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04x14 - YE$

Posted: 09/15/15 05:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...

There's nothing left for me to liquidate.

That pretty much taps me out.

Why didn't you talk to me?

Kathryn, I am trying to find a way to make this all work.

I can't wait to hang out with you guys this weekend.

It was an aneurysm.

He died of an aneurysm.

You handled everything so well after Angelo died.

Regina: So you just walked away from your whole life?

Made up new names?

I did what I had to do to protect my son.

And I'd do it again in a second.

I'll keep your secret.

Are you sure?


I think we should move in together.

Now that you know everything there is to know about me, we can really become a family.

Let's look at that apartment tomorrow.


Call 9-1-1.

Tell them we have multiple injuries.

Everyone, listen up! Hello?

Anyone who can hear me or understand me, and can walk, please move to that table over there as quickly as you can.

If you're not injured, come with me.


Use your jacket to press down on his leg and stop the bleeding.




I can't move my legs.

Can you breathe okay?

Yes, but I can't... (Grunts)

Just keep breathing normally.

Help is coming. Will you stay with him?

Hello. Hi. Hello. Can you move?

What's your name?

Can you squeeze my hand?

Good job.

You might have a head injury, so stay right here, okay?


(Whistle blows)

(Cheering, clapping)

Good job.







Hey, how's Spanish class going?

Uh, excelente, muy bueno, and...

Other Spanish words meaning "I'm kicking ass."

That's great. It's in your genes.

Well actually, it's in Regina's tutoring.

It is so awesome having her right across the driveway to practice.

I'm constantly darting back and forth.

"How do you say this?" "How do you say that?"

I guess you guys can meet at the Cracked Mug when she moves out.

Whoa... huh?

Moves out?

Yeah. She's getting a place with Eric and Will.

She didn't tell you?


Isn't it a little...

I don't know, soon?

They've been dating a while now.

But it hasn't even been a year since Angelo died.

She can't mourn him forever.

She has to move on.

Move on. Yeah.

But move out?

She just moved in.

It's been three years.

Doesn't seem like it.

Look, don't stress.

It's happening, but it's not like it's happening today.


I have to go.

Found ya!


Oh, this is my boyfriend, m1ngo.

m1ngo, this is Melody.


Nice to meet you!


We're going to South Padre Island, but not for five more days.

My brain is already there.

"Have a great trip."



You too!

So, our hotel just confirmed our room faces the water.

I can't wait!

A whole week with no studying, Mm-hmm.

No classes...


That's right. No books, no laptop...

No argument here.

Regina: I'm sorry.

I didn't mean for it to be a secret.

We were just waiting for the right time to announce it.

Well, congratulations.




I didn't realize you were here.

Eric offered to fix my wobbly ceiling fan.


I gotta head back.


All right.

Nice to see you, Bay.

You too.



So, I wanted to run something by you.


All right. Well...

J and K have been riding me about getting a job so I can pay for the Frida Kahlo program if I get in.

And I was thinking, what I came and worked for you at the Cracked Mug?


We have been talking about hiring a new barista now that we're busier.

You should bring in a résumé.

Résumé. Right.

We'd have to interview you.

I can't look like I'm playing favorites.

Oh, of course not. Nepotism bad.

Actually, we can do it right now if you want.


Have a seat.

Now, can you tell me the difference between regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee?

Regular coffee has caffeine?

Oh, you totally had me.

Come in this afternoon and we'll get you started.

Nepotism yay!

Aw, thanks for bringing this, sweetie.

You know, I didn't want to leave the guys alone in case they needed backup.

Oh. Well, there's hardly any cars out there, sweetie.

And then the line is down the street.

You know, I was thinking, um... maybe I should get a job.

You've got a job.

No. I mean an office job.

The kids are older now, and I think it would be a good change for me.

And I was thinking maybe...

We should make a more significant change?

What kind of change?


Like selling the car washes.

Kathryn, you don't just go out and sell the goose that lays the golden eggs.

I thought Marty said that the eggs... haven't been golden for a long time.

It's an up and down business, and I just started this fantastic promotion that I'm sure is gonna get things humming again.

(Door opens)

Woman: Excuse me.

I don't mean to bother you two, but I am a huge fan and I'm wondering if there's any way that I could get a picture.

(Clears throat)

Oh, yeah. Of course.

John loves to meet Royals fans.

Oh actually, I...

Oh, go closer.

He doesn't bite.

Kathryn, I believe she'd like to take a picture with you.

Yes. That's what I meant.

Oh, wow. Oh... oh.

