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05x09 - 44 Minutes To Save The World

Posted: 09/12/15 04:54
by bunniefuu
Last time on Lost Girl...

Which bring's us back to Daddy...

Zee: We have to stop him first.

Bo: Stop him from what?

Zee: From using you to end the world.

Mark: It was you. You k*lled all those people.

Iris: They had to go to sleep, Mark.


Trick: The Nyx, a primordial force of evil.

Bo: How do we fight it?

Trick: A toy box, made of adamantine.

Bo: Well maybe it takes evil to fight evil.

Zee: You open that box, and your father will walk the earth.

Hades: Our power will decide the fate of this world.

The answer lies with you.

The answer's in a gift.

Zee: No. No!

You think you're special!?

You think you're strong!?

Everything you have.

It's because of him.

Well maybe it takes evil to fight evil.

You don't know what you're doing.

(music box playing)

(music box playing)


(door knocking)


The end is nigh.

Who are you?

My name is John.

Do you want to be saved?

Why are you here?

I'd like to invite you to prayer circle on Sunday.

The end of the world is coming.

Yeah, no kidding.

Dyson: It's gonna be okay, Mark, it's gonna be okay.

Stay back. Stay back!

He is losing a lot of blood Dyson.

He's going to be okay, right?

If we don't get him back to my clinic, he's going to bleed out.

I'm a doctor! What happened?

He was stabbed.

My kit's in my car. I'll be right back.

You can fix this, right?

You don't need him.

Dyson, he has supplies, I have nothing.

Dyson: I said stay back.

Come on Mark.

There you go.

Thank you.

Jack: His abdominal aorta's been lacerated.

He needs surgery fast.

Thank you, we can take it from here.

We just need to get him to the clinic.

Jack: He won't survive the trip to the hospital.

Dyson, he's right.

Surgery can't wait. I need him.

Okay. What do we have here?

Oh God, oh God. It's worse than I thought.

No time to waste.

Okay doll. Stick it. There we go. I got it.

With The Nyx unleashed, it could mean the end of all existence.

Legend states that The Nyx's darkness will seep to the Earth's core by midnight.

It is time for the Blood King to use his gift.

Write the Nyx out of existence.

Whenever I use my blood, the outcome is much worse than the present danger.

What could be worse than the end?

Open your veins.

My blood will only write the future.

But I'm afraid The Nyx is the end of time itself.

We must call the rest of the Council.

Pool our resources.

Well, then, let me be the first to contribute.

Trick: The Staff of Pestilence.

Christos: I used it to fight the Black Death.

I'm confident it will stave off this new plague.

Is that... The Aegis Shield?

Adamantine is the only metal that can hold off The Ancients.

That's only legend.

Let's hope it's more.

Christos: Indeed.

Iris: Hello?

The Nyx.

It can't be...

Is Mark here?

Whatever happens, do not let her touch you.

I will awaken the Staff and end this now.

(Latin) Excita, tribus, et occiderent.

She's just a girl...

♪ ♪

Lauren: He's stable, Dyson.

And healing a lot faster than I expected.

Lauren, thank you. I...

You don't need to thank me.

What you did...

You've done your fair share of rescuing.

This is my fault.

He wasn't ready.

Dyson, you didn't know.

Let's just focus on what can we do.

Find Bo.

And Tamsin.

Where is Tamsin?

(cellphone buzzing)

Hera: You're actually pretty when you sleep.

You're actually pretty creepy when you stare.

You also talk in your sleep.

I considered a ball gag, but to be honest I found your mutterings sort of... charming.

What, this isn't S&M enough for you?

You mean, all this?


No this is an insurance policy.

I thought you'd be familiar with it.

Hera: Tough night?

Bo released her father from Tartarus.


Wha-what does he want?

What do you think he wants?

I thought you were dead.

Zee: Guess you have a little more fight in you, after all, huh?

You know, I've never met a high cheekbone I didn't like.

But I gotta say that's not a great look on you.

And it won't work on me.

With the Nyx unleashed, we have front row seats to the end of the world.

We'll be safe in here as long as we have...

Where is my shield?

It was... it was right there.


Your level of uselessness never ceases to amaze me.

Where are you going?

Where do you think I'm going?

Zee: To get my shield back.

It was stolen at the party because someone thought it would be a great idea to hang it on the wall.

In plain sight!

You said to...

I said to show our strength you idiot.

But you told me to...

I told you to what?

To let someone walk out of here with the only thing that can protect us?

I didn't let anyone walk out.

