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11x02 - The Brother in the Basement

Posted: 10/08/15 20:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Bones...

All right, listen, I gotta go.

See you later, alligators.

All right.


Saroyan: Got a body torched in a van.

Aubrey: Looks like a SHIELD .40.

Professional w*apon.

It's his g*n.

Whose g*n?


Caroline: Agent Miller, from Internal Investigations.

They sicced her on Booth.

It's Booth's wedding ring.

Oh, God. Is that what I think it is?

It is.

Caroline: She's been holding back on us.

Miller's partner up and vanished four days ago.

So why didn't Miller say anything?

It's not Booth! I have proof.

Aubrey: Booth has a brother.

I am now certain that our victim is Jared Booth.

There's a bond between brothers.

What if Booth's brother needed him?

Brennan: Booth is still out there.

Alex, let's hurry it up.

Get started with the gas.

Pete, hand me an incendiary.

I don't want to leave anything that can trace back to us.

Seeley, get back in the car.

You're in no condition to be out here.

That's Jared in there. That's my brother.

You're not the only one who's hurting here.

Jared was one of us.

We served together.

But the plan stays.

We torch everything.

And if you have a problem with that, then you can get in the van and curl up next to him.

You're right.

Everything's gotta go.

But you're not the one who's going to do it.

(grunts in pain)




20 bucks says he doesn't make it.


Man, all I got is hundreds.

(both laugh, phone beeps)

Shut up, both of you.

Is that him?

Yeah, it's on.

Trade's happening today.

Hell yes!

This two million? This two million is nothing compared to what's coming when we get that list.


How long?

Five hours.

You gonna hold out that long?



Is he the thug that shot Booth?

No. According to Angela's crime scene reconstruction, this is most likely the... the guy who k*lled Jared.


Here's another b*llet for you to analyze.

It looks like a .308, same as what we pulled out of Masbourian.

Cam, I just want to say... I'm sorry about Jared.

I know when you and Booth used to date, he was a big part of your life.


He was like a kid brother.

I mean, the one that always got into trouble.

But he was family.


Hey. You guys find anything that can lead us to Booth?

No. Nothing. I mean, the... the rounds that Jared and his crew fired, they were all standard issue, so there's no way to trace these.

I hate this.

Booth's blood was all over that crime scene.

If he doesn't get medical attention, then...

I know.

Hodgins, go get Dr. Brennan and Arastoo.

Maybe they'll... be able to find something when they look at the osteological evidence.

Brennan's not here. Aubrey called her to the FBI.

Apparently Agent Miller hasn't been telling us everything she knows.

Brennan: Why aren't you telling us the truth?

If your partner is missing, he may be held c*ptive with Booth.

I am offering to help you find him.

Unless you already know that your partner is dead.

Or he's the one doing the capturing.

Either way, if you don't start talking, I'm charging you with obstruction of justice and you can kiss this case good-bye.

All right, you want the truth?

Four days ago, just before Richard went missing, he downloaded and printed out a list.

Why do I get the feeling you're not talking groceries?

Undercover agents.

Anyone from the Bureau embedded in criminal or t*rror1st organizations.

Your partner is a traitor, willing to let good agents die for money.

But rather than share that with us, you accuse my husband of murdering his own brother.

Your husband went missing two days after Richard.

You can't tell me that that's a coincidence.

I'm gonna need an address for your partner's house.

I'll take Dr. Brennan and see if we can find any evidence that points to where he slithered off to.

No. Richard's disappearance is not your case.

You just made it my case. As you said, it can't be a coincidence when two agents go missing.

My team has already searched his apartment.

Your team is not the Jeffersonian.

The Jeffersonian is not the only lab in town.

It's not even the best.

It hasn't been since you quit.

Then you should consider me back.

Nice place. He live here alone?

No. Richard was recently engaged.

His fiancée moved in here about a month ago.

Did you know her?

Just a little.

Her name's Chloe Robertson. She's a lawyer.

Richard met her less than six months ago.

Okay. I'm gonna need to talk to her.

Well, good luck with that. No one's seen Chloe since Richard went missing.

Working theory is that they ran off together.

Miller: You're wasting your time.

My team found no evidence of a struggle.

What about his computer and his cell phone?

We took them. But so far we haven't found anything of interest.

