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04x13 - Between Hope and Fear

Posted: 09/08/15 07:36
by bunniefuu
Bay: Previously on Switched at Birth...

No, you do this now.

It's done. It's forever.

I know that you're stuck in the middle.

Of course.

You gave Melody $50,000?

For the deaf program.

Daphne's tuition is past-due.

I said that I'm taking care of it.

There's nothing left for me to liquidate. That pretty much taps me out.

I'm pregnant.

I knew there was a higher chance.

I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about.

The baby has Down syndrome.

I don't think we're ready for this.

I know.

My mom, she's still alive.

Her name is Hope Paxton.

She's working at a car shop back where we used to live in Atlanta.

I did what I had to do to protect my son, and I'd do it again in a second.

Regina: I wish it wasn't like this.

(Regina laughing)

Nice move.

Hmm. Which one?

Leaving work in the middle of the afternoon.

Actually, you are the best move I've ever made.

Well, I can't argue with that.

So are you ready for my next big idea?

Bring it.

I think we should move in together.

You do?


Look, for the first time in years, I feel like I can breathe.

And now that you know everything there is to know about me, we can really become a family.


That's really nice.

You don't have to give me an answer right now.


Take your time.

Thank you.

You got an answer yet?

Give me a few days, hmm?

Okay. You got it.

Now, come on. Let's go back and make sure no one's burned our coffee house down.

Come on.

(Door opening and closing)

Hey, just the man I was looking for.

I found a space.

A space?


For the musical.

It's got 200 seats, the acoustics are great, and the spring slot is available.


Exciting, right?

I can't.

Um, I'm out.

Of what?

The musical. Um...

I gotta pass. I'm sorry. I...

I just have other things going on. I just can't right now.

What's going on, honey?



I can't.

Yes, you can.

Honey, no matter what it is.

Can someone please say something?

I told Toby that we were here for him, for him and Lily, whatever they need.

Is there a you and Lily?


I don't know.

I don't know anything.

I just don't understand how this happened.

Did I not teach you to be responsible?

I was responsible.

Come on, John. Sometimes, these things just happen.

Well, all I'm seeing is him stumbling from one catastrophe to the next.



Do you think I wanted this to happen?

Don't you think I'm trying to do the right thing?

And what is that, Toby? What's the right thing?

I don't know.

I don't know what she's gonna do.

I'm trying to support her.

Do you have any idea how much it costs to take care of a kid like that?

(Shouts) Do you?

Medical bills, therapists, tutors... do you have any idea what all of this means?

I am sure he knows.

You're sure, Kathryn? Are you sure?

Because I am not so sure.

Let me tell you something.

Kids like this may never be on their own, and that means you are responsible forever.

Now, tell me, who's gonna pay for that?



No. No, of course not. No.

Oh, right, because you figure you can just go on screwing up, and I'll swoop in and clean up your mess just like I always do.

Dad with his wallet.



Not this time!

This time, I won't.

Why did I think it would go any different?

(Door slamming)

Toby, it is a lot to hear.

I know that.

I'll go talk to him.

It'll be okay.

I'm going home.

(Door slamming)

(Theme music playing)

I've got some news about Eric.

Everything okay?

He asked me to move in with him and Will.

That's fantastic. I'm so happy for you.

Hold on. I haven't said yes yet.

Why not?

I'm still considering the idea.

And I wanted to know what you thought.

I think I couldn't be happier you found such an incredible guy.

You really deserve it.

Thank you.

(Phone vibrating)

Uh... oh!


The boyfriend?

Um, your boyfriend actually.

And he's a sore loser.

Um, we've been in an epic battle on Words with Friends, and I just won.

I know a lot of "Q" words.

I... I didn't know you were word friends.

Oh, I should make dinner for the two of you to celebrate.

Well, hold on. I'm still thinking things through, and there's nothing to celebrate yet.

Okay, fine. I'll just make dinner.

I'm gonna make all dishes that start with "Q" just to torment him.

(Laughing) Okay, sure.

