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04x05 - Poppy's Revenge

Posted: 09/25/15 01:58
by bunniefuu
My grandfather and I were so close.

But he could be very selfish and quite possessive.

He didn't want Deb to ever move out.

I said no!

When he died, I was devastated.

Poppy left his house to me, so I decided to move in.

♪ Oh, my baby ♪

Nobody's in this house but me. Why am I hearing music?

[Breathing heavily]

♪ Oh, my baby ♪

[Phone rings]

I had the feeling that I wasn't alone.

[Girl screaming]

Why are you doing this?

♪ My baby loves me ♪

Yeah, he's a nice guy. He has a good family.

Does he? How do you know his family?

I know his older sister.

Oh, yeah.

She's in my class too... Jamie.


When I was a teenager, I had three other sisters, and we lived in a trailer... A small trailer...

So the room issue was a big issue.

My mother had passed away, and we didn't have a lot of room at my dad's.

My grandfather had a big house with two vacant bedrooms, so my sister, Leora, and I moved in to my grandfather's house.

We loved living with him.

After losing our mom, it made you forget some of the bad things.

Poppy, we're home.

[Soft music]

[Door creaking]

[Birds cawing]


I couldn't get a pink one, I'm afraid.

This'll have to do.

My grandfather and I were so close.

He was absolutely my best buddy.

When I was 16... Just got my driver's license...

For my birthday, Pop bought me a cool little car.

I had a car at 16. I had my own room.

I wanted for nothing.

They were really close.

I think Pop favored Deb more because she was the first grandchild, and Deb was old enough to remember my grandmother, and so he spoiled her a little bit more.


♪ Just imagine ♪

In return, I had to get good grades in school, I had to do my public speaking, I had to be prim and proper, and you did what he wanted you to do.

♪ Just imagine ♪

I was not permitted to date.

I was permitted to go to square dances, but no dating.

But that's how Pop wanted it, and what Pop wanted...

Pop got.

No one was good enough for me.

He was a great, loving grandfather, but he also was strict.

I was 18 years old, graduating from high school.

Two days later, I interviewed at a radio station.


You got it!

I got the job that day.

I was now going to be a disc jockey with absolutely no experience whatsoever.

I was really proud of Deb.

I was gonna have a famous sister dj'ing on radio.

The radio station was in erie.

We lived in north east, and it was quite a drive, so I wanted to move.

This is a really good opportunity for me.

I can't believe you've chosen to walk out on us like this!

He was angry.

He forbid me to leave.

We screamed at each other at the top of our lungs.

What about your sister?

She's gonna need you!

And after all we've done for you!

I have done my fair share around here too, you know!

He didn't want Deb to ever move out.

He didn't want Deb to go have a boyfriend.

You need to stay here with your family!

He wanted Deb to stay there with him forever.

You can't make me stay, poppy.

I said no!

I told him, "Poppy, you're being selfish.

"You're being possessive.

This is an opportunity that I cannot refuse."

He was extremely hurt.

I didn't do it to hurt him.

I did it because I was 18 years old and got the opportunity of a lifetime.

[Muffled music playing]

I'm going now.

Before I left, he made me promise that I would be back.

Promise me you'll come back.

Poppy, I will be back.

And I promised.

I said, "Poppy, I will be back."

He didn't go outside with me. He didn't watch me go.

He just stayed in the house, and I went.

[Engine turns over]

For once in my life, I did something for me, and it was that radio show, and I was loving every minute of it.

[Upbeat Pop music]

You're listening to drive time on wkd radio.

I'm Debbie Cihon, and I'll be guiding you home over the next two hours with a little conversation and some great music.

Today's topic of conversation is the upcoming steeler season.

I could tell Pop was really missing Deb.

He wasn't acting the same anymore.

You could just tell he was depressed.

Next up, this classic from...

[Static and fragmented voices]

♪ The world I used to know ♪

He was angry.

He didn't talk to me for two months.

I was having a blast... Just a blast.