It's a wonder I had it at all after you practically gave it to Athena.

This again? She was one of us.

And her monumental rack had nothing to do with it?

You said that she could borrow it!

Zee: Stop.

Because the more you try to explain yourself, the more pathetic you sound.

It's embarrassing.

Guys. I'm kinda over this.

My hands hurt.

What do we do with her?

Get rid of her.

Zee: Actually...


Hold onto her for a while.

Hopefully she's worthy of a trade.

Oh, hi.

I was concerned about the boy.

How's he doing?

He's healing very quickly actually.

Thank you, again.

I'm glad to have been of service.

When you're done, could I maybe get back my medical bag?

Yes, of course.


Wait here. I'll go get it.


Jack: May I see the patient?

He's asleep.

You're not supposed to be in here.

I see you do R&D as well, huh?

Oh, it's just some research I do on my spare time.

Lauren: More of a hobby, really.

My organic chemistry is a bit rusty, but this looks like stem cell research.

Ambitious for a hobby.

I'm trying to isolate mesenchymal cells.

Highly amenable to genetic modification and tissue engineering.

If you can crack that code, that's the holy grail.

The fountain of youth.

Everlasting life.

A girl can dream.


Hmm. You seem to be stuck on this one, uh?

You know what, this is complicated.

I don't wanna bore you.

No, no. I'm retired.

This is the most fascinating stuff I've read in years.

Please. Humour me.

The problem with these particular cells is that they lack markers, making them very difficult to isolate.

Right, right, right. Have you tried injecting a virus?

Sure. They just destroy the virus.

Very aggressively, I might add.

A pathogenic virus, yes.

But what about a TTV?

You mean a benign virus that already exists in the human body?

The stem cells won't attack it.

Sometimes, a catalyst that appears the most innocuous can do the most damage.

Think of it as a Trojan horse.


You're welcome.

I'll keep that in mind.

Excuse me, sir.

Thank you, for helping my son...

I was honored I could help.

I didn't catch your name...


Bo: Actually, it's Hades.

My father.

Hi, Bo.

This is your father?

What do you want?

Maybe you should ask Bo.

She's the one who summoned me here.

What's he talking about?

What the hell happened to your hand?

Don't touch it.

It's spreading.

Did Iris do this to you?

Not Iris.



The Nyx?

Bo: Is inside Iris.

I saw it in the park.

Everything she touches dies and turns to nothing.

Well if she kills everything she touches, how did you...

Survive? I have no idea.

But if we don't contain her, we are all...

Burnt toast.

That is why I released you from Tartarus.

Help me get rid of Nyx.

I assume you mean with the box.

If it contained you, it can contain her, too.

Smart girl.

That's my daughter.

Yeah, let's hold off on the father daughter bonding for now, shall we?

Alright. But you're right.

The box can contain a force and send it back to Tartarus.

But only one.

So, if you use it to contain her, that means...

You have to stay here.


And if you want to get rid of Nyx, Iris will have to die.

(cell phone buzzing)


Alicia: So I picked up a few groceries.

You weren't kidding about your fridge.

You've got no milk, but five different kinds of mustard.

Look, I... I just... I can't talk right now.

My son has been hurt.

Oh my God, is he ok?

He's stable now.

What can I do?

Should I come over?


Stay where you are.

Don't leave.

I might send someone over to get some clothes for him.

Ok. I will.

Dyson, he's waking up.

I gotta go.

How are you feeling?

You gave us quite the scare there.


It's okay. Lie back.

Bo: Mark, we need to find her.

Do you have any idea where she could be?

I think we were... yeah, we were at Cee Cee's house.

Cecelia Lawrence?

Her human body.

Mark: She and Iris were friends.

They talked to each other.

The human is alive inside Iris?

Yeah. They keep them alive to get information.

So, the humans could be alive inside all the Ancients.

I saw Iris k*ll Cee Cee's dad.

Bo: She k*lled her father?

Yeah, after we had sex.

Wait if she touched you why didn't you turn to nothing?

I don't know.

Wait. Wait, wait.

It was later, she changed.

She was different.

Holy shit.

Where are my pants?

What happened? What changed?

After Iris took off her bracelet, it was like something happened.

Iris told me her parents made her wear this.

The bracelet is made of Adamantine.

We don't need your help.

Bo: If the bracelet's made of the same material as the box, maybe it can contain her, too.

Contain, no.

Control, yes.

If it's on her wrist.

If it's not on her wrist, we're all in trouble.

Then we need to get it back on her wrist.

