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03x02 - Whispers in the Dark

Posted: 10/08/15 23:11
by bunniefuu
Crane: Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Special Agent with the FBI.

You joined the federal police.

Abbie: The city sold the building to developers.

It's scheduled for demolition next month.

This chamber has stood since the 1750s!

Jenny: I'm realizing something.

I stole a lot of stuff.

It's too bad "supernatural relic hunter" isn't something that looks good on a résumé.

Crane: Joe Corbin.

Sheriff Corbin's son.

My dad died protecting people.

I'd like to carry on that torch, if you'll help me.

Betsy Ross? The flag woman?

Betsy was a woman of many talents.

Abbie: Betsy and Crane kind of were a thing.

This can't be us, right?

This tablet means something. Something important.

There is a new player in town.

Crane: The second Tribulation has begun.

♪ From Boston Harbor ♪
♪ We set sail ♪
♪ And the wind was blowing ♪
♪ A devil of a gale ♪
♪ With a ring-tail set ♪
♪ All abaft the mizzen peak ♪
♪ And a Rule Britannia ♪
♪ Plowing up the deep ♪
♪ With a big bow wow ♪
♪ Tow row row ♪
♪ Fal Dee ral Dee Di do day... ♪

Have to lay off the flapjacks

if you're gonna fit into that one.


Uh, this is not as it seems.

I thought your... unmentionables were in the hand washing basket.

Your hand washing basket, not my hands.

Why are you doing any of my laundry in the first place, Crane?

As you were kind enough to offer me a room until I found my own residence, I thought I should do something to repay you.

So I tidied, top to bottom, prepared a meal... you're in for a treat, there.

Half the colonial army were after my Bedfordshire Clanger.

(smoke alarm beeping)

(Crane exclaims)

(alarm stops)

Oh, hell's teeth!

Our first week as roommates and I've befouled the kitchen.

If we found a way to put the brakes on the Apocalypse, we can make this work.

I had roommates in college.

It's all about respecting boundaries, Crane.

As Ben Franklin was wont to say, "Love thy neighbor, yet don't pull down your hedge."

Yeah. Good fences make good neighbors.

And in this case, if you can't stand the heat, use somebody else's kitchen.


Capital idea.

Reach for the sun, my little one.

Reach for the sun and smile.

Soon you'll have the fear you need to grow.

From the depths of the darkness inside you.

Will you bring forth the evil I desire?

(indistinct whispering)

A little sun, a little rain.

And then, my sweet, A flower.

We have to do something.

Tell someone what we know.

Look, it's the right thing.

Of course I'm scared.

We all are.

Excuse me.

You've got to tell me your secret.

I can't ever seem to get any signal in here.

Man (over P.A.): Now arriving on Track 9, train number 290.

He's jumping at shadows.

I have just the thing for you.

Man: FBI, how do I direct your call?

My name is Paul Everett.

Can I speak to an agent?

He has a secret and he's terrified it will be discovered.

Just be a dear and take your time pulling his secret from him, will you?

I'm really quite enjoying watching these mortals squirm.

I have important information.

Can you hold, please?

Yeah, I'll hold.

(indistinct whispering)

It's dangerous, Paul. We don't know what he's capable of.

Williams is right.

If we give any sign that we know...


Everett: We have to go public.

We can't let him get away with it.

Secrets k*ll.

Granger's replacement arrives sometime this week.

Whole lot of scuttlebutt as to who that might be.

Just think of the uproar, were people to discover the true nature of your former commanding officer's demise.

Only in Sleepy Hollow does your boss get eaten by a demon.


You were always able to balance your police work with your duty as a Witness. Maybe.

But it's not a balancing act I want to keep up forever.

I'm building something here, Crane.

The kind of life I've always seen for myself.

(phone ringing)

Agent Mills.

Man: Dispatch here.

We have a code 001B-36 at the Tarrytown train station.

His name was Paul Everett.

He worked for the county, an accountant at the comptroller's office.

The SHPD medical examiner says he died of a heart attack.

Well, the last call he made was to the FBI, which makes it our business.

Operator said he didn't get any details; just asked for an agent.

All calls into the switchboard are recorded.

