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04x04 - Zero Hour

Posted: 09/26/15 06:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Continuum.

What exactly are you building?

This mission is a need-to-know basis, you don't need to know.

Alec? I hope you're getting this.

I am, but what am I getting?

I can't let you go.

But I'm your Achilles Heel.

I want you to track Kiera's CMR. Keep me updated on her movements.

He's the one you told me about. The original freelancer.

Who travelled back 1000 years to start a cult.

[g*n shot]



Don't you see? We could all go home.

Lucas died trying to prevent that shitty future!

You're spitting in his face wanting to preserve it.

[bottles clinking]

[laughing and conversations]

Hey. Is this a bad time?

Yeah, of course it's a bad time.

I should just leave you alone.

You're all alone.

Well, that's how you work best.

Single-minded, clear.

I remember.

Not me.

You remember him.



We're not the same guy.

And I don't like being alone.

Not anymore.

She wasn't the answer.


Emily... you weren't meant to be with Emily.

Better she's gone.

I changed time to be with her.

I love her.

I wanted to tell you before.

Emily is... not my mother.

I wanted to tell you, but you seemed so happy I didn't want to wreck that.

What did you say to her?

She asked.

I told-

You drove her away?

No, no.

I freed her.

Dad, really, it's for the best.

You have no right to decide what's best for me!

It's my choice, my life!

But I wanted to save you from making a mistake.

Don't you get it?

I'm not going to become him.

No dark future, no twisted legacy, no son.

I'm not your father, Jason.

He's an old man in another timeline who left you behind.

Maybe that's for the best.

♪ ♪

Every star in the universe burns out eventually.

Darkness always conquers light.

Lucas didn't believe that.

He fought and died for something better.

Now he's counting on us.

Yeah, but when you first got here, Lucas was part of that darkness.

Now you're eulogizing him like he was righteous.

He changed.

Did he?

Or is it just your perception of him that changed?

You k*lled Lucas!

I had no choice!

You had a choice!

You made it for me!

I told you to stay away.

Lucas never would have been there except for you!

Don't you dare make it my fault.

Then who's fault is it?

I was trying to save someone.

Yeah, Marcellus.


I was trying to save you!

If Lucas had been captured they would have tortured him, my cover would have been blown and you'd be back on that hit list.

I protected us.

Now Zorin's in charge I'm still not considered need-to-know and they're questioning my ability to control you.

Lucas's m*rder didn't buy you any goodwill?

Where does this leave us?

I guess that depends on whether you still believe we want the same thing.

The machine they're building. What is it?

You want goodwill, let's start there.

It uses the same technology as the power suits.

I don't know what it's for but I'm working on it.

Now, do you have that tech you stole from us?

I don't have it.

Kiera, if I don't recover that, Zorin is never going to trust me.

I need that key!



You said key.

What is it a key to?

Give it back to me and I'll find out.

And when you do, use this burner.

I'll contact you when I have something.

It's not easy to believe in you.

Kiera, I am trying to keep you alive.

Help me do that.

Stay away.

What was stolen?

One quantum computer.

Value: $10 million.

This mad scientist shit screams time-travelers.

The question is: what do they need it for?

No idea.

You talk to Brad?

He warned me to keep my distance.

Let him work from the inside.

[Scoffs] Really?

I want this resolved just as much as you do.


Well, if anybody can figure out what this stuff is for, it's Alec.

You know where he is?

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I needed to talk to you.

You're mad at me.

There's no guide to parenting kids that are twice your age.

I was upset, I didn't mean to take it out on you.

I'm sorry.

That did a lot of things.

I learned to let it go.


Duck's back.

He was hard on you.

On everyone.

Your mother?

Don't want to talk about her.

I think we should.

I want to have a different kind of relationship with you.

In order to do that we have to be honest.

I need to know who she is.

Oh, ok.

Not... not alright.


You told me that Emily is not my future.

Your mom is.

But I mean now.

That's fate.


After all that we've changed, you really still believe in all that?

Let me meet her and then we can see for ourselves.

No. No.


It's a bad, super bad idea.

Jason, please.

Ok? I'm stuck.

I don't know if my path is fixed, unchangeable.

How will I ever know unless I confront this?

But not now, not through me.

If our fate is set, the timing doesn't matter.


I don't know if she's even in the city.

You can find her, ok?

I believe in you.

Ok, so you find her and I'll go fight crime.

Call me later, alright?



