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05x13 - Family Portrait

Posted: 10/05/15 02:46
by bunniefuu
Last time on Lost Girl...

You're messing with someone's life.

She wanted this more than anything in the world.

I took the antidote. I'm not Fae anymore.

We're over.

We are capable of many things, but love...

Remember, with great power comes great respo...

Okay, Voltaire!

Never forget.

Hades' evil comes in many forms.

In lore, the horseshoe symbolizes protection.

It wards off evil and brings good luck.

A w*apon.

Forged by the gods.

Just for me.

And this is what I get.

It's not that bad.


You can punch with it.

You can... scratch your back.

You can throw it.

Uh, no.

Think fast...

(glass breaking)

Of course.


Ever since I took down Freyja, I've been starving.

Seriously, what am I supposed to do with this.

The last thing I need is another freakin' mystery in my life.

Didn't Trick say you need it for protection.

From what?

The obvious.


If the king of the underworld ever becomes a problem I'm gonna need something a lot sharper than a horseshoe.

Like this?

Stole it from Zee and Hera.

The Amethusto dagger.

The cut your daddy out of your life dagger.

Whoa, Tamsin, wait.

The longer we wait, the stronger he gets.

It's only a matter of time before Jack makes his move.

Yeah, and your only operation experience is the board game.

Fine. If you wanna call your emotionally unstable ex.

Even after we...

All our lives, all we're told over and over again is the importance of family.

Like it or not, he's mine.


Or... Are your family the ones who've been there for you all along?

Always the same.

Two of the greens.

One of the blues.

Don't talk to her.

Don't look at her.

And whatever you do, don't touch her.

It's time for your meds...



Swallow that.

You don't want to do that.

(alarm sounding)

Why didn't you tell me?

I saw Taft k*ll her.

She died saving me. And you knew she was alive?

Please sit down and we can talk about this.

I saw her.

What, where?

When you were on the Wanderer's train, Aife was sane.

And even though her memory of you had been wiped, deep down she knew she had a daughter.

She came looking for you.

What happened?

Once she regained her memory, she...

She went crazy again.

I remind her of the darkest period in her life.

Why wouldn't I make her crazy?

Trick: She was in a Fae institution for the mentally ill.

She escaped last night.

Where are you going?

To find my mom, make sure she's safe.


One of us needs to care.

Bo: Not only Trick.

You, Kenzi.

You all knew she was alive.

I wanted to tell you. It wasn't my call to make.

Yeah well, lying by omission got old a long time ago.

After the train, you were suffering from memory loss.


And the longer we waited, the harder it became.

Oh, well, I'm sorry it was so hard on you.

Bo. I admit, we made the wrong choice.

But we made it because we love you.

That's what family does.

I can't imagine how awful it must have been.

If I were her, I would've escaped too.

Take a look around, you won't find much.

Mind if we question her?

Be my guest.

But Estelle hasn't talked in 300 years.

What happened?

Her family was m*rder*d, she shut down to survive.

Estelle? I'm looking for my mother.

And I need your help.

I hope you don't mind...


I'm Bo.

I recognize you.


Tell me something.

If the thought of me drove my mother crazy, why did she keep me above her bed?

I don't know.

Do you know why she escaped?

The doctors talk, I hear them.

They said she was doing well.

They were going to release her.

Why didn't they?

One day... something happened.

I could see it in her eyes.

You can tell everything form a person's eyes.

The window to the soul.

You have beautiful eyes, Estelle.

Do you know what triggered the change?

Whatever it was, it was frightening.

As if everything that was once wrong came rushing back.

All... at... once.


Thank you, for your help.

Something triggered Aife, we need to find out what.

Miss, we're gonna need access to all of Aife's records.

I'll send you everything we have right away.

(phone ringing)


Lauren: I called as soon as I saw.

I don't even know how long it's been.

Or how many times he escaped without us knowing.

Oh, he left me a note thanking me for my hospitality, and this.

A portrait?

So now my father's an artist?

He's insane.

First Aife escapes, now Jack.

What if he had something to do with it?

We have to find him.

If he wants a dark army, his first stop might be the backdoor to hell.

The Cinvat. I'll go make sure he doesn't try to reopen it.

You stay here in case he comes back?

Lauren: What about you?

I'm gonna check the only residence fit for an Ancient.

My god you're gorgeous.


Of course you are, you take after me... mostly.

Let's go. Now.


You're just in time for dinner.

I'm preparing her favourite.

What the hell is going on here?

Hard to believe, I know.

Oh, Bo. Aren't you happy?

Your mom and dad are back together.

Any special request, darling?

