01x04 - Bone May Rot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x04 - Bone May Rot

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Blindspot"...

Dr. Borden: She can't remember who she is, where she came from, nothing... before she crawled out of that bag in Times Square.

Mayfair: Do you recognize her?


Then why is your name tattooed on her back?

Patterson: All of her tattoos are brand-new.

Weller: It's a treasure map.

Mayfair: It's a Navy Seal tattoo.

If she was Navy, she'd be in our database.

Not if she was Special Ops.


What is your problem with her?

Tell me the last time a victim was invited to join their own FBI investigation.

That's an FBI case file.

It's heavily redacted.

You're listed as the case officer.

If the girl has information about Daylight on her body, then we are in very serious trouble.

When I was ten, my next-door neighbor went missing.

You have the same eyes, the same scar.

My name tattooed on your back.

You think I'm Taylor?

We had your DNA tested.

They're a match. You are Taylor Shaw.

(keypad beeping)


(air lock hisses)


(door shuts)

(beeping continues)

(keypad beeping)

(airlock hisses)

Hey, Juliette, how's it going?

Just out of the substrate, they're ready to go.

Great, put it in the incubator at 42 degrees.

(breathing heavily)






Walter? Walter!


(Walter coughing)

(alarm buzzing)

Walter, it's okay!

Walter, stay awake! Stay with me, okay?


Oh, my God.

(alarm continues)

♪ (funk music playing)


Eight-letter word for "broken."

man: Right... right, right, right.

What are you doing?

Check it out.

I think I'm close to something.

No, no, no, no, no.

You're not supposed to see these.

Why? What is this?

Anyway, why is this woman's body covered in puzzles?

You can't just... Th-This is my work.

This is a total invasion of privacy.

You can't just...

I'm not gonna start going through your folders.

I don't have folders.

That's not the point, this is highly classified.

I shouldn't even have these at home, I could get...

Have you figured out the leaf one yet?



Why, have you?

Can I?


Let me show you.

See, this one's a maple leaf.

No, I know, this is an oak.

Like, I've stared at this for hours.

Classic puzzle misdirect.

It's not about the leaves.

It's about where they intersect.

Oh, my God. Here, look at... give me this.

Look what happens if we rotate it.

Oh, right. (laughing)

Well, now that we know your identity, we can begin to answer some of these questions.

If I'm Taylor Shaw... does this mean I have a family?

Are there people looking for me?

You were raised by a single mom.

Emma Shaw.

Does she know that I'm alive?

She passed away.

Weller: I'm sorry.

What was she like?

She was a great mom.

And she worked very hard to give you everything.

You were her whole world.

Do I have sisters or brothers?

No, no.

You spent a lot of time with me and my sister.

You were basically part of our family.

So whoever put your name on my back must have known that we had a connection as kids.

But... But that still doesn't answer what happened to me and how I got here.

No, uh, but it is a start.

It's the strongest lead that we have.

That's right.

I mean, your identity, your mother's name, where you grew up.

These are all things that can trigger powerful memories.

And that's our time.

Agent Weller, moving forward, I'd encourage you to share anything that you can remember about Taylor.

Any small detail could help.


This the new boyfriend?


It's not what you think.

Ah, no judgments.

I'm just glad to see you with a skinny dude for once.

What are you talking about?

Oh, come on, your usual types are mixed between gladiator and Viking.

I do not have a type.

I catch bad guys for a living, all right?

The last two dudes you dated scared me.

Then you scare easily, 'cause they were a loan officer and a soccer coach.

Sure they were.


And if you would stop paying attention to the way people look, then maybe you would get out of that rut you're in.

Rut? Who's in a rut?

Oh, I see you... wiping that phone.


It's a numbers game.

Last of the romantics.

Patterson: All right, check this out.

So see her tattoo here? The two leaves?

It's an oak and a maple leaf.

What's the significance?

That's what I couldn't figure out until I realized I was focusing on the wrong thing.

So see how the two leaves have a dark, shaded section where they intersect?

It's where they overlap that matters.

Well, looks a little like a bird.


So I knew I'd seen this image before, and I ran a search and found it's part of a logo.

Centers for Disease Control.

Weller: So what has that got to do with leaves?

The CDC's headquarters are on the northeast corner of...

...Oak and Maple.

Nice work.

Thank you.

