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01x01 - Run (Pilot)

Posted: 09/28/15 05:09
by bunniefuu
[sirens wailing, cracking, rumbling]


[loud thud]

[wailing continues]

[Massive Attack's "Paradise Circus" plays]

♪ It's unfortunate that when we feel a storm ♪

[door opens]

You're going to be late for the train.

♪ We can roll ourselves over ♪

I printed your ticket.

♪ 'Cause we're uncomfortable ♪
♪ Oh, well ♪
♪ The devil makes us sin ♪
♪ But we like it when we're spinning ♪

Train station, yes?

♪ In his grip ♪

No, the airport.

[engine turns over]

Man: ...Aboard flight 861, nonstop to Washington, D.C.

We are currently cruising at an altitude of about 33,000 feet with an airspeed of about 400 miles per hour.

Weather looks good...

Ryan Booth.

Nice to meet you, Ryan Booth.

You from D.C.?

Just connecting there, on to Chile.

Oh, well...


Doctors Without Borders.

And suddenly I'm out of my league in this conversation.


[chuckles] Thanks.

What about you?

I'm heading back to my family.


From the Philippines.


Last night of freedom for us both.

I'll drink to that.

[Cold w*r Kids' "All This Could Be Yours" plays]

♪ I've been silent partner, I've been your shrink ♪
♪ I have heard you say, "Look, misfortuous speech" ♪
♪ But I'll have sympathy when you get off your seat ♪
♪ Before "there's been a mess" becomes a disease ♪
♪ I have cracked the code on this old machine ♪
♪ 10,000 hours to be released ♪
♪ But I've been wondering, "Why can't you see?" ♪
♪ If the door opens up, we go where it leads ♪

Hey, hi.

Uh, thanks for doing this.

I'm... I'm Simon.

Uh, I'm Max.

Uh, we had coffee.

[camera shutter clicks]



Uh, where you headed?

Uh, sorry. I'm late.

Thanks for the coffee.


♪ Could be yours ♪
♪ You were packing up, but I gave you a bed ♪
♪ You would rather crash than go straight ahead ♪

[bell dings]

Do you have a restroom?

♪ I wrote this years ago, but it's finished today ♪

It's, uh, out of order.

♪ With the help of a friend who is finished the same ♪

[bell dings]

No key without a purchase.

♪ And I ♪
♪ I have been patient ♪
♪ But you've got to try ♪
♪ Then all of this could be yours ♪
♪ Be yours tonight ♪
♪ Could be yours, could be yours ♪
♪ Could be yours, could be yours ♪

[Alex moaning passionately]

[airplane passing]

[breathing heavily] Okay.


[both breathing heavily]

So, can I get your number or your E-mail?

Or... your name?

You're not my type.


Said to the man you just had sex with.

Well, if you were, I wouldn't have.

I would have gotten to know you first.




How about I list five things about you to prove that I'm right, and if any of them are false, I'll tell you whatever you want to know?


One, you're nice.



Your good manners probably come from having grown up in a house full of women.

No man taught you how to shave.

Your stubble grows in different directions.

Two, you're damaged goods.

You were married, and pretty recently, too.

The callus on that finger is small, but not soft.

Three, you're slippery... because you weren't in Manila.

It's the rainy season in Manila, and you're wearing...

Tennis shoes?

Right, tennis shoes, which are spotless, but not new, which, four, you would have called "sneakers" if you really were from the Northeast, as opposed to... the West Coast?

Los Angeles...

Hawthorne, to be exact.

Which makes you, five, pretty damn untrustworthy, and while I find that enough of a turn-on to get into this car and do what we just did, in the long run, definitely not my type.




Who are you?

Guess you'll never know now.

[vehicle door opens]

Group: I solemnly swear to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.

I take this obligation freely, without any reservation or purpose of evasion and will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office of which I am about to enter...

So help me God.

Welcome to the FBI Academy at Quantico.

I'm Special Agent Liam O'Connor.


You made it in.

Now let's see if you can survive.

[sirens wailing, glass shattering]

[helicopter blades whirring]

[siren wailing]

[horn blares]

Hey! Over here!

FBI! Don't move!

Keep your hands where I can see them!

I'm FBI! I have my crede...

I said, "Don't move"!


Don't you even think about moving!

Man: Hold your fire! Hold your fire!

Okay, okay.

Jacket pocket.

This area's not safe.

Come with me.

Miranda: The state of this country is the most precarious it has ever been.