Send me a copy, please?

Thank you. It seems uncommon for someone so young to suffer a cardiac arrest.

Look at his expression.

He looks absolutely terrified.

Man: Probably was.

Muscle rigidity is often the side effect of a sudden heart attack.

(chuckles) Agent Reynolds.

Aren't you posted in Chicago?


Until 24 hours ago.

Oh, the Bureau thinks we need extra bodies to fill the gaps as they vet Granger's replacement?

No, actually.

I am the replacement.

You're the new regional chief?

(quietly): Wow.

(Crane clears throat)

My name is Ichabod Crane.

I consulted for the sheriff's department last year on matters of historical relevancy.

Agent Daniel Reynolds.

Agent Mills and I were at the academy together.

Not sure there's much historical relevance to a 32-year-old man dying of a heart attack.

Lieutenant... Agent Mills and I were just at home having dinner.

She was called here, so...

Oh. I see.

You two...

Are roommates.

And he was just... heading home.

I was?


I am just on my way home.

Agent Reynolds, the pleasure is ineffably mine.

Sorry. I should've called to give you a heads up.

It happened so quickly, I literally just got off the plane.

Give me an hour to swing by the office and get settled, and you can fill me in on all this?



(laughs) Life, right?

Of all the gin joints, I get assigned to Abbie Mills' old stomping grounds.

After all the stories you told me, I almost feel like I've lived here before.

Yeah, let's just hope you don't want to leave as bad as I did.

You made peace with that.

Like anywhere, there's good, there's bad.

But duty comes first.



True, and I'd better get busy with mine.

Good to see you, Abs.

Yep, you too, Danny.

It's quite a facade, isn't it?


Most impressive.

Reynolds wants me to kick the tires on this one.

Everett called the FBI minutes before he died.

We need to find out if he had a reason.

I fear this man Everett's death may have been caused by a supernatural entity.

You saw something?

Just a glimpse.

There may be a new threat hiding in the shadows.

Or... is one, itself.

I found references to creatures of shadows and darkness... blights, wraiths, ghouls, oni, bogeymen.

I don't know what's worse: the supernatural back in full force or Daniel Reynolds as my boss.

Your former classmate.

Daniel's a climber.

He's half the reason I got through the academy as fast as I did.

We pushed each other.

Competition can be a strong motivator.

Lieutenant... I sensed something between the two of you that seemed... more than professional.


Mind your business.

A good fences moment, perhaps?

That's right, neighbor.

Now what is all this?


A plan to keep the archive in our possession.

I've applied to have it declared an historic landmark.

Did you know there was a proposition to tear it down and erect an apothecary?

An apothecary! Another one!

Amidst the onslaught of these faceless monstrosities, we must make a stand to preserve our history.

Now, are we talking about this place or you?

I shall find my place in this modern world, but never at the expense of my colonial soul.

I'm not going to argue.

The archive is crucial as a base of operations... now more than ever, if this new threat isn't an isolated event.

Sadly, we have more questions than answers at the moment.

Especially if that thing means what you think it does.

And for all the good that we try to do, what if our destiny is to become agents of destruction?

(computer beeps)

Crane, there's a message that Paul Everett left for the FBI.

I may be able to find a clue as to what happened to him in the background noise of the phone call.

My name is Paul Everett.

Can I speak to an agent?

I have important information.

Man: Can you hold, please?

Yeah, I'll hold.

Abbie: You see?

It keeps recording for another 15 seconds.

No sounds of attack, no sounds of distress from Everett.

No, wait, there is something else.

(indistinct whispering)

Crane: Voices.


Other commuters?

I can filter out some of the interference.

Woman: Williams is right.

Everett: We have to go public with this.

We can't let him get away with it.

So that's Everett talking.

But who was he talking to?

Voice: k*ll for secrets.

Abbie: There's another voice, but it's not on the same wavelength.

I can scrub and boost it.

Voice: Secrets. Secrets.

What is that?

k*ll for secrets.


I will k*ll.

A shadow that moves as if alive, in conjunction with whispering voices, jogged a memory... something I'd read in your ancestor Grace Dixon's journal.

