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05x12 - Judgement Fae

Posted: 09/28/15 05:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Lost Girl"...

Bo: Couldn't help but notice you didn't let her in on your little situation.

Why didn't you turn me fae when you had the chance.

Because I wanted to test the serum.

On who?

The last time Hades was vulnerable was when he was banished to Tartarus.

The door to Valhalla only opens in the presence of teachers.

Please welcome Mistress Acacia.

He wants to build an army.

Then be his perfect little general.

Tamsin: You try to go after my friends, just know you'll have to go through me first.

What if he's playing the same game?

There's only one way to find out.

Is this really happening?

Lauren: I'm starving.

Does chi-sucking always give a bad case of the munchies?

You want pizza?

You called for pizza half an hour ago.

You don't remember?

Of course I do.

I was just kidding.


Well, 'ha' then.

Oh what? You don't think I have a future in stand-up?

Well I wouldn't put it past you.

I mean, I never imagined you'd be fae.

Not fae. Not quite.

Not unless I'm touching one.

What happens when you hold on for too long?

I explode into confetti.

It's actually quite spectacular.

You wanna see?

But your question is valid.

I'll conduct some tests.

On yourself?

Isn't that what guinea pigs are for?

I'm taking every precaution.

Yeah, and I'm every bit worried.

Well don't be.

Once we discovered the TTV virus I knew...


You said we.

Once we discovered TGIF or whatever.

Okay, look.

Jack helped me solve my equation.

I would've solved it by myself, but he just helped me get there a little sooner.

Lauren, he's planning something.

What if this is part of it?

Then I'll be one step ahead.

Look, I know this is overwhelming for you.

But this is a step in the right direction, Bo.

The forever direction...

You can't trust him.

It feels like the issue here is that you don't trust me.

(Knock on the door)

That would be the pizza.

Don't fail me.



It will be done.


Is that really you?

Not again...

So, are you a screamer?

Or are you the type that's gonna get all emotional?

I thought you were dead.


(Neck breaking)

That's you.

Judgement Fae

(Phone ringing)


Dyson... where?

Okay... I'm on my way.

Work. Something's come up.

Do you want your coffee to go?

No, I'll take it like this, thanks.

I'll see you tonight?

I'll be here.

Dyson, your wallet.

Thank you.

I'm an idiot.

Sorry about that.

No, it's my fault.

We'll talk later.

I'll be here.

That's Zee alright.

Any witnesses?

None that saw the incident.

I don't get it, I was there.

I saw Zee vanish with the painting.

Just like Jack said she would.

Well, there's your answer.

Jack lied to me.

Yeah it looks like Hades and Zeus are in cahoots.

Brothers in arms, together again.

I need to go see him. I need answers.

You don't think he's just gonna lie again?

I'm pretty sure he will.

Which is why I'll play ignorant to the fact Zee is back.

The old, he can't know that you know, 'cause if he knows you know, he'll know...

Yeah, you know.

Why was Zee at the courthouse?

It's ground zero.

The elevator crash that started it all.

Where Zee, Hera and Iris, possessed their human bodies.

I have a feeling that courthouse is sitting on something big.

Lucky courthouse.

I swear that was my inside voice.

I'll dig up any archaeological history I can find.

First stop. Old Man Liar.

Patient's response to pain stimulus is still non existent.

No verbal or motor responses.

You can go ahead and change his fluids and I'd like another CT scan.

Oh, by the way where are Patient X's test results?

Aren't those them in your hand?

Indeed they are. Thanks.

Carry on.

Early stage Parkinson's?

And the patient's cognitive decline is increasing rapidly, it's not looking good.

No, it's not.

Who is Patient X anyway?

No one.

Bo, if this is about last night I am not in the mood.

I'm here to question Jack.

Oh, when you need his help it's okay.

But when I do...

This is different.

Oh yeah, how?

Because we're talking about you.

The woman that I love.

How can someone so smart be so...

Look, I'm sorry Lauren, I didn't mean that...

I just don't get why you're so willing to give up who you are to be fae.

No, I guess you don't.

Lauren, please, let's talk about this.

Bo, what else is there to say?

I only brought the horse to the water.

I had no part in making her drink.


I admit, I helped her with the solution.

