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03x01 - For the Next Millennium

Posted: 10/09/15 02:19
by bunniefuu

[ Flashback: Southern France, 1002 A.D. ]

Klaus (V.O.): In the beginning, we were so naive. Our mother had made us into beasts that fed on blood, but immortality was beyond our grasp, compulsion a trick we had yet to learn.

Klaus (V.O.): All we knew was a fear of being hunted. That and a terrible hunger.

Klaus (V.O.): So we ran... as a family... and when we needed to... as a family... We fed.


Elijah: Kol, are you quite done?

Kol: Ahh. Oh, bother, Elijah! Is all of this truly necessary?

Elijah: Brother, the road is a major thoroughfare. If the bodies are found, word of our presence will spread to Mikael.

Rebekah: We have run through autumn and winter, through sleet and snow. Are we cursed to forever live in fear of our father?

Finn: I should say yes sadly.

Elijah: Finn, please. Niklaus.

Rebekah: Do we have any idea where we're running to next?

Kol: Why not just do what we've all thought of doing? Split up!

Klaus: We swore a vow!

Kol: Your vows haunt me more than father himself! At least he can't chase us all. I say we take our chances.

Finn: Perhaps Kol is right.

Kol: Thank you, Finn! Yeah, I've always said eldest is the most intelligent.

Finn: Stop talking!

Finn: I take no Joy in our assent, but I do wish to sleep in a bed, to bathe in a bath, to feed of proper food.

Elijah: No, brother. Niklaus is right. We made a vow.

Elijah: Family above all.

Elijah: Always... forever.

[ Present day - Mikaelson Compound ]

Klaus: Always and forever indeed.

The Originals
Season 3 Episode 1
For the Next Millennium
Original air date: 8th October, 2015

Freya (V.O.): "My dear Rebekah... I hope this finds you well. I write to offer an update and to ask your advice. Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus will never apologize, not for the blood he shed, nor the suffering Hayley continues to endure... And Elijah cannot forgive him."

Freya (V.O.): "Despite my efforts, we are a house divided... Which is not to say I have no good news. Niklaus kept his word. Marcel controls the quarter. There he has founded a fight gym in the old St. Anne's church, where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community. Elijah has begun joining him for sparring. I believe it helps him work through his anger... And he has much anger."

(Hope crying)

Freya (V.O.): "While Hope continues to flourish, it is clear that she misses her mother. Though Niklaus remains the doting father, he has been of no help in finding a cure for Hayley's curse." Despite my best efforts, I have yet to find a means to undo the spell placed on her and the crescent wolves, and Hayley herself continues to struggle, unable to see her child except once a month on a full moon... And we're in no position to ask for outside help."

Marcel: Can you just help me out?

Davina: No. Witches don't do favors for vampires, including daylight rings. Those are the rules.

Marcel: An act of good faith will help keep the peace.

Davina: The ninth ward coven thinks I'm a vampire sympathizer. I won't prove them right. You're on your own.

Freya (V.O.): "Davina's rage at our family has only grown, and as regent of all covens, she's far too formidable to be swayed. Meanwhile, Niklaus has begun to see Camille for what he calls their little chats. He claims a desire to ammend his ways. In truth, he seems utterly free of remorse... around in his blood, and that was the end of that.

Freya (V.O.): "Which only drives Elijah further away. I wonder if you would write me with any advice you have on how to heal their fractured bond. Until then, I remain your loving sister Freya."

[ New Orleans art gallery ]

Klaus: Camille! Thanks for coming.

Cami: Why did you ask me to meet you here?

Klaus: Well, I had hoped we might have one of our little chats, and I thought you might appreciate the change of venue, so I'm allowing you a private tour of my exhibition.

Cami: These are yours?

Klaus: I spent the better part of a millennia trying not to draw my father's attention, and now he's dead, and all those who stood against me have been vanquished. I see no reason the fruits of my labor should go unappreciated.

Cami: I didn't come here to appreciate art. If you want to talk about your progress as a person striving for empathy, fine. If not, I'll go.

Klaus: Have I offended you?

Cami: I agreed to see you professionally, but I was very clear when I set our boundaries, and they don't include private art shows.

Klaus: Oh. Well, then, perhaps you prefer to escort me to tomorrow's opening?

Cami: Call me if you want to talk.

Cami: Wait. You're worried no one else will come. Rebekah's gone, Marcel's angry, Elijah won't even look at you. You'll be alone.

