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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 10/10/15 18:35
by bunniefuu
We have no idea who we're up against.

We have no idea where they are.

We're jumping at shadows.

What is the balance between liberty and security?

The country may not be convinced that this mass infringement of privacy is a price worth paying.

Britain, 2015.

One of the most watched nations on Earth.

In a country where everything we do leaves a trail, 14 ordinary citizens are going on the run.

I've got the laptop, I've got socks and pants, I've got toiletries.

Whisky, have you got the whisky?


What the BLEEP?!

Everything feels like it's closing in on you.

You just don't know which way to run.

I don't feel safe at all right now.

Hunting the fugitives down, 30 of the world's most successful investigators.

We have eyes absolutely everywhere.

The cat's getting a lot closer to the mouse at the moment.

There's somebody there.

The psychological pressures will play mind tricks with you.

That lady could be ringing them now!

And that gives us an advantage.

I really miss you guys today.

28 days...

A password, that's all I want.

14 fugitives...

Come on! We've got to get this guy.

We know where you are.

If you had to disappear, what would you do?

You need to stop right now!

You are surrounded!

14 fugitives went on the run.

Now eight remain at large across the UK.

Tracking them down from a secret location in London are some of the best manhunters on the planet.

So far, Stephen Hardiker and Martin Cole have gone off grid in the Welsh countryside.

So HQ have stepped up surveillance on their families.

Have you spoke to Stephen then, Tanya? Nah.

Emily Dredge has been missing her baby son, Ernest.

That's her major weak point, her major vulnerability.

And her friendship with Lauren English has been pushed to breaking point.

Emily's got spooked.

Probably jumped over the bloody fence for all we know.

In Birmingham, prepper Adam Young's time on the run was swiftly brought to an end.

He's out, he's out. Adam Young, your time on the run is up.

At HQ, the hunters are focusing on a pair of fugitives who are proving elusive.

Freddie Young and Jacqui Omer.

They're annoying me.


The amount social media we had on them, I thought it would be a quick win.

It may be that they're being very good.

I'm getting annoyed that we haven't got right behind them.

We've got a lot to uncover.

I think we're just...

Patience is the key, isn't it?

I'm stressed. I've got shit hair, I've got a bald face.

Paranoid, every time a car goes past, I'm like, "That's them."

It's pretty bad right now.

Freddie and Jacqui have been on the run since they left their home in Essex five days ago.


Jacqui, she is my mother-in-law.

We make a good team.

And don't take no shit from anyone.

Essentially, she's got it in her to be a crook.

I don't scare easily.

I get nervous, but I don't scare easily.

Their first move is to escape the area with the help of Jacqui's husband.

I keep looking at these big scary cars.

What car do you reckon they've got?

Big 4x4, SVU, bulletproof.

Do you think they're going to be like stereotypical men in black?

Black suits, sunglasses?

Roaming about?

I think anything is possible.

I think it could be a little old lady standing across the road with an umbrella that's got a mic in it, right down to a bloke suited and booted.

I think we should expect anything.

As Freddie and Jacqui travel south along the A12 to London, HQ are busy profiling the couple.

We think this is her.

Would you agree? Yes. Freddie.

In a relationship with Jake Omer.

There we go, there's the link.

Jake Omer?

So, I think Jacqui Omer-Field is the mother of his boyfriend.

HQ immediately begin tracking all vehicles associated with the fugitives.

I've got potentially the first bit of good location information.

Oh, wow. We had five of their vehicles put on ANPR.

One of them vehicles, a blue Fiesta, has been spotted on Alpha 12, Romford, so they're heading towards London currently.

The hunters think they're closing in, but Freddie and Jacqui confound them by switching cars in Romford.

Don't get caught.

They then drive to a friend's house in Chingford where they set about changing their appearances.

This could backfire, you know.

If this comes out bright pink, they'll pick me out anywhere.

Right, cut your beard off.

Freddie is completely bonkers.

