09x02 - Begin Again

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Heartland". Aired: October 2007 to present.*
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A multi-generational saga set in Alberta, Canada and centered on a family getting through life together in both happy and trying times.
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09x02 - Begin Again

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Heartland"...

Lou, you can't be serious with this.

What'd you do, just go on the Internet and find samples of separation agreements and cobble this together?

Maybe we need some professional help.

Maybe you just send it to my lawyer, I guess.

I will.

(Grunting) We have to let him out.


To see where he goes when he's free.

(High-pitched whinny)

That's why he wanted out.

Hey, buddy, you'll be okay.

Buddy, I like that. Bear and Buddy.

You guys were doing so well.

We weren't, Grandpa. We really weren't.

But Lawyers?

(Envelope rustles)

Hey, Grandpa, can you make sure you take the mail?

(School bus rumbles)

First one to knock a rail buys lunch?

You're on!


(Rail clatters slightly)

I know, I know. I k*lled it.

Actually, you clipped the rail.

Barely. But I didn't knock it off.

Still, not a perfect run.

Close enough.

So when you buy me lunch, I'll be having extra bacon on my burger, with a side of extra bacon.

Not so fast, Bacon Boy.

I'm about to show you what a flawless run looks like.

Big talk.

Watch and learn.


All right, you win.

(Sighs) Sorry, what was that?

I'm not saying it again.

That's all right. You can tell me over the lunch you're gonna buy me.

I guess it's a date, then.


Uh... no, not a date-date.

Unless... you... want it to be.

Well, do you want it to be?


Okay. I'm gonna go raise those jumps; that was way too easy.


(Rail clicks into place)

(Books and papers shuffle)

Whoa. Care-careful!

Oh, sorry.



Am I in your way, Amy?

No, you're fine.

I'm just looking for, uh, a list of supplies.

Oh, I think I saw that somewhere here.

Uh, it's... Yeah, it's this, isn't it?

Yes, thank you.

There you go.

So um... when do I get to see you where this?



In a few days at my convocation.

But I want a sneak peek.

It's bad luck to see it beforehand. I think.


(Laughs) No.

Plus I need the whole robe for the full effect.

(Sighs) Oh. (Laughs)

Have I told you how proud I am of you?

Only about a hundred times.

Mm-hmm. (Kiss)

I got some good news about Buddy.


Take a look.

That shot of Streptomycin seemed to do the trick.

There's a lot less gram-positive bacteria in the skin scraping I did this morning.

(Giggling) Mmhmm.


Okay, one more time in English.

He's not a hundred percent, but he's a lot better.

So if he's better, then why isn't he eating?

(Sighs) I don't know.

Other than the rain rot, he's pretty healthy.

You know, I've seen horses refuse to eat because they're depressed.

Well, maybe he's misses his owner.

I just wish I knew who that was.

Thank you.


You and Caleb are gonna have to deal with the cattle on your own for the next few days, till my knee starts to feel better.

Don't worry about the loft.

I can still help you with the renovations.

You gotta get that knee looked at, Jack.

You've been complaining about it for days.

Don't bother, Dad. There is no way Grandpa is gonna let Dr. Virani anywhere near that knee.

He would rather suffer.

Hey, speaking of suffering, Caleb has developed this new habit of whistling, but he doesn't know any tunes.

He just whistles randomly, all day long.

Well, I'm sure you'll be fine, and so will my knee.

It just needs time.

Whatever you say.

Hey, Katie, do you wanna come with Mommy to the cabins?

Oh, before I forget, are you guys gonna be at, uh, Ty's convocation?

Oh, I wouldn't miss it.


Yeah, I'll go. I mean, I can't guarantee I won't fall asleep during the speeches, but...

Oh, Georgie, is um, Stephen planning on staying for dinner?

Oh, um, I don't know. I'll ask.

Mommy, look!

Very sharp.

We are gonna have to call Lisa and thank her for the new riding clothes.

You sure look the part.