All right. See you soon.


He's a 21-year-old kid, Kathryn! Come on! 21?

I know.

Raising a mentally-Ret*rded child?

John, walk in to the 21st century.

You say Down syndrome.

Whatever you wanna call it.

It's a kid that's gonna require extensive medical care, and that costs money.

I cannot believe that the first thing you think of is how much it's gonna cost.

This is your grandchild.

He didn't even bring up adoption.

I am sure that there are tons of people out there who are better-equipped to raise a kid like that than our under-employed, flip-flop-wearing son.

You seriously want our grandchild raised by strangers?

May I remind you that, technically, we are strangers to Bay, and that a stranger raised our daughter?

Not by choice.

Is this how you imagined spending our third act, raising a baby?

I don't know about you, but I am too old for that.

We would help him.

Not raise the baby ourselves.

Uh-huh. Well, you can count me out.


I'm going.

Someone around here has gotta earn a living.

(Door opening and closing)

Bay: Have you heard?

Yeah, I found out kind of by accident.

J.K. freaked on him.

Um, I'm sure he'll come around by the time the baby arrives.


You're joking, right?

You think that Toby should become a parent right now?

Lots of people become parents at his age.

And it ruins their lives.

My mom had me at that age.

She actually had me.

Okay, well, you know what I mean.

Having a baby didn't ruin her life.


I'm just saying they have a lot of options available to them.

In fact, I can think of two other ones off-hand.

You mean one other option?

Are you telling me that you're pr...

Wow. Okay. Um...

I guess we've never had this conversation.

I guess not.

I'm just surprised.


I don't eat meat, and I'm against capital punishment.

What about the whole Chip Coto abstinence bill thing?

I'm for contraception.

You drove me to get the morning-after pill.

The morning-after pill is not an abortion pill.

So you think that the law should be overturned?

No, I just think that we should value all forms of life.

Wait. I'm sorry. Is this from Regina, because I for sure thought that she would be...

She is. My mom and I disagree.

So do my mom and I.

We shouldn't get into this.

You're right.


It's Toby and Lily's decision.


And I just want him to be fully-educated before he makes a decision that he has to live with forever.

Well, we can both agree on that.

So, they're... gonna keep it?

I don't know.

I have my feelings about it, but Toby hasn't asked my opinion.

Probably because he knows how I feel about it.

(Exhales) It's a lot to deal with, no matter what.

Oh, my god. John, he just... he lost it.

I know it's a lot, but I'm actually afraid he's gonna have another heart attack.


Does seem to be under a lot of stress lately.

What do you mean?

Well, I was gonna say something, but I didn't wanna seem nosy.


Well, Daphne's tuition was due, and he seemed a little off.

And then his car, and...

He seems sensitive about money lately.

He hasn't said anything to me.

You know, I am probably wrong.

Just forget I even said anything.

Hi. You must be Travis.

I'm Skye.

So nice to meet you.

Em has told me so much about you.

I can't wait to hang out with you guys this weekend.

Toby: I can't believe this is happening.

And I have no idea what she's gonna do, so I don't even know what to prepare for.

Well, we can't control Lily, but we can help you make a decision about what you want.

I didn't think I was gonna be having this conversation for 10 years.

Look, before you make a decision that's this big, you gotta do your research.

That's really good advice.

So, I'm gonna go make an appointment to visit a school.

(Upbeat music playing)

(Woman vocalizing)



Oh, tomorrow. Yeah.


Skye: We'll be there.

We're in. I did it.

Okay, so a bunch of agents' assistants all go to this crazy, exclusive happy hour once a month, and I just got us on the list for tomorrow.

And get this.

Raskind's assistant will be there. I know!

Oh, um...

Oh, the party is an afternoon drinks type thing.


Uh, may I offer anyone seconds of quiche, quince, or quinoa?

I really appreciate you not gloating.

Who me?

Eric: Mm-hmm.

So this is what dinners together would be like, huh?

Everybody ganging up on me.

