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04x06 - The Dark Pond

Posted: 10/02/15 00:56
by bunniefuu
I love you.

We were very happily married.

And then Lilly came along.

Lilly, stay away from the pond.

I didn't want her going down by the pond by herself.

There's an energy here, a dark energy.

I sense evil.

We were all in danger.


There's somebody in the house.

Something was happening to her.

Lilly, you're scaring me.

Something was drawing her to the pond.

Lilly, get away from the pond. Lilly!

I wasn't sure how to protect my family.


Something was there that didn't belong.


[Haunting music]

I was online looking at different friend websites and dating websites.

I was looking for somebody to talk to, somebody to hang out with.

After a year of emails, he actually invited me down to the house to meet him.

I drove down the driveway, and when I pulled in, this huge yard surrounded by trees.

It was really pretty.

[Car beeps]




I was a little doubtful because, you know, so many people online aren't real, and 45 minutes to a half hour later, she was pulling in the driveway.

It's nice to meet you.

You too, finally.


We had a lot in common.

This is great.


We hit it off really well.

Yeah, it's just me and some fish.


I was really excited to, like, show her around the property and show her the house.

Uh, do you want to check it out?

Yeah, I'd love to.

All right.

It looked really nice, and the house was really cute.

I was really surprised to see that from the normal bachelor guy, what I was used to growing up.

It had almost four acres with it of land.

The pond was sitting at the back of the house kind of isolated, surrounded by trees.

It was a little bit chillier towards the pond, which I thought was kind of odd.

But I figured it was just minor.

It was a whirlwind romance.

Jason, after a little while of dating, asked me to marry him.

My family wondered what I was doing.

It was a very quick, very fast romance, but we loved each other.

All right.

And then we learned that Lilly was gonna have a baby, and then Lilly came along.

Come on, Lilly.

That's it.

Hey. Good job.

And that was just... just the highlight of our marriage.


Oh, hey.



Get out of here.

Come on.

You should be filming Lilly.


She was not paying any attention to us calling her.


I was afraid because it was such a deep pond.


Hey. What are you doing?

What did we tell you about the pond?

She's just a little kid, and they can drown just like that.

That's a little too close, okay?

Lilly was staring at one fixed point by the pond...

You have to stay away from here, okay?

Which concerned me because I didn't...

I couldn't understand why she was.

It was close to Halloween, and Jason and I went out and we bought a bunch of candy.

And I had this big bowl that I took and I filled and I had sitting on the kitchen table.

[Bird squawking]

The next morning, I got up, walked out to the kitchen...

The bowl of candy on the table was completely empty.

There was a ton of candy in this bowl.


Did you take the candy?

She thought I had moved it and I was playing a prank on her.


We had no explanation for it.

[Water splattering]

[Bird squawking]

One afternoon Lilly was playing in her room.

[Distant voice]

And I could hear her talking.

Don't take that!

She started yelling, "give that back. That's mine.

Don't take that."

Give that back. That's mine.

Don't take that.

Give that back. That's mine.

Don't take that.

Do you hear me?


What's going on?

Who are you talking to?

She's staring off into the one far corner of her room like something's there.

She's watching something.

Who are you yelling at?

And she finally said: The little boy.

I thought it was kind of odd she had an imaginary friend already, for as little as she was.

I told her, Lilly...

Nobody took your toy, honey.

It's right there.

Lilly was very specific that he took it.

Her friend took it.

You want to go downstairs and play?

But I didn't think much of it.

Okay, let's go.

Come on.

Later that night, we had gone to bed.

[Car alarms blaring]

All of the sudden, I hear my car alarm go off, Jason's car alarm go off.

Honey, wake up.

Honey, wake up.

It was like a "wah, wah" sound going through the entire house.

Wait here.

[Car alarms blaring]

We thought there was at least two people outside trying to get into the vehicles or trying to get into the house.

[Car alarms blaring]

Call the police.

I was very scared for Lilly and Lilly and their safety.

[Car alarms blaring]

There was no handprints.

[Car alarms blaring]

[Distant howl]

[Car alarms blaring]

There were no footprints.

[Car alarms blaring]

There's nothing there.

[Car alarms blaring]

I silenced the car alarms.

[Car alarms stop]

[Distant barking]

[Siren wails]

What's going on?

I think there's someone on our property.

The sheriff does a perimeter search.

And they can't find anything.

I didn't see anything suspicious.

Sorry to have wasted your time.

Things happen.

Good night.

There was no explanation for why one car alarm went off, let alone both of them at the same time.

