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04x17 - To the Victor Belong the Spoils

Posted: 10/06/15 07:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...

You wrote about me and t*nk?

You had no right without asking my permission.

I would never try to replace your mom.

She's still alive.

Regina: Her name is Hope Paxton.

I booked a ticket to Atlanta.

I'm coming with you.

Daphne: Is that your son?

He's with my son-of-a-bitch ex-husband...

Wherever he is.

I kissed someone in Mexico, but it didn't mean anything.

Was it with that audiologist guy?



I'm pregnant.

Well, is it mine?


You said you were into somebody else.

I was faithful to you.

You don't think every single person in this country doesn't write off an extra thing here or there?

Do you really want our kids to hear you say that?

That cheating is okay 'cause everyone else does it?

I didn't think of it as cheating.

Wait. Okay. Is the IRS coming after you guys?

Could you guys go to jail?

No one's going to jail, okay?

But you have to sell the car washes.

Yes. That'll take some of the pressure off.

Is there anything I can do?

No, you're already paying rent, which we don't like, but we appreciate. We just... we wanted you guys to know.

I've been thinking about maybe taking a semester off?

No. Absolutely not.

Honey, your education is our priority.

We will continue to support you.

And I can help.

John: And we appreciate that, but truly, things are stabilizing.

We're not gonna allow our situation to impact anybody.

We just... we didn't want it to be a secret.

So there's nothing we can do to help?


Listen, everything is gonna work out just fine, okay?

You can count on that.

I can't believe our parents are broke.

Hey, they're not broke.

They're just not part of the 1% anymore.

I feel kind of guilty.

I'm the one they bailed out last year.

Yeah, but you've only been around for a few years.

Think about me and Toby.

If they didn't have to pay for art supplies, and Buckner, and music equipment...

Yeah, they could own their own island by now.

They're still paying my tuition, so I better go make it worth their pain.

I'll see you guys later.

Toby: Oh.

Is that your hammer girl?

Hi! Sorry. Excuse me, could I just see your shirt?

Toby: Oh, man.

You know what that says, right?

Like, you didn't accidentally fall into that shirt.

What do you mean?

Can I ask you where you bought that?

Yeah. It's this site called Tramp Stamp Teaze.

That's "Teaze" like a slutty girl.

Also "T's," like T-shirt. Get it?

Got it.

Yeah. It's clever.

It's really, really clever.

Cool. Thanks.



Did you see that?


Yeah. I saw it.

My empowered, take-no-prisoners hammer girl just became a stupid, slutty... (Groans)

Hammered girl.


So what is it? What's the big news?

I talked with our people on the ground in San Marcos.

Ramón's sign language class is up to 12 students.

No way!

Guess who one of them is?

A certain 15-year-old named Pati.


I told you she was gonna show.

You totally did!

I'm so happy right now. You have no idea.

They said if more people could get themselves there, then the class would probably double in size.

Pati had the same issue.

The bus we took from her house cost what?

Two pesos? What's that in dollars?

Around 13 cents.

That means a yearly bus pass costs about $50.

So, for $600, 12 more people could learn how to sign?

Uh-oh. I know that look.

I could totally raise $600.

If anyone could...

Uh, I gotta go, but I'll see what I can do.

Enjoy Guatemala.

Talk to you later.


Come in.

What's up?

Hi! Hey.

You know that girl Pati I told you about?

She showed up in sign language class.

That's awesome.

They have about 12 students right now, but they could double that.


How do you feel about raising $600 to buy bus passes for a bunch of deaf kids in Mexico?

Uh, I feel great about that?


Perfect answer.

Eric: Anyway, I think this is close to all of it.

I guess I live here now.

How does it feel?

Like home.


I'm glad Daphne is cool with us being here.

I imagine it's kind of a big deal for her.

She's upset.



There's something I need to tell you.

Remember that dinner she made for us and I got so upset?


She started questioning me a lot...

And she knew I was lying, so...

No, you didn't.

I had to.

Did you tell Bay? And John and Kathryn?

No, no, no, no. Just Daphne.


