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01x02 - Ante Up

Posted: 10/02/15 03:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Player"...

Johnson: Mr. Kane...
we gamble on crime.

My name is Mr. Johnson.

This is the House.

Cassandra is the Dealer, and I am the Pit Boss.

Rain check. It's Ginny.

Say hi to the wife for me.


Nobody can see your shame.

It's just a tattoo!

I don't like a life without you in it.

[g*n cocks]

Ginny: Alex!

No. No.


Who brought her in?

Some FBI agent signed off on the paperwork.

I'm your Player.

Welcome to the House.

We didn't think we'd see you again.

Maybe I can find the person responsible for Ginny.

And then?

They'll be sorry.

Whoever they are, they'll be sorry.

♪ Go ahead now, pledge allegiance ♪

[engines revving]

♪ To the flag ♪

[tires screeching]

♪ Ay-yi-yi ♪

[tires screeching]

♪ Ay-yi-yi ♪
♪ Ay-yi, ay-yi ♪
♪ Hey ♪

[all groan, cough]

♪ Revolution ♪
♪ Revolution ♪

999. Unit 29 taking fire.

Need backup!

Passing Interstate 27 on Interstate 280.

Need assistance.

Guard: He's on the roof!

[tires screeching]

♪ Let's start in, in the city ♪

He's coming through! We need that backup now!


♪ Ay-yi, ay-yi-yi ♪
♪ Ay-yi ♪
♪ Ay-yi-yi ♪

[sirens wailing]

♪ Ay-yi ♪
♪ Ay-yi-yi, ay-yi ♪
♪ I'm freakin' disillusioned ♪
♪ This is a real revolution ♪

[wailing stops]

Cassandra, time for a new game.

Aww, forever and ever.


[cellphone beeps]

[cellphone beeps]

Webb-Erikson Labs.

Hey, it's me. I'm calling in that favor.

About time, man.

What do you need?

DNA test. You still have your contact in the M.E.'s Office?

Of course.

[cellphone beeps]

Vic's name?

Virginia Lee.

Alex, I had no idea.

It's okay. I'm getting you a comparative sample now.

Why do you need a DNA test?

Like, it's not like she's a Jane Doe.

I know. Look, do me a favor and run this one off-book.

There's a good chance I've got eyes on me.

[elevator bell dings]

You want to tell me where you're taking me?

You don't think we've shown you everything, do you?

I'm giving you the grand tour... all-access pass, full backstage privileges.

Well, that sort of thing usually ends in alcohol poisoning and a nasty STD.

You're in a cheeky mood.

Trust me, it will pass.

Ah. Mr. Kane.

Welcome to the Book, the nerve center of the House.

Please, come in.

This is where we process statistics and data.

Ada is our system A.I. Lovely girl.

Ever so useful in determining potential activity.

You mean criminal activity.

There is a wager on the table... a new bet for the new Player.

Two days ago, an armored security transport en route to the Federal Reserve of San Francisco was att*cked.

It was carrying $700,000 in U.S. currency.

Last month, the same men hit a Pac-Allied truck in Seattle.

Five dead.

A week later, a Stahler security transport in Eugene.

Seven fatalities.

Then a private cruiser.

Out of Stockton. Nine dead.

These guys have been all over the news.

The media has taken to calling them the Carnage Crew... a well-earned moniker, considering this last theft brings their earnings to $6.1 million and their body count to 28.

You would like to find these men?

I would. But hell, they're only mass murderers.

Why don't we make a twisted, little game of it?

Doesn't that sound like fun?

[scoffs] Mr. Kane, you know what they say about idle hands?

Our gamblers comprise some of the wealthiest people on the planet.

They control entire economies.

These are not the kind of hands the world wants idle.

So we provide diversion... games of chance that excite and thrill and entertain.

Twisted that it may be, I assure you, the stakes in our game are hardly little.

So you're saying somewhat higher than Go Fish?

Ada has calculated the odds are 7 to 3 that these men will strike a new target within the next eight hours.

There are a number of variables we can't predict, however... what they're after, who they are.

[computer beeping]

Are you certain they're coming here?

We're certain they're already here.

The bet is simple.

Can you stop these men before they strike again?

Cassandra, as your dealer, is your sole asset.

I suggest you use her.

These men are vicious, exacting.

When they hit, they hit hard, and people die.

If they're here, I'll find them.

Well, then, the bet is in play.

[computer beeping]

The good money seems to be laying against you, Alex.

