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01x06 - Controlled Substance

Posted: 09/17/15 06:36
by bunniefuu
Mom can we talk?

Jeff? What's up?

Sorry to bother you at work...

No honey... no bother. What's going on?

They're evacuating the school.

And they didn't say why.

Have you heard anything? seen anything?

No, but I can tell looking at Mrs. Dayton face...

It's bad.

Okay honey, I understand. Stay calm, follow the procedure.

Crestview High School, hostage situation, uniforms responding.

We've got it.

We're on our way Jeff, okay? We'll be right there.

Jeff, let's go!

We've followed all procedures, everyone's been accounted for.

Students and faculty, and they have exited safely.

And of course that includes all of yours, Detective McLean.

Thank you, my husband's on his way to pick them up.

You're sure only the instigating student is still in the classroom?

Yes. Trevor Wynn. Junior.

He let the other students and the teacher go.

It's his AP physics class.

Mr. Witherspoon's AP physics?


Your daughter Rachel is in that section.


Yes, they were taking a practice exam and Trevor had some sort of breakdown.

Can you be more specific?

My understanding is he was yelling at the students, threatening them, and it escalated from there.

Randall! These are police detectives.

Mr. Witherspoon insisted on remaining with Trevor until you both arrived.

You're injured.

Trevor was throwing things and I failed to duck.

I tried to stay at his side, but he forced me out.

I'm Detective McLean, Detective Stewart.

I'm Rachel's mom, we met at the open house...

Of course I'm so sorry, I have no idea what's going on here.

I've never seen this kind of behavior before.

Tell me about the student.

He's a great kid, he's quiet. This is atypical behavior.

I have no idea what triggered this.

I don't want anyone getting hurt.

Neither do we.

You're all gonna burn!

We'll take it from here.

Take Mr. Witherspoon to the paramedic team out front.


Trevor, I'm Detective McLean, Crestview PD.

I'm also Rachel's mom. We met at the science fair last year.

Your project was about sustainable energy, wasn't it?

I'm here with my partner, Detective Stewart.

We need to come in and talk to you.

You want to burn?

Trevor, the only way this gets better is if we come in.

It can't get better.

It can, Trevor. Trevor, let us in.

Only you. And no g*ns.


I'm coming in.

Lock it!

Don't touch that! The sn*pers will get me!

Get away from the door!

Trevor, there are no sn*pers.

Don't lie to me! I know they're out there!

[Glassware breaking]

Trevor, I need you to put down the lamp and the alcohol.

This is all a joke! None of it matters!

No, no. Life matters. You matter.

They make you say that. Program you. Force you.

No, Trevor, I believe it.

I know you're feeling like you're out of control right now, but if you let me, I can help fix that.

We just need to stop. Right now Trevor, put that...

But we can't stop. Ever. We're just random balls of energy, rocketing around and colliding and spinning faster and faster until we burst into flames.

[Liquid splashing]

No, no Trevor, don't do that!

Stop it. [Gasp] Trevor!

Let's burn together.

My heart! So fast. Gonna explode.

No, no, that's just the adrenaline Trevor, okay?

Just put down the lamp.

No, I...

Trevor... Trevor!

Devin! Devin! Get in here.

[Door breaking]

[Trevor struggling]

It's OK. It's OK Trevor, I got you.

Paramedics! Now!

[Trevor struggling]

Pooja says they took Trevor to the hospital, but Alexis says Aunt Allison took him to jail, and Kyle says...

Just stop! Okay?

I know you're freaked because you were in there with him, but I'm just trying to figure out what's happening.

Hey you guys, I just heard from Mom.

Trevor's on his way to the hospital.

Mom and Devin are fine. How's it going in here?

Let's make some lunch.

Make everybody feel better, all right?

Connor says Trevor stood on his desk and started screaming in the middle of the test. Is that true?

If I wanted to talk about it, it wouldn't be with you.

I'm not hungry.

[Doorbell ringing]

Make some lunch. I'll get it.

