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01x03 - Hawk-Eye

Posted: 10/06/15 06:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on Minority Report...

For a decade, all I did was watch people being m*rder*d. I can't do that anymore.

I'm tired of picking up the pieces.

Just once, I need to stop one before it happens.

My new system?

Oh, Hawk-Eye.

Van Eyck: Predictive policing relying on hard data, not the psychic instincts of some genetic freaks.


You want Vega to break the law?

What do you think she's doing using you?

The feds are asking questions. Like?

Blake: How you did all that alone.

Agatha thinks I'm putting all of us at risk, that you're just using me.

You're still seeing it...

Your vision.

♪ I made lots of time for us... ♪

(Lina whooping, laughing)

Fun! You see, I'm having fun, Mark.

Self-Driving on the magway.

But can we go back to driverless and just chill for a little bit?

Wait. Which one is the brake again?


(screaming, laughing)

Oh, my God. I prefer the old you.

(alarm sounds)

♪ I can knock it down... ♪

Female Voice: Attention passengers.

What the hell?

Female Voice: You are now being diverted safely to your home.

I knew this was gonna happen.

Good morning, Mark Massero.

On behalf of the Metro P.D. Hawk-Eye program, I regret to inform you that your status has been upgraded.

My what?! What is this?!

Officer: Due to the recent pattern of behavior listed on screen, our system has flagged you as an orange level threat to public safety.

Public safety?!

This isn't a traffic ticket?

Pending a 48-hour police review, all licenses and rights to habeas corpus are suspended.

Are you serious?

You can't do this! This is crazy! Hey!

Or if you wish to file a complaint...


Please follow the instructions on screen.

Are you listening?! You can't do this to me!

Vega: There were three of them, Dash, Arthur, and Agatha.

They were called the Precognitives.

They could see murders before they happened.

For six years, our police held them against their will and used them to save lives.

But after the government's Precrime program was shut down, they were finally released.

They kept themselves safe and hidden from the world until now.

Welcome to the newest tool in our police belt, people.

The Hawk-Eye pilot program.

Lynn Dravecky is from central.

She's gonna tell us more. Lynn.

Machines know what people watch, what people read, what people buy, even what people feel.

And now, they can tell us which people are a risk to public safety.

Now, to be clear, this is not Precrime.

The Hawk-Eye algorithm can't predict exact behavior.

What it does do is notice patterns.

Like this man, pacing on a subway platform, flagged by our system for signs of high anxiety 20 minutes before jumping in front of a speeding BRUNO train.

Hawk-Eye could have saved his life by flagging his suspicious behavior and putting him under Close Watch.

During this 48-hour period, he would have been monitored closely for any risk to public safety, including his own.

So then it would have been, "Sorry, sir, you're under arrest for looking nervous..."?

Is there a problem?

I just hope this department has really good lawyers.


You'll have to forgive Detective Vega.

She's a skeptic.

Lynn: That's okay.

We'll face this kind of scrutiny if we want Hawk-Eye to go national.

God help us all.

You know, Detective, we are selecting top personnel to partner with civilian analysts over Hawk-Eye's trial period.

And I think you'll be the perfect woman for the job.

Thank you. That is all.


It's not gonna happen.

Consider it an honor, Vega.

You're trying to punish me.

You stopped two attempted murders in two weeks.

This is your chance to prove you're not just lucky.

I told you, I have a confidential...

Confidential informant, meaning you don't trust me enough to tell me who's giving you those tips.

Well, if you're waiting for me to say, "Of course, I trust you," you're gonna be waiting for a while.

Listen... not to be shared, but the feds are going to be watching our program with interest.

Now, you know what that means.

You're going to go suit shopping?

No, this is your chance to get in early.

Lara, this is going to be big.

Maybe as big as Precrime.

Precrime failed... catastrophically.

And before that, it saved thousands.

Isn't that why you became a cop?

Thanks. I appreciate the offer.

Coming through!


Aw, come on!

