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03x03 - Dragon

Posted: 10/12/15 12:17
by bunniefuu
"Something dark is growing inside me. When I watch him with her, acting like we never existed, I feel it. That's... the thing that hurts the most. The fact he's turned me into someone... I don't recognize. Someone eaten up by hate."

Hey, space cadet!

Your speech was awesome.

No, it was hypocritical bullshit.

Look at us, Will, we go to one of the most expensive schools in Europe.

Capitalism hasn't failed us.

It's... empty rhetoric.

Just words.

You love words.

What's up with you?

Coach sick.

Well, don't go baffing on me, Karl Marx.

You wanna take a photo?

Leave it, baby.

Mr. Lorcan?

What's going on, sir?

Mr. Arn, why have we stopped?

Quiet, everybody.

Shut the f*ck up!

My friends out there will sh**t anyone who tries to escape.

Mr. Lorcan here is going to collect your phones.

Don't try playing the hero.


All right everybody, just stay calm.

Where's the girl?

Where is Chloe?

Are you with the ICC?

I'm Michel Dorn. I'm the chief prosecutor of the court.

Inspector Strand, this is Inspector Costante.

Madam Ambassador.

She tried to contact me from the coach.

Just tell him we'll give him whatever he wants.

It's not in his interest to hurt your daughter, OK?

We'll do everything we can to keep her safe.


This is Inspector Costante of the ICC.

Who am I speaking to, please?

He says he's going to k*ll us.

What's your name, sweetheart?


Hey Chloe, I'm Marco.

I'm here to make sure everybody stays safe.

And I promise I'll do everything I can, OK?

Do you trust me, Chloe?



You're being very brave.

Now listen, if you can tell whoever's there this would be much better if we could speak directly.

What took you so long?

I've travelled from Holland to be here, sir.

Are you gonna tell me what's going on?

One million Euros.


For each of the hostages, or I start blowing brains out.

OK, it's going to take a little time to get you that sum.

You're stalling.

Look, 15 million Euros is a lot of money.

I've spoken to the bank, I can get the money within a matter of hours.

Listen to me, you'll get your money, OK?

Sir, are you there?

Get in there!




No, no, no...

We,ah, think the gunman escaped via the drains.

The police are sending some men down now.

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

"What's your name, sweetheart?"


"Do you trust me Chloe?"

"Do you trust me Chloe?"


I should have noticed, Arn was taking a different route.

I didn't even realise we pulled off the main road, until we were in the tunnel.

The guy was talking some other language, I didn't understand.

He was communicating with his accomplices on the radio. They could have been Russian, or Polish.

Could you see them from the coach?

I saw them outside the window, they were speaking Czech.

I have a Czech mate.

Chloe was sitting right next to me.

But she went to the bathroom when it happened, she got coach sick.

How did Arn know that she had gone?

He asked me.

He smashed on the door, and dragged her out.

She was screaming.

He brought Chloe to the front, put a g*n to her head, got her to call the police, and we waited.

I had no clue Theo was gonna do that.


So, you know him well?

He used to drive us to all our games.

I thought he was a good guy.

Turns out he's a f*cking psychopath.

He started sh**ting at us.

Everyone was freaking out.

I got to my feet, I wasn't thinking, I... wanted to get the g*n from him, to stop him.

I swear if Lorcan hadn't put a b*llet in him, I would have.

I just wanted to save her.

I couldn't.

Displaced bone fragments at the scene suggest the shot was fired from close range.

Now... the headmaster, Lorcan, said that Chloe was next to the driver, and that he, Lorcan, he heard the shot.

And then he lunged at the driver and wrestled the g*n.

Which was a SIG Sauer, it's, ah, commonly used by the Swiss military.

This bus driver, Arn, his money was coming. Why sh**t her then?

Yes. And everyone said that Chloe didn't move, she didn't make a sound.

That kid, Will Harrigan, he said, Arn asked for Chloe by name, which surprised him.

I think we need to find out as much as we can about this driver.

Arabela and Ellie are on it.

If he was in it for... for the money, why... why jeopardize his own plan?

What else would he have wanted?

I don't know.

But... but this wasn't about a ransom.

I think Chloe was m*rder*d for another reason.

OK, let's work through it again.

Madam Ambassador.

I apologize. I wasn't aware that you were here.

