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01x02 - Mr. Nice Guy

Posted: 09/29/15 04:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on Minority Report...

Can you see?

You're one of them.

I'm tired of picking up the pieces.

Just once, I need to stop one before it happens.

We promised not to intervene.

You know how much I see out here.

I can't let this happen.

We need to go to Arthur.

How much is this gonna cost me?

Conversation for another time.


You need to go.

You're still seeing it, your vision.

We got to tell Dash.


Not until we know what role he plays.

So that's it, huh?


That's the... the milk bath?

Photonic containment system.

Helps unite them in a hive mind, combines their visions into a clearer picture of the future.

I see.

So... time to get 'em out now, huh?

Do you have a plan?

Not one that I'm going to share with you.

I've taken care of them since you were playing paintball at Langley.

That's C.I.A. I'm D.I.A.

But... okay.

Which one's Dash, hmm?

They have names?

Yes, they have names. You know why? Because they're people.

When they went in, they were kids, each one different from the other, just like all kids are different.


Agatha becomes the person whose future she predicts.

It's like she leaves herself.

Arthur's mind is an antennae, pulling in names, facts, information.

Made him one manipulative little kid.

But Dash, Dash... sees the horror.

Imagine being an eyewitness to murders you can't do anything to stop.

Seems like someone got attached.

They need to be prepared.

Because I'm not so sure they'll do well out there in the world.

Well, we'll find out now, won't we?

The cow says...



You playing or what?





I haven't even moved yet.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Hey, buddy, are you okay?

Is everything all right? Do you need help?

Forgot your winnings, man!


There were three of them, Dash, Arthur, and Agatha.

They were called the Precognitives.

They could see murders before they happened.

For six years, our police held them against their will and used them to save lives.

But after the government's Precrime program was shut down, they were finally released.

They kept themselves safe and hidden from the world until now.

Wait, so you don't know Sylk Diva?

She's, like, the next big thing out of Lagos.

Sino-Afro pop, baby.

I'll stick with Beyoncé.

Wait, who's that again?

Kidding, kidding.

I like the oldies.


sn*per, three o'clock.

Akeela, I need a readout.

So, is, uh, now a good time to talk about my Christmas bonus?


Go. Go, go.

Corran, corran.


Lenses, show me thermal.

I see five more on our ten and two.

All right.

We go together.

No. You cover me.

Wait, Vega, don't be stupid. Vega.






Well, you forgot about seis.


What the hell?

Don't sh**t the admin, girlfriend.

I just run the system.

That's your idea of covering me, Blake?

That's your idea of teamwork, Vega?

Last time I checked, you weren't my partner anymore.

You were my...

Boss. Yeah. Ooh, that never gets old.

But it does remind me.

I've been cleaning up your mess all week on the Rutledge case.

Mess? I stopped a t*rror1st attack.

Yeah, and you k*lled two suspects.

Without your body camera operational.

The feds are asking questions.


How you did all that.


Right place, right time.

That threat wasn't even on their radar.

Good police work, I guess.

But feel free to take the credit for it.

Oh, I did. I also told them that if you had help, say an informant, that I'd be the first to know.

So... did you?

Did you have help?

You know me, Will.

I'm always better when I work alone.

Nice sh**ting back there.

Thanks. I heard Blake was wondering about the Rutledge case.

How I took down two armed suspects by myself.

I know.

He say anything to you?


But... others have.

Your report says Rutledge fell three stories trying to get away as you went to arrest him.

But the forensics don't line up.

He didn't just trip and fall.

He was pushed.

What do you say?

I told them that if Vega says something happened, then that's what happened.

I owe you, Akeela.


Is there something you want to tell me?

I know it's not your first time, but you k*lled two people.

I'm fine.

I thought I was your friend.

You are.

That's why I can't tell you.

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

That's it.


Did you get it?

Yeah, it's processing, but... your brain takes a beating every time.

I'm gonna have to find a better way of doing this.

Took you long enough, Detective.

I was wondering if you'd come.

I told you not to call me at the precinct.

The feds are asking questions about Rutledge.

Feds? Were you followed?

Relax. I'm careful.

Well, what do they know?

Well, nothing yet. But you need to lay low.

If anyone finds out I'm working with a Precog, they'll throw me off the force and in jail.

