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01x02 - America

Posted: 10/05/15 02:23
by bunniefuu
Alex: My name is Alex Parrish. Protecting our country had always been my dream, but my life took a very drastic turn.

You're the closest survivor we've found to the blast site.

But I don't remember anything.

You might remember more than you think.

It all started nine months ago... on my way to the FBI Academy.

Ryan Booth.

We had sex in your car six hours ago.

They wanted the best.

Your father.

He's a hard man to find.

I can ask, or you can just tell me.

I didn't tell the whole truth in my interview yesterday.

My mother didn't sh**t my father. I did.

This is my father.

Who was he?

When I volunteer to go undercover, I don't expect the Academy.

Just stay close to her, okay?

Tell me what she does, what she says.

Alex: You think one of these people is a t*rror1st?

We're pretty sure they already were a t*rror1st when they got to Quantico.

And we checked your g*n.

It was fired recently at your apartment.

Man: Agent Booth?

I never thought before I'd save our country, I'd have to save myself.

Miranda! What are you doing here?

Miranda: I'm gonna get you out of here.

Hold on! Run!

I need to find the truth.

Run! Run!

[sirens wailing]


Man: Name?

Alex Parrish.

Why do you want to be in the FBI Academy?


'Cause I learned from an early age that things aren't as they seem.

Because I want to make sure that what happened to my mom and dad never happens to anybody else.

Because I can only do so much as a cop.

You guys like cops, right?

'Cause I'm grateful... for the peace, safety, and stability this country offered to my family.


That's her.

Liam: She's your mark.

Because I believe in this country and what it stands for.

And I want to protect it at all costs.

[Cat Power's "Ruin" plays]

♪ I've seen gypsies who made it all the way ♪
♪ And kept going ♪
♪ Kept rolling with nowhere to go ♪

It's okay.

I'm done.

♪ Nowhere to go ♪

Liam: Get her trust back.

[laughs] I'm trying.

But ever since I interrogated her for your class, she's been cold.

I pushed her too hard.

♪ Some little, bitty island in the middle of the Pacific ♪


She'll come around.

♪ All the way back home ♪

Keep trying.

♪ To my town ♪


♪ To my town ♪
♪ What are we doing? ♪


Odd means me this morning.

We switch at lunch?


♪ What are we doing? ♪

Hey, I figured you might be missing home, so I got some orange flower water to make a kahweh baida.

Later today?

Having trouble, Trainee Amin?

You did better yesterday.

Numbers should go up, not down.

Simon is distracting me again.





♪ Some little, bitty island in the middle of the Pacific ♪

All right, you got 30 seconds. Let's get those g*ns built.

♪ All the way back home to my town ♪

You've got a shadow.

♪ To my town ♪

All day, every day.

It's because you're best.

Second best.

It's like you've done this before.


Oh, right, yeah.

Hey, Parrish.

Forgot the extractor.

♪ What are we doing? ♪
♪ We're sitting on a ruin ♪
♪ What are we doing? ♪

Looks like it's a tie, huh?

Not anymore.

♪ We're sitting on a ruin ♪

How are you guys not exhausted?

It's like we had the Olympics in the morning, and then we have to pass the bar every afternoon.

Or if you have any energy left...

I'm trying to stay focused.

Missing your Golden Boy.


No, absolutely not.

I have actually loved the quiet since Caleb got booted.


And there's a no hook-up rule between NATs.

Need I remind you guys?

I mean, technically Alex broke that, but...

Hey, that was a one-time thing, and I didn't even know who he was when it happened.

I still don't.

I used to have better instincts, you know?

It seems your shadow found a new Peter Pan.

She can have him.

Whoever he is.

Liam: Oklahoma City.

September 11th.

The Boston Marathon.

Now, while these tragic att*cks may be the reason you think you are here, you are actually here because of Los Angeles in 2000, Detroit in '06, and Chicago in 2014.

att*cks the FBI stopped.

That is correct, Trainee Parrish.

The Bureau's job is not to clean up tragedies.

It's to prevent them from happening in the first place.

And in order for you to do that, you'll need help.

Meet the analysts.

The analysts are working at H.Q. to help bridge the gap between what you find and what it means.

These 12 are here training just like you.

They'll be working with you for the next few weeks.

The agent-analyst relationship is integral, so I urge you to get to know one another.

Some of you may already know each other.

Mr. Haas, welcome back.

It's good to be back, sir.

Now on to the exercise... learning how to identify and stop an attack before it happens.

How do we begin to figure out when and where an attack may occur?