Hi, Mr. McLean.

Hello... ?

Dana. Rasmussen.

Dana Rasmussen, hello.

Which member of my household are you here to see?

I'm on the track team with Cameron.

I run the girls' hundred and he runs the boys.

He's such a great addition to the team, because...

Dana, hey!

Hey Cameron.

So, what's up?

This stuff with Trevor has got me really stressed and usually when I'm stressed at school, by the end of track practice, I'm so tired that I feel better, but practice was cancelled today because of the whole evacuation deal, I was thinking I'd go for a run on my own, but then I thought maybe you'd like to come with me.

Maybe get your mind off it too. Maybe?

Go on a run, together?

I mean if you want to, or whatever.

Okay, sounds like fun. Give me a sec to get changed.

The doctor said it's difficult to make a prognosis at this time.

We're so sorry, Mr. Wynn.

The doctor told us Trevor had a heart attack.

Caused by an overdose of dextroamphetamine.

Dextroamphetamine? Does Trevor have ADHD?

No. Why?

That's what it's usually prescribed for.

But if you don't have the condition, the body can be overstimulated and react badly.

There's been a mistake.

Trevor has a heart murmur, so he would never take anything like that.

He can't even have caffeine.

Mr. and Mrs. Wynn, I mean no disrespect, I have teenagers too, but this kind of reaction would indicate long-term use.

If Trevor took this, someone made him.

Trevor is a good boy. A smart boy. He knows better.

He doesn't keep secrets.

Detectives, you have got to help us find out what happened to our son?

We promise you, we will.

Why are you parking?

I'm coming in. I have work to do.

On Trevor's case?

While we're here?

This'll be a party.

Don't worry, kids.

Cop Mom is here to shred your cred.

Can't Devin do this part?

Devin and I are partners, we work together.

He's meeting me at Mrs. Dayton's office.

Your social status will survive my being on campus a day or two.


Rachel, I have work, you have class. Let's get going.

Fine but you'll understand if I don't walk in with you.


Trevor has never been in trouble. He's quiet but delightful, consistently in the top 5% of his class.

4.6 GPA, National Merit finalist, National Honor Society, Academic Decathlon captain, Latin Honor Society president, Chess Club president, and so on.

Busy young man.

Very motivated. Frankly, I don't know how some of our students do everything they do. But top-tier college admissions have become so competitive, it's almost a necessity.

This AP Physics class seems very demanding.

At least it seems that way at my house.

That's why we're so fortunate to have Mr. Witherspoon.

He has a gift for engaging students, even with such difficult material.

No history of bad blood between Trevor and Witherspoon?

No, none at all. In fact, if Mr. Witherspoon had a fan club, Trevor would be president of that as well.

Mrs. Dayton, how prevalent is drug use here at Crestview?


Detective McLean, you know we have a zero-tolerance policy.

I do. How prevalent is the drug use here?

We're specifically looking at prescription drug abuse.

Is that what you think happened with Trevor?

That's our current path of investigation.

We haven't had any documented cases of prescription drug abuse.

How about undocumented?

We've done some training on how to look for signs.

Nationally, it's a very common problem, especially among highly motivated students.

Like Trevor.

Look, we care deeply about our students, and we take these matters very seriously.

Then you won't mind giving us a list of the students permitted to have prescription medication with them on campus.

I'll have to speak with the Superintendent.

There are privacy rights involved.

We might need to get a warrant involved.

I'll call as soon as you leave.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Not at all.

I couldn't sleep last night, I was so worried about Trevor.

I care about all my students. It's impossible not to.

I watch them come here every day and work so hard.

Rachel, for example, she's one of my most dedicated students.

Thank you, that's nice to hear.

Are you aware of any students taking stimulants to help them study?

I know statistically that stimulant abuse is on the rise in academic settings, but my kids know the inherent dangers of that kind of behavior. They're just too smart.

They're not the type.

Then who is the type?

I'm not making judgments, I'm just saying, you get to know your kids.