And I never wanted to go back.

Out of the blue, one day, I got a call from Leora.

She said Pop was not doing well.

I called Deb, and I said, "we just called the ambulance for pop.

He is sick. There's something wrong."

So I got into my car.

I don't even know how I got to the hospital.

[Muffled voices over intercom]

Hi, I'm looking for my grandfather.

My sister's already here.

Do you know which room they're in?


I'm sorry. I came as quick as I could.

How is he?

I said, "I think he's dying."

So the doctor says to us, "he has fourth-stage stomach cancer, and it's in his lymph glands."

It was like a tunnel.

I... you were in a tunnel.

So I walk in the room, and he's very white.

Very, very white.

And I look at him, and I say, "poppy."

I'm here.

I'm here.

He squeezed my hand.

It was a whisper.

[Whispering] You never came home.


The last thing he ever said to me was, "Debbie, kid, you never came home."

[Machine beeping]

And he slipped away.


[Machines beeping]

He went into a coma.

He stayed on life support for three days.

And the cancer, basically, was just eating him up, and they had told us there was nothing that they could do.

So the doctor called me in and said, "he's not gonna make it. I think it's best for you to just let him go."

We let him go.

The doctors told me that Pop had a living will.

I'm the oldest granddaughter. I was his next of kin.

I was the only one that had medical power of attorney for him.

So what are you telling me?

It's up to you to make the decision to end his life.

At that point, my entire world just ended.

I was 19 years old, and I'm ending somebody's life.

I just need you to sign this here, please.

It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life.

Let's do this.

[Machines beeping]

[High-pitched beeping]

[Continuous high pitch]

I think he went to the grave thinking that I let him down, that I disappointed him, you know, that I should have come back.

[Somber music]

I felt very guilty.

Poppy left his house to me.

Left his house, his cars, his money...

It was all mine at 19 years old.

[Solemn music]

I felt guilty about inheriting everything because I was the one that broke his heart.

I was the one that didn't move back home.

I was the one that had to make the decision to pull that plug.

I took a break from the radio show, and I decided to move back in.

Leora was staying with my father while I was cleaning out the house, and she was going to move in with me.

So I was in the house alone, and there was photos of Poppy and I.

But I just couldn't...

I couldn't bear to look at them, so I turned them around.

I'm in the house all alone at night...

And all of a sudden, I hear the back door open.

[Door clicking]

I hear creaking, and I say...


Is that you?

[Eerie music]

Now I'm getting a little freaked out.

Door's open.

[Door squeaking]

Nobody's there.

I decided I'm leaving the porch light on all night.

[Electrical buzzing]

It was a calm, very hot, nice summer day.

I'm on the patio, and I decide to go back into the house.

[Gravel crunching]

[Dramatic music]

And all of a sudden, from nowhere, this man jumps out and starts chasing me.

[Gravel crunching]

[Dramatic music]

From nowhere, this man jumps out and starts chasing me.

And I'm running as fast as I can.

I fall down.






I wake up. I'm having a nightmare.

It was so real.

It was terrifying.

[Melancholy music]

[Knocking on door]


I went over one morning to have breakfast with Deb.

I went into the living room, and I noticed there were some pictures that were turned around.

All the pictures that were turned around had my grandfather in it.


And I asked Deb, "why did you turn all these pictures around?"

Yeah, I, um...

I just...

I just can't deal with that right now.

Are you okay?

I understood how she felt, because it was sad.

It was hard to look at pictures.

Are you hungry?




[Radio playing rock music]

So Deborah and I sat down to eat breakfast.

All of a sudden, it just went, like, static.

[Electrical buzzing and static]

So I got up to go check.

When I looked at the radio, the tuner was slightly off of the station that we had on.

I thought, "well, that's weird."

So I put it back on the station...

[Radio playing rock music]

And all of a sudden, you heard static again...

[Static buzzing and flickering]

And it stopped, but it was tuned to my grandfather's favorite radio station.

