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05x14 - Follow the Yellow Trick Road

Posted: 10/12/15 04:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on Lost Girl.

It's a heartbeat.

(heart beating)

Trick: She was in a Fae institution for the mentally ill.

She escaped last night.

First Aife escapes, now Jack.

Oh Bo, aren't you happy?

You're Mom and Dad are back together.

Whatever you are planning, it's dangerous.

I'm taking my daughter home.




♪ ♪

What the...


Are you here?


Lauren: You've reached Dr. Lauren Lewis.

Please leave a message.

If it's a medical emergency, I can be contacted...

I just woke up in a Lucy rerun.


Come on, Dyson, pick up.

(Phone ringing)


Grey means go!

♪ ♪

I am so not in Kansas anymore.

I've barred the windows and doors.

We'll take every precaution 'til we know what our next move is against Jack.

How's Bo?

I've run a renal dialysis plus a coma cocktail.

She's shows complete lack of responsiveness to stimulation.

How long can she stay like this?

Not very long.

I think when she found Trick and Aife...

Her mind couldn't withstand the trauma.

From this point on, we stay guarded.

Jack could be anywhere, nobody leaves this house alone.

Buddy system, I take Bo.

We've all got Bo.

That's right, voices, smells, touch.

The more interaction we give her, the greater her chance for recovery.

She'll recover.

She has to.

When's the last time you slept?

Probably the same time you did.

I'll do another sweep.

Don't forget the attic.

He's still carrying around Trick's will.

Do you think he's read it?

Doubtful, he's still grieving.

You can go, I'll look after Bo.

Tamsin, you should be resting, you're...

Pregnant, not made of glass.

Go on, it'll give you a chance to figure this out.

Yeah I've had so much luck so far.

If anything changes, you call me.

You have no idea how much I'd k*ll for a drink right now.


The part of the movie where the girl goes down the creepy alley... all alone...


Oh my god, what are you doing?!

I'm sorry, but aren't you the one following me in the creepy alley?

Why the hell are you dressed like that?

I could say the same thing about you.

Pigtails huh?

You're really leaning out.


If you need a property, you need a good person.

You're a real estate developer?

You don't even pay rent.

You're must have me confused with someone else.

I'm Thomasina.

And I'm dreaming.

Standing up?

I thought only horses did that.

That's what this is.

I'm asleep, and you're downstairs making waffles.

Wake up, Bo!

That's highly unlikely since I'm very allergic to gluten.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

Wait, if I'm not dreaming where's everybody else?

Well, when the Pyrippus came, the colony cleared out.

Which is why I'm bulldozing.

Everyone needs a legacy.

Thomasina towers.

The Pyrippus?

I thought it just represented the lord of darkness.

My father?

Your father's the Pyrippus?!

No, no, I don't know that yet but I know he's evil.

Which is why I need to wake up and get back to my life.

Well it sounds like you need the Maestro.

He knows everything.

Great, where do I find him?

He's slightly inaccessible.

Unless you have the help of a plucky real estate developer.

Like moi?

I don't think so.

What if I insist?

What are you doing?

Off... take your fingers off.


Hey lady, you're gonna help me.

Even if I have to force you to do it.

That's funny.

Because I thought...

There's not a lot of information on Valkyrie pregnancies so...

I went with old faithful... folic acid.


I will say that Valkyrie pregnancies accelerate much faster.

You can't ignore it, Tamsin.

Don't call yourself an it, Lauren.

You're a person.

Look I'm not gonna pretend to know how you feel right now, because I don't...

You're right, you don't.

But I will say that this won't take care of itself.

And neither will Bo.

So as much as I appreciate the pep talk.

I'd rather you just focus on her.

Leave me alone, Lauren.

I don't want to leave you alone.

I'm not asking.

Fine, I'll go.

But just let me make one thing very clear to you, you will never be alone, not ever, not with this.

Please don't ignore what happened, Tamsin.


I have no idea what she's talking about.

Bo: You can't just ignore me!

Stop following me!

Look just because my father's evil doesn't mean that I am.

Plus, what about you, Ms. Disaster Capitalism?

I'm not evil, I'm an opportunist.

And alone.

Everyone left the colony without you, why?

I didn't want to go.

