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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 09/23/15 19:12
by bunniefuu
Posuit circa me sane omnes potentias has.

Contra omnem potential hostile saevem.


Contra dolum idolatriae.

Contra incantamenta mulierum. Et fabrorum ferrariorum et druidem.


Christus mecum. Christus ante me.

Christus me pone.

Christus in me. Christus infra me.

Christus as dextram meam. Christus ad laevam meam.

Christus in corde omnis hominis quem alloquar.

Christus in ore cujusvis qui me alloquatur.

Christus in omni oculo qui me videat.

Christus in omni aure quae me audiat.



The ashtray flew across the room.

It was terrifying, and that was only the beginning.

I don't know what it is.

Whether we're haunted...

If something that's, I don't know, evil.

I just want someone to help me.


Is she lying? Hm?

Deluded? Mentally ill?

You have to rule out everything, everything, before you go looking for a spiritual cause.

It could be a scam. Maybe they want rehousing.

Maybe her husband's knocking her about and this is her cry for help.

Maybe. Maybe not.

Deliverance Ministry requires a wide skill set, part social work, part counselling, lots of listening.

But, the bottom line is this, your job is to protect people from the intrusion into their lives of entities which half the professed Christians in this country don't believe in.

So, good luck with that.


Let's go downstairs.


Sense anything?


Er... Yeah, cold feeling.

Anything more than just cold?

Possibly, yeah.

Well, a shade was sighted here, rumoured to be a 19th-century preacher called Griffiths.

This is an example of an imprint.

As opposed to "visitors" or "volatiles".

Loose cannon energy forms dislodging plates and table and --

I'm sorry, how will we know which is which?

Well, after a while, you will have gained a sensitivity.

But, be careful, that sensitivity. that heightened awareness, can also become an illusion.

We need that discipline.

It's one of the Church's strengths.


Man: Jesus Christ in Heaven.

First rule of Deliverance work, always check your fuses.



I was surprised when Bishop Mick offered the job to a young lass.

Merrily: Not that young.

Could it be he thinks I might be quite good at it beyond, you know, "female diocesan exorcist" sounding quite cool?

Anyhow, he hasn't appointed me yet.

Canon Dobbs is still officially in harness.

Mick's only sounding me out so...

And he sent you here.

To learn the basics of metaphysical trench warfare.

He has faith in you.

Oh, right, but you don't.

Oh, don't get me wrong.

You're not fundamentalist, you're not happy-clappy, don't seem to have an axe to grind, in many ways --

Oh look! There's a "but" about to land in that field.

For God's sake! Are you gonna take this seriously just for one second?

(SNIFFS) There are dangers in this kind of work, Merrily.

Not just dangers of the mind and the soul, but dangers in the dregs of humanity who attach themselves to the flip side of what we believe in.

Little rat eyes in the dark, they are.

Waiting to infect you.

You want to make a new start after your recent bereavement.

Great, that's understandable.

But it leaves you as vulnerable as hell.

I understand that better than anyone.

Believe me.

If you're weak, they'll get in, lass.

And as an ordained woman, you're wearing a bloody big bull's-eye.


Woman: You wouldn't have been saying that at four this morning.

You see them this small and vulnerable, it's hard to believe that one day she'll be a grown woman.

(SIGHS) Being a parent is the most wonderful and precious gift.

Cherish every moment.

Girl: Precious gift of being a parent?

Well, I was about to tell them that the first 16 years are the worst.

Very funny.

Anyway, did you pass your exam in Ghostbusting for Jesus?

Just focus on your own exams, sweetheart.

I would, except you drag me from one school to another halfway across the country.

Oh yeah. From an inner city to this! Poor you(!)

Did my parcel come?

Yeah, what is it?

Come on, I'll show you.

You don't mind, do you? Got it done on the Internet.

No, of course not, sweetheart. He was your dad.






Canon Dobbs?

Canon Dobbs?

Hiya. It's Merrily Watkins. I just wondered if we could have a...

