01x03 - Eight Slim Grins

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blindspot". Aired September 2015 - July 2020.*
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"Blindspot" focuses on a mysterious tattooed woman found in Times Square who has lost her memory and does not know her own identity. The FBI discovers that each tattoo contains a clue to a crime they will have to solve.
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01x03 - Eight Slim Grins

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Blindspot"...


Dr. Borden: She can't remember who she is, where she came from, nothing... before she crawled out of that bag in Times Square.

Mayfair: Do you recognize her?


Then why is your name tattooed on her back?

Patterson: All of her tattoos are brand-new.

Weller: It's a treasure map.

Mayfair: It's a Navy Seal tattoo.

If she was Navy, she'd be in our database.

Not if she was Special Ops.


(dishes breaking)

Weller: I know why my name is on her back.

I think Jane Doe is Taylor Shaw.

Taylor Shaw has been missing for 25 years.

And she's not missing anymore.

Reade: We're not seriously gonna keep doing this, are we?

Blindly following her tattoos is reckless.

Weller: I don't know why.

I don't know who.

But someone sent her back to me.

Mayfair: That's impossible.

(car horn blaring)

(shower running)

(muffled grunting)

Don't make a sound.

Now, I'm gonna take my hand away, but I need you...

Ohh! Uhh!




Stop! Stop!


I don't wanna hurt you.

(both grunting)

Aggh! Ah!


I came here to help.

How did you get in here?

(grunting) We...

We avoid detection.

It's part of our training.

You'll be fine.


I remember you.

What? That's impossible.

Who are you?!

Who am I?


I'll tell you if you let me go.

Did they find the SEAL tattoo yet?


Who did this to me?

Why did they send me to the FBI?

You can't trust them.






How the hell did this happen?

We don't know. No signs of forced entry.

Her detail did a thorough sweep.

I want them all suspended.

I know these guys, they're good men.

Then how'd he get in there?

The sh**t?

Trajectory suggests he was across the street on the roof.

The building's abandoned.

No shells, no trace.

Please, tell me we know who that guy is.

Print, dental, bloodwork... there is nothing in the system.

We're gonna run an autopsy just in case...

It's just like Jane Doe all over again.

Guy's a ghost.

I don't believe in ghosts!

So all that we do know is that we can't protect her.

How is she?

Pretty banged up.

When are we gonna catch a break on this?

(camera shutter snaps)

(g*n cartridges clicking)

We're coming up on it.

Everyone set? Omar?


Get down!



(g*nshots, woman screaming)

Everybody on the floor!

30 seconds!

red mask: This is a robbery!

Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt!

20 seconds.

Don't be stupid. Stupid people die.

Hands down, on the floor!

I said hands down!

Come on! Let's go, let's go!

That's it, let's wrap it up, wrap it up!

You, up, now!

blue mask: Hey, we're on borrowed time.

red mask: This is worth it. Open it up.

That wasn't part of the plan, leave it.

And I said open it up!

We're in the red zone.

Cops are gonna be here any second.


(patrons gasping)

Move! Move! Go! Come on.



(g*nsh*t, patrons shriek)

red mask: No!

Omar: We have to go!

We can't leave him!

The cops are almost on us, we have to go!

We can't leave him!

(tires screeching)

(sirens approaching)

It's all right to be upset.

I'm not upset.

A home invasion isn't...

That's not my home.

A break-in is an intimate violation.

But this is a real chance for us to...

I've been drugged. My memory has been erased.

My entire body has been tattooed without my consent.

A break-in at my safe house is the least intimate of my violations.

And feelings of anger, feelings of resentment, are all completely natural.

Do you feel safe, Jane?

I can handle myself.

I can see that. But it's not what I asked.

Do you trust the FBI to keep you safe?

The evidence from the Taylor Shaw case arrived this morning.

Patterson thinks she can have conclusive DNA results in the next eight hours.

If Jane Doe is Taylor Shaw, we'll know by the end of the day.

We should tell her that we're doing this.

Before the results? Absolutely not.

Why? She's part of this investigation.

She should be included.

What if this triggers a memory that breaks this case wide open?

Assisting this investigation.

How can you be so sure we can trust her?

Look, what if you're wrong about all this?

Imagine how that's gonna feel for Jane, finally thinking she knows who she is, only to have it stripped away again.

Borden thinks toying with her like that could damage her trust in us, not to mention cause unnecessary strife.

No, we need to wait.

I'm not wrong.

Doctors clear you?


My jaw is k*lling me.

What were you and Mayfair talking about?