Not only are there more threats than ever before, but the majority of those threats don't come from known organizations or extremist groups, but our own backyard... a neighbor you grew up next to, a one-night stand you had, perhaps even a family member.

You applied here to protect your country from those threats.

And while your ideals and your test scores might have gotten you here, they will not be enough to keep you here.

The FBI Academy is the toughest boot camp, hardest grad school rolled into one.

It is not college.

It is life and death.

She's so warm.

Every class of New Agent Trainees, She can't be. or NATs...

She's the boss. make sure that only those...

So what?

...who meet bureau standards graduate.

We do really well here, best-case scenario, end up a sexless, heartless, pontificating robot?

Worked for Hillary.

[light laughter]

You'll receive temporary credentials, uniforms, and a red-handled g*n.

Always wear the uniform, always have your credentials, always carry the red-handle.

That way, you're identifiable to us as a New Agent Trainee, or NAT, and not visiting law enforcement, a D.E.A. trainee, or a neighboring marine.

g*ns can be rented for target practice by leaving your red-handle.

Return your g*n, recover your red-handle.

I look like Tilda Swinton.


I'm Simon. Uh, we haven't met yet.


Gender-neutral uniforms.

A win for equality?

I'm conflicted.

[both laugh]

Alex Parrish.

Shelby Wyatt.

Good to meet you.

Yeah, you too.

What's this for?

It doesn't even sh**t.

It's so you get used to having the weight of a g*n on your person.

You ever shot a real one before?

I was a competitive archer.

That's not the same thing.

The Olympic judges seemed pretty impressed in 2012.

I-I used to be a C.P.A.

This was my only hobby. [chuckles]


Coffee sucked in the Marines.



30 years old, and I am back at summer camp.

Let me help.

I make mean hospital corners.

Thank you.

You were wearing pajamas under your clothes?

Wait. Hold up.

Are you "Elder Eric"?

No way!


Do they know?

Of course. They recruited me.


Well, mormons respect authority, don't drink or take dr*gs, spend time in foreign countries, and they speak several languages.

I'm assuming none of that applies to you?

Your mission?


I've never been to Georgia.

Ryan Booth. Nice to meet you.

We had sex in your car six hours ago.

I didn't think you'd want everyone to know that.

Why not?

We're gonna be late.

That Nimah girl got a single?

Yeah, uh, devout Muslim women aren't supposed to be seen uncovered by men.

They probably put her in there so it doesn't happen.

Yeah, I know.


I tell you, you don't want to miss your first big...

Oh! I'm... I'm sorry.

I-I was just telling everyone about this same thing.

Uh, I'm gay, so...

And that makes a difference?


Get out.

Inside these folders is every piece of information the FBI gathered on you during your application process... with one item redacted.

If intelligence is the CIA's game, investigation is ours.

How'd you beat me?

Someone's identity is stolen, a serial k*ller strikes...

The elevator.

...a b*mb goes off...

Even if there are no leads, there are always clues.

The smallest detail can make a huge difference.

So you are going to pick a fellow trainee, figure out the missing piece of their story in the next 24 hours, or you're out.


I'm right there, "doctor."

Please. I've already figured you out.

Oh, my dad in Bethesda will be so happy to hear that.

Got what I wanted.

It looks like somebody already got yours.

Unh-unh-unh. You can't take your own.

Joseph Smith.

I want to see how many wives you have.

Woman: It was only a few hours ago that an expl*si*n rocked Grand Central Terminal in New York City, not far from where the Democratic National Convention was just getting under way at the Waldorf Astoria.

ASAC Jimenez, Joint Terrorism Task Force.

We're still piecing together what happened here, but we could really use your help.

Mine? Why?

I've only been an agent for a few months.

I was on perimeter detail at the Convention.

And shouldn't we be helping people? I mean...

No. We've got agents and local L.E. on the ground, military personnel coming in from Fort Hamilton.

You're more useful to us here.

You're the closest survivor we've found to the blast site.

That makes you our best witness.

But I don't remember anything. I...

You might remember more than you think.

Follow me.

We got a tip right before the expl*si*n.

Too late to stop, but...

What was it?

That it was an inside job by one of our own agents.

What? That's crazy.

But it was more specific than that.

How well do you know these people?

I don't understand.

We know you researched them.

Hell, you lived together for six months.

We need you to remember what you found.

Wait. Are you telling me you think one of these people is a t*rror1st?

Not only that, we're pretty sure they already were a t*rror1st when they got to Quantico.

That's what the tip was.

We need your help to figure out who they are so we can stop them before they strike again.