Of course, the gamblers don't really know you yet.

Time to show them what you got.

Go fish, Mr. Kane.

Cassandra: Coms are online. What do you need?

Alex: I need details about the money stolen from the last truck heist.

Those were taken out of circulation and on their way to the Federal Reserve for shredding.

Which means they need to be cleaned before they're spent.

If I'm right, it's no coincidence these guys came to Vegas.

Casinos are the best way to wash dirty cash.

You exchange the flagged bills for chips and then the chips for clean money that no one can trace.

Nicely done. I've got an idea.

Cass, what are you doing?

Accessing the NCIC database.


You're hacking into the Criminal Justice Department?

Don't be silly. I've got a password.

Pulling up the serial numbers on the bills.

Wait. Cassandra, your cameras can find the cash?

Not cameras.


We've outfitted every currency machine in every casino cage with a wireless pinhole feed that flows directly into Ada.

She can identify any banknote in the city.

[computer beeps]


3 minutes and 42 seconds ago, somebody used the marked money to purchase $10,000 in chips at the Vittoria Hotel & Casino.

Yeah, copy that. I know the place.

[tires screech, engine revs]

[telephone rings in distance]

We've been alerted that Detective Brown is attempting to contact Agent Forrester through the FBI's Lake Mead Division, again.

The call was promptly intercepted.

Would you like me to reroute him?

Put him through.

[tablet chimes]

[telephone rings]

Detective Brown, what can I do for you?

I've been trying to follow up with your office on the Edribali manhunt for the last four days.

Well, I apologize. It is a federal matter now.

Maybe so, but the death of Virginia Lee is still an active homicide for LVPD.

She was my best friend's wife. I'm not letting this go.

And it's a case that I intend to close, personally.

I admire your dedication, but I assure you, we got it all under control.

Bigfoot me all you want, but you'd save yourself a lot of time by cooperating.

You are not the only one with connections.

I could talk to the State's Attorney, get a federal subpoena for your case files, maybe even get a direct line to your ASAC, but...

I'd rather not.

W-W-Well, now, now, now, there's no need for threats.

Detective, as soon as we get something concrete, I'll let you know... personally.


Cassandra: Is something wrong?

Nothing that we can't handle.

Keep me apprised of the game.

I want to know everything that happens.

Will do.

Cassandra: Any sign of them?

Alex: Floor's pretty crowded.

Well, I can use facial recognition to scan the clientele, but from what I'm seeing, you're right.

That's a lot of bodies in a very big room.

This could take a few minutes, possibly more.

Yeah, don't bother. My eyes can scan the room just fine.

[cheers and applause]

Some out-of-towners.

These guys wouldn't be huddled together.

They'd want to keep a low profile, stay away from the livelier tables.

I've got someone who fits the physical profile from the robbery.

About 6 feet, 190, built.

Got about 10 grand in his chip stack on the table in front of him.

Sounds promising.

[computer beeping]

I know him.

Dominic McCall. Ex-Special Forces.

Yeah. We worked an op six years ago in Bingol, when I was loaned out to the joint task force.

This isn't a coincidence. It was his idea.

Johnson chose this game, didn't he?

Yes. The Pit Boss always chooses.

He's messing with me.

He likes to amuse his gamblers.

He's given them a nice twist that shakes up the odds.

Catch me up on McCall.

He and his unit were disavowed two years ago.

There was an incident in Nigeria that resulted in a dozen civilian casualties. Been off-grid since.

What are you gonna do?

Say hello.


Bad beat, friend.

Alex Kane.

[both laugh]

How are ya?

[laughs] Damn, brother.

What the hell are you doing here?

I work here, in Vegas.

Yeah? What kind of work?

Security consultation.



You out of the service now?

Yeah. Taking orders gets old, brother.

You know what that's like. Hey, you play a hand with me.

Oh, let's have a drink instead.

Well, how about we do both?

Hey, sweetheart, uh, two bourbons, neat.

I'm not much of a gambler.

Come on. You kidding?

The way you used to run the field, you might as well have been wearing spurs with all those cowboy moves you pulled.


You used to bet big back there.

You usually won, the way I remember it.

Maybe I play smarter now.

[slot machine dinging]

You all right, Dom?

It's not the easiest thing to settle back in the world.

[laughs] Definitely not.

I still got it all... the jacked nerves, the stranger danger.

Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night with my adrenaline pumping for no reason.

It feels like...

You can't trust where you are.

Like you miss the action a little bit.