Look, she knows me so well, and I was wrestling with whether or not to move in with you and I felt like I had to tell someone.

Are you really mad?

I guess it's done.

And you have nothing to worry about. I promise.


All I need is for 60 people to give me $10 each.

Me, too.


If we have any extra, I'm gonna use it to buy sign language dictionaries and flashcards.

I really want to do this on my own.

Oh, my god. It's even more disgusting than I imagined.

"Don't worry, I'm on the pill,"

"number one walk of shame champion,"

"my kitty's Brazilian."


Ho ho, get a girl drunk enough and you can push her into sex.

Yeah, that's a great message to be sending the world.

Who's making these things anyway?

Let's see.

Bay: Hmm.

I think I've seen that guy around campus.

Wait, he's a student?

I'm pretty sure.

I will go pay him a visit.

I got this.

Oh. Wow, that was a good kick.

Yeah. Yeah.

(Lily and Julian laugh)


It's the strangest feeling.

Hey, babe.

Oh! Hey.

You must be Julian.

I'm Toby.

Oh, thank you.


Oh, thank you.


So... does he stop by often?


Toby, he works in the deaf program.

We're gonna cross paths.


(Phone vibrates)

(Vibrating continues)

It's your mom.


That's like, her fifth phone call today.

Everything okay?


Actually, there... there is something I've been meaning to discuss with you.


My parents want me to think about... moving home.

To London.

Why would we do that?

So they could help us.

But my family is here, my job is here, your job is here.

But my parents have experience raising a special needs child.

I was thinking just in the beginning, maybe the first few years.


My parents have a whole community out there.

They know the best doctors, the best therapists.

They've done this before.

Not just literally, but emotionally, they're prepared.

We are having this child.

They are not.

All I ask is that you keep an open mind.

It's something we should talk about.

We could build a really great life in London.

John: So is her mind already made up?

No, but I feel like she's leaning in that direction.

Do you want to move to London?


I don't know anyone there and I don't even know if I can get a work visa.

John: Okay then.

We gotta convince her to stay.

You know we'll do whatever we can.

I think she needs to see that there's more people here that she can count on besides just me.

Well, then invite her over for dinner tonight.

We'll rally around her.

John: Absolutely.

We missed out on so many years with Daphne.

We cannot let that happen with our grandchild.


If I could have a moment of your time...

Sir, just a few dollars, you could give someone the gift of language!

Hi, guys! Di...


Uh-huh. Yeah.

All right. Thank you so much, man. I really appreciate it.

Yeah. I'll see you soon.


Who was that?

(Laughs) We are having a...

Okay, I don't know how to say "fundraiser," but... fundraiser at Scratch tonight!

What do you mean?

My buddy is a bartender there.

He says he'll let us pass around a hat, put up signs, whatever we want.

That's amazing!

Yeah! I'll send an e-mail blast, invite everyone I know.

And I'll post this at the dorm and the disabilities office.

Hey, do you think I should... give like, a little presentation?


Those people see what you saw, they're gonna bury you in cash.

You are the best.

Hold on.

You don't even know the best part yet.

It's... I don't know how to say this either, um...

(Imitates a g*n)



Country Western night.

You know. Line dancing, boots, hats, the whole thing.


Hey, who cares, right?

I guess.


Like cowboys say.


Oh, there they are!

Oh, look at that belly!

Doesn't she look amazing?


Oh, it's so good to see you.

It's been too long.

It's good to see you, too.

Oh, hello in there.

This is your grandpa.

I cannot wait to take you to your first Royals game.

And you and I are going to bake and draw and have sleepovers, and I am going to spoil you rotten!

John: Yeah.

Okay, everybody inside. Come on!

Oh, yeah. Come on!

You know, there are some terrific places for kids with special needs right here in Kansas City?

Kathryn has done all this great research.

Oh. That's really nice of you.

Yeah. We are happy to do whatever you need us to do.

We want to be a big part of your baby's life.

You told them.

It's their grandchild.

I just feel ambushed.

No, no, no, no.

We just want to talk it through.

