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01x13 - That Great Big Hill of Hope

Posted: 09/16/15 02:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on Zoo...

I believe that if we introduce the Mother Cell into the DNA of a mutated animal, we could possibly synthesize a cure, but here's the problem: in order to do that, we need an animal who has mutated and has not been exposed to the Mother Cell.

What if your dad was searching for a cure?


Have we ruled it out yet?

Zambia's largest agricultural company is owned by one of Reiden's biggest critics.

That might explain why Reiden products aren't being used there.

I think we just found our needle.

We need to get out of the country.

How soon do you need to leave?

When an army wants to take an area, they attack in a haphazard fashion.

It causes fear.

What, are you telling me, that leopards are using military strategy?

They're working as a group.

Means they're thinking as a group.

Jamie: Mitch stuck the cub with the needle.

His pain sent a distress call.

It was just like the lions in L.A.,
they communicate over long distances.

This little guy saved our lives.

Once we get him back to a lab, he's gonna save a lot more than that.

The cure...

It worked.

You're right.


I want to thank you.

You don't have to thank me.

I want to thank you for giving me the courage to save my daughter.

Truth is...

You kind of saved me.

My name is Amelia Sage.

Those scientists didn't believe you, but I do.

What about my colleagues?

Amelia: They're safe.

They're on a plane coming back to the United States.

(loud banging)

(panicked screaming)



(seagull screeching)



(voice echoes indistinctly)

(Jamie groans)

(voice echoes indistinctly)


(moans softly)

(wood creaking quietly)

(wood creaking quietly)

(cries out)

(speaks foreign language)

(Jamie whimpering)

Who are you?

Where am I?

(speaks foreign language)


(speaks foreign language)

I don't... I don't know what you're saying.

I was on a plane.

There were other people with me.

Do you know where they are?

Are they okay?

There-there was a, a leopard, a small, leopard cub.

It's very important that I find him.

Is he okay?

Do you understand me? You don't understand me.

(wind whistling)


Oh, my God.

How long have I been here?

I need to find a phone.

I need to make a phone call.

A phone call.

(speaks foreign language)

I know, I need... I need... I need a phone.

Can you help me find a phone?

(speaks foreign language)

Can you help me? Please.

(door closes)

(lock clicking)

(chain rattling)

(knocking on door)

(lock clicks, door creaks open)

(speaks foreign language)




(approaching footsteps)

(man shouting)

(bird screeching)


(man shouts in foreign language)

(man shouts)

(vicious snarling)

(distant howling)


(barking, snarling)

(Jamie screams)

(man shouts)

(vicious barking)

(man shouts in foreign language)

(snarling and barking continues)

You were protecting me.

You were protecting me.

(snarling, barking)

The Canadian government called off the dive teams last week.

47 people lost in the crash... along with the cure.

(chuckles dryly)

So we need to find an alternative, something we've overlooked.

Uh, Chloe...

Chloe and I have been granted official clearance, some made-up titles and a team...

(distorted speech) team arrived in Zambia today.

The situation they report there is, well, dire.

Mass evacuation, general panic...

(distorted speech)

...very important people arrived today.

A multinational team of crisis managers...

...with their very important scientists.

So apparently they don't need me anymore.

You know, 'cause...

I... (chuckles)

Maybe they just don't want to be associated with failure.

When we first assembled, I think we were all pretty dubious.

No one more than me.

Do you have any thoughts about Reiden Global?

Why would I have any thoughts about Reiden Global?

Dalton, can I get a...?

Just about the rumors floating around that Reiden cut a deal with the government.

What kind of deal?

To provide your now-famous Mother Cell in an effort to concoct the cure.

Why would they do that?

Well, because... in return, the government agreed to indemnify Reiden and all of its corporate holdings from any malfeasance in connection with the...




They still haven't come up with an adequate name for it, have they?


Maybe you should come up with one.

That'd put you on the journalistic map, wouldn't it?

How about...

"The... Beast Rebellion"?

That's pretty good, no?

Well, the rumors don't end there.

There's talk that you and the other three were forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement in exchange for prosecutorial immunity from the crimes that were committed during the course of your... adventure.


This isn't just a puff piece on the gentleman scientist who almost saved the world, is it?

Not really, no.

And Jamie Campbell.

What about her?

Well, this was her white whale, wasn't it?