Maybe I miss it a lot.


Thanks, honey.

Thank you.

But you know what I still got?

The discipline, that laser-sharp focus to see what's right in front of me at all times.

You still got that focus, Alex?

To our freedom and our fallen.

To our freedom and our fallen.


Piece of advice... the sooner you accept who you are, the sooner you accept what you've done.

Once you do that, life gets real fun again.


Ante up and you'll see.

Oh, no, thanks.

No, no. Do you think I forgot what you did for me in Bingol?

I owe you one.

Enjoy yourself.

Play a few hands.

Alex: Cassandra.

Okay, I've got him.

He's moving towards the northeast corridor of the floor.

Yeah, down the hall, turn left.

[tablet beeps]

He's gone into a service corridor.

Right. I've got eyes on him.

He's leaving the building.

Hang on, hang on. I don't have eyes outside.

I-I-it's just a back alley with no cams.

I need a few seconds to see if I can set up a satellite.

I don't have a few seconds.

Alex, wait. McCall may well know this is leading you into a blind spot.

There's a good chance it's a...

Trap, yeah.

Bad beat, friend.


Bring him.




[inhales deeply]




You know, if you're trying to waterboard me, you're doing it all wrong.


Why were you following me?

You know, I've always had a bit of a man-crush on you.


You know, you didn't use to be this funny.

Well, you didn't use to be a maniac.

You're calling me a maniac?

Back in Bingol, I watched this guy empty two full mags into a Hezbollah lieutenant.

Took his head clean off without batting an eye.


He was using children as bombs.

We had a beer afterwards. Remember?



Alex, can you hear me?


[tablet whooshes]

Alex, can you...

Alex... me...

Damn it!

[elevator bell dings]

[cellphone ringing, beeps]

Hey, boo. What's the situation?

Cassandra: Alex has been captured.

I've got a lead on his abductors' vehicle.

I'm just tracking its last movements now.

Ah. This game may be shorter than I thought.

He's more resourceful than you give him credit for.

You know, I've been wondering why you have so much faith in this particular Player.

I wonder why you have so little.

[cellphone beeps]


Hi. I need to see him.

Sorry, sir.

No, I need to see him.

He's not taking visitors... Aah!


I really need to see him. We good?

We're good.


Thank you for your service.


[soft music plays]

Mr. Secretary.

Give us a minute, darling.

What do you want?!

Well, some courtesy, for starters.

I take it you've been enjoying your stay in our city... as well the services we've been so kind to provide.

"Services"? That's a nice euphemism.

Hmm. Would you prefer I use a different term, like "adultery" instead?

Hmm? Mrs. Secretary would not.

Your office is in the Pentagon, but your fingerprints are all over the NSA.

You will use your access to sanction a black-bag operation authorizing a k*ll order effective immediately for this man, Tomas Edribali.

I'm afraid I can't do it.

Well, then, you don't know what afraid is.

No, what I mean is Edribali works for us.

He provides us with prime intel on active terror cells.

In exchange...

You allow him to freely m*rder the sons and daughters of international diplomats. But that stops today.

He's one of ours.

And now he's mine.

You think you're so different now.

Why? Because you settled down?

Yeah. I heard about you, Alex Kane.

Guy got married when he went stateside.

But how'd that take?

Let me guess... she left you?

I'll bet because eventually she saw what you are.


No, she reminded me who I am.

Or she made you forget a while.

But I know the truth... you're a stone-cold k*ller, just like me.

I'm not proud of everything I did, but I never hurt anyone who didn't have it coming.

Oh, what, you think I have it coming?

You k*ll innocent people for money.

It's not about the money.

We do what we want when we want.

How many people can say that?

No more rules, no more orders, no more hypocrites on hills sending us to die and then resenting us when we don't.

We answer to nobody but ourselves.

And that, my friend, is the only true freedom these days.

That's right.

Freedom... that thing we were fighting for.

I figured you'd understand.

Alex, can you he... me? Can you... me?

[whispering] Cassandra, can you hear me?

[computer beeping]


The goods are in play.

If we're gonna do this, we need to leave in the next 10 minutes.

Let's go.

[whispering] Cassandra, can you hear me?

[computer beeping]

What about your buddy?

[whispering] Cassandra, can you hear me?

k*ll him.

If you're gonna do something, do it now.


Hang on, Alex.

Do it now. Come on, do it.

Do it! Come on, do it.

Do it! Do it now!!