We know how much you love your job here, and you're so good at it...

But London is where my family lives and they have experience raising a special needs child.

John: And we respect that.

But you know, Kathryn and I learned sign language when Daphne came into our lives.

We are more than willing to do whatever it takes to help raise a child with Down syndrome.

You know, I pulled some of Bay and Toby's old baby things.

Do you want to go look at them?

Sure. Thanks.

Oh, look!

That's adorable.

I used to put Toby to bed after a long day and still be sad that I didn't get to see him till the morning.

I can't wait.

It goes by so fast.

You'll see.

(Sighs) I already feel like that.

I'm more than halfway and there's just so many decisions to make.

Is there anything I can do to help?

My mom wants me to go home, Toby wants me to stay here, and...

And now I'm worried that I'm being unfair to you and John.

You do what you think is best for your baby.

The rest of us will fall in line.

I want to be with my family.

I want to go home.

(Country music playing)

Hi! Thank you for coming!

♪ Let's count our blessings ♪

Now you're ready for action.

Hey, have you talked to Bay?

Oh, right. The T-shirts.



Hey, honey! m1ngo.



I'm so glad you guys made it!

m1ngo: Lookin' good, guys. Digging the hats.

I had to wrangle this one.

He claims he has two left feet.

Hey, you'll see. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Hey, maybe the mechanical bull is more your speed.

It'd probably be safer.

Nuh-uh. Come on, cowboy.

Let's break you in.


Cool if I put my phone in your jacket?


♪ Celebrate the right song at the right time ♪
♪ come on, let's celebrate ♪

Let's do this.

Oh, boy.

♪ Come on, let's celebrate ♪

Quick, quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow.

Quick, quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow.

Regina: You got it!

(Both laughing)

Buy 50, I'll give you 10% off.

Awesome. Go kappas.

What do you need?

Actually, it's you who needs something... to stop selling this shirt.

Why would I do that?

Because I created this girl and you are using her without my permission.

I found it on the side of a dumpster in an alley.

Was I supposed to run around looking for the artist?

Okay, fine.

Now I'm telling you it's mine, and you need to stop.

Ever hear of fair use?

Legally, I can use your intellectual property, in this case, art, so long as I "A," substantially alter it, and "B," make a statement with my work.

You replaced a diploma with a beer can.

A substantial change, I'd argue.

Do you not realize that you are basically just encouraging guys to r*pe?

Who said the T-shirt is talking about sex?

You're the one who's making it about sex.

Oh, please.

"No" could mean "no" to going skydiving or going dancing.

See, that's what I love about art.

It's so subjective.

Can't you make your misogynist jokes without dragging my art into it?

I'm sorry you're offended, but I have no intention of discontinuing this shirt.

It's one of my best-sellers.

You are an arrogant, sexist, bottom-feeding thief!

(Cell phone rings)

I've been called worse.


Grab a shirt before you go.

It's on the house.

Tramp Stamp Teaze.

Oh, this is not over.

One more time. Seven! Eight!

♪ Na na ♪
♪ na na na yeah ♪


Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick!

Come on! Whoo!

Take it home!

(People cheer)

All right, everybody!

Everyone: Whoo!

♪ It's a good, good day ♪

All right everybody! Partner up!

We're gonna do the "sweetheart" dance like I taught you, all right?

Partner up, partner...

Your mom is a dancing machine.

Yep. Ballet, tap, and apparently country dancing.

Well, obviously it runs in the family.

I get the sense you've done this before.

Well, it's always a good idea for a DJ to have an eclectic taste.

And you should be good at this.

It's not that different from river dance.

That's Irish.

I know. I'm just messing with you.

Now try to keep up.


♪ 'Cause I found something better ♪
♪ lord, I swear I never ♪

Did you invite him?

No, um...

Daphne put a notice on the deaf program's message board.

I'm sure he's just trying to be supportive.

Um... I'm gonna grab a drink real quick.


Bay: Six months to go to court?

Well, isn't there some sort of like, really fast injunction we can slap on him to stop him in the meantime?



Yes. Yes. Um...