Brennan: Well, we'll need whatever you took sent to the lab.

Agent Aubrey, this is not the time or place for a snack.

No, I'm not hungry. Okay, that's a lie.

But I always say if you really want to understand a man, look in his fridge. So, we got some wine, we got some cheese. Ugh!

No beer, no cold cuts.

Looks like a traitor's fridge if I ever saw one.

Brennan: There's blood.

Almost imperceptible but...

What are you doing? I thought you said this wasn't the time or place for a snack.

I don't think this is meant to be consumed.

♪ Bones 11x02 ♪
The Brother in the Basement
Original Air Date on October 8, 2015

♪ Main Title Theme ♪
The Crystal Method

♪ ♪

Saroyan: This finger is pale and moist.

With discoloration at the point of severing.

The discoloration is simply frozen blood. It's not probative.

Saroyan: There's also some skin slippage.

Best guess is it's been on ice for about a week.

Now I must insist that you let me examine the evidence.

Just a second. I still need to run a print.

And I think there's a way to use this slippage in our favor.

Vaziri: Dr. Brennan, I know it's hard to be patient, but I hope you can see everybody's doing their best.

That's the problem, Dr. Vaziri.

Some people's best is better than others'.

I'm sorry.

I thought we had moved past my previous error in misidentifying Booth's remains.

We had, but apparently that's not the only error this lab has made.

I've been told that in my absence the Jeffersonian is no longer considered this country's foremost forensic laboratory.

Dr. Brennan, I appreciate how worried you are about Booth, but right now is not the time for whatever criticisms you may have.

Here. You can conduct your analysis while I run a print.

Vaziri: Look at the striae.

This finger wasn't cut by a knife.

You are correct. The striae are bidirectional, which means it was cut simultaneously from an upward and downward direction.

Like cigar cutters?

More like scissors. The two sides meet at a hinge in the bone.

I'll have Dr. Hodgins swab for trace.


Saroyan: And I'll let Aubrey know that we've got an I.D. Chloe Robertson.

Agent Bannerman's fiancée.

Miller: You sure it's Chloe?

Are you still doubting the Jeffersonian, even after your lab somehow missed a severed finger next to a box of Meat Pockets?

Aubrey: Okay, Caroline.

Just relax, okay?

Agent Miller's just now realizing that every assumption she's made has been wrong.

So you think Chloe was being held for ransom.

I think it's the only scenario that makes sense.

The finger was probably sent as a threat or proof of life.

So she was kidnapped, which would force Richard to download that list.

So it looks like your partner isn't so bad after all.

Just a guy who wanted to help out someone he loved.

Sounds a lot like Booth.

That's what doesn't make sense.

What does the list have to do with Booth?

My bet is that it has to do with the $2 million that Jared helped to steal.

Jared got in over his head with the crew that wanted to buy the list.

Then Booth insinuates himself to make sure the wrong people don't get their grubby little hands on it.

Booth isn't gonna give up till he gets ahold of that list.

No, he isn't.

Which means he's either gonna get it and be a hero or the poor boy's gonna die trying.

(panting, groaning)


Pete: Hey, look at this.

It's the walking dead.

Kevin: Seeley, what are you doing?

You know I can't let you leave.

I'm not going anywhere. I'm just...

I'm still hemorrhaging here.

Kevin: I don't have any more gauze.

We can't risk going out for more.

What's this?

Nothing. Just some photography equipment.

The old man who used to own this place used the bathroom as a dark room.

Seeley, see this? It's the light.

Go to the light.


This is it.

Dude, what the hell are you doing, man?

I got to cauterize it.

You got to cauterize it.


Alex: What is that?

Silver nitrate.

It's gonna heat the wound, forcing the blood to coagulate.




(hissing, muffled yell)

God! Aah!


(grunting continues)

(Booth yelling)

Hodgins: Looks like some trace transferred off whatever was used to sever the finger.

I'm gonna run it through the mass spec.

Let's hope you find something.

I think if Dr. Brennan had her way, she'd fire both me and Cam.

She's not gonna fire anyone.

I wouldn't be so sure.

She heard the Jeffersonian took a hit since she's been gone.

Oh. Those rankings are completely arbitrary.

They have as much to do with funding and papers as they do actual forensic work.

Hodgins: To be fair, there've been more unsolved cases ever since Dr. Brennan left.