Not to mention what happens to him if you slip up.

You know, like enslavement?

Lab tests? Vivisections?

But, uh, I-I know. A slap on the wrist by your superiors would be a real boo-hoo.

I get it. We both need to be careful.

I hacked the public surveillance grid around the Rutledge scene, erased the feeds.

There's no evidence that he was ever there.

Please tell me that's harder than it sounds.

Whatever helps you sleep, Detective.

Are you having second thoughts?

No. I'm happy you called.

Okay, here we go.

Is this the new vision?

Yeah. It's a woman. The-the victim.

The k*ller looks like a man.

That narrows it down.

Why can't we see their faces?

It's just how it happens sometimes.

I get impressions, details.

Can you help?

Okay, a... dark-haired woman.

A struggle.

She kicks him, loses a shoe.

Then it happens.

Oh! What's that?

That symbol.

I have no clue... except that it must be one.

Wally, do we know when the m*rder's going to happen?

Hard to say.

In Precrime, the time horizon would vary.

Anywhere from 36 to 48 hours, depending on the level of premeditation.

But that's with all three Precogs in the milk bath.

We saw more clearly as a hive mind.


Three days was the most from vision to m*rder.

But we do know that this happens after dark, so it could be as soon as tonight.

Her wrist. Hold it there.


Club Alpha. It's a singles spot near Dupont Circle.

I get out.


Okay, well, that must be where the m*rder*r finds our victim.

But how do we find them?

All we know is that she's got brown hair and a weird pair of shoes.

If only we had another Precog.

One who gets names.

It didn't have to be this way.

Don't try talking to me now.

Tell my brother I'll be right there, Andromeda.

Where is your new friend?

Need help closing the deal?

We're working on a new case.


So, are we both cops now?

I know you got your pieces of the puzzle, too.

You always do. If you're planning to stop every m*rder in the city, you really should consider costumes.

A woman is about to die, Arthur.

Some people deserve to.

I don't have to tell you that.

How did it feel... k*lling someone?

You get the names. I need one.

And you get all the pretty pictures.

Didn't you see a face?

Not this time.

Our only power that we have in this world is what we see, Dash.

We need to use it.

Not throw it away on strangers.

I'm trying to save lives.


I already did that.

During the decade we spent in a milk bath.

And what did we get for it?

Twin beds on swamp island with no pension.

I don't work for free anymore.

It's always been about you.


While you were running around, practically begging to get yourself exposed, I've been looking out for us.

Because when they come looking for us again-- and they will-- it won't be your good deeds that save us.

You know what will?


Is this supposed to be a name?

It's a case file.

Metro PD. Your friend should have access.

I need a copy.

And she's not to open it.

Because I don't remember names these days without my brother's help.

You want Vega to break the law?

What do you think she's doing using you?

I helped you out last time.

This is what I want in return.

Go to hell.

You'll be back, Dash.

I don't have to see the future to know that.

Did he say what kind of case it is?

I didn't ask.

I never should have gone to him.

I have eyes on me already.

If I go accessing old cases, they're gonna notice.

We need to do this on our own.

Good. We don't need Arthur.

We know the victim went to Club Alpha.

We need to start there.

Wait. No, you need to settle down.

Go back to Wally's.

To do what? Sit and wait?

You're not a cop.

I'm coming with you.

Yeah, because that worked out so well last time.

I'm sorry, Dash.

You're not fit to be in the field.

I don't trust you out there.

I saved your life.

And I don't know how many times I can thank you for that.

But you also k*lled someone, Dash.

You need to process that.

I know. I will.

I am.

Look, if you need help, if you need to talk... I need to do something.

Go home, Dash.

I'll be in touch.

For a decade, all I did was watch people being m*rder*d.

I can't do that anymore.

That is why I found you.

So you could help me stop them.

I'm done watching, Vega.


I need to get you a change of clothes.

Repeat it back to me one more time.

Any clues that look familiar from my vision, I let you know first.

That's right. And no what?

No going rogue. I got it.

Emergency use only.

What is it?

Sick Stick. Police issue.

Seriously? I need a w*apon?

Let's hope not, and make sure that the business end is pointing towards the other guy.

And watch your feet.


You're the Precog.

Microbiome analyzer.

Why waste time on small talk when science can tell you exactly what your chances are?