Er, I just thought could... Could we have a chat?




Mick: The point of the course was to help you to decide.

Yes, yeah, I know. It's just, erm, I just...

I feel a little bit awkward about Canon Dobbs.

He won't step down gracefully.

Dobbs does nothing gracefully. That's part of the problem.

You reach out to the Church for help and this weird shambling creature turns up at your door?

He's an embarrassment.

Oh, so you're gonna edge him towards retirement with a cattle prod.

You know what I want, Merrily. The word "exorcist" is bad enough.

I want a new kind of Deliverance, someone with experience in modern life, social problems, psychology.

You know, I-I'm not a psychologist. I'm just a vicar.

I've only been here three months.

But, you've worked in the real world.

Dobbs doesn't know what the real world is any more, truly.

Look, the church is conservative, hierarchical, hide-bound.

I want to change some things, a lot of things.

I want to help those in real spiritual need.

That was one of the things you said appealed to you about the idea.


Have a think. Give me a call.

Any time.

Yeah, thanks. I will.


Tennis player: Watch it!

He was good looking your dad. How much was that?

It was 50 quid. It wasn't too bad.

It's not porn, Gilligan. Sorry to disappoint you, mate.

You won't be disappointed, when I send a picture of my d*ck to your mobile.

I don't think my phone will accept file that small.

You'll shock a vicar's daughter with that kind of talk.

Piss off!


Look who it is.

Grow up. They weren't bothering you. Give it a rest.

Choirboy James to the rescue.

I said piss off!


You wish!

You OK?

I was enjoying that.

What, you fancy him?

Shut up!


Ah, Sophie. Hi er... I was hoping to catch you.

I just wanted to set up an official meeting with Canon Dobbs.

Sorry to interrupt, Merrily. Can I introduce you to --

Reverend Watkins? I'm DCI Annie Howe.

This is DS Frank Bliss.

Could you come with us, please? We need your expertise.

What expertise?

Frank: They ID'd the abandoned car.

The current keeper's name is Paul Sayer.

His DOB makes him 32. It was a Hereford address.

Get a team round there. Get it locked down.

If the press come sniffing, tell them some fairy story.

I don't want this getting out.


Frank: Prepare yourself. It's not very pleasant.

Yeah, take your time.

Dear God!


(WHISPERS) Dear God.




So, is this just the act of some sick individual showcasing his depraved mind, or is there some religious motivation?

Er, sorry.

We understood you were knowledgeable in this area.


Area. (SIGHS)

Do you understand what you've just shown me? This is my faith.

It's my life.

Sorry, I just can't even look at that.

It's just, they told us you had some sort of training in occult matters.

(SOFTLY) Right.

Reverend Watkins, wait. Please, wait.

I'm sorry. Help us.




Canon Dobbs?


Dobbs: Get out! Go away from here and don't come back!



God help me!

(SOBS) God help me.

She's really just grounded instead of preoccupied with herself and all gossipy like some of the other girls.

And she's funny.

She gave these two morons such an ear-bashing.

I just really, really like her.

What? Sorry, sweetheart.

Bloody hell, you haven't been listening to a word I'm saying.

No, no, no, I am. Right. Sorry. All ears now.


You could pretend to be interested. You're usually good at that.

Oh, Jane.

For God's sake.

Jane, come on!



Pious bitch!





Woman: Could I speak to Reverend Watkins?


This is Sister Cullen at St Luke's Hospital.

We were given your number by the Bishop's office.

They said you were the person these matters go to now.


He's suffering from chronic emphysema.

Lungs full of fluid. Unlikely to see the morning.

I'm sorry.

You're the only one who will be.

He's asked for a priest?

(SCOFFS) No, he didn't ask for a priest. They did.


Thirty years I've done this job.

I've had everything nasty a person could throw at me, none of it a patch on the sick feeling I got being in that room with Denzil Joy.

It's like all his old deeds just ooze out of him.


He's a destroyer.