Mark: I'm sorry.

It was my idea to leave the party.

Where did you go with her?

I dunno, the Book Street Cafe, Trinity Park.

We went clubbing at The Garret once.

Those are all public places.

I'll check the park and the cafe. You rest.

Please, please don't hurt her, all right?

Mark: It's not her fault.

We'll do everything we can to keep her safe.

I know what it's like to be used by your parents.

Bo wait, wait. Look.

If you're gonna go we need to make sure that you're safe too.

Come with me.

I'd offer you a drink, but I guess you're indisposed.

You could untie me.

I could.

But you're just following orders.


They're not orders.


Because from here it just looks like you're Zee's little bitch.

We're partners.

There's a difference.


Smart move giving your partner's shield to Athena.

You don't know anything about that.

I know something about a "monumental rack".

Tell me, how did that work out for you?

It didn't.

What about sacrificing your daughter?

That your idea, too?

I love Iris.

We're a family and we all have a part to play to make this world a better place.

You don't love Iris.

You used her.

We did what had to be done.

And when you "did what had to be done," did Iris know that she'd be used as a su1c1de b*mb?

And did she know you'd be the one lighting the fuse?


I'm not the one tied up.

You can't touch me.

Zee's orders.


I don't know if it's the drink, but Zee's "orders" are feeling a bit foggy right now.

Here's what I don't understand: If Zee has plans for you, would you even know?

And what happens when she no longer needs an "idiot" like you?

You know what, don't answer that.

The more you do, the more pathetic you sound.

It's embarrassing.

♪ ♪

Maybe you'll get better if you feed?

No, I don't want to take that risk.

Bo, it's k*lling you.

You know? It's not so bad.

Turns out, it's kinda the perfect shield.

Are you being serious?

So I guess that means no "talk to the hand" jokes?

It's a good thing that we got back together just in time for the end of the world, huh?

Hey. Bright side: At least we got together.

Well, this will slow down the spread.


You can't touch me.

I can.

Your smart friend is right.

This will slow the spread.

But you don't have much time.

How are you going to get Iris to put the bracelet back on?

If anyone can do it, it's me.

She's scared and alone and doesn't know how to control her powers.

I was that girl.

Will you be careful?

I will.

Plan B.

I won't be needing this box, so it's time for you to head back to Tartarus.

I'm happy to oblige, but there's something you should know.

That's why you survived Nyx's touch.

I put it there to protect you.

It's also why Mark is alive.

If I go back to Tartarus, my mark will fade and he will die.

My mark never fades.

Why would his?

He isn't my child.

And my mark on you will never fade.

We'll see about that.

Okay. You're coming with me until I can figure out what to do with you.

Let's go.

I'll call you if I need you.

I'm just here to help.

Bouncer: Back of the line please.

Bouncer: Miss. Back of the line.

You gotta wait like everybody else.

I don't want to wait anymore.

It's all going to happen now.

Bouncer: What is?


To vanquish The Nyx, it's the only way.

Let come what may.

Zee: So, this is where the Blood King lives.

How... quaint.

You're not welcome here.

I'm sorry.

Were you in the middle of a session with your burn book?

Get out!

After I welcomed you so warmly into my home?

I thought you'd be more neighborly.

You don't know the Darkness you've unleashed.

I know exactly what I've done.

It's the end.

But it's also the beginning.

I'm going to destroy this world and start a new one.

The way it used to be.

The days of sacrifices and human worship.

It's time now for us to be seen as the Gods that we are.

Not if I can help it.

It's the only way.

Well, "A" for effort.

You know what they say: Optimism is a form of courage.

Now give me my shield back.

Get back.

It may protect you, but what about your people?

It's a little selfish, don't you think?

If you want to see them again, give me back my shield.

Get out of my lair!


How about a trade then: hand over my shield or I'll hunt your people down and k*ll them.

The Valkyrie will be the first to go.


Great hair.



You keep looking at me.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do.


I haven't seen you for a long time.

And I'm proud to see the woman you've become.

Don't get too excited.

As soon as I contain Nyx and save Iris, I'm gonna figure out a way to send you back where you came from.

You are the only one who can.

That box was made for you. And only you.

Specifically you, could bring me back.

I'm glad you're confident that you'll rescue Iris.

I promised a friend a long time ago I would always look out for the little guy.

You mean Kenzi?

You don't get to say her name.

I'm sorry.

But I wouldn't have made that promise if I were you.

You're not me.

And I'm not you.

I will never be you.

I'm in the business of helping people, not k*lling them.