We... find... evidence.

Now, each site you see here is where a different real-life t*rror1st plot was hatched.

Each site has been meticulously reconstructed with everything that was present when the FBI raided them.

In each case, the att*cks planned in these very rooms were foiled.

As agents, you're going to need to be able to study scenes like this and separate evidence which is meaningful from that which is meaningless.

So, divide yourself into three teams, and each team pick one room.

There are clues in each, which point to credible threats... threats that will come to fruition in six hours if you can't find out what they are and stop them.

We've given you the haystacks.

Let's see if you can find the needles.


[sirens wail]

This was just found two blocks away under a car.

She can't have gone far.

We radioed checkpoints at every bridge, tunnel, and pier to keep an eye out, but I doubt she'll make it more than a few blocks.

I want a status report right now.

Man: Sixth Avenue, no sign of Parrish.

Man #2: 40th Street is clear, sir.

Woman: Fifth is also clear.

Man: We're taking agent Shaw into custody.

All agents be advised... proceed with caution.

Suspect is armed, desperate, extremely dangerous, and highly trained.

I want her alive. If possible.

Alex: Really, Liam?

If possible?

Alex, where are you?

You think I'd tell you that?

Look, come back in. We can help you.

Like you were helping me by sending me to jail, huh?

Look, if you didn't want to go to jail, you should have thought about that before you detonated that b*mb.

How could you even think I did that, Liam?

You know me. You know me better than anyone.

Man: All agents switch channels.

No more walkies. She burned them.

I thought I knew you until we raided your apartment and found an agent bleeding out on your floor surrounded by plastic expl*sives.

When I left my apartment at 5:00 this morning, it was empty.

Someone had to have broken in after I left, someone who shot Ryan.

And instead of looking for that person, you're after me?

You better pray Agent Booth corroborates your story when he gets out of surgery 'cause if he doesn't, I am putting your face all over the news.

You won't last a day in the wind.

A day is all I need.

Triangulate the signal and find her.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna find the needle.

Liam: Remember, NATs, you have two hours to find evidence in your rooms of potential t*rror1st threat.

♪ Mirrors on the ceiling ♪
♪ Cameras on the corners of my bed ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ I barely know you, but I'm feeling ♪
♪ Like you really did something to my head ♪

You can talk to me outside of class, you know.

This isn't high school.

What's on your mind?

Have you found anything on my father yet?

I mean, was he even in the FBI?

I told you I'd let you know if I found something.

And I will.

♪ And I'll be all right ♪

Team's looking for you.

♪ As long as I feel your body right there ♪
♪ It seems so crystal-clear ♪

A NAT k*lled himself in front of you.

And the FBI just let you back in like nothing happened?

You mean after I saved them from letting a ticking time b*mb into their ranks?

Hell yeah, they let me back in... with commendation.

Yeah, but as an analyst, not a NAT.


That's my choice.

Being an analyst is... it's way cooler.

I get to sit back, I get to put my feet up, scroll through all the #whitehuskies on Instagram while you have to pick through five years of some crazy dude's garbage.

Oh, look at this one. Isn't this one just adorbs?

♪ Right on ♪
♪ Can I be yours, yours? ♪

By the way, you got a tissue stuck to your arm.

Hopefully, that's not a happy tissue.

You know, I would have thought you'd changed after everything, but... you're still the same.

They shouldn't have let you back in.

Hey, if you want to call the Director and complain, I got his number right here.

It's under "Favorites."

Did you know that there was an undercover agent in your class?

Ryan Booth.

Liam: No. Why is he here?

I'm thinking that the Executive Assistant Director sent him down here to spy on me, see how I'm doing running this place.

He never wanted me appointed, but it's hard firing your highest-ranking woman without cause.

Just goes to show you no matter where you are in the Bureau, Assistant Director or Agent Trainee, there is always someone who knows something you don't.

It's a good time to ask what you're doing with those twins.


How to keep secrets from the people you're supposed to trust the most.

You know, you really should teach that here.

You learn pretty quick once you're out.

The needs of the Bureau...


Funny, they never finish that sentence, but we somehow always know what they mean.

See ya.

I hear you're having performance issues.

I'm not. Are you, Nimah?

Of course not.

No one's gonna believe you're the same person unless you match.

Which means you have to act and perform the same.

If one of you can only do 10 pull-ups, the other one can't be seen doing 12.

So if Raina likes to hang out with Simon Asher, I have to do the same?

He pulls my focus, always talking about nothing, about coffee. I don't even like coffee.