Passing on the right.

No way.

You better not!


Whoa! What the...?

Woman: Oh, man! Are you okay?


That's not right.

You saw that coming.

You know, sometimes being a drug baby has its advantages.

You're born with a gift to see the immediate future.

It's a small price to say.

And I only get names.

Jennifer Helton.

You get her number, too?


I will say, for a guy who's never had the athletic skills of his brother, you always had a sneaky competitive side.

That's funny. I was about to say the same thing about you.

No, not right now, thanks.

I like to take the edge off.



You still seeing your cop friend Vega?

I should've known you didn't invite me out here for brother time.

So, is this a new lecture, or should I just tune out?

I just want you to be more careful when you're choosing friends... Not just her, but everyone.

Well, that's not paranoid.

Man, you always go there first... Right to the worst in people.

And so should you, because there's a worse in everyone, dying to get out.

Gangsters, accountants, cheating husbands, even old ladies with cats.

Everyone is capable of anything.

And we've seen it all.

Like your new friend Mr. Massero.

I don't know anybody named Massero.

You're about to.

(gasps, groans)

(distorted, distant): Crazy...


(distorted, angry shouting)


See? People never fail to disappoint you.

Vega: He's in pain. Almost done?

Wally: Almost got it. Almost got it.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay...


We got it.




Wally: I'm not gonna lie to you.

Removing visions from the dopaminergic system of your brain... not unlike being scalped.

Good news is, you get to keep your hair.

All right, here we go.

Okay, so we know it's daytime.

Two males, and Arthur gave you the name Massero.

Looks like a fistfight.

Maybe roadside or something, and...

The loser gets his head stomped in.

If it's a fight, that means the m*rder's not premeditated.

It's gonna happen soon.

There might be enough to run both faces.

I'm gonna get Akeela on it.

You don't have to.

That's Mark Massero.

Chief creative officer and brains behind Narcissus?

The tech company?

Tech giant.

He tried to poach me once.

He'd eat his young to launch the next big thing.

So, if that's the guy who won, then, who's the guy who lost?

Closest face-match I have is a man named Trevor Maloney, a fitness instructor out of Philadelphia.

Is he in Philly now?

Akeela: Uh, no.

But his gym says he's on his way here training for the Liberty Tour.

I don't know what that means.

It's a bicycle race that finishes in D.C.

It runs along Cherry Hill Road.

Where did you pull this photo, anyway?

Looks not even digital.

Have you heard of a guy named Mark Massero?

Yeah, of course. Why?

Vega: I'm following a lead.

I'm trying to find a link between him and Maloney.

There's nothing on file yet, but I'll keep look... Wait.

Mark Massero was flagged by Hawk-Eye for a recent pattern of high-risk behavior.

Vega: Hawk-Eye?

So, does that means he's been placed on Close Watch?

Yup. Meaning, as of tomorrow, we can assign a Hawk-Eye unit to track his every move.

Seriously, who gave you the picture?

Uh, sorry, Akeela, got to go.


What's going on?


Is something wrong?

Yes. Us.

Blake is still asking questions about my new informant.

If we keep this up, we're gonna get caught.

I told you, I am willing to risk that.

I'm not just gonna sit and watch.

I'm not asking you to.

I want you to come work with me.

With you?

We're hiring civilian analysts for Hawk-Eye.

It's a new pilot program.

But they'll be partnered with cops at Metro.

We'd have real cover.

Wally: To track a person's every move without due process. It's a power grab of our civil liberties.

You done?

For now.


You want me to go back... inside Metro?

I haven't been there since...

Since you were hooked up in a milk bath, I know.

Wally: No.

Actually, you don't. No one knows what they went through.

Yeah, and nobody ever saw their faces up close, remember? Except you, Wally.

Dash is anonymous.

Dash: You know I don't even have a legal name, so...

Yeah, but your brother is an identity thief.

The years we lost... in that building.

That's not gonna happen again.

No one is going to find out who you are, Dash.