But I had no idea she was going to use it on herself.

You're messing with someone's life.

She wanted this more than anything in the world.

What about Zee?

You haven't asked me about her.

Why did you lie to me?

I told you the painting would vanish Zee, I never said to where.

So you played me.

I protected you.

From what?

I manipulated the painting in case it got into the wrong hands.

I couldn't risk Zee using it on you.


Don't look at me.

Oh, so now you're going to play the frightened kitten?

Last time I checked, you were all about the catfight.

Where am I? Who are you?

Cut the crap, Zee. What are you doing here?

I don't know...

I... don't know.


And I thought I could eat.

Feeding off adoration must not satisfy a human appetite.

Are you sure this isn't a scheme?

That Zee's not still in her?


And apparently I've been hanging out with my son too much.

No, there's no scent of fae in there.

It's all human.

Well Zee must have gone somewhere.

Maybe Elizabeth can help us find her.


We need you're help.

What do you remember?

When Zee...

h*jacked my body?


I tried my best to block it out.

My eyes were shut about 97% of the time.

And I wouldd do this thing where I'd hum old Madonna songs.

And it would be my happy place.

And I would think about my fiancee, David...

Oh gosh.

I... she... k*lled him didn't I?

Zee can't hurt you anymore.

But we need figure out what she was doing in that courthouse so she doesn't anyone else.

I can't.

Maybe this will help you remember.

Elizabeth: That's Claire.

Did I do that?

No, not you, Zee.

Oh gosh.

Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh.

How many people did I k*ll?

Okay, what happened to you is horrible.

There's no denying that.

It sucks to be used against your will.

But it's time to be a hero, not a victim.

So, maybe you should stop crying and start remembering.

(Deep breathing)

What? Tough love.

Elizabeth: Okay... umm...

I remember... a smell.

And it was musty.

And it was hot.

Not Florida hot.

Like, fire in my face hot.

That's really great, Beth.

What else?


Like someone hammering on a furnace.

And I think... there was something about like a... a shield?

I think she was giving it to someone.

Trick: The Aegis Shield.

This is Hephaestus.

Or Hepha.

I think I just Hepha'd my lunch.

He's the son of Zeus and Hera.

He's he forger of weaponry and armour for the Ancients.

But why would Zee relinquish her shield?

It was her protection.

Hephaestus only grants one w*apon per god.

Zeus could be trading it in for something stronger.

More deadly.

We need to go to the courthouse and find the elephant man.

It's not going to be easy.

In order to meet with Hephaestus, one must be granted audience with one of the Erinyes.

The Ministers of Justice: Tisiphone, Megaera, and...

Not Judge Megaera.

Dyson: You know him?


Everyone knows her.

What's she like?

I don't use the lord's name in vain often, but she is one mean son of a you know what.

You didn't use the lord's name in vain.


Lauren's voice-mail: Leave a message after the tone.

Hey, it's me, again.

Look, I know you said you needed time, but five more minutes and I think I might explode into confetti.

Lauren, I'm sorry.

Please call me back.

Makes me glad I'm single.

Oh I'm sorry.

That was so insensitive of me to do in front of you.

No, it's all good.

I'm very happy for you and the Doc.



We're friends. Just, not friends with benefits.

Elizabeth: One, two, check. Check, check.


One, two, three...

We hear you, loud and clear, Beth.

Do you hear us?

I sure do.

This is like so Mission Impossible, like...

Beth, focus.

Oh, okay.

So, Megaera is elegant.

She's like an older Kate Winslet in Titanic.

Oh, and you can always count on a statement necklace.

Be more specific, Beth.

She likes to eat her lunch under that super weird, super offensive painting.

Do you see her?

Egg salad on rye.

When you approach, be sure to use short sentences.

And, she's a sucker for legalese.

So use lawyerly speak whenever you can.

I object!

No really. That is all I got.

Maybe we should Roxanne this.

If she makes one more movie reference, I am cutting her off.

Roxanne is a movie?

Come on, Steve Martin, Daryl Hannah.

Cyrano De Bergerac!





You don't just waltz over here, Ms. Dennis.

Interrupt my lunch and ask for an audience with Hephaestus.

No of course not.

Bo: Egg sandwhich looks good.

