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01x20 - Ma Ke Kahakai (Shore)

Posted: 04/14/11 03:34
by bunniefuu
Danny: This is not a hike, Steven.

Your dad used to bring you up here when you were a kid?

Every year.

Yeah, well, that would explain a lot.

You can bring Gracie up here when she gets a bit older.

Grace wants to got get a manicure and a pedicure, okay?

She's not interested in going to look at old graffiti on rocks, okay?

This is basically child abuse.

They're called "petroglyphs," Danny.

They're called "petroglyphs."

That is a fancy name for graffiti etched in rocks, okay?

You know what?

I remember the first time I beat my father to the summit.

I remember like it was yesterday.

All due respect, what's wrong with an old-fashioned baseball game, Steve, huh?

I've never been to a professional baseball game.

That doesn't surprise me at all.

I mean, how could...?

Forget about it.

You know what? To each his own.

We had the Yankees; you and your old man had a...

I don't know what.

Deep-sea demolition classes or something.

Stop talking for a second.

Look at this view.

This view, this has not changed one bit since I was a kid.

Everything else has changed, but not this.

You know what?

I, um, I found another one of those envelopes on my doorstep yesterday morning.

It had an old matchbook in it.

Used to be in my father's toolbox.

You think it's from Wo Fat?

I don't know.

What does Kaye think?

Kaye thinks Wo Fat's playing a game with me.

I don't understand.

What kind of game, huh?

Like he's trying to get you to believe that your father was a dirty cop or something.

Let me tell you something.

My father was such a good man and he was a great cop, and whatever case he was working on before he was k*lled, I'm gonna find out what that was.

That still doesn't explain why someone's sending that case evidence back to you.

Maybe someone's trying to lead me to Wo Fat.

Maybe Wo Fat's trying to lure you.

Come on.

Alright... This is it.

The ancient Hawaiians called this "K'I'I pohaku."

It means "images in the stone."


This one right here, this is Honu.

It's a turtle.

That is a turtle.


What about this guy right here? What's this?

These are symbols of the hunt.

It's pretty cool, huh?

Better than a Yankee's game?

It's not even close to as good as a Yankee's game, but it's nice.

Danny, Danny, there's someone down here!

Hey Yo!

(whistles) Hey!

I'm going down there.

He could still be alive.

Is he all right?

He's dead!

(Hawaii Five-O theme song plays)

♪ Hawaii Five-O 1x20 ♪
Ma Ke Kahakai (Shore)

Original Air Date on April 11, 2010

He's got a g*nsh*t wound through and through.

There's very little blood.

All right, look, there's no action up here.

No signs of struggle.

Somebody dumped him.

It's gotta be from a plane or a helicopter.

Now get out of the way. Let me take a picture.

(camera clicks)

All right, come on. Let's go.

We'll go for a little hike, call the crime scene unit.

Come on.

I need you to take up the slack as I climb, all right?

All right, take that slack, Danny.

Hey, easy there!

Take your time.


Hey, Steve!


Steve! Steve!

Danny: Steve!

Hey, Steve!


Hey, Steve, don't move, all right?!

Just stay where you are.

You all right?

I'm good. I'm good.


Danny, I think I've broken my arm.

Send the rope down, OK?

It's snagged on a branch.

All right, look, I'm gonna call for help.

There's no cell service here.

There is at the summit.

You need to climb up and call in a medevac team, all right?

All right, don't move, all right?

Hey, Danny, throw my pack down before you go.

All right, I got it, I got it.

Hey, listen to me.

Do not move.

Be careful up there.

It's really steep.

All right.




(branch snaps)





All right.

Uh, g*nsh*t wound, small- caliber, through-and-through.


There's fish scales in the exit wound.

How long?

I can't promise, but I'll try.

(phone beeps off)

Hey, gonna order some loko moko from Ono Lau-Lau.

You in?

It's Auntie Mele.

They called the hospice.

Her kidney's shutting down.

She's asking to see everyone tonight.

I don't know if it's a good idea for me to go by there now.

Look, if you're worried what Uncle Keako will think, don't.

He's the one who called.

He did?

He made me promise to bring you by the house tonight.

You forget he's a cop.

He knows you've been coming by to see her when he's not there.