I'll make sure of it.

(muffled, distorted voice speaking)


Agatha: But it's gotta...

Slow down. Slow down. Just tell me what you saw.

A containment chamber, harnesses, equipment.

Wires for our brains.

A milk bath.

Like the one that held us during Precrime.

You've been seeing the same future for months now, Agatha.

Yes, but this is the first time that I saw her, the detective... your brother's friend.


Are you sure?

She's there when they put us in it.

Do you think she sells us out?

Why would she do that?

Well, before Precrime ended, the government had bigger plans for us.

But they scrapped that program; they set us free.


You think they want us back?

Away from scrutiny, out of the public eye.

A secret program.

All right, even if that was true...

And that is a big if...

Good luck finding out who's looking for us.

We need someone on the inside.

Inside? The NSA? Department of Defense?

Yeah, sure, I'll call a guy.

I know someone.

You do?

Yes. You forget where I live.

Actually, I don't... you live on the Island of Misfit Toys, filled with people running away from the government, not those in it.

And if you found someone, how do you know we could trust this person with our secret?

Arthur, you just keep a close eye on your brother and his friend.

I've got this.

I'm not helping this time, so go away.

Dash: We already know the names: Mark Massero and Trevor Maloney.

Well done. You don't need me. Now, could I eat my dinner in peace?

Vega: The m*rder isn't why we're here.

We need to buy a new identity.

Saying that too loud undermines my very reputable career as an estate planner.

(whispering): My bios don't come cheap.

There's ancestral platforms, gears to grease for background checks.

Yeah, we were counting on a family discount.


I suppose it's about time.

Finally get a job?

Yes, I'll be working for the police.



(with mouth full): I'm sorry?


You heard me right.

Are you trying to get us caught?

Vega: This is the best way to keep that from happening.

No. The best way would be for you to disappear from both of our lives.

I am doing this, Arthur, with or without your help.

Good luck, then.

You're on your own.

You know, there's a little off-track betting operation in the Sprawl.

You have runners place bets because you know the outcome.

I only told her so her friends don't shut it down.

You may survive out here after all.

And maybe it's better if we don't tell Agatha.

No problem.

We never talk.

A precog is helping you?

Shh! Akeela, no one can know.

People could take advantage of him.

The government, foreign governments.

You got to take this to your grave.

I will, I swear. This is huge!

(laughs softly)

What is... what is he like?

I mean, what would you be like, if you had seen a thousand violent murders? He...

He's going through some stuff.

(whispers): Wow.


Wow, a precog!

Can I meet him?

Which one is it?

It's one of the twins. Dash.


And yes, you can meet him.

Because we need your help.

You're interviewing Hawk-Eye civilian analysts.



No. No. Lara...

Okay, just hear me out.

I need this job.

This is a good thing we're doing here, and you could help us.


Akeela, please.

(horse nickers)

Agatha: If the infection hasn't cooled off by morning, you call me back.

Will do.

Okay, so, what do I owe you?

Cup of coffee would be fine.

I never get tired of this place.

When did you come to the island, Charlie?

Well, uh... going on six years.

From San Antonio... is that what Ned told me?


Why did you leave?

Mm, get out of the city.



It's a lot quieter out here.


I knew a man who worked at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.

Lucas Tollin?


Mm, can't say I ever met the man.

Sure you did.

Before that, he worked at Thurn-Tippett in Chicago.

The security contractors.

Why would I know a man from Illinois?

Because you worked there for ten years before you embezzled $1.7 million from them and came here.

Searching for some peace and quiet.

But you never found the peace, did you?

Maybe it's true what people around here say about you.

And what's that?

That you are a witch.

Oh, never to my face, Charlie.

Before you open the safe and grab that bag tonight... keep an eye on that mare's leg.

(indistinct chatter, distorted and echoing)

(soft exhale)

(sighs anxiously)

(electronic whirr, blipping)

Dashiell Parker.

Uh, senior engineer at Timeraft?