Raina: I like him.

He reminds me of people back home.

He never distracts me.

Trainees Amin. Raina.

You're the first experiment of your kind in Bureau history.

Please don't screw it up.

Stay away from Simon.

And all of the other NATs.

The assignment waiting for you at the end of your training cannot happen if your cover is blown.

Are we clear?

Are we clear?

I know how important this is for you.

We will match.

[siren wails]

Get out of here.

Did you, a former Assistant Director, disguise yourself, take out two guards, commandeer a prison transport, and help a suspected t*rror1st escape?

You're the one helping the t*rror1st escape by chasing after Agent Parrish.

Miranda, a b*llet from her g*n is in one of our agents!

Her go bag was found two blocks from here.

The access point used to get the b*mb into Grand Central was part of a perimeter detail she personally requested.

Evidence lies!

Especially when it's been put there on purpose.

Alex would never do something like this.

Why do you think she's innocent?

You only ever see the best in people, and it blinds you to who they really are.

Just like it did with your son.

Tell me something, Liam.

When you look at her, what do you see?

The recruit you fell in love with or the t*rror1st who rejected you?

[cellphone rings]

[cellphone beeps]


Vasquez here.

I'm at Parrish's apartment.

Beyond what S.W.A.T. found this morning, we've come up empty.

I think this was a dry run.

How do you mean?

There's no way she could have built a b*mb here to take out a whole block.

I'm sure she has a safe house somewhere.

She's there now.


Okay, look, just, uh, bag and tag everything you have.

Get back to the command post.

We're gonna need all hands on deck to find her.

You're never gonna catch her.

She's too good.

We taught her too well.


Woman: We're closed.

Deliveries only.

I need your help.

Does that security camera record 24 hours?

I need to see what it got between 5:00 and 9:00 A.M. this morning.

[Jacob Banks' "Monster" plays]

♪ They made a monster out of me ♪

Hey, I just want to apologize for this morning.

It's okay.

♪ They did me to the count of three ♪

So many clothes, huh?

For just a mom and her teen daughter, there are so many styles, eras, sizes.

Looks my grandmother's basement in Forest Hills.


Uh, these clothes are all made of synthetic fibers, highly flammable.

You think that's a needle?

Okay, thank you.

All these receipts and ticket stubs are apparently a dead end.

What you got?

E-mails between our hacker and his long-distance girlfriend in Oslo.

They keep planning these vacations everywhere.

They never go anywhere.

Most hackers are lone wolves, so maybe he was just stringing her along.


I still think it's a clue.

You are sitting on evidence.

You're not even supposed to be in here.

The Wi-Fi sucks over there.

So you'd rather disturb a crime scene so you can watch videos of people falling off of water skis without buffering.

Whoa, calm down, Reese Witherspoon.

I'm researching the psychos who cited "Catcher in the Rye" as inspiration to see if their M.O.s match the evidence you found.

You did notice a copy next to that survivalist's glass of pencils?

Alex: Ryan, I think I'm on to something.

She was an elementary-school teacher.

Yes, but what elementary-school teacher can afford first-class tickets and five-star resorts?

Doesn't line up.

Like when a marine from Maryland owns a car registered in his name from California.

Means nothing.

On its own, maybe.

But pair that with that marine being in Manila on tour for months, but yet having somehow managed to get through weeks of FBI tests and interviews, it starts to paint a picture, don't you think?

Do you ever think your trust issues impact your ability to see clearly?

You read my file. What does it say?

Unlike you and these E-mails, I don't believe everything I read.

I still think the girlfriend's in on it, just like I still think I'm right about you.

Yo, Booth.

If she's bothering you, come work with me.

I already got three leads.

She's stuck on one.

Simon, right? Elias.

I thought I'd introduce myself.

There's not a lot of, you know, us around here.



You're Jewish?

[chuckles] No.

Oh. Ah... you meant...

I did.


Yeah. I just... [laughs] just, uh, panicked for a second.

I thought maybe it looked like I was hitting on you.

Uh, didn't till just this second.

[chuckles] You know, it's just... you're the first openly gay Agent Trainee in history.

You know, there's been tons of gay analysts, but never... It's just an honor to meet you.


Yeah, well, um... I'm not here because I'm gay.

And I'm guessing you're not, either, so if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to work, continue showing I have more to offer than just my sexuality.

All right.

Alex: Yes, I was right!

The flight numbers, the hotel rates, the rental-car models... they're code.

They're talking code.

