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01x02 - Knowhere To Run

Posted: 09/27/15 21:17
by bunniefuu
Cosmo: All occupants take cover!

This not drill.

Knowhere is alive.


Okay, I really, really hate that sound.

(BARKS) And is it just me, or did Astro Pooch just talk?

Cosmo: Cosmo speak telepathically, Peter Quill, also called Star-Lord.

It's nice to see fellow Earthling.

He's not exactly...

Cosmo: Da, Quill just learn he is half-Spartax.

Cosmo read mind.

Hey! That's personal info.

And I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it yet.

Cosmo: Then not to worry.

(YELLING) Some of Cosmo's best friends mixed breed.


I've been waiting a long time for this, brother.


Nobody gets snuffed what still owes me money.

That's bad for business.

I owe you nothing, Ravager.


I delivered the box and Quill.

Ain't my fault you couldn't hold onto 'em.



Yondu: So what's that thing worth, anyway?

Peter: Seriously, Yondu?

What? Just 'cause I sold you out don't mean I ain't entitled to my share of your profit.

Cosmo: Cosmo probe Knowhere mind, but no one home.

So what's making a giant, dormant Celestial head come to life, Broker?

Clearly, the energy from the Cosmic Seed inside your CryptoCube is leaking out and triggering a massive bio-regeneration.


In English?

It accelerates life.


I am Groot!

Peter: Whoa. I could make a k*lling in the fertilizer business.

Poor word choice.


I am Groot!

Yo, Groot, prune it back, will you?

I am Groot!


He's not in control.

Cosmo: Cosmo control with mind.


Ah, stupid...

This Cosmic Seed's been nothing but trouble from the word "go. "

So seal it up and make it stop!

You're still the key, right?

Oh, yeah. Right. (SCREAMS)

Oh, speaking of which, you knew I was half-Spartax the whole time, didn't you?

I bet you knew my real dad, too.

What else you been holding out on...


See? I kept him distracted for you.

Now about my pay...


This belongs to Thanos.


Now that I got your attention, what say you keep the racket down?

The neighbors are complaining.


This belongs to Thanos, as well.

The only thing that belongs to Thanos is my revenge. (GROANS)

Hey! Get a grip. (YELLS)

Not on us, bark-for-brains.


I am Groot.

Why couldn't you shrink down before baldy dropped you on top of me?

Broker: Don't blame him.

He was overcome by Cosmic Seed energy.

Which seems to have dissipated now that your friend and his CryptoCube are gone.

(GRUNTS) I'd sure like to know where Yondu got that box in the first place.

I am Groot.

What do ya mean, "Ask him yourself"?

Don't tell me Yondu's here, too.

Drax: Not anymore.

Cosmo: Yondu is small potato.

We see what tiny energy do to tree and Celestial head.

Imagine what entire Cosmic Seed can do,

It could spawn a new galaxy.

Or, in the wrong hands, destroy one.

Hands don't get any wronger than Korath's boss, Thanos.

We need to fire up the Milano. As in now.

Cosmo: Ship will not be necessary.

Cosmo know, how you say, short cut.

Continuum Cortex.

Built into Knowhere's brain, is nexus point to anywhere in universe.

Cosmo beam you onto Korath ship, so you head them off at pass.

Please do wear passport wristbands.

Extras are for friends.

Activate and Cosmo retrieve you.

Because Cosmo is retriever,

Retriever is breed of Earth dog.

Eh, never mind.

Joke not funny if Cosmo must explain.

I am Groot.

What do you mean, you don't trust him?

What'd a dog ever do to a tree?

Cosmo: Any questions?

As a matter of fact...

CONTINUUM CORTEX: I believe the rodent wishes to borrow from your enormous stockpile of weapons.

Oh, yeah!

Korath: Lord Thanos, I am pleased to report that I have recovered the Cosmic Seed CryptoCube, as well as its key.

Hey, how you doing?


I was not aware that you had lost it, Korath.

You know what happens when my children disappoint me.


I am well aware, my Lord.

That is why I brought back the prodigal...



Thanos: Bring Gamora to me, alive.

I will deal with her in person.

Peter: Uh-oh.

♪ Somebody's in trouble ♪


Peter: Ah-ah!

Daddy's not gonna like it if you bust his key.


Talk about anger issues.

Open it. Now!

(CHUCKLING) And why would I do that?

To save her.



Not fair. Her daddy wants her alive.

And she will be.

But she will wish she was not.

This is a cerebral parasite.

It extracts all her guilty memories and forces her to experience all the pain she inflicted in the past.


Now, open the box.

Your choice, Star-Lord.

Open the box, or let her suffer.


All right, all right!

Just make it stop.

Gamora: Quill, don't give in to him.

Quill, you imbecile.

You don't know what you're unleashing.

Open it.


Say what?




(CHUCKLES) Man, oh, I'd hate to be in your shoes when you hand Thanos an empty box!

You realize this means that you are no longer useful to me as the key.

And Thanos' punishment will be nothing compared to the pain you are about to experience.

Korath, no.

He'll never survive the guilty memories.

Peter: Okay, there was a time in the second grade when I smacked Mikey Coogan on the playground, but he totally deserved it.

Then there was that Aaskvarian I dated once and never called, but you know, she had an attitude.


Quill has no guilt about anything.


Then we will just have to inflict pain the old-fashioned way.


Aw, and you'd just had that wall fixed.

Attack them, you fools!

I am Groot!



I have a message for your boss, Thanos.

Tell him when he's man enough to stop hiding behind lackeys and show his face, Drax will be ready for him.

Careful what you wish for.

Don't know how you guys got here so fast.

Just wish it was before I had to open this.

Wha... Wait.

You mean I had to bust your hairless hide out of this place, twice, for an empty box?