Mm, that's correct.

You supported both the data access layer and the front end.

Glad to see you came around on joining Hawk-Eye.

Dash: That's correct.

This your new analyst?

Figured if I'm gonna have a partner, I should see what I'm getting into.

Akeela: What kind of features were included in the vector?

Good question, Akeela.

Thank you.


Mostly user ratings, uh... micropayments.

Pretty nervous, even for a job interview.

What's going to happen when he sees blood?

Akeela: Well, uh, we're placing candidates with our detectives in the field immediately.

It's a trial period so that we can test compatibility.

It does not mean you have the job.

I'm not sure I want it.

Of course, I do.

Uh... w-want it.

Make sure you send me his file.

Do you... also understand that your job performance reflects on the men and women of this department?

Yes. And that if you mess up, we all mess up.

Of course.

And some of us... really... really like it here?

Your confidence in me will be rewarded.

I will make you proud.

I'll settle for not getting fired.

Vega: I read up on Mark Massero.

Boy genius, revolutionary innovator.

He had a meteoric rise until a year ago.

What happened then?

The magic left.

All it took was one failed product launch and the stock price dipped.

Now, word is, is that the board is thinking about replacing him.

You think the victim could be connected to this somehow?

Trevor Maloney? Could be a motive.

Listen to you.

Nothing that I've found yet, but that's what we need to find out.

Just remember, you're a civilian analyst.

So don't get too excited.


Guess we're doing this.


I really don't want to regret it.

Good morning. Welcome to Narcissus.

Lara Vega, Dashiell Parker... Metro Police.

We're looking for Mark Massero.

Please follow the blue line, and someone will assist you.


Eli Winford, product development.

How can I help you, Officers?

Detective. Vega.

Nice to meet you.

My name is Parker.

Mark Massero isn't in today.

Is that unusual?

Not really.

No one punches a clock here.

Even with the board about to vote on his future at the company?

You think that he'd at least show his face.

I don't know where you heard that.

Same place that I heard that his behavior's been erratic lately.

Self-driving on the mag-way.

Applying for a handgun license?

Mark likes to live life to the fullest.

Is that what you call threatening a coworker?

I understand that he went off on one of the coders the night of the failed launch party.

That's what makes Mark who he is.


He loves his job.

And he really hates to fail.

Enough to hurt someone?

Do you know a lot about the tech business, Detective?


Just failure.

Failure is why I got into my business.

But I'm not a detective.

I'm a Hawk-Eye analyst.

First day.

Hawk-Eye? Really?

It's come to this?

Mark Massero would not harm a soul.

I hope not, for your sake.

Because news that Hawk-Eye flagged him as a public risk... won't help your stock price.

Thank you for your time, Mr. Winford.

We'll catch Mr. Massero at home.

You walk when I walk.

Nice bike!

Someone likes to go fast.

Bluejay C-680.

They stopped making them in '46.

That's not street-legal.

Wasn't much to do on the island.

Except ride.

Show me thermal.


Stay here.

(clattering in distance)

(woman grunting)

Metro PD!

(woman screams)

Whoa! What the...

The owner of this house was flagged high-risk.

I-I saw signs of struggle.

Do we look like we're struggling to you?

Yeah. Um, do you have a minute?

He snuck up behind me and pulled me in here.

We were being spontaneous.

You left the front door open.

Anybody could have walked in.

So then you see the appeal.


(clears throat)

Is what we did a crime?

No, it's not.

Okay. So... remotely disabling my car's firmware so I can't drive isn't enough.

Now I can't have sex in my own house with my wife.

Does that also explain your love of fast cars?

I'm sorry?

Low inhibitions. High tolerance for risk.

If you were in your 60's, I'd call that a midlife crisis.

I call it living.

Is that why you're going to your therapist later?

I'm guessing.

I mean, I saw it when I...

Hawk-Eye informed us you have an appointment.

That is none of Hawk-Eye's business.

You know, actually, it is.