My guys are getting the b*mb techs in so we can make sure there aren't more surprises.

Bridges and tunnels are closed... no one in or out.

City's on lockdown, tight as 9/11.

Okay, keep me posted.

Copy that.

So... day two. What happened?

[The Wind and the Wave's "Raising Hands Raising Hell" plays]

[shower curtain closes]

♪ You dragged me to the doctor, and you didn't tell me why ♪
♪ A 9-year-old in headphones raising hands, raising hell ♪
♪ Raise 'em high ♪

[water running]

♪ Oh, you better raise 'em high ♪

[running stops, door opens]

♪ I don't want to go to church no more ♪
♪ I don't want to go to school ♪
♪ Got Jesus on the dashboard ♪
♪ And the devil's sitting in a pew right next to you ♪

I hate that I can't stop looking.

♪ Oh, he's right next to you ♪

I don't.


♪ Hey! ♪

Miranda: Hey!

Didn't you wear that yesterday?

Fall asleep at a bar?

I didn't realize you were paying such close attention.

I told you to pull it together.

And I told you I'd try.

Remember, I'm not your partner or your girlfriend anymore, and I'm not your friend.

I'm your boss.


You feel a little more like a warden... which makes sense, 'cause this place feels like prison.

You got yourself into trouble, Liam, not me.

This is the last place I wanted to see you.

Then why bring me here?

So you could keep your pension and your pride and count down the clock with some semblance of dignity.

Mm. Like you are.

That's not what I'm doing.


No woman has gotten higher than the Assistant Director of Quantico.

No woman.

It doesn't matter what I do.

Recruitment numbers are the largest that they've ever been, and I'm still here.

The ceiling's only glass till you break it.


That's exactly the kind of thing that only a man would say.

I lost my family to this job.

So did I.

Yeah, but you don't see me drinking myself to death over it, do you?

Just giving up 'cause it didn't go your way.

I saved you from drowning.

But I could just as soon toss you back in.

Don't forget that, okay?

P.T., firearms, defensive tactics... there's no time for this assignment.

Yeah, I started last night.

I'm already done. Simon's easy.

Simon: I prefer honest.

I have nothing to hide. [chuckles]

Hey, um... by the way, about yesterday... when I opened the door?

Oh, don't worry about it. It's fine.

May I ask a question? Um...

I-I noticed that sometimes you... you pin your hijab to the left and sometimes to the right.

Is there a cultural significance I'm unaware of, or is it just the way you hold the pin when you clasp it?

I noticed you're ambidextrous.


Fairman: Good morning.

Man: Morning, sir.

Together: Morning.

I'm Special Agent Pete Fairman.

And I'll be conducting your first qualification tests.

When did the investigation of each other start in earnest?

In between activities, during lunch, at the sh**ting range...

Yes, I'm calling about your client, Shelby Wyatt.

Shelby Wyatt.

♪ You saw me slipping on my blind side ♪

[speaking Swedish]

♪ I'm feeling lost, feeling tongue-tied ♪

[speaking Mandarin]

♪ And now I'm frozen in your headlights ♪

[whistle blows]

♪ Deep in the haze of your love high ♪

Fairman: Time!

Very impressive, Trainee Amin.

♪ I used to soar on the live wire ♪

Very impressive.

I saw that one coming.

♪ I'm coming down from your supply ♪

Don't discount her.

♪ And I don't know if you can ♪

This just isn't in her skill set.

♪ Make right ♪

What is?


♪ I can't take it ♪
♪ From the day I saw my heart start breaking ♪
♪ No one saved me ♪

She got famous hunting with her dad.


American sn*per.

2,000 friends?

Who gives everything five stars?

Why is the only movie on here "City Slickers"?

Eric's Instagram, it's... it's... it's just memes.

Thank you for getting back to me.

Ms. Parrish had you listed as a reference for the position, and I was hoping...

[cellphone chimes]

I was...


I was hoping maybe you could, you know...

♪ I can't take it ♪

...give me a little information on what type of employee she was.

♪ I saw my heart start breaking ♪

[cellphone beeps]

♪ No one saved me ♪

[gasps] Gotcha.

♪ I should have known ♪
♪ Known, known ♪
♪ No, no, no, no ♪

[camera shutter clicks]

♪ Watch it ♪
♪ Watch it ♪
♪ Watch it ♪

Well, I have looked into Caleb all day.

He is a total golden boy.

You know the Director himself wrote his recommendation?


The only thing they could have redacted about him is where he gets his abs sprayed on.