You can each fill in one of these forms...

We're here to make a withdrawal.

This isn't that kind of bank.

We're aware.

Everybody down, now!


Tonkin, this way!

How was your reunion?

I did what you asked.

You're not the only one who admired Marcellus.

I loved him like a brother.

Yeah, well I k*lled his k*ller.

Maybe it's time you start trusting me.

Grab that.

Take it all.

We're stealing blood?

You'll catch up one of these days.

I'm not content, Vasquez.

You're the world's most boring babysitter.

Marcellus briefed you.

He told me what I wanted to hear.

If anyone knows the power of seduction and empty flattery, it's me.

There's no man more devoted to your cause.

Never bullshit a bullshitter.

What's going on?

That future you came from doesn't look so bright.

Somewhere along the line I mess up, and knowing that pains me.

You help me cure that and I can be very generous.

You think it's all about you?

Every time I look in the mirror.

Self-belief got me to the top of the mountain.

I plan to stay.

Join me.

You told me this might happen.

Unattainable women were always your Achilles Heel.




Tell me something I don't know.

You're a shadow of the man that he is.

Yeah, but I'm the shadow you need.

And this shadow wants to see what he bought.

Get in.

No sh*ts fired, they just scared the hell out of everyone and cleared the place out.


More than 100 litres.


Maybe they're vampires.

Excuse me?

So mechanical equipment, medical gear, and now this.

You only need blood if you plan on spilling a lot of it.


So they plan on going to w*r.

Against who?

I pulled the security footage.

You won't like it.

This is a long play.

Face it, Kiera.

He came here as part of their mission.

It sure looks like he's back on that playbook.

He k*lled other you.

And he risked his life to save me more than once.

He's Jekyll and Hyde.

You really want to gamble that he's not going to flip again?

I will get to the truth.

Then do it.

Results in 24 hours or I'm going to assign this case to someone else.

So I built a three dimensional simulation of the device based on the telemetry you got.

It should be done in a few minutes.

This has to be for time travel.

Nothing else makes sense.

I'm mapping unknown energy patterns to incomplete infrastructure.

It's the best guess until we learn more.

Well, if our best guess is correct, maybe we don't need Kellogg.

I would trust Kellogg more than I do Brad at this point.

And he can call off the Piron guards if-


I want to tell Carlos.

I feel bad leaving him in the dark like this.

You tell Carlos about the warehouse, he's gonna rush in with the cavalry.

You scattered enough ashes.

It's a focal point.

These energy patterns are all over the place.

Optical turbulence, non-linearity.

Oh my god.

Alec, what just happened?

Have they managed to steal any radioactive isotopes?



I don't know.

Well, you better find out.

This could be a pure fusion w*apon.

If they successfully build and trigger this, hundreds of thousands die.

No, you can't go there, not alone.

I can't stay here and watch that again and again.

[Phone vibrates]


Where are you?

Coming to find you.


I'll be at our favourite park in an hour.

Once the transducer ray is linked, we'll be a few hours away from a full-spool up test.

How's security?

It's under control.

What's that mean?

Someone's on the monitor all day making sure no one enters using a cloaking device?

No, I've taken steps to counter it.

Man, that's one hell of a ray g*n!

Does this thing sh**t aliens?

Commander insisted on seeing what he bought.


The Commander would also like to know what it's for.

I regret Commander, that's up to Marcellus to tell you.

He's not here at the moment.

Excuse me.

Then what can you tell me, and who are you?

Robert Zorin, Commander.


Come meet the rest of the team.

Kellogg's soldiers have this device.

I'm trying to put all the pieces together but so far it seems like this is the finale.

It's a fusion b*mb?

I'm not sure.

You're never wrong.

It's missing something.

A key piece of the puzzle that's not there yet.

I have the key.

Wait, you recognize this tech?

No, no, no.

The key.

The future key.




That device they're building is a b*mb.

A massive one.

Did you know?

No, I don't believe that.

We're not t*rrorists.

Have they stolen any radioactive materials?

They stole advanced computers.

Medical supplies.

It's not a b*mb.

Brad, you have to give me something.

I called you, remember?

I saw some documents.

An address to a storage facility.

They stole something a few days ago, they never brought it back to the building.

It must be stashed there.

If it is a b*mb, I'll stop them.

And if it's not?

You're still on mission?

I wish we never triggered that beacon.

I was out, walking a new path with you.

You can't always run from your past.