I'll be happy to.


I remember when I use to be the household name.

Okay ladies, let's have a nice smile, shall we?

And here we go.

Boom. Perfect.

Thank you.


I have read Batter Up five times.

My husband thanks you for introducing us to the wagon wheel.

Oh, well it's never too late to learn some new tricks, right?

Ladies, if you'll excuse me...


I'm sorry to keep you, but is there gonna be a Batter Up 2?

Oh, I'm not sure yet.

Oh. Actually, I'll buy anything with the Kathryn Kennish name on it.

Thanks again.


You're welcome.

Honey, you're still a household name.

Look, you don't have to...

And now, so am I.

Famous baseball player, best-selling author...

We're not exactly Derek Jeter and J.K. Rowling.

So we're not globally famous.

But our names still mean something to people.

That's our golden goose.


What do you mean?

We could endorse products.

Celebrities do it all the time and they make good money doing it.

George Foreman's made a k*lling off that grill.

We could endorse appliances.

Yeah. Fancy ones like the chefs use.

And we both have great hair!

We could do shampoo, hair styling products...

Hi-def TVs.

Every household in America has got a TV.

Why didn't we think of this before?

I am gonna talk to my editor and have them set me up with some marketing people.

Yes. Good idea!

This is so exciting.

It's gonna be great.

I just wanted to say I'm really excited.

Put this on.


Thank you so much...

Have you ever been on a ride-along before?

No, but I worked with patients at a free clinic.


Yeah, mostly. But...

Yeah, this is different.

I know.

I did really well on my disaster training courses, I know how to C.P.R., and my triage is...

Yeah, you won't be needing any of that here.

Your job is to stay out of the way and observe.

That's all.

Got it.

But even if you think you can help, don't.

This is not hands-on.


Ask me any question, but not while I'm treating a patient or on the radio.

Radio: Squad 37.

Incoming ems event, structure fire.

44-hundred block of South Cairo Road.

Squad 37 copy, en route.

Copy that.

Hey, we got one!

We gotta go.

What? Right now?

Let's go!


(Engine starts)

(Siren wails)

And the next step is an online interview.

So if you get in, it's one month in Mexico City?

Right next to La Casa Azul, the very rooms where Frida lived and painted.

Oh, I can't even imagine.

Okay. Pop quiz.

What is this color en español?



It's a hard one. Um...


Muy bien.

(Phone beeps)


(Phone beeps)

Oh god.

What is it?

My phone just reminded me that...

It's Angelo's birthday on Thursday.


He always used to tease me.

I never remembered his birthday even when he was alive.

Do you want to do something that night?

Like have dinner at the guest house with Daphne?

Yeah. Sure.


Eric: Hello, ladies.

Bay, how was your first day?


Really hit it off with my new boss.

And check it out.


It's cool, right?

So we're gonna put this one outside, and then we have another board for specials.

I know it's almost closing time, but I don't mind staying if you want to work on it.

Eric: Actually, I gotta steal her.

We have an appointment?

Oh! I forgot.

We're looking at condos in Platte City.


That's like a suburb of a suburb.

It seems charming.

And the public schools are excellent.

For Will.


Of course.

Okay. I'm ready.

You're gonna be okay by yourself, right?

Oh, yeah. Just me. Got it.

We'll be back to lock up.

So did you hit him back?

Man: Of course she hit me back.

You think I got these scratches from her kissing me?

Lewis, shut your mouth. It's not your turn yet.

Woman: You think I'm the type of woman who's gonna let a scumbag like you punch me and not punch back?

Val. Steady.

You know, I'm gonna have to take you both in.

This is terrible.

They are frequent flyers.



We see them about once a month.

Payday comes, they get drunk, knock each other around, then the cops come.

Cops call us.

Nothing changes.

Let's go.

Lewis, Val, you be nice.

So the rest of the team is going to Myrtle Beach to party, and you're going to Mexico to do charity work?



Because you skipped class to go to a football game in California?


Okay, I'll ask.

How's Emmett?


Good. Good.

Did you meet Skye?

You know what?

Nevermind. Um... I don't wanna know.

Okay, I do. I wanna know.



Are they dating now?


If they're together just... tell me.




I was thrilled when our Chicago office called about you two.

Offices in Chicago and New York? Wow.

It's where the big ad agencies and companies with higher marketing budgets are.

Better for our branding clients.

Have a seat.

Thank you.

Now, I did some preliminary research into who your target demographic is, okay?

Knowing that helps us identify what products you have synergy with.