How do you know Trevor Maloney?


Who is he?

I have never seen that man before.

Are we done here?

I'm not sure I believe him.

That he and Maloney never met?


Maybe his shrink will tell us.

Your lead. The therapist.

Massero is hiding something.

We're gonna find out what.

(watch rings)

Akeela, what's up?

Hey. Hi.

Uh, so, I'm just leaving Blake's office, and he's asking to meet with your new Hawk-Eye analyst, Dashiell. He wants him to come in.


(quietly): Vega, I think he knows.

(phone line ringing)

Oh, hey.

Yeah, it's me.


Still getting settled in the new digs.

It's a nice office, don't you think?


Yes, it is.

Sorry I pulled you in like this.

Uh, we hadn't met.


Sure. I understand.

I, uh... I pulled up your application.

You did? Great.


So impressive that...

I'll be honest... uh...

I have questions.


Why would you leave a... a high-paying job in the private sector to work here?

The money was good, sure, but...

I felt like I wasn't doing enough to make this world a better place.


You don't just look like a Boy Scout.

But there's something else.

There is?

Detective Vega, well, she doesn't appreciate what we have going here. She's cynical.

I have noticed that.

But she's very good at what she does.

I mean, it seems that way.

On first impression.

Of course.

But she has a tendency to, uh, color outside the lines.

You will let me know if there's any problems, won't you?



Six handicap, huh?

I'm sorry?

Your résumé.

Says you golf.


Yeah, I don't like to talk about it.

Okay. Well, we'll have to play sometime. But I want strokes.

Sure. Just... bring 'em along.


Dr. Emory. Sixth floor, suite 611.

Vega: Thanks. I got it already.

Did you see a shrink, after...?

It was more of a panel. Some poking and prodding.

I don't know if it really helped.

What do you think?

Might need a follow-up.

What about you? After your father was k*lled?

Or is that too hard to talk about?

Okay, please don't turn this into every relationship I've been in for the last ten years.

Yes, it was a traumatic event and, yes, there's some stuff I need to deal with. And I will when I have time.

But right now I don't.

Yeah, really, what's the hurry?

I do the one-on-one sessions.

The staff handles the TMS.


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.

Neurological fine-tuning, as I like to call it.

You do this out in the open?

This isn't 2035.

Back in the dark ages of the early century, mental illness was a source of shame: fears, traumas, personality flaws.

These days, maintaining a fit mind is as easy as keeping a fit body.

So you can fix damaged brains?

"Fix" is the wrong word.

Healing is always a long process.

But, yes, I can offer hope to those who suffer.

I need to talk to you alone.

About a patient. Mark Massero.

You know I can't do that.

Actually, you can.

Your patient was flagged a potential risk by the city's new...

Hawk-Eye program.

I heard.

Mark was a little agitated this afternoon.

Then you know that the provisions bypass doctor-patient confidentiality. Denying access is a felony punishable by jail.

How do you sleep at night, Detective, knowing that you work for a police state?

Well, some nights I don't.

But I sleep much better when I catch the bad guys.

Are you going to cooperate, Doctor?

Mark was having issues with his work.

He was always known for his creativity, his conviction.

But after his big promotion, he was paralyzed with fear.

He came to me to change that.

You fine-tuned his brain.

I saved his career.

And his marriage.

What do you mean by that?

His wife, Lina, was having an affair.

With who?

You'd have to ask her.

You're saying Lina was having an affair with Trevor Maloney?

I hope so. 'Cause if she was, we found Massero's motive.

I don't even know this Trevor.

We know you cheated on your husband, Lina.

Like I said, I never met that guy.

My affair was a fling after a college reunion.

I told Mark about it right after it happened.

We hit a rough patch, but we worked it out.

He started TMS with Dr. Emory.

It made him a different man, more willing to take risks.

We have never been better.

We need to talk to your husband.

He isn't here.

Well, if you don't tell us where he is, you'll be arrested for interfering with a police investigation.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Although I would have preferred to.