We were just wrapping up another case.

I'm sorry this happened to you, Jane.

(scoffs) Which part?

A lot's happened to me recently.

All of it.

We are going to move you to a more secure place.

Do we know who he was?

No, he's the same as you.

No prints, no DNA, no trace of him in the system.

No, I... he... I remember him.

We used to know each other before all of this.

We trained together.

I think he was my friend.

Did he say anything to you?

(echoing) You can't trust them.

You don't know anything about him?

How he got into the safe house or... or who shot him?

No. We're working on it, Jane.

No, he didn't say anything. He didn't have time.

So we're nowhere closer to knowing who I am?


I'm sorry, Jane.


You're gonna wanna see this.

There was a pretty brazen jewelry heist this morning.

Most of 'em got away, but they apprehended one assailant.

And what has this got to do with us?

The perp has a SEAL tattoo.

Zapata: Lots of people have SEAL tattoos.

Most of them aren't even SEALs.

True, no two are alike.

No official design.

Just a million variations, usually based around this trident theme.

But this guy... (beeping) ...his tattoo is exactly like Jane's.

There is our break.



Ma'am, we're looking for the robbery suspect brought in this morning.

That's him there.

Hey, Kurt Weller, FBI.

Sergeant Vasquez, NYPD.

So, he's still pretty messed up.

They're taking him back to surgery.

Hey... you guys taking point on this?

No, I wanna talk to him about another matter.

What else you got on him?

Not much.

We're still waiting on his prints.

Why, you got an ID?

No, not yet.

Call me... when he comes to.

You got it.


He can't die.

We'll search for the rest of the team, Jane.

If he knew you, maybe the others knew you as well.

I hope Reade and Zapata are having better luck.

They're known as the Candymen.


Because of their brightly-colored masks.

They're an international heist crew.

Interpol has a file on them that's like three inches thick.

They've hit jewelry stores all over the States, Paris, Monaco, Dubai, Hong Kong.

The past two years, they've walked away with over $70 million in gems and precious metals.

This three-inch file, does it happen to mention who they are?

No, they're good.

Masks, in and out in under a minute every time.

Until today.

They got overconfident.

That's the picture witnesses paint.

You figure out who this guy is yet?

Kind of.

Prints just came back. Casey Robek.

Racked up quite a police blotter as a juvenile.

South Jersey kid, gets into all sorts of trouble.

When he was 18, a shrink diagnosed him with high intelligence, utter amorality, and inherent v*olence.

So guess who scoops him up.

Someone who figured they could add honor, courage, and commitment to that list.

The SEALs recruited him right out of jail, along with his older brother Travis and their friend Omar, and then they disappear for about ten years.

Not a single entry in their file.

More ghosts.


Until two years ago.

They all get honorably discharged.

Two years ago is exactly when the Candymen started knocking over jewelry stores.

Pretty sure that's not a coincidence.

Now, these guys got black ops written all over them.

What are they gonna do, retire?

No... they're gonna put their skills to work.

All right, we gotta find Travis and Omar.

If Casey might have known Jane, they might have too.

So SEAL recruiters view amorality as an asset?

Yeah, what are you saying?

Jane was a SEAL.

What is your problem with her?

We barely know her, that's my problem.

Look, I'm trusting Weller on this one, and you should, too.

Tell me the last time a victim was invited to join their own FBI investigation.

That's all I'm saying.

You guys familiar with ALPR?

Like the dog food?

No, not...

A-L-P-R... a*t*matic License Plate Recognition.

It tracks feeds from toll booth and road rule enforcement cameras.

It's a mountain of data, so...

I started to look for plates having any connection to do with our known suspects, and I got a hit... late model sedan belonging to one of Casey and Travis's cousins.

According to its normal patterns of behavior, it should be in an office park in North Philly, where the cousin works.

So where is it?

Driving around the outer boroughs of New York City.

Anyone think that's a coincidence?

Good timing.


Did he recognize you?

No, he's still in surgery.

We think one of our suspects is at a mini-mall in Queens.

All right, catch me up on the way.

Should I get one of those?

You've got one. It's there.

It's attached to the car.

Yeah, so are you.

Okay, you two, a number of shops here.

So we're gonna split up, clear 'em one by one.

Jane, radio us if you see him in the parking lot.

Jane, please.

I think I've proven I'm pretty useful in the field, no?

Yeah, you have.

That's exactly why you're here.

So hang back, play safety for us.

Keep an eye on the parking lot.

No, I... I can...


If you wanna discuss the boundaries of your role on this team, that's fine.