I reckon he'd last a day if he did it by himself.

I just want my hair to grow and my face to grow. I'd be happy.

From here, their plan is to have no plan.

They double back on themselves and travel up the east coast to a caravan park in Caister-on-Sea.

(He shivers)

It's nice, look at it.

We've got three bedrooms.

It's a safe haven for now.

They've been holed up here for three days.

Are we safe here?

Red for yes, black for no.

No, we're not safe here. Is it a good idea to go to the shops?

Black for no, red for yes.

Yes, we should go to the shops.

♪ The sun will come out tomorrow ♪

♪ Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow ♪

Both: ♪ There'll be sun... ♪

Oh, I hate them cars.

With supplies running low, Freddie and Jacqui venture out of their caravan for the first time.

We're very safe because we don't even bloody know where we are.

How they going to find us?

Oh, my God. OK, what's that?

There's a big black 4x4.

Oh, I'm scared.

No, we got to keep going.

I knew they'd be in a big black car. I knew it.

With every passing vehicle sparking their paranoia, Freddie and Jacqui abandon their shopping trip.

This fence ain't very secure, is it?

It's going to split me difference.

That was scary.

Oh, my God, I nearly pooed my pants.

Have a nice cup of tea, and wait for this all to blow over.

Keep your head down, keep your head down.

At the edge of the Peak District, Lauren English is seeking some home comforts.

She's been on the run for 18 days.

Oh, my God.

It's like a hotel motel but this is so good.

After two cold nights of camping, Lauren's blagged a hotel room for £20.

How good is this? Oh, my God!

Look at that. After my mouldy towel!

'Being hunted is not a nice feeling.'

It's like a real mental, mental mind games, all they've got on me is hoping, hoping they ruin my mind.

'Felt so many new shades of fear and being scared, and real intense happiness.'


Everything smells a hell of a lot better than I do.

Almost 100 miles south-east of Lauren, her best friend Emily Dredge continues to hitchhike.

But she's missing her son and running solo is nerve-racking.

You're just going to sleep and you're terrified.

So I can't sleep at night.

I'm lying there for probably an hour before my brain can sort of stop thinking.

'I'm running out of steam. I mean, I'm so mentally tired. If Lauren was with me, I wouldn't feel so scared. But she's not.'

Emily has come up with a decoy plan she hopes will confuse the hunters and divert their attention away from her location.

Can I ask you a huge favour when you get home?

Could you post my card to my mum from your home address?

Yeah. Thank you.

All the very, very best.

As her bank card heads south towards Brighton... Emily journeys north to the seaside town of Cleethorpes.

Emily, why have we chosen to play golf? To take my mind off the ball.

Is it nice to do something a bit more normal? Yeah.

Well, it still doesn't feel normal, does it?

I just keep thinking that Mummy shouldn't be doing this.

Why did you?

Because I was just really unhappy with my life, actually.

And I wanted to run away from it all.

Have you been happy to get away from your life? No.

Everything I love's gone.

My baby, my home. My life.

Tearfully: This is horrible.

At HQ, the hunters are keen to play catch-up in their search for a newly married couple who have been proving elusive.

Emma and Adam Channell. So what do we know? He's from Southampton.

She's from Paris.

They were married September 30th.

They're young, they're smart, they're together.

They will plan and they'll execute it better than anybody else.

250 miles north of their London home, Adam and Emma Channell have left behind city life and gone rural.

It's f*cking disgusting here.

It's been pissing down for nine solid hours.

The underneath and surround of the tent have turned into a marsh.

I had to wee in the cup.

Emma had to wee in a cup and fling it out the door.

It was a multi-cup wee!

I think there's a romance in the idea of going off on a big adventure together.

We're at a really good point at our relationship right now. That's true.

We're just married, we haven't got any kids yet.

The only thing we know is that we have each other and that we love each other and the rest will be fate.

He has a great sense of humour, very, very cynical and sarcastic, quite properly British sense of humour which I'm really crazy about.