Sometimes all it takes is to put pen to paper to make a difference, hmm?

Crane: Here.

25th of September, 1776.

Ms. Dixon overheard a rumor that General Howe... who was the commanding British officer stationed in occupied New York City... had raised a whispering wraith in order to root out colonial spies.

A dark ceremony, in which a human host is bonded with demonic shadows.

Here... these initials, M.C.

The host in question was an unfortunate wretch named Marcus Collins.

A friend of yours?


A rank, base villain who reneged on his vow

to fight for liberty.

Not a friend.

It appears he was not only turned by Howe, but literally transformed, sent out to k*ll his fellows.

Brave souls, with a secret worth dying for.

General Howe's battle plans.

Had these men lived to deliver that information... thousands of lives would have been spared.

Washington lost confidence in Marcus Collins' loyalty... feared General Howe might learn the identities of the other agents.

I was tasked with their extraction.

I attended an event at the billeted quarters of General Howe, where I was to make contact with the spymaster, none other than my constant companion in adventure, Betsy Ross.

Would the lady grant me the honor?

The gentleman is too kind.

The honor is all mine.

What the hell are you doing, Crane?

If anyone recognizes you, you'll be shot as a deserter.

I shan't be here long enough.

And neither will you.

Your cover's been blown.

Marcus Collins is a turncoat.


We must warn the others.

The secrets we share are invaluable to the w*r effort.

How many are embedded with you?

Two men.

One poses as Howe's valet, the other, that violin player.

Betsy: Howe is looking this way.

Does he know you, Crane?

We met many years ago, when I first arrived on these shores.

I'll handle him.

And warn the others. Go.

We'll meet at the stables in an hour.


I haven't had the chance to thank you for this delightful party.

In a moment.

There is someone I must have words with first.

When a moment passes, it is gone forever.

Or one can stop and take... full advantage of it.

I was beginning to worry.

Your clothing, Betsy...

I told you I'd handle Howe.

Not like that, my dear.

Ready the horses while I look for the others.

They're dead, Crane.

Both of them.

Is that you, you traitorous wretch?

Come out of the shadows, Marcus Collins.

Come out and face me!

I'll have your head, Marcus Collins!

Man: This way!

Fire on sight!

Hyah! Yah!

Betsy, come on!

Are you all right?

How could I not be?

Hyah! Hyah!

Crane... Crane.

And now it seems the same dire wraith who k*lled my fellows st*lks the streets of Sleepy Hollow.

So this creature was sent to root out spies who shared a secret then.

He may have the same M.O.

An excellent supposition, Lieutenant.

The voices on Everett's call to the FBI.

An unnamed woman and a man named Williams.

And Everett worked as an accountant at the county comptroller's office.

If they were coworkers, they may be the wraith's next victims.

Here he is.

Richard Williams.

(phone rings)

Hey, Joe.


No, no, no. Don't call the police.

I'll-I'll be right there.

Joe: When I first got to your place, I thought you had a wild party and I was like, "Why didn't she invite me?"

And then I noticed the busted lock.

What were you doing way out here in the first place?

No, I was bringing over some stuff you left up in my dad's cabin.

Just poked my head in, saw the mess.

Thanks for this.

Hey, he... he was as much a father to you as he was to me.

You know, whoever did this, it doesn't look like a B and E.

It's more like they were searching for something?

That's very astute, Encyclopedia Brown.

Yeah, well, you and Abbie may have been his protégés, but I inherited some of my dad's

cop instincts.


Like, I can tell when you're holding back.

Come on, what are you mixed up in?


Really. (chuckles)

I've been keeping it super low-key lately.


What is it with you and your sister anyway?

Look, you know, just 'cause my dad kept me on the outside of his investigation into the strange and stranger, doesn't mean you have to.

Corbin led Abbie and I down a path

'cause we were already on it.

And not by choice.

Okay, you know, you can slice it any way you want, Mills.

Look, you knew a side of him that I never got to know.

But I've been back in town almost six months.

I figured at some point, you might let me in.

It's not fun and games, Joe.

People die.

Yeah, and my father was one of them.

Look, he wasn't just stumbling around in the dark.

He was on a mission.