Sometimes you have to confront it head on.

Risk everything for a new future.

I want to believe you.

Then make that choice.

If your intel is good, we could be walking into a trap.

There's only one way to find out.

That's reassuring.

No heat signatures.

No expl*sives.

What is that?

It's a dialysis machine.


I found her Instagram account.

Really loves cat videos.

You sure?

I'm pretty sure I'd recognize my own mother.

Wouldn't you?

So I met her in my 30's?

How? Did I pursue her, or was it the other way around?

Dad wasn't exactly Mr. Nostalgia.

I never really got the whole story.

Ok, you wanted to see her, you saw her.

Let's go.

I'm hungry. You?

Woah, woah!

Time out.

You can't.

We've come this far.

It's too far!

This is over the edge, no parachute.

A little theatrical, isn't it?

Even for you.

I've got a fondness for this place.

In a strange way, it's home.

Summerville Holdings is a subsidiary of Piron.


We raided a storage locker that was rented by Summerville, AKA you, and what we found lead us to a t*rror1st cell.

So A plus B equals me.

It sure looks that way.

And I'm assuming you can tie me directly to these t*rrorists?

Tell me what they're planning, Kellogg.

Or the blood they spill is on your hands.

Well, I wouldn't want that.

You know, if you're looking for someone who's in bed with the enemy, why not start with the only person who's actually been in bed with them?

I have a feeling there's all kinds of things Kiera's not telling you.

Everyone's got a blind spot.

She used to be mine.

Hey, maybe now she's yours.

Marcellus has requested additional security personnel.

Oh, Marcellus did, did he?

Well, you tell Marcellus, or whoever is in charge now, that I'm tired of being instructed.

I get full mission disclosure or the money and the personnel tap shuts off.

It's just lunch.

Say hello, and I'll get a better sense of who she is.

Sure, sure.

You could introduce yourself.

Hey, I'm your future husband.

The older guy here is our future kid.

Yeah, she'll fall for you straight away.

It doesn't have to get that weird.

It's already a supernova of weird.

There are things I haven't told you.

I really only remember her from pictures.

Vid files.

She was ill when I was young and she died.

I never really got to know her.

Maybe it should stay that way.
Hey, guys.

I hope you haven't been waiting for too long.

A couple of years, give or take.

Just kidding.

You want coffee to start?

Coffee, great.

Um... and for him?

Um... milk.

Is something wrong?

No. No.

Well, yeah.

You got no idea.

So, what's good here, Annie?

Uh, the club sandwich is amazing, and if you want something sweet the apple pie is great.

Just like mom used to make it.

Ok, that's not good.

No, no.

I gotta go.

Is he ok?


Pie sounds good.


You want to tell me what's going on?

Sliding doors.

Look at them.

He's reading the newspaper and she's got her dog.

You can look up and say hello maybe and it would be the start of a whole new life.

A future.

Or maybe she carries on and it's nothing.

Passing ships.

Every moment is a crossroads.

Yeah, but they're not like us.

They have no idea the implications of their choices.

Those two could have a life-long romance or maybe one night he strangles her in her sleep.

We're trapped, Kiera.

Every choice that we make leads to a different outcome.

It's not as though we can stop making them.

Yeah, but we keep getting confronted by the futures we create.

We can't be whimsical or impulsive.

There's too much at stake.

We both tried to opt out once before, remember?

It didn't work out so well, did it?

I don't know what to do anymore.

I'm terrified of making everything worse.

I have faith in you, Alec.


Is that why you invited me here?

A pep talk?


I got a message saying you wanted to meet me here.

You have a bad habit of appearing out of shadows.

Maybe I'm leading you into the light.

What do you want?

The same thing as you.

Somehow I doubt that.

Your agenda and your loyalties have always been suspect.

That was before I understood my true purpose.

The mystery man the freelancers own?

If it wasn't for the traveller I wouldn't be here.

The only thing that comes back from the dead are gods and zombies.

So unless you're the second coming-

Multiple timelines.

You know they exist.

Different branches, different versions of ourselves.

My consciousness was pulled from one reality, brought here, fused.

The energy of one reanimating the other.

People aren't car batteries, you can't just jump-start them.

You mock what you don't understand.

Because there's no scientific precedent.

It's beyond the bounds of possibility.

So is time travel until you make it possible.

You open a door that can never be closed.

With help from the traveller we can prevent the ripples from becoming tsunamis.

This time-traveller.