But I can assure you that we are doing everything in our power to bring those responsible to justice.

May I have a word?

Madam Ambassador, I'm... I'm sorry I have to ask you this, but, do you know of anyone who might have wanted to hurt Chloe?

Who would want to hurt her?

I believe she may have been targeted.

What do you mean?

The driver noticed your daughter had left her seat.

And... and asked for her by name.

There were 15 students in that coach.

Exactly! Why single her out?

Madam Ambassador, I've conducted dozens of hostage negotiations, and... and n-none of them has ever played out like this.

So, you think it's plausible that this was some kind of assassination of my 17 year-old daughter?

It's ludicrous!

You bangled the negociation and now you're reaching for far-fetched explanations to assuage your guilt!

You truly believe the girl was targeted?

What else could it be?

Well, certainly nothing you said or did could have provoke that driver to pull the trigger.


What have you got?

Turns out our driver, Theo Arn has been hiding a prison record.

Minor drug charges.

So much for school CID check. What about the... the car in the tunnel?

Stolen from a car park in Geneva two days ago.

We're checking CCTV.

What's wrong?

I need to get to the airport.

Where are you going?

Back to school.


You're going to fall and break your neck, then what would I say to your father?

I'll take those.

Put your hand on my shoulder.

Thank you.


Where is Inspector Costante?

I'm not 100% clear on his whereabouts to be honest.

And the others?

They are tracking the gunman.

Carine and Sebastian are trolling through CCTV footage, Luke and Arabela are checking Border Control.

And you're left here guarding the fort.

Yes. I am researching Swiss law.

And the access to police in schools.

But you would rather be in the field with the others, would you not?

It's OK.


I'm gonna need... access to Lausanne International College.

Would you sanction my investigation?

Oh, you're going to be knocking on doors at the school, so you should have someone by your side, who speaks the local language.

Swiss French?


The language of the rarified.

Are you offering to come with me?


I had in mind someone considerably younger.

Miss Schadenfreude.


OK, send her over.

You're going to need to put on your shoes.

He wants me with him?

Get your shoes on.

You have my phone number?

Of course.


Thanks I just wanted to say, I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity.

I didn't.

Well, I suppose, you're used to all this.

Well, my boarding school wasn't in this league.

Where'd you go to school?

Somewhere with fewer lakes, you wouldn't have lasted a week.

Well, teenagers are cruel wherever you go.

And besides, You had a luxuary that I didn't.

You got to go home at the end of the day.

We are here to celebrate the life of Chloe Hanbury, who departed so suddenly and who has now joined our Lord in Heaven.

Let us take a few moments to remember her.

Is there anything I'm looking for?

In particular, I mean.

You know, collective trauma can have a profound psychological effect on an institute such as this.

We're all reeling from these tragic events.

But here at Lausanne, we consider ourselves to be a family.

And as a family, we acknowledge the great importance of Chloe's life, and the loss to us all that her passing brings.

If some of her friends have a few words they'd like to share.

Chloe, I can't believe you're gone.

You were a beautiful person.

So full of life and laughter.

We, your friends, are going to miss you so much.


You don't have to hide that.

Why did you leave?

I thought you were friends with Chloe, weren't you?

Her only friend.

Those people in there they didn't give a shit about Chloe when she was alive.

What about Arn?

The driver? What about him?

Well, did she ever talk to him?

He was only friendly with the sporty types.

Chloe was good at a lot of things, but she was no athlete.

You know, it's funny, she always we were a... bunch of hypocrites.

Today proves it.

That's some Oscar-winning performances happening in there.

Wh... was Chloe unpopular?

She wasn't exactly Lausanne's biggest fan.

You should've heard some of the stuff she wrote about this place.

She wrote?

Oh, my dormatory looked just like this.

I don't know where she kept her journal.

Well, you are the expert on teenage girls.

Um, I've got to go.

Th-they're making me see some, ah, bereavement counsellor.

Thank you.

Uh, don't we need a warrant?

A student invited us in.


Well, she really didn't want her journal found.

Maybe she took it home.

Where it might have been read by her mother?

I certainly wouldn't have risked that.

I used to hide stuff in my dorm all the time.

Mostly vodka bottles from my parents' drinking cabinet.

I used to put them in hockey socks.

It stops the clinking.

Dormitory checks make a girl resourceful.