Her obsession? Reiden?

That would be tragic, wouldn't it?

All she wanted to do was bring down Reiden, Expose the truth.

And she did.

She died doing it.

And now here I am... here we are, we can't say a thing, which means... all she ever really cared about essentially died with her, Didn't it?

Is it true?

Have you been silenced?

She was a reporter, too.

I know.

And the thing that made her a good reporter was that she understood tenacity and compassion don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I didn't mean...

I know. You should go.

Maybe you can get one of those urban transport thugs to bring you home, what with "The Beast Rebellion" and all.


Tell me one last thing.

Would you say that all hope is lost?

That things are only gonna get worse?

Is all hope... in fact lost?

("Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen playing)

♪ Oh... you gonna take me home tonight ♪
♪ Oh... down beside that red fire light ♪
♪ Oh... ♪

Man: Everyone should consult their watch lists.

Reports have that those animals that busted out of the zoo are congregating in the Northeast.

Anacostia Park has just been upgraded to a five.

Back in black, mammy-rammers.

How'd it go?

Got the bride to the church on time.

Not without a struggle though.

Georgetown is thick with boars.

Never seen so many on one run.

You got bit?

I did.

But you ain't seen the other guy yet.


Victor Holman.

Taking him from home the GW Hospital and back.

Take a real g*n tonight, Abe.

That part of Pennsylvania Ave around GW Hospital has seen unusually heavy activity.

I'll be okay.

All I require is the tranq.

It's not a question of whether or not you'll be okay.

They pay us for a service; they pay us for their safety; and your pacifist beliefs ain't gonna protect them from what's out there.

Mr. Holman will be just fine.

♪ ♪

Amelia: 17,000 casualties worldwide, not to mention countless injuries.

I'm sorry, but k*lling all the animals, that's completely insane.

Which is why we need to give them an alternative.

Soldier: Miss Sage?


The team from Zambia just radioed.

They found the leopards?

Yes, ma'am, that's right.

They've been tracking the pride since this morning.

They're about to deploy a unit to capture them.

There's your alternative.


(phones ringing)

Is that our team?

They're in an abandoned flea market just north of Lusaka.

Orange are the leopards.

Male agent: We're having trouble with the helmet-cam.

Female agent: Switching to comm sat 19.

Do you have audio?

That's what I'm doing.

Man: I see 'em.

30 yards ahead. 30 yards ahead.

Pascal: Copy that.

I'm moving in.

That's your agent?

Yes, Pascal.

He's embedded with the team.

Pascal: They spotted us.

They're running. Go, go, go, don't lose them.

Man: Targets are dispersing.

Come on, you can cut it off.

Fan out, fan out.

Moving in. On your ten.

Target tranqed.

I see it. We'll cut it off.

Pascal: I got one, due south.

We can cut it off.

Man: Go, go, go.

I'm moving in. I see it.

Go, go, go.

(leopard snarls)

(tranquilizer g*n firing)

Pascal: We got one! Come on!

Man: Target tranqed.

(radio transmission continues indistinctly)

(birds screeching)

You hear that?

(screeching continues)

It's birds.

They're going to attack.

You have to warn them.

They're in trouble.

They need your help.

Tell them!

Do it.

This is DC.

We believe you have incoming, possibly birds.

Tell them to get to cover.

You need to seek cover.

Male agent: Let's get a wider visual.

Female agent: Sending to main monitor.

I've got the helmet-cam feed.

Get your heads down!

(screeching continues)

(men shouting, a*t*matic g*nf*re)

Tell 'em to go east.

Head due east, there's a structure.

Man: Wrong way!

Wrong way, back up, back up!

(a*t*matic g*nf*re continues)

(screeching, g*nf*re continues)

(men shouting)

Take cover! Take cover!

(birds screeching)

Oh, God.

They need to find an exit.

Get to shelter!


(door slams shut)

Pascal: DC, we're okay, we have the leopard.

Man: Sir, we got the leopard.

Well done.

Man: Copy that.

(radio transmission continues indistinctly)

They found the leopards.

Chloe just called.

It's been three months since the team in Zambia started looking for them, 86 days to be exact, And then an hour ago...

(chuckles) they did it.

They captured one of them.

Now, once they return home, the plans are in place to, synthesize the cure on a mass scale.

But one problem remains... the distribution problem...