It's ridiculous, I'd never believed in love at first sight but there was something about her that I thought, even without having spoken to her, I thought, she's the one.

Back in London, former undercover detectives Nicola Thorn and Danni Brook arrive at the Channells' flat to search for clues.

Bottle of prosecco. Chianti.

Camping on Dartmoor.

Map showing wild camping areas, campsites.

What's your gut feeling on the Dartmoor angle? Is it too obvious?

It's too obvious, yeah.

HQ spot the deception but are left with little else go on.

With these two, it is planned.

They've prepared really well.

In essence, they are a strong, united couple.

They've got each other for morale, they've got each other to conspire, plot and plan with.

If I was going to become a fugitive, I would certainly like to be a fugitive with my wife.

She's my best mate.

Bonnie and Clyde! Bonnie and Clyde.

I kind of envy them.

But I want to catch them.

As the hunt continues, the fugitives are scattered throughout mainland Britain.

I would actually like to catch some fugitives.

The hunters on the ground are chasing down every stray lead.

They're unconfirmed sightings of them.

Thorn and Brooke have been deployed to Caister-on-Sea to investigate a potential sighting of two brothers who've been on the run for seven days.

They could literally be anywhere around here.

Come on, let's get them.

They've been searching campsites and caravan parks in the area, and have one more to check.

Oh, look at that!

Oh, there's loads of 'em!

Literally, hundreds.

Right, I'm just going to take a real slow drive...

f*ck! That's them!

Oh. What was that there?



Shall I ring that in?


(So we need to remain calm.)

Unfortunately, for Freddie and Jacqui, the hunters have stumbled across their hideout.

Driving around the caravan park, there was a white female.

She stopped like a rabbit in the headlights 'and then carried on going and got into the caravan, and then as we' have gone past the caravan we have seen a white male in there.

I just want to make sure you've got the route in and out covered at the moment. 'Yeah.'

Cover the choke points.


They've now assessed their pictures and they believe there is a possibility it could be Adam and Emma Channell. Huh!

Not positive ID - but they want to go and do an enquiry.

They want to knock on the door.

Do it.

Let's go.

Right, let's get in there.

I've got a feeling it might be, actually, a different set of fugitives in that caravan park.

Chances are a million to one considering we had intelligence leads on other fugitives going into that area.

'We might be wrong, but we've got to chase it up.'

I stood there, they pulled up bang outside our caravan.

And I looked at them and they looked at me.

And I just went...

So they know it.

They know we're here.

No! Because I'm disguised.

Not much.


This is what we're going to do.

We are going to... I think, if they know we're here, why are we hiding in the f*cking bedroom?

I'm not going down without a fight.

There. They've got all the windows...

All the curtains are now closed.

Do you want a shot of JD?


I must admit, I am shaking..

No, don't shake.

Don't be scared.

We're going to be OK.

Hello, boss.

Right, we've got eyes on the caravan.

'I'm going to do the approach now, boss.'

OK. Roger.

f*cking bullocks.

(They're in there.)

We've got to open it.

We've got to open it.


Open the f*cking door, Fred.

Oh, hello.



Hunter: How are you? All right?

Oh, my God. It's Freddie Young!

Oh, you're kidding me.


You are kidding me.

'Good job, guys. I must say.'


Well done, guys.

Today was a bit of luck, clearly.

Nick's team went into that caravan park, today.

They saw something that wasn't right.

The unnatural behaviour of a female spotting them and fleeting off.

But they were in the right place and they got the job done.

If they didn't do the professional bit at the end they could've run and we could've had no-one.

On to the next one!

(Sheep bleating)

Newlyweds Adam and Emma Channell believe they've hit on a brilliant plan to evade capture.

By trekking through the Yorkshire Dales and camping at night, they're giving the hunters little to go on.

Do you feel safe in this cave?


If they could track us up this far, then I'd be full of admiration.

They're not going to find us.

They're not.

The conditions have deteriorated and the reality of going rural is hitting home.