My mom said hooking up in the old days was better.

People used to actually text and swipe pictures.

There was interaction.

Romance is dead.

Hmm. 51%.

That's generous.

Let's check this place out.

You two need a drink?



I'll have a bourbon, neat, and you can give him one of those fru-fru drinks.

No, I'll have a beer.

Coming up.

I thought we were on duty.

First off, I'm on duty.

You're my C.I.

And second, if we want to learn something, we have to blend in.

I'm not seeing Cinderella.


You know, the owner of the shoe. Silver slipper?

Right. So, blending in is not going to be your thing.

I'm gonna go check in the ladies' room.

Tough one, huh?

I got next round.

What...? Oh, no... thank you.

Excuse me. Miss?

Um... do you want something?

I like your shoes.

Get lost.

What the hell?!


Man, my shoes.

What are you doing? Let go of me!

No, no! Listen.

That guy was gonna tie you up and k*ll you.

You freak, he's my brother!

Doctor? Can I get a... a doc?


I'm sorry.

I thought I found...

The k*ller.


No! Look.

It's the symbol from your vision.

Put that on my tab.

Here you go.

Mm. Thanks.

You sure you don't want any, Dash?

No, I'm good.

How are you so awake?

We staked out that guy all night.

I spent ten years of my life asleep.

But while you were sleeping, we found out more on your potential m*rder*r.

His name is Tyson Cole.

The moving tattoo is an African Adinkra symbol for harmony.

The eternal bond of man and woman.

That's very in touch for a m*rder*r.

Not to mention, good publicity.


He's famous?

For a guy who still writes books.

Love by Your Rules.

He's a pickup artist?

Pick-up scientist, to be exact.

He has a doctorate from Harvard.

Not even the online campus.

Unlocking the Secret of Seduction.

Who even writes this stuff with a straight face?

I've been giving it a quick skim.


What's our plan today?

Same as last night. We don't know for sure that Tyson is the m*rder*r, so we keep tabs.

Wait till he finds his victim, and then we move in.

So, we use the victim as bait?

Do you have a better idea, without evidence, or police support?

She's right. It's not the good old fascist days of Precrime when we could arrest a man for something that he hadn't done yet.

We have to catch them in the act.

So we just wait for it to happen?

And then we stop it.

How are the horses?

John's as stubborn as he always was.

Mary foaled last week.

Colt or filly?


I'm calling her Samantha.

She has blue eyes and a white mane.


Are we finished with the small talk?

You k*lled a man, Dash.

Arthur tell you that?

Do you expect me to believe it isn't haunting you?

He was a bad man.

Oh, well, that changes everything.

He was going to k*ll my partner.

Your partner? Are you listening to yourself?

That detective is using you.

To save lives.

And when it suits her to exploit your gift for something else?

There are worse things in the world than m*rder, Dash.

I'm not going over this again.

And I have work to do.

I wasn't making small talk.

I miss home, Agatha.

I miss you.

But I need to be here right now.

I need to do this.

You need to go.
You're quiet tonight.

Just reading.

It was rough for me, too, the first time I took someone down.

Takes a while.

Agatha thinks I'm putting all of us at risk by doing this.

That you're just using me.

Arthur thinks that you're hot, but I'm an idiot.


What do you think?

Rule four.

Rule four?

There is no such thing as a perfect partner.

If it's trust you want, look in the mirror.

That's what Tyson thinks.

I'm asking you.

Jury's still out, I guess.

Oh, here we go.

The other guy is Tyson's manager, Marcel Ahern.

He owns a small percentage of the club. That's why it's Tyson's fishing hole.

Looks like Tyson's not alone tonight.

I can't tonight, but, uh, I will see you soon, okay?


He's letting her go.

It's a total neg.

You reject a woman to attack her self-esteem and soon she'll come after you.

Yeah, you need to trash that book.

He's leaving.

Okay, let's go.

System, show me thermal.

He's alone in there.

No potential victim.

Maybe he's waiting on a booty call.

You know, like when...

Yeah, I-I know what it is.

We'll just have to wait.

I'll take the first watch. You get some rest.

It didn't feel like anything.

When I k*lled Rutledge.

And it's not that I'm not processing it, it's just...

I've seen 700 murders, Vega.