How do we get the cure to the animals?

Now, the very important scientists, they think that they have the solution.

They want to aerosolize the cure and drop it from planes, but that won't work.

An airborne solution will decay passing through the atmosphere.

But I can do it.

I... can come up with a solution.

(thudding, clattering)

(man groaning)


(groans, laughs)

Hey, buddy.

Hey, you all right?

Oh, I'm dandy, I've never been better.


Got all this free time on my hands, I thought I'd do some reading.

Couldn't reach the damn book I wanted.

Yeah, well, you know, next time, just come knock on the wall, okay?

I'll come grab it for you.

Yeah, that's... that's a good idea.

You don't look so good.

You sure you're okay?

You need anything?

Yeah, I'll take a right leg.

I only need it from the knee down.

So, uh, you heard about the zoo?


Rumor has it they were moving the animals into quarantine.

Hippos went nuts.

Yeah, I just talked to Chloe.

She told me.

It's true.

Wow. That's crazy.

Goldy, you're taking these, right?

Look, man, you ignore this, you get an infection...

If they ever get the... the elevator fixed, it'd be a lot easier for me to move around, Jackson.

Yeah. I know.

I'll go refill the prescription, okay?

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Not tonight. Wait till tomorrow?

No matter what you think, it's not safe out there, man.

I'll be fine.

Hey, you know animals love me, right?


At least wear my gear, will you, please?


(dogs barking in distance)

What else has Chloe told you?

(sirens wailing)

They found the leopards.



Well, this calls for a celebration, man.

Pick up a sixer when you're out there, too.

We still need to find a way to... spread the cure to the animals, okay?

You think when we fix this that we're gonna learn our lesson?

We're gonna find a better way to share the planet?

I hope so.

Yeah, it's kind of like me riding a motorcycle.

You know, people used to tell me that I was tempting fate, but... (chuckles dryly)

I mean, if it hadn't been that dog that att*cked me, it could just as easily have been a drunk driver.


I guess my point is that we never really consider that the worst case scenario could actually happen, do we?


Maybe that's the difference between us and the animals.

What's that, huh?

That we're arrogant?


We're stupid.

Be careful out there, bud.
Jackson: So, how do we distribute the cure?

The food web, right?

That seems to be the best way to spread the cure.

We inoculate the prey and let the food web do the rest.

(howling in distance)

So, only problem that I can think of Would be that the animals... they seem to have stopped feeding on each other.

They seem to just be feeding on us.

(loud meowing)


(low growling)


Victor Holman?

That's right.

I'm your ride.


No more traffic.

It's almost beautiful, isn't it?


Until one considers what lurks everywhere.

Are you always this cheerful?

Have you lost anybody since this all began?


Friends or family?

Friends that became family.


I'm sorry.

They were k*lled?

One was.

And the others?

I choose not to see them.

Take a right on Cardozo.

But the hospital's the other way.

We're making a stop before the hospital.

(rhino bellowing)

(tires screeching)

(dog barking nearby)


(snarling, growling)

(low growling)

(meowing, growling)

(dog barking viciously)

(barking continues)

(snarling, barking continues)



(barking fades)

(baboon screeching)

(screeching continues)

(baboons screeching)


(screeching continues)


Anyone home?

(dog barking)


(barking continues)

Man: For years, scientists in labs around the world ' have been collecting DNA samples.

And now those efforts will be put to good use.

Every species on Earth...

From domestic dogs and cats, To alligators and zebras... will be recreated from this healthy, unaffected DNA and replaced in their natural habitats.

From marshlands and savannahs, to forests...

They're in the air.

They should have the leopards in about ten hours.


No one is suggesting the days ahead will be easy, but thanks to Project Noah, in six to ten years, the world's animal population Will be thriving once again.

Vibrant and healthy.

Reiden Global, our most precious resource is you.


"Noah"... clever.

Have we run that by religious leaders?


We showed this to test audiences in Vegas.

We get a 70% approval when we use "regeneration," as opposed to "cleanse."


"Cleanse" upsets people.

(quietly): Everything about this is upsetting.

Fortunately, it's never gonna happen.

(conversation continues indistinctly)


The leopard isn't going to work.

We still don't know how to distribute the cure.

What about airborne?


We got the test results from the trial.

It's a fail.

The cure won't survive the atmosphere.

