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04x03 - Power Hour

Posted: 09/19/15 07:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on Continuum...

Am I your mother?



This is far from over.

So bottom line: trust my team.

You can't do this alone.

We need that building.

I have plenty of buildings.

No, it has to be that one.

You took something from them.

It looks like a pen?

They need it back.

This battle isn't over!

It's hardly begun.

We're only gonna get through this if we trust each other, Kiera.

I trust you.

I trust you, too.

I saw you with her, Brad.

What were you doing with her?

You know, I think back to before all this, before you, and I don't ever see it going back to normal.

Now, is that a good thing?

I don't know.

All I know is what I see in front of me, and everything looks worse.

Is that what you had planned in the end?

Who says this is the end?

Look around you, Travis.

Liber8 failed.


Liber8 was sent back to be vaccine.

An injection of sickness to stimulate society's immune system.

[Door opens]

Even the protector believes, now.

That's only half true.

What's true is you're going to be releasing me very soon.

Oh yeah?

Why is that?

Knowledge is power.

I do have an idea.

One that will help with our future soldier problem.

What kind of idea?

Release Travis into my custody.

Oh, is that all?

Fair enough.

I know it sounds crazy.

You could say that.

I'm enjoying this.

[Simultaneous] Shut up.

You want me to deal with Kellogg's soldiers.

That means I need soldiers of my own.

Travis is our best w*apon in this fight, you and I both know it.


In case you haven't noticed, we are in a police department, ok?

There's an entire force on call to help bring down the bad guys.

Not bad guys like this.

They are organized, they are well-trained, and they have access to weaponry even I have never encountered.

With Brad on the inside and Travis's help, we can do things the police can't do.

How's that working out for you?

Your inside man?

Where is he right now?

Why hasn't he told you where they are?

I trust him.

That's the problem right there.

You trust him more than you trust me.

Instead of believing in me you're putting faith in a man you hardly know who's a little too cozy with the enemy if you ask me.

I hate to say it, but the man has a point.

Without that key it doesn't matter if we're ahead of schedule or behind.

If Tonkin can't get it, what benefit is it to the mission?

I'm right here, Zorin.

Are you?

'Cause I don't see you engaged, Tonkin.

I see an opportunist.

Someone who's soft.

Someone who's a little confused about his loyalties.

If Tonkin wanted to give us up we'd be drowning in our own blood.

Every second we're not means he's doing his job.

You swing at one of my men again, I'll k*ll you.

I'm gonna have to ask you to-

[fighting grunts]

Ok, ok.

Look, whatever they're paying you, I'll triple it.

You can't buy me.

You already have.

Who sent you?

You did.

Via Marcellus.

You think you're untouchable, you're not.

I'm here to change that.

You could have just introduced yourself.

Didn't I?


I don't care if it's popular in 2077, please never "shaboof" as a taunt or dis or catchphrase ever again.

Don't take out your break-up angst on me, I was trying to distract you.

He's right, you gotta get over it.

Let's go again.

I'll pass.

I'm through being humiliated for one day.

I don't know, man.

Pace yourself.

After Kellogg took away your legacy, you've got a lifetime of humiliation ahead of you.

I seem to recall Kellogg playing you like a marionette then tossing you aside like everything else he's done with.

Yeah, but I'm supposed to be his enemy.

You, you were actually supposed to be him.

The way I see it, he did you a favour.

How's that?

You wanted to change your destiny, right Alec?

He changed it for you.

You dodged a b*llet.


I'm still here, destined to be the bad guy.

Says who?

Bad guy is a matter of perspective.

Yeah, well based on my pending body counts I think it's safe to say sainthood isn't in my future.

You both sound like a couple of babies.

Here's a tip: take action.

Man up.

You're the author of your own destiny.

Act like it.

What is that?

The beginning of Theseus's great manifesto.


I remember reading that for the first time when I was 14.

I'm literally watching history being written.

I hate to burst your bubble, Lucas, but I refuse to be the monster everyone talks about.

No, no, no!

This was a legacy better left unrealized, I think.

As simple as that?

Probably not, no.

I can't help but think the future will be better off.