We'd like to talk to some of them.

I'm in Trevor's phone?


We're talking to your whole class, but we want to know who his friends are outside of class.

I'm not sure Trevor has friends.

So you don't see him socially?

Look, I told you everything I know at home.

This is part of the official investigation.

We need your comments as part of the official record.

I don't think Trevor has a social life.

Did you ever see Trevor taking dr*gs of any kind?

He's such a straight arrow, he'd snap if he even thought about doing anything wrong.

So you never saw Trevor in an altered state?

Except for when he jumped on the desk yesterday?

Absolutely not.

Your name was one of the few in his phone.

Anyone else he hangs out with we should know about?

Nope. Total lone wolf.

I think I saw him talking to Jake Perkins once or twice.

But Jake's the only one.

Is Jake in your Physics class?

Oh no, he's not really an AP kind of guy.

I mean he's a jock. Track star?


Just can't imagine what the two of them would have to talk about.

Are we done?

[Students talking]

Tracey, hey...

So, that was weird.

Oh, you mean interrogation isn't part of your normal day?

I can't imagine what it's like in your house.

Do you have any fun?

So, Mr. Witherspoon is postponing the quiz, but I was still hoping we could go over the vector worksheet?

Oh, Rachel, I feel terrible. I thought I texted you.

Study group met last night.


When you didn't show, we just assumed your mom had you on lockdown.

Jeff, hey! Come here for a sec?

So this is her son, I'm just the niece.

Do that joke thing from this morning.

You want a joke, check out this lunch.

See what I mean?

Jake Perkins?


Detective McLean, Detective Stewart, Crestview PD.

I've seen you at track. You're Cameron Olson's... ?


Nice to meet you.

Trevor Wynn. You know him, right?

Man, everyone knows Trevor. Now.

He's the kid that flipped out yesterday and got us all early dismissal.

We heard you two've been hanging out recently.

Me and Trevor? No way. Somebody's tripping.

Maybe he was tutoring you?

I don't need a tutor.

Okay, look, I have a tutor.

But it's some nailbiter from Lakeside my parents hired.

Not Trevor Wynn. I've never even talked to that freak.

So you never talked about scoring dextroamphetamines?

ADHD medication?

I'm not ADHD.

People take it for other reasons, illegal reasons.

Can I take a look in your backpack?

Go ahead.

You seem like a connected guy.

So, who's the best source on campus for pills?

You're not listening to me. I don't know anything about pills or losers, all right?

Oh is that right? Look at this. How about that?

You've got enough for everyone.

That's not mine... I'm serious!

I know. OK. Bye.

My mom says I'm not to say anything until she meets us at the station.

That's your right. We told you that.

She's like this big-shot lawyer. I wouldn't mess with her if I were you. Or me.

Jake, we're not messing with you.

Understand: we're confused. You don't have a prescription, yet you've got a lot of pills. Enough that we could bust you on possession and intent to distribute.

We're just sorting it out.

That's why we're going down to the station to talk.

With your mom and maybe our lieutenant.

I remember when I was in high school. I had to keep my grades up so I wouldn't get kicked off the football team.

Maybe you and your friends from track are going through the same thing?

No! Look, the pills aren't mine!

You know who you should be talking to?

Your nephew, Cameron.

That kid hates me, I didn't do anything to him.

We know what it was like at his old school, I bet he's the one who put those in my bag.

For someone who wasn't going to talk until we got to the station, you suddenly have a lot to say, Jake.

Hey, the run yesterday was a great idea.

Wanna go again today? We could run by the lake...

Did you hear what your aunt did to Jake?

Jake Perkins?

She dragged him out of here like some kind of criminal.

Did you tell her to do that?

My aunt doesn't listen when I ask her to pass the salt.

This doesn't come from me.

I gotta go.

Okay, I'll see you at practice.


I got track practice.

Yeah, and I have some questions.

About pills and the track team.

Are you serious?

This day just gets better and better.

Doesn't it?