Need a break?

At the top of this hill.

Back at HQ, their first solid lead on the Channells has finally come in.

We've got some CCTV, cashpoint usage, Finsbury Park...

Emma and Adam have been identified getting into a black Porsche outside a cashpoint in London minutes after they went on the run.

M1 northbound, junction 14.

The hunters use numberplate recognition technology to trace the Porsche's journey to Milton Keynes station.

They got on a train to Manchester.

Milton Keynes train service.

The hunters pieced together Adam and Emma's route using a technique called CCTV batoning - following a fugitive's movements from camera to camera.

They track the fugitives from Manchester station to Leeds and then onto a train to Settle in the Yorkshire Dales.

Hello, mate. It's Ben.

Hi, Ben.

Head towards Settle, Yorkshire.

Last known sighting of the Channells. OK. Thanks very much.

We may get lucky.

As a hunter team heads north to pick up the trail, HQ continue profiling the couple and discover an unexpected clue.

We have the telephone records of Adam and Emma.

What I have discovered is that Emma rang the medical centre five times before she became a fugitive.

So I am wondering could she be pregnant?

Could she be waiting for the result of tests, or does she need a scan?

I want us to be in a position to unashamedly exploit that.

The hunters have made it to Settle and start scoping out the area.

This is walking country, then.

They're going to blend in brilliantly if they've got the rucksacks and everything else.

It's really barren. This is telling us they are outdoor people.

But with Emma struggling, the couple have given up hiking the Pennine Way and called in a favour.

They're stopping for a night at a farm owned by a friend's family.
A more dramatic entrance than we planned. How are you doing?

This is my wife, Emma. Hi, I'm Emma.

Hello, Emma. Pleased to meet you.

I think we've got food and accommodation for tonight.

We've been given the run of the pantry.

Which has just made Emma very happy.

If I am absolutely honest, I don't think - and for as much as I am trying not to be a princess or anything -

I was so cold, I don't think I would have been able to mentally cope with one more under the rain and freezing cold camping night.

I am such a sissy.

Yes, you are.

But as they settle in for the night...

I don't mean to alarm anybody, but I've just had a message off Beth.

She's seen a convoy of black 4x4s coming up the road.

"Have you still got company?"

Whereabouts did she see them?

In this dale. Coming up...

There's only one road, so...

Called to let us know what he's seen.

Still, we've got plenty g*ns, we can put a good fight up.

The farmer's son and a friend speed off to check out the suspicious vehicles, leaving Adam and Emma behind.

(What are you doing? Shut the curtains!)

This is the first time that I am shaking.

Come and sit here.

Sit, it's just... Shh!

They can't be in the house.

I don't know what they can be.


You stress me standing there and...

(Exhales slowly)

We've come upstairs to hide in the bedroom, er, with the curtains...

(You still haven't closed the f*cking curtains properly!)

Leaving little gaps they can see us through.

(Exhales slowly)

My heart is beating so fast!

Even if they've got a good idea that we came to Buckden, they still won't know that we've come to this farm.


That's them there, isn't it?

Right, so let's not try and stare right at them.

Is that a pick-up?

Is it just...? Is it a broken-down car, or something?

It's a breakdown.

Yeah, it is.

Thank God!

And breathe...and breathe...


'Come in (indistinct).'

Received. Go on.

Got the all clear.

It's just a car-recovery wagon and a camper van.

You are a f*cking legend!


Maybe we've just kind of escaped by the skin of our teeth.

Erm... I guess tomorrow will tell - if we' eating our cornflakes and somebody kicks the front door in, I guess we haven't.

Now the hunters have captured more than half of the fugitives, they're refocusing on the six still at large.

Hardiker and Cole.

I am well aware they have been prioritised out for some time because they're a hard nut to crack.

So they're resourceful, or they are living rough.

Stephen Hardiker and Martin Cole have evaded capture by travelling along canal towpaths and wild camping.

That is cold!