Cami: You're scared because the people you love are angry with you. Maybe you need to think about that.

(Cell phone chimes)

Cami: I have to go.

[ Rue de Main, French Quarter ]

Vincent: Ok. The thing you got to understand is me and Nola PD got a relationship that goes back to that nastiness with my ex-wife. I'm their expert in anything that seems occult, and every so often, they come across the aftermath of some black magic, and they call me in.

Detective: Is this your friend, the shrink?

Detective: Fantastic.

Will: Will Kinney, detective, homicide.

Cami: Cami O'Connell, bartender, part-time shrink.

Cami: Why am I here?

Will: Vince, show her the body. We'll see if she can do what you said she can do.

Vincent: So the cops want a psychological profile, and given what we've found, I'd say this is your area of expertise.

[ Mikaelson Compound ]

Freya: She's getting bigger by the second.

Elijah: Thank you for all of your care.

Freya: Tomorrow's the full moon. I can help you bring Hope to Hayley, if you'd like.

Elijah: That won't be necessary. You deserve a night off.

Klaus: I'd offer to accompany you myself, but I fear my fragile ego could not endure the litany of insults Hayley has no doubt prepared.

Elijah: Yes, I doubt that your presence is particularly welcome anywhere.

Klaus: My own brother, greeting me with such disdain!

Klaus: What do you think, Freya? Is he still angry for my part in Hayley's curse? Need I remind him it was my ploy that kept her alive?

Elijah: But of course. Forgive me. So, you would call this an act of heroism, even as you bask in her torment?

Klaus: Perhaps I'd be more sympathetic if Hayley apologized. After all, it was her that tried to run off with my daughter.

Freya: Oh, if you two must poke at one another, may I suggest doing it elsewhere?

Freya: Nicely done. At this rate, you'll drive the entire family away.

[ Flashback: Southern France, 1002 AD ]

Kol: Who's ready for the next course?

Finn: You're all filthy gluttons.

Kol: And you remain ever the dullard.

Rebekah: Oh, such pretty clothes. What a shame they'll go to waste.

Elijah: Rebekah, we have discussed this endlessly.

Rebekah: No. You've discussed this. None of us had any say in the matter! This lot were traveling somewhere. Their car is full of silks and finery. Five of them, five of us. Wherever they were off to, why could we not simply go in their stead?

Elijah: Masquerade as nobles from a land we do not know, whose customs we cannot begin to understand? Ridiculous!

Rebekah: You saw the castle down the road. It was practically a gala. If this bunch were headed there, then... Look at them. They're not any better than we are. We could live as they do, at least for a time.

Rebekah: Think of it, Elijah, we can hide in plain sight. We could live ordinary lives.

Elijah: Silence.

Rebekah: Well, aren't you a handsome one?

Kol: Looks like dessert to me.

Lucien: No! Wait, wait, wait! I can help you!

Lucien: Now I am... I am the personal servant to the Count de Martel of the very estate you just mentioned. I wa... I was sent to escort these guests to his home for a lengthy stay. I know their customs, as... as well as the count's habits. If you mean to pose as the family you have slaughtered here, then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse.

Rebekah: Please can we keep him?

Elijah: Rebekah, no. What is our most important rule?

Rebekah: Never leave alive someone who...

Finn, Elijah, Klaus, & Kol: .. has seen what we are.

Elijah: Thank you very much. A practice that has served us very well indeed.

Finn: She has a point. He may be of use.

Kol: Ah, a proper family squabble.

Klaus: Perhaps we should put it to a vote. All those in favor of letting him live?

Kol: Those inclined to gut him?

Kol: Well, Nik... What shall it be?

[ Present day - New Orleans penthouse apartment ]

Realtor: It's a no-brainer really. This penthouse is equipped with all the luxuries money can buy, and while the asking price may seem daunting, rest assured that your view of New Orleans will be second to none.

Lucien: I do like it. And as for the price, well, nothing of worth comes without sacrifice, wouldn't you agree?

Realtor: Mr. Castle.

Lucien: Please. Call me Lucien.

[ Rue de Main, the French Quarter ]

Cami: I'm no forensic psychologist, but whoever did this took their time. He bled a lot, which means he was alive, but it's like he just stood here.

Cami: These ropes are just for display. He wasn't bound, there are no marks on his wrists, no signs of struggling or clawing.

Vincent: He was compelled, Camille. Maybe rich boy pissed off the wrong vampire.