Sending you off all over the world to track things down for him.

And before he had a chance to tell me word one about why he did what he did, he was gone.

Look... you and Abbie are the closest thing that I have left to family.

I want you to look me in the eye, tell me you have no idea why this happened.

I will call around, okay?

See what I can find out.


The one thing I know about your dad?

He didn't want you to follow in his footsteps.

Just wanted you to find something worth doing.

The fact that you were able to parlay Marine medical training into a job as an EMT?


That would've made him so proud.

Look, will you just promise you'll tell me if there is something going on?


(laughs softly)

All right, yeah.

Later, Mills.

Yeah, later.

Crane: Let's hope we find Mr. Williams before the whispering wraith catches scent of his secrets.

(doorbell rings)

Is anyone home?

Mr. Williams?

It's Agent Mills with the FBI.

I have some questions regarding your association with Paul Everett.

(indistinct whispering)

Mr. Williams?

Abbie: Is anyone home?

Mr. Williams?


We have company.

(indistinct whispering)


No further.


Give us the names!


(indistinct whispering)

(Abbie grunts)

(tires screech)

The wraith's gone after Williams.


(Abbie groans)

Come on.

(indistinct whispering)

(Williams screaming)

Wraith: Secrets k*ll.

Neither one of the victims had any priors.

There's no reason why Williams should have bolted like he did.

I'm gonna head inside and see what I can find.

I'll return to the archives, see if I can discern a way to combat this whispering wraith.

(door opens, closes)

(floorboard creaks)


Easy, slick.

I'm a friendly.


I'm a little jumpy.

The guy who lives here took off running when he got a visit from the FBI.

So I don't know what to expect.

But you have a theory.

I know that look... you've caught a scent.


Don't know where it leads.

Everett and Williams knew each other.

Both worked at the comptroller's office.

One had a heart attack, the other drove into a tree.

Not exactly a pattern, I know.

Not yet, but there's something else, or you wouldn't be on it.

Look, what we had, you and I, at the academy...

That was then.

I just don't want it to be weird between us.

We work well together, always have.

Even when our... "dynamic" changed.

Points for the euphemism.

I haven't heard that one before.

We'll figure it out, Danny.

We always did.

Look, if you think there's something to sniff out here, go for it.

I trust your instincts.

Thank you.


("Not Fade Away" by Buddy Holly plays)

♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪
♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪

♪ I'm-a gonna tell you how it's gonna be ♪

♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪

♪ You're gonna give your love to me ♪

♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪

♪ I want to love you night and day... ♪

Hey, you got a problem?

No problems, man.

I just need you to take a ride with me.

I'm sorry, what?

♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪
♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪
♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah ♪
♪ Bah, bah, bah-bah. ♪

Williams and Everett discovered an embezzlement scheme planned by the Westchester County comptroller, Arthur Weissman.

Now, he is out to siphon county employees' pension plans and steal millions.

And they sought to stop him, to remove a blight on their community, just like the heroic spies who sought to topple General Howe as he bled dry the city of New York.

And now the very same traitorous wretch who silenced my fellows seeks once again to remove a secret before it can be brought to light.

Don't hold back.

The truth is, the creature's shadows brought forth a secret of which I have not spoken to another soul.

I was captured, brought forth to General Howe.

He offered me a full pardon if I give him a list of names of Washington's spies.

So I took quill in hand... and, uh...

You didn't do it.

No, I escaped, put the whole thing behind me.

But the thought had been there, the intention.

It was a moment of doubt that has plagued me since.

But in the end you did the right thing.

And what about you?

Did you feel... anything?

There are more urgent secrets that we need to deal with.

A secretary named Susan James helped Williams and Everett get the information that they needed.

She helped them build their case.

We need to help her do the right thing.

Is it possible this crooked politician conjured the wraith to conceal his scheme?

Right now, who did doesn't matter.

If the wraith is targeting anyone who knows this secret, she is next.

Next but not last.

You cracked the case, Lieutenant.

And in doing so, you let us in on their secret.

The whispering wraith may thr*aten Susan James, but now we know the secret.

It will most certainly come for us.

I have a little shadow.

That goes in and out with me.

And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.