Not a drinker.

Theo Arn.

This must be the place.

Ladies first.

So this is what a driver salary gets you?

I like what he did with the place.

He'd cleared it out.

Expecting his share of fifteen million Euros.

Well, maybe he was just tidy.

Bit creepy.

What are you trying to say?

I'm tidy.

That you're a bit creepy.

Wow. Thanks for the clarification.


This guy was meticulous and left nothing behind.

A shredder.

I wonder what secrets that thing munched.

I wonder what day the trash was taken out.

Aw! Fish pie?

About a week old.

I'm impressed.

Are you...

No. I was just having my suit dry cleaned, so...

I cannot believe that you just did that.

I think I have something.

What is it?

Pays to get your hands dirty.

Well, I hope Sebastian likes... what is that? Seafood?

I don't know what time I'll be finished here.

Listen, could you just stay there with him?

I'll be back as soon...

One second, I'll call you back.

Inspector Costante?

Sebastian, I'd like you to do a little snooping for me.

I need to get into the school's database.

It'll take a little while.
Do we have permission?

Carine won't like it.

Whatever I find can't be used as evidence.

OK, let's just see what it's gonna throw up.

And, um, Sebastian?


Don't get caught, OK?
"Mom says I'll get used to it here. Sure, it... looks pretty nice from the outside. The lake, the chapel. But we're locked in every night. I miss my friends. I miss New York. Some people embrace the bubble. It's so warm and safe in here. The big fish grow very big. Some live at the edges. Telling themselves their happiness is yet to come. Others chase any form of escape. I know I should feel beyond lucky. But sometimes I feel like I can't breathe."


You found it?

Yeah, and this.

Looks like a cocaine.

What does it say?

Oh, she was in love.

Doesn't say with whom, but it didn't end well. She's... torn out most of the pages. Listen to this: "I'm going to make him pay. I'm going to ruin his life like he's ruined mine."

I'm assuming you have a warrant.

We found Chloe's journal.

She... she wrote about, uh, about her ex-boyfriend.

Do you have any idea who she's talking about?

She didn't have any boyfriends here.

She was too focused on her studies.

Oh, I'm afraid she did have a boyfriend.

And I think he's the one who got her k*lled.

Hey. What's up?

Christmas has come early this year, Sebastian.


What is this?

It's the only lead we have on the other gunman.

We found it in Arn's trash.


You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Might be.

I'll bet good money she found it.

There's no way you'd get that shiny suit of yours dirty.

It's wooden silk.

I'm right though, aren't I?

I would have shown you this in my lab, but it smells strangely of seafood.

It's a plane ticket Arn purchased under a false name.

Turns out he flew to Prague three weeks ago.

I'm guessing he wasn't sight-seeing.

I figured, where's the best place to meet criminals?

Prison, right?

So, I checked Arn's records to see if he did any time with Czech inmates.

David and Aleksandr Brosnek.

Cocaine traffickers operating from Prague.

Cocaine traffickers?

Anything to do with narcoterrorism?

Narcoterrorism, why?

The victim was the US ambassador's daughter, the FBI called Dorn, they raised the possibility.

No, there's no indication of that.

These clowns seem way too low-level for that sort of thing.

Is there any evidence that they were in touch with our driver, before the hijacking?


But if Arn was recruiting for this stand office, they'd certainly provide muscle.

Is it worth a trip to Prague to try and find these guys?


It's a great lead. Well done, Sebastian.

Thank you.

Madam Ambassador, Michel Dorn.

We have identified two suspects as possible accomplices.

That's good news.

Your detective was here. I found him going through some of Chloe's possessions.

He's creating an in-depth profile of her.

Th-that's his field of expertise.

I... don't recognize this girl that he's investigating.

She wasn't happy.

She didn't tell me. I mean...

Did she feel that she couldn't?

Teenagers keep secrets.

Especially from their mother.

I should have spent more time with her.

It was a mistake to send her away to school.

May I ask why you did?

I thought it would be good for her.

Well then, you did what you thought was right.

Just as you're doing now, Madam Ambassador.

Pursuing justice in the midst of what must be crippling grief.

It takes courage.

True courage.

I want to hear her voice again.

You know?

Aristotle once distinguished four characteristics of the tragic hero.

Played by Robert Pattinson.