I just kind of, you know, came up with it this morning when we were...

Um... I was...

I was alone, and I was just eating a... a breakfast.

Zapata: Okay... does this tattoo happen to mention what we're looking for?


The CDC is a huge organization.

Yeah. Let's get started.

I'll let them know you're coming.


Look, we have no idea what we're getting ourselves into.

You sure you want to bring her today?

We've been through this.

She might see something that we don't.

(locker opens)

All right, honestly, the idea of having her armed and out in the field makes me nervous.

She can handle herself.

Target practice is one thing, but think about what she's going through.

How's she supposed to focus?

I don't want to keep having this conversation with you.

She's coming with us.

(phone ringing)

Hello. Rebecca Fine.

I'm Deputy Director of Epidemiology.

Kurt Weller, FBI.


man: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Frank Surrey, Military Liaison and Principal Director.

Edgar Reade.

Surrey: I understand you all need to inspect our facility... should we be concerned?

No. We're working on a classified case.

Unfortunately, I can't say much more than that, but we do appreciate your cooperation.

Rebecca: Great, just in time.

This is Juliette Chang, my lab assistant.

Nice to meet you.

Juliette will take you through security, give you a tour.

Let us know if you need anything else.

So anyone entering the secure part of our lab needs to go through a decontamination process.

It seems like it should be the other way around.


(door beeps)

She's too smart for you.

I'll be turning on an ultraviolet light that will destroy any potentially harmful contaminants that may be on your bodies.

After we're done here, I'll escort you to the vacuum room.

If everyone's ready, I'll go ahead and start the process.

All good.

(electronic buzzing)

That's the reason why we bring her in the field.

Ultraviolet tattoos aren't especially rare, but this application was genius.

Why haven't we seen this before?

The UV frequency the CDC uses in their decontamination process essentially cooked the invisible ink like a... like a sunburn, making it visible under these conditions and these conditions only.

We never would have seen this in a lab.

So whoever tattooed them knew that she'd have to be at the CDC for them to become visible?

That's right. It's a site-specific tattoo.

So what do these numbers mean?

It's got to have something to do with the CDC.

Juliette, do these mean anything to you?

Those numbers follow the exact sequence we use to categorize our lab specimens.

Which specimens?

Let me check.

Juliette: This is weird.

I think you need to talk to my boss.

Each of these numbers corresponds with a sample vial of an infectious disease.

SARS, MERS... typhoid fever, Ebola.

Wait, those vials are kept here?

None of those diseases have any cure.

Shouldn't they be kept in a biohazard Level 4 facility?

We have an undisclosed BHL4 lab at this facility.

Rebecca: Knowledge of the lab is strictly need-to-know.

Most of our own employees aren't even aware of it.

So other than the fact that these are dangerous diseases, what else do they have in common?

I mean, there's got to be a reason they were singled out.

I wish I could tell you.

Actually, I think I have something.

It looks like Walter was the last person to access all of the vials.


Walter Tunnel.

He was our former director.

Where can we find him?

Unfortunately, Walter died in an accident two years ago.

He was infected with a... a rare form of botulism.

How'd he get infected?

There was a tear in his safety suit.

It never should've happened.

It's taken us a long time to get over the loss.

He was a wonderful man.

We're gonna need to see those vials.

Of course.

Juliette, take them down to BHL4.

I'll, uh, call in the clearance.

Weller: Reade, Zapata, find out everything you can about Walter's accident and his connection to the vials.

Hey, Juliette.

Did you know Walter personally?

Yeah, I knew him really well.

I took his epidemiology class at Columbia, and then I interned for him.

I was there when he died.

It was...

It was a real shock.

He was always so careful.

Good to go?

Yeah, we're all set.

Now, the process for entering a BHL4 lab is a bit more complicated.

Let's get suited up and I'll walk you guys through it.


(door opens)

Hey. Sorry.

Just wanted to check in on the Guerrero file, see where we're at.

I'm handling it.

Right... it's just, Jane's tattoo is directly related to this file, and... and this could be the key to everything.

If you could get it unredacted...

I can't do that.


Is... Is there a... a reason that you don't want me looking into this case?

We still have agents in the field who could be affected.

It's too dangerous to start poking around.

I understand that.

But if you could just give me some context...

When I say it's too dangerous, it's too dangerous.

I just... we're so...

Tell me something.