Smells good too.


An audience is given only by proving oneself worthy.

What are we talkin'?

Slaying a dragon? Swallowing a centipede?

Was that there before?

You and only you can enter.

Tamsin: Okay.

Your test awaits you, Ms. Dennis.

Will I get any time to study?

I'm here if you need me.

Ah great, this is just what I needed.

Need what now?

I really hope you're better than my last three lawyers.

This business is my life.

Please, don't screw it up for me.

I'm Philip.

Will you excuse me, just one moment?

I think there's been some kind of mistake, because I'm not a lawyer.

Succeed for your client and you will be granted an audience.

Fail, and the only thing you'll be granted is a one way ticket to Myth.

Please tell me that's an island in Greece.

Myth is a realm of eternal stasis.

Limbo, if you will.

Can't a girl strike a deal here. Maybe...

Take your seat.

Court is in session.

Hey Roxanne, you're on.

Max and I started Tech Talk Great Development.

And he stole a software application and sold it to our top competitor.

Elizabeth: And so, under IP rights
he had no authority to sell.

And so, under PI rights...

I.P.! Intellectual property.

Excuse me, under I.P. rights, Max had no right to sell because it was never his to sell in the first place.


He did invent it. But he used company assets to do so.

Great Bo. You're doing great.

Thank you.

The prosecution rests.

Your Honour!

Don't forget Your Honour.

The prosecution rests, Your Honour.

Your witness.

Thank you, Your Honour.

I only have two questions for the witness.

Is that your signature?

Yes, it is.

And what does the document pertain to?

This is Max's proposal for the app.

Which I rejected.

And if you rejected the proposal then wouldn't Max be free to take it somewhere else?


That was three questions.


No, actually, Max signed a confidentiality contract.

The only reason I rejected that proposal is because he was trying to cut me out entirely.

I thought we're supposed to be partners.

If you're 'partners' then why is Max not in any of these publicity documents?

Is that what this is all about?

These are business publications.

Why would you ever be included?

Doesn't sound like a partnership to me.

Lawyer: No more questions Your Honour.

I am no expert, but I'm thinking that was not good for us.

No not good at all.

You okay? You seem distracted.

Yeah, you could say that.

Is it Mark?

The human?

I thought you claimed her. What's the issue?

Dyson, are you in...


Bo will always be your greatest love.

But that doesn't mean there isn't room for you to love another.

That's not the way of my kind.

There are rules.

For thousands of years, I live by the rules of the Light and the Dark.

It's because of that steadfast resolution that I tore my family apart.

Sometimes, the heart does as it likes.

Despite what the rules say.
(Fire alarm beeping)




I made dinner.


I could smell it from around the block. It's...

Roast chicken?

It was at one point. Now it's just... sad.

No, no, no.

I'm such an idiot.

No, not at all. It's the thought that counts.

Well done.

So, umm, how 'but we order in?

You liked that Thai place right?

Wait, shouldn't we talk about this?


Trust me when I tell you have this in the bag.

The law is the law is the law is the...

The law, we get it.

I pitched the idea to Philip several times.

So you in no way tried to exclude Philip from the process?

I wanted this app to be part of Tech Talk, the company I put years of hard work into making the success it is today.

Thank you.

No further questions, Your Honour.

Your witness, Ms. Dennis.

Mr. Pearson, did you steal Tech Talk's property and sell it to Brebner Tech?

Property? No. It was my idea.

But was it yours to sell?

Yes. I mean, of course, yes.

I own half the company.

Why can't I do what I want with an idea that's not being valued?

Because it's against the law, Max.


Bo, can you hear me.

Just say, he broke the law.

He signed a contract. It's black and white...


No, what? Ms. Dennis?

No... one ever noticed you.

The law isn't what matters here.

You feel like Philip doesn't value you.

But he does.

You guys are two sides of the same coin.

But maybe Philip feels like, you might not need him.

There's a difference between working together and him taking over.

That was never my intention...

No, you were just trying to protect him, right, Philip?

I didn't want him to get taken advantage of.

I was afraid you'd lose everything.

I figured if I kept you close, I could protect you...

Nobody made it your job to protect me.

I'm gonna drop the suit. Yeah.

If you want to sell, you go ahead.