Hello again.


I think you should make me.

I wouldn't dream of starting this meeting without you.

Visitors wait over there.

Don't worry, this won't take long.

Kidnapping and unlawful confinement?

That's a serious accusation.

You better arrest me.

You'd be in cuffs right now if I wanted to arrest you.

Oh, so this is just some sort of power trip?

Something to fill your time?


He knows that your lawyers would have you out in less than an hour.

He just wants you to know he's here and he's got you in his sights.

You taught me well.

We can go.


Sit down.

Or what?


I think throwing you downstairs with Travis until your lawyers spring you would be all kinds of fun.

Well, for Travis, that is.

Are you sure you want to play this game?

See, that's the difference between you and I, Kellogg.

You actually think this is a game.

That's exactly what this is.

I don't need lawyers to fight my battles.

I can simply starve this division of every resource it needs.

I'm going to go see Nora and remind her just how important I am to the well-being of this department.

I give her detailed and incriminating information about our friend Emily, our friend Alec, and Detective Special Agent whatever Kiera Cameron here if it's a w*r you want.

And if that still doesn't put a stop to this clear campaign of harassment then I'm sure the mayor, City Hall, and some other entities I have in my back pocket will perform the roll of jack boot to your oversized neck and you'll find yourself running parking tickets on skid row.

Now either arrest me or get the hell out of my way.

What exactly did you think you were going to get out of this?

The truth.

You remember what that is, don't you?

History dictates the truth, Inspector, not you.

Right and wrong.

That's all anybody remembers.

Well, I remember when you used to take down guys like him.

You give me the evidence that I need and I will gladly use his own Piron initiative to Guantanamo his ass.

Can I be there when that happens?

Oh yeah.

And throw away the key.

Alec, what are you doing here?

Well, I was thinking about my future and how I need to take it in a new direction.

I want to help the police department.


Work here?

You need somebody to take over Betty's duties.

Keep talking.

Betty was a civilian, I'm a civilian.

You guys hire non-police around here all the time, right?

We do, yeah, but come on, you can get a job with any tech giant in the world.

Yeah, but no tech giant is gonna help me wipe that smirk off of Kellogg's face.




That's great, thank you.

Welcome aboard.


I'll have Patrick get the ball rolling.

[Phone rings]

In the meantime, can you show Alec to Betty's old office?


Hey, hey.

Guys, hold on.


Alright, send it through.

Well, I could use you right now.

Feel like punching in early?

Sure, what happened?

Someone stole all the superconducting magnets from Faber University's physics lab.

That's not your every day B&E.

No, it's not.

Witnesses reported them escaping in a black van.

I think it's our guys.

That campus is thick with surveillance.

I'll see if I can track the van, see where they're headed.


Let's go.

I can work with this.


Alec, I have to ask you a favour.


Come to me first with any information you find out about the van or Kellogg's soldiers.


I'm on the job for five seconds and you're already asking me to lie to Carlos?

I'm not asking you to lie, just to delay a bit.

What's the difference?

Why don't you work your magic on the van report, see what you can find?

Wanna help me clean it up?

I'm not the one who decided to make a dramatic statement about the direction of my life using fire.

The mess is on you.


Oh, you're gonna want to see this.

Looks like the complete Theseus collection can be yours for the low price of free.

Find out who did this.

Is this you talking, or... Theseus.

I've got about 25 black vans in the area via traffic cams.


Maybe you can track where Brad is headed.

New construction projects, condemned buildings...

This is Vancouver.

You're gonna have to narrow down your search.

Odd energy consumption?

Do you know how many grow-ops are in the city?

Ok, I get it, I'm sorry.

You're right, you know what you're doing.

I will leave you alone, just... please, come to me first.


Thank you.

Where was Kiera going in such a hurry?

Did you get a lead on the van?


Oh, shit.

I've been so busy trying to configure my computer to the system that I completely forgot to ask Kiera where she was going.

She didn't say?

No, she didn't say.


So I need you to do me a favour.

I want you to track Kiera's CMR and keep me updated on her movements.

Spy on her?

The whole reason we work so well together is because of our trust in each other.