Bo, you misunderstand me.

I would do anything to rescue Iris.

She's my niece.

She's your cousin.

And there is nothing more important than family.

You know what?


Nyx was here.

(phone ringing)

Any luck?

We're at the club. Everyone's dead.

Iris was at the club, but she's gone.

Did she...

Where else could she be?

Mark, you need to think. Where could she be?

I don't know.

She's looking for you.


I don't know, I...

We used to hang out at the Dal.

She liked to watch me box.

At the gym?


I told Alicia to stay there.

On my way.

Let's go.

You okay?



Can I help you?

Who are you?

I'm Iris.

Mark's friend.

Oh, right. You're here for the clothes.

How's he doing?

I don't know.

Didn't Dyson send you?


But I... I thought you... were here to get Mark's clothes?

You're Kevin's wife, right?

You're really pretty.

You know my husband?

What happened to Mark?

He got hurt.

How do you know Kevin?

What do you mean he got hurt?

He was stabbed.

Who stabbed him?

I don't know.

How do you know Kevin?

Who stabbed Mark!?

Dyson: Don't touch her!

Dyson, what is going on?

Alicia. Listen to me.

I need you to step away from her.

Who is she?

She's sick.

And very contagious.

I'm not sick.

What happened to Mark?

Don't let her touch you.

I'm not sick!


Okay. You're not sick.

What happened to Mark!?

What is wrong with her?

Nothing is wrong with me!

Go. Get her out of here.

Who is that girl?

What is wrong with her?

Come on. Let's go out the back.

Dyson. She says she knows Kevin.

How does she know Kevin?

Why won't you tell me what's going on!?

I am not crazy.

No. You are not.

You're not.


I was right.

The little Trickster took it.

Did you find Iris?

No, but if she comes back, we'll be ready.

It's time to hunker down and wait for the show.

Are you drunk?

This was a mistake.

We shouldn't have done this.

It's a little late for second thoughts.

She's our daughter.

She's the Harbinger of darkness.

Because you put Nyx in her!

I loved her.

I loved her, too.

You love nobody but yourself.

Where is this coming from?

What did you say to him?

You're an idiot.

She played you.

And you let her.

You used Iris.

And then you threw her away.

Okay now it's all me?

You had nothing to do with it?

You were in this from the beginning.

She was our daughter.

Do you understand?

Our daughter.

Don't kid yourself.

I saw the way you looked at her.

She just was your little toy.

She was always your precious little toy.

How dare you...

How dare you.

You don't deserve to be her mother.

You're worse than Nyx.

You are nothing!

How dare you defy me?

How dare you defy Zeus!

What did you say to him?


You think you stopped something?

You think that he matters?

I'm the one you should be afraid of.

If you're gonna k*ll me, just do it already.

Stop dragging it out.

It's super tacky.

What are you doing?

Come midnight, Nyx will rule.

You think you can stop her?

You can't.

Nothing can.

So, go.

Get the Succubus, and the Wolf.

I want you to watch as she kills you all.

Oh, and Valkyrie?

Just take out the trash.

Is this what you want?

To destroy everything.

Everybody likes a fresh start.

For what?

So you can sit in this monolith by yourself?

What's the point?

I hope you enjoy your own company.

At least I won't die alone.

Going down.


Iris. Iris, it's me. Your uncle.

What are you doing here?

I came to see you.

It's been a long time.

I thought you forgot about me.

How could I forget about you?

Hades: You're my favorite niece.

Iris, we came to bring you home.

I don't want to go home.

I left to get away from them.

Bo: Trust me.

I know what it's like to want freedom from your parents.

They were trying to control me.

And now you're trying to do the same.

No, that's not true...

Parents can be so bossy sometimes can't they?

They got worse after you left.

I'm sorry.

Bo: Iris, I'm not trying to control you.

Bo: And your parents have no power over you.

The only one who controls you is you.

It's far too late for that now.

Nyx is who I was meant to be.

It's who I am.

I've almost reached the core.

It's almost midnight.

Any minute now, the clock strikes Nyx.

It's gonna be beautiful.

Bo. Bo, you got to use the box.

I won't k*ll Iris.

You can't k*ll me.

I can't breathe.

It's the only way.

I won't hurt her.

Iris: That thing that's inside you, Uncle Hades?

It's inside me, too.

We're the same.

You came back for me, didn't you?

Yes I did.

Use the box.

It's evil.

Sometimes the greatest evil is the greatest mercy.

Use the box.

You can be my new father.

That's a great idea.