I know you've always loved Bach.

I don't want music.

I want to know what my mother, who I thought was dead, is doing here with the man who tortured her and kept her in a cage.

Noted, noted, and noted. But I was asking your mother.

Aife, baby, requests?

Bach sounds delightful.

As long as it's followed by Sir-Mix-A-Lot.

Mama love her Baby Got Back, and I know Bo does too.

Come on, we gotta get you out of here.

Will you relax? I want to be here.

What did you do to her?

Care to explain to her what I've done to you?

Yes. He's kindly made me dinner.

Oh, and since you're here, you should join us.

A family that eats together stays together.

Yeah. Well. We've never been 'together', so that's pretty much null and void.

You know, the last time you and I spoke, we agreed to stay clear of one another.

I don't recall inviting you, Bo.

Too bad, I crash.

And I'm not leaving until you free her.

She's free to go when she wishes.

Holding her against her will sounds more like your grandfather.

You leave Trick out of this.

Jack saved me from the Dark Dungeons.

Told you.

Just like he's saving me now.

From what exactly?

The institution.

Yes. Trick knew you were in there...


Honey, your grandfather is the one that had me committed.

Dinner is served.

I don't know how I didn't notice Jack escaping from the cell.

Tamsin if anything happens...

It's okay, you're only human, you couldn't have done anything anyway.

Yes, I'm a human.

We all get it. Thank you.

Still recovering from your god swap with Zee?

Oh, what's to recover from, the guilt?

Humiliation of almost getting myself k*lled?

No big deal.

It all worked out in the end.

Sort of.


Nothing. I don't want to get into this with you.

You've already started. You may as well finish.

Did she say anything to you?

No, about your breakup? No. No.

Okay, I just don't want Bo to feel alone right now.

Not with everything that's going on.

Did you have the chance to spend any time with her?

No... no, not really.

Tamsin, you're molting.

Don't worry about that.

Too late.

Why is your hair falling out?

I don't know.

Well... has anything like this happened before?

Uh... In past lives, when I was about to die.

It would fall out when I doubted.

As a sign I was about to expire...

You're dying?

Yeah. Yeah, with no legacy, not a big deal.

But you're just a young Valkyrie.

I know but maybe every time I doubted Freyja and Acacia, I wore myself thin.

No, you know what? There's no need to self diagnose, I'll do a full work up.

Oh yeah! 'Cause that's how I want to spend my last few precious moments.

In this clinic. With you.

Have you eaten anything unusual in the last 24 hours?

Ummm. Cheezies from Bo's vending machine.

Ugh! They've there for years.

I know.

What about new products? Any beauty creams? Night masks?

I don't night mask.

Right, of course.

You just wake up like that, naturally flawless.

In terms of your sexual history, anything recent...

Um... you know what, I really think it's this new shampoo I'm using.

I'm gonna get a drink. At the Dal.

Good. Yeah. I'll come with you, It will give us a chance to go over more symptoms.


Sea urchin.

Used as model organisms in developmental biology since the 1800s.

Artificial spawning.

Feels like the ocean just spawned in my mouth.


Bo, you have to try.

I'm good.

Jack: Saving your appetite for the main course?

You'll be glad you did.

Christian, Victoria.

I'm not hungry.

It's not polite to look a gift horse in the mouth.

You're nobody's gift.

You're free to go.

We serve Jack because we want to.

It's an honour.

Aren't you grateful?

More for Mommy.

That's enough.

(feeding continues)

Mom! You're going to k*ll her.

Great, great.

(satisfied sigh)

Jack: Important question.

Have I ever lied to you?

Maybe, maybe not, I do know you've been creative.

Creative. Hm. How so?

You left your cell without telling me.

I thought we agreed I was gonna give you a little space.

And you said so yourself... that box couldn't hold me.

Bo, has he lied to you about anything that truly matters.

The past.

Think about it.

Not that I know of, no.

Can you say the same about Trick?

It's time we told her the truth.


Where do I start?

The beginning.

Aife: The Great w*r.

My father, your grandfather, wrote a truce in his blood between the Light and the Dark.

And me, always the rebel, I refused to choose.

Like mother, like daughter.

My mother, Isabeau, died during that w*r.

And I avenged her death by k*lling a Dark Fae elder, I went to Trick for protection.

But to maintain order, he gave me over to the Dark for execution.

And instead of k*lling me, they kept me as their prisoner.

They did terrible things to your mother.


But then Trick found out you were alive, and he tried to save you.

Oh no, he didn't, and I lost my mind.

Quite literally, Bo, I went mad.

And then Jack found me, and he saved me.