He must be hiding something.

Oh, right.

You guys weren't there.

19... 20...



[whistle blows]

I smoke.

I think there's something wrong with my g*n.


Damn it!

So it looks like Golden Boy might only be gold-plated.

So, what, did he think he could just coast through on his looks?


I'm not coasting on anything, Taylor Swift.

You'll see when I present what I just found on Packer.

Hey, what's the time difference to Malawi?

Seven hours.


J.J.: And then what happened?

It was time for class.

We returned our g*ns.

You already know what happened next.

All right, so, you found something, I take it?

Oh, so much better than I expected, too.

Okay. I'll bite.

Whoa, Romney, relax.

Don't you want to be surprised like everyone else?

Though I got to ask... how'd you pass a background check?


You're lying.

There's nothing.

Hey. Lay off him, Haas.

Hey, I just want him to be prepared... 'cause he knows what he did.

You should have stayed in Salt Lake, boy.

Hey, don't let him get to you.

Yeah, and whatever he's found, the FBI already knew about it, right?

Come on.

Investigation is over.

Now it's time to move on... to the interview.

Each of you has a fact you've found, a piece of information you believe to be true, but you need confirmation from your suspect.

"Investigation and interview"... the bread and butter of the FBI... and if you can't excel at both, you'll never make it through.

And while in the real world, a polygraph might be inadmissible in a court of law, I find it a great tool to learn by.

Stick to "yes" or "no" questions, and let's see how far you get.

So, who went first?

What's the Retina camera for?

Eye movement and dilation are often dead giveaways.

Simon, you can begin.

You grew up in Georgia?

I sure did, yes.

With your family?


Are you an only child?



Uh, well, I-I have a half-sister.

She's 10 years older, though. I barely know her.

Stay calm. It's okay.

What about your parents?

What about them?

Are they still alive?


They are not.

How did they die?

That's not a "yes" or "no" question.

Did they die together?


Were they k*lled?


When I was 16.

What's the piece of metal you carry with you?


Is that piece of metal part of a plane?


The plane your parents were on?


On 9/11.

That's why I'm here.

Well done, Simon.

Well done.

Who went next?

You're gay.

[chuckles] Yes, but that is not a secret.

It wasn't in your file.

Because that would be discrimination.

And would it be discrimination if it had said you were a virgin?


Nimah for the win!

Wait. That's a lie, right?

Not according to the polygraph.

Because when I spoke to your last four boyfriends, that's what they said.

Nimah, that isn't Simon's secret.

It should have been.


Clearly you didn't take the assignment seriously.

You're done.

Simon Asher, you are a Conservative Jew from a staunch Zionist family, yet four years ago, you traveled to Gaza to live with the Palestinians, and to this day, you never told anyone.

Sorry. I forgot... yes or no?


He only went to Gaza because he wanted to be better informed.

Well, that's what he told you.

We know the real reason.

What about you?

What about me?

Oh, I don't need the polygraph.

Alex won't lie.

Right, Alex?

That's fine.


See, that's good.

Yes, that's right.

He's making her feel like she can trust him.

You can't trust me, by the way, just so you're prepared.

Ryan: You and me, in my car.

You do that often?

Not as often as I'd like.


Do you think perhaps you do it because of unresolved issues with men in your life?

I don't have many men in my life, so I don't know how it'd be possible to have any issues with them.

Mm. So you don't think that a person's inability to connect with somebody else comes from something in their past?

Why don't you tell me?

Your father.

What about my father?

Well, he's a hard man to find.

You don't have any pictures of him on your Facebook page.

You untagged any photos of the two of you together.

In fact, when he passed away, you didn't mention him at all.

I prefer to grieve in private.

I would agree... if you'd actually been grieving.

I can ask, or you can just tell me.

Whatever makes you feel better.

[indistinct arguing]

Sita: Get out!

Alex's father: No! You get out!


Do you ever think of that?!

[indistinct arguing]

You have kids!

Stay away, sweetie.

Daddy, no!

Sita: Do what he says, Alex. It's not safe.

He's drunk again.

Don't lie to her!

Tell her the truth! For once, Sita!

Daddy, stop! For once in your damn life!

Daddy, please put the g*n down! Please!

The truth about you?

Daddy, no!


Get help, Alex!

Please, help!



So your mother shot him...

In self-defense?

Yes, that's right.

You can stop now, Ryan.


That was emotional.

But her secret's got nothing on Eric's.

S.A. O'Connor, can we go next?

Packer, you're going down.