(electrical buzzing)

Susan: What is this place?

You said we were going to a safe house.

I said I was gonna take you somewhere safe.

Your coworkers died because of the secret that you shared.

We're gonna make sure that nothing happens to you.

Miss James, welcome.

My name is Ichabod Crane.

Please stay within the light.

Danger may lurk in the shadows.

You know, whatever it is you want, man, she won't give it to you.

You don't know Jenny Mills like I know Jenny Mills.

Jenny: Hey, Randall.

Sit tight, okay?

You know this creep?!

Me and Mills go way back.

Don't we?

I heard you quit the game and gone soft.

I didn't want to believe it.

You were damn good.

Well, I heard they locked you up and threw away the key.

Randall: Down in Louisiana.

But some interested parties pulled some strings, parties interested in what you've got... the Shard of Anubis.

I've had it for years, and no one gave a damn.

What's so important about it?

You'd know better than me.

August Corbin sent you after it, right?

And this here is his son.

Isn't that a kicker?

I'll tell you what.

You hand over the shard, you two can walk.

See, I can walk already.

You're the one with the limp.


Hey, hold it.

Did you mean what you said, about the shard?

Sure I did, before you kicked me in the leg.

Come on, man.

You insulted me.

You said I went soft.

What do we got without our reputation?



Now, if this is a fake, I'm gonna come back to visit.

(car door opens, closes)

(car engine starts)

You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

He said he knew my dad?

Yeah, they used to run in the same circle.

What was that thing you gave him?

It doesn't matter.

The hell it doesn't.

The guy just kidnapped me for it.

It doesn't matter, Joe.

You could have been k*lled.

Let me just get you out of here, and we can go back to our lives.

Tell me you're close to finding a way to stop this thing.

There are many methods cited to dispelling shadow beings, but unless you have an arrow blessed by one of the high priests of Angkor...

Yeah, well, not on short notice.

You certain that, as long as these lights stay on, he can't get in?

Theoretically, yes.

These lights should keep him at bay.

The wraith draws power from the shadows.

Without them, he should be at a disadvantage.

Let's hope it buys us enough time to figure out how to get rid of him permanently.

How long am I supposed to stay here?

When can I give my statement?

Trust me when I tell you that this is all for your safety.

I just want to be done with it, all of it.

The weight of carrying a secret like this, it's debilitating.

Believe me, I know.

(electrical buzzing)


What was that?

Is that a short in the line?

I shall go and see.

Be careful.

It wants us as much as it wants her.

(electrical crackling)


Give us the names.

The names, Crane.

Damn you, foul creature.

My secrets are my own.

Go back.

Back to whatever shadow you crawled from.



Abbie: Get off him!



Stay with me, stay with me.

Wraith (whispering): Secrets k*ll.

(loud boom)

There's nowhere for us to run, Lieutenant.

This creature will surely find us.

We must find a way to defeat it.

A weakness we can exploit so we can escape unscathed.

That's it... it wants secrets.

Yours, mine, Betsy Ross'.

If Betsy knew the same secrets as the spies that were k*lled, why was she spared?

I did not see the creature that day.

I had no idea it was responsible.

Look away.

(loud boom)

The answer is in your memory of that day.

Something Betsy did got it off her scent and can get it off of ours.

Right, uh...

Betsy was angry.

I-I heard her shout.

I'll have your head, Marcus Collins!

Come out and face me!

Crane: Remembering it now, the shadows retreated when she said... his name.

Of course.

Many demonic entities share one weakness... if you know their true name, their power cannot harm you.


Come down.

Come on, come out of the shadows, Marcus Collins.


I called your name.

Marcus Collins, the traitorous wretch who betrays his fellows.

Marcus Collins.

No longer can you skulk in the shadows, Marcus Collins.

Come and face me!

Come on!

You willingly made a pact with evil.

I had the same choice.

Give us the names!

I will never recant my decision to be an American.

I will never, never go back on my oath to fight for freedom against tyranny!

I was offered clemency by the enemy, but I did not accept it, because I hold firm and you do not!


(Crane grunting)


Thank you, Lieutenant.

It appears the threat has passed.

All that's left is to bring one more secret into the light.