Although it's a beautiful morning, it was a shit night.

I haven't had a shower for four days. I've run out of socks, pants.

I stink.

I'm a bit worried.

That looks an aggressive act to me.

That does look a bit aggressive.

Guys, we can't come this far, being chased by SAS, FBI, CIA hunters...

Look at that though!

And this swan is stopping us!

(They laugh)

Go on, then.

All right, I think I will.


We've got to get past the f*cking swan of death now.


Look at its walk.

John Wayne walk. Look at him!

The last known sighting of newlyweds Adam and Emma Channel placed them in the Yorkshire Dales.

What's the latest on this?

Who is behind these people?

It will be a week tomorrow since they've withdrawn any cash.

Yeah. Will they surface?

Will they come up for air?

I think they're playing a really good game.

I think that they're laying low.

Now, my suspicion is it's stressful, doing what they're doing, being as quiet as they are.

Adam and Emma left Yorkshire five days ago.

They're now in a remote corner of Wales, sticking to their plan to stay off grid, hiking long distances and living off the land.

I've got a f*cking bite. Really?

You've got one? Shut the front door!

Oh, my God! Amazing!

Too small for dinner, but well done.

Too small, you think? Yeah.

Going rural, as a fugitive, it gives them vast space to hide in.

The downsides are you are away from many networks, you can't make contact quickly, you're up against the elements, you've got to find somewhere pretty good to hide out to stay safe and warm.

Adam and Emma need to find somewhere to sleep.

It's their 12th day on the run.

They're running low on funds and don't want to use a cash machine, so they're looking for a place to camp.

There's a camp site here.

Seriously, guys.

Stay strong, sweetheart.

As Emma is unwilling to camp, they head in to town to look for a cheap room.

But there's little on offer.

Do you want to ask at the cafe?

What do you think? Dunno.

I'm going to try it.

I'm not sleeping in this f*cking awful camping.

What do you think?

I can't see it working at all.

I can't see there being any point in this.

Who sees somebody coming off the street -

"Oh, is anybody renting a room for about the same price or cheaper than I can pitch a tent in a camp site?"

It's the thought of a camp site that's freaking her out.

I don't know what the expectation was.


This is the hardest day so far.

Yeah. It's one that's starting to f*ck me off the most, to be honest.

Cos I'm doing my best to be upbeat and kind us on a little bit, and I don't want to be doing it in a sort of bullying kind of way because if you don't want to do it, let's not do it.

So, the first hotel recommended the White Lion, so what do you want to do?

Do you want to...?

I'm done with the decisions today, so whatever you decide, I'll go along with.

That's not like...

In need of a rest, they decide to buy a cheap drink.

I need some assistance in the enthusiasm stakes, otherwise mine is going to disappear completely.

Can't see the effect this rush of sugar to your blood has.

OK, it's slow acting.

With no other option, Emma reluctantly agrees to go back to the camp site.

Baby, be careful.

Young mother Emily Dredge has been on the run for 19 days.

I'm just flying in the face of it because I've had enough and I need to see my son.

At the last minute, Emily's decided to make a dash south to see her baby.

It's a huge risk, as two days ago, she sent her bank card home as a decoy.

The next certain lead would be if my mum had got that card today and withdrawn that money.

Does that not concern you?

No, it doesn't cos all I can think about is Ernest.

So it's all I can think about right now.

Thank God.

After weeks of evading the hunters...

Hello? Can you stop?

..Emily's using all the tricks she's learned to get back to her baby.

Thank you.

Hitchhiking... No-one's very friendly round here, except you guys.

..travelling as a stowaway...


Nothing like a stampede of people.

..and changing her disguise at every opportunity.

Do you want a new jacket instead of the one you've got on?

Do you want this one? Yes, please.

OK, can you swap it with yours, please?

You're welcome.

In one day, Emily travels more than 200 miles on less than ?15.

She hasn't seen her son, Ernest, for nearly three weeks.

(Knocks on window)

Hello, mummy. Hello.