That wasn't helpful, was it?

Montenegro: You can't blame yourself, especially if Brennan doesn't even blame you.

Okay, at the end of the day, Brennan knows she's the one who quit, so, whatever cases went unsolved are on her conscience.

They're not on ours.


Okay, talk to me, my elemental friends.

Who is here? Carbon, manganese, phosphorous, sulfur.

Yeah, you put those together, that makes steel.

Hodgins: Yes, unfortunately, though, that is just the appetizer.

We've also got lead, arsenic, zinc, potassium, and some kind of low-density polyethylene.

Polyethylene and the steel.

They go together in making chain link fence.

Vaziri: That makes sense.

Chloe Robertson's finger was cut using a hinged tool, so, wire cutters would fit.

So, wait-- before cutting off the finger, whoever was behind this used wire cutters on a fence in what sounds like a horribly noxious environment.

Angie, you're a genius.

So, I almost demonstrated against this place.

It's in Loudoun County.

There's this battery recycling facility that was closed down recently because of all the arsenic, lead and sulfur that it was emitting.

An abandoned factory in a rural location is a perfect place to hold someone hostage.

Yeah, and if Booth's been taken, that could be where he is.

I'll call Aubrey.

(engine revving)

(crow cawing)

Hey, Aubrey...

...this looks like it was cut with wire cutters.

Yeah, I'd say this is definitely the place.

You seeing anything?


40-caliber round.

Look at this.

Blood spatter from a g*nsh*t.

Miller: Blood's already dry.

Which means we're too late.

(bird squawking)

A scavenger.

(bird squawking)


Miller: Oh, my God.

It's two bodies.

They've been covered in battery acid.

(birds squawking)

(bird squawks)

Vaziri: Dr. Brennan.

Look at the left scapula.

There's no remodeling.

Which means this victim is not Booth.

What about this one?


Based on the circular pelvic inlet, the other set is female.

The female victim is also missing her right, fifth phalanx.

So then, this is Agent Bannerman's fiancée.

It would appear so.

Still, we should do a facial reconstruction for confirmation.

It's rare that we get vultures around here.

What I can't believe is, a vulture would have gnawed on these bodies even after they were dosed in sulfuric acid.

Hodgins: Trust me, a vulture's stomach acid is around a one on the pH scale.

To them, battery acid is like a nice salsa.

Well, cause of death appears to be a g*nsh*t to the chest.

Uh, the good news is, the acid didn't compromise the internal organs.

Bad news is, I don't see how either one of these bodies leads us to Booth.

Yeah, I hate to say it, but Arastoo's right.

I mean, these bodies were k*lled at a recycling plant in Loudoun County.

Booth was shot during a heist in McLean, Virginia.

There's no point of intersection.

You are correct.

Still, I believe if we press on, we will find the answers we need.

So you're saying you have faith?

I'm saying...

I can't imagine a world where Booth doesn't come home.

Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt.

I'm looking for Angela Montenegro?

Yeah. I'm her husband. Who are you?

Well, whoever you are, this is not a good time for a massage or a strip tease or whatever societal function you may perform.

I'm Dr. Benjamin Metzger.

Uh, Agent Miller sent me. I'm a digital forensic scientist with the Bureau.

If it helps, I usually wear my glasses.

Oh, and I have carpal tunnel.

And two cats at home named Stephen and Hawking.

Thank you for your help.


I seem to be all butterfingers today.

No. No. No problem. I'm happy to help.

So, Doctor Metzger, is it?

Yes, I got my doctorate in computer science at Stanford.

I also ran on the track team.

Long distance. Kind of an endurance guy.

Of course you are.

(computer trilling)


Looks like you were right-- Agent Bannerman's hard drive is completely empty.

Metzger: His cell phone, too.

I've run recovery software, but they're both wiped clean.

Is he serving a purpose by being here?

Yes. I'm, you know, swabbing the victim's cell.

Oh, it's okay. I see what's happening.

How long have you two been married?

Six years, thank you very much. Why?

Ah, I got it. You're worried about the seven year itch.

No. Trust me, there is no itch.

Dr. Hodgins, I assure you, I am only here to help.

Hey. Dr. Brennan got an I.D. on the second body from dental records.

It's Agent Bannerman.

Oh, God.