No, I'm on your side. Team Eric.

Really? So, what if I told you I saw a k*ller apartment for you and your mom to take a look at?

I'd say text me the address.


We'll just pick the place.

As long as you buy her a washer and dryer, she'll be happy.

(Laughing) Hey, you got some time this week?

I got a bunch of places to look at.




We discussed me taking time to think about it.

Yeah, look, I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean...

Mom, we were just kidding around.

Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. (Clears throat) I just have a headache.

Well, I should go anyway. I gotta pick up Will from his playdate.

Thanks for dinner, Daphne.

Oh, any time.




(Door closing)

Her name is Hope Paxton.

Now, you know why I can't just move in with him.

Mom, you were an addict once, and you turned your life around.

She could have too.

I know. That's what I have to find out.

How are you gonna do that?


I booked a ticket to Atlanta. I leave tomorrow.


Well, I found the auto shop where she works.

I figured I could tell everyone I was visiting our cousins in Ohio.

I'm coming with you.

That's not a good idea.

I'm not a kid anymore, and you're not doing this alone.

End of story.

All right.

I mean, what if she's changed, and now, she's just a mom mourning her kid who was stolen from her?

I mean, what do I do then? Do I break up with him? Do I turn him in?

Hey, one thing at a time.

We have to find her first.



(Kids laughing, chattering)

We've got all kinds of special needs kids here.

Kids with spina bifida. Kids with Williams syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome.

And, of course, our Down syndrome kids.

Over here, we have our lifestyle table for kids to learn skills like dressing and tooth-brushing, our fidget table for sensory kids who need to always be holding something, and our quiet area for kids who need some time to themselves.

Um, what's with the socks?

Oh, that's in honor of world Down syndrome day.

It's to bring awareness and acceptance to people with Down syndrome.

Sort of a nod to the idea that different is okay.

We don't have to be all the same.


What's your name?


Hi, Sophia. I'm Toby.

Nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you too.

I like your shirt.

I like your dress.

Come on.

Are you guys prospective parents?

Oh, um, not me. My brother, uh, might be.

Welcome to the club.

Thank you.

Well, um, we'll see.

I'm sure you're still in shock.

Maybe sad too.


In the beginning, it can hurt a little bit to... to see other kids.

And there's definitely some tough times, too. No doubt about that.

But I can promise you it'll be the single most enriching experience of your life.

Thank you.



I, uh, just spoke to our new accountant.

Okay. (Clears throat) I don't know what he told you, but I have got this under control.

Why didn't you talk to me?

I didn't wanna worry you.

(Exhales) At least I understand why you've been behaving like this.

But why didn't you let me in on this?

I mean, the check I wrote to Melody for the program...

Kathryn, I am trying to find a way to make this all work.

And that musical that you're so excited about, I don't want you to have to give that up.

Honey, I am not some spoiled little girl that's gonna cry when you tell me you're not gonna buy me a pony.

I'm your partner.

And I know that this is a lot bigger than just passing up on the musical.


I'm so sorry.

Honey, this doesn't reflect on you. You know it.

That's why we hired a professional.

I... I am sitting here, and I am trying to figure it all out.

You know, what to sell. What to finance.

And that's a longer conversation we're gonna need to have.

But right now, there's something much more important.

Toby is in a lot of pain.

And I don't know what they're gonna do, but whatever it is, you need to be supportive.

Otherwise, it'll crack your relationship with him forever.

(Rock music playing)

Hey, you got a torn water pump hose.

Oh, no.

Looks like somebody snipped this thing.


I should be able to get it patched up and get you out of here pretty quick.

Oh, good. Thanks.

Uh, we just moved here.

Last thing I need is more expenses.

Especially on a teacher's salary. You know what I mean?


Do you have any suggestions on good places to eat around here?

We're starving.


You're asking the wrong person. I don't go out much.

Daphne: Is that your son?


He's adorable. How old is he?

Well, that's an old picture. He was five there.

Uh, what school does he go to?