We've got activity on Emily Dredge's account. Yes!

Oh, yeah! Come on! She's taken out ?250 about half an hour ago.

So, is this down by where Paula lives? Yeah.

Find the baby, find Emily.

You've done it.

You've done it.

They're going to be here soon.

What? You've done it. You've just given them a clue that we're here.

They're going to be here like flies.

Why did you come then?

Cos I was hoping you didn't get it yet.

Got it this morning.

Emily's decoy could now prove to be her downfall.

We've just got the video back.

ATM usage for Emily Dredge.

Positive identification for Paula Wood making the withdrawal.

OK, excellent, go, go.

They immediately deploy their covert team.

These undercover agents specialise in breaking into and searching key targets undetected.

Now, it may be that she has been at Paula's address and heading back out, or potentially looking to go there.

Something now is ringing and something's telling me she is really struggling, emotionally.

She needs contact with her loved ones.

The covert team arrive at Paula's house.

They receive the all clear to break in and apprehend the fugitive.

(Ernest cries)

I know, it's very scary.

We're going on the run from some serious bastards, Ernest.

Whatever we have to do, Mummy, whatever it takes.

(Ernest giggles)

Ernest loves it!

Having seen her family... I love you.

I love you more. Bye, Ernest.

See you in a week.

..Emily hitches yet another lift...


..and the trail goes cold.

Oh, for heaven's sakes!

This is from who? The Channells.

Channells? Hmm.

Adam and Emma Channells' trail disappeared ten days ago, but HQ receive a mischievous clue.

Guys, we've got a postcard here from the Channells.

Lots of love, Adam and Emma.

Kiss, kiss. You put the kisses, yes?


Stamped with a postmark from Wales, the hunters believe the card is a bid to throw them off the scent.

They could be anywhere. Exactly.

It's difficult to say with absolute certainty.

They could be absolutely anywhere.

Right, I'm having a f*g before I swear, cos I'm getting the hump with this.

Sure enough, Emma and Adam have left Wales.


Now they're having a day with friends at Lord's in London... right under the hunters' noses.

(Cheering and applause)

Five days ago in Wales... the newlyweds finally cracked.

What are we thinking in terms of today?

To rally their spirits, they came up with an audacious plan to travel to London and enter the lions' den.

We wanted to provoke the hunters a little bit and kind of stick two fingers up to them.

If they found out we went to watch the cricket for a day, I think that'd be quite funny.

They are now on the run in one of the most watched cities in the world.

16,000 cameras monitor London's Underground network, thousands more watch its streets.

We're jumping at shadows, but it' again.

The difference between how Emma and I feel now and how we felt when we were in the wilds of Wales to now is huge.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is an expectation that everybody now turns up the heat.

If they were hoping their postcard would get the hunters' attention, it's worked.

Now we have to start delivering.

HQ are throwing all their resources at tracking down the couple.

On fugitives Adam and Emma Channell, what I want Stacey and you to do today is draw me up a list of the significant people in the fugitives' lives.

They scour phone records and online profiles to find which of the couple's most-trusted associates to monitor.

We'd start looking into fugitive networks and associates when we lose sight of the fugitive themself, because it gives us a great opportunity to regain control, to find out exactly where they are.

Because at some point, we're fully aware that they need to make contact, they need help.

Network charts, your list of significant people goes into cyber and it goes into Julie.

Joined-up thinking.

Adam and Emma's inner circle is placed under close observation, and HQ monitor the phone calls and text messages between the group.

They're a very social people, they've got a network of friends, you know, they're very close and they're very tight.

I can't help thinking that they will be in touch with somebody.

I left the door open, I think. Yes!


Adam and Emma are staying with their work colleague, Mitch Rhodes, and his girlfriend, Caroline Watson.

The size of this living room!

This is massive!

Yep, made it. That was the most intense day today, but we did it.

To remain undetected, Adam and Emma plan to hop between friends.