That's correct, Trainee Parrish. Good eye.

Now you got to bring that to your analyst to find out what it means.

I sent everyone home like you asked.

Your suspect lives across the street?


Is that the suspect?

There's someone in that apartment.

No one entered that building after the suspect left.

How did they get in?


Woman: Who's that?

You're bleeding.

Oh, it's nothing.

That's you on the camera.

Okay, it's not what it looks like.

You saw me leave that building.

The real t*rror1st is the one who found a way in after I left.

I wish you hadn't done that.


I just thought I'd sit in and see how things are going.

You know how I love this training.

Make yourself at home.

Would the trainees who found a piece of evidence come down?

The analysts have information for you.

You've made it to the next round.

All right.

Let's see what you got and if there's a threat there.

Simon, uh... if you...

So, you and Simon are friends?

There are no friends here, only competition.

I told everyone he was a virgin.

Now he wants to stay on my good side.

There's such a thing as a gay virgin?

I like making him squirm.

Like with Gaza.


His time there.

With the evidence you collected, the analysts have been using the world's largest criminal database.


To help determine when and where these att*cks might occur.

Sir, I found a location.

Our team's survivalist shack belongs to a rogue member of the E.L.F.

Intel from a K.A. on file points to an assassination attempt on the senator on the Capitol Steps.


Board it.

Well, look at that. You are good at this.

With our evidence, looks like the woman who owned the suburban home is planning on burning down a Planned Parenthood.

Her daughter got an abortion there.

Alex was right.

Our hacker was put on a t*rror1st watch list by the FBI.

He didn't like it.

To get revenge, he and his girlfriend are going to b*mb Independence Hall.


Independence Hall, Capitol Steps, Planned Parenthood.

Oh, nope, nope, nope, nope. Not so fast.

Now you know where.

The question becomes, when?

People who thr*aten this country every day.

Not all of them follow through.

As agents, you have to prioritize.

You can't waste the Bureau's resources.

Which of these threats...

If any.

...are immediate?

You have to decide before it's too late.

And you have five minutes.

Well, clearly, it's Independence Hall.

Historical sites are the most targeted in this country.

Dude, it's the senator.

You're only saying that because it's what you found.

Most people who plan to blow up a building don't go through with it.

Assassins do.

Is nobody gonna bring up Planned Parenthood?

I mean, it's the easiest target. There's no security.

Well, if someone wanted to stop abortions, wouldn't they take down the doctors, not the building?

Yeah, well, no offense, but I didn't work with you on this.

Wait, wait, you guys, I really...

I didn't think I'd say this, but I'm with Shelby.

Assassinations take one person.

It's easy.

It's the senator.


An angry mom.

It could be both.

What if it's none?

None wasn't an option.

Agent O'Connor did say, "Which of these threats, if any."

Yeah, well, he also said that Planned Parenthood was the g*n room, so that's where I'm going.

I'm winning this thing.

Look, shouldn't there be a twist to this or something?

Well, it's not like your intuition hasn't been wrong before.

I may have been off my game since I got here, but not about this.

I have a feeling.

We can't waste time waiting some hunch to kick in.

You have three minutes.

I'm going to the auditorium.

I'm going to the parking-lot capitol.

I'm going to the g*n room!

Booth, you coming?

Uh, Mr. Haas, not so fast.

Mm, analysts stay at their desks.

Oh, right.

Of course.

Got it.


Woman: Help, let me out!


Please let me out. Please!

Hello! Please.

Man: We tracked Parrish's walkie signal.

She's around the corner inside a building.

Let's go.


You should have noticed the hacker's threat was a set up meant to entrap and identify FBI agents who put him on the watch list.

You're all burned. Game over.

What's going on? Did we win?

As with most zealots, this was not an imminent threat.


You picked the wrong one.

[indistinct conversations]

Our survivalist threat was still in the planning stage, apparently.

We tipped him off that we were on to him, and he went underground.

Everyone lost?

Where's Trainee Parrish?

This is it.

All right, all right, check for exits.

Weapons out.

On my mark.

Seal any other exits.

On the ground!

On the ground now!

Get on the ground right now!

Man: It's her walkie.


She planted the walkie on him.

[cellphone rings]

What do you got?

Liam: Bistro on 7th. Right across the...

She's across the street! Let's go, let's go!

What are you doing in our office?

The exercise is over. Everyone failed.

None of the threats today were real.

The only real threat was you.

Go on.

The exercise was built on information provided to us by you.

But information is only worth anything if you trust the source that it came from.