If I may, I feel as if Kathryn and I have synergy with high-end products... you know, luxury automobiles, fine wines, things like that.

Well, our research shows that you have the greatest name recognition with men and women ages 40 to 65.


And within that group, we'd go after professionals with leisure time.

That's your branding target.

So with that in mind, here are a few products that we think you would be perfect for.


Prescription dr*gs are big.

Actually, it's an herbal supplement still waiting for F.D.A. approval.

Oh. What's it for?

Boosts a woman's libido.

You pop one of these, 30 minutes later, you are ready to go.

And talk about synergy!

I mean, you're the reigning queen of Herotica.

It's perfect.



Do you have anything else?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. John, let me ask you, you ever out on the links, get the sudden urge to take a whiz, but you're nowhere near the clubhouse?


No, this is a real concern for men with enlarged prostates in your age group.

The solution...


Looks like a regular 9 iron, right?

But then you twist the top, and you can let 'er rip right in the reservoir cavity, huh?

And... comes with this towel for privacy anywhere on the golf course.

(Cell phone rings)

I apologize, I have a client who's introducing a new basketball shoe in China.

I have to take this. Right back.

(Into phone) Go for Glenn.

Are you kidding me?

This is like the junk they advertise on late night TV.

Where's our sports equipment line?

The Sani-club is sports equipment.

Sort of.


Well, he's just getting started.

Maybe he's working up to it.

We gotta hear him out.
Need any help?


Some folks never learned in kindergarten to clean up after themselves.


So, you're pretty new to K.C., right?

Eh, moved here last fall.

Where are you from originally?

Oh, you know... all over.


What was your favorite place to live?

(Sighs) I don't really have one.

Well, what was one place that you liked?

Well, I actually like Kansas City.

Me too.

I mean, I know I don't want to stay here forever, but it was kind of cool growing up here.

Did you know that we have more fountains than any city other than Rome?

I didn't.

That can go on the shelf, okay? Thanks.


So what did you do before you owned this place?


You sure ask a lot of questions.

Just making conversation.

Well, what did you do before you started working here?


I am an artist.

Yeah, Regina says you have a lot of talent.

I'm actually getting a profile in the K.C. Star this week.

It's for this bench project I did.

Hey, why don't we do the interview here?

I mean, they could mention the coffeehouse, maybe snap some pics?

I don't think that'd be a good idea.

Regina: Hey! What's going on?

Your daughter wants to get a picture of us in the K.C. Star.

It would be great publicity.

They could interview you and Eric.

Well, that's probably not the best plan.


I mean, we still haven't worked out all the kinks here.

Okay. It's just for my art interview, it's not the New York Times.

Honey, just drop it, okay?


Oh! Hey, you found them.

Oh, thanks. I owe you one.

I gotta go.

Great. See you tonight.



Angelo's birthday dinner.

Oh. Right.

Sorry, I can't.

I have my ride-along.


You can't reschedule?

I have to get it done before spring break.

I'm sure they would understand.

No, they won't.

I can't believe this.

Bay, I care, I just have something to do that's really important.

He was our dad.

I know that.

You and my mom will have to celebrate without me.

(Car door closes)

(Car engine starts)

Mm. Okay.

So which one's the winner?


"Stain U*i. Removes protein, starch, and oil stains from common household fabrics and surfaces. Guaranteed!"

And that's the best we can do?

You said you wanted something useful and not embarrassing.


Let's try it out.

Okay. Now what?

All right...

"Twist nozzle, spray until stain is completely covered, let sit for 30 seconds and then blot with a clean wet cloth."

Damp rag. Got it. All right.

That is not 30 seconds.

Honey, it's plenty of time.

Come on.

Nothing is happening.

Maybe we should've waited.

Give me that.

Oh... oh my god!

John, look! Wh... what... what?

Oh, there's gotta be some kind of bleach in there.

Ugh. Honey...

No! Wait! That... that one has product on it.

Okay. Fine.

No... find something else.

Okay. These are dry, okay? Go get some clean wet ones!

Go! Go! Go!

This rug is an antique.

Ah, please.

I told you we should've opened a bottle of white instead.

(Sirens wailing)

Brad Ziff: Sir, my name is Brad. I'm a paramedic.

You've been in an accident. Can you hear me?

Ziff: So, sir, this is my partner.

We're gonna just get you stabilized, all right?

So just hang tight. Can you hear me?


Are you ready?

Yelp if you feel any pain.

Ziff: All right, ready? Tilt his head up a little bit.

Daphne's voice: Don't go!

I'm going to my apartment, okay?