But not here, not now.

It's important that someone keeps watch out here.

Thank you.

She has a point.

Seven stores, three of us.

Zapata, far right. Clear that.

Reade, the one next to it on the left.

Clear 'em out one after the other.


Jane, echoing: What were you and Mayfair talking about?


man: There you go, sir. Have a nice day.

Hey, you got prepaid cell phones?

man: Aisle three.

(man speaking foreign language on radio)

Wait, wait, I just... I have a... some questions.


No, stop, wait!

(door slams)


(g*n cocks)


Who are you?

I was hoping you could tell me.





(both grunting)

(g*nsh*t, b*llet ricocheting)


Back alley, fall into position!


Are you okay?

Go, go!

What happened?

He got a jump on me.

You should've called us from the car radio.

No, if I didn't follow him, he would've gotten away.

He did... get away.

(panting) We lost him.

You don't trust me, do you?

You're not making it easy today.

Look, if I had a radio or a g*n...

If you had have stayed in the car, you would've had a radio.

My vantage was awful, I would've missed him.

We'll never know that for sure, will we?

What were you and Mayfair talking about?

Excuse me?

This morning.

You were talking about my case, weren't you?



How are we supposed to work together if you don't trust me?

You don't trust me!

Do you think I told you to stay in that car as punishment?

What would've happened to you today if you got hurt, if I lost you?

The three of us have worked together for years.

We've got a rhythm of how we do things.

You stepping out of line, you disrupt that rhythm.

So you want me to trust you?

Start listening to what I say.

Earn it.

Get in the car... now.

(car doors slamming)


So what was he buying in there?

Antennas, a GPS, wiring, a pocket translator, and pre-paid cell phone.

Sounds like they're gonna run.

Yeah, which means that window is closing.

We can't lose this guy.

He's the only lead we have to figuring out who I am.

We're not the ones who lost him.


I think I got something.

Okay, this one woman came in almost every other day for the past two weeks, trying on different pieces, walking around, but never actually buying anything.

Weller: All right, she was casing the joint.

Patterson: That would be my guess.

Well, any idea who she is?

Well, none of the suspects are on social media because... of course.

But their families are, so I sifted through their accounts, and I found this.

That's her.

Isabella Dechirico.

I am for sure saying that wrong.

Patterson: She's friends with one of Omar's cousins.

She got a sheet?

Petty theft, as*ault.

Uh, did a little time, nothing major.

I don't understand, why don't these guys do their own recon?

Guys like that would stick out like a sore thumb.

Send a well-dressed lady in, the staff will show them everything they have.

Heist crews do stuff like this all the time.

Let's pick her up. Where's she live?

Patterson: Sunset Park.

Oh, but she's probably at work right now.

Il Porto on Washington.


You're staying here.


'Cause we got it.
(keyboard clacking)

Did you find anything in this dot-and-grid pattern yet?


See, some of these dots seem a shade darker.

So, check... check for some patterns like, uh, maybe something in Braille or Morse code.

Oh, hey, uh... uh, we were just...

I thought you were with the team.


They went without me.

I was just trying to help.


Here, um, come with me.

I... I don't think that's what it is.

It's just... all of this is new, and we're just trying to find our footing.

I understand that.

But this is on my body.

I should be out there with them.

Do you know what a tangram is?


It's a... it's a dissection puzzle consisting of flat geometric pieces, known as tans, which are put together to form elaborate shapes.

This team has been one shape for a very long time.

And you're a new piece.

And we're just trying to figure out how you fit into all of this.

But we're gonna find our new shape.

It's just gonna take a second.

Please, I... I can't go back to jail.

I'll do anything.

All right, so tell us everything you know, and we'll see what we can do.

Omar used to come in here on the regular.

His cousin used to work here.

You know, so one day we got to talking about how I done some time, and he offered me ten grand up front.

And all I had to do was case the place.

You know, watch the guards and... figure out where the high-value merchandise was, and that's it.

Can we talk to the cousin?

No, she moved back to Brazil.

Where's the rest of his crew?

I have no idea. I don't know.


Really, I don't know!

I thought you said you didn't wanna go back to jail.

Omar has a boat.

He said he'd take me out on it sometime.

He lives on it, I think, in Manhattan.

Manhattan has three marinas.

North Cove, Surfside 3/Chelsea Piers, and the 79th Street Boat Basin.

None of 'em have a boat moored there registered in Omar's name.

Could be using an alias.

I've alerted the Coast Guard, told 'em to check out anyone heading towards international waters.

And I've looped in NYPD, they're gonna help us raid all three marinas at once.