I can't risk losing that again.

I get it.

Ok, don't think of it as spying.

Kiera's feelings for Brad have got her head out of the game.

That's gonna get her in a very dangerous situation.

I just want to ensure that we're there to protect her when that happens.

I'll watch out for her, but you're gonna have to trust my discretion.


Oh, I almost forgot.

Welcome to the team.


I'm here.

So these superconducting magnets got me thinking.

You know that doohicky that you stole from Kellogg's soldiers?

It is off the scale magnetic and I think I just found the on switch.

What makes you say that?

You kind of have to see it to understand it, but it lines up with one mother of a magnetic field.

I drew a line from the precinct and it runs straight into a vacant factory a few blocks away from the van's last recorded location.



Excuse me?


What would Prion want with an abandoned factory?

It's not scheduled for demo, no phone or internet hook-up.

Paid two million over market value.

Kellogg must have really wanted it for something.

Well then we need to find out what that something is.

Send Lucas the details and meet me at your place as soon as possible.

I haven't even had my first coffee break and you're asking me to play hooky?

Technically, you're not on the clock, so get out of there and meet me.

And tell Carlos what?


I hope your plan is better than your communication skills.

[Doorbell rings]



Hi, I'm Julian Randol.


You know me as Theseus.

Please, come in.

Uh, can I get you some-

No, thanks.

I just want to know why you published my manifesto.

Because I told her to.

Oh good, you're here.

Nice image.

I can almost see the syringes on the street.

What'd you find?

Well, that's just it.


I haven't found a single work order or city permit for this location.

But I hacked a nearby traffic cam, you see Piron trucks bringing in material and equipment all day.

They're building something.

And we won't know what it is until we get inside.

Garza, you and I will infiltrate, see what's going on.

Lucas, you'll be on the outside keeping your eyes open for any surprises.

I'll be the eye in the sky from here?


So we'll get in, get what we want, we'll get out and meet back here to debrief and devise any follow-up action.

I love it when you talk tactics.

No engagement, Garza.

This is recon only.

Says the girl in the invisible b*llet-proof suit.

How am I supposed to get inside if our targets are home?

Ask nicely?

I'm an admirer of Theseus, just like our host, Mrs. Kagame.

You can do it.

Edward Kagame?

That's it.

Why did you come here?

She published my words online for everyone to see.

I didn't want that.

Why not?

What are you afraid of?

I really don't think you'd understand.

I understand more than you think.

For instance, I know that in 20 years you're gonna organize the largest revolution against corporate power the world has ever seen.

Hundreds of thousands will die as a result and you will lose.

How do you know that?

I've seen it.

Then you should know exactly why I can't let that manifesto influence this child.

Don't be a coward.

There is no certainty.

You control your own destiny, Julian.

No, I will not be responsible for a w*r.

Then don't be.

How am I going to not, huh?

I'll second guess every decision I make for the rest of my life.

As you should.

Your influence on the future has already begun whether you like it or not.

Would you rather bury your head in the sand or take action now to ensure that your teachings are never bastardized by fanatics?

Can I get anyone a warm-up on their tea, or...?

No, thank you, but I think I should just probably be leaving.


The world needs you, Julian.

It looks empty.

Yet worth protecting.

Piron guards.

Are you sure about this?

Yeah, let's do this.

Ok, remember, you don't have your CMR so your suit only has it's minimal functions.

Body armour, electro-taser, active camouflage.

Yeah, yeah.
[Lid slams]

Alec, we've got a problem.

Yeah, you sure do.

I got bad news.

Looks like our friends have been expecting you.

They've got some sort of high-frequency disruption field.

Anti-cloaking tech.

You'll get five, maybe seven seconds, tops before it shuts down again.

Who knows how many times.

You want to abort?

No, we've come this far.

Let's go.

Alec, I hope you're getting this.

Yeah, I am.

What am I getting?

I have no idea.

Seven seconds.



Ambient energy readings are off the charts.

We need to find out what that thing is.

Who cares?

We know it can't be good.

You're right.

We'll need to stop them now, while they're vulnerable.

What happened to recon only?

They aren't expecting us.