It didn't make sense, and there was no logical explanation for it.

I went back and checked on Lilly.

We went back to bed.


Lilly started screaming.



Like she is being hurt.







Lilly, what... what's wrong?

Why are you screaming?

She's staring off into the one far corner of her room.

Lilly, why are you screaming?

And she won't say anything.

Are you gonna be okay?

She was genuinely frightened of whatever she was seeing.

Are you gonna be okay?

We both knew that something wasn't right.

Okay, night, sweetie.

Something was going on at the house that we couldn't explain.

[Thunder booming]

[Bird squawking]

I got up the next morning.

I was still kind of half asleep, i guess, because I was getting ready for work.

And I looked down, and there's a puddle of water in the hallway.

And I'm thinking, great, the roof is leaking.

I don't see any water stains coming off of the drywall, so I didn't think a whole lot of it.

I just got some towels, cleaned it up.

The puddle of water was there again.

I really wasn't sure what was causing the puddles of water.


It was odd.

But I didn't think a whole lot about it.

And I went to work.

Have a good day at work.


I love you.

Love you too.

[Door creaks]

And suddenly I hear the door open.

I hear footsteps.


I yelled out...


Is that you?

No response.

Jason, is that you?

Somehow, something had opened the deadbolt.

I didn't know what it was, and I didn't know how it had opened.

I grabbed my g*n.

It was already loaded.


My heart stopped for a moment.


I heard a "creak, creak" sound, as somebody walks across the hardwood floor.


I couldn't see anybody.


[Breathing deeply]

[Phone dialing]

Pick up. Pick up, pick up.



Jason, I need you to come home.

What's going on?

There's somebody in the house.

Okay, I'm coming home right now.


Somebody was coming.





There was no sign of anybody.

Maybe she thought she shut the door when in fact she didn't.

[Birds flapping]


What are you looking at, Lilly?

I find her staring at the pond...

Almost entranced with it.

Lilly, talk to me.

What are you looking at?

My friend.

Lilly, talk to me.

What are you looking at?

It was like she was looking at someone.

My friend.

But there was no one there.

I asked her...

Lilly, what are you looking at?

I asked her again.

Lilly, tell me what you're looking at.

I was upset over the fact that she wasn't listening.

Lilly, you're scaring me.

Lilly was mesmerized with the pond again.

I was worried something was happening to her.
[Bird squawking]

After everything happening, I started wondering if I was really going a little bit crazy, or what was going on.

Just because telling Jason, he didn't seem to think much of it.

So it was very more of a... it was a very isolated, lonely feeling not being able to talk to anybody about it.

I had this uneasy feeling.

It almost felt like somebody was watching you.

It was like something didn't want me there, and it was just very unnerving.

I was constantly on edge waiting for the next thing to happen.

Are you okay, sweetie?


Lilly was headed towards the pond.


Lilly, stop!


Lilly, get away from the pond!

She was in a trance.


Something was drawing her towards the pond.

Lilly, get away from the pond!

What are you doing?

What did I tell you about the pond?


What are you doing?

She has this very dazed look on her face.

She said...

k*ll me.

It was very shocking and she said it so plainly, but I couldn't figure out where it came from or why she said that.

Now I was starting to get seriously worried.


You home, honey?

There was definitely a feeling of oppression in the house.

As soon as you would walk in, you would just be drained of energy.

[Quiet creaking]



Something just shoved me down onto the couch.


Something just shoved me down onto the couch.

[Breathing deeply]

Suddenly I felt a burning sensation across my neck.

It really burned.

I had three scratch marks down the side of my neck, as though somebody had taken fingernails across my neck.

What was this force in my house?

Now I realized there was something paranormal going on.

There was something here.

I just wasn't sure what.

[Metal clanking]

Wait here.

[Metal clanking]

[Deep rattling]

[Banging noise]

There is this loud bang, almost like a shotgun goes off in the house.

[Door creaks]

The flooring had been ripped up.




At this point, i knew Jason understood what was going on in the house.

Lilly was right.

We were all in danger.

A couple of days later, we were outside...

Chopping the wood up for the fire that winter.

Lilly was out in the yard playing with her ball.

It was almost peaceful.


Here, I'll load you up.

I like the little ones.


Thank you.

Before I give you anything else...


What are we making for dinner?


Because I'm hungry.

And I said I'd help this time.

[Birds squawking]

I see the ball slowly rolling towards the pond, and Lilly is following the ball.


Stay away from the pond.

It was almost like she couldn't hear us.

Like she's in a trance or is just set on going one direction.