I teach fifth grade.

He doesn't stay with me anymore.

He's with my son of a bitch ex-husband, wherever he is.

I don't have an exact match for this hose, but I can jerry-rig something.

It's a lot cheaper than ordering a new one. That all right?

Sure. Uh, great.

Atlanta is a tough city to figure out. Have you lived here long?

I can't tell where I should look for an apartment.

You guys should probably wait in the lobby.

I'll call you when the car is ready.

I can't really have you standing around here. Liability.

Right. Sorry.

Is there a soda machine around here?

Caffeine is the only vice I have left.

You a friend of Bill's?

Sure am.

Oh, I'm N.A. Three years now, me and my husband.

Are there any good meetings around here?

Yeah, me and my husband go to the one over at the Y.

It's just a few blocks from here.

Cool. Thanks.

That Eric was totally wrong about her.

She seems completely fine.

How are we supposed to do that?

Yeah. Remember, we can't look like we're excited to be here.

They can smell that, and it's a major turn-off.

Oh, hey, Shane. It's Skye. We met at that Morricone festival.

Oh, yeah. Hey. Good to see you.

You, too.

This is my boyfriend, Emmett.

Hey, what's up, Emmett?

Oh, em, Shane is about to sh**t a short next month, and you need to tell him about that lens flare effect that you used on the beach.

Yeah, man, I'd love to hear about it.

Oh, and this is Emmett's friend, Travis.

He's visiting from...

So, yeah, tell him about that opening shot.

Thank you so much for showing us around.

This has been really helpful.

Of course.

Now, in the past, people with Down syndrome were institutionalized.

But today, a lot go to mainstream schools.

And many adults get jobs, get married.

Most lead long, productive lives.

That's amazing.

Look, those kids were adorable, but in addition to being delayed mentally, a lot have serious health problems.

I was reading that some are born with heart defects, vision problems, and hearing loss at the same time.

So I just wanna be sure that we are not getting the rose-colored view here.

I mean, some are in diapers their whole lives, right?

It's true. There is a wide spectrum of ability, as there is with any child.

Look, I know it's hard for you to understand.

You aren't parents already. You're so young.

Of course, you want your child to be happy and have an easy life.

But being there for them when things are perfect, anyone can do that.

It is the hard times that make you closer.

It'll be fine.


You showed up.

Yep. Thanks.

I'm Regina.

I'm Hope.

Nice to meet you.

How you doing? I'm Jared.

Nice to meet you.


Thank you.

Excuse me, ladies. I gotta make a phone call real quick.

Okay. Bye.

I'm speaking first tonight.

Oh, good!

Uh, go.

Hello, everyone, I'm Hope. I'm an addict.

All: Hi, Hope.

I was a drunk and a user for 17 years.

I still struggle to stay sober every day.

And I paid the price for my addiction, a very high price.

My son was taken from me.

Every day, it's like a hole in my heart.

And there was a time when...

I used to wish that the pain of missing him would go away, but I don't... I don't wish for that anymore.

'Cause that pain reminds me to keep fighting.

And to do whatever I have to do to bring my son home.

(Upbeat music playing)

So, what are you thinking?

I don't know yet, but...

This was really helpful.

Thanks for bringing me.


Toby, I love that you're considering this, but make no mistake. You would be in for a really hard life.

Didn't you hear anything she just said?

I did. I did hear it.

About adversity being a good thing, and kids like this making the world a richer place, and that may all be true, but there is no going back.

And what if they're wrong about how great it is?

What if you get a really hard kid who's in the hospital all the time?

The risk is so huge, and you're 21.

This will define your entire life right now, this decision.

I know that. Don't you think I know that?

You just have your whole life ahead of you, and this could ruin it.

So if Lily decides to keep the baby, you're not on board?

I hope that she doesn't.

I hope that she makes a different decision.

Good to know.

Thank you, family. Thanks a lot.

Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you.

You know the break is over, right? Are you going back in?

Uh, I'm just waiting for a friend to come out.