(phone rings)


Hey... I thought you were supposed to be on a hike with McGarrett.

Steve fell. He's hurt.

Whoa. What?

How bad?

I don't know how bad.

I'm not a doctor.

I think he broke his arm.

Where are you?

You know what? Forget it.

Triangulating your coordinates off the cell phone signal.

All right, listen, we need a rescue team as soon as possible.

I'll contact Army evac.

Stand by.

Let me use your phone.


All right, I've got your location.

Okay, listen, we need a crime scene unit, too, as soon as possible.

We found a body.

Whoa, wait.

I thought you said this is a rescue mission.

What's a body doing way up there?

I don't know what a body's doing way up here.

The guy doesn't look like a hiker, mid-50s, work clothes.

I'm gonna send you a picture.

Hold on.

All right, I got him.

I'll run it through the system and see if I can get an I.D.

Danny, evac choppers on it's way.

All right, I'm going back.

(thunder rumbling)

Hey, did you get reception?

Yeah. Army evac's on its way.

I don't think we have time, all right?

These clouds, they look bad.

If it starts raining, this place is gonna turn into a big mudslide.

All right, I'm gonna come down untangle the rope, and I'm gonna bring it to you, all right?

Hey, take it easy, all right?

Hey, easy, easy. Hey!

I'm not gonna catch your ass if you fall.

I'd rather you not catch me if I fall, okay?

Got it.


All right.



Need another doughnut.

Danny: Army evac's here.

(grunts, panting)

Pilot: This is Rescue Chopper One.

(sharp groan)

Commander McGarrett.

Let's get you to the hospital.

Pilot: In position. Extracting.

Hey, Danny.

Steve: Thanks, brother.

Hey, how's Steve?

He shattered his forearm and picked up some nasty gashes from the fall.

Steve is fine.

That was a hell of a place to find a body.

Yeah. That far out, whoever dumped it there probably never wanted it to be found.

Probably figured the wild boars would vanish it.

Okay. We got an ID on our vic?

Yeah. His name is Jack Leung.

53 years old. He has a fishing boat license in his name that he works with his son Sean.

Fishing boat. Okay.

That would explain this.

What is that?

This is fish scales that Steve found around the g*nsh*t wound.

Chin: All right, well, if they were found around the g*nsh*t wound, maybe they were transferred pre-body dump.

From his boat?

Okay, I know this sounds ridiculous, but if we can identify these scales, then we get close to our primary crime scene.

Friend of mine's an ichthyologist at the university. Maybe he can identify them.

Danny: Okay, uh... this guy's in our system.

What was he arrested for?

All right, so according to his record, Jack Leung was a law-abiding citizen until three days ago, when he was charged for assaulting another fishing boat captain, down at the docks.

Booking sheet lists a slip down in Honolulu Harbor.

Leung's Fight Club partner, Sal Groves.

Leung assaulted him with a gaffing pole.

And get this: he's a licensed helicopter pilot.

Chin: He could've used a chopper to dispose of the body.

Oh, okay. Let's go talk to Sal, see if he knows why Leung ended up in the jungle.


So Sal's boat should be right down there.

All right, Kono, I want you to Leung's son Sean.

We'll go deal with Sal, all right?

All right, so we just went through the loop.

Sean: Now, this is the tricky part.

We're going to go around it five times, okay?

Just like that.

Officer Kono Kalakaua.

Are you Sean Leung?


Hey, Brian.

I want you to go down in the hold and do this ten more times. Okay?

Okay. Go below.

Good boy.

I take it you're not here to check for my permits.

I'm afraid not.

I'm sorry to inform you that... your father was found dead this morning.


He was shot.

His body was recovered in the mountains north of here.

Oh, my God.


Why would someone do this?

We don't know.

When was the last time you saw him?


He took the boat out for a short run, and got into some nice fish that I took to market.

Did you notice anything that was out of the ordinary?


I found my laptop on.

Uh... the only reason I noticed is 'cause I check the weather first thing.

My pops was old school.

No cell phone, no computers.

The only surfing he did was on a long board.

What can you tell me about the altercation your father had a couple days ago with Sal Groves?

He wouldn't tell me.

My father didn't want me to get involved.

Said he was taking care of it.

There's our boy.

Sal Groves, Five-O!

Cut your engines!