But if you want to stay, we'll try to make it work.

Yeah, yeah I want to stay.

Okay, case dismissed.

Wait... that's it?

I mean I know I didn't win, but they worked it out in the end.

And doesn't that make us all winners at the end of the day?

Unfortunately, no.

This wasn't about winning.

This was about me.

My courtroom is designed to reveal one's inner justice.

Only then can Hephaestus forge a w*apon befitting of the warrior.

Ugly bastard.

I've always tried to protect people. But... maybe in the wrong way...

I should be supporting them.

Supporting Lauren.

That is how I'll protect her.

Well done, Bo.

You have found your inner justice.

Use it wisely.



You must be Bo.

I am Hephaestus.

More like Hot-Face-stus.

You're the ugliest of all the Ancients?

By far.

Olympus is a place of sublime beauty.

Look away, if you must.

I came for Zee.

What is she planning?

My fire fuses with the icy waters of the well, and from the Yawning gap, the place of Myth, I forge a w*apon worthy of the God before me.

I know Zee visited you.

What did she want?

Ask her yourself.

Lauren? What are you doing here?

Deceiving, isn't it?

Turns out not all blondes have more fun.


Now you're catching on.

When I found out about Zee's new capabilities I thought; she'll make the perfect new vessel.

She struggled, but held on just... long... enough.

So that's what happens when you hold on for too long...

Your girlfriend went from part-time conduit, to full time Ancient.

I'd call that a promotion.

Time for a wake up call.

Nurse: Dr. Lewis, we need you back at the clinic.

He's awake. Call me back.


Where am I?

What's going on?

You've suffered a massive heart attack.

You're in recovery.

You don't remember?

My wife.

Where is she?

I want to see Alicia.

No, Kevin, don't get up, please.

Why is the door locked?

I'm sorry, the doctor will be here any minute.

Please, I wanna see Alicia.



Get the fae out of my girlfriend.

You need to listen to me.

I am your only chance against Hades.

You knew that I wouldn't hurt Lauren.

That's why you chose her body.

What do you want?

To warn you; Hades might seem benign, but he's a master manipulator.

He'll infiltrate every inch of your life.

Oh, you just hijack girlfriends.

He's evil, Bo.

Pure and ugly evil.

Looks like he's already started.

Who is it?

The Valkyrie?

The wolf?

Oh... right... the doctor.

I will never let my father get between me and Lauren.

The doctor's too weak to hold on much longer.

Functioning as a full-time conduit comes with full-time side effects.

I can feel her cells breaking down.

You're k*lling her.

It's not my intention to hurt her.

You just need to listen, Hera.


I'm Bo.


Where am I?

No, no, no...

Stay with me, Lauren.


I got you.

I got you.

I've had enough of this. I'm going in.

What about me?

We need to get you to the clinic.

Someone there will know what to do.

We need to wait.

Hepha created my Aegis shield and now he's using it to forge a w*apon for you.

Stay with me Lauren.

Hera: Oh good, the g*ng's all here.

Lauren is dying. We need to get her out of here.

Oh that's a pity.

She took such good care of me, saved my life.

Why was that?

Because Zeus k*lled me.

You're not still upset about that are you?


Lauren's too weak to hold Zee.

Take me instead.

Elizabeth no!

I've had my eyes closed long enough, I've got to open them if I'm ever...


Someone had to shut her up.

You need to get her out of here.

That's good.

Admit it.

You need me.

Say it.

How can you be so stupid?

Of course I need you.

What's the ETA on that w*apon, big guy?

Not in this lifetime, succubus.

Back to plan... what was our plan?

Oh right, plan...

"Now we k*ll Bo."

I thougt we were on the same team here.

Hades bad, us good.

Yeah, Zee doesn't need another sidekick.

I'm her second in command.

And now, you're fired.

I believe that's my line.

You know what they say, it's better to burn out than be a total assh*le.

Don't play with fire... unless you... can handle... the burn.

Hera: Zee, no!

Don't send me back to Myth.

Don't you remember how bored we both were?

This isn't the end, love.

You trust me don't you?

I do.

So that's it? No goodbye cat fight?

I'm so glad we got to know each other.

My beautiful niece.

You know I defended people once.

And in return, they worshipped me.