(crying softly)

I'm sorry. It's this job. It, um... It gets to you sometimes. (sniffles)

It's okay, man. We understand.

Did you know him well?

Yeah, we worked together a lot.

Okay, well, let's focus on finding the person responsible for all this.

Hodgins, you're with me.

I need to...

Uh, no.

(clears throat) Okay.

Aubrey: Why don't you show me what you're working on?

Okay, um... using street cameras, Dr. Metzger was tracking Richard's movements the week before he went missing.

He go any place out of the ordinary?

Well, nothing that surveillance picked up, but look at this.

The same blue van shows up in each one of these feeds.

And it's not a coincidence.

Each of these feeds was taken at a different time on a different day.

So, your partner was being followed.

Did you run the plates?

No, it's a dead end.

The plates are registered to the owner of a silver compact here in DC.

Which means that the plates are stolen, but my guess is so was the van.

Whoever this is-- that's who we need to find.

That was quick.

You and Dr. B are done with Agent Bannerman's remains?

Not yet, but we did find antemortem greenstick fractures on the left fifth and six ribs.

Also bone bruising to the phalanges and metacarpals of the right hand.

Oh, it sounds like he got into a fight.

How extensive was the remodeling?

Barely any at all.

The fight probably took place about a week ago.

What about cause of death?

We're still looking for the precise cause, but the skull was heavily damaged.

Dr. Brennan requested that I give her some time to herself.

How you coming along?

Honestly, it's not looking good.

The only thing we found in Chloe Robertson's stomach is doxepin.

I read the medical records.

There was no mention of antidepressants.

That's because she was drugged.

Someone slipped it into something that she ate.

I gotta figure out what it was.

Arastoo, I'm sorry about Dr. Brennan.

I mean, this case...

I understand.

And I hope you know that if she trusted any other intern more than you, she would have already called them.

Thank you.

Still, I think it's time I start looking elsewhere for a job.


No, you're-you're my choice as Head of Forensic Anthropology.

If you really thought I was right for the job, you would have submitted my candidacy months ago.

Arastoo, please, I can't...

I know if you keep searching, you'll find the person you're looking for.

It's okay.


You look like hell.

Look, I'm gonna be okay.

I know.

Before, you looked like death.

Hell is an improvement.


You know, that was some real brass balls stuff you did back there healing yourself up.

You sure you weren't Navy?


All right, just a couple more hours before the trade.

Yeah, I'll be ready.

Jared was a good soldier.

And he didn't... he didn't deserve to die like that.
(phone ringing)

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah.

It's all good.

Nothing to worry about.

You wanted to see me?

I found a fragment of metal.

I want you to give to Dr. Hodgins for analysis.

It was lodged within a comminuted fracture on the left zygomatic.

Is there anything else I can help with?

Have you found cause of death?

The victim suffered an anterior penetrating wound to the left tenth rib, but the wound was not fatal.

So he was shot in the inferior thorax.

An injury very similar to the one Booth sustained.

I keep picturing how this man died and then projecting the same scenario with Booth as the victim.

That's not gonna happen.

We're gonna find Booth. He's gonna be fine.

Agent Bannerman was just like Booth.

He was an FBI agent. He was well-trained.

Look at the damage to the zygomatic.

The k*ller struck him numerous times, many more than would be necessary in order to... incapacitate or even to k*ll.

(phone ringing)


It's Christine.

Um, my dad is watching her, but she's getting increasingly worried about Booth.

I'll give you your privacy.


Unless you would like me to stay.


Hi, sweetie. How are you?

I'm fine.

I'm just at work.

Your dad... (sighs) he's not here, but I'm working hard to bring him home to you as soon as possible.

Montenegro: Well, at first, we thought Agent Bannerman's cell phone was wiped clean, same as his computer.

But what actually happened was the cell's memory was att*cked by a virus probably sent over an e-mail.

Were you able to recover the memory?

Not everything. But so far Dr. Metzger has been able to retrieve a handful of photo and video files.

Metzger: Which might be all you need.

Did Agent Miller mention the surveillance footage of the blue van following Agent Bannerman?

She did, but the plates were stolen, so there was no way to identify the driver.

Well, there is now. This was taken a week ago.

Saroyan: Arastoo said the victim got into a fight a week ago.

Yeah. Now you have a front row seat.