Why did he bring you back?

What does he want?

To make things right.

He came from a time hundreds of years from now.

He was chosen, sent back to observe history.

To chronicle it, but not to interfere.

Somewhere in time the traveller changed something.


With no clear path to repair it, he went further back in time.

Found acolytes.


They failed.

You break time, everyone suffers the consequences whether they know it or not.

But there's still a chance.

He's here for a reason.

Something about the way things are unfolding, taking place now, has given him hope.

A moment is coming, a chance to repair everything.

The two of you, Brad, the machine they're building, all will play their part.

So it's our job to fix time?

Are you serious?

You invented time travel.

Doesn't it make sense that you help put the genie back in the bottle?


No, I don't buy it.

All this pseudo-science is just metaphysical bullshit.

I'm out.



Holy shit!

What is this? What's happening?

I don't know. Who are you?

I forgot how innocent I was.

You're me.

How is this happening?

Are you in my dream or am I in yours?

This is not a dream.

It's a paradox.

He must have wanted us to meet.


The traveller.

The time traveller.

Time travel?

A theory no longer, it seems.

We're way beyond theory.

Everything that you've done, all the dominos that have fallen?

I haven't done anything.


But now I'm thinking perhaps it's not a good idea.

So what is this?

The universe is shifting, sweeping destiny along with it.

Because I met Annie.

You're not supposed to meet her yet.

You loved her.


In spite of myself.

How long were you together before she became ill?

Who told you that?

That's a story we fed to others.


I k*lled her.

She came to see me for who I really am.

She... she ran.

She tried to escape, with our son, Jason.

Before I could track them down... she took her own life.

I destroyed her and I lost myself because of it.

I can't undo it, but you can.


If I could think I'd known how I would have done it.

You're the me that's supposed to have all the answers.

Maybe it's the other way around.

Maybe I'm here to learn from you.

Of course.

The message.



Kiera Cameron, the one that... never mind.

Yeah, you've made mistakes, but your instincts are right.

Time travel, the power to change things?

It's not an experiment.

It's the answer.

Do it.

Thank you.

I don't understand.

You will.

The power generator in the room below triggers the device.

Send them back.

Why me?

Because you will inherit my failure if I don't succeed, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

You can count on me, father.

I speak to you, not as who you'll become, but as an old man who knows you best.

I have gone down a dangerous path and I have taken the world with me.

What the hell?




Oh my god!

Oh my god, what happened?

Are you ok?


As per your request.

VPD case files on all the robberies that are being linked to this new group of t*rrorists.


That's a little harsh.

You're annoyed.

Those files are classified.

I don't work there anymore, I had no business taking them.

It's not our fault they didn't lock them-

Please don't ask me to do that again.

Piron is the VPD.

The VPD is Piron.

We're one big happy family.

Is that why I'm here?

The key to a lock you're not supposed to open?

Jack, please.

What, you think I'm manipulating you?

I'm contacting Carlos and I am having my access revoked.

Do you really think your precious VPD would have taken care of you the way I have?

Picked you up when you couldn't stand on your own two feet?

Restored your dignity?

Well, I really didn't give it a chance, did I?

You've got a bright future here, Jack.

But to embrace it, you gotta let go of the past.

Can you do that?

Curtis said

"a moment is coming."

"A chance to repair everything."

What did he mean?

How is Brad a part of it?

The universe is shifting, sweeping destiny along with it.

You sound like Curtis.

It's just something I heard in a dream.

Or, not a dream.

I better get back to work.

We have to trust ourselves, each other.

There's no turning back now.

Something happened to you back there.


I'm not afraid anymore.


Give us a sec, would you?


You know, I've seen Vegas magicians disappear less than you.

And you know who else keeps vanishing?

I have no idea where Kiera is.



You remember when Kiera Cameron supposedly worked for Section Six and you were the kid in the barn keeping her secrets and I was the guy in the dark?

Did we just time travel back there again?

It's not like that.

Alec, look.

I get loyalty, ok?

I do.

I've been keeping her secrets for a very long time.

I wouldn't be asking this if I didn't think she was in danger.

So why don't you tell me where she is?

Right now, because I'm done playing games.

[door closes]


It's hard for me to see him in you.

Well, people change.

So I hear.

You're risking your lives for him.


Because he risked his for us.

He hauled off our enemies, he used his guile and resources to buy time.

Even though his was running out.

Running out?

Kidney failure.