There's a race at the Jordan Speedway every first Sunday of the month.

He goes there with his car club.

I thought his car was deactivated.

The new ones, not his classics.

He left here in one a few minutes before you got here.

What highway?

He takes Cherry Hill so he can really open it up. What is going on?

Maloney is biking back on Cherry Hill.

That's why there's no history or motive with him and Massero.

It's not premeditated.

They're only gonna meet once.

On that road.

We'll never catch up.

Unless we don't take the road.

(engine whirring)


You're that idiot who passed me on the curve. You almost hit me.

Yeah, I was actually aiming for you.

Oh, that's funny. Hey, why don't you just take up a hobby that doesn't guzzle fossil fuel?


You just put me in my place.

You don't want to do this.

Oh, but I do.


You all right?

Slower would be better!

Do you think I'm afraid of you?


I just think you're a little crazy.

So why don't you back off, man.

I said, "Back off."


Massero: Do you think I'm afraid?!


Do you think I'm afraid?!




Stay down! Both of you. Metro PD.

What the hell are you doing here?!

Were you following me?!

Stay down.

Mark Massero, you're under arrest for as*ault.

Trevor: I'm gonna sue your ass.

I'm gonna sue his ass.

Oh, man. This is bad.

Believe me... could've been worse.


Dash: "Stock prices plunged after Narcissus chief, Mark Massero, was put on indefinite leave, following his arrest for aggravated as*ault."

He's out on bail.

To our first official win.


I've got something to, uh, celebrate the occasion.

It's for you, Dash.

A new phone?


Since your visions take on the characteristics of a febrile seizure, they're always preceded by a spike in body temperature.

I programmed this to detect the fluctuations and give a 30-second warning.

(bracelet buzzes quietly)

Like so.

That way, if you're, you know, at a cocktail party or something, you can slip away.

Because I go to a lot of those.

(all chuckle)

(buzzing quietly)

Ugh. Damn it. Sorry, it's a prototype.

Still buggy. Here, let me...


No, I think it's working just fine.


Oh, my God! What have you done?

Lina, I'm so sorry.


I ruined everything.

Mark! What have you done?

I love you.


Vega: Massero's gonna hang himself.

Dash: A su1c1de?

That's not possible. Is it?

Dr. Hineman always said it wasn't death you three picked up on, but the quantum fallout of two forces clashing... a m*rder*r, a victim.

And in English, that means?

Precogs don't see su1c1de.

Someone has to be responsible.

Maybe Arthur has a name.

You give that a shot.

I'm gonna stop a su1c1de.

(mellow piano music playing, indistinct conversations)

Excuse me for a moment.

Mr. Parker.

Before I forget, stay away from Corbin, Kentucky, with that name. Long story.

We stopped Trevor Maloney from getting k*lled by Mark Massero.

Now Massero's gonna k*ll himself.

I told you, I'm done helping.

A week ago, we had a deal.

You wanted Vega's help.

What-what changed?

The situation.

A man's life is on the line.

If this is one of your games...


If Agatha won't tell you, I will.

Tell me what?

She had another vision, one of the big ones.

And it involved your new friend.


She was standing by a milk bath.

Just like Precrime.

They're coming for us, Dash, and Agatha thinks your new friend is going to betray us.

No way.

Vega wouldn't do that.

You want to bet our lives on that?

You're putting us at risk.

(clears his throat)

We need to talk about this, Dash.

You got a name for me or not?


What do you want now?

To save his life. Where is he?

Mark! Baby!

What are you doing?

Get it unhooked...

No! No!

Leave me alone!

(Lina shouts)

It's over, Lina.

I got him, I got him, I got him.

It's over. It's all over.

I ruined everything.

It wasn't you.


Did you hear what she said?

Look, it's not you trying to k*ll yourself.


Somebody else is.


(gently): There...

Vega: Name, please.

Dr. Donald Emory.

And you're a psychiatrist, correct?

That is correct.