They had sacrifices for me.

Sounds like you had it all.

I let it go to my head.

Don't let it go to yours, Bo.

Remember with great power comes great...

Okay, Voltaire.

(Whispering) Never forget; Hades' evil comes in many forms.

Elizabeth: Bo? What's that?


What the Hepha am I supposed to do with this?

Why didn't anyone tell me about fae back in college?

That was...

Speechless? I'll take speechless.

(Phone ringing)

I have to take this.

Bo? What's up?


Yeah, she is.

I'll let her know.

I don't like that look.

It's Kevin.


You don't owe me anything.

I want you to live your life the way it was.

I don't regret anything.


Kevin: Baby.


I got us pho.

To help you pho-get about spending an entire day inside that psychopath's head.

Sorry, bad dad joke...


I love you.

And if you want to be fae, that's what I want too.

I took the antidote.

I'm not fae anymore.

Okay, that's uhh...

I'm just glad you're okay.

Are you okay?

I lost myself.

I was so coompletely obsessed with us, that I lost myself.

But we got you back.

And you're healthy.

And things can be the way they were.

You asked why I was so willing to give up who I am to be fae.

Bo, it was never about being fae.

It was about us.

It was about fixing the one thing that holds us back...

We don't need to be fixed, we're perfect.

When I'm old and grey and losing my mind for real...

I will still love you.

You, Lauren Lewis.

No matter how many grey hairs you have on your head.

I know you will, Bo.

That's just it, I know that you will love me until my last dying breath.

But I can't do that to you.

I don't want to do that to you.

But that is my decision.


It's not just your decision.

This is because of Jack.

Don't you see that?

Don't you see what he's done? This is what he wants...

No, Bo. It's not because of him.

This is you and me.

I'm supposed to be a healer, you're a protector.

And I risked all of that.


I want...

Is you.

I just... I can't!

People need you, people need me.

Please, don't do this Lauren.

Not again.

Oh Bo, believe me, I know.

I am so sorry.

I love you.

Let me get something straight, in case it's not abundantly clear.

You and me.

Never gonna happen.

You found Zee.

How is the old girl?

This is all a game to you, isn't it?

You just set up the chess pieces, and you sit back and you watch them fall.

Whatever you're planning.


Do it.

I'm done waiting.

It's your move.

Lauren reversed the serum.

Not before it nearly k*lled her.


Your master plan worked.

Lauren and I are done.


Do not "Bo" me.

This is what you wanted.

Of course it's not.

I want my daughter to be happy.

Hades wants me to be happy.

People like us, we are capable of many things.

But love?

She's gone, Dad.

We're over.


I didn't come here to ruin your life.

I think I should take a step back.

Let you sort things out.

But I'll be here.

I'll be right here if you decide you need me.

Great, everyone's breaking up with me today.

Gods no. You haven't heard a word I've said.

Without family, we're nothing.

But I can only lead you to the water, I cannot force you to drink.

And we're back to horse metaphors.

But you're right, you can't force me to drink, And I never will.

Definitly out of my team.

But there's something else, too. Pure gold.

A horseshoe's not a w*apon, it's a parlour game.

In lore, the horseshoe symbolizes protection, wards off evil, and brings good luck...

Yeah well, I'm not feeling especially lucky right now.

I'll keep looking.

In the meantime, this belongs to you.

All of that over a gods damn horseshoe.

Maybe Jack's right.

Maybe I'm not made for love.

I think the opposite is true.

But if there's one thing I have learned from loving you...

Bet on getting your heart broken?

Better to have loved and lost.

You cared for Alicia.

I didn't think I could...

We gotta do something about this wallow.

It's all wrong.

You're critiquing my wallow?

Wallow requirement numero uno. Snacks.

I'll order pizza?


Okay, or, uhh, it doens't have to be pizza.

I can order sushi? Or chinese?

She's gone, Tamsin.

We're over.

Look, you do whatever you need to do.

You can cry, or scream...

Whatever feels right.

Or that works too...

Just maybe not with me?

No matter how much I try, someone always ends up hurt.

It's just, we're friends without benefits. Remember?

I'm sorry.

I'm gonna go to bed.

Bo wait. Bo.

I'm gonna regret this later.