I'll see you tomorrow.

(Car engine starts)

(Tires screech)

Ziff: Check his pulse for me.

All right, pupils are equal and reactive.

You're gonna be all right. John, can you count to five for me?

That is great news.

Me too. I'll see you later.

You seem jazzed about something.

We signed the lease on the condo in Platte City.

Wow. Congratulations.

40 minutes away.

I know, I'm a suburbanite. Who would've thought?

Well, at least I don't drive a mini-van yet.


So are we cooking tonight or do you want to get take-out?

I can always just pick something up on my way back from the interview.

Did we have plans?

Angelo's birthday.

Oh god, that's today.

Daphne bailed, so it's just you and me.

Honey, I have Will's trumpet recital tonight.

Why do you have to go?

Because it's important to Eric and to Will.



It's all about Eric, isn't it?


You guys are practically twins.

You even think alike.

Is this about that newspaper article that he didn't want?

No. It's not about that.

Honey, Eric is not Angelo, and he knows he will never replace Angelo in my heart or in yours.

Then he won't mind that you take one night to remember your dead husband.

I mind.

I made these plans a week ago, and I'm not changing them at the last minute.

You, and I, and Daphne, we can celebrate Angelo's birthday another night.

Just forget it.

I finished cleaning up, so can I go?

I have that interview.



(Siren wailing)

Heads up, Montoya. Starting I.V.

Copy. All clear.

You're doing good, sir. Just keep breathing.

Squad 37 to Northdale Hospital.

En route with 55-year-old male victim of a single car motor vehicle accident.

Front end collision with a light pole...

My daughter has red hair.

Um, what did you say?

You have red hair like my daughter.

Ziff: Pulse is steady.

Radio: Copy that, squad 37.

I'm sure she'll be glad that your car had air bags.

Oh. (Chuckles) She's gonna chew me out, always says I drive too fast.

Sounds like she cares about you a lot.

She just got into grad school.

(Heart rate monitor beeping)

(Beeping quickens)

Ziff, something is wrong.

He's coding. He's coding.

Montoya, he's coding!

Two minutes out.

Going into v-fib. Charging paddles at 200.

Stand by for de-fib.



Is he okay?

The doctors did what they could, but...

Are you all right?

Some of us are going out for a drink.

Come on. I'll buy you a...

Root beer.

So once I saw how Tess was juggling her job and a special needs kid, the idea just sort of came to me.

And you met Tess through community service?


I think so. It was a while ago.

For a first time felony offense?

Can you tell me what happened that lead you to commit a crime?

My dad had just died.

I'd only known him for a few years, but... we were finally starting to feel like a family.

I always thought he'd be around, but... then suddenly he was gone.

You were overwhelmed by the loss.

Actually, I wasn't.

Um... my sister was.

My biological mother was, but, uh...

I held it together, because I had to.

You kept a lid on your grief.

But I guess that doesn't make it go away.

Sooner or later, it comes out.

Someone I was close to had a similar accident last year.

I think that's why I got...

Look, I'm sorry to hear that.

He hit a tree on Brixton Road, just past the power station.

I know that area.

An ambulance took him to Northdale Hospital.

Was that...

Were you one of the paramedics who treated him?

I'm afraid not.

I have never responded to a call on Brixton.

Do you think anyone here did?

Uh... I... I don't know.

Can you ask?

Hey, guys, any of you respond to an M.V.A. call last year on Brixton?

Car hitting a tree?

Classic silver Corvette?


I remember that one.

Did the driver say anything when you were there or in the ambulance?


I don't remember.

I don't think so.

Excuse me.

Are you all right?

Not very professional, huh?

It's all right.

What were you hoping he'd say?

I don't know.

That my dad said something... profound.

That he was scared.

Or brave.

Or that he was totally at peace.


I can't remember my calls from last week.

And that was, what, a year ago?


When you're doing the job, the only thing that matters is doing the job.

Not chit-chat with the patient.

But why?

It's so easy, and it can make such a difference.

That man in the crash tonight wanted to talk to somebody.

I'm glad I was there.

When I started out, I thought all my calls would be like that.

Making a difference.

But it turns out that most are just like Punch and Judy from the other day.

The same thing. Over and over.

People knocking each other out over stupid stuff.

And it doesn't matter how well you do your job, it won't make a lick of difference in their lives.

Most days you don't get to be a hero.

That's the truth.

Is it just me, or is it returning to normal?


There's no saving that rug.

I've got half a mind to call up that Glenn guy and tell him where he can stick his can of voodoo juice.