My image was technically put up illegally but the point is, now he's making T-shirts that encourage guys to take a "no" for a "yes," and that just makes girls look like morons.

Well, slogans like that should be illegal.

(Phone beeps)

All right. Um...

Thank you for the information.


I'm good. What's up?

Something about a beach?




No pressure.

Okay. Um... I have a lot... going on right now, so just let me think about it, okay?
(Country music playing)

♪ Hey, little missy ♪
♪ you're looking awful pretty tonight ♪

I am so proud of Daphne.

I've been dying to get you alone.

How'd it go with Lily?

Well, we mostly just, you know, looked at baby clothes.


That was such a perfect setup.

Getting her alone, talking to her mom-to-mom...

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't convince her to stay.

I didn't expect you to close the deal.

Just tell me how much you nudged her in the right direction.

Well, actually, I told her that she shouldn't let us or anyone else influence her decision.

And why would you say that?

Because she has to do what she feels is best for her baby, even if that means moving to London.

Kathryn, where the hell is this coming from?

Honey, if Bay or Daphne were pregnant and living in London, wouldn't you hope they would want to come home to us?

That is a hypothetical.

But here is the reality.

Lily is carrying our grandchild and threatening to raise him or her in a foreign country.

That is unacceptable.

If we are going to be good grandparents, we need to put the baby and Lily's needs before our own.

Well, call me selfish.

I'm not ready to help Lily pack her bags.

♪ I can't hold you or send you back ♪
♪ I'm that cowboy ♪

(Both laughing)

Okay. Whew.

Oh. Mm-hmm?

You're definitely improving.

You only stepped on my foot twice that time.

Hey, I warned you.

I'm gonna call Will.

I'll go freshen up.

♪ I know he's somewhere ♪
♪ in this bar now ♪
♪ yeah, he's somewhere right in this bar ♪

I just have to focus on Pati and the other students.

I want everyone to really understand what's at stake here.

Hey, you're gonna do great.


Where's the mic?

Oh. Um...

Hey, what the hell?

What do you think you're doing?

I'm about to give a presentation for the fundraiser that we're holding.

What fundraiser? I don't know anything about this.

Um, okay. I cleared it with Joe.

The bartender.


Joe has no authority to approve this.

If you could just give me two minutes, I could explain to you what it is and I'm sure...

Listen. Listen to me.

I don't do fundraisers.

It's bad for business.

Now, you can follow my rules, or leave the premises.

♪ I'm still working on ♪

I am so sorry.

No. It's not your fault.

You know, there is one other way we can raise this money.


$500 prize.

Oh, no.

Oh, yeah.

I think I got a bull to tame.




He was just saying hello.

He clearly has a thing for you, and we both know you had a thing for him.

Had. Past tense. And like I've told you a thousand times, nothing happened.

Then how come every time I see you two together, you totally seem into each other?

And every time he's around, you seem insanely jealous.

Then stop giving me a reason to be!

Julian and I are colleagues, nothing more.

I don't want you talking to him anymore.

You don't have the right to tell me who I can and can't talk to.

So, you get to do whatever you want, and I just have to live with it?

If you're talking about London, I haven't made a decision yet.

"I"? It's an "I" decision now?

I didn't mean it like that.

I meant...

I'm the baby's father and I have rights, too.

And I say we're not moving to London.

If I want to move to London, I don't need your permission.

I can move without you.

And the way you're behaving right now, you're making the decision pretty clear.

Creative license, apparently.

It's pretentious for "it's totally fine to steal someone's identity or life experience and ruin it."

Sometimes I really hate art.

Yeah. She was.

Now, she's a drunk.

Thanks, but I already talked to a lawyer, and even if I stopped this guy from selling those shirts, it would take months.

So, I'm destined to see my work bastardized on the chests of freshmen girls all year.

Yeah. Sometimes I wonder what these girls would think if their moms saw them wearing these shirts.

Like, "oh hey, ma! Look at me! I'm a lush!"

Oh, my god.


She cannot cross international waters with your baby without your permission, okay?

You tell her we will take her to court for custody if we have to.