Or maybe you just had no one to go with.

Well we're born alone and we die alone.

That's pretty heartless.

Heart is overrated.

Or maybe you just say that 'cause somebody broke yours.

How did you know that?

Let's just say I'm really good at reading people.

Look, the point is... if this Maestro is so great maybe he can help you too.

I'm okay, I'm fine.

How did you know I don't like being alone?

Because nobody does, not all the time.

Now please, just help me.

I can't.

You need to follow the red brick road.

And only the 'one' can see it.

The one, huh?

Well, I might be able to help with that.

How are you going to see red?

I've seen it before.

I just have to remember what it looks like.

Okay, red, red.

Apples are red, cherries are red.

Cyndi Lauper's hair, red...

What else?

What is it?

What did you see?

I don't know.

Wait how did we...?

It worked.

You coming, Thomasina?

Can't be alone forever, right?

Are you sure?

I don't see anything.

Wait, wait, I'm coming.


Lauren, I think something's wrong!

Lauren: What?

Is she alright, what happened?

No, no it's...

Are you in pain?

It feels like a fish, or an eel...

It's moving.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

I'm having a baby.

What is it?

What's wrong, is she okay?

No, the IV can't do it alone.

She needs to feed.

She's getting weaker?

If we don't wake her up, Bo is gonna starve to death.

I got it, I got it, I got it.

What part of stay in the clubhouse did you two not understand?

Don't worry, we weren't followed.

And what was worth risking your life for?

Trick's books, I thought they could help with Bo.


More than once he opened up these bad boys and presto, the answer was there.

Very useful.

We thought if Trick were here...

Except he's not.

These books were his and they belong in his lair.

Not if they can help us.

I mean Trick's gone.

Somebody needs to step up.

What and suddenly you can read ancient scripture, is that it?

Just forget it.


He's mourning too, you know.

I'm just saying.

Trick was always better at dealing with him than I am.

Well Trick was better at dealing with everyone than you.

It's probably because he believed in people.

Bo more than anyone.

And you.

Listen, it's none of my business.

But not looking at those books isn't going to change anything, Dyson.

I gotta check on Bo.

Stupid tree nymphs.

They're always messing with these.

Well that explains the going in circles.

The Blair Witch vibe however...

Trees: Pyrippus, Pyrippus, Pyrippus.

Great, talking trees.

Why do I feel like we're being watched?

Well I always feel like I'm being watched.

Probably 'cause I am, I mean...

Look at me.

Wait do you think it's the Pyrippus?

I don't know.

Great, I'm gonna die in the woods with a girl who wears gingham.

How did I find a meaner Tamsin?

Wait, did you hear that?

Ow, ow, ow, ow.



Is that you?

Sergeant Major Nosyd of the 67th division...

Operation Pyrippus watch.

Are you aware that you're on restricted military area?

Lemme guess, you're not Dyson.

Like the vacuum cleaner?

No sir.

Unfortunately you will have to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Okay, relax Private Ryan.

We didn't know.

Where's your platoon?

We've been through this entire forest.

They moved on.

So much for not leaving a man behind.

Why would they leave one soldier to watch this entire area?

And where's your g*n?

And supplies.


They moved on...

I didn't move with them.

You're a deserter, you're not protecting this forest.

You're hiding from the Pyrippus.

Yes, my platoon's out there looking for it.

But I was too scared.

I know, some hero.

You've no idea what it's like to be responsible for the safety of the colony.

Oh really?

You don't think so?

You know what?

This place is getting on my nerves.

Don't look at me.

Everything was fine until Dances With Wolves showed up.

Everyone looks like someone they're not, you're all afraid of something you don't even know.

And the only person who can help me is some mysterious Maestro that no-one knows how to get to.

I know how to get to the Maestro...

or I know someone who does.

You do?

(Faint voices whispering)


Where is that coming from?



First, I fail Trick.

And now I'm failing you.

Please, Bo, if you can hear me tell me what I can do.

How can I help you?

I'll do anything...

But I won't do that.

And neither should you, it's too dangerous.

He's lying.

He doesn't know anything about the Maestro.

I know the Maestro is the keeper of the secrets and sanctuary.

Of course.

If you're Tamsin and you're Dyson... then the Maestro's Trick.