♪ Oh, my baby ♪
♪ she left me all alone ♪

Then I noticed that all the pictures were now turned around, facing front.


♪ I thought I was strong ♪
♪ tears rolling down my face ♪
♪ tears, they fell so... ♪

I was scared.

You have all this stuff that's happening in the house that you can't explain, but at the same time, it was a comfort to me to even think that he was there.

I mean, he has wallpaper with roosters on it.

My sister Leora decided that I was too involved with just being in that house and not wanting to do anything.

What do you keep looking at?

Huh? Nothing. I'm not...

I'm... nothing.

Are you up to something?

No. I'm not.

[Knock on door]

I'll get it.

I just wanted her to be happy, so I introduced her to this guy, Dave.

He was a nice guy.

I thought maybe they'd hit it off.



So this is my friend Dave. Deborah.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Hi. Nice to meet you as well.

[Sighs] Anyways, I got to go.

But you guys have fun. I'll be back.


After Pop died, I didn't want to be set up.

I didn't want to have a boyfriend.

Did she not...

She didn't...


No, she didn't tell me.

Yeah, um... well, uh...

I got you these.

Oh, well, that's very nice. Thank you.

They're pretty.

I'm just gonna go put them in water.

Yeah. Yeah. For sure.

You know, she wasn't interested in getting into a relationship.

I was kind of thrown in there, and I appreciated it, and I took advantage of it.

[Muffled speaking]

Turns out, we kind of came from different backgrounds.

She was a good girl.

I was getting in trouble and things like that.

He was a bad boy.

He went out.

He drank. He went to parties.

I didn't do any of that, and I think that's what finally attracted me to him.

One week later, I invite Dave over to watch some television.

So we're sitting on the couch, and we start to get close to each other.

[Orchestral music on TV]

[Lights buzzing]

The lights start flickering.

Just a fuse.


I'm kind of uncomfortable now, 'cause the lights are flickering.

[Phone rings]

Telephone rings.

[Phone ringing]


I get up, answer the phone...


Nobody there.


Just a bunch of static.

Wrong number maybe.

[Phone ringing]





I kind of was thinking that it might have been another guy.

[Phone rings]

[Whispering hoarsely] Debbie...

[Phone ringing]

[Whispering hoarsely] Debbie...

I hear whispering.

[Breathing heavily]

Whoa... you okay?

I thought to myself, "could this be poppy showing his dislike or anger over me having a boyfriend or bringing a guy into the house?"

I think you should leave.

[Breathing heavily]

Oh... okay. Yeah.

But are you okay?

Yeah, I'm sorry. I just... I'll show you out.

I got up and left.

Somebody didn't want us to be together that night.

It was the one thing she hid from me.

That there was something on the other end of the phone that wasn't right, she kept it to herself.

Good night.


I knew it was too much like how Poppy would have reacted had I had a boyfriend in the house.

I knew.
[Eerie music]

That night, I have that same dream.

But this time, I look back, and there's a work uniform.

[Breathing heavily]

It's the uniform my grandfather used to wear to work.

[Breathing heavily]




[Whispering] Debbie...

At that moment, I knew that the man that had me by the ankles was my grandfather.

He was mad.

[Radio static]

♪ One way ticket on a... ♪

Then I hear something.


[Muffled singing]

♪ What else can I do shut my eyes and... ♪

I come out of the bedroom.

I hear the music getting louder.

♪ Thinking of you, oh ♪
♪ all night long our love song ♪

[Ragged breathing]

So I walk into the living room...

[Music plays over radio]

♪ Till we're together what else can I do ♪
♪ shut my eyes and hope my dreams come true ♪
♪ I'll be sweet, sweet, sweet dreaming of you ♪
♪ oh, oh ♪
♪ in dreamland ♪
♪ I'm your man ♪
♪ that's where you take me by the hand ♪
♪ oh, babe ♪
♪ so clear, you're right here ♪
♪ my wish comes true and you appear ♪

I walk slowly up to the reclining chair.