[table chimes]

[generator humming, slot machines dinging]

[coins clinking]



[g*n cocks]

He's gone.

He's probably gonna go call the cops.

The cops... are the least of our worries. They're a joke.

Our fence is lined up. We made a deal.

We don't deliver, we're dead.

Let's go to work.

Alex: Hey, thanks for the assist.

Did you keep a visual on McCall's crew?

I was a bit preoccupied with making sure you didn't die.

Not really good for the odds if the Player stops breathing.

Several feet ahead of you is a brand-new hybrid.

I can hack the car system remotely and unlock it if...

Yeah, thanks.


I like the classics more.

[engine revs]

[tires screeching]

A tad brutish.

Whatever McCall's planning, it's going down soon.

We need to figure out his target.

That could be anywhere.

I know. The city's at peak hour.

The streets are flooded.

If he hits now, it will be a bloodbath.

[tires screeching]

[g*ns cocking]

Johnson: Is it up yet?

Our men have Edribali's location in Peshawar.

You're looking at a real-time feed from tactical command.

Man #1: We can confirm Tomas Edribali is inside the car.

Requesting authorization now.

Do it.

Bravo One, we have authorization.

Man #2: Copy that. Drone deployed.

Tango neutralized in 3, 2...


Enjoy the rest of your stay, Mr. Secretary.

[tires screeching]

I saw something on one of the tables.

It was a logo.

What can you tell me about Faramond Securities?

Okay. Independent-contracting firm.

They hold valuables across the country, mostly for banks and retailers.

Two scheduled drop-offs in Nevada, one of them in Vegas.

What's being delivered?

2 million in rare diamonds, uh, to be shown at a private exhibition tomorrow.

The driver should be in the area now.

I'll just pull up his lojack.

Cassandra, where is that truck?

Turning off the strip, headed towards downtown.

[engine revs]

[tires screeching]

[horns honking]

Hey, I'm talking to you.

[tires screeching]

Man: What are we doing, man?

Got to get that car out of the intersection.

We got to get through.


This isn't your night, pal.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


Everybody, move in.

[people screaming]

[tires screeching]

Move it, move it!

Now, now!

Get inside!

[tires screeching]

Set! Go!


Give me some cover.

I got the diamonds.

Fall back! Fall back!

It's Kane! I see him!


Get the van! I got you covered!

Go, go, go!

Hang on! I can't get a clear shot!

Aah! I'm hit!


We got a man down.

Mccall: Leave him. There's no time.

[people screaming, g*nf*re]

Keep moving, keep moving!

[siren chirping]

Out of my way, or you're dead!


Come here!

You're coming with me!

Please! Please! Please! Please! [whimpering]

[sobbing] Oh, God!

Drop the girl!

Back up or I'll k*ll her!

Drop the g*n, man!

Don't make me k*ll her!

Drop the w*apon.

Get out of the way!

[tires screeching]

Damn it!

Drop the g*n!

Hey, there's nowhere else to go, buddy.

Your friends are gone. There's nobody else here.

I swear to God I'll k*ll her!


Drop the w*apon.

You're gonna do what I say or she dies!

No, no, no, no!

You're stalling! She's dead!





You take him, take him!

You got it, you got it.

[cellphone beeps]

Cassandra, I lost McCall.

You've lost more than that.

What are you talking about?

Your thief is gone, as well as the goods he set out to procure, which means the bet is over, Mr. Kane.

You lose.

Where is he?

Where is Johnson, and why couldn't I reach you?

When the game ends, so do your resources.

I'm sorry, Alex, but it's over.

You keep calling it a game, but it's not.

It's not a game to me.

There are rules.

Oh, screw the rules, Cassandra.

There's a highly motivated k*lling machine out there who could give a damn about the rules.

And if he's not playing by any, then why should I?

Because you are nothing like him.

I am exactly like him.

The only difference is I got lucky.

McCall's too far gone.

What I saw in him...

I was pulled out of a place that he wasn't.

He won't stop.

He'll k*ll anyone who gets in his way, and if I let him go, that's on me.

Like I said, there are rules.

But there's one rule in particular that might give you a second chance.

Absolutely not.

What is she talking about?

The gamblers are clearly invested.

You have to admit, we haven't seen action in a game like tonight's for quite some time.

Cassandra, what rule?

New deal. Double down.

The boy's a bust.

It's a bad bet.

Hey, I'm taking this guy out with or without you or your resources.

The gamblers have seen him.

They know he's relentless.