Will: How are you guys doing over here? Tell me you got something.

Cami: It seems methodical, precise. The wounds may have a special meaning for the k*ller. Not a formal ritual but intentional... And the things we do on purpose we tend to repeat.

[ Lafayette Cemetery ]

Davina: Thank you for coming. I spent the night consulting our ancestors. They say we must remain strong and to defend our homes, but for now, no covens are to expand into gentilly.

Davina: This decision is to keep us from a violent turf w*r with the vampires, and it's final.

Davina: Excuse me, Kara. I did not dismiss you. Do not walk away from me.

Kara: Per se qui e fracta toi, per se qui e total toi.

Davina: Detere se deforum, detere se deforum.

[ St. Anne's Church ]

Marcel: Gnarly stuff.

Vincent: Yeah. The guy was torn apart. I mean, there are no obvious puncture wounds, but whoever did that had to be a vampire.

Cami: And no one heard any screams, so he must have been compelled to just stand there and suffer.

Marcel: You think this was us? My guys know better than to leave a body in the streets.

Vincent: Yeah? Well, how well do you know your guys?

Marcel: Dead bodies lead to headlines, which means tourism drops. We don't like to mess with the food supply.

Cami: Marcel, maybe someone new lost control?

Marcel: Maybe you should consider that my guys aren't the only vampires in town.

Cami: You don't think this was Klaus.

Marcel: Elijah says Klaus has been on his best behavior. I've known the guy over 200 years. Best behavior ain't exactly his thing.

Marcel: Sooner or later, he'll cut loose. Or maybe, he already did.

[ New Orleans art gallery ]

Leon Bridges: ♪ ooh, ooh
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
♪ she was born in New Orleans ♪
♪ New Orleans it's a derivative fiasco.

Art Critic: Little atmosphere, less technique. The work is nothing more than a celebratory ego trip.

Leon Bridges: ♪ Lisa Sawyer, circa 1963 ♪

Lucien: I wouldn't expect you to host an art show without compelling the critic to speak to your praise.

Klaus: And I wouldn't expect an uncultured savage to crash such a formal affair.

Lucien: Ah, not my usual scene, but that mouthy blood bag does have a point. Your work is derivative of Degas, I'd say. Of course, I happen to know that you compelled Degas to mentor you. I always thought his work improved after your influence.

Klaus: Finally, someone with an eye for art.

Lucien: Well, live long enough, you develop a taste for it, among other things.

Lucien: Speaking of which, can we please have a drink? I am quite parched.

[ The Bayou ]

Hunter 1: Hell of a spot for a picnic.

Elijah: Yes. If you can tolerate the mosquitoes, it's actually rather serene.

Elijah: Finger sandwich?

Hunter 1: Trouble is you're trespassing. This whole area is now property of Kingmaker Land Development. In two years, it's gonna be golf courses and condos.

Elijah: I take it you're not on the board of directors.

Hunter 1: No. My team and I are animal control. There's been an influx of wild predators. My boss pays top dollar to, uh, wipe them out.

Elijah: Wild predators?

Hunter 1: Wolves if you can believe it. k*lled a half-dozen last night.

Hunter 1: This baby can take a head clean off.

Hunter 1: Hey. Anyway, um, I'm gonna have to ask you to clear out ASAP.


Elijah: Call off your men. You leave this place and you seek another line of work. No more dead wolves.

Hunter 1: I'm an independent contractor. There are other teams out there. I don't have authority to...

[ Flashback: Southern France, 1002 AD ]

Lucien: There. See the Count de Martel? You address him as "Your Grace," all the other nobles as "milord," and when you speak to the count, you should speak of hunting. He loves his hawks and his hounds, and, um, bow deep, milady Rebekah. He also relishes a healthy cleavage.

Lucien: For God's sake, all of you, stop looking up.

Kol: Touch me again, and I'll tear your arm straight off.

Finn: Behave, Kol, or I'll bury you in the ground to rot.

Rebekah: This isn't going to work, is it?

Lucien: Just speak as we practiced and know that you look lovely, milady.

Klaus: Are you worried, brother?

Elijah: We're placing our lives in the hands of a stranger, Niklaus.

Count de Martel: Lucien, you were sent to fetch the Count de Guise.

Lucien: Indisposed, your grace. Gout. May I present his children? The Lords Finn, Niklaus, Elijah, and Kol. Also, the lovely Lady Rebekah.