Your friend doesn't drive?

No. Um, I mean...

Uh, I should be in the meeting, but I haven't gotten the nerve to go in yet.

Ah, I get that.

It's hard to quit cold turkey. Not everybody can handle that.


Listen, I got a stash in the car.

You ever need a little something to take the edge off...

Oh. Um, I am good.

But thanks anyway.

No problem.

Thanks for coming.

Can I get you anything? Water, tea?

I mean, herbal tea. Fruit?

I'm fine. Thank you.

I went to a special needs school today.

I talked to parents, met some kids.


I've been thinking about this a lot.

Me, too.


Here's the thing.

I firmly believe in a woman's right to her own body.

So do I.

We're the ones who have to carry the baby, take care of it, turn our entire lives upside down.

And I feel strongly that children should be brought into this world only when they're wanted and are able to be provided for.

And that is a decision that only a woman can make.

I agree with you. I do.

But in this case, for us...

It's easy to say no.

It's always easy to say no.


There's something inside me that's telling me to say yes.

You wanna keep it?

This kid is not gonna be a typical kid, but there's no such thing as a typical kid.

Every kid has something.

My sisters were switched at birth.

Yeah, I was thinking the same.

I just wasn't sure if you were...

I am.

(Stammering) I do.



I guess we should tell our families.



How did it go?


All we found is a mom who deserves to be with her kid.

I'm so sorry, Mom.

Oh, there's Hope. I wanna say goodbye to her, thank her for inviting me.


Is that her husband?

Yeah. Why?

But Hope just gave the most amazing share in the meeting.

Her husband seems really supportive.

What if she doesn't know he's...


You told me you were an addict.

Who are you?

I'm nobody. I'm just Regina.

Okay, you're not a cop. You working for the cops?

No, no, god, no.

Well, then, why did you lie?

I lied. I lied. I got scared when you approached me. I didn't know what to say.

You bad for business.

Wherever you come from, go back there.

I don't wanna see you around here no more ever.

Okay. Okay.

Are you okay?


This was really stupid of me. I shouldn't have taken you.

No, you had to know, and now, we do. I'm glad I was here.

I hate that finding out someone is liar and a drug dealer is good news for my love life.

She's making her own choices.

Will would be worse off with that woman.

He would.

But is it my place to decide?

She's his mom. She probably really does miss her kid.

Maybe, but she's selling dr*gs to addicts.

I can't think of anything scummier than that.

And Eric is an amazing father.

Will's happy.

He misses his mom.

He misses his fantasy of a mom.

Sometimes, kids don't know what's best for them.

Let's go home.

(Phone vibrating)

(Phone vibrating)


You okay?

I just got a text from Toby.

They're keeping the baby.



I know this might not be your choice, but you've gotta get on board fast.

You know that, right?

Hey, look who's back.

Wow. I've missed you.

How was Ohio? How are your cousins?


Yeah? Okay.

Hey, let's look at that apartment tomorrow.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.



Hey, sweetheart.



I know what you all think.

I know Dad thinks that I'm a total screwup, and Bay thinks that I'm making a huge mistake.

And I don't blame you for thinking that.

Toby, I overstepped.

There are things going on that have nothing to do with you. I'm sorry.

No, you were... you were right. Um...


I've made a lot of mistakes recently.

(Shakily) And, um, I just don't wanna think of this kid as a...

Just another one.

I know that I want to do this.

But I'm scared.

(Crying) I'm really scared.

I can't do this without you guys.


Toby, we got you.

We are here for you, okay? Hey.

We're in this together.

All of us, honey.

And... hey.

♪ Feels like the odds are stacked against me ♪
♪ where I've landed is not the place that I had planned ♪

Did we get it right?

♪ Sometimes you're gonna come up empty ♪

(Crying) Yeah.

Yeah, you got it right.

I'm gonna be a grandma!

I'm gonna be an aunt! What!

♪ Oh, there ain't nothing I can't handle ♪
♪ oh, there ain't nothing I can't face ♪