I'm Nosyd... and I'm flattered you want my help.

But, like you said, I'm just a deserter.

You need someone braver.

You know what?

You're right.

Let's go, Thomasina, sorry to bother you.

See ya later, Captain AWOL.

Wait, you'll get lost.

And you can't catch your own food.

Well then I guess we'll just starve to death.

Speak for yourself, I'm gonna Donner Party that shit.

You won't find the Maestro without a guide.

Probably not. I mean, my sense of smell is pretty terrible.

Come on, let's go.

Okay, okay!

I'll come with you.

But you just have to promise to do it my way.

You're the Sergeant.

You'll follow my lead?

Trust me when I tell you I've been waiting for this day.

Off to see the Maestro?

Bo, can you hear me?

Wait, that's Dyson.

I'm here, Bo.

That's the real Dyson.

Bo, you wake up...

But if I can hear him then...

Come on, Bo.

What's she talking about?

Oh, she's crazy.

My friends know that I'm asleep.

They can't wake me up.

Wake up, Bo.

Bo's test results.

I found toxins in her system that I don't recognize.

What do you mean?

I've never seen them before.

I don't even know how to treat them.

These are the clothes that she feel unconcious in here?

Yeah, what are you doing?

Following the evidence trail.

Gotta stick with what you know, right?

Devil's in the details.


You know that you didn't fail Trick, right Dyson?

You know that.

I was his lieutenant, Lauren.

I should've had his back.

There was nothing you could've done.

I could've saved him.


What, what is that?

Looks like something bit Bo.

This could be the source of her toxins.

Now I just have to figure out where they came from.

The Shtriga moth.

It feeds off pain and suffering, victims of traumatic events.

She was bitten by a bloody moth?

We think we brought it back from the funeral home, maybe Trick's flowers.

Wait, I've seen this moth here.

I thought it was just 'cause it's musty as hell.

We need to find it.

It says here that only the Shtriga can cure those it's drained.

How could the same moth cure Bo?

By spitting Bo's blood back into her own mouth.

We just have to wait until it resumes human form.

How long will that take?

Bo's getting weaker by the second.

I don't know, but it says here that without the Shtriga, Bo will die.

We have to find that moth.

Is that what I think it is?

This is where the scent leads.

Elevator pod in the middle of the forest.

Move over, Bill and Ted.

Well, I guess if I was a Maestro, I'd wanna live in a penthouse too.



Is the Maestro you?

Great, I've tried Atropine to stop the poison.

No change.

Which brings us to steroid cocktails.

Or the whim of a moth.

Graduated top of my class, summa cum laude, and I can't even resolve a simple bug bite.

Or do anything at all apparently.

(Deep breathing)

Ancient Fae curses, spitting moths.

When will it end?

Why can't I cure you?!

Oh come on Bo!

Bo stay with me please, hold on!


Tamsin: You coming, Gingham?

Bo: I don't like this.

Dyson: Why don't you like this?

It's definitely not because of the interior design.

This place is the b*mb!

I think she means bong.

This is Nepenthe... the Grecian drug of forgetfulness.

We should go.

If the Maestro lives here, I don't think I want to meet him.

Stop right there.

Dude, if you're here for the kegger I'm gonna need the secret password.

Hey, nice braids.

I love fruit punch.

It's kinda like the wine of punches, you know?

'Cept I hate wine, unless of course it's beer.

But then it's not really wine, it's more beer.

Please tell me you're not the Maestro.

You wanna buy a didgeridoo?

This is Lola.

She can guide us to the Maestro.

Could, 'till I lost the map.


Do you ever think like... oh shit, I forgot to put my pants on!

But then you're like, no, I didn't?

'Cause, you know, they're on.

The map's gotta be around here somewhere.

I'll check the kitchen.

And I'll take the Earth Mother.

People say this stuff isn't medicinal but they're so wrong... because this brownie is like Joey Lawrence, whoa!


Are you sick, Lola?

I have too many thoughts about what I should do.


I know someone like that.

Yeah, and this stuff just makes it go away.

Except that it doesn't make it go away, it just makes things foggy.



I bet I know where the map is.

I think it's in your head.

What, get it out!

Get it out!

Lola, you have to remember!

I can't, I don't know anything.