So, I went back to the rooms to see what I hadn't seen before.

You were playing us, and you even left clues in each room to taunt us.

Like... like the cup of pencils in the shack or... or the ticket stubs that Ryan found in the hacker's den.

And in the bedroom...

And you held the key to all of it in your hand the whole time.

Your Kentucky Wildcats.

You used the word "reconstructed" for the rooms, and that was the key.

They weren't real.

Can't just follow orders.

Got to trust your gut.

If a person in authority says, "This is a crime scene," anyone would believe it.

You have to question everything.

You have to look past what you're told to find the truth.

Evidence lies.

Information can be spun.

Your intellect may have got you here, but it will be your instincts that will make you special agents.

This exercise was set up for you to fail.

Use it. Learn from it.

Alex is the first recruit in the years we've run this exercise to figure it out.

Clearly, her instincts are very strong.

Good on you for trusting them.

Alex: Thank you.


[pan clatters]

[both grunting]




Vasquez: Alex!

[pounding on door]

I didn't do it!

Open the door.

I didn't do it, Natalie.

Open the door, Alex!

What the...?

Man: Vasquez, we're street level.

Suspect is on the second floor.

Get up here now.

On our way.


She's in the next building.

Seal the exits. I can fit.

You guys go around.

Don't move!

I said don't move!

Okay, okay, okay!

I'm innocent, Natalie. You have to believe me.

Hands behind your head!

Someone's framing me. Someone... someone we both know.

Man: Vasquez, what's your 20?

Okay, think about it.

If I did it, why would I leave an apartment full of evidence that points to me and let myself get caught at the b*mb site?

Why would I come back here instead of taking the opportunity to run?

Why would I sh**t the man we both love?

Over there! They're on the next building.

[handcuffs click]

Damn it!

[knock on door]

They didn't ask you to choose.

This was all you could get.

[Caleb sighs]

When my parents heard that I got kicked out, they were done.

I was always a screw-up, but, um... now I'm the first Haas to not make agent since hoover.

My sister's the only one who felt bad.

Sh-She called a friend.

An analyst.

So... here I am.

I came to watch everyone else become the agent I grew up wanting to be.

You'll find a way back.


Uh... it doesn't work like that.

This is a one-way ticket.

Hey, did I offend you before?

Well, when you chose your analyst, it wasn't me, and when I tried to help with the group, you shot me down.

I did?

Maybe I'm reading into it.

That's... I... We just met.


I don't even know your last name.

It's Harper.

And now I know your last name.

But I don't know you, so I'm gonna...

How did you get into Gaza?

Nimah said you spent time in Gaza in 2011, but the travel restrictions in that period were so strict, the only way you'd have gotten through is with a Palestinian entry permit, which doesn't exist in your name.

That database they let me play on down there is pretty amazing.

Are you accusing me of something?

God, no.

I'm just an attorney.

You know, I like... poking holes in stuff.

Yeah, you can get into Gaza without a permit.

Yeah, but how do you get out?


I was intrigued before.

You were right. I was hitting on you.

But now I'm... actually interested.

Are you gonna tell me the story, or... do I get to figure it out for myself?


Is now a good time for white coffee?

Yeah. Uh, yeah.

Good luck.


They're fake.

Great. I'll be right back.


[Mikky Ekko's "Comatose" plays]

I'll leave.

Please don't.

♪ I lost my head out in the cold ♪


I have three sisters.

♪ Pins and needles always waiting ♪

We were raised by my mom.

My dad lives in Bethesda, but I never see him because he abandoned us when we were kids.

I grew up in California... Hawthorne, to be exact...

And... while I was married, I...

♪ It feels like waiting ♪

...It ended three years ago.

I just...

I couldn't take my ring off for a while.

♪ Push and pull ♪

And the FBI compacted my interviews into the two days' leave I got.

I'm telling you this now because... you were right about me, just like you were right about the exercise.

♪ Like an open door to an empty room ♪

Just... thought you should know that.

♪ Needing part of you ♪
♪ In another life, we could work it out ♪
♪ But we never speak, so it's hard to ♪


♪ Do we really want to live this way? ♪
♪ And all you really want is me to say ♪
♪ Baby, we can work it out ♪

He's very lucky.

He'll be good as new in no time.

What a tragedy, huh?


They were just filling me in.

Listen, your phone's been ringing off the hook.

Call them back and let them know you're safe.

Thank you.


Man: While numerous t*rror1st organizations have been mentioned as possibly being linked to this attack, at this point, no group has come forward.