You know, I think it might be time for you to get some real riding lessons.

What do you think, huh?

Instead of walking around Pogie all the time?

Please, Mommy! Please, Mommy! Please!

All right, maybe next week when Mommy has some free time.

No! Today!

Honey, today, Mommy is very busy.

I have a lot of work to do.

You know, if she can wait until tomorrow, I could give her a riding lesson.


(Tim laughs)

I'm giving Katie a riding lesson tomorrow, if you wanna come be my assistant?

I can't. I have to pack.

Are you going somewhere?

Yeah. To live with my dad for awhile in Manitoba.

How long is awhile?

Until the end of the summer.

But you have school. You're gonna miss the last few weeks.

I can do everything online.

(Sighs) But that's not fair. You live here.

Hudson's your home.

Technically, I also live with my Dad.

Christmas, summer vacation, even some weekends.

(Sighs heavily) And you're okay with that?

I guess. I mean, I don't really have any choice.

So you like going back and forth all the time?

Sometimes it sucks, but... at least I get to see my horse.

(Sighs) My dad wants me to come with him to Vancouver for the summer, but there's no way I'd miss Extreme Team practice or ditch my friends.

You think I'm ditching you?

No, not you.

That's not what I meant. I... I meant...

I don't know what I meant. Just... forget I said anything.

I've got a lot of homework to do, so I should probably go.

See you tomorrow.

Twelve o'clock at Maggie's, right?

Yeah. Come on, Rem. (Whistles)

(Remy pants loudly)

(Stephen sighs)

(Buddy grunts lethargically)

Hey, Buddy...

(Gate clanks and groans)

Buddy? (Claps)

Oh no...

Ty?! Ty, come quick, it's Buddy.

It's okay. Hey, come on.

Something's wrong, he doesn't look good.

He looks weak.

Hey, Buddy.

Has he eaten anything today?


(Restless grunting)

I'm gonna put him on some fluids.

Okay, I'll stay with him. It's okay.

You're okay. You gotta eat something first.

Begin Again

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

He's gonna pull through, right?

Well, the fluids are helping, but he still needs to eat, Georgie.

Well, is there anything we can do?

(Stall door clanks open)

I'll monitor his vitals, keep him hydrated, but at the end of the day, if Buddy doesn't wanna get better, (Hooves clop) there's not much I can do.

Hey, I know Buddy still has rain rot, but I was thinking maybe he could use a friend right now.

It's okay. He shouldn't be contagious.

I'll keep a close eye on them both, just in case.

I could... I could put some honey in his feed.

Yeah. Yeah, let's give that a try.


(Stall door clanks shut, receding footsteps)


Come on! (Whistling)

(Cattle moo)

(Whistling) Hup!



(Cattle moo, hooves thunder)


Hey, hey, Caleb, what is the hold-up?

Come on!


I can't get it.

Well, put a little elbow grease into it.

No, the wire loop is stuck. We're gonna need some tools.

I got it.

It's not gonna budge.

I told you, it's too tight.

And what'd I just tell you? I got it.

(Struggling grunts, Caleb whistles tunelessly)

Stuck, huh? (Whistles)


(Hard shove, Tim groans in pain)



Are you okay?

Yeah... yeah, I'm fine.

(Caleb whistles tunelessly)

You sure?

Yeah, I'm fine. What is that?


What are you whistling?

Oh, that's uh, "Go Tell It On the Mountain."

No! No, no it's not. It's nothing, Caleb.

You're blowing hot air through your chapped lips and it's coming out like horse crap.

So, for the love of God, please stop whistling!

This is stuck, so we need tools.

(Groans, fencing rattles)

Tools. Why didn't I think of that?

How ya doing, old boy? How's retirement treating ya?

Looks like you're living the life out here.

Nothing to do but get a belly full of grass and soak up the sun.

Well, you deserve it.

Yes, you do deserve it.

Okay, well, enough of that. (Chuckles)

(Pats Paint)

Go on. You get outta here.


Paint, just... go on, get outta here now.