This may be our only chance.

What's the plan?

We destroy it.

Mommy like.

Don't even think about it.

Get to work.

Alec, can you isolate what Brad and Marcellus are saying?

Not from a window from this distance.

What about now?

Try analyzing their lip movements.

I'm too busy trying to figure out what this thing is that they're building.

Come on, Alec.

I don't understand why you trust this guy.

He k*lled other you and if you're not careful he could do it again.

Time to go.

Once I trigger the fuse I figure we've got about 90 seconds, give or take.


You're welcome.

I'll be the one that gets it close enough to whatever they're building.

No need.

There's enough C4 in that baby, this place will be nothing but a smoking hole in the ground.



The plan was to take that thing down, not m*rder everybody in the process.

Why are you always so g*dd*mn soft, Kiera?

It's w*r, they're the enemy.

If it's not them then it's gonna be us, and I can't have that.

Holy shit.


Uh... don't blow it up.

Those cylinders are showing signs of a highly concentrated anti-matter fusion system.

In english please, Alec.

What's he saying?

The kind of power to get you home.


Or what?

My hypothesis is if it is an anti-matter system then this gadget is some sort of quantum processor.

I just couldn't see it until now.

We need to reassess.

Mission aborted.

Let's go.

It's Brad, isn't it?

You're willing to put our lives at risk for him.


Oh, you really want to do this?


[fighting grunts]


[fighting grunts]

[fighting grunts]

[Table smashes]

[fighting grunts]

[fighting grunts]

Garza, get up.

We've gotta go.

We gotta go now!

We've gotta get out of here.


Garza, no!

What the hell was that?

It was me.

I installed a fail-safe control on my end.

She'll be fine.

Yeah. Great.

But it only works if we make it out alive and right now she's unconscious.

Lucas, it's hitting the fan in there.

That's a surprise.

You're gonna have to get closer.

Construction's gonna be a little hot.


Alec, is Lucas ready yet?

He's standing by the north side of the building, up the corridor and to the left.

Ok, got it.

[Alarm goes off]

Oh, shit.

Ok, look.

They must have found the one we already took out.


Are you alright?


What happened?

There are two of them.

Both in cloaking tech.

You know, I don't know what your game is, Tonkin, but it's falling apart.

There's no game.

All evidence to the contrary.


We'll have this conversation after we secure the perimeter.

Prove him wrong.

Nobody leaves the building.

You two stay with the others.

Protect the site.


Wake up.

What happened?

We've gotta get out of here now, just trust me.




This way!

Go, go, go!


Keep them pinned down, I'll get reinforcements!


They fried our suits!

Alec, they've disabled our tech.

We need another way out, now!

You're at a dead end. The only way out is through them.

Lucas, they're trapped.

They may not make it out without your help.

That's gonna be a little tricky.

Out of the van.

Look, if you don't get in there, they die.

I'm trying.

Try harder.

Ok, alright.

I'm stepping out.


Just be cool.


Step away from the vehicle.

I'm stepping away.

I'm stepping away.

Sector three, one-


I'm on my way.


Intruders cordoned on level one west corridor.


We won't survive without weapons.

Garza, no!



Come on!



[fighting grunts]


I could have helped.

You're welcome.

We should finish this right now.

Why are we running?

Because I don't feel like dying today.

You should see a door straight ahead.

Up ahead.

[Fight ensues]



End of the line for you.







We have to go.

We have to go.

He k*lled Lucas.


How could you?

It's your fault, Kiera.

Don't you dare.

We had them kneecapped and you chickened out.

It's your fault.

I couldn't let you blow it up.

To save that assh*le who k*lled Lucas?

Selfish bitch.

It has nothing to do with Brad, don't you see?

We could all go home.

Newsflash, you're the only one who wants to go back.

Lucas died trying to prevent that shitty future.

You're spitting in his face wanting to preserve it.

Pull over.

Not until we're clear.

[Cocks g*n]

Pull over.

I don't know if you grunts are aware but moving from this site has never been an option.

That means we work double time to finish.

I want centuries tripled.

We Vasquez, push Kellogg to provide us with additional security.