Well, when you put it that way... (LASERS BLASTING) (SIGHS) Fine.
Hey, I'll clear a path through the guards to the ship.

All right, here we go. Comin' through!

Quill, wait! We didn't take the...


You're a traitor to Thanos, and you will pay for your sins, sister.

You first, brother.


Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Show off.


We're surrounded.

Just put this on and don't ask questions.

Don't worry, I got this.

Just hold your breath until we get to the ship.

Quill, no! I am Groot!


Peter: Uh, where's the ship?

Cosmo: Cosmo is retrieving.

Please do not be dead.

Where's Quill? (HEAVY BREATHING)


How about a little warning next time?

Should I warn you if this is only set to stun?



Oops. Forgot.


Broker: Clearly, the Cosmic Seed was inside the CryptoCube at one time.

Its residual energy must've reanimated some of Knowhere's biological functions.

But that energy is mostly depleted now.

Still, it's a fine example of Spartax workmanship, even without its key.

I'll give you 500 units for it.

Rocket: You kiddin' me?

There's more than 500 units worth of lint in that dust-catcher.

I'll take it. Wait.

You can't.

Didn't you want to toss it into the nearest black hole?

I did, but aren't you just a little curious to learn why you're the only one who can open it?

Peter, my little Star-Lord.

So what? I'm half-Spartax.

I could be half-kangaroo, for all I care.

Cosmo: Does not take mind reader to know it's not true.

We are nothing without our past.

And someday, I would like to meet one of these kangaroos.

No doubt they are fine warriors.

(SIGHS) Fine.

Let's take the 500 units and run before he changes his mind.

Or something else goes wrong.


Uh, uh...

Had to jinx it, didn't you?

And did I mention that I hate that sound?

I understand there has been a request for me to stop hiding behind lackeys and show my face.

I am ready for you, Thanos.


I demand the CryptoCube now!

And the cowardly thief who calls himself Star-Lord.

Hey, cool!

Thanos called me Star-Lord.

Thanos: I demand the CryptoCube now or Knowhere, and all of its inhabitants, will face certain annihilation.

Okay, I just have to think of a way out of this.

You have 30 seconds to comply.

I just have to think really fast.

Let's just give Pruney Chin what he wants.

The box is useless, anyway.

So's Quill, but I'm not about to hand him over.

Hey! I am Groot!

Cosmo: Good point. Cosmo not want all of Knowhere blowing up either.

Well, what do you think, Drax?


Aw, man!


Drax: Thanos! You destroyed my family!

(SNARLS) Now face your destroyer!


I will have my revenge!


That is your answer, Star-Lord.

Here is mine.

Okay, fine.

I'll turn myself and the box over to the crazy dude with the raisin face.

It won't do any good now.

Thanos will destroy Knowhere just to make an example.

Way to use your big brain, chrome-dome.


Big brain...

Quill, where are you going?

To end this once and for all.


You have persistence. (DRAX GROANING)

I hate persistence.

What will it take to destroy you?

Drax: Much more than you have.

Thanos: Where have you gone, Destroyer?

Drax: Let me go.

I had him right where I wanted him.


Hey, wait up!

Quill, are you doing something stupid and reckless in there?

Peter: Kinda.

Look, if Thanos still wants this box, then it must still be dangerous.

I can't let him get his hands on it.

Rocket: So let us in and we'll help you.

No can do.

If I'm the key, there's only one way out of this.

No! You are not gonna teleport yourself into the nearest black hole.

You hear me, Quill?

Come on, come on!

I will not be denied my revenge!

You will be denied your life.

Let this serve as an example for all those who defy the will of Thanos!

Gah! That is it, Quill!

You ain't taking the collapsar plunge on my watch.



Cosmo: Telekinetic override is much more effective than big boom, da?

Knowhere's trying to stop him from teleporting. But why?

Cosmo: Quill not using Continuum Cortex as teleport.

Is using as brain.

You mean he's trying to drive the giant head?

(STRUGGLING) Got that right.

I may be half-human, but I'm all hero.




I am Groot?

I have no idea.

Obliterate them all!

Show no mercy!

(STRUGGLING) Okay, taking her out for a spin.

I am Groot!


I can't control it.

Always were a lousy pilot, Quill.

You think you could do better?

I think we can do better.


Go left. Left! Your other left!

Don't tell me how to drive.

Kids, stop fighting or I will turn this giant head around right now.

Cosmo: Not to worry.

Cosmo has idea.

Please to divert all Cortex teleportational field to external output.

This gonna be one of those "we only got one shot at this" deals?

Cosmo: Da, setting coordinates now.


I am Groot.

Cosmo: Excellent question, my deciduous comrade.

Cosmo teleport Knowhere to remote sector of galaxy, eh?

Thanos not find for some time.

But he will find us.

Why wait? Send us back now.

I will destroy him with my bare hands.


Cosmo: Cosmo thanks you, Peter Quill, who is also called Star-Lord.

Guardians of Galaxy welcome back anytime.

Is Knowhere like home,

Guess I've never been big on the whole home thing.


You're thinking about going to Spartax, aren't you?

I didn't say that.

You're gonna sell that thing, right?

I didn't say that either.

I am Groot!

Peter: Definitely didn't say that.

There's no shame in wanting to seek out your true heritage.

You know, when I was a kid every time I'd stick up for someone weaker than me, my mom would always say, "You remind me of your daddy."

But she also said that every time I'd lose my temper or do something reckless and foolish.

Right now, I think you guys are the only family I can handle.

♪ Get lost in your rock and roll ♪
♪ And drift away ♪


So that's why Thanos wanted an empty box.

It's a map.

A map that can lead us to the Cosmic Seed.

This is gonna be one heck of a ride.