I said go on. Get!

Go on!

Get! (Paint grunts)

(High-pitched whinny)

Good job, Katie. Sit up nice and tall.

You're looking good, Katie!

(Cell phone rings)

(Phone rings)

Peter, hi.

What about the separation agreement?

No, no. I sent it to your lawyer.

Like days ago. They should definitely have it by now.

Well, I don't know what to tell you.

Maybe they've misplaced it?

(Hard thud, Katie cries) Katie!

Peter, I... I have to call you back.

Yeah, yeah, no. That is Katie crying, but everything is fine. I'll call you back.


Oh, what happened?

What happened?

I... I don't what happened.

She must have lost her balance.

Okay, let's get you up.

Let's get you up. You okay?

Come on, let's go inside and see how we're doing.

You okay?


Yup. You're okay, you're okay.

So what exactly are we looking for?

I don't know. Anything really that'll help explain why Buddy's so depressed.

Did the police say anything when you reported the abandoned horses?

No. Just that they would look into it.

Well, judging from the condition Buddy was in when Bear lead you here, they were left to their own devices for quite awhile.

So either the owner's completely heartless, or something terrible happened here.


(Approaching footsteps)

I bet John Stark could tell us who owns this place.

(Dialing beeps)

(Bag of peas rustles) Okay...

There we go.

Thank you.

All better.

That horse went so fast!

I know. He gave you a little scare, didn't he?


Here. Muah!

You know what they say, the best thing to do when you fall off a horse, is to get right back on.

I think we've had enough for today, don't you?


How 'bout you go wash your hands and then maybe you can come to Maggie's and help Mommy out.


Okay. (Bag of peas rustles)

I don't understand. Katie is fine.

Why can't we just continue on with the lesson?

Because I just need to think about it a little bit, okay?

You know, Katie could've been seriously injured.

I wouldn't let that happen.

Of course you wouldn't. Not on purpose.

But you look away for one second I didn't look away.

I'm not saying you did. I'm just saying accidents happen.

Oh, Lou, don't overreact here.

You know that falling's all part of learning how to ride a horse.

I'm not overreacting, and I'm still on board for the lessons, okay?

Just not today.

Besides, I told Katie I would take her to the diner.

(Rooster crows)

Hey, Ty, is it okay if I give Buddy a brush?

Yeah, I think he'd like that. But make sure you use this brush only on Buddy, okay?



(Phone beeps)

You're doing all right.

(Phone beeps)

So I just heard back from the real estate agent.


And apparently they dropped the listing a few months ago because the seller was being uncooperative.

Who was the seller?

Janet Hargrove.

He gave me her number, but it wasn't in service.

That sucks.


I think I'm gonna head over there now and see if there's anything else I can find.

Uh, I'd come with you, but I got a shift at the clinic I gotta go to right now.


I'll go.

Perfect! Let's get tacked up.


See ya.

See ya.

(Buddy grunts, tack jingles)

(Typing taps)

If you wanna know stuff about the owner, don't you think we should look in the house?

Door's locked. I already tried.

(Doorknob rattles)

I told you! (Chuckles)


(Lock clicks, window slides)

(Laughs) Looks like it's our lucky day.

Georgie, what're you doing? (Laughs)

Georgie, you can't... No!

Don't you go! Georgie, no!

(Loud clatter)

(Thumping) Georgie.

(Door opens) Ah, there, that wasn't so hard, was it?

You can't just break into somebody's house.

Technically, I wasn't breaking in 'cause the window was unlocked.

And it doesn't look like anyone's been here in ages.

You don't know that for sure.

Well, there's only one way to find out.


Looks like whoever used to live here left in a hurry.


(Floor creaks as they walk around)

Georgie, look.

(Approaching footsteps)

"Tie Down Roping competitor Tom Fender at the Whitefork Senior Rodeo."

Hey, isn't that Buddy!

Yeah, and...

Tom doesn't look like the type of guy that would just abandon his horses.