(phone ringing)

Nice work.


It's Vasquez.

Our mutual friend is out of surgery and awake.

Thought you might wanna know.

We'll be right over. Casey's conscious.

We gotta get over there and see if he recognizes me.

You two, raid the marina, report back to me.

I'll take Jane to the hospital.



I'd like to respectfully suggest that I take Jane to the hospital, and you run the marina raid.


Feels like you're a little close to this one.

I'm fine.

You're not.

Not when it comes to Jane.

You're wrong.

All due respect, I don't think I am.

Search the marina, report back to me.


That's an order.

(computer pings)

Oh, we got one!

We got a hit off the database?

That's amazing! What? Where?



See right above Jane's right elbow.


That's an FBI case file.

Call it up.

I tried. Insufficient clearance.

Okay, uh, let me take a look.

(keyboard clacking)

I need a hard copy of this file right away.


(keyboard clacking)

I got a hit off the new tattoo database.

What did it come up with?

An FBI file number.

I don't know how I didn't catch it before.

It's heavily redacted, but it appears to have something to do with Saul Guerrero, leader of the Nuestra Sangre g*ng.

You're listed as the case officer.

Do you remember this file?

I'll take a look.

(sternly) Later.

Oh, okay. Just... all right.

Just let me know, and we'll... got it.


(knocking on door)

Doc, it's okay if we come in?

Yeah, sure. He's still pretty fragile, in and out of consciousness.

Can we talk to him?

Well, he's intubated.

But when he's awake, he can communicate non-verbally.

You might wanna take a seat, it could be a while.


(door closes)

(machines pumping, beeping)

If I would've had a g*n earlier, I...

I'm not gonna give you a g*n, Jane.

What more do I have to do to prove that...

You can start by telling me what the bearded man said to you last night.

And you can stop withholding information about my case.

He said, "Don't trust them."

Don't trust who?

I don't know.

I've been trying to figure it out all day.

You think he was talking about us?

I don't know.

What were you and Mayfair talking about earlier?

I told you.

It was another case.

(g*nshots, people screaming)

(gasps) What is that?

(crowd shouting)

Where is he?

They moved him to another hospital.



(crowd screaming)

We're here for Casey Robek!

No one be a hero. This will be over soon.

(screaming continues)

No signal.

And that's dead.

So that's what Travis was doing.

Buying components to build a jammer.

A jammer?

It disrupts cell signals.

He's cut the main line, so we can't call for backup.

We're on our own.



Four men just stepped off an elevator and shot a cop!

I tried the phones, but they're dead.

All right, I want you to grab everyone you can and put 'em into rooms and secure the doors.

All right?

These guys aren't here for a m*ssacre.

They're here for one thing only.

That's him.

Room 606.

(kicks in door)


Spread out and search the floor.

This was a bad idea.

I'm just not gonna let him rot in jail!

We don't have enough time to search this place room by room.

Eventually, the cavalry's gonna come.

This isn't a vote!

(bed clattering)

All right. Here you go.

I'm gonna head back out there.


You should stay here in case Casey wakes up.

I'll draw 'em away.

What are you doing?

You're right, you need a g*n.

What about you?

Don't worry about me.

I'll get another one.

(doors open)

(both grunting)

(both struggling)

(blow lands)



What was in those?

I have no idea.


No, no. Easy, easy.

You just had surgery, okay?

You need that to breathe.

Casey, listen.

Do you recognize me?

Well, how did we know each...

We got company!

(expl*si*n, high-pitched ringing)

(muffled g*nf*re)








I wanna know where you know me from.

(distant machine g*n fire)

(whispers) Weller.


(empty chamber clicking)

Easy, easy, easy.

Where is he?

(g*n dropping)

Suit yourself.

(machine g*n fire)

Jane: You okay?

I've been better. You?

I took out Omar.

Yeah, I took one out somewhere around here.

Okay, who's left?

The brother.

We should fall back, protect Casey.


911 has reports of sh*ts fired at St. Joseph's Hospital.


Call Reade and Zapata, tell them to meet me at St. Joseph's.

Come on, move!

Your friend's in bad shape.

He needs to stay in the hospital.

He's my brother and I'm getting him out of here!

In, now!

(b*ll*ts ricocheting)

Stairs are this way. Come with me.

Give me your jacket.

Come on, jacket!

Listen, your brother needs intensive medical care that you cannot provide.

If you take him out of here, he will die.

That's why you're coming with us.


You keep him alive, I keep you alive.


(crowd chattering)

sh*ts fired in the ICU.