He's got a record for it. Abuse, cruelty to animals, women.

Not much between it to him.



One of his victims came to see him the other day.

I walked in on them.

This young woman had her hand under the bed sheets.

Put it like this, she didn't visit him to bring grapes.


Even though he's near-as-dammit dead, he's still using her.

If that's not pure evil, I don't know what is.

Well, the man is dying.

He may have had a complicated past but that doesn't mean that he's --

Doesn't it? My staff think it does.

Some of them say...

(SIGHS).. they felt him enter them.


And they believe when he dies, that evil won't die with him.


Thanks, Merrily.

I hope you can do what Canon Dobbs couldn't.


Mr Joy.


Mr Joy, I don't know if you can hear me.

My name is Merrily. I just erm...

I just want to say a prayer with you if that's OK?





Almighty God, our Heavenly Father.

We know, all of us, that we've done bad things and neglected to do...

.. good things that we could have done.


For the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Your Son...


.. we beg You to forgive us.

To close the door on our past, cleanse our souls.


We know that...

We know that it is in Your nature to show mercy.

To forgive.

We beg You now to free Denzil of whatever bond it is that is binding his spirit...


We ask you this for the sake of Jesus Christ, Our Saviour. Amen.









Woman: Who the hell's she?

Mrs Joy, please wait here a moment.

Hey! What are you doing here?

My husband wants a bit of peace, not some Holy Roller.

Mrs Joy, please calm down.

I'm so sorry. I didn't...

Is he gone?

Did he do that?

I'm so sorry.


What's going on? I woke up, no sign of you.

Your bed's empty. I'm alone in the house.

Got called at work.

Not worth a note? You could've woke me.

If I woke you at 3.00am I'd have been the worst mother in the world.

Well, guess what? I'm the worst mother in the world.

God, who rattled your cage?

I was called out. It was work.

It's this new job. It's a Deliverance.

Bishop Mick's bitch.


You are so naive. You're walking into this.

Why does no-one think I'm up to it?

I don't think that. I think they're using you.

Well, nobody asked you.

You look like crap by the way.




Want a cup of tea?


Ah, you got it clean.

I am clean!

I didn't mean that, I just meant, it's good, you know?

You've got a place of your own for the first time.

You seem excited, positive.

Needed to leave those so-called friends behind and you have.

You really have.

Warms the cockles of a social worker's heart.

Don't undervalue your achievements.

Like nicking two skirts from Next?

Like not showing up in court 'cause I'm on a bender.

That was then. This is now.

Jesus! Rowenna.

It's a crow.

I found it right outside my front doorstep this morning.

Isn't that incredible?

Is it?

It's a sign. I know it is.

It's telling me I can fly again.

Er, well...

I hope it's telling you to wash your hands.








Frank: Welcome to the home of the crucified Paul Sayer.

History tutor.

Students at college said he was a good laugh, liked a beer.

Some of them came back. He liked to party.

A few complaints from neighbours about music, that's about it.

Afternoon, sir. Ma'am.

All right, mate. Sorry.

Inverted cross. I guess he wasn't a Christian.

Walk this way.

Frank: Get a load of this.

Only the bloody Devil.

Not exactly. It's Baphomet.

It's an ancient idol worshiped by the Knights Templar.

Since then used in a lot of occult circles.

There are two types of Satanists erm...

What Huw, our tutor, would call "headbangers" who are in it for kicks and then there are the intellectuals.

They believe that all knowledge is power.

Anything goes, as long as it leads to more knowledge.

Annie: Like m*rder?

Yeah, possibly.

They believe that all Christians are irrational...

.. that we peddle the idiot myth called love.

Christians are his enemy. So, what, did a Christian k*ll him?

Nobody who believes in Christ the Saviour could have done it like that.

The thing is, it wasn't just m*rder, was it?

It was sacrilege.



Canon Dobbs. Canon Dobbs, it's Merrily.

Will you let me in? I just really need your help.

You want to destroy me! All of you want to destroy me!