Something bad happened, didn't it?

I don't know.

But I don't think Tom meant to leave his horses here alone.


Let's get outta here.

What're you doing?

Well, horses can really miss their owner, and sometimes it helps having something familiar close by, and... I'm just hoping that maybe Tom's hat will make Buddy feel more at home.

But isn't that stealing?

I'm already trespassing, so I guess we're on a roll. (Chuckles)

(Floor creaks)

There you go. All done.

(Dogs bark in the distance)

(Approaching footsteps)


Hey! That's enough for today.

Take the rest of the night off.


Well, you're both graduating tomorrow, right?

You should be out celebrating.

Yeah, but I have a bunch of files to still update.

And I have to prep all of next week's surgeries, Scott, so.

That can all wait.

I even got you guys a bottle of champagne to help you toast the occasion.

(Ty laughs)

Now get out of my clinic and don't come back until you've both graduated.

That's an order. Come on, vamoose!

Okay. (Laughing)

Beat it! Adios!

Okay. All right.

Let's go, come on!

(Birds chirp)

I missed dinner, didn't I?

I kept a plate warm for you in the oven.

Oh, thanks. I must have lost track of time.

Where were you?

Just up in the loft.

Picking up where your dad left off.

Are you sure that's wise with your knee injury?

Oh, it's not so bad.

I can still help out around here.

So have you had anymore thoughts about Katie's riding lessons?

Yes, I have, actually.

I know that you're not going to agree with me, but I've decided to put them on hold, at least for now.

I respect your decision. I can't say as I understand it.

Peter and I are still working out the terms of our separation, okay, and there are lawyers involved now, and I just think it's best to be cautious about riding lessons until the details are ironed out.

What does one have to do with the other?

I can't give Peter's lawyer any amm*nit*on that could limit my custody.

You know, an injury, even a minor one could make me look like a bad parent, and I-I can't risk that happening.

Do you really believe that Peter would do that?

I'm not dealing with just Peter anymore.

I'm dealing with Peter's lawyer, and he is gonna play hardball to get the visitation dates he wants.

I don't know, Lou, I think you're letting this whole separation agreement make you paranoid.

Here it is. Tom Fender's obituary.

It says his only surviving family is a brother, doesn't say his name though.

Well, if the brother was his only family, then he'd be the one to inherit the ranch, wouldn't he?

So who's this Janet Hargrove person?

Yeah, and why is she selling the ranch?

One thing's for sure, Tom Fender didn't abandon his horses.

Not on purpose anyways.

(Fire crackles, music blasts)

♪ What doesn't k*ll me might drive me insane ♪


Hey, Buds. (Phone chimes)

Oh. Can you hold that?


(Phone rings, phone beeps on)


Hey, Ty.

You need to drop whatever you're doing and come over here immediately.

Caleb: Tell Amy to get her butt over here.


Cass. Cass, come on...

No! It's girl talk!

Give me the phone.

Rude! That's rude!

Hey, sorry about that.

She pick-pocketed me.

Was that Cassandra?


Tell Amy to get over here!


Did you hear that?

Yeah, and you know I would love to, but I should probably stay here with Buddy.

We're just trying something out.

Okay, yeah, no worries. It's all right.

No, no, no.

Hey, girlfriend. So I have to tell you something.

Ty is like the third wheel at this party Cass!

It's kind of embarrassing. And to be honest, Caleb and I might start making out at any moment, because...


That's the way we roll!

Okay, it is how we roll.

Ty's gonna feel super awkward, so...

Come on!

Hurry up! Come on, it's party time!

(Phone beeps off)

Everything okay?

Yeah, uh... Ty's just celebrating his graduation with Cassandra and Caleb.

Well, you should go.

No, I'm...

Cassandra's not exactly my favourite person, and I should be here with Buddy.

Well, I can look after Buddy. You should go party.

Come on, it's not everyday your husband graduates vet school.

(Sighs heavily) Go!
Hey, Buds. Hi.

No? Come on.