That CDC tattoo you solved today, "on your own"... how'd you really crack it?

Maybe you should get back to work.

Yes, ma'am.

(keypad beeping)

(beep, airlock hisses)

Follow me.

This is our BHL4 lab.

All the specimens are kept in a negative 70-degree freezer.


Shut the door behind you, please.

Yes, ma'am.

(air lock hisses)

That's strange.

It should be right here.

Maybe it got mislabeled.

Check the next number.

It's not there, either.

So far, all the vials from the tattoos are missing.

How is this possible?

(alarm buzzing)

What is that?

Did we set something off?

No, it wasn't us. There must have been a breach.

We're in lockdown.

(alarm buzzing)

Jane: A breach?

Wh-What does that mean?

Are... are we safe in here?

It could be security-related or a compromise in one of the labs.

I just don't know.

When was the last time this happened?

It was when Walter died.

He was the last person to access the missing vials.

I need to regroup with my team.

No, I'm sorry.

That's just not gonna be possible.

We have to stay here until the lockdown is lifted.

For how long? How long?!

Timing of this seem a little weird to you?


Think Jane and Weller are okay?

Something might have happened with those vials.

They're wearing HAZMAT suits.

Probably the safest ones in here.

We should be in there with them.

I'm glad we're not.

You really wanna be stuck in a room with Weller right now?

No window, no way out?


That is a control freak's worst nightmare.

Here, why... Why don't you sit?

This feels deliberate.

Walter accesses those vials and then dies in an accident.

As soon as we find out they're gone, we get locked in here.

I... I agree, it's too big of a coincidence, but what can we do?

I mean, Juliette said it's gonna be a while.



Sit, please.

You're making me nervous.


Will you tell me about that night?

The night I went missing.

You... You said you were there.

I was the only one there.

When your mom worked nights... she'd ask me to take care of you.

And you'd already gone to bed.

I went in to check on you.

And you were gone.

Then what happened?

I searched for you.

I checked the whole house.

Did someone break in?

There were no signs of forced entry.

No doors were open.

No windows were open.

You just vanished.

Were there any suspects?

Only one.

My father.

But there was never any physical evidence.

We lied about his alibi.

People thought that he was... he was too close.

He was close to...

He denied it.

He still does.

(alarm sounding)

woman on PA: Lockdown has been lifted.

All clear.

I told Frank about the missing vials.

He's on his way down.

The lockdown?

What happened?

According to security, it was a false alarm.

But it's strange.

Apparently, Rebecca is the one who initiated it.

We need to talk to Rebecca.

She's not here.

Where is she?

I'm sorry, who are you?

When did she leave?

woman: Right before the lockdown. She went to run an errand.

What is this about? Y-You can't go in there.

Uh, you can't just do that!

Reade: How'd she initiate a lockdown if she's not even in the building?

It looks like she accessed this computer remotely from her laptop after she left.

You think she did this to trap us in here?

Yeah. Question is why.

That's impossible. They must have been misplaced.

No, they're missing.

Okay, we need to alert security right now, have them review video footage, pass codes, everything they have.

Who had access to the vials?

Only two people in the CDC can give clearance to get into that freezer... myself and Rebecca.

We're gonna need to talk to her now.

She's in the wind.

She initiated a lockdown remotely.

Feels like she wanted to tie us up.

Remotely from where?

Patterson tracked down Rebecca's IP address.

She sent the lockdown commands from a brownstone in Brooklyn.

Let's move it.


Send a team to that address in Brooklyn.

Find out if Rebecca's there.



Patterson: So it turns out Rebecca has been running a secret lab in Brooklyn.

No sign of the missing vials, but she had her own mini CDC in there.

Mass spec machines, x-ray crystallography lab, you name it.

Any idea what she's up to?

Nothing good, but according to CDC records, one of the missing vials contains a rare strain of viral hemorrhagic fever.

Essentially the deadlier cousin of Ebola with no known cure.

What would happen if that was released into the population?

An outbreak like we've never seen.

Possibly millions of casualties.

Any leads on Rebecca?

She's gone dark.

Her phone's not operational and she hasn't logged on to her computer since the lockdown.

That's not very promising.

So we're gonna find her and find out what she's planning to do with those vials.

This map shows the origins of disease outbreaks from the past five years.

Several of them correspond with the disease specimens in the missing vials.