And we still haven't got hold of Weller.

No, they seem to be using jammers.

That's why we can't get through to his cell.

How far out is ESU?

Ten minutes... we should go in now.

No, we can't go in blind.

We wait for ESU.

(police radio chatter, distant sirens)

You try to run or draw attention to us in any way, you're the first one that gets dropped, are we clear?

(overlapping chatter)

There... ambulance.



Back inside.

Get back here!

Weller: FBI!

Put your hands up and get down on your knees!

Don't do it.

Put your hands up and get down on your knees!

I will sh**t you.

(fighting tears) I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have got you back into this thing.

I just...

I'm sorry.



Casey... Casey, stay with me!

We need a doctor!

Casey: Travis...

Where's Travis? Is he okay?

I... I don't know.

He came back.

He came back for me.

Jane: Casey, Casey, look at me.

Hey, look at me.

We need a doctor! Now!

You recognized me earlier, didn't you?

Is he dead?

Casey, where do you know me from?

You don't remember, huh?


No. Who am I, Casey?


Wh-What? What?

I ca... What did you say?


(whispering) Orion.


He's gone.

I'm sorry, Jane.


(Mayfair, echoing)

You okay?

(Weller, echoing)

We're fine.

Mayfair: I want you both checked out.

Come on, let's coordinate with NYPD.

I really am sorry, Jane.


Every time we get close to something real, it just slips through my fingers.

We have a theory... about who you might be.

And we wanted to wait for DNA results before we told you.


When I was ten... my next-door neighbor went missing.

She was never found.

Her name was Taylor Shaw.


You're the same age.

You have the same eyes.

The same scar on your neck.

And my name... tattooed on your back.

You think I'm Taylor?

You can trust me, Jane.

I've been looking for you my whole life.


"Orion" is all that he said?

Yeah, that's right.

Mayfair: Any ideas?

It's a name, it's a constellation, it's a city, it's a myth.

It is insanely vague.

And you're sure that he recognized her?

He certainly seemed to, but he was out of it.

So Orion could mean nothing.

Are we any further on Jane's attacker?

No, that's starting to look like a dead end.

Just once I would like to know something for certain about this case.

I know one thing for certain.

Jane is an incredible asset.

So we need to come to some sort of understanding about her role with us.

'Cause making those decisions on the fly has been less than successful.

(faint office chatter)

Am I in trouble?

Rough day.

Can't imagine what it must be like for you.

I want to thank you for your assistance with these cases so far.

But, moving forward, I think we need to reevaluate your role.


These tattoos are leading us to increasingly dangerous places.

I can handle myself.

We think it would be better...

I can't believe you're doing this.

...if you were armed.

You'll need to pass field certifications, of course.

But, from what I hear, it won't be a problem.


I'm on the team?

Special Agents Weller, Zapata, and Reade insisted.

We still don't understand what's happening to you, but... we think you need to be part of figuring it out.

I don't know what to say.

They trust you.

So, I trust you.

(office chatter)

Thank you.

Of course.

I have so many questions about Taylor.

Hey, so sorry.

Can I steal you for just a second?

What's up?

Oh, uh, you know.

The... the thing that... that we...

Yeah, I told her.

The results for like...


Okay, so...

Weller: Come here.

We had your DNA tested to see if it matched Taylor's.

You have the results?


Uh... are you sure that we should...

I don't know what the rules are for this type of...

It's fine.

Tell us.

They're a match.

I ran it three times with three different samples.

You are Taylor Shaw.


(silverware clinking)

You know, we really shouldn't be meeting like this.

We agreed to keep a healthy distance.

I thought it was important.

Did you look over the file?

(chuckles) Yes.

Your Jane Doe is definitely troubling.

I'm growing increasingly certain that the people who did this to Jane know about Daylight.

Well, if you're really that convinced, then why is she still alive?

I didn't hear that.

Look, if the girl knows about Daylight, she needs to disappear.

You don't get it.

She doesn't know anything.

It's the people who did this to her, created this insane treasure map... they're the ones I'm worried about.

Do we have any idea who they are?

Not yet.

Then we need to take out the liability we do know.


See, I've always been a "better safe than sorry" guy myself.

The tattoos are already in the system.

k*lling her won't undo that.

It'll only make it worse, draw more attention to it.

I'm managing the situation.

I just thought you needed to know.

You thought right.

If that girl has information about Daylight on her body, then we are in very serious trouble.

There's only four people in the world knew about that operation, and one of them is already dead.

Don't manage the situation.

Make it go away.

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