(Door opens and closes)

Peter, hi.

Um, I'm sorry we got cut off earlier.

I don't know why your lawyers didn't receive the separation agreement, but I will send it again, this time registered mail.

Give me a call back. Bye.

(Phone beeps off, approaching footsteps)


Listen, I wanted to talk to you about Katie's riding lessons.

I don't think it's a good idea to continue them, but I want you to know that I don't blame you at all for what happened.

That's not what this is about.

What's it about then?

It's... (sighs)

It's a complicated.

No, it's not complicated.

You think I got distracted and that's why Katie fell off her horse.

You don't trust me.

No. Georgie, that is not...

There's a lot going on right now.

(Stairs creak underfoot)

So I found out that Buddy's owner passed away a few months ago.

So I brought a cowboy hat over to Heartland, hoping that Buddy would recognize the scent, but... nothing.

(Beer bottles clink)

What about Janet Hargrove?

Any luck getting in touch with her?

No, and I feel like she is the key to everything, but... I can't reach her.

(Beer caps pop and clatter)



Hi! (Giggles)

Uh... I hear you two talking about work in here... and that's a big party no-no.

(Sparkler goes out)

Besides, it's time to dance.


Whoa. D-Definitely no dancing.

Yes, dancing.

Camper dance!

It's time to party!

(Music blasts)

Amy and Cass: Woo! Yeah!

Woo! Woo!

All: (Laughing)


Yeah! Woo!

Woo-hoo! (Laughing)

Caleb and Ty: Woo!

You're a good boy, Paint.

That a boy. (Chuckles)

So, Caleb was a no-show this morning.


He called and said he was sick.

I think he's hung over.

Any chance you feel up to helping me out?

Ahh, I don't think so.

I best stay off the knee for another day or two.

Lou said you were working on the loft.

Yeah, so?

So your knee's kind of selective about what it can and can't do, huh?

You know, I was having such a good morning until now.

Well, I'm just saying, you know...

Good enough to work on the loft, you might be good enough to come into town, pick up some supplies.


(Birds chirp)

(Birds chirp, tack jingles)

(Footsteps clunk on stairs)

(Hat thunks)

(Loud gasp) Give me one good reason not to call the police!

I am sorry. I didn't know someone was here.

What do you want?

I'm just trying to help the horses that were abandoned on this ranch.

What happened to them? Where are they?

Are you Janet Hargrove?

I'm calling the police.

Good. Make sure you tell them the horses you left here nearly died.

(Sighs) I'm not trying to get you in trouble.

My name is Amy Fleming and I work at the Heartland Ranch.

Part of what I do is rescue and rehabilitate horses.

You can look it up online if you like.

(Sighs) Are the horses okay?

Yeah. I have them.

The one we call Buddy is in pretty rough shape.

I think he'll make it, but...

I need to know what happened here.

My Uncle Tom, those were his horses.

I inherited them, I guess.

Tom's obituary said that he had only one surviving family member. A brother.

There was no mention of a niece.

That's because I never met my Uncle Tom.

He and my dad didn't speak.

They must have had some kind of falling out.

I'll never know the whole story because... (sighs heavily) my dad has Alzheimer's. He's been in a home for years.

I'm sorry.

I have power of attorney, so... the property belongs to me now.

I've been trying to sell it for months, but... nobody wants it.

I'm raising three teenage boys on my own and I don't have time to deal with this place.

I swear, I thought I left enough hay for the horses.

What else was I supposed to do?

You could've just asked someone for help.

Ask who? (Laughs)

Who's gonna help me?

Who was around to help my Uncle Tom?

He died here, all alone.

Nothing but his horses and guitar to keep him company.

(Birds chirp outside)

(Trailer door opens)

(Door slams shut, Caleb laughs)

Wakey-wakey, Twinkle Toes. (Groans)

Those were some slick dance moves last night.

What time is it right now?

It's time to graduate.

What? When did Amy leave?

I don't know.