We just questioned Jake Perkins because he had a stash of pills in his backpack.

And you know the defense he's sticking to?

You planted them there.

And you believe him?

I said I have questions.

You always have questions! And they're always about me!


I cannot have this disruption occurring in the hallway.

This is part of our investigation, Mrs. Dayton.

I just got off the phone with the Superintendent.

Who is on the phone with your lieutenant.

The agreement has been made that if this investigation must continue, it will do so off-site.


We're working for the same goal, Mrs. Dayton.

Lieutenant needs to see us.

Thank you for your cooperation, Mrs. Dayton.

I'll see you after practice.

I don't know how you guys do it.

Serrated knife.

That's not what I meant.

We're all gonna need a new school by the end of this week.

At least she didn't charge Jake.

Yeah and that was a mistake too.

She should've locked him up for being a lying dirtball.

I'm just glad I'm an Olson. Sucks to be a McLean right now.

Pleasant day at school?

Oh I love high school. The cool kids don't talk to you, the teachers don't trust you, it's a blast.

Glad we met in college.

I shouldn't have gotten into it with Cameron.

You had to ask him about the pills.

Could've waited until you got home, but you had to ask.

I was following the line of investigation.

I also didn't want it to look like I was playing favorites.

But he ended up feeling like he's number 1 on your list of usual suspects.

Which is the last thing I wanted.

Are sure now that he had nothing to do with the pills?

I am.


I think if somebody framed Jake, it wasn't Cameron.

But now Cam's upset, I don't know how to fix it.

Have you tried having a conversation with him since you got home?

Does banging your head against a wall qualify as trying to climb it?

The boy does know how to lock down.

My brother taught him well.

So teach him something else.


Baby, they respect what you do, you know they do.

But they need to know we respect their space outside the house.

Wait, so now I'm disrespecting them?

That's not what I said. But making it clearer that we respect what they're going through...

I'm just trying to do my job.

And they're exposed nerves, they're trying to survive high school.

If I worry about everyone's feelings all the time, I'd never get anything done.

Don't I know it.

I love you.

You're picking a fight with me, that's what you're doing.

No! You've got a g*n.

Sassafras! Just cook the kebabs.

Okay, g*ng, there are some things I'd like to clear up about my being at school.

[Cell phone buzzing]

Guys, you know the rules.

There's no phones at the dinner table.

[Another phone beeping]

Dad, something crazy must be happening.

All right Rachel go ahead, you can check yours.

[Third phone beeping]

Wait, that's my phone.


Trevor Wynn died.

What a tragic waste.

And that means Trevor's supplier, whoever they are, is looking at negligent homicide.

Maybe we bring Jake back in, press him harder?

Jake let us go through his bag, he's kept his story consistent, even after his mom came around and leaned on him.

Jake doesn't know a thing. Somebody else set him up.

And it wasn't Cameron.

If Jake always parks his backpack on top of the lockers, it could be anybody. Wouldn't take more than a minute for a kid to slip a baggie in and move on.


Detectives, I'm sorry to interrupt.

No, no interruption.

Mr. Wynn, again, our condolences.

We will find the party responsible.

I hope this helps. Trevor's phone.

I found it this morning, in his jacket.

Thank you. It will help.

Good. I hope it leads you to... I'm sorry, excuse me.

Except we already examined Trevor's phone.

Looks like he had two.

We should get the day off. We're all too upset to be here.

You didn't even know the guy.

Yeah and now I never will!

Bye, Dad.

See ya!

Bye, Uncle Matt.

Have a good day.

Hey, hold on a sec.

People make bad choices, Cameron.

Sometimes we can't figure it out.

Don't let it drag you down, all right?

Move forward. And then after school, blow 'em off the track.

Just confirmed with Steve in Narcotics, they're not seeing dextroamphetamine on the street right now.

My gut says this is contained to the high school.

I agree. Look at this. So supposedly friendless Trevor had a very special friend.

The second cell?

Almost exclusively calls to one number.