Surprisingly, cheekbones and dreamy hair aren't up there but if they were, Mr. DeSabato, you'd be a front runner.

Please continue, Mr. Lorcan.

The first, nobility.

The second is known as hamatia, a single flaw that sends the hero to his doom.

Followed by a reversal of fortune, and finally, the realisation that the hero has brought this upon himself.

Your essays are due next Tuesday.

Mr. Lorcan, we would like to speak to Matteo.

Good afternoon.


We're looking for some information on two men who stayed here about three weeks ago.

David and Aleksandr Brosnek.


Yeah, we need possible details, addresses.

Any information they provided.

Oh, you can ask them yourselves.

They checked in again this morning.

Mr. Brosnek?

(Speaks Czech)

Excuse the interruption.

Inspector Seeger, and Wilkinson, from the ICC.

Where's your brother?

He checked in with you.
When's he coming back?

We have reason to believe you were involved in the hijacking of a school bus.

And the m*rder of Chloe Hanbury.

Nice forged passports, Mr. Beren.

When did you last see Theo Arn?


I hope your brother is as charming as you are.

What's he saved under...

I'm guessing "D" is for David, uh?

Are they our guys?

Could be. Aleksandr has been travelling on a fake passport, I wouldn't be surprised if he took a recent trip to Geneva.

I've sent the details to your phone.

How's the trace coming?

They're within a half kilometre of you.

So, Brosnek's close. Sebastian is getting an exact location on him. What's that?

Falafel wrap, supposedly.

I'll pass, thanks. Aren't you vegan?


That's meat.

About 80% rat, I'm guessing.

Come in, Matteo.

Have I done something wrong?

Does he have to be here?

Oh yeah.


You can speak freely, Matteo.

It's important you tell the police the truth.

Were you friendly with Chloe?


How friendly?

I have a girlfriend.

Come on, you're 17.

I remember 17.


OK then, can you tell how Chloe got a hold of the cocaine we found in her room?

I'm sorry?

Chloe was in possession of cocaine.

That's a serious allegation to make against a student.

We have a rigorous anti-dr*gs policy.

One strike, and you're out.

'Cause that's working, isn't it?

Half the school's on something, man.

Who's dealing?

I don't do that shit.

Look, OK, Chloe and I hooked up once.


Kids have sex, that's a reality!

I mean, you can try and pretend all you like.

You know what? My dad is gonna be really pissed off to find out you've been sitting here asking me all these questions without a lawyer.

And you've been letting it happen.

So can I go now?

Inspector Costante, I don't see how interrogating my students gets you any closer to finding those gunman.

Well, we believe someone on this campus was involved in Chloe's m*rder.

That's profoundly unlikely.

This school was funded upon its reputation.
If word get out to the parents about this...

We'll be discreet.

Well, you better make bloody sure that you're right.

Because making allegations like that is not only reckless, it could also be considered slander.

So, what are your thoughts?

Well, Matteo is lying to us.

He thinks his daddy's lawyers can protect him.




How are you holding up?

The grieving process.

Oh, um...

I mean, yeah it's awful.

Yeah. Excuse me.

Can I... show you something?

"Aurelia called me a slut in French yesterday. Pretty ironic when she has had most of the basketball team."

I mean, your name crops up a lot in here.

OK, so, we weren't that close. But...

I'm still upset.

Yeah, I bet you are.

Especially after what happened between her and Matteo.

I take it you knew that the two of them, uh...

What's the expression, Ellie? Hooked up.

I need you to tell us whatever you're hiding.

Sebastian located Brosnek.
He says we're close.

Very close.

That's him.

Sure looks like it.


Right, oy!


Stop, police!





Police! Everyone get down!

Police! Everyone get down!

Let's go! Hey!






Where is he?

Stop! Halt!

Arabela, move!





Nice one.

This is so f*cked up. After all I've done to help him.


Helped him how?

Covered for him?

Was he dealing dr*gs, Aurelia?

Arn drove it in, Matt sold it.

Matteo and Arn were working together.

Inspector Costante.

Did you get that info from the school's database?

I just sent it through, along with Chloe's autopsy report.

There is something about her I think you should know.


Three hours before that coach was h*jacked, your fake passports were used to fly to Geneva.

That's where the car found in the tunnel was stolen from.

It's quite a coincidence, no?

Look, the sooner you come clean, the better it is for you and your brother.