Ebola. SARS.

MERS. Typhoid fever.

They were contained eventually, but not before tens of thousands of people died.

We've been tracking Rebecca's movements for the past few years.

Get this: the last nine major epidemics occurred in cities that she's traveled to or near just before the outbreaks.

So you're saying that she started them?

I know it sounds crazy, but it's actually a pretty big coincidence if she didn't.

Rebecca is singlehandedly responsible for all of those deaths?

Weller: Why would she do this?

I don't know.

But there are ten disease strains missing and it looks like she used nine of them.

She has one left.

The deadliest one.

Why hasn't she used it yet?


Uh, I think I might know.

We just seized these aerosol cans from her lab.

She was in the process of weaponizing the virus.

So we just accelerated her timeline.

She must have realized it was now or never.

Weller: Grabbed one of the prototypes.

Hey, looks like Rebecca's husband just used his credit card at a gas station in Cold Spring.

You think they're together?

He's the last person she called before she destroyed her phone.

Weller: I'm calling state police.


I don't understand.

How did your mom get into a car accident? I mean, whose car was she driving?

I don't know.

We'll be there soon.

I wasn't even speeding.

(second siren)

Another one? This is ridiculous.

What'd I do?

Just pull over.

police: Driver, pull over.

police: Turn off the ignition, exit the vehicle...

What the hell is going on?

Look, I love you.

Please understand.

I am trying to save the world.

What are you talking about?

I'm so sorry.

But this will be faster.

Rebecca, what are you...


Uhh! (groaning)

police officer: sh*ts fired!


Thank you.


Her mother lives upstate.

I think that's where she might have been heading.

She must have known once we saw the vials were missing we'd be onto her.

We just got the crime scene photos.

The state police checked the car.

No sign of the missing vial, but they did find a parking receipt from the Manhattan Cruise Terminal from about three hours ago.

Why would she stop at the pier first?

If she was planning to infect as many people as possible, the terminal would be ideal.

Thousands of people getting off cruise ships and getting on the planes to head home.

Perfect way to spread the virus around the world.

If that was her plan, she wouldn't have to hide the device.

She could put it somewhere out in the open.

What is this? Can you zoom in on her watch?

Set on a timer.

About two hours to go.

When was that photo taken?

2:01 p.m.

So we got until 4:00 p.m. to find that delivery device.

She wasn't just running from us.

Weller: She was trying to get out of the hot zone.

I'll dial in TSA and NYPD to order an immediate evacuation and I'll get our biohazard team to start suiting up.

No, no, no, no, no.

You're not gonna make it in time.

We gotta stop this now.

If that device goes off, a lot of people are gonna die.

Thank you.

(siren wailing)

You blame yourself, don't you?

For what?

The night I went missing.

You think it was your fault.

You know, ever since you told me I'm Taylor, I've... been focusing on what that means for me, but... you've been living with this for 25 years.

Have you talked to your dad about me?

My dad and I...

It's not that simple.

I can't talk about it right now, Jane.

I don't wanna... talk about it.

All right.

Here we go.

Looks like the evac's already underway.

(crowd chattering)

Excuse me. Move!

What are we looking for?

Anything that looks out of place.

In a crowded terminal during an evacuation?

Should be easy.

man: Come on, folks, keep it moving.

Weller: Excuse me, coming through. Excuse me.

All right. Reade, Zapata, go check the security footage from a few hours ago.

Jane and I will search the floor.

Excuse me, coming through, excuse me.


The terminals are being swept by NYPD.

TSA is securing the ships and the baggage areas.

So far, I haven't seen anything unusual.

It's a needle in a haystack.

Rebecca didn't have a lot of time.

Jane: What?

What is it?

See that?

All these bags are linked with that security chain, except for that one.

That's not right.

Zapata... you in the control room?

I'm in front of the check-in desk.

Review the footage from my position a couple hours back.

I think we've got something.

Pull up the check-in desk.

Can you take it back a few hours?

There she is. Rewind it.

We got her.

Now what?

We contain it.


Where's the HAZMAT team?

They should be here by now.

The evacuation caused a massive traffic jam.

They're having trouble getting through.

We're running out of time.

How are we gonna do this on our own?

Weller: Patterson?

Okay, okay.

Uh, uh... We can do this.

I can walk you through it.

Uh, first, we're gonna need to prevent as much collateral damage as possible.