♪ Till we're together what else can I do ♪
♪ shut my eyes and hope my dreams come true ♪
♪ I'll be sweet, sweet, sweet dreaming of you ♪

No one there.

I look at pop's radio, and it's off my station and tuned to whyp.

♪ Come true ♪

That's the channel pop always used to listen to.

It freaked me out.

I didn't know what to think.

How could someone you love come back and do this?

I'm sure he felt angry.

I'm sure he felt betrayed.

I believe that he was punishing me for not coming home and just moving on.

[Crickets chirping]

I stopped up at Deb's house, and we were talking.

Why are you so tired?

I just needed someone to talk to, so I told Leora about my nightmares.

I keep having this weird dream.

I told her about being chased across the yard.

I couldn't believe what she was telling me.

And he chases me all the way into a cornfield, and I'm running and running, but I can't get away.

Leora leans over to me and she says...

And you fall down...

And he grabs you by the ankles?

How would you know that?

Because I've been having the exact same nightmare.

And then I knew it wasn't just her grief or her guilt, because I experienced it too.

It scared me.

My other sister, Penny, came to stay with me for a few days.

Last card.

I win!

I just needed some company and really just didn't want to be alone.

Okay. Good night.

So I went and laid on the couch, put the TV on.

I eventually fall asleep.

[TV host speaking]

[Eerie music]

[Girl screaming]

[Girl screaming]


I wake up. I'm feeling uneasy.

Something here is just not right.

[Lights buzzing and flickering]

[Radio playing country music]

Oh, my god. I smell smoke.

There's a fire. There's smoke.

[Light buzzing]

[Radio playing country music]

It's upstairs.


My sister is up those stairs, and she's not answering me, so I go up the stairs.

There's flames just all around the bed.

Nowhere else but around that bed.


Penny, wake up!

So I shake her. I say, "get up!

I've got to get you downstairs! Get up!"

Penny, we have to go!

She doesn't move.

The flames were spreading to the walls.

Penny, come on!

I had to get her out of there.

Come on! We have to go!

Come on! Get up!

[Dramatic percussive music]

Penny finally comes to, but she's dazed...

[Door bangs]

And the door is slammed shut.

What's happening?

Stay here.

The door's locked.

I never lock that door.

We were trapped inside that house.

I glance up, and there is a man.

I called out to him, and I asked him...

Why are you doing this?

And then I heard booming.

[Wind swooshing]

All of the sudden, I feel a cool breeze.

It comes right through me.

And I heard a whisper.

[Whispering] You never came home.

It wasn't love anymore.

It was the need to possess and control.

He was taking me with him.

Take me!

Leave Penny alone and just take me!

Let Penny go and just take me.

And as soon as I said that, the door popped open.

So I grab Penny, and we run.

I always believed in some kind of an afterlife, but never, ever did I think that anything like this would happen to me.

It wasn't a bad dream. It was an awful reality.

[Door knob clicking]

But I thought, "if his house is gone and his spirit is in it..."

I'm so glad you're okay.

"Maybe it is finally over."

How's Penny?

She's okay. She's shaken up.

I was working out of town, and when I came home, I heard that there was a house fire and everybody was all right.

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm okay. I'm okay.

What happened?

I'll let you guys talk for a bit.

Okay. See you soon.

I have to tell you something.

I thought it was time to let him know what was going on.

I told him everything.

He didn't judge. He was very supportive.

She ended up confiding in me and talking about it.

I believed her.

There's no reason for her to lie to me.

She was somebody I cared about deeply, and I wanted to be there for her.

I wanted to be the one to help her.

And from that moment on, we were inseparable.

A little less than a year later, Dave and I got married.

It was a whole new chapter of my life.

We replaced Poppy's house with a trailer and put it on that property.

Time went on. We had a little baby.

We named her Rochelle.

Life was good.

We had our family.

All right, I got to go to work.

They got me on the night shift.