I've seen people stabbed, shot, choked, burned, poisoned.

And I always assumed that being there-- actually k*lling someone-- would be... the worst feeling in the world.

But what scares me is that it didn't feel like anything at all.

Just numb.

I've been there, Dash.

Not like you, but...

I've been there.

And you just keep thinking to yourself, "If I can just stop the next one, the numbness'll go away."

Will it?

Well, I guess we'll both find out.

There was a time when all that mattered to the human species was survival.



Wait, that's still all that matters, isn't it?

You think that's true? That's all people care about?

Do you think I'd be hanging out with you if it was?

But, no, we want more, too, don't we?

We want meaning.


We want to be saved.

When I look into a woman's eyes, that's when I really see myself.

My flaws, my weaknesses.

But when she says yes, they fade away.

And that... is when I fall in love with me.

What about when she says no?

Wait here.

Where are you going?

We spent two nights waiting on Tyson to pick up his m*rder victim.

But we still don't even know who she is.

What if we don't need to?

What if he picks up me, instead?

The only question, from me to you, is, was I too good?

Just stay here.

That's the question.

I don't think that's possible.

I agree.

I'm so sorry, I... I got turned around.

Yeah, the conference room is just over there.

If you'll excuse us, please, thank...

Right. Don't I know you?

Tyler Call?


Tyson Cole.

Oh, right.

And-and what are you, like, some type of writer or something?

Or something.

Tyson, we really should get going.

It's-it's all right, Marcel.

Give us a minute.

That was cute.

A negative opener.

Yeah, well, I learned from the master.

Well, looking at you, I wouldn't think that you'd need much help.

Well, maybe there's more to me than meets the eye.

That is very enticing, Ms....

Bell. Lana Bell.

And who sent you to bait me, Ms. Bell?


I'm sorry?

What's the game this time?

Honeypot me into bed so that you can sell the VR streaming rights to live, first-person sex with Tyson Cole?

If you're recording this, my lawyers will destroy you. Are we clear?

Tyson, the car's ready.

Rule eight.

If you sense desperation, walk away.

Oh, I can't wait to bust him.

We still haven't found his victim.

It's time to do your brother that favor, after all.

Hey, Vega.

There you are.

Blake. I mean, Lieutenant.

Yes. I haven't seen you in the precinct lately.

Yeah, just been cleaning up some case work.

Well, we need to talk.

Look, if this is about the feds...

It's not.

It's about something else. Something big.

A new program coming down the pike from Central.

Hawk-Eye. Have you heard of it?

Yeah, predictive policing and-and computers as cops.

Well, it's coming soon to a precinct near you.


The pilot program.

Lara, I think this could be huge for us.

I want you with me on this.

And you have no idea how much I want to hear more.

How about I come see you tomorrow in your office?

Tomorrow? Vega.

Mm, third floor.

I need a favor.

Hi, Akeela. How are you, Akeela?

Hi, how are you? I need you to pull a file for me.

An old case.

Old? You're not kidding.

This case is from the '30s. What's it about?

Let me guess-- no questions asked.

We already discussed this.

You're trying to protect me, yes.

But it's not me I'm worried about, it's my... what's that word again?


I know.

So are you gonna do this for me or not?

I don't understand, Arthur.

Why would you have me pull a file you already know by heart?

What makes you say that?

Moira Arkadin. Died at 24.

Neuroin addict in the Sprawl.

E.R. doctors said they couldn't save her life, but they managed to save the lives inside of her.

Twin boys. Sound familiar?

Sad story.

You told me not to read the case file.

And you ignored me.

I respect that. I don't trust a person who's not willing to bend the rules. Especially a cop.

So is that what this was? A test?

Since the day the doctors cut us out of our mother's womb, I've looked out for my brother.

Now, we have our share of disagreements, but I'd never let anybody hurt him.

Is that a threat?

I hope not. I'd really like to get to know you better.

If you're done, it's your turn.

I need the victim's name.

You know what I can already tell?

We're gonna do great things together.

That's her.

Blanca Garcia.

We have to warn her.

And tell her what? That you see her future-m*rder in a vision?

Does it matter what we tell her if we save her life?

Look, even if we do manage to scare her off without completely outing your identity, what happens next?

Well, she lives, for one thing.

And Tyson walks to k*ll again, when we won't be there.