Toby, this is your child, too, all right?

We will sue her and her family and everything that moves if she thinks she can make these unilateral decisions like this...

You want me to tell her I'll sue her?

You really think that's seriously the best way to get her to change her mind?

I don't even wanna know.

All right. All right...

We gotta do something.

Okay. Well, I've been thinking...

I meant what I said. That I want her to be where she feels supported, but...

I think we can provide that, too.

Yeah. What I've been sayin'!

Well, I think we need to show her that we're really serious...

By sweetening the pot a little.



(Cheering and applause)

Announcer: Okay, our next rider hails from right here in Kansas City!

(Cheering and applause)

Sure you don't want to give it a try, cowboy?

I'll pass.

Announcer: Let's all give a rousing hoot and holler now for Greg "m1ngo" Shimingo!

Come on, big man!

Kathryn: You can do it!

This is for you, babe!

Announcer: Are you ready?

Let's do this!

(Air horn)

(Crowd cheers)

(Crowd gasps)



Are you okay?


That is...

Way harder than it looks.

Announcer: Oh, a little short, but a great ride from Greg "m1ngo" Shimingo! Come on, folks!

I'm sorry.

I wanted to win that money for you.

It's okay. We're not done yet.

We're not?

They have a ladies competition as well.


Ladies, I got "walk of shame" shirts.

It's funny 'cause it's true. Buy one, get one free. One night only.


Pleasure doing business with you.


What are you doing here?

What the hell is this?


You seriously told my mom?

Yes, she did.

Hey, mothers thrive off the accomplishments of their children, right?

I just thought she should know what a great business you have.

How did you even know how to find her?

Oh, it wasn't that hard actually.

You're Facebook friends with her, so I just sent her a link to your site.

How is "I am blackout drunk" funny?

I'm not making anyone buy them.

You are going to stop this right now.

They're grown women, but you're treating them like children.

Aren't they smart enough to make up their own minds about what to put on their bodies?

Isn't the women's movement all about choice?

Bottom line... if girls are dumb enough to wear shirts like that, that's not my problem.

I'm just making a buck off their stupidity.

Right now, I couldn't be prouder.

Wait, did you just record that?

Yep. Sure did.

Vine is gonna love this one.

Okay, just go with the momentum of the bull.

Don't try and fight it.

Right, like I'm gonna take advice from someone who didn't even last one second?


That's good. That's good. Keep that mean attitude.

Use that fire to stay on the bull.

Announcer: Our next competitor in the ladies division... Daphne Vasquez!

Okay, you're up.

The time to beat is six seconds.

Piece of cake.

Come on!

(Cheering and applause)

Go, Daphne!

♪ Fill the t*nk and don't look back ♪

Go get 'em!

Announcer: Are you ready, little lady?

♪ 'Cause that's what crazy girls do ♪

(Air horn)

(Cheering and applause)

♪ Not afraid to jump off a cliff or two ♪
♪ that's what crazy girls do ♪
♪ not afraid to jump off a cliff or two ♪

(Crowd gasps)

Babe, you were amazing!

Announcer: That was a great ride, but a little too short.

Not amazing enough.

Announcer: She's one tough cookie, folks!

Give it up for Daphne Vasquez!

(Cheering and applause)

♪ Crazy girls like me and you ♪


What is going on?

(Angrily) Just drop it, okay?

Eric, what is the matter?

This is what's the matter.

You want to tell me how a receipt got in your pocket from the auto body shop where my ex-wife works?

Okay, let me explain.

You went to Atlanta?

I should have told you.

I know that.

Does she know who you are? That we're together?

No. Absolutely not.

Are you sure?


I was careful. I swear.

So you didn't trust me.

I had to see it for myself...

Before I got more involved with you.

You know what?

I'll find my own way home.

Eric. Eric!

You know, we never really talked about... him.

Who? Julian?

Yeah, we did.

I said...

You said nothing happened, but the feelings were real...

And we just pushed right past them because this happened.

Would we still be together if you hadn't got pregnant?

I hope so.

Do you wish that I was him?