I no longer felt Poppy's presence, and I was really happy that he was at peace.

[Foreboding music]

[Eerie breathing]

When I came home that night, I was all by myself.

Deb and Rochelle were out. And it was just me.

[Door knob clicking]


The trailer was dark late at night.

I turn the lights on and I carry on with my business.

[Bottle cap pops]

Just like that, the lights went out.

[Eerie music]

My only option was to go back at the end of the trailer, go check the breaker panel.

I just... I had the feeling that I wasn't alone.

[Dog barking faintly]

[Floor creaks]

I had a good idea that her grandfather was somewhere waiting for me.

It was terrifying.

I've never been so scared.

There was something there.

I could feel it. I could sense it.

I open up the breaker box.

The main switch was thrown, and I threw that switch, and the lights came back on.

What's wrong?


Uh, nothing.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Um...

I need to talk to you for a second.

Rochelle, just... can you, um...

Just go play at the table with your toys, okay?


I've never seen him afraid like that, ever.

So I came home, and the power went out, so I...

[Speaking becomes muffled]


[Scratching intensifies]



What's wrong?

There's a man in my closet.

Rochelle just comes barreling out of that room, crying.

I ran into the room, looking for somebody.

I felt sick.

I thought it was over.

There's nobody there. I...

It's him. He's back.

All I know is that Earl made himself known to her, and she did not like it.

I decided, the next morning, I was going to go see a priest to find out how I could get rid of Poppy once and for all, before anything happened to my little girl.

I'm calling Father Burns.

I had grown up going to church, and Father Burns knew me.

I'm standing outside, thinking, "what am I going to say to father?"

He's gonna think I'm nuts.

Good to see you.

Good to see you.

Thank you so much for coming.

He believed everything I said to him.

He was very supportive.

I think that he's back.

He said to me, "Deborah, my child..."

You have a pure possession, and I'm going to help you.

Thank you.

Father Burns rebaptized me.

Took a crucifix, blessed it.

He blessed a bottle of holy oil.

He gave me a Saint Michael's medal.

He said, "these are your instruments of battle.

You're going to have to set your grandfather's soul free.

Your possession is a result of the guilt that you hold on to, and it's only you that can end it."

At that point, I finally realized that it was me, and I was going to have...

To get rid of him all over again.

[Eerie music]

Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle.

That evening, we went room to room splashing the holy water, saying the Saint Michael prayer...

Thrust into hell Satan...

Saying the "Our Father" prayer, and demanding that Poppy leave.

[Dramatic music]

I'm ready.

I said, "Poppy, you're not welcome here anymore."

You're not welcome anymore.

You can't hurt me anymore.

You cannot be here.

I was extremely sad that I had to do this.

It was extremely hard on her, because it was closure to a big part of her life.

Defend us in battle.

Be our defense against...

[Wind wooshing]

The wind started to blow.

Be our defense against the wickedness...

I could feel this heavy uneasiness.

And snares of the devil.

[Clinking and shattering]

Anything that was loose would have been flying...

Papers, books.

May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou, o prince of...

It wasn't my Poppy anymore.

By the power of God...

I could feel anger. I could feel hate.

And all the evil spirits...

It crossed from love to possession.

And all the evil spirits...

All of a sudden, I couldn't move...

As if something was stopping me from moving.

[Eerie music]

You could tell he was there.

You could tell he was in front of her.

I said, "Poppy, I love you so very much."

I said, "after everything that you have done to me, I never stopped loving you, never."

I said, "but you have to go.

You cannot stay with me anymore.

You have to go."

And I said, "I love you."

The wind stopped.

I was able to turn and look at Dave.

[Gentle music]

It was over...

And he was gone.

To witness those events is something that I'll never forget.

Father Burns' advice was absolutely right on.

It worked.

I no longer felt Poppy anywhere.


He's gone.


I believe he moved on that day.

He was finally gonna be at peace.

I was finally gonna be at peace.

Poppy finally went home.

[Glass shatters]