptote.

I knew we were starting to understand each other, Fritz.

Soldier: Guess it's too much drink.


You're in love with Helen, aren't you?

Yeah, I suppose I am.

That's great. That's so great.

That's great.

Be careful.

(Door opens)


- Liza: What's that?

It's a radio.

But we already have a radio.

It's for Callie.

Guard: Come forward, please.

Open that briefcase.



Guard: Have your ID's out.

Hey, am I acting normal?

Just make sure we all smile big at the brass.

They won't suspect a thing.

Okay, stop it. Stop being weird.

Meeks, you need to eat some more.

Maybe your metabolism's different.

Rate of absorption's too low.

What did you just say?

I said I think you need to eat some more.

No, "metabolism."

Rates of absorption.

Uh, did you cross-check the Pu-239 absorption rate against your old tamper charts?



Did you?

No, of course not.

The model changed.


It was right in front of us.

All along.


- Man: Next.

We have to go back.

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey. Hey.

Pull it together.

We have work to do.

Come on.

(Music playing)

Elodie loves Josephine Baker.


But I think she couldn't cut it in the States, so she hops across the pond and kisses the frogs.

(Music playing)

I want to taste you.

Lancefield: Mm, sweetheart.

Why don't you fish out that bottle of sherry we've been saving?


- Lancefield: You're burning up.

Am I?

I'd like to know you better.


Is that strange to say?


Well, I would.

No, well, I do know you.

I do know you.

I see what you are.

♪ Yokohama just to teach all those Japs ♪
♪ The Yanks are no saps ♪
♪ A million fightin' sons of Uncle Sam... ♪

You can keep a secret.

Stop it.

I'm just being neighborly.

What are you doing? What are...


I see what Charlie is doing and the minute he slips up, you can be sure I'll be waiting.

- Voilà.


Jesus on a cross...

Absorption rates.

We gotta find Frank right now.

No, no, no. It needs to be perfect before he sees it.

Double-check the math.

I just didn't know you had it in you.

Honestly, neither did I.

We're gonna need another board.

♪ Good-bye, Mama, I'm off to Yokohama... ♪

You are persistent.

Persistency is an overrated quality in a man.

The answer is still no.

I didn't come for your expl*sives.

Well, I have enough friends, thank you.

I cheated on my wife.

Why you tell me this, huh?

Woman's cousin paid me a friendly visit.

He says he's her cousin.

He wants something.

He left a present on my doorstep.

Well, you have two roads.

One... you go back home to your wife... and you tell her everything.

Second road is sounding better.

Well, you visit this cousin, make sure it's not a friendly visit.

Situations like yours, they end in truth or v*olence.

That's what I'm afraid of.

What would you do?

I'm sorry.

The army counts its detonators.

I can't loan you any.

But that shotgun... that's mine.

(Speaking Spanish)

He said he asked you for a truck.

I know what he asked for.

(Speaks Spanish)

He says, "That isn't a truck."

(Thunder rumbling)

(Engine revs)

I told him to k*ll you.

(Speaks Spanish)

Are we done?

(Speaking Spanish)

First, he demands to know what your army is building on our sacred land.

Then we will be done.

Enjoy your truck.

(Thunder rumbling)


A little early for a nap.

What the hell is that?

Uh, I don't understand.

There was, uh...

We were looking at absorption rates.

What do absorption rates have to do with shock wave control?

Or anything else that matters?

I don't remember.

I don't care what the Brits said, until you're out of my lab, quit playing hangman on my blackboards.

You know, a cattle rancher used to own this land.

From here all the way up to the mountains.

But his oldest son, he liked books, not cows.

So he took off for college, and when the old man died, the kid sells it.

You know how much he got?

$300 for all this. Yeah.

Smart men make stupid choices.

Cattle rancher stole it from the Indians anyway.

Well, if he hadn't, the two of us would never have met.

You think we would be out here trying to save the world on some sacred Indian land?

Thank you.

So how are you gonna explain this to your wife?

She never liked this car anyway.


Go easy on the clutch.

- (Music playing)

(Door opens)

(Keys clatter)

Last night while you were at work, I had dinner with Elodie and Tom Lancefield.

Tom... he touched me.


Charlie, it was horrible.

He said something about how he knew I could keep a secret.

What do you mean? What do you mean he touched you?

You know what I mean.

He groped me and he said something about he sees what you're doing and he's waiting for you to slip up and...


You have to do something.

(Drawer slams)

Like what?

I don't know.

Men will be men.

Best thing you can do is stay out of his way.

Mrs. Winter, your shift ended nearly an hour ago.

Oh, I'm just getting a jump on tomorrow's shift.

Well, that's a refreshing attitude.

You never told me what brought you to our clinic.

I understand you had your pick of assignments.

I suppose I wanted to help people.

Well, don't stay too late. You'll make me look bad.

Good night, Doctor.

(Car door opens, closes)

(Car engine starts)

(Car drives off)



(Sporadic clicking)


(Sporadic clicking)

(Clicking rapidly)

(Rapid clicking continues)