Please, please will you let me in? A man has been crucified.



A man called Paul Sayer.

If you know of a group operating out of this parish, please tell me.

Leave this thing alone, I beg of you, for your own good.

I can't! This is our Diocese. This is our Church.

I can't ignore this. We've got to fight this.

I've tried fighting it. It's no good.

You can't stop them. I couldn't.

They've strength of numbers. Of years. Of corruption.

Of hate.

I couldn't stand up to them. I couldn't stand up to Denzil Joy.

Denzil Joy? I know you visited him.

What is the connection between him and Paul Sayer's death?

Denzil Joy is a powerful man.

Powerfully evil.

No, not any more.

He's dead. I was there. I was with him.

But, his evil is still alive.

It is... isn't it?

I don't know.

I can see...

I can feel him.

Please. I don't know what to do.

Paul Sayer.

Denzil Joy.

Please help me!

I can't. My faith isn't strong enough.

Neither is yours.

Neither is yours!


I really shouldn't! My mum...

Come on!

Do you ever stop worrying about what she thinks? You need to chill!


Orange juice for me.

Your mum's not breathing down your neck here.

I just want an orange juice. Anyway, she's not like that.

She wants you to be an individual with a mind of your own?

I don't think so.

I'm just gonna find the loo, all right?

Bollocks, I'm gonna get you something with vodka in it.

Oh, dear!

I-I'm sorry. There's something...

You're feeling things are really tough at the moment, aren't you?

I'm sorry. What's your name?


Jane, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

I just really feel I need to talk to you.

Do you mind? It will only take a minute.

I'm just getting a really, really strong feeling from you.


Recording: You're through to the voicemail of Reverend Huw Owen.

Please leave a message.

Huw? Huw? It's Merrily. Merrily Watkins.

I've been roped into this police investigation and the words "out of", "depth" and "my" spring to mind.

If you could give me a call when you get this, as soon as you get this.

Thanks. Bye.

Mrs Joy?

Mrs Joy! Mrs Joy. Can we talk?

I just wanted to say I'm really sorry about what happened at the hospital, and I am truly sorry for your loss.

I wanted to tell you that I only had your husband's welfare at heart.

(SIGHS) I'm new here, Mrs Joy. I really didn't want to upset you.

You think you did any good? You didn't.

You think you can make it right? You can't.

Well, if that's the case, I'm sorry.

You'll have to excuse me. I've got things to do.

Denzil didn't believe in any church, so he wouldn't take kindly to me talking to you now.




This card represents the present.

This one, past influences still having an effect.

I'm going to start here, because this one is really strong in you at the moment.

Look at that lightning bolt.

That's a lot of pain, searing pain you're not showing to the world.

You're trying to be the Tower and you're not.

You're not made from stone.

And, somebody is falling from the Tower. Who is that?

Someone you've lost who's so powerfully in your mind.

My father.

And, he wasn't perfect, was he, love?

We all know that.

But, you miss him, and you're angry with him for not being there and you feel bad about that.

He died in a car crash. Yes.

You were asking the cards, was he thinking of you when he had the accident?

Yes, he was.

That's why he's here, you see?

But, it's all right, because he knows there's such a fantastic potential in you.

That's what this card is.

The Magician, who can change things, transform things.

Oh. He's with you.

He's standing behind your shoulder.

He's saying something about a picture.

(VOICE DISTORTING) A photograph.

Oh, God! Oh, my God!


Rowenna: Oh, shit.



All right.

All I'm saying is, I'm not keen on Rowenna getting matey with someone who has a lax attitude to things --

I think that's a little bit insulting to my daughter!

.. order in her life, that's all!

My responsibility is to Rowenna.

You know, she has a history of self-esteem issues.

Don't we all?

She's highly vulnerable to influence right now and frankly, hanging out with a vicar's daughter --

What?! Ha! You think Christianity is gonna tip her over the edge?

One, if you had asked me I would have told you that Jane does not share my faith, and two, she's a really good kid.