"Meet us on the 'S' of Queenswood."

Using Caroline's phone, they send a coded message to set up their next rendezvous.

Shall you say "meet me" rather than "meet us."

Good one. Good one. Good one.

"Meet me."

Yeah, happy with that? Hmm.

Send? Send.

Phone monitoring came back.

Tom Clarke had a text from...a Caroline Watson. Oh.

It's a hot lead. In HQ the cryptic tone of the message arouses suspicion.

Caroline Watson is friends with both of them.

She lives in London and she went to Brunel University.

Records show Caroline's number is registered to a house in North London.

So we have an address to check where there's a potential where Adam and Emma could be.

If they're this close by, this is a significant advantage for us.

A team is deployed from HQ.

We need to be on our toes here.

Before becoming intelligence analysts, Toddington and Clegg both specialised in police surveillance.

Once they've secured the perimeter...

OK, Dave, get ready.

..the hunters make their presence known to try and spook the fugitives into action.

I don't know who the f*ck she is.

Right. f*ck!

f*ck! f*ck! f*ck!

Surely not?

Charlie, you go into the rear go the premises. Roger that.

He's coming round the back.

Get in the bedroom and draw the curtains now.

What shall we do?

f*ck! They're here.

There's a black van, there's a guy just walking around with shades.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're here.

Is there any chance at all we can escape from here?

You can probably get out on the other side of the road over there, but you'll have to jump through a few gardens.

Caroline: f*ck! It's the blonde lady.

Hello. Hi. How are you? Good.

Er...Emma and Adam Channell?

Yeah, what about them? We believe that they're here. Could we...?

Would we be able to come in and have a look?

Sorry, the place is a mess at the moment, so... OK.

So when did you last see Adam and Emma?

Erm... I've not seen since them since the wedding last year, actually.

I work with them both. I haven't seen them...

They haven't be in for May, so it would have been...end of April.

(Door closes)

What's going on?

They know that you're here, basically.

They're in that house. It's a case now of waiting, covering all the different exits, and making sure we're not going to miss them out.

My take on this is they are probably inside that property, worrying, stressing how they're going to get out of it.

Oh! I'm sh1tting myself.

(Caroline sighs heavily)

It's intense.

It's like we're going over the top of the trenches, ready to just...

(He mimics g*nsh*t)

OK, we believe they're about to come out of the premises.

Roger. Thank you, Julie.

(We do it, OK? Go.)

(I run.)

Going round the back! Going round the back!

OK, we have Emma.

Copy that.

'I have him in sight.'



We know where you are!

You are surrounded!

He is now wearing a grey hoodie.

'A grey hoodie.'


(Adam pants)


You've been hunted.

Come with me, please.

'Got him.'


Well done, guys.

'We have Adam. I say again, we have Adam.'

Being caught is one of the most frustrating feelings I think I've experienced, cos my mind is ticking over all of the what-ifs.

If I'd turned left instead of hiding behind that car, if we'd left Mitch and Cazza's earlier.

But the reality of having people chasing us, that's the most...probably the most intense half hour of my life.

I think we delve so deeply into the backgrounds of these fugitives, that sometimes we can end up knowing them better than they know themselves.

Er, we've got some news. Erm...

Ta-da! Emma's carrying a slight bump that wasn't there before.

(She laughs)

Erm, so that kind of explains a little why she was feeling so nauseous and cold and tired throughout the whole of the run.

Really, really, really cold. I just thought you were pathetic.

(She laughs)

Looking back at it, I'm sure I'm going to feel really guilty that I was marching across hills, like, "Come on! It's only a bit of rain, you'll be fine."

Where are we going?

Next on Hunted.

f*cking hell! It's me and you!

I really do want to get to the end of this. There's Hardiker.

That's in town now.

We have less than 24 hours.

We are working on the theory that Emily is with that phone.

I'm concerned cos you keep getting hundreds of missed calls. f*ck!

She's 11 minutes away from us.

You stop that plane taking off.