You'll be going back to prison.

Question is: how long do you wanna spend there?

This is one of our gunmen?

Almost certainly.

But the evidence against him and his brother is purely circumstantial, and they know it.

You confirmed that they're just traffickers, no connection at all to the terrorism?


That's it.

Thank you.

Theo Arn, he contacts you. He says that he has idea to make some cash.

Some rich kids' parents will give it up, seems like a pretty straightforward plan.

Here's what I...

You're in the tunnel, you hear the sh*ts, they're coming from the bus, it's two sh*ts.

Are you surprised?

Did you know that he was gonna k*ll Chloe, that he was gonna k*ll that girl?

See, I don't think that you did.

Because you fled.

Without the money.

Because you are suspects, in the m*rder of a US ambassador's daughter, the FBI wants to extradite you.

They will take you to a facility, and you will be tried as t*rrorists.

Do you have any idea what they'll do to you in there?

I don't think that you're t*rrorists.

I think that this was a punt for cash, that went wrong.

I gotta say, I don't think that the FBI is going to believe that.

We are not t*rrorists.


This was a plan by Theo Arn.

He needed you there.

Just in case he needed backup.

This is the g*n that k*lled Chloe and Theo Arn.

Did you give this g*n, to Arn?

Not this one.

I've never seen this g*n before.

We gave him a P09.


We got the brothers to confess to being in the tunnel but they said that they give Arn a different g*n, a P09.

Same kind of g*n that David was packing when we picked him up.

Why lie? They have no reason to.

Unless they weren't lying.

Where's Matteo?

On his way.

Come on in. Take a seat.

Well, how do you think he was involved?

We hope to find out.

Must be a very smart boy.

Well, he's a good student.


He almost had us fooled.

Just like you were saying in class, all it takes is one mistake.


Yeah. Yeah.

The g*n used to sh**t Arn and Chloe was a SIG Sauer, but, Arn's accomplices have confirmed that they gave Arn a Czech p*stol, so where is Arn original g*n?

I don't understand.

I didn't either.

Not... not for a long time. But then, I was under the, ah, false assumption that Arn shot Chloe.

There are plenty of ways to abort a foetus.

Chloe was pregnant.

With your baby.

But that wouldn't be good for the school's precious reputation, now, would it?

To have its headmaster jailed as a sex offender.

And then you discovered, someone had been hacking school files on parents who donated large amounts of money.

Listing the most wealthy students.

It must have been alarming, when you discovered that your coach driver was doing this.

I confronted Arn, he confessed his plan, I was gonna go to the police.

Instead you used it at your own advantage.

It was you who told Arn to use Chloe as... as prime hostage.

And that's why Arn said Chloe's name.

She was 17 years old.

We loved each other.

She loved me.

"You ruined my life", she wrote.

It wasn't the dr*gs, it was the baby.

And that's why she was in the toilet.

Morning sickness.

Arn's g*n.

The P09.

The coward's way out.

Nicholas Lorcan, I'm arresting you for the m*rder of Chloe Hanbury.

Are you OK?

How did you know the g*n was empty?

The Brosnek's testimony suggested there was another w*apon.

I searched the coach, and found it hidden in the panel, under Lorcan's seat.

I removed the b*ll*ts.

That's when I knew it was him.

The word of two coke traffickers wouldn't have got us a conviction, and Sebastian wasn't strictly allowed to hack the school's database.

We had to catch him red-handed.

So why didn't you tell me?

I didn't know for sure until I found the g*n...

No, you didn't trust me!

And I get it, I wouldn't trust me either. But you had no right.

Look, I know I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I need to be more like you. But I can't, when I think about how alone and scared Chloe would have been, how hopeless she was.

I guess you think I'm pathetic now.

Listen to me, Ellie, your compassion, is a strength, not a weakness.

I know it sometimes feels like a burden.

But you need to learn to value it.

One day it's gonna make you a great detective.

They don't teach you this shit at school?

Madam Ambassador.

Will you be returning to Geneva?

New York.

I'm... taking Chloe home.

Your inspector was right.

There was... part of her I never knew.

And I was too angry to see it.

Injustice breeds anger.

And there is no greater injustice in this life than the loss of a child.

Inspector Costante gave me this, and asked me to give it to you. he said your daughter's voice is on every page.