Every door and window needs to be shut in the terminal, and the main HVAC system needs to be turned off.

On it.

Next, we're gonna need to "MacGyver" some sort of containment tent around the bag before it goes off.

We're on it.

(grunting) Move it this way.

Reade! Give me a hand.

Weller: Get the broom.

(mutters) Okay...

(tape ripping)

Reade: One more, one more.

Patterson: The key is to make it airtight.

You just need it to hold until HAZMAT gets there.

Weller: Reade.

Okay. That's it.

Weller: Bag's contained.


It's 4:00. Nothing happened.

Maybe we got the wrong bag.

(pop, gas hissing)

(cell phone vibrating)

What's wrong?

man: Uh, nothing.

I don't think. Why, what have you heard?

You never call me at work.

I know, I just...

I had to see if we were right.

About the tattoo. It's been k*lling me.



Damn it!

I thought for sure we cracked that thing.

No, no, no, no, no, we were right, but...

Yes, I knew it. Was it a big deal?

It's a big deal, isn't it?

You can't tell me.

That's okay. It had that feel to it, though.

Yes, it's... it's a very big deal, but that's not the point.

I can't do this anymore.

Hey, what'd the bird mean?

Was it a cipher or something?

It was a cipher, wasn't it?

No, it was a logo. No, David!

We have to stop. You can't help me with this stuff.

These tattoos are classified.

I mean, you shouldn't even be looking at them.

Hey, did we solve it or didn't we?

Yeah, we did, but...

And did it help or didn't it?

It did, but...

Then what's the problem?

Look, if I can help you crack some of these faster, isn't that a good thing?

It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone.

Uh, I gotta go.


Hey, I have a... like, a weird craving for that corn dog place across from Barcade.

Do you want to meet me there tonight?

Uh, yeah, fine, whatever.

Just... just stop calling me at work.

Surrey: Hey, guys. Come on in.

We need to do a basic evaluation and get some blood from you guys before we let you go.


Where's, uh, Special Agent Weller?

Zapata: He didn't want to leave the makeshift containment tent unattended, just in case.

We should have stayed with him.

It's over. He's fine.

Do you have a radio for Agent Weller?

Agent Weller, this is Frank Surrey from the CDC.

I'm here to relieve you. I need you to report to the quarantine tent.

I'll stay, help you seal the area.

Agent Weller, my team should be here any minute.

Every second you're there, you increase your risk of exposure.

That's why you're gonna bring me a HAZMAT suit, Doctor.

I'm on my way.

Weller: Did you know her well?

Surrey: I thought I did.

Went to school together.

Co-authored several papers.

I was the one who brought her into the fold at the CDC.

(computer beeps)

Well, this is very not good.

It's hard not to feel responsible for this in some way.

You can't think like that, Doc.

Hey, Weller, are you still on VOX?

(grunting) Uh... yeah.

What's up?

Don't let Dr. Surrey near the device.

Why is that?

I-I-I've been cross-referencing every CDC employee's travel to see if there was any overlap with the outbreaks, and I just got an alert that Frank purchased a plane ticket an hour ago with short layovers all around the world.


The ticket was bought today.

I think he might be planning to infect himself and fly around the wor and spread the disease.

He's probably already ripped his safety suit... and yours.

Doc, stop.

Step away, Doc.

But I...


It's over.

Rebecca and I spent our entire lives studying viruses.

Do you know what the greatest threat to mankind is?

Modern medicine.

Stop! Don't move!

We create all these vaccines, antibiotics... cures for diseases that should never be cured.

This planet was not designed to support 8 billion people.

You're a doctor.

You work for the CDC.

Your job is to save lives.

No, my job is to save the human race.

If we do nothing, our destruction is guaranteed.

That is insane.


It's already spiraling out of control.

In your lifetime, we're gonna see famine, drought, poverty, on an unimaginable scale.

Somebody's got to have the courage to do what has to be done to save the human species.

Walter found out, didn't he?

And that's why you k*lled him.

All these diseases that we're trying so desperately to find a cure for are actually the last-ditch effort of a dying planet trying to save itself, trying to wipe out the thing that is actually destroying it: us.


(both grunting)





The CDC is so solid.

How did Frank and Rebecca have these radical views and go undetected?

They're gifted scientists.

Top of their field.