Count de Martel: Your father never mentioned you to me in all our dealings.

Elijah: Yes. Your grace, do forgive us. Uh, father was forever distant with his travels, and, uh, we were largely raised by servants. However, I do know that father would consider it a glorious honor that we should be introduced to society by your noble hand, your grace.

Klaus: Your Grace, I look forward to hearing tales of your hunting escapades.

Klaus: May I present our sister?

Rebekah: Rebekah Du Guise de Rochefort en Seine. Charmed.

(Indistinct chatter)

Klaus: You've proven to be an immense help.

Lucien: Heh. Of course, milord.

Klaus: Though I must say you don't seem at all disturbed about leading us into your master's home.

Lucien: My master is a cruel drunkard who torments his minions for sport, beggars who seek succor, vassals who cannot pay a debt, like my own father.

Klaus: Ah.

Lucien: All these gentlefolk behind their silks and their jewels, they are slavers, K*llers. Whatever evil you are, you walk amongst greater evil still.

Lucien: What do I care if you k*ll the lot of them?

(Indistinct chatter)

Klaus: Who are they?

Lucien: Oh. They're the count's children, the lord Tristan and his sister the lady Aurora.

Klaus: She is exquisite.

Lucien: Yes. Um, as her brother is wicked. Might I suggest that you avoid them completely?

Klaus: Would she really be such a threat, even to one like me?

Lucien: The Lady Aurora doesn't need teeth to tear a man's soul out. One need only stare in her eyes and be lost.

Klaus: Ah.

[ Present day - St. James Infirmary ]

Lucien: Oh, Kol... Kol was a bloody loon. Loved it. And Finn... oh, Finn. Finn... Finn was fine as long as you didn't actually have to speak to him.

Klaus: Have you spoken to her?

Lucien: Who?

Lucien: Oh, you mean her.

Lucien: As you well know, Aurora and I parted ways centuries ago.

Server: Champagne?

Cami: No, thanks.

Klaus: Please excuse me. There's someone I need to speak to.

Lucien: Hmm. Anyone tasty?

Klaus: Stay here and behave yourself.

Lucien: Always!

Klaus: Well, I suppose later is better than never, but you are late indeed.

Cami: I'm not here for the show. I have a problem, and you weren't answering your phone.

Cami: Who's the dirt bag eyeing me like I'm a rack of lamb? Old friend?

Klaus: Old acquaintance, nothing more.

Lucien: Old acquaintance? You wound me?

Cami: He can hear us? Is he...

Lucien: Hard of hearing? Quite the opposite, actually. A side effect I inherited from Nik.

Klaus: We can discuss my discourteous friend Lucien at our next little chat. For now, let's preserve your precious boundaries, shall we?

Cami: Someone tortured and k*lled a local, left the body right out in the open. I think it was a vampire.

Klaus: Yes. Well, vampire business is now Marcel's purview or Elijah's when he's not busy loathing me. By all means, check with them.

[ Rousseau's / The Bayou ]

♪ We get a second chance tonight ♪
♪ We get a clean slate ♪
♪ forget about the past tonight ♪
♪ It's never too late ♪

Freya: Hello?

Elijah: Did I misinterpret the kind of exhibition you were attending?

Freya: I switched venues. Aren't you the one who said I deserved the night off?

Elijah: Forgive me. Someone needs to watch Hope. I have an errand to run.

Freya: How ominous. What errand?

Elijah: A necessary evil.

Elijah: I would rather my niece not bear witness.

Freya: Fair enough. Give me a minute. I have an idea.

[ St. James Infirmary ]

Lucien: Your pretty friend seems to have fouled your mood.

Lucien: Why don't we go out, paint the town red, et cetera, et cetera?

Klaus: Lucien... What are you really doing in my city?

Lucien: News has spread, old friend. Every vampire in the world knows you've been att*cked, a number of times nearly k*lled.

Klaus: Oh. Well, I can assure you that all those who stood against me ended up either desiccated, dust, or dinner.

Lucien: Yes, but what if it had gone the other way, hmm? When Finn was k*lled, we all learned the truth... The life of every vampire is linked back to the original who begat the line. Kol's death confirmed it. Two entire lines of vampires wiped out. As you can imagine, the treat of it doesn't sit well with those of us that remain.

Klaus: Anyone fearing death as a result of my demise should come see me. I'll be happy to reassure them.