He's dying?

It's treatable.


If he gets a transplant.

Bad habits.

They're gonna be the death of you one day.



You need to see this.

I've been working on your simulations.

Something wasn't right.

Cellinoid coils.

Yeah, what about them?

Well, if they rigged them all up together they could use them as a transducer.


How did I miss that?


I'm running some new algorithms right now.


These should be up in a minute or so.

So what happened after I left?

With my mother?

She's not for me, Jason.

She's sweet, she's innocent, I don't want to take that from her.

The only way for me to walk a new and better path is for me to not follow in my own footsteps.

I'm sorry.

So I never get born?

You did.

You're here and so am I.

That's never gonna change.

Here we go.

That doesn't look like a b*mb.

You genius!

It's not!

It's not!

[Phone rings]


This better be life or death.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

What do you want?

What you said, before.

It makes sense to me now.

I can't trust myself.


And I thought narcissistic sociopaths weren't capable of self-evaluation.

I guess this one is.

I'd screw anyone over.

Even me.

Are you drunk?

Not drunk enough.

We need to work together.

Brad, Marcellus, what they're up to, it's bad.

For you and me.

I'm not gonna take you seriously.

I am dead serious.

Emphasis on the dead.

I am the last person in the world you should trust, which is why, in this case, you have to trust me.

Give me one reason why I would ever do that.

Because I'm the guy holding your golden ticket.

The only means to send you home.

Think about it.

VPD busted the locker.

They have the dialysis machine.


You were supposed to divert her, keep her from here, not give her something that we need.

She's smart.

She wasn't gonna be distracted for long.

We'll get another one.

We're running out of time.

She's near the building?

Yeah, let me talk to her.

I'll get her to leave.

Take care of it.

No, you don't!

Tonkin, take it easy.

You, stand down.

Put that down.



You want to know what we're doing?

We're building a portal.

A lifeboat.

To rescue our people.

They escape our time, they come here.

There's hundreds of names on that list.

Take a look.

Now you see?

Emma Tonkin?

My sister.


And her two kids.

Your nephews.

Just waiting to come through.


No, they died in the Squamish m*ssacre.

No, they survived.

All of them.

But if you sabotage this, they die for sure.

Is that what you want?

You let me handle her my way.

I thought I had been clear.

Clear isn't exactly the word I would use.

Did you really think I wouldn't find out you had been tracking me?

I was trying to keep you safe.

By protecting them?

Maybe you've been playing me since we met.

What we had was never false.


Past tense.

The ground keeps shifting.

Maybe we don't want the same things anymore.

Maybe you should just k*ll me.

Isn't that what you came here to do?

Look, I swear, Kiera, what is happening is not dangerous.

You need to walk away and let us do what we have to do.

I can't.

You hold the key to me getting what I want.

Put the g*n down.

It's not gonna happen.

You came here to k*ll her.

Now put it down.

It's not that simple, Carlos.

He m*rder*d the other you.

He's not your ally.

Open your eyes.

Kiera, after everything we've been through I need you to hear me.

You get him out of here or he ends up like Lucas.

I am sorry I didn't tell you.

I already knew.

Now get the hell out of the way.

It was something I wanted so badly I thought I couldn't tell you.

Maybe I can't trust him, but I need him.

I didn't want to tell him where you were, but he forced my hand.

Alec, it's ok.

No more deception.

Tell him what we know.

Well, it's gonna be news to you, too.

Jason found the missing piece of the puzzle.

Everything's changed.

The energy patterns here?

They're not expl*sive.

They're implosive.

The device is literally punching a hole in the space-time continuum.

And what is that?

It's a tethered wormhole.

Uh, you want to try explaining that to me like I don't have a degree in physics?


It's like an elevator, but instead of going up and down it moves through time.

A time elevator?

A portal through time between now and the future.

The energy provides a stable limited connection.

That's why they needed to build it in that exact location.

The two sides need to be exactly the same in both time periods or else it's not gonna work.

They are very likely bringing people back from their future.

The supplies they've stolen?



Those are the kinds of things an army needs.

Yeah, for an invasion.

We have to stop it.

Yeah, of course we do.

But there's also a very tiny silver lining to this dark cloud.

That's a temporal matrix running within a cortex.

It's a two-way street.

With the time ball and their power source, it may be possible to hybridize it so you could-

Travel forward.

You asked me to send you home.

With this machine complete, I'm almost certain I can do exactly that.