Elder Eric, I know your secret.

Come on in.

You ready to come clean, Elder Eric?

[all gasp]

Put the g*n down.

Eric: You won't tell.

I won't let you!

Look, you seem to think that if I keep talking, I'll unlock some magic memory to support whatever it is that you've been told, but...

Maybe you should talk to the other trainees.

I'm talking to you.

But we're wasting time in here!

There are people out there who are hurt, who need our help...

What happened next?

Caleb: Eric...

Eric, put the g*n down.

Why'd you have to go looking, man?

[pounding on door]

Why couldn't you just leave it alone?!

I was bluffing.

Liam: Open the door, Eric!

All right? I didn't find anything.

I looked. I did. But... but nothing turned up.

Eric, open the door!

I don't believe you!

I didn't find anything, I swear!

Open the door!

Okay? I was just... I was just pretending.

I thought that if I pretended to find something...

You're lying.

...and riled you up with it, you'd just... you'd let your secret slip.

And I... and I needed you to.

Put the g*n down, Eric! Put the g*n down!

[shuddered breathing]

'Cause after failing all those tests, if I failed this, they'd send me home.

Just... just put the g*n...

Please put the g*n away, man.

You're a liar. I don't believe you.

Just come on!

You'll tell everybody! Everyone will know!

Eric, Eric, all right, just give me the g*n.

You can believe me. Put the g*n down.

Just give me the g*n.

[screams, cries]

Come on! Come on! Give me the g*n, man!

[pounding on door]


Open the door!

[pounding continues]

I'm sorry.

I never thought she'd die.


Eric, it's okay!



I just got off the phone with a whole host of folks.

From what I can piece together, when Eric was on his mission, he slept with a 14-year-old Malawian girl and got her pregnant.

He took her to get an abortion... illegal in that country... and she died in the process, and he never told anyone.

And no one on our end caught it, including you.

No, don't pin this on me.

He was tested, polygraphed, researched, and vetted before he got here.

You yourself recruited him.

I vouched for you.

They were gonna fire you after Chicago.

They said you had lost focus.

Now I see they were right.


I don't know why I'm still here.

Nobody likes me. I suck at everything.

I only got in 'cause of my parents.

Your parents?

They're both agents.

I barely passed my entrance exams.

They had to pull major strings to just get me in, and look what happened.

Whatever Eric was hiding, no one knew about it, not even the FBI.

Just imagine if he'd actually become an agent with that secret hanging over him.

Who knows what he would have done to keep it safe?

His secret's out now.

You know, all of ours are.

That was the hard part, but now it's over.

Why are you being so nice to me?

I've only been a jerk to you.


I know what it feels like to be discounted.

That's why I decided to do something about it.

Hear, hear.

Miranda: What happened today was heartbreaking.

It was tragic.

But it was also a reminder.

I have no doubt Eric Packer had much to offer us, but he could not face the truth about himself.

As an agent, that's the most important thing.

If you cannot be honest with yourself, how can you get the truth out of anyone else?

And the scariest part about all of this is that it only gets harder from here.

So tonight, please, please, think about what you want for your life, for your future.

More than that, think about who you are and why you're here.

Thank you.

Mr. Haas?

The Assistant Director wants you to stay behind.

Shelby: Caleb's gone.

49 more to go.

[door opens]


Nimah: Who is it?

I should ask you the same thing.

Is it Nimah or "Mean-ah"?



Um... honestly, I would, uh, take either one if you'd let me make you a cup of coffee... maybe get back on the right foot?

I'll be right out.

Uh, oh, great. [chuckles]

I'll... I'll... I'll be out here, um...

You or me this time?

Miranda said me.


Always to the right from now on.

[siren wailing]

Assistant Director.

Assistant Director!

Agent Jimenez is waiting for you outside.

Controlled explosions, seconds apart.

Multiple levels beneath the tracks.

If you believe the CIA, it's tied to Ukrainian nationalists.

Homeland security says !sis.

How about our girl?

She's starting to piece it together.

Maybe I should step in.

You really think that's such a good idea after what happened between you two at the Academy?

All right, keep at her. Just a little while longer.

We'll get our answer.

All right.


What's going on? Do you think... do you think I had something to do with this?

Because if you do, I...

You can stop now, Agent Parrish.

We know it's you.

That's ridiculous.

If you were on perimeter detail, you'd be blocks away, not 100 yards from the blast.

There's not a scratch on you, which is impossible, unless you placed yourself where we found you after the expl*si*n, which I believe that you did.