Lucien: Of course. Heh. You and your siblings are mighty indeed, yet the att*cks on you do show that you are not completely invulnerable. While you've wallowed in your family affairs, your progeny have grown somewhat restless. The world is a finite place, territory limited, and even ancient vampires are not above vicious turf wars. What if I told you there's a growing conflict between the remaining 3 sire lines?

Lucien: Suppose one of them wanted to annihilate the other by k*lling Elijah, Rebekah, you?

Klaus: So, you came all this way to deliver a warning?

Lucien: Think about it. k*ll an original, wipe out an entire line of competition. A tempting goal, made more so by the fact that your family is divided and thus weaker than you have ever been.

Klaus: My family is hardly weak. In fact, we are unkillable. The last of the white oak is gone.

Lucien: Are you so certain it's all gone, every last splinter of it banished for good?

Klaus: Lucien, if you had even the slightest inkling any fragment of white oak still existed, of course you would tell me.

Lucien: Easy, Nik. You are my sire. My fate is linked to yours. If you want to know what I do about the dangers you now face, trust me enough to come with me. There is something that you must see.

[ St. Anne's Church ]

Marcel: I'd ask if everything was ok, but you wouldn't be here if it were.

Davina: You know, I was bored out of my mind when I lived up here. I don't miss it, but things were a lot simpler. And at least I felt safe.

Marcel: What happened?

Davina: I was att*cked. One of my own people tried to use a spell to ruin my hands. What's next, my eyes, my heart? They hate me. I knew that, but I didn't think they would just revolt.

Marcel: Witches in New Orleans have a habit of getting homicidal, alright? Why do you think I was so hard on them?

Davina: But I'm Regent. They should respect me. I didn't sign up for this.

Marcel: Sure you did. You chose to be their leader. The target on your back, it comes with the job.

Davina: So, what do I do?

Marcel: Say the word, all right? Me and my guys will...

Davina: You'll what? They see me siding with you against my own kind, I'll just be proving them right.

Marcel: "D," someone came at you. It might be one today, but if you sit back and do nothing, but tomorrow, there'll be more. You got to respond with a show of force. If not me, find another way, but it's got to be done.

[ The Bayou ]

Freya: Hello, sweetie. We'll have to excuse your auntie Freya. I've had a few big girl drinks tonight.

Hunter 2: What the hell are you doing?

Elijah: Oh, my goodness. Where are my manners? Permit me to explain.

(Man groaning)

Elijah: Lesson one of the hunt...


Elijah: .. lay the bait.

Hunter 2 (Screaming): Ahhhhh!

Elijah: How precious. And just in time for lesson two.

[ Lucien's penthouse ]

(Elevator dings)

Lucien: Please excuse the mess. I've been entertaining.

Klaus: Well, you never were one for subtlety.

Klaus: Heh. You brought me here to have a seance?

Lucien: Something like that.

Lucien: I present my personal forecaster... The lovely Alexis.

Klaus: Don't tell me you're here to scry some future portents of my doom?

Lucien: Alexis is no back alley palm reader. She's an expert cipher of patterns, trends, cycles. She's extraordinary on the stock market and never fails to guess the winner of "the bachelorette."

Klaus: Touch forward, isn't she?

Alexis: I've heard so much about you, the famous hybrid. Your ancient heart beats strong indeed for someone in such danger.

Klaus: If you have a warning to deliver, luv, best get on with it.

Alexis: By all means, but if you want the most from the experience, I suggest you feed on me. As you do, I'll allow you into my mind.

Alexis: You can see for yourself.

Lucien: Come on. How long has it been since we shared a real drink?

Alexis (V.O.): Drink deep, but beware. What you broke is past repair. All your oaths you betray.

Alexis (V.O.): Your sacred vows you sever, and now you see that nothing lasts for always and forever.

Alexis (V.O.): 3 yet remain, 2 already crossed, yet in one year's time, you'll all be lost.

Alexis (V.O.): As your family is undone, you will seed the beast that is to come.

Klaus: Ohh! Do you think you can fool me with bad poetry and parlor tricks?

Alexis: My visions conjure from you. The threat you face will be more clear the longer I'm in your presence. k*ll me, you'll never see what's coming.

[ The Bayou ]

Elijah: You will provide me with the precise location of every last one of those vulgar traps, as well as the routes used by any of your other men.

Hunter 3: I... I don't know.

Elijah: Hayley. Forgive me. I... I thought...

Crescent Wolf: I know who you thought I was.

Elijah: Do you know where she is?