Watch a master paint, Akeela.

I'll go make some popcorn.

Vega: Is Mark Massero a client of yours?


(door closes)

You gonna piggyback on this?

Do you do couples' therapy?

I'd like to wait for my lawyer.

And why is that, Doctor?

Because the room I'm seated in is reading my stress indicators.

Microtremors in my voice, skin conductance, blush response.

Hey, a repeat customer.

No. I consulted on the system's installation.

Vega: Well, then you know the results aren't admissible in court.

I'm not stupid, Detective.

I know that, Doctor.

But I think you manipulated Mark Massero's TMS treatments.

To do what?

Impair his frontal lobe.

Why would I do that?

So that he couldn't understand the consequences of his actions.

Blake: He came to you for help... and you made him self-destruct.

You made him lose his job.

I raised his dosage, yes.

He was a self-absorbed workaholic who was so afraid to fail, he became catatonic.

He had no interests outside of his work, because he feared the outside world.

Air travel, diseases, spiders.

I helped him change.

Well, you did a good job.

Yeah, your patient fears nothing.

Driving recklessly, assaulting strangers.

Even taking his own life.

Excuse me?

(electronic blipping)

Massero: Lina, I'm so sorry.


I never meant to do this to you.


To us.

I don't know what's happening to me.

I ruined everything.

I love you.

It's a su1c1de message.

He's dead?

We found it with the body.

Which means you will be charged with m*rder.

Like you said, Doctor, you're not a stupid man.

(sensors beeping)

I think it would be a smart idea for you to cooperate with us, sooner... rather than later.

Why did you increase his dosage?

Someone put you up to it?

Pay you?

(rapid beeping)

I want my lawyer.

Vega: Maybe a rival at Narcissus?

Maybe someone on the board wanted his job.

I'm not going to say another word.

You don't have to, Doctor.

Your body just betrayed you.

(steady tone)

Okay, so, it's got to be clean, right? Simple.

Remember where we came from.

So, this report...

Man: Eli Winford?

Uh, that's me.

You're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Blake: The aggravated as*ault charges will be dropped.

You were not responsible for your actions.

You'll need therapy to get your brain back to normal so you don't hurt somebody or yourself.

You got any referrals?

Mine's going on sabbatical.


Thank you.

Yes, thank you.

Don't thank me. Thank, uh...


After Precrime was disbanded, the Precogs were sent away to an undisclosed location, to a quiet life, where they now live happily in anonymity.

(students chatting indistinctly)

Vega: Mr. Parker?

What do we owe Arthur for the name?

He said he'd be in touch.

How you doing?

I'll be honest.

This place is gonna take some getting used to.

Still thinking about therapy?

I might just tough it out.

(laughs quietly)

Resemblance is uncanny.

You saved two lives today, Akeela.

Most people go their whole lives without ever hearing that said to them.

You'll get used to it.

How's your horse, Charlie?

Where's my money?

In a safe, dry place.

Go get it.

That's not going to happen.

Because I like you, Charlie, and I don't want to see you die.


If you take your money, you'll go to a woman's house in Glenville, 73 miles from here.

Lauren-something... I didn't get a last name.

You're not going to be wearing what you have on now.

Lauren kept your Naval Academy sweatshirt because it still smelled like you.

Some people on this island are afraid of you.

I'm not one of 'em.

No reason you should be.

A single shot fired from a SWAT Specs Op r*fle at 200 yards will puncture the big "N" on your sweatshirt.

There will be a lot of blood.

No one will know I'm going to Lauren's because I'm gonna k*ll you first.

I'm afraid they've been tipped off that you're on your way there.

Fine, I'll go somewhere else.

Jimmy McClintock's?

He'll k*ll you in your sleep tonight and take your money.

Some best friend.


Chicago's out, that's for sure.

And now you can't stay around here anymore.

You've got nowhere to go, Charlie.

About the only people who take cash these days are... criminals.

I'm the only one who can help you.

What do you want?