(Egg cracks, Ty groans)

Oh man... (Phone beeps on)

Ugh, it's late. I should've been up hours ago.

I blame your girlfriend for this.

Well, not to worry, brother. I got your back covered today.

(Sighs) What is that?

It's an ancient hangover cure passed down through the generations of my family.

(Sighs heavily and inhales)

What's in this?

It's probably best you don't know.

(Sniffs) Oh... I don't wanna drink that.

Suit yourself. Don't blame me when you yak all over the Dean.

(Groans) I think I'll take my chances.

(Sniffs) Whew...


All right, Katie, what do you want for breakfast?

Toast? Pancakes? Cereal?

Riding lessons.

I don't think that's one of the major food groups.

Please, Georgie?

Look, Mom said no more riding lessons.

I know, but Mom is not home...

Let's just stick to breakfast for now.

Please, Georgie. Please. Please, Georgie?!


Good job, Katie. Sit up nice and tall.

Good. Keep looking forward. Good!

Look to the sky.

Hey! Katie. Nice job!

These are secret riding lessons, so don't tell. Shhhh...

My lips are sealed.

I just stopped by to tell your sister that I'm heading off this afternoon.

So that's it? You're just leaving?

I have to go, Georgie.

Okay. Well, have fun with your dad.

Well... see ya.

Are you sad, Georgie?

I'm fine. Let's just keep going.

(Running footsteps)


All right, hold on to the reins.

Oh, is that your two-point. Good...

Hey, Stephen.


That's it.

Go faster, Georgie!

(Sighs heavily, hooves thud)

Good job, Katie.

(Gate clanks open)

Uh-oh! You're grounded.

Me? This was your idea.

I'm just a kid.

(Sighs) I'm sorry, it's just she kept asking and I know she's ready for this.

You're right.

I am?

Yeah. I mean, I'm not exactly thrilled that you didn't listen to me, but Katie is obviously more than ready.

And you're obviously a very good teacher.

So... what can I do to help?

You can take the lead rope.

All right.

Ready, Katie?


Come on. (Hooves clop)

Remember your position in the saddle and where you're looking?

Straight ahead.

That's right. Very good.

Now, Katie, I want you to hold out your arms like you're ready lift off and fly away.

Like this?

Yeah! Just like that.

Look at you, you're a natural.

Why did you park here?

I made you an appointment to see Dr. Virani.

Geez! I told you, I don't need to see a doctor!

Jack, you haven't taken a day off work for as long as I can remember, except maybe for your heart attack.

And now, suddenly, you haven't been on the job for days?

It's obvious that you gotta do something about that knee.

It's a rodeo injury. I've been living with it for years.

There's nothing Dr. Virani or any other doctor can do about it.

It's getting worse, Jack.

No, it's not. Same as it's always been.

So why haven't you been riding?

It's Paint. It's Paint, isn't it?

Well, look at you, all perceptive.

I need a little more time before I go climbing on some other horse, that's all.

Maybe I'm a sentimental old cowboy, but that's my business.

And I don't need you making me feel like a fool.

I don't think you're a fool, Jack. Come on.

Far from it.

I get it.

I was a wreck when Pegasus died.

But y-you didn't hold that against me, did you?

Why weren't you just upfront with me?

I would've understood.

(Car honks in the distance)

You take all the time you need.

That's... that's okay.

(Car rumbles by)

I can put up with Caleb for a little while.

Good. Then take me home.

(Seat belt clicks)

Agh! Ugh! Oh...

See, you're the one who needs to see Dr. Virani.

Oh... No, it's just my shoulder, it pops out every once in a while.

You know that. (Groans)

Now where are you going?

Give me a second!

(Door slams shut)


(Preparatory breaths)


(Hard clunk) Agh!

Oh... (Groaning)

So did that work?

(Exhales sharply, groans)

(Door opens and slams shut)

You ready to go to the clinic now?


Let's go then.

Ahh! Oh!

You don't have to be a crybaby about it.

I don't know where everybody disappeared to but we have to leave for Ty's convocation in a couple of hours.