He's running.

Come on!



Hands up, Ahab.

Do it!

Chin: Now!

All right.

Thank you.

Chin: So why don't you save us a little time, tell us why you decided to go for a little jog.

'Cause I love cops so much.


You know, I-I-I told him, when I was thinking this.

I know why you were running.

So why don't you just sit here and ponder your love for law enforcement, while he goes and searches your boat.

You can't search the boat without a warrant.

Really? Watch.

What are you...

Sal: Hey! You can't do that!

What are you doing?

Shut up and pay attention to this.

What's that got to do with anything?

This has got to do with a lot.

See, 'cause we found this guy dead this morning, okay?

When we ran him through the system, your name came up.

What, you guys had a little beef?

Guy att*cked me.

Chin: Oh Oh! Got something.


We got a fresh catch.

A fresh catch of crystal meth.

And I think it's a new-fangled fishing pole.

That's not mine!

"It's not mine!

It's not mine."

Whose is it, then? What, it just fell into your net?

Listen. Don't you know how these drug busts go?

You give up the big fish... and you will give up the big fish...

Oh, and... by the way... your lawyer will 100% tell you that that's the play.

The dealer comes after you, chops you up into little pieces of poke and feeds you to the sand sharks.

Circle of life, babe.

But if you want to talk with us a little bit, cooperate, maybe we take these guys down before they find you.


Sal: Okay.


All right. Leung, he wouldn't go along.

Go along with what?

What we had going here.

You know, with the economy in the crapper, you gotta kind of improvise if you want to get paid.

OK... So you just pick up loads that just happen to fall off container ships?

Something like that.

Okay, keep going.

And these guys we were dealing with, they didn't like that Leung wasn't into it.

So, they said it was all or nothing, I had to get him in, or else they were going to take their business someplace else.

So you had to get him... so you shot him?



Guy was a pain in the ass, but I didn't k*ll him.

So what'd you do? You talk it through over tea and scones?

I went and met with him.


And I might've brought a baseball bat, and he might've fell on it a couple times, but that is all you're going to put on me.

So Leung finds out about the dr*gs and threatens to go to the police.


He just didn't want his kid involved.

All right.

We're going to run this g*n.

And we're going to find out if it matches the one that k*lled Leung.

And in the meantime... you and I are going to take a little walk.


Hi. I'm still waiting to hear back from Ballistics on the g*n we found on Sal's boat, but without a slug, it's gonna be tough.

You think he did it?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I mean, his GPS and his fuel logs put him 50 miles out to sea at the time of our victim's death.

But he has a chopper, though, right?

No, he does not have a chopper.

The bank now has a chopper.

He lost it a month ago.

You get anything off of our victim Leung's computer?

Oh, yeah. The browser history shows an article on the Jordan Rutherford case.

Jordan Rutherford is...

Okay, well...

Two months ago, Jordan Rutherford was accused of strangling Vicki Hailama, a 19-year-old college girl on spring break.

Yes, I remember. HPD's still looking for this guy.

Jordan Rutherford disappeared the day he became a suspect.

It was just like he vanished into thin air.

No one's seen him since.

Reporter: The parents of Vicki Hailama made a plea today for Jordan Rutherford to turn himself in.

The authorities have so far been unable to bring the m*rder suspect to justice.

Okay. All right. So what's the connection to Leung?

This is the last thing he was looking at the night he was k*lled.

Maybe he couldn't sleep, and he was just surfing.

Yeah, 'cause that's entertaining.

I mean, when I can't sleep, I watch old hockey fights on YouTube. What's up?

Those fish scales you brought back that were inside the g*nsh*t wound?

They came off an Etelis Carbunculus.

Locals call it Ehu.

They're pretty rare around here these days.

In fact, according to a fish dealer, only one load of them was sold today.

Okay. Who sold it?

It came off of Leung's boat.

Okay, good.

So, this guy gets k*lled on his own boat, and our number one suspect, Sal, is off catching tuna fish at the time of death?

Unless we have any evidence that shows otherwise, and a search of Leung's boat turned up nothing.

Maybe not.

Through the dealer, I was able to track the fish to that new restaurant, Morimoto.

I was thinking that maybe our k*ller left some evidence on it.

What? On the fish? Really?

You're kidding me.