His name's Nathan Barlow. He's a member of the Brand, also known as the Aryan Brotherhood.

Yeah, I'm all too familiar with that organization.

Hey! Hey, you!

What are you doing back there?

You making a video?

Here, I'll give you something worth filming.

Saroyan: Wow.

Good work. Have you contacted Aubrey?

And Agent Miller. They're bringing Barlow in as we speak.

Barlow: No. No way.

I'm not saying a word. Not until she gets the hell out of here.

Now, Nathan, what on earth could an Aryan Brother like yourself have against me?

She's not the one you should be worried about.

Agent Miller here's Richard Bannerman's partner.

You remember him, don't you?

He's the one that you chased all over town. The one that you beat the crap out of.

The one that you m*rder*d.

Him and his fiancée.

What the hell are you talking about?

I didn't k*ll Richard.

I was his informant.

No. He wasn't his C.I.

Richard would have told me.

I'm not buying it either.

Typically speaking, C.I.s don't give a beat-down to their handler.

Look, I just gave him a few jabs to make it look good for the others, so they didn't think I was a rat.

Trust me, he gave as good as he got.

When was the last time you saw him?

A week ago.

Gave him a tip on some product being moved over in Greenbelt.

I don't believe you. You're lying.

I'm not lying, gorgeous.

Maybe you just didn't know your partner as well as you thought you did.

Hodgins: Cam, so,

I finished my analysis of Chloe Robertson's stomach contents.

Did you figure out how the Doxepin was administered?

Well, in her stomach, I found cow's milk, penicillium, grape extract, ethanol, carbon dioxide-- or as most people call it, wine and cheese.

Seems like a pretty intimate way to knock somebody out.

Even more than you think.

So, in Bannerman's apartment, Aubrey found in the fridge a half-drunk bottle of chardonnay and an English Stilton.

Which implies that Chloe dined with her k*ller at the apartment she shared with Bannerman.

She knew her k*ller.

Hey. So, I accessed the cloud on Agent Bannerman's personal cell phone, and I found some photos that had been deleted.

Show me what you've got, and I'll send it over to the FBI.

Uh, I think Aubrey should see this in person.

Thanks for the Intel.

Nathan Barlow was telling the truth.

Bannerman was using him as a C.I.

Great. So now a n*zi like Barlow is one of the good guys.

I've got something you need to see.

Caroline: I'll go get Agent Miller.

The woman wants to be in on everything.

Not this. These are photos Angela was able to retrieve from Agent Bannerman's cloud account.

Looks to me like Agent Miller wasn't just Bannerman's partner.

When were these taken?

Six months ago.

Bannerman deleted them after he met Chloe Robertson.

I take it Agent Miller didn't tell you about this relationship?

No, she did not.

She took over this investigation so it wouldn't lead back to her.

(speaking indistinctly)

This is insane. I'm in charge of this investigation.

I'm not gonna allow you to interrogate me.

Aubrey: You're gonna answer our questions.

Now, we can do that in here, or we can go back out to the bullpen and put on a show for everyone.

Richard and I had a relationship.

End of story.

Motive is never the end of the story.

You're wasting valuable time.

There's someone out there selling a list that could have over 100 of our agents k*lled.

Or that someone could be in here with us.

I had access to the list.

If I wanted it, I didn't need Richard.

Oh, I think you did. Because if you downloaded the list and went missing, you'd have every agency in the country coming after you.

That's why you kidnapped Richard's fiancée and extorted him into downloading it for you.

Then all you had to do was put yourself in charge and you could steer this investigation any direction you wanted.

Remind me again, whose idea was it to go after that n*zi, Nathan Barlow?

I didn't know Barlow was a C.I. Richard didn't tell me.

That's because he didn't trust you.

He knew that you were up to something.

No, that's 'cause Richard and I stopped talking. And it's not what you think, but I'm not proud of it.

Look, you're about to be charged with m*rder. I highly recommend you give us more than that.

When Richard left me for Chloe, I felt betrayed.

We had a fight, and I made threats.

You threatened Richard?



Agent Miller, I'm gonna have to ask you to hand over your w*apon.

We need to run it for ballistics.

Agent Miller's g*n isn't a match.

Brennan: She could have just used another g*n and then destroyed it.

It's what I would have done.

It's possible.