Yes, you can.

You're a smart girl.

Hey, how did you get in here?

Work with me.

Admit it, you already have the answer.

It's just not where you normally look.

Now think!


Well, don't hurt yourself.


I've got it!

It's all...

In here.

We don't have to wait for the moth to resume human form to get the spit.

We're gonna fast track it's transformation.


According to these books, the Shtriga's transformation into human form can be accelerated.

By a magic potion?

By an elixir.

It's mainly spices; garlic.

But I can inject it.

Okay, since when do you opt for storybook over science?

I guess there's a little Trick in all of us.

So we're gonna get this moth lady to hork into Bo's mouth.

How exactly?

We're going to hold her down until she does it.

Tammy's time to shine.

We haven't even caught the thing yet.

How do we do that?

We lure it.

What attracts a moth?

I'll get the flashlights.

I'll get the guys.

Well, the attic is clear.

Trick's gone, Hades is on a rampage; and what are we doing?

Moth hunting.

I actually can't believe Trick's gone.

I mean what happens to the colony without an Ash?

I dunno, never really +¡bought into the Ash thing myself.

Mark: You bought into the Morrigan.

Yeah well, Absinthe bottle service, pixie dust off a nymph's naughty bits.

How could I say no?

But things change.

The man with two faces?

You've been hanging around with Dyson too long, you have.

I mean, lemme guess, what's next?

I'm a no good Dark Fae.

A traitor, is that it?

I don't know, are you?

I haven't exactly got the face of an angel, have I?

You wanna know if I'm full of regret, is that it?

If you've actually done the things I've heard.

Guess I just wanna know if you're sorry.

From the bottom of my rotten, aching, repugnant soul... you wanna know if I'm sorry?

With every fiber.

Let's get back to the moth hunt.

Lola, are you sure this is the place?


Where is everybody?

They were right behind us.

In the name of the guardian of the gate, who dares to see the Maestro without first paying the toll?

Vex, always the two face.

What are you doing to her?

It won't let me look away.

Maestro: Ever hear the one about the soul sucking mirror?

No, no, no, no I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Broken mirror without the toll, always equals a broken soul.


What did you do?

Oh, no, no, no, this isn't right.

Brother is meant to be on the front, not me.


Where is he?

Here, Wolfie.

Thomasina, I thought we lost you.


Please, you must help us, your brother won't let us pass.

I can't, Brother never listens to me.

I'm not supposed to speak to the travelers...

Oh, do shut up, will you?

Always whining.

Now, where were we?

I used to be like you, ignoring the voice in the back of my head telling me to listen to my heart.

Funny thing... heart, I don't have one.

But your brother does, and he can hear me.

He knows that this is wrong.

Oh, ah... He's taking me over...


You didn't really think that would work, did you?


Please, you must hurry if you want to see your friends.

You saw me where I never was and where I could not be.

And yet within that very place, my face you often see.



The toll's a riddle.

He's showing us who we really are.

Nosyd's brave.

Thomasina's heart is big...

And Lola, you're smart!

The answer's in front of us... it's a reflection!

(glass shattering)

I am seriously ready to meet the man behind the curtain.

♪ ♪


You have no idea how long I've been searching for you.

I'm glad you came, I've been waiting for me.



You're supposed to be...

No, Trick, no, please.

Only when the Master is gone can you become the Master.

But I'm not the Master, I'm lost without him.

Yet, without you, Bo, your friends wouldn't have been able to find what they were looking for.

Because of that I will grant you the one thing you search for...


There's no place like it.

Except without Trick.

I don't know where that is anymore.

It's coming from up here.

Someone's trying to get in.

The attic window.

Can someone please explain to me why the whole clubhouse is panic roomed?

I broke a heel scaling this thing.

Kenzi, what are you doing here?

Showing up for my BFF in her time of need.

I heard about Trick and Aife.

I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner.

Jumping Jehovah's witnesses.

Is that a bonafide baby bump, Tam-Tam.

Okay, cryptic glance, boarded up windows, midnight lantern sing along...

What is going on?

Kenzi, we need to tell you something.

Sentences that start like that never end the way you want them to.

Where's Bo?



Do I have drool face?

I slept on the plane.

Don't move.