The only way to take him off the streets for good is to catch him red-handed. With his victim.

By using her as bait.

And what if you mess up? Huh?

What if you can't stop it?

I will.

I didn't realize you could see the future, too.

Walk away, Dash.


Walk away.



Hey, Vega.

What are you doing here?

Noticed your A.R. was operational.

Are you working tonight?

I'm here meeting a guy.

Seriously? You tracked my current location?

I saw that you pulled out an old case.

A 30-year-old drug overdose?

A favor for a cop friend of mine in Boston.

Thought it might be a m*rder. The victim was his niece.

You want in on this?

Hey, maybe you can become their chief of police.

I want you to quit being so pissed off that I'm your boss.

We spent four years as partners, and ever since I got this office, you act like I'm an enemy.


Okay, well, let's hash this out.

You're buying.

Yeah. What else is new?

Another long night, Blanca?

Oh. Um...


Yeah. Might be time to call it on account of lame.

Yeah. I-I know what you mean.


Sorry. That was accidental contact.

Yeah. No worries.

Choppy night tonight.

A whole lot of fives and sixes.

Excuse me?

Like on a scale of...

I'm familiar with the scale.

I would say you're a seven, though, at least.

Are you negging me?

So, you want to dance?


You think I don't know that you deserved this job as much as I do?

Or even more than I do?

It's a game, Lara, and I can help you learn to play it.

You can?

Not if you keep avoiding me.

Avoiding you?

I-I'm not avoiding you. Come on.

What, is your guy here?

Uh, I think so.

But we've-we've never met in person.

Well, we can always try to make him jealous.

Is this guy bothering you, Blanca?

Can I close out, please?

Wait, are you leaving?

I thought you weren't interested.

What? Oh, no. No, I'm glad.

I want you to leave. Immediately.

The feeling's mutual.

You know what, I think I'm regretting this blind date.

I'm gonna run.


But thank you, Blake, for the great conversation.

And you were right about everything.

Okay, see, this is exactly what I'm talking about!

What happened? Where's she going?

No, it's okay. I scared her off. She just left.

Yeah. And so did Tyson Cole.

Sorry, it's my fault.

It's okay. It's all right.

It's been a crap night. You can take this one.

No, no. Let's share.

Nice job.

Now they have a head start. Let's go.

This time we do it my way. Stay in the car.

Tyson Cole!

What? What is this?

Metro PD.

Hey, you're the chick from the seminar.

Where's Blanca Garcia?

Wait, who?

The woman you picked up at Club Alpha.

Where is she?

Oh, her? I don't know.

She got out of the cab halfway, made up some excuse.

What happened? What went wrong?

We were too late.

By the time we got to Tyson's, Blanca was gone.


If she's the m*rder victim, why would Tyson let her go?

Because Tyson's not the m*rder*r.

There's something in the vision that we must have missed.

Hang on.

That's Tyson's tattoo.

Okay, but it's also the cover of his book.

Maybe the m*rder*r owns a copy?

Along with a million other people.


What, the blood?

No, the reflection in the blood.


The bartender at Club Alpha.

He used those to mix his drinks.

You think he's the k*ller?

Blanca must have gone back to the club.


Anybody here?

I-I was just locking up.


Um, sorry, I think I might have...

Forgot your purse?


I found it.

Blanca... right?


It didn't have to be this way.

You could have smiled back.


Night after night, week after week, I'm nice to you.

I'm right... for you.

And you go home with guys like him?

No, but we-we never went home.

I don't like guys like him.

I like guys like you.

Nice guys.

Harold, right?


Don't try talking to me now.



Wait here.

Blanca Garcia, you okay?

He's... still... here.

Night vision.

Don't sh**t. It's just me.

Get down. Where's Harlan?

I don't know.

Stay back.

Ugh, I can't see.

The light blasted my night vision.

You don't have to.

Stand and fire over your left shoulder in four seconds.

What? Dash. What am I sh**ting at?

One one thousand. Two one thousand.


Three one thousand. Now!

Where was he? I didn't see him. Dash, I missed.

I didn't.

You knew where he'd be.

From now on, maybe you shouldn't stay in the car.

Way to go.



Harlan Elbert, you have the right to remain silent.


You still want to play?

All right. Let's put them in.