He called it every week, at the same time, and it pinged off the same tower, every week.

So who was he calling?

Suzie Chang, a senior.

A girlfriend he didn't want his parents to know about?

Or a dealer?

Let's call Suzie and find out.

If anybody feels like talking about Trevor, you can sit down with a counselor, or a teacher, myself included.

Don't be shy, okay? We're here to help.

Thanks, Mr. Witherspoon.

Of course, Andre.

As if we weren't depressed enough.

Yeah, no kidding.

Jeff! That's his name, right? Your funny cousin?

Um... yeah.

We've got room here. Besides, I could use a laugh.

There's always room at my table for my favorite, funny cousin.

Suzie, we're very sorry for your loss.

We know this is hard to talk about, we appreciate you and your dad coming in.

I just want to help.

Where was Trevor getting his dextroamphetamine?

I don't know. I didn't even know he was taking it.

If I knew, I would've made him stop.

I mean, he said sometimes he needed help to power through, you know, like, with all-nighters.

But I thought he was talking about Red Bull or something.

Not dr*gs.

How long had you been dating?

Since last semester.

Why didn't Trevor want anyone to know about it?

He said his parents would lose it.

He was supposed to focus on good grades and the things that look good on college applications. No social life.

When he got sick, I didn't want to say anything, because I didn't want him to get in trouble.

I never thought that he would...

Can you tell us about your calling and meeting schedule?

Trevor would text me every Tuesday, around six, and we'd meet.

Why Tuesdays at six?

That was my study group for AP Physics.

We'd meet up at a coffee shop near his house, so it was easier for him to slip out and meet.

We'll need the names of all the people in that group so we can talk to them, compare stories.

Do you know where Trevor was getting the dr*gs?

I wish I did. And I want to help. I just want him back.

Where do you want to start with that study group list?

How about here?

This is Rachel's group?

Hey. Can I talk to you a minute?

You working on something new?

Not really.

So, I wanted to ask you a few questions about your AP Physics study group.

Rachel? Oh honey, forget my questions. Just talk to me.

I should've seen it, Mom. I should've helped Trevor.

Sweetie, it's okay.

I didn't know about the pills, and I didn't know about him and Suzie until Andre started running his mouth today.

And now you need help and I can't give you any.

I wanted to ask questions about the study group.

It's okay. It's okay, honey.

Trevor wasn't in our group.

Suzie said that he used to sneak out and meet her there.

Oh my god, I should have known.

I thought Suzie and Tracey were being all girly-girl, running off to the bathroom together, but now I get it.

Queen Tracey was covering for Suzie and Trevor.

You don't like Tracey?

No, she's a control freak. Study group used to be almost fun, until she and Suzie took it over. Now it's hard labor.

She says we have to be the best study group, and get the highest scores on exams. They're always criticizing people for not working hard enough, they got on my case for wimping out because I can't pull an all-nighter and still ace a quiz the next morning.

But I guess that won't be a problem anymore, because now they get together and don't tell me. And if they know anything else about Trevor, of course, they're not going to tell me that, either.

Because your mom's a cop, and they're worried you're gonna tell me things?

But I don't tell you things.

I mean, about them. I'm not hiding anything.

No, I believe you. I believe you.

Hey, I gotta tell you something.

You are smart and beautiful and talented, and you deserve better friends.

Okay, I'll look into it tomorrow. Thanks Devin.

Good night.

I probably could've handled this better.

Not the investigation, you kinda gotta go where the evidence goes. But the kids.

You were right.


Respecting their space. I just came on too hard.

You've got a job to do.

You're juggling a lot of people's needs right now.

I got a need right now.

Oh you do, do you?

I wanna hear it one more time...

Hear what?



You... were... right.

But just to be clear, only on this one topic.

This one time.

I better go mark it on the calendar.

Rachel told me about Suzie slipping away during study group, and dragging Tracey along with her as cover.

I'm not saying that Trevor and Suzie weren't a couple, I just think it's also the dr*gs.

All three of them?