There has to be another way.

Not this time. Use the box.

Iris. Iris, come here, baby.

I carry Darkness.

Maybe so.

Maybe so, but I am Darkness.

What are you doing? Let her go!

Stop. She's choking me.

Turn the crank, Bo.

Do it.

Hades: You're the only one who can.

♪ ♪

Bo. You are my child.

My blood.

I would never do anything to hurt you.

What happened?

Bo, your hand.

Nyx is gone.

The bracelet worked.


It didn't.

Iris and Cee Cee are both dead.

Bo: I tried. I'm sorry.

You did what you had to do.

I should go talk to him.

No. I will.

Lauren: You okay?

No matter what I do, someone always gets hurt.

Bo. You have saved so many, so many times.

Dyson, Kenzi, Tamsin, me...

One day I'm going to lose you too.

Maybe you don't have to.

Comfy Dad?

You know, when I suggested we talk privately, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

You seem to have a thing for boxes.

I figured you could use a new one.

Perhaps we should catch up over a drink, say, at your bar.

The Dal, is it?

I don't want you at my bar.

And I don't want you near my friends.

If this is about Kenzi...

I said you don't get to say her name.


You made her close the portal.

You k*lled my best friend just to get to me.


You know, growing up, I imagined all the things that I wanted to say to you.

But you know what I realized?

You don't deserve it.

You weren't in my life then.

And I don't want you in my life now.

I think it's good I stayed out of your life.

You turned out better than if I had raised you.

You're glad that I was abducted?

I didn't say that.

How could you?

How could you keep Aife in that place?

She had the courage to get me out.

She had the courage to get you out?

Is that what she told you?

It's the truth.

I thought you'd know by now that truth is open to interpretation.

What are you talking about?

Your mother was sick.

If Aife's crazy it's because you drove her crazy.

The Dark Dungeons drove her crazy.

I saved her.

I brought her to Tartarus.

But she was too sick.

They tortured her, you understand?

No, that's what you did.

For years.

If you want to be blame somebody, blame your dear grandfather.

He's the one who sent her to the Dark Dungeons in the first place.

You kept her in a cage.

To protect you from her.

She wanted to take you from me.

I couldn't let that happen.

Sending you away was the only way to keep you safe.

You expect me to believe that?


But you've never heard my side of the story.

And now you don't want to.

Why would I?

You choked me in an elevator.

I didn't mean to Bo. I just wanted to talk.

It is hard to talk when a hand's around your neck.

I invited you in and you ran away.

I didn't want you to go.

You know, I'm gonna find a way to get rid of you.

Until then, you're not going anywhere.

If this is where you want me, this is where I'll stay.

We both know this cell can't hold you.

Has it occurred to you that I might want to stay...


With you...

Hey, Lewis.

Brought something for ya.

Dyson: Where have you been?

What, you actually noticed I was gone?

Sorry. It's kind of been a bit of a day.

Tell me about it.

Dyson: Nyx is gone and Iris is dead.

But we still need to deal with Zee and Hera.

And let's not forget Bo's father.

He's here. Bo's father. Is here.

I know.

You know? How do you know?

Let's just say I don't think Hera's gonna be a problem anymore.

What do you mean?

Lightning bolt to the heart.

Saw it with my own eyes.

Turns out Zee was Hera's Achilles heel.

Dyson: Where are you going?

Oh, now you care?

Lewis. You coming or not?

Dyson: He's not dead.

No. No, he's in a coma.

Can we k*ll him?

Lauren: If we k*ll him, we'd be k*lling the human inside too.

Dyson: Hera may have taken over his body, but Kevin Brown is still in there.

Damn, I need a drink.

Who's with me?

I'm staying with Mark.

And I'm meeting Bo.


You going to tell Alicia we found her husband?

I think I'll wait until after he wakes up.

Lauren: Question is, if he wakes up, who will he wake up as?

So, what did he say?

More lies.

He's trying to brainwash me.

But I won't let him.

Now I know that him being here changes everything, but you can try to look on the bright side a little bit.

Mark got stabbed.

Iris and Cee Cee are dead.

And my dad is at your clinic.

Please tell me the bright side because I'm all tapped out for my gratitude journal.

Well, I can think of three reasons.

What are you doing?

One: We're alive.

Two: We just saved the whole world.

Three: I love you, Bo Dennis.

I love you, too.

Now, get off the street?

You're making me nervous.

What are we gonna have?

Are we gonna do pizza or Thai?

Or... or... or... enormous cocktails?



Oh my God.