Lilly, get away from the pond!

I ran after her.


Lilly, stop!

Lilly, stop it!


Lilly, get away from the pond!

What are you doing?

What did we tell you?

That confirmed the fears of what we already had...

[Breathing deeply]

That there was something there that was trying to draw Lilly towards the pond or that wanted her down by the pond.

[Lightning crackles]

I didn't know what to do at this point.

We had nowhere to go.

We're stuck at this house.

[Thunder booming]

How are we going to protect Lilly?

[Lightning crackling]

We had to do something.

[Thunder booming]

Something was obviously there that didn't belong that was trying to harm us.

[Lightning crackles]

[Crickets chirping]

I looked up and I saw this figure.






[Breathing deeply]


I had believed up until this point that the boy that Lilly was talking about was just an imaginary friend that she had.

But now I had seen him for myself, and I realized it just wasn't her imagination.


That this boy she was seeing was actually real.

I'd seen him.

[Breathing deeply]

It was terrifying.

[Birds squawking]


We decided to contact the church.

You ready?


Hi, Jason.

Hi, Lilly.

This is Sarah.

She may be able to help.




Pastor Bill introduced us.

He said she had experience with seeing spirits, and that's why he brought her along.

We're going to walk through every room in the house and purify it with holy water.

Do you mind which room we start?

Uh, no, no.

No, anywhere's fine.


They went to each room of the house sprinkling holy water and reading scripture.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...

The weird thing was, the lady didn't say anything the whole time the pastor was doing his prayers.

[Distant muttering]

The power and the glory forever, amen.

Can I go to the water?

We went outside and walked down by the pond to do a blessing.

Her expression changed.

There's an energy here, a dark energy.

You have to get away from here.

I sense evil.

You should get away from here as soon as possible.

She was very serious that we had to leave the property as soon as possible.

She turns to me with this very serious, urgent look on her face, and tells me...

No matter what, you must keep your child away from this pond.

And I could see she was issuing us a warning, that we had to heed this warning, and we had to get Lilly out of the house.

[Thunder booming]

[Rain pattering]

I decided to go online to see if there was anything relevant to our property...

To see if anything happened there.

And I actually found several stories.

The first story I found was about a gal.

Something happened to make her take and swerve.

[Tires screech]

And she flipped the car...

[Indistinct shouting]

Into the pond and she was k*lled.

The second story I came across was about a teenage boy.

There was a group of them that had decided to skip school the one day.

One boy decided to dive in the pond.

He had gotten caught in the mud of the pond somehow.

He never came back up.

[Thunder booming]

[Rain pattering]

It was not safe for us to stay there.

What are we gonna do?

What are we gonna do?

We'll go.


I don't know.


I can't do this anymore.

I need an answer. I need to know now.

When is this gonna happen?

Listen, if we move, we lose everything.

Everything we own is in this house.

Who cares? Who cares?

I didn't care how we got out at that point.

I just wanted out.

None of that matters at all.

What matters is our family.

Come here, come here.

No, no.

I told him I did not care what we did, I wanted us out before something else happened to Lilly.

Lilly was right that something in the pond was...

Was causing all of our problems.

The puddles of water we would find, the malevolent feeling you got when you went near the pond, and seeing the teenage boy.

How are you doing, honey?


You never knew what was going to happen and when it was going to happen next.

[Doorknob creaks]

All of the sudden it... it sped up.

I couldn't turn the wheel.

I'm not in control anymore.

[Deep rumbling]

Key's jammed.

It just won't turn.

Can't get the brakes to work.

It was drawing me right towards the pond.

The lawnmower's gaining speed.

It's going faster...

And faster...

And faster.

She disappears from my sight.


I see her lying facedown on the ground.

Lilly. Lilly.


Lilly, Lilly.

Lilly, honey, get up.

Get up. Are you okay?

She'd fallen three foot down the steps.


What's going on?

Hey, hey.

She won't get up. Get up.

What do you mean, she won't get up?

Hey, come on.


Hey, Lilly, come on. Come on.

Sit up. Careful.

I go through and I check her head.

I make sure she can see me.

I look at her eyes.

What the hell happened?

She just flew out of the door.

I don't know what happened.

Are you gonna be okay, Lilly?

I knew there was nothing at that point in time I could do to protect her.

There were no other options other than to try to sell the house.

So we listed the house on the market for sale at the lowest price we could possibly take, no matter the financial loss on it.

Is that everything?

We had to get away... Away from this house.


At this point, enough was enough.

We had to get out of the house no matter what the cost to us.