Yeah, maybe the whole group.

Except Rachel?

Except Rachel. She noticed a difference in them and they had stopped inviting her.

Suzie as supplier makes sense. We've cleared Jake.

And there's no indication Trevor had a stash anywhere.

Suzie ties Trevor to the study group.

I think we need to bring Suzie back in.

This is bad enough as a cop, but as a dad...

You gotta imagine the pressure these kids are under at home, to be willing to go to these lengths, so they can say they're the best. I'll call Suzie's dad, see if...

Wait. It's not Suzie. Because it's about being the best.


I was beginning to think she wasn't going to show.

She's got business to take care of.

Look at that determined walk.

Must be meeting someone important.

We need to ***


Mr. Witherspoon?

Tracey is lying.

I don't know anything about the pills, how can I tell you how the students got them?

So Tracey was just meeting you in your car, at lunch time, to discuss what? Extra-curricular activities?

That's a disgusting implication. I would never be involved with one of my students like that.

Mr. Witherspoon. I believe you.

Thank you.

You care about your students, isn't that what you said?

I care about them, but not like that!

Of course not. You just want them to succeed, don't you?

Yes, I want them to succeed.

I want them to fulfill their potential.

Because if they succeed, you succeed, don't you?

I suppose.

Don't be shy, Mr. Witherspoon. We've been told that your test scores are some of the highest in the district.

Are they?

Yes, they are. And Crestview High School benefits from that, don't they?

I suppose they do.

I hope you get a bonus.

I get a small one, yes.

Small? That's not right.

It's not about the money, it's about the prestige, okay?

It's about the kids, they deserve to be recognized.

What about you? Don't you deserve recognition, too?

Their success is my recognition.

So everything is tied up in their success.

You're willing to do anything to help your students succeed, aren't you?

Is that how it started? You wanted to give your motivated kids that extra edge, so that everybody would acknowledge what a great teacher you are?

They were only meant to go to Tracey.

I wanted to help her.

But she came back and wanted more?

For her friends.

She said the whole group should be the best.

And if I didn't give her more, she was gonna tell that I gave them to her in the first place.

She blackmailed you?


You had no choice.


But you did, Mr. Witherspoon. You had a choice.

You didn't have to give those kids those pills.

You're a teacher. Your students, and their parents trusted you.

I know. I'm so sorry.

I don't know if that's enough of an apology for Trevor's parents.

I just wanted the best for those kids.

I never meant to hurt Trevor.

Randall Witherspoon, you're under arrest for negligent homicide.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.

Can I sit here?

Sure, go ahead.

Thank you.

Sit here.

No, I'm cool.

It bothers me that Witherspoon's source is still out there.

We'll keep looking.

As the trial gets closer, he might get more helpful.

It's satisfying putting Witherspoon away.

But to see a kid like Tracey headed down the juvie path?

Witherspoon initiated it, but she's still guilty of distribution and planting those pills on Jake.

We'll see what her judge says. Tracey's a smart kid.

Hopefully she can turn it around and not make that mistake again.

I think it's time to wrap up, head home, and hug our smart, healthy, balanced children.

Don't jinx it.

Good night.



Everything okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.



Wish I could help you, but I was never any good in physics.

It's fine, I only have a couple of pages.

Why don't you put your books away?

Sleeping is just as important as studying.

Love you, honey.

Love you too.

Put 'em away!

So how's she doing?


And you're doing... ?


I meet a girl like Tracey, who seems to have had every advantage, even more than our kids, and it baffles me how wrong she is about life, school, everything.

You're forgetting about one major advantage that our kids, and our niece and nephew have that Tracey doesn't.



No, it's you.

You're right, it's me.

It might be us. It might be, but...

A little bit...

Do you think the kids will ever forgive me for tresspassing on their turf?

You got justice for Trevor.

They're going to see, that's what matters.

I hope so.

I hope so, too.

Because then you'll have to say those three words again.

You... were... right!

Wait and see.

♪ Soft rock music ♪