I would have thought Rowenna should thank her lucky stars to have her as a friend.

Now, Mr Robinson, unless there's anything else I can help you with...



What did you say to him?

Erm, read the riot act, slightly.


So, what exactly were you doing at this pub on a school day?




Merrily. Mick Hunter. You better get to the Cathedral.

It's Dobbs.

What about Dobbs?


Mick: We're doing everything we can.

Sophie: Yes, I know.

Oh, hi, Merrily. It's Alan.

Yes, I know.

He's virtually barricaded himself in.

Where is he?

Behind the partition where they're repairing the Cantilupe tomb.




Alan, it's Mick Hunter.



We're all getting a bit anxious about you in there, old friend.






Kick it in! Kick it in!

(GASPS) Christ be with me. Christ within me.

Christ beside me. Christ before me. Christ behind me.


Mick: Alan.

What's going on, old friend?

Canon Dobbs ARGH!


Canon Dobbs! Canon Dobbs! No-one wants to destroy you.

As God is my witness.

It's urgent.

Please, Alan, please, listen to me.

Just calm down. Don't shut the door.

Alan, please!


Mick: Sophie, go home. It's late.

What's happened to him?

You've done everything you can.

Good night.

Good night, Merrily.



He's clearly having a breakdown.

Which suits you very well. Couldn't call the police fast enough.

Any luck, he'll be sectioned by morning.

That's deeply unfair.

Maybe I didn't do the right thing calling.

It's just... (SIGHS)

If Alan is succumbing to some sort of dementia...

Well, my mother went that way.

I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, and Dobbs isn't my worst enemy.

I'm sorry.


Humans were never meant to be monogamous.

Marriage was just invented to control women. To make sure they --


Mum, this is...

Rowenna I take it. Hiya.

Hope there's no hard stuff in those mugs.

She came round to keep me company.

Big, old creaky house, on her own.


Yeah. Er, thank you, Rowenna.

Are you sure you're gonna be all right walking back?

You can stay the night.

It's a full moon. I'll be fine, apart from the odd werewolf.




Nice girl.

I know she is.

Oh, one sec.

Rowenna. You left these, love.

Oh, thanks.

Whose idea was it to go to the pub?

You wouldn't expect me to rat on my best friend, would you?

She's only 16.

I know it was stupid. I'm sorry.

It's been hard for her settling in and she really needs a good friend.

She's got one. I promise.

Great. OK. Night.




Dobbs (V.O.): Denzil Joy is a powerful man.

Powerfully evil.



Dobbs (V.O.): I've tried fighting him. It's no good.

You can't stop them. I couldn't.

Merrily (V.O.): Please, help me.

Dobbs (V.O.): I can't.

My faith isn't strong enough.

Neither is yours.

(DOBBS SHOUTS) Neither is yours!


Oh, hi.

Annie: Hi.

I'm sorry. I was just...

How is Canon Dobbs? I was just a bit worried about him.

Has he said anything about Paul Sayer yet, Paul Sayer's m*rder yet?

Annie: No.

Frank: He never mentioned Sayer.

Right, erm, it's just that I think he knows more than he's letting on.

Dominus regit me, et nihil mihi deerit.

Maybe we should get him back in.

Back in? Sorry, I thought he was here.

Not any more.

Super aquam refectionis educavit me.

He seemed normal and coherent this morning so we had no reason to keep him.

Frank: Reverend Watkins, what's he told you?






Canon Dobbs?

♪ Glory laud and honour ♪

♪ Unto Christ the King ♪

♪ This through countless ages ♪

♪ Men and angels sing ♪

♪ Onward Christian soldiers ♪

♪ Marching as to w*r ♪

♪ With the cross of Jesus ♪

(DOOR SLAMS) Oh, Jesus!


♪ Going on before ♪

♪ Amen ♪

Canon Dobbs. It's Mer... It's Merrily.





Canon Dobbs?


Canon Dobbs?