Aubrey's gonna keep holding Miller until they search her apartment.

I should return to my work.

Arastoo is cataloging all of the blunt force trauma injuries sustained by Agent Bannerman.

I'm glad you're back to trusting Arastoo.

In a few years, I am sure he will be able to run a major forensic lab such as this one.

You just don't think he's ready today?

The Jeffersonian defines itself by only hiring the most experienced, the... best in their field.

Dr. Hodgins, Angela, yourself...

Which is why I am requesting to have my job back.

If Booth dies, then I think being here would help.

To have work to focus on, to... be surrounded by friends.

This situation has made me realize it was a mistake to quit.

This is where I belong.

We'll talk about this later.

I've just found something you need to see.

As you know, the k*ller struck the victim numerous times, which is why it took so long to reconstruct the skull.

No explanation necessary.

Your reconstruction is flawless.

Thank you. It occurred to me the sheer number of strikes tells us the k*ller must have felt great rage for the victim.

Or the k*ller felt a surge of adrenaline and was unable to stop.

Such lack of control is indicative of lack of experience.

Agent Miller is highly trained.

I'm seeing multiple depression fractures.

I've counted 16 of them.

The depressions are cylindrical.

Dr. Hodgins swabbed the injuries and found traces of steel.

I'm thinking the m*rder w*apon could be a-a pipe.

It wasn't a pipe. There's a pattern to these fractures.


It's very slight, but it's as if these depressions are evenly spaced in groups of four.

I think I know what it is.

Montenegro: So, these four depressions are equidistant from each other.

Brennan: I'm confident these injuries were caused by brass knuckles.

But I thought Hodgins found traces of steel.

Contrary to their name, brass knuckles are most commonly made from steel.

Oh. Okay.

Whoa. Yeah.

You're right. They're an exact match.

Do you want me to run a force profile to see if Agent Miller could inflict this level of damage?

Agent Miller would never use brass knuckles.

When wearing brass knuckles, you're telegraphing what hand you'll be punching with.

When using brass knuckles, the force transfers directly to this area of the palm.

Given the number of strikes I observed, the k*ller must have fractured his capitate or scaphoid.

So we're looking for a right-handed k*ller with a fractured hand who also knew Agent Bannerman and Chloe Robertson.

Benjamin Metzger has a wrist injury.

Oh, my God.

He used me. He... he had me investigating Agent Miller when it was really him.

Come on, man. Talk to us. You've been pacing around like that for the last hour.

I'm calling the deal off.


Booth: W-Wait a second, Kevin, you can't do that, okay? Jared died so this deal could go down.

Trust me, Seeley. You don't want this. All right, listen up.

This is what's gonna happen. We're gonna take the $2 million, we're gonna split it even, and then we're gonna get the hell out of here.

No, no, no. That wasn't the plan.

You said we could buy the list for two and sell it for 40.

You said you had the whole thing worked out.


Hey, don't!

Pete: Alex, grab the phone.


Pete: Get the phone.

Grab the phone, Alex.


What the hell?!

Let go of me, Pete.


Let go!


Booth: Take it easy.

Everyone just think about what we're doing here, all right?

Kevin here is your CO. Jared was one of you.

You shut the hell up!

I'm texting him that the deal's back on.

Apparently, the only thing keeping that from happening... is you.



(grunting continues)


I'll k*ll you, Booth!


Damn it!


You're a dead man, Booth!

You hear me?

You're dead!

Think you can hide?

I'm coming for you, Booth.


I don't understand why we're doing this.

You k*lled my partner.

I k*lled no one.

I've been nothing but helpful to this investigation.

Aubrey: You also k*lled Chloe Robertson.

You put a lot of good agents' lives at risk.

All for a two-million-dollar payoff.

You're questioning the wrong person.

Listen to me. You've got one chance to save your life.

You lead us to Booth, and we won't press for the death penalty.

Where were you meeting to sell the list?

I told you I'm innocent.

This isn't the first time you've made that mistake, is it?

This isn't working.

I've seen this before.

They're good. They'll find the right button. Just give it time.

Booth doesn't have time.

Cher, you can't go in there.


(door closes)

Metzger: My record speaks for itself.

Dr. Brennan, what are you doing here?

I can help. I know how to make him talk.

Do it.

You lied about your hand.