By the way, are you still planning on inviting Stephen to come?

No. Stephen's leaving today.

He's going to live with his dad until Fall.


It's not fair just 'cause his parents are divorced he has to go away for the whole summer.

When I saw him leaving earlier he looked upset.

Is that why?

Not exactly.

It's kind of hard to explain.

Try me. (Sighs)

Okay, well, he asked me out on like a date.


And I said yes, and then... he told me he was leaving, so I kinda cancelled the date.

And I ruined everything and we never got to say a proper goodbye.

Well, it's not too late.

Well, yeah it is.

He leaves this afternoon on the bus and I have to go to Ty's grad.

If we leave right after lunch, we'll have plenty of time.

I'll give you a ride.



You're being really cool today.

What's going on?

I'm always cool. Cool is my middle name.

You just lost most of your cool points just for saying that.

All right, fine, then I better quit while I'm ahead.

I have to tell you something.

(Paper crinkles)

The separation agreement, I... (Sighs heavily) I took it.


I know, I...

I just kinda wanted it to go away.

Lawyers wouldn't be involved if it wasn't for me anyways.

And I know I said I didn't wanna go visit Dad in the summer, but that's not true. I do wanna see him, just...

I don't wanna leave this place.

(Cutlery clinks)

I don't want you to leave either.

I know I'm probably not supposed to say that to you, but it's the truth.

I love you so much, Georgie, but so does your father, and that's why he wants you to visit him in Vancouver.

And I think you should go.

I know.

I wish I was more like Stephen.

He's way nicer about this than I am.

He's just used to it. He's had more practice.

I mean, his parents, they've been apart for a long time.

We're new at this.

So you're not mad?

No. This, um, separation agreement has made me second guess things I had no business second guessing.

I'm gonna make you a promise, Georgie.

Peter and I are going to do this separation better.

From now on, things are going to be different.


Come here.

(Door opens)

(Groans) I can't believe I have to have surgery.

It's your fault!

(Laughs) I'm pretty sure you got no one to blame but yourself.

You could've done something about that shoulder years ago.

You're too stubborn for your own good.

Oh really? (Phone rings)

Takes one to know one, Jack. Hurry up.


Hey, Grandpa.

Uh-oh! I haven't forgotten about Ty's graduation gift.

I'm on my way right now to give you a hand.

That's actually not why I'm calling.

Um, this might be a bit of a long shot, but does the name Tom Fender ring a bell?

No, can't say it does.

Oh, okay. Well...

He passed away a few months ago, and I think maybe he used to be on the rodeo circuit.

I just thought maybe you'd crossed paths with him.

Well, it's possible, but I'm not sure.

Well, his niece mentioned that he played the guitar, and I know that you and Grandma used to hang out with a lot of musicians while you were on the circuit, so I thought maybe Tom was one of them.

You know, come to think of it, there was a guy.

Three-Chord Tommy we called him 'cause that's all he knew.

I think he only knew three songs, too.

He carried around that guitar of his like an extra appendage.

Wasn't much good at it or the rodeo for that matter, but he sure was fun at a party.

I'm sorry to hear he passed away.

Well, when you get home, I have a bit of a favour to ask you.

It's a little unorthodox.

(Sling thumps)

(Buddy grunts)

Well, what should I play?

I don't know. Anything I guess.

I gotta admit, Amy, I feel a little stupid playing for a horse.

I know it's kinda weird.

But I just figure that a reclusive guy like Tom, who loved to play the guitar, would want an audience, and if all he had were horses...

Grandpa, I just hope that hearing you play might make Buddy feel more at home.

(Strikes a string)

What the heck.

(Starts playing)

(Buddy grunts, Jack stops playing)

Should I keep going or...?

No, he seems pretty indifferent.

Everyone's a critic.

(Both chuckle)

(Neighing restlessly)

Grandpa, look.

I think it actually might be working.

Do you-do you mind? Will you keep playing?