You mean he took advantage of you.

No. No, he loved me and I loved him.


You were born of love.

I was in Tartarus, I saw that he kept you in a cage.

And I'm glad he did. That was to protect you from me.

I had PTSD and in my darker times, I threatened to k*ll you.

A consequence of being kept in the dark.

We never wanted to send you away.

But Jack thought it was for the best.

With me unwell, and your father bound to Tartarus...

Trick found you first.

And all he did was feed you lies.

So did you, the first time that we met.

You called yourself unaligned, but you were clearly with the light.

I didn't know if I could open up to you, it wasn't easy for me.

Bo. Your mother understands struggle.

I understand struggle.

And like you: we crave justice.

It is time for us to rise, together, as a family.

Don't bother scheduling a family portrait.

Bo, you deserve to know the truth!


I need to go, I need to think.

Consider one thing... perhaps, all this time, you've chosen the wrong side of the family.
♪ ♪


(car door opening)

What are you doing?

What are you doing? You are off your game, young lady.

What game?

We're sending your father back where he belongs.


I wanna be your hell bride red?

Or... belle of the underworld ball black?

How about a pair of sweat pants so you can relax and tell me why you're playing dress up?

Seduction takes the perfect outfit.

And tonight is the ultimate conquest.

Mother and daughter, working together.

So everything you said at dinner was a lie?

No. It was all true.

I loved your father.

He was he ultimate bad boy.

Handsome. Charming. A cunning linguist.

Then why do you want to send him back to hell?

'Cause I thought there was some good in him.

Deep down...

I was wrong.

What did he do to you?

See, that's the thing, it wasn't me.

It was all about you.

Oh, Mom.


Oh, come on, Bo.

Haven't you ever fallen for the wrong guy?




I didn't know who else to call.

How is she?

Well, he went from eating his sea urchin to wanting to destroy him.

So up and down, I'd say.

How are you?


Dyson, tell me, would this outfit work to seduce you?

Wait, wouldn't be the first time, would it?


What's your plan, Aife?

Ask Bo.

She came up with it.

Mom, what are you talking about?


Don't mess with me.

I'm not.

Just... stop. Okay?

Mom, whatever you are planning, it's dangerous.

You're going to get yourself k*lled.

But we... we came up with the plan together.

What are you talking about?

When you came to see me!


At the institution.

I didn't even know you were in there.

Yes, yes you did. Yes you did!

Because Trick told you I was doing better, so then you came to me.

And then... and then you told me your plan!

Mom, I never visited you.

Stop saying that!


Stop, stop, stop!

You... you tricked me. This was his plan, you've joined him.

You're on his side!

Oh no. This is happening, this is all happening.

And... it's what he wanted.

No, Mom... listen.

This isn't real, you're not real!

Mom, what are you doing?

What I should have done a long time ago.

It's true, I do make you crazy.



How's your beer?

It's beer.

Mine's quite hoppy, actually.

I'd guess about 50 IBUs, which is my max.

Is nothing sacred?


Don't do that!

It's cold, it's refreshing, it's not... science.

I don't think everything is science.

Name one thing.

Well, my relationships, for one thing.

Although, I do believe in chemistry.

Even though we had our differences, that was... that was one area that was no problem with Bo.

This is totally weird talking to you about this, isn't it?

Mm, just a little, yeah.

If you must...

Can you be honest with me?


Do you think I made a mistake?

I wanted to be Fae for us, so that we could be together forever.

Is that... is that so wrong?

No. I get it.

I made a really bad deal for seven extra lives.

Thanks. For being real.

That's the one thing I know I can always count on you for.

We slept together the night you broke up.

I feel guilty for not telling you.

Which is crazy, because I normally don't care what you think.

But if I'm dying, I'd like to do it with a clear conscience.

And I think the guilt's making me lose my hair.

I don't care.

Yeah, I didn't think you would.

No, I mean about you and...

I don't have the right or the desire to control her actions.

She's free to do as she pleases.

The high road.

Can't you just punch me in the face like a normal person?

When I have I ever been normal?

Speaking of Bo, has she texted yet?

Nope. Thought she'd be here by now.

You kept me in the dark.

I found Aife.

Is she okay?

I had to put her back in the institution because what you did broke her.

I'm sorry you had to go through that.

I know why you didn't tell me what happened.

Because you're guilty.

You are not a good father.

You're right, I'm not.

But I tried the best I knew how.

The best you knew how?

When Aife was a problem to your rules, you put her in the Dark Dungeons.

You drove her crazy.

And when she needed you, more than anything, you locked her in an institution.

Because that's how you solve problems, you lock them away.