So, what are we gonna do?




k*lling the animals, play God And repopulate the planet?

This is ridiculous.

It's unthinkable, I know.

Do you have a better idea?

Man: We're thinking six weeks.

Holman: Take the next right.

Abraham: Where are we going?

Today is the first day of my chemotherapy.

Yes, I know.

I'm sorry to hear.

I thought that was why we were going to the hospital.

They say the chemotherapy will greatly diminish my sense of taste, which is why we're making our first stop.

And why is that?

Are you sure you don't want any?

I'm fine.


How long has this place been here?

Since a little after everyone decided eating meat was too dangerous.

Who wants to eat meat from a homicidal cow?


...these friends that you mentioned earlier.


Why do you choose not to see them?

Because they are a reminder.

Reminders of what?

Of our failure.

Your failure?


We could've stopped all this from happening.

There's a story there.

There is.

But I prefer not to tell it.

♪ ♪

What is the matter with you, Dalton?

Why is there no Soundgarden?

You do know you ask me that every single night At exactly the same time.

I'm nothing if not punctual.

(door opens, man laughing)

(door closes) Three sh*ts of your best tequila.

Beer backs.

We are celebrating.

Money to be made in the wake of global chaos.


What the hell is that thing doing in here?

That's my dog. His name is Bomba.

And why isn't he in quarantine with the rest of 'em?

Hey, pal, you don't like it, you are welcome to drink elsewhere.

Maybe we'll just take care of Bomba now.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

Whoa, whoa.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

That's not necessary.

Who are you?

Me? Nobody.

I'm just this establishment's most loyal customer.

There is a very faint impression of my ass on that barstool.

What do you want?

I would just like to submit to you that, although I agree that mangy hound is a bit of an eyesore... doesn't smell very good either... but he's got as much right to be in here as you do.

Oh. What?

Mm. Yeah, I've only known Dalton, the bartender here, for a few months, but I'm willing to bet that he didn't really appreciate that dog until all hell broke loose.

How 'bout you just take a step back, pal?

I think that that's what most of do.

We just kind of take for granted...

Those that we have by our sides.

Until all hell breaks loose and then... (snaps fingers) they're gone.

You don't get a chance to say what...

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about love.

(men chuckling)

Just talking about love and how, Sometimes, It only comes around once.

And when it does, you got to grab it.


You got to grab it and hold on to it, Because, you never know.

You never know. It can be gone.

Just like that.




Surely that is not the best you can do.



Stop it!


(pipe clatters)


I haven't been beat up by idiot businessmen since Wednesday.


Come on, let's get out of here.

(door opens)

(door closes)


There needs to be a special on these.

Yeah, we've been selling 'em like hotcakes.

I've never seen anything like it, Especially this time of year.

Gazillions of mosquitoes.

They feed on the decay.

The mosquitoes. They feed on the decay.

That's why there's so many of 'em.

Well, I wish they'd feed on something else besides me.

I've never gotten this many bug bites in my life.




Hey. Your face.

What happened to you?

No, no, it's okay. I'm fine. Don't worry.

Listen, I figured it out.

I know how to distribute the cure.



Mosquitoes, all right? We inject a certain population of mosquitoes with the cure, we let them spread it to all the other animals.

Mosquitoes feed on every type of living species there is. I mean, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians.

Meaning when they bite, they'll be passing it along.

Not only that, but they lay their eggs in water, so it'll be spread to all sorts of water sources.

Feeding holes, remote places we could never even think of getting to.

This could work.

It will work.

Amelia, Jackson has found...

Athens just declared a state of emergency.

Seagulls took out a dozen relay stations.

Jackson found a way to deliver the cure.

We inject mosquitoes and introduce them into the animal population, all right?

I've looked at this from every angle, there is no possible downside.

I'm afraid it doesn't matter.

We just got a call from Zambia.

The leopard they retrieved... apparently it migrated onto land serviced by Reiden.

So it's been contaminated.

It's no longer viable for the cure.

That's right.

So that's it.

It's over. We're out of options.

(man singing "What's Up" by 4 Non Blondes in Spanish)

(singing in Spanish)

I am all alone here in Washington.

An ugly divorce left my family living out West.

I assumed, given the way things are, there's no way my family could come to me.

Not that they would if they could.

But the other day, my son called and said, "Dad, we're figuring it out. We're getting an old camper van and we're driving to be with you. All of us.