The CDC had no reason to suspect that they'd gone rogue.

They almost got away with it, though.

They're gonna be fine.

We all are.

Hope so.

First the DOD, then the CDC.

Whoever made these tattoos had some pretty serious access.


Why would they do this to her?

Why kidnap a woman, wipe her memory, then tattoo her entire body with puzzles for us to solve?

Makes her pretty hard to ignore.

Okay. Hold that.

And I will be back in a minute.

You just wait here for me, okay?

(clears throat)

Hey, good work today.

Thank you.

Look, I know you think I'm the bad guy because I didn't welcome you with open arms.

You think I'm a liability.

I don't know what more I can do to...

I'm not worried about you.

All of us depend on Weller.

He's got better judgment than anyone I've worked with my whole career.

He's made split-second decisions that have saved our lives more times than I can count.

I don't understand...

When he's around you, the guy I lean on, the guy I know... isn't there.

And that scares the hell out of me.

There's nothing I can do about that.

I know.

That's the problem.

What are you doing in here?

I was thinking about our conversation the other night, regarding your mystery girl.

This laissez-faire approach of yours isn't really doing it for me.


I want to talk to her.

That's not possible.

Anything's possible.

I mean, you of all people should know that.

Come on, I get in a room with Jane, we have a nice little chat, it'll be great.

I promise not to bite.

I told you I was managing the situation, so give me the time to do that.

Time is the last thing that we have.

See, if your girl knows about Daylight, then who else does?

And what do they know about us?

What, you think it's a coincidence that she was gift-wrapped and delivered to your team?

See, I don't like the proximity, and I don't like the question marks.

Her mind was wiped.

She's just a vessel for this information, that's all.

What are you basing that on?

What, a lie detector test and some psych evals?

Just let me talk to her.

I'm not handing her over to you so you can throw her in some cell and do whatever it is the CIA does to find things out.

This doesn't have to be a straight favor.

What do you need from me?

Let's make a deal here.

I need for you to get out of my office.

So be it.

Just remember this later... when everything's falling apart and you're asking yourself why, that I came to you first and tried to play nice.

'Cause the rest is on you.

You were very brave today.

Stupid... but brave.

I think there was a compliment in there somewhere.

(mutters) Yeah.

I'm, um, I'm...

I'm sorry if, earlier, in the car...

I recognize where that photo was taken.

We had a creek at the back of our house.

Just out there.

Used to go fishing there with my dad.

We didn't... we didn't catch much, but, uh...

I loved being out there.

My sister, she was always inside, playing with her dolls, but, uh... but you were a tomboy.

Anytime I was outside, you'd run out of your house and try to tag along.

(chuckling) We... We had this little... wooden fort.


I haven't thought about that for a long time.


Weller, can I steal you for a second?



(sighs) Well...


It's really nice... to have you back.

(cell phone ringing)

That's cold, Tash.

Screening my calls all day.

I was gonna hit you up after I got out of the subway.

What are you doing following me?

If you picked up your phone, you know, I wouldn't have to chase you down.

I'll pay you as soon as I can.

Jets lost today.

That makes it 40 Gs now.

Let's go again.

Double or nothing.


That's how you got in this hole.

I want my money.

I'll get it to you.

You know I'm good for it.

Three days.

All right, what am I looking at?

Molecules of coltan, which is short for columbite tantalite.

My favorite of all the tantalites.

They're trace isotopic elements I found in Jane's tooth.

You pulled one of Jane's teeth?

Well, I-I-I took the one that was knocked out in the fight at the safe house.


I mean, it was too good to resist.

The human tooth is... is a goldmine of genetic information.

Besides, it's not like she can put it back in.

Yeah, what does this mean?

These elements would only be in Jane's enamel if she was from Sub-Saharan Africa.

Maybe she was taken there after she got kidnapped.

Here's the thing.

Isotopes can be aged.

Kind of like carbon dating.

The markers in her teeth are from when she was an infant.

So what are you saying?

She was born in Africa.

No. She was born in Pennsylvania.

I was there the day they brought her home.

I'm sorry.


But that's not what the tooth says.

Your DNA tests confirmed that she's Taylor Shaw.

So what are you saying? That's not true?

All I know is the DNA results directly contradict the isotope test.

Is she Taylor Shaw or not?

Both tests are conclusive, but both can't be true.

I don't know who she is.
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