You broke it when you brutally m*rder*d Richard Bannerman.

This has gone too far.

I have tried to cooperate.

Aah! God!

Tell me where Booth is now.

Stop. Okay.

Okay, okay.

Stop. (groaning)

Pete: There's no escape!

This door can't hold out forever.


You're a dead man, Booth!

Oh, you're dead!




You... son of a bitch.


(siren approaching)

(indistinct crowd chatter, sirens blaring)

Dr. Brennan, you need to wait here.

No, I'm going inside.

(door squeaks open)

Hold up!

Someone's coming out.

(groaning and panting)



I'm okay. I know.

It's just a scratch.



You okay?

Yeah. Oh. Oh!

I got you. I got you.

I got you. I got you.

So good.

You're gonna be okay.

I got you.

It's been two hours and ten minutes since Booth went in for surgery.

Reminding us every five minutes isn't gonna help.

(sighs) I just feel so useless.

Hey, Brennan just called. Booth's out of surgery, and he's gonna make it.

Hodgins: Yes! Okay.

(sighs with relief)

All right, I'm making drinks. Who wants what?

No, no. You're coming with me.

We're gonna pick up Christine and little Hank, and we're hosting a sleepover.

Yeah. Yeah, that sounds nice.

The more kids the merrier.

Oh. Be careful what you say.

You might give me ideas.

(Hodgins laughs)

Any chance we could do this tomorrow?

I'm afraid if we don't do it now, I won't say what I need to.

Arastoo, look at me.

Please... don't do this.

I love you.

I love you, too.

But I have to move on.

I can't just stay here as an intern.

If you propose to me right now, I promise I'll say yes.

Then what?

Would you follow me to Ottawa, to Cincinnati, to Dubai?

Because those are the job opportunities I'll be applying for.

I've never been to Dubai.


It's hot.

And it's not the Jeffersonian.

And I think if you went, you would resent me for the rest of our lives.

And I don't want to resent you.

Aubrey: So, you think there'll be any fallout because Brennan assaulted our k*ller?


They'll be reducing his sentence from 900 years to 600 years.

I can live with that.



I'm leaving.

Just wanted to say thank you.

Oh. Okay.

Wow! Look at that, huh?

It's very nice of you.

Especially since I accused you of m*rder.

Well, you did what you had to do.

You found Richard's k*ller.

Can I, uh... can I pour you a drink?

No. I should get going.

I'll see you around.

"Old Foglesong."

If there's a cheaper whiskey, I haven't heard of it.

Oh, no.

She, uh... she did her homework.

This happens to be my favorite.

Smart girl.

She knows who to make nice to.

What? What are you talking about? I'm nobody.

People are talking, cher.

You just wait.

Well, then, here's to waiting.

(groaning, spitting)



Brennan: Christine and Hank are with Hodgins and Angela tonight.

I... I'll bring them by in the morning if... if you're up to it.

(medical monitor beeping)

I will. I will be.


Do you want something?

No, I got it. I got the water.

Oh! Thanks for the pictures that you brought.

I also brought this one.

I wasn't sure if you would want it, though.

Take this.


(voice breaking): That was taken at Jared's ninth birthday.

I'm so sorry, Booth.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I just... should have told you the truth.

I didn't.

You have no need to apologize.

You did what you felt was necessary in order to try and save your brother.

You're incredible.

You know that? You really are incredible.

I want you to know that I'm going back to my old job at the Jeffersonian.

I think you should go back to yours, as well.

Time out.

We can't do that. You know that?

Listen, we both decided that we were gonna stop doing this together, okay?

We quit our jobs. We're done.

If you're done, Booth, why am I sitting with you in a hospital room?

You've always done this.

Risked your life for the sake of others.

The army, the FBI.

I can change.

I don't want you to.

Booth, you are the bravest, most selfless man I have ever met.

And as much as I hate seeing you here in pain and suffering, I also know this is... who you genuinely are.

Now, this doesn't mean you are allowed to be reckless, do you understand?


You do not have permission to die on me, okay?

Oh, God, you really are incredible.

You already said that.

Well, you know, I lost a lot of blood here, Bones-- at least half.

Not half. Two-fifths at most.

That's a lot. Can I get the water?


That's a lot of blood.

Okay, but it wasn't half. It was pouring out of me.