RTC comes when you least expect it.


Reasons to continue.

(singing continues)

Come on!

♪ And I said, hey ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
♪ I said, hey ♪
♪ What's going on? ♪

Come on, conmigo.

You see?

Reasons to continue.

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
♪ I said, hey, what's going on? ♪

(song ends)

(dogs barking in distance)


Hello, Abe.


Come on in.

(door closes)

What are you doing?

It's over.

They found the remaining leopards.

They've been contaminated.

We're done here.

I'm sorry.

They're talking about this cull.

Have you heard about it?

Of course.

The g*ons where I work...

They're all eager to join up.

It's insanity.

But I suppose why shouldn't man contribute to their own demise, right?

They've been doing it since the dawn of time.

Oh, just... I know, don't say it, don't say it, I know... I sound... I sound exactly like my father.

Actually, you said it with more conviction.

(soft laugh)

Can I get you something... a beer?

I am fine.

All right, well, let me know if you change your mind.

I had to duke it out with a bunch of baboons for that six-pack.

(soft chuckle) No, thanks.

How's Chloe?

Yeah... she's getting by.

You know, she's doing what she can.

And Mitch?

I haven't talked to him in a couple weeks.

I suspect he was in love with her.

You know there are these underground restaurants where people can go to eat meat?

I heard about that.

There's also, uh, apparently, secret societies for cat lovers.

Even before all this began, people who love cats should have kept themselves hidden.

(both laugh)

Where you been, Abe?

You know.

Trying to, sort things out, I suppose.

And what'd you learn?

Not much of anything, really.

Except... these are not the days to retreat From those you care about.

In fact, these are the days to do the very opposite.

You know, no matter what has happened up until now, we must continue.

I mean, things will get worse, yes.

There will be failures, yes.

There will be suffering.

But we must continue.

The leopards are gone.

So we find whatever is the next leopard, the next solution.

Jamie should not have lost her life for nothing.

I don't know what else there is to do.

You will figure it out.

You're Jackson Oz.

Coming up with solutions is in your blood.

But earlier tonight, I witnessed a dying man eating a steak and singing a song and I understood, Once again, just what it is We are fighting for.

You know, I will take you up on that baboon beer.

(screen clatters shut)


A phone!

(speaks foreign language)

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Thank you, thank you.

Wait... There was a... there was a cub (speaks foreign language) in there. In the box, a cub, there was a cub, there was a little, he was a small, leopard.

A small...

Do you know where he is? Is he okay?

- Posivak?



(low snarling)

Oh, my God.


(low snarling)


(laughs softly)


(music playing softly in background)


Well, Bomba, it looks like it's just me and you again.

Closing time, man.

Yeah, I know.

You'll be able to get home all right?

Oh, yeah.

What can the animals do to me that... humans haven't done already?

(cell phone chiming)

Mitch Morgan, totally awesome scientist.


Mitch, can you hear me?

(staticky): It's me. It's Jamie.

No, it isn't.

Jamie's dead.

Who... who is this?

You don't even... you don't even sound like her.

Okay, are you gonna stop being an ass for a second and listen to me?

It is me, I am alive, and... and I'm really glad you are, too.


It really is you.

It's really good to hear your voice.

It's really good to hear yours, too.


I still have it.

I have the leopard, I have the cure.

Okay, uh...

You still have it.

(Mitch laughing)

Hey, kids.

What happened to you?

Cut myself snarking.

What's your excuse?


Of course.

Jamie's alive.

Can you believe that?


(vehicle approaches)

Hey, Here he is.

Hey. Hello, professor.

(laughs): Hey, Chloe.


Chloe: Hi.

All right, so...

What's the plan?

We drive to Delaware.

There is a boat that will take us to Jamie.

A boat?


It'll take 18 hours or so, but, you know... air travel.

Yeah, I'm okay not getting on a plane for a while.

Hey... what is that? You all right?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's nothing.

It's a dog bite, it's fine.

That needs to be cleaned up.

Doesn't look to good.


Hold on.

What the hell?

(elephants trumpeting, animals grunting, growling)

(animals snarling, screeching)

This doesn't look so good, either.


Any ideas?

(roaring, snarling)

I'm open to suggestions.



(bellowing, neighing)

(elephant trumpeting, animals snarling)