And the worst part of all this?

You kept my mother from me.

Do you want to drive me crazy too?!

Of course not.

Bo, please.

Keeping me in the dark does not protect me, it makes me want to scream.

I don't know who to believe, I don't know what to believe.

Jack told me that he saved her from the Dark Dungeons, that he tried to save her from insanity.

He did not save her from her illness, he took advantage of it!

That's what you wanted me to believe.

Think, Bo!

Her strength and powers, combined with my blood.

The perfect, fertile ground what he wanted to create.


There was no saving, only the intention to create and use.

You want to talk about using?

You used Aife to make a point of your rules.

You're not better than him.

I'm not perfect, I've destroyed lives.

Cursed noble warriors.

Torn families apart.

Including my very own.

And if I had told you all that when I met you, you never would have let me into your life.

You're right and I wish I never had.

When someone recounts the past it becomes a narrative, a story.

I have mine, your mother has hers and he has his.

And now you, Bo Dennis, need yours.

And for it to be true, you need to draw your own conclusions, find your own truth.

These are Aife's files from the institution and everything that I've had from her past.

Medical records, tapes, it's all in here.

It's time. Nothing is kept from you anymore.

I'm sorry.

Tamsin: What's all this?

Answers, I hope.

You wanna help?

(projector rolling)

There's evil inside her.

I should have k*lled her when I had the chance.

You have to let me out, I have to k*ll her.

I have to k*ll Bo.


She didn't mean it, Bo, she's not well.

I know.



He didn't just let her rot...

Looks like he took care of her.

And her response is positive.


There's another visitor.

I thought you said that you didn't know she was there.

I didn't.

Is it possible someone wiped your memory?

No, I think that I would remember visiting my own mother!

Who could have orchestrated this?

Zee said that Jack's evil takes many forms.

She didn't say what they were.

Jack wasn't just escaping from his cell.

No, he was impersonating me.

Dyson, it's Bo.

We need to get Jack now.

I'll fill you in on the way.

That's why Aife thought we made a plan together.

She's not crazy, she was tricked.

We need to get him.

Yeah. Before he does this to somebody else.

Tamsin, let's go.

The other night.

You uh... you were with me.


The night you and Lauren broke up.

Oh, Tamsin.


Tamsin, he is not gonna get away with this.

Please don't touch me.

Do you want to talk about it?

I'm gonna k*ll him.

I'm gonna rip him into a million pieces and I'm gonna feed him to dogs.

(Jack cackling)

Impressive entrance, I like the formation.

You done?

Not even close.

That wasn't very nice.

And they all... fall...



Are you regretting it?

You said you would, right before we...

Don't you dare. Don't you even look at her, you pathetic worthless coward.

Not a fan of my old trick, I see?

I learned it from my brother Zeus.

He impersonated Amphitryon to sleep with Alkmene.

The catch...

I can only impersonate those I share blood with.

Speaking of blood.

No! No. We need to get him to Lauren.

And I'm not leaving you here alone. Let's go.

We aren't finished!

Tamsin: Come on.


See you soon.

How's he doing?

I've staunched the bleeding, he'll be fine.

I'm more worried about you, Tamsin.

I'll live.

I think.

What is happening to you?

I don't know.

Bo, what are you doing?

I don't want to be part of that ever again.


Bo, he's weak!

Let her.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

Lauren: Did it work?

It better have.

Now we k*ll him.

No, I need to see Trick.

I made a terrible mistake, I have to talk to him.

We're coming with you.

No, this is between us.

Stay together, no one travels alone.



Not without you, we have to hurry.

Quick, before he comes.

It's over, he won.

Since when do you give up?

You're a fighter, you've always been a fighter.

My little fighter.

And you've always hated that about me.

I failed you.

You saved her, you saved Bo.

One day, she will know.

But... she has to find out for herself.



What a pleasure.

I'm taking my daughter home.

This ends tonight.

Yes it does.

Trick, you were right.

(projector rolling)

Alone... all alone...

There's so much noise...

Daddy, please don't leave. Daddy.

Please don't leave me alone.

Daddy, please don't leave me.

Dyson, Aife's wasn't at the institution.

I'm checking the penthouse.

(classical music blaring)


This is my fault.

I brought him here, I let him in.

I'm gonna go get help.

Stay with me.


I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Granddaughter. My granddaughter.

Always remember, you are my blood too.


There's one more test I wanna run.

I don't see anything.

Can we stop?

Not yet, just a few more seconds.

(heartbeat sounding quietly)

Is that...?

It's a heartbeat.



Where is he?

We have to get out of here.

Bo, come on.