(Buddy grunts restlessly, Jack plays guitar)

You like that?

(Feed shifts, bucket clatters)


Hey! We were on our way downtown and we, uh, heard some music.

What's going on?

I'm playing for horse.

Oh. Why?

'Cause he appreciates talent. (Chuckles)

Is he eating?

Yeah. Wanna give it a try?


(Amy and Georgie laugh)

Oh, good boy.

Good boy, Buddy.

(SUV rumbles to a halt)

You better go.

(People chatter outside)

Hi, how are you?

Okay. (Seat belt unclicks)

(Door opens)

(Door bangs shut)

(People chatter)

I love you, honey.

Have fun!

Okay, Mom.


Uh... I'll be right back.

Look, I'm sorry it was weird earlier.

I get it now. You have to go with your Dad and that's just the way it is.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too.

Um, I-I should go.


Don't think I've forgotten about the lunch.

I'll buy it for you when I get back.

You won that jump fair and square.

Okay, it's a date.

See you later.

(Birds chirp)

(Envelope rustles)

(Ripping, sighs heavily)

(Chuckles) How do I look?

(Approaching footsteps)

You look very handsome. (Chuckles)

(Laughs) Maybe a little pale.

Ah... yeah, well, remind me never to do sh*ts with Cass ever again.

That's a beautiful dress on you.

Thank you. (Kiss)


Buddy, he's looking good.


Is he eating again now?

Thanks to Grandpa and his guitar.


I'll explain that on the way to the auditorium.

But first, there's something I really wanna show you.

(Intrigued) Okay.

Come here.

(Door opens) Okay. (Laughs)

Okay, walk forward. Watch yourself.

It's really, it's dark in here.

(Both laugh) You ready?

I am ready.


(Stunned laugh)


My own desk.

(Knocks on desk) Wow.

I don't know what to say.

Do you like it?

(Laughs) Yes, I love it.

Thank you, Amy.

(Kiss) You're welcome.

You know, this is more than just a desk.

This is a new beginning for us.

We always talked about working together. Do you remember?

You doing the veterinary side of things and... me dealing with the behavioral.

Sort of like what we did with Buddy.

(Both chuckle) Yeah.

(Kiss) Thank you.

You're welcome.

I wanna try it out.



(Sighs) This is the best graduation gift ever.

Well, don't get too comfy, I've got one more thing to show you.

(Door opens) ♪ Everyone says that it's plain to see ♪
♪ That everyone knows myself but me ♪
♪ We try in our own way just to be ♪
♪ A shade of the people in our dreams ♪

Thank you.

You're welcome.

♪ ...people in our dreams, trying hard... ♪

Caleb: Okay, everyone, let's-let's get together and big smiles for this one.

Lou: Ty, and with Scott, you stand next to Cass.

Tim: Here we go. Come on, Caleb, my legs are falling asleep.

Is my tie straight?

Tim: Yo, come on.


Yeah, yeah.


Hey, maybe we could all look at this guy!


Not yet, Katie. Not yet, not yet.

I tell you, she's got the right idea.

They could've had some food in that lobby. I'm starving...

Stop your griping over there!

Amy: Okay, well, not yet, Katie. Just... Cheese!

Cheeeeeese! (Camera snaps)

Tim: Okay, good. Got it?

Amy: Okay, got it?

Oh no, no, no, no. Just, uh, stay where you are.

Just, uh, a minor technical difficulty.


Okay! We're ready! Okay, okay!

Katie: Cheeeeeeeeeeeese!

Come on!

Amy: Okay, well, not quite yet, Katie.

On the count of three, two, one...


Now, Mommy?


All: Cheeeeeeeeeese!

(Camera snaps)

Announcer: On the next Heartland...

I need to blow peoples minds, kick some butt.

Announcer: Riding the rodeo highs...

If anything feels wrong, don't do the jump.

Announcer: Until Georgie gets grounded...

This behaviour is completely unacceptable.

You can forget about the rodeo.

Announcer: Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.
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