Crescent Wolf: Judging by what these hunters did, the traps they set and the blood I saw, if she's not with her daughter, she's probably dead.

[ Cami's apartment ]

Vincent: You seem pretty convinced Klaus had nothing to do with it. Now that only leaves...

Vincent: Thank you... A couple hundred vampires in the quarter.

Cami: That's the thing. Even if we figure out who k*lled this guy, then what? It's a vampire. What are the police gonna do?

Cami: We'd be sending the arresting officers to get slaughtered, and if we warned them, we get locked up for being insane.

Vincent: Yeah. That's New Orleans. Our city, our streets, not our fault, but it is our problem.

(Cell phone vibrating)

Cami: Hello?

Will: Hey, it's Kinney. Wanted to let you know you were right.

Will: It happened again. So, if you're not busy, I could use your brain.

Cami: Yeah, of course.

[ Lucien's penthouse ]

Lucien: I told you. Something is coming. You'll need me.

Klaus: Aah! I am Klaus Mikaelson! I don't need anyone, nor will I be warned by lesser men! I am the thing lesser men fear!

Lucien: Then act like it... Ha ha... Instead of doting on your pretty human girls and pouting about your family's disapproval. Yes, you are Klaus Mikaelson! You are the most ruthless, wicked beast to ever live.

Lucien: I came here to remind you of that because, quite frankly, I've been worried that you've lost a step.

Klaus: I need no reminding of who I am. That truth has been clear to me for a thousand years.

Lucien: And in those years, you've acquired countless enemies, and with the sire lines at w*r, you now have mine, as well.

Lucien: Anyone who would k*ll me could now come after you, and since I have so many rivals and because I do not want to die, I beg you let me help you. From now on, I am the only one you can trust.

Klaus: I don't trust anyone.

[ The Bayou ]

[ St. Anne's Church ]

Vincent: I thought you said no vamp speed, Marcel?

Marcel: Come on, Vincent. If I move any slower, I'll be going in reverse.

Marcel: Oooh, fighting angry. Because they found that second dead body?

Marcel: You still think it's my guys. Huh?

Vincent: Don't matter what I think, Marcel. News breaks there's a k*ller loose in the quarter, tourism is gonna drop, and who are your vampires gonna feed on then? Locals? No.

Vincent: Not unless they want a w*r with the covens!

Marcel: Speaking of covens, you remember Davina, girl you were supposed to mentor?

Vincent: Ahh! I offered her my advice months ago. I told her to make peace at all cost, and she refused me. All right? That girl's got a bigger chip on her shoulder than you do.

(Both grunting)

Marcel: You got her into this. You should be helping her out. These witches keep messing with her, she's gonna get angry. You think that's gonna end well for anyone?

[ Lafayette Cemetery ]

Hayley: Huh?


(Breathing heavily)

Hayley: What the hell am I doing here? Why am I trapped?

Davina: I used magic to draw you here and to keep you a c*ptive audience.

Hayley: Davina, I need to see my daughter.

Davina: I'm sorry, but there's something I need you to do for me first.

[ Cami's apartment ]

Cami: (Gasps) Who's there?

Klaus: You're on edge.

Cami: (Gasps) Ahh! And you're trespassing. You can't just come... I mean, Klaus, seriously.

Klaus: I didn't come here to quarrel. I came to offer you a gift, maybe in exchange for one of our little chats of which I'm in particular need, given as my brother doesn't bother to answer my calls, and now my old mate Lucien has swanned into town with all manner of troubling news.

Cami: Fine. If you want to talk it through, come back tomorrow.

Klaus: I'm afraid I need to talk about it now.

Cami: No. No! You don't get to just come into my house uninvited!

Klaus: Well, you already invited me in once, luv, so technically...

Cami: Don't do that. Don't be so flippant and self-absorbed.

Cami: Right now, people like me are out there getting k*lled by people like you, conveniently timed with the arrival of your old acquaintance, and you just barge in here and start mouthing off orders? I get it. You're a vampire. It's a tortured existence. I'm sorry, but do you really have to be such an insensitive disappointment?

Cami: Wait. That wasn't fair.

Klaus: Keep the gift. I painted it for you.

Cami: Klaus.

[ French Quarter ]

Klaus: Good evening. I wonder if we might discuss your analysis of my work.

(Klaus growls)


[ Lucien's penthouse ]

[ Buddhist Monastery ]

Aurora: It won't be long now.