Of course not.

Then what was it about him?

I grew up with double the expectations on me because of my brother.


Julian was the kind of guy that I thought I should be with.

Stable, more money...

Somebody who could give me the life I thought I wanted.

Stable... traditional.


And look at you now.

I know.

But I couldn't be happier.

I promise.

I love you, Toby.

And I know we got back together in an unexpected way, but the minute we broke up, I wanted you back.

Me, too.



It's not just the shirts.

Hammer girl is officially dead.

But she doesn't belong to me anymore.

She had a great run.

She was our symbol during the Carlton protest, I sent her to Afghanistan with Ty.

I leaned on her a lot over the years, and...

I think now it's time to say goodbye.

It's been four years since I created her, and I haven't come up with anything half as good since.

But what if she's the best thing I'll ever do?


You know, I never thought that you would become one of my best friends, but you are.

Thank you.

I think I'm gonna stay here, figure out my next amazing idea.


m1ngo: Whoa!

That can't all be from the hat.


I gave my speech to the manager.

I was pretty sure that I could change his mind if he just gave me a chance.

And you did!

No. Not at all, but the lady who won the bull riding contest was sitting nearby and she was quite moved by what I had to say.

After settling her bar tab, she gave me what was left of her winnings.

Plus what was in the hat...

Totaled $687!

That's awesome!


I couldn't have done it without you.

I can't wait to tell Quinn!

You're still talking with that guy?

Yeah, but just about Pati, the program.

You should have told me.

Told you what? There's nothing going on.

He kissed you.


But what?

It's weird that you're talking with this guy and arranging this whole fundraiser with him, and I didn't know about it.



(Door opens)

Will's in bed.

I told him you would check on him when you got home.

Look, are you gonna say anything?

What did you say to her?

What was she like?

She fixed my rental car.

She seemed fine.

Nice even...

Until I realized she was working with her husband to sell dr*gs.

Like I told you?

I know.


You told me you were going to go see your cousins...

In Ohio.

You looked right at me and...

It was a bad lie.

I know that.

But it was important that I know.



We have got to get past this.

You have to forgive me.

It's not just the lie.

It's that you endangered Will!

But it's been months.

And he's fine.

You're both fine.


I'm going to bed.

m1ngo, wait! Can we talk?

Yeah, we could...

Or you could call Quinn and talk with him since you seem to be doing a lot of that lately.

I'm so sorry I didn't tell you that we'd been talking.

The trip...

Changed something in me...

And he and I have this bond over that.

That you and I don't have.

You and I see each other every day.

We go mountain biking and drink mint chip shakes at midnight.

But it's not a profound bond about changing people's lives.


It's cool. I get it.

There is nothing going on with him. I swear.


Do you want to go get mint chip shakes?

I was just about to suggest that.

Let me go grab my wallet.

(Phone vibrates)

(Door opens) Okay.

Let's hit it.

Yeah, it's fine with me.

You made it.

You should have control over it.

I'm fine.

I'm starting a new project, actually.

I don't know yet.

But I think there's something... something about the way we define ourselves.

He's good!

Actually, he's been a really amazing friend lately.

We just... (Sighs)

We have a lot in common.


I should go.

Good luck with the festival and everything.

♪ Love was made for giving ♪
♪ what are you saving for ♪
♪ this is it, this is it ♪

Hey, thanks so much for coming by. We know it's late.

It's cool. We wanted to talk to you, too.

Us first. Um...

Kathryn and I have done a lot of thinking about your dilemma, and...

We've realized that if you're gonna stay in Kansas City, you will need a lot more from us than just baby clothes.

Kathryn: We want you to know that we will be with you every step of the way.

And with that in mind, we are willing to offer whatever financial support you might need.

I thought money was tight.

We'll figure it out.

We'll sell this house if we have to.



That's very generous of you, but you don't have to do that.

Kathryn: And that's not all.

If you'll let me, I'd like to offer full-time daycare to the baby.

Uh... we really appreciate it.


We do, but...

It's not gonna be necessary.

Um... we've decided... to move to London.