I'm serious.

I was a four-time all star.

I won two golden gloves.

He knows who you are.

Remember my second year in the league?


I turned down that beer commercial.

National brands... that's what we should be hawking, not that crap.

Honey, that was 20 years ago.

Thank you.

What I mean is, I don't think it's Glenn you're mad at.

Time moves on.

Our kid is about to have a kid.

This is where we are now.

I know.

Come on, champ.

Let's not throw in the towel yet.

Let's see how this voodoo juice works on kitchen stains.


Oh, yeah.

Come on!

A little help?













(Knocking on door)



How was the interview?

It was... surprising.

I'm sorry I was so grouchy today.

You were right. It was about Angelo.

Birthdays can bring up a lot.

I cried the day that he died, and then after that, I just sort of...

Shut off.

But then this week, I suddenly remembered how horrible I felt when I knew he wasn't gonna be there anymore.

That's sort of how I felt when I found out that you were moving away.

Oh, I'm not leaving you.

I'm just moving across town.

So I thought that if I worked at the Cracked Mug, then at least I could spend more time with you.

Oh, honey.

I'm still just getting to know you, and if you move to Platte City, then I'm gonna see you less and less.

That is not true.

We're gonna have dinners and game night.

There's even an extra room for you and Daphne to sleep over.

And besides, you were gonna move hundreds of miles away to California.

But I always thought that you would be home when I got back.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know that my moving mattered that much to you.

Of course it matters.

You're my mom.

Oh, sweetie.



Glenn called. We have an offer.

Do I even wanna ask how much?

It's not the answer to all our problems, but it's a good short-term boost.

That's what we need right now.

That and a new rug.

Do you really want to do this?

Honey, we talked about this.

It's not a shampoo or a fancy car, but...

I mean plugging a product we know doesn't work.

It works on some things.

No product is perfect.

And Glenn's gonna let us say that?

"Hey, try this. It kinda works."

Honey, we need the money.

Our backs are against the wall.

If you don't want to do this, we won't do it, but we're running out of options.

I remember...

The first day we opened this place.

The way it gleamed with that fresh coat of white paint.

I was so proud to have my name on it.

People loved meeting you.

I shook so many hands, I thought I was gonna get carpal tunnel.

We were so busy.

What happened?

It's like you say, it's an up and down business.

We could get a new color scheme, or new signage...

The only way this place is gonna make us any money, is if we sell it.

Are you sure?


Just took me a while to get there.

Wait... wait. Wait.

You're not coming?

I'm sorry.

Is this about the swim trunks I wore the other day? Because I have others.

No. I have the chance to go to Mexico with Melody and give our hearing aids to people who can't afford their own.

That's a really dumb thing to do.

I'm kidding. It's great, and you're an awesome person for doing it.

You wouldn't happen to know anybody who wants an extra wristband for a really banging pool party in South Padre, do you?

Kathryn: Platte City?

Bay's taking it pretty hard.

Well, none of us want to see you go, especially that far.

Have you thought about asking them to move in here?

Funny you should mention that.

How would you feel about an energetic nine-year old and his handsome father moving in across the driveway?


You don't have to ask permission.

It's your house, too.


But we insist on paying rent.

Regina, you don't have to...

Eric insists.

It's only way he'll agree to move in.

Well, if that's the only way...

It is.

The house is feeling full again!


So I finally get to taste the famous Sorrento family lemon cake.

I hope I got it right.

Mm. Damn.

Our great-grandmother must have been some cook.

Angelo made this for me when I was pregnant.

Reminded him of his family.

And now that he was having a daughter...

He wanted to keep the tradition alive.

And we will.

To Angelo.

To Angelo.

Happy Birthday.


So, I have news.

Guess who else is gonna go on that trip to Mexico with Melody?

What? No way?


She said I could take one day to go into the city to do my interview for the Frida Kahlo program.

In person!

You are gonna make a huge impression.

I'm so happy you're coming!

Mm. Did you know that Frida's original furniture is still in her bedroom?


And her tehuana dresses.

You're gonna love them.

What is your guys' obsession with Frida Kahlo?

I don't get it. I never did.

It's because I am the real latina here.

Watch it.

Okay, girls, you're both pretty.

Come on. None of that.


Announcer: Next Monday...

Let's do it!

What happens in Mexico...

You have a boyfriend.


Will definitely not...

How dare he come on this trip.

Stay in Mexico.

Now who's jealous.

Whoa! Emmett! Stop!

Switched at Birth, all new, next Monday at 8:00 on ABC Family.