I think they'd be thrilled to learn the House is willing to go double or nothing on a wager if they are.

A wager, by the way, that may very well ensure our Player's own death.

Giving him the hard sell.

[computer beeping]

We have a new game.

The bet, Mr. Kane... can you stop McCall and his men before they leave the city tonight?

Your clock... one hour.

Good luck.

Alex: Hey, Cassandra, what do you got?

There are federal road blocks everywhere.

Which rules out ground transport.

These guys are flying, but not commercially.

Do you have access to the FAA?

What am I looking for?

Check into all flight plans filed out of the Vegas area, anything leaving tonight, private planes from private air strips.

I can see six flights scheduled over the next three hours.

Anything odd?

Okay, two days ago, the owner of a C-130 cargo craft logged a course from the Mojave to Puerto Vallarta.

The owner's name is Arthur Westlake.

What's the odd part?

He was shot dead yesterday morning, which lines up almost precisely with when McCall and his merry men arrived in town.

McCall is using him to cover his tracks.

Did you say the plane's flying from the Mojave?

[computer beeping]

An old aircraft boneyard 15 miles north of your position.

I know where that is.

[tires screech]

[engines powering up]

I got the diamonds.

All right, let's get this thing in the air.

Cassandra, I found the plane.

It's about to...

I know. You need to run.



Time to move, soldier!

Copy that, boss.

[engines whirring]

I can't get into the plane's telemetry system, but I can access the hydraulics.

I'll open the tailgate just wide enough for you to hop inside.

Alex: And you can do that?

Don't you trust me? Oh, yeah, that's right.

You don't. Shame.

You really need to run.




[both grunting]



You should have taken the chips!

I wanted you to take the chips.

You're trying to make us even for Bingol?!

I didn't need you to make us even!

But everything we need is in this plane!

You just need to accept that we are who we are, and nothing in the world is gonna bring us back!

That's the freedom!

No, Dom. I can't believe that.

Then I'm sorry, brother.

[both grunting]

[alarm blaring]

Stay down!

You had your chance.

[both grunting]

Don't blame yourself, brother.

I've got you!


Thank you.




Woman: Hi.

Come here.



I'm sorry.

She may be gone, but I'm always here for you.

What is it, sweetheart?

I'm just really sorry for you, Uncle Alex.

Reach out if you need anything, Alex.

Thank you.

[engine turns over]

Tomas Edribali was found dead in Pakistan less than four hours ago.

I needed to find him.

I needed to talk to him.

It's not the closure you were looking for, but it's something.

Are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on with you?

I'm not a fool, man.

The Raquib kidnapping, the sh**t off the strip last night, you magically appearing and disappearing from both scenes... you are mixed up in something, Alex.

I want to know what.

I want an explanation.

Not everything gets an explanation.

I wasn't asking as a cop.

I know you weren't.


Just do me a favor... be careful.

I don't want to come back here to bury any more friends.




[chuckles] Hey, babe.

What's all this?!

Well, it is only the finest takeout that Kung Pao Bistro has to offer.

I know you had a long day.

I wanted to surprise you with your favorite, so surprise.

[both sigh]

How long are you here for?

I have to be in Arizona in two days for a new client meet-and-greet.

Two days? Is that all I get?

Mm-hmm. You could have seen me sooner.

I know. Work.

You got to quit that place, April.

You know I can't do that.

It's a P.R. firm. It's not the mafia.

Or is it?

If I told you, I'd have to k*ll you.

But I have a better idea.

I've really missed you.



[door closes]

What the hell are you doing here?

The gamblers found you quite impressive.


You picked that bet on purpose... [scoffs] putting me against McCall, the man I fought beside.

[clears throat]

You manipulated me, tried to get in my head.

Well, I had to know if you could divorce yourself from emotion.

Well, you got your answer now.

You know, which makes me wonder, what are you really doing here?


Do you think your wife is still alive?

What do you know about Ginny?

Just that I think you're right.

I know you're involved. I know it was you!

I know someone you work with doctored those test results somehow!

You're wrong.

You think you know what you know, but you don't.

Our world is a world of grays and shadows.

I know who you are, Alex.

I know what you've been through.

I know what you've done, what you've seen.

I know what you've lost.

You are remarkably well-equipped to navigate the shadows.

I know this because game recognizes game.

I am... remarkably well-equipped.

But grays and shadows...

I go there again, I will not come back.

Do you want to find your wife?

I would do anything for Ginny.


Then let me help you.