I need to be fast.

I don't know how long I can use this phone.

Start talking.

How'd you know I was here?


Well, we may keep secrets, but we still know each other.

Just like I know why you came to my class yesterday.

Oh, yeah?

I got under your skin.


Well, when somebody who knows you for a long time says that you've given up... you start to thinking maybe they're right.


I had a run of bad luck.

I let it get to me.

But not anymore.

I loved being in that room.

I loved it.


The passion, the hope... it reminded me of why I took this job... to produce the best agents the Bureau has ever seen.

And if that means we graduate 10, then we'll know it's the right 10.

And if that Ryan Booth is here to spy on me... then let him report that to the Bureau.

You with me?

The needs of the Bureau.

The needs of the Bureau.

[indistinct conversation]

These people have no idea what you did two years ago.

You saved their lives.

He's up for parole.

He won't get it.

Liam: You gained Alex's trust back. Good.

You'll need it for what's coming next.

[chuckles] And what is that, exactly?

The more you keep me in the dark, the harder it is for me to do the job.

Well, I'll tell you when I'm concerned, okay?

You're not...

Yeah, need to know. Yeah, I get it.

But who is?

I'm starting to think it's just you.

You know what?

This is Chicago all over again.

Hey, hey, hey!

You want to get back to your life, to your family?

You keep asking questions, and that gets further and further off.

You coming?

I want to see if you can keep up.

[sighs] What were you doing in my apartment?

Um, I was here to work the convention.

We hadn't seen each other since...


I wanted to apologize for what I did to you back at Quantico...

And when you got there?

The... the super let me in.

I-I knocked on your door, and somebody opened it.

I-it was too dark to see.

All I remember was the muzzle flash.

Where were you?

I left early for work.

One minute, I'm walking to the subway, and the next, I wake up in the rubble.

I don't even know how I got there.

I must have been drugged.

Who would do something like this to you?

I don't know, but I took evidence from my apartment.

I'm gonna start with that, but I need to act fast.

There's a t*rror1st out there, and no one's even looking for them.

Hey, listen to me.

I can help if you'll let me.


I can keep the FBI off your trail, buy you some time.

But I have to make it look like I think you're guilty.


Their tip was that it was someone from our class.


I'm gonna find them and track them down.

All right.

Hey... when you find them... don't trust anyone.

How are you, Ryan?

Oh, I'm all right.

Take care of yourself.


Agent Booth.


Glad to see you're still with us.

[laughs] Yeah.

Me, too.

Do you have any idea who shot you?

Did you see their face?

[sighs] Yes, I did.

It was Alex Parrish.

Release her name.

I looked into your father.

It's true. He worked with the FBI.

That's all I know now, but I'll have more for you soon.

Thank you.

Miranda: When you applied to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, each of you was asked a question... why do you want to be an FBI agent?

Each of you had an answer, but how many of you were telling the truth?

All right, guys, let's hit the track!

Miranda: People hide things from one another.

They... they lie, they joke, they tell you what they think you want to hear.

Man: Time!

Good job.

♪ Peace and love is a famous generation ♪
♪ I'm a lover, but I'm in it to win ♪

Miranda: Over the next 20 weeks, you will learn to see what people aren't seeing...

You never wear makeup.

We have to match, right?

...not just to the world...

...but to themselves.

Take a good look at the people around you.

♪ Gotta go deal with DaDa for nada ♪

Do you trust them?

♪ 100,000 hits on the Internet ♪
♪ Even if you're legitimate ♪
♪ I want to feel honey now ♪

[knock on door]

♪ Like I got money now ♪
♪ But that don't mean a... ♪
♪ That don't mean a... ♪
♪ Even if you're legitimate ♪

Do you trust yourself?

♪ Na, na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na ♪
♪ Na, na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na ♪

I know why I'm standing here tonight.

I know... I know what I believe in.

♪ Na, na-na... ♪

Why do you want to be an FBI agent?

♪ Na, na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na ♪
♪ Na, na-na, na-na, na-na-na, na-na ♪

I look forward to your answer.

There is now a suspect in the deadly attack on Grand Central Terminal.

We are being told she is an FBI agent by the name of Alex Parrish.

She is 5'9" with dark skin, brown eyes, and brown hair.

Parrish is considered armed and extremely dangerous.

Anyone who thinks they have seen her is asked to contact authorities.

The FBI says they do not know where she is headed or what she may be planning next, but they are warning residents to stay indoors.

We will keep you updated as new information comes in.

Godspeed, and God bless America.