I know I had this subterranean death moth on my back.

But, god, did she have to hit me so hard?

I still don't get how you knew to come home now.

Dude, snail mail?

I assumed it was from you.


I didn't...

It's Jack.

Screw it.

The moth hasn't resumed human form and we're running out of time.

What are you doing?

Bo always says there's a third option.

Maybe I don't need it to resume human form to get its blood.

So you're gonna get it directly from the moth?

It always stores it's victim's blood in a sack.

All I have to do is locate the sack.

Remind me to make a sack joke once we save Bo.

No place like home.




Don't tell me I'm still alone.


Please tell me that's really you.


There's no place like home.

Oh Kenz.

How long does it take?

The blood extract should neutralize the poison almost immediately.

What's happening?

I don't know.

Unless this is the elixir working?

Which means?

That as we speak the Shtriga could be transforming inside of Bo.


What's going on?

Kiss me, Boby.

We're losing her.

Maybe it's not just physical.

Maybe she needs to want to accept the Shtriga's cure.

Accept it, Bo.

Ok. Bo honey, it's me, K-Star.

You have to accept it.

You have to wanna come home. Ok?

Bo, come on, come on, you have to accept it.

You have to wanna come home, come on!

Oh, hell no.

What do you want from me?

Accept it, Bo.


No, no, no!

You have to accept it, Bo.

You have to wanna come home, listen to me!

You have to come home.

Lauren: Accept it.

Please Bo, please just accept it.

Kenzi: You have to accept it Bo.

Are you the Pyrippus?

But I always thought you were bad.

You were bad until you found your way.

The Pyrippus is the same, you possess the key.

The power's in the one who holds the reigns.

Go home, Bo.

Find the Pyrippus.

Trick's gone.

And I can't fight my father without him.

I don't have the answers.

The answers will come.


When will they come?

Lauren: We're losing her.

Dyson: Hold on, Bo. Hold on.

You must find them yourself.

You know where to look.

Lauren: Bo, please, come back.

You are the one who holds the key.

Accept it, Bo.

You have to accept it.

Or all will perish.

Not without him.

Kenzi, no.

Goodbye, Bo.

Goodbye, Trick.


Bo-Bo, are you awake?

Bo, can you hear me?

I think she's in shock.

Hey, girl, you had us so scared.

Can you say something, please?

Lauren: Okay, okay, okay.

He's gone, Trick's really gone.

It's Trick's will.

I didn't want to open it, until you were...

You don't have to do this now, if you don't want to.

No, I want to.

"To those I hold dear, it is with great pleasure, that I, Fitzpatrick McCorrigan, member of Clan Finarvin, leave the following: To Kenzi, the ring of Yggdrasil. This ring shall grant you freedom from claiming, allowing you constant passage between the Fae and human worlds."

Aw, Trick.

"To Lauren, my tomes of the Occult. There is a happy marriage between science and magic. I hope you find it one day. To Tamsin, eternal wanderer, perennially without habitat. I leave the blanket of Skeemotah; woven from the sky. As long as we are under the stars, we are home."

Vex, he left you something too.

"The compass of Nirad.
You have found your light in the dark. Here's hoping that your path remains true. And to my lieutenant Dyson, to you and Mark, I leave my beloved bar, the Dal Riata. A place of sanctuary for the colony in dark times. There is no man more able to provide this service. You are my son, Dyson, now and forever. Please show Mark the way. And last but not least, my Isabeau. I leave you my heart, and my eternal gratitude for what you have given me... my granddaughter. It is with deep pride that I look at the woman you've become... honourable, kind, strong."

Want me to read it?

"Life is not about finding your path, it's about creating one. Please don't forget."

You are my blood too.

(Deep breathing)

Always and forever.

♪ ♪

Hey, Tamsin, I've got your skee-mee-jee-mee thing, yeah?

Thought you might want it.

Hideous piece of cloth is bound to scare away any monster.

That's for certain.

Jack: The dark Mesmer.

Trick gives you a compass and suddenly you're on the straight and narrow.


You might have been useful, still could.

I don't play that way anymore.

I finally found a team that'll accept me.

Then I'd like you to give your team a message for me.

Oh, yeah.

Lemme get my memo pad.

I think this one's pretty self explanatory.