Now it's not a question of if the police show up, but when.


I said, understood?

Who put you in charge?

Excuse me?

This is a military op.

He's now the ranking officer.

Marcellus is dead.

That falls on his head.

He's a g*dd*mn liability.

We took out one of theirs.

That should count for something.

Damn right.

I don't know.

What don't you know?

We're soldiers, or did you already forget the chain of command?

I signed up for this mission and I'm gonna see it through.

Yeah, you are.

Will you two act like professionals?

Is this what you wanted?


This isn't what Marcellus would have wanted.

Zorin should take command.

The mission is priority.

You want to honour Marcellus's sacrifice?

This is the best way.

Everything from this point forward has accelerated.

We are in key protocol one.

No ins or outs without my say so.

And get me that key, Tonkin.


It's not your fault.

I sent him in there.

I told him you needed help.

It's more complicated than that.

You know it.

What's more complicated?

Did you get a lead on that black van?

Dead end.

So... where were you guys all day?

I followed a lead, hit the same dead end.

And I needed to grab some more components for the system.

It's top notch, just not exactly CMR compatible, you know?


Get on it.

Make something happen.

Brad is clearly not who you think he is.

So why are you protecting him?

I'm not protecting him.

Why are we lying to Carlos?

We need to preserve that site until we know more.

If what you discovered about the anti-matter fuel cells is true, then-

This is all about you, then?

What about Kellogg and his plans?

Whatever he's up to is going to ensure that I get what I want and Kellogg gets what he deserves.

How did it happen?

Garza and I were investigating Kellogg's soldiers.

They're building some sort of machine, I don't know what it's for.

We got in trouble.

Lucas saved our lives.

Thank you for telling me.

I know that look.

You blame yourself.


Lucas knew what the end game was sure to be.

Next Sonya, Kagame.

All of us.

He was always willing to give his life for the cause.

Doesn't make it any easier.

Your journey was never gonna be an easy one, protector.

I know.

It's getting harder and harder to choose which path to take.

Which decisions are the right ones.

I want to do right by everyone without sacrificing what I need.

What do you need?

It doesn't matter.

Look at me.

There's no surrender in this fight.

You've come a long way.

Open your eyes to the truth.

This truth.

Kellogg is more dangerous than any of us.

Greed is his drug and his weakness.

You have to stop him at all costs.

Are you willing to do that?


Kellogg will not succeed.

Where have you been?

Oh, you know, just out discovering I may have already influenced the most dangerous t*rror1st since Bin Laden.

How was your night?

Lucas is dead.


Guys like him shouldn't have to die because of guys like us, right?


I think I'm done, Alec.

I just gotta go.

Go where?

Be the author of my own destiny, just like Lucas said, right?

Wait a second.

I've been reading what you wrote.

Future you.

It's actually quite beautiful.

Full of new ideas, unique perspectives.

Maybe if I don't become the evil corporate overlord of the future, you go on to be come Mother fricken Theresa.

And who knows, maybe in a few decades we're not trying to k*ll each other.

Look, all I'm trying to say is don't fear these words.

People need to see them.

Why don't you grab a glass?

Not thirsty.

Oh, come on.

Your shift is over.

Don't they relax where you came from?

When we're not fighting?

We live.




Each other.

I knew we had a lot in common.


Drink with me, and we'll toast to pleasure.

You confuse it for a request.

I insist.

The glasses are behind the bar.

[sirens wail in the distance]

Oh, you are good.

You should have spoken up earlier, I would have had her fetch two.

No, thank you.

Oh, that's right.

You're a straight from the bottle kinda gal.

We need to talk about the little renovation project you have going on with your new future friends across town.

If you want information you're gonna have to play nice.

I don't play nice with people I don't trust.

What's trust got to do with it?

The way I see it, me, them, other me, we're your only option.


Your new friends?

They k*lled Lucas today.

That's unfortunate.

He was a good man.

A brilliant man.

In a simple sort of way.

[Cocks g*n]

She's good, isn't she?

It's ok, put it down.

Kiera was just leaving.


May I ask you a personal question, Matthew?


If nobody can trust you, then tell me: how can you trust you?