And we checked your g*n.

It was fired recently, three b*ll*ts, and there's nothing on file with the Bureau, so you better pray that we don't find them.

[knock on window]

Video feed is live!

Find them where?

At your apartment.

[radio chatter]

Break it down.

We're in!


There's C-4 over here!

Get the b*mb squad!

I've got blueprints.

Sir! Did you see this?

It's Grand Central!

Man #2: Sir, we've got one down.

Alive or dead?

Agent Booth? Agent Booth?

Agent down!

Oh, my God.

I didn't tell the whole truth in my interview yesterday.

My mother didn't sh**t my father.

I did.



This is my father.

The man that I knew had a simple, small life, worked a simple, small job at a factory, never took a vacation, never said too much.

The kind of man that isn't special.

He's definitely no special agent.

Where did you find this?

That night.

My mother sent me to Mumbai to live with her family.

[both crying]

I'll protect you.

Alex: For 10 years, I kept that with me.

Never stopped thinking about it.

Never made sense of it.

Now you're here.

[chuckles] My mother doesn't even know I'm here.

I lied.

I lied to everyone.

But I need to know the truth.

That man... if he wasn't who I knew, who was he?

Was he good?

Was he bad?

Was he both?

Well, I can look into it for you, but, um, I'm not sure you'll like what I find.

I still need to know.

When I volunteer to go undercover, I don't expect the Academy, getting close to some trainee, sitting next to her on a plane, taking her file for that interview?

It's [laughs] it's starting to feel weird.

Just stay close to her, okay?

Tell me what she does, what she says.

This is screwed up, O'Connor.

The Assistant Director actually approve all this?

I'm still your superior, Agent Booth.

Don't question the chain of command.

And don't sleep with her again.

Alexandra Parrish, you have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say...


...can and will be used against you in a court of law.

What are you arresting me for?!

Where are you taking me?!

I have rights, you know!

Will someone please just talk to me?

Just tell me...

Liam, thank God you're here.

They've arrested me, and they won't even tell me why.

Well, how about for what we believe to be the most devastating t*rror1st attack on American soil since 9/11?

The b*llet found in Agent Booth's body matches one fired from your g*n.

So add that to the list of all the other lives you took today.

Liam, you know me.

I have no ties to any t*rror1st groups or any grievances against this country.

What possible reason could I have to do something like this or to sh**t Agent Booth?

Well, maybe he was onto you, and you had to defend yourself.

Or maybe you found out the truth about him, just like you found out the truth about your father, and you didn't like it.

The truth? What truth?

I didn't... I didn't sh**t him.

I didn't do any of this!

Have you even looked at anyone else?

Have you even talked to anyone else?

Liam, please don't let them do this to me.


Get her out of my sight.

Let's go.



[police radio chatter]

This is a mistake, you know.

[engine turns over]

[electricity crackles]


Miranda: Stop crying, Agent Parrish.


Oh, my God. Miranda! What are you doing here?

We have to get you out of here.

[siren wails]

We both know you're no t*rror1st.

This is being pinned on you while the real perpetrator gets away.

But why?

I don't know.

But only you can fix it.

You were on the ground at Quantico.

I was behind a desk.

You have to think back on every moment, research everyone, like you were taught.

But how? I'll be in jail.

The moment you set foot in there, you're never getting out alive.

Under your seat.

Your seat!

Here. Here's a key.

Agent O'Connor!

The driver of the van, they found him unconscious in the stairwell.

Stop the van. Stop the van!

Stop the van.

Dispatcher: Calling all units... 10-39 in progress.

Oh, my God. What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna try to lose them.

[tires screeching]

They're breaking away!

Calling all... 10-59.

Prisoner escort commandeered by an unidentified party or parties.

Proceed with caution.

I'm gonna box them in!

[tires screeching]

Hold on! I'm gonna try to lose them!



[Cold w*r Kids' "First" plays]

[indistinct shouting]

♪ Cheated and lied ♪
♪ Broken so bad ♪
♪ You made a vow ♪
♪ Never get mad ♪
♪ You play the game ♪
♪ Though it's unfair ♪
♪ They're all the same ♪
♪ Who can compare? ♪

She's gone! She's gone!

♪ First you get hurt, then you feel sorry ♪
♪ Flying like a cannonball ♪
♪ Falling to the earth ♪
♪ Heavy as a feather when you hit the dirt ♪
♪ How am I the lucky one? ♪
♪ I do not deserve ♪
♪ To wait around forever when you were there first ♪