(door opens)

This whole Marcus Collins thing is still bothering you?


Yes, I defied General Howe.

Yes, I refused to bewray my fellow spies.

But I did consider the option.

Now, what does that say about me?

That you are a human being, like the rest of us.

And when the chips came down, you did the right thing.


To which we always strive.

Nevertheless, the shame of that moment stuck

for centuries.


It's all the more reason why settling in this time is so important.

And of course, having you by my side is the greatest boon.


The weight of a secret lifted.

It's very freeing.


This is something I haven't been able to talk about with anyone.

In the months that you were gone, without anything supernatural crawling out of the woodwork, a lot of personal stuff came up.

And after learning everything about my mother, I searched the FBI database... and I found my father.

He's alive.

He lives up in Saratoga.

Now, you've not seen him since...?

Not since I was six.


So, it got me wondering what was his life like?

Why did he leave?

Why he never came back?

I've been watching him.

I take pictures.

I don't know why. (laughs)


Maybe it's control.

Maybe it's... to try to have some kind of connection from afar.

Every time I tell myself, today I'm gonna get out of the car, I'm gonna walk over, I'm gonna say something.

I haven't.

I don't know if I can.

And I haven't told Jenny, because she'd want to do something now.

(both chuckle)

But I'm not sure I'm ready yet.

You've made the first step.

Just sharing with me.

No, Lieutenant, take that victory.

It is hard won.

Abbie: Susan James' secret is out, Weissman is behind bars, and the pension plan is safe.

Talk about a solid first couple of days on the new job.

You spun gold out of straw on this one.

You gave me the room to do what I do, and I appreciate that.

I am a little surprised you took this job in the first place.

Regional chief at a small, resident agency like this?

Build my résumé, polish the skill set.

Then go large.

That's the Daniel Reynolds I know.

Like you don't have an exit strategy.

I remember a lot of "big fish growing out of their pond" talk back at the academy.

Or was that just something to fill the pauses over breakfast?

I know what I said.

But... I have responsibilities.

To who... your sister?

Your roommate?

And-and-and what is it about guys with accents?

Don't push it, Reynolds.

Hey, I know you don't see yourself here forever.

And if we play our cards right, we can help each other get what we both want.

You sure I still want it?

After what you showed me today, try and convince me otherwise.

Like you said, solid first few days on the job.

See where it takes us.

You know, I think after being handcuffed to a tree, I, uh, I deserve some kind of an explanation.

(quiet laugh)

Once you open the door, Joe, this whole world that Abbie and I are a part of, you can't close it so easily.

You know, whatever my father was after, he wasn't afraid to find it.

It was his life's work, Jenny, and he never got to finish it.

Never found what he was looking for.

What kind of a son am I if I don't at least try to pick up where he left off?

So, if the shard meant something to him, it should mean something to us.

Wait, you want to go after it?

Like, together?

Damn straight.

I want you to show me what that side of his life was all about.

Like it or not, it's the only legacy he left me.

It's just a part of my life I've never shared with anyone before.

I know.

I'm saying I think it's time you did.

Crane: Ms. Corinth, thank you once again for your reconnoiter of the property.

Your archive is an amazing building, totally deserving of historic status.

There is only one stumbling block.

You're a British citizen.

Uh... I consider myself an American.

Sure, but the State won't release funds unless you're an American citizen or have landed immigrant status.

You can try and take it up with the permit office.

Mr. Crane?

Oh, uh, yes.

Thank you. That's very generous of you.

You shall hear from me soon.

Abbie: The coffee shop.

I don't understand. It's right there.

No longer.

And it apparently never was.

But I spoke to a woman that day... the coffee shop hostess.

This woman?

That is her.

There's Paul Everett.

She's talking to him.

Could she be connected to the arrival of the whispering wraith?

I met that woman.

At Mabie's last week.

She told me her name.

You from out of town?

Yes, I just arrived.




As in the mythical woman with the box?

Abbie: This isn't a myth.

Whoever... whatever she is, she's here now in Sleepy Hollow throwing monsters at us.

Pandora's box was said to contain all the evils in the world, which begs the question... which one does she have in store for us next?