Uncle said Auntie Mele's not going to make it through the night.


Bro, we got to go.

Go ahead.

McGarrett's on his way back.

We'll go see about the fish.

Go on.

(people conversing indistinctly)

(conversation stops abruptly)



Um, she's in the bedroom.

She's heavily sedated, but... she'll be glad to see you.

I'm so glad you came, Chin.

It's good to see you, Auntie.


I'm here, Auntie.

Promise me you'll look after Uncle after I'm gone.

I promise.

I need to talk to you.

I'll be right back, okay?

It's up to you to make this thing between Chin Ho and your Uncle right.

Keako: This is in the past.

You know, this is how we discuss this.

He won't even talk to me about it.

Everything was fine between them until I got sick... and then Chin was dismissed from the Force.

Do you think those two things are related?

I'm afraid to ask.

Chin: I will help you through this again.

Keako: I made up my mind!

Why would you want to take it on for yourself?

Keako: 'Cause I knew. Truth out, and you'll help me.

(horn beeps)


Right here, boss!

Where's the wheelchair and the cute nurse?


What's all this?

Sorry, brah.

Big sale on ice.

They had a sale on ice.

Mean sale.

Uh-well. I'm sure glad you stopped for ice.

Mahaloes for picking me up, brother.

Anytime, brother.


♪ ♪

Auntie knows.

Knows what?

That this thing between you and Uncle has something to do with you being kicked off the Force.

Is that what you two spent your time talking about?

Look, I heard you two arguing about money.

Yeah, well, you heard wrong.

It was nothing.

I'm thinking it was Uncle who took the money from the Asset Forfeiture Locker, and you're the one who took the fall, but what I haven't figured out yet is why.

You know what, Kono?

Just drop it, okay?

(tires screech)

Look, don't lie to me, Chin!

Not now!

Am I right or am I not?!


Auntie got sick and needed a kidney.

But you know how hard it is to get on the donor list for a transplant here in the islands, right?

Yeah, but she got a kidney.

She did, but she didn't get it the way that Uncle said.

Auntie would have died waiting on that list.

But Uncle knew some people in China who could get her one on the black market.

The thing is, nobody in our family has that kind of money.

Did you know he was going to take it?

No. Uncle did what he had to do.

You could have said something.

Why did you take the fall?

You lost your badge.

What was I supposed to do?

Tell IA what really happened and watch Uncle go to jail?

You're a cop.

You're supposed to tell the truth.

Sometimes things aren't so simple, Kono.

I promised Uncle that Auntie would be shielded from all of this.

I kept my promise.

(sniffles) When Auntie passes, you're gonna tell the truth.

That's what Uncle wants, isn't it?

Yeah, but what good is it gonna do?

I finally found a home here with 5-O, Kono.

Whatever happened, happened.


(Marimoto singing song with karaoke machine)

Steve: Where's the chef?

(karaoke singing continues)

(speaking Japanese)

Stop the music, please.

Yeah. Steve McGarrett.

Hi, Steve.

This is Detective Danny Williams. Five-O.


I'm just testing my new karaoke machine.


Had it flown over from Japan.

It's special.

It's nice.

You like karaoke?

Yes, I do.

You have a lovely voice.

I don't know. (laughs)

Uh, we-we spoke to your fish dealer this morning.


And he said that you purchased, well, fish.


Yes, yes. Ehu, yes. Can we see the catch?

Yes, I take you.

Thank you. Arigoto.

Here you are.

This is mine... of today.

Danny: Hey, buddy, after you.

It's all you, babe.

I can't get my cast wet.

That's low.

That's really low.

What exactly are we looking for?

We'll know when we find it, so be thorough.

Oh, be thorough. Okay.

Yeah, be thorough.

Check every fish, Danny.

Oh, okay.

All the fish in the box.

You're going to pay for this, 100%.

Looks like a fish.



When you know it.

Another big, red fish.


Nice size.

Nice size, yeah.

We got a fish, we got another fish.

Look at this fish.

This is a special fish, huh?

That's a b*llet hole.

Yeah. You see, either they got an interesting new way to catch fish, or we just found our ballistics evidence.


Small caliber.

I bet it went into the fish after it went through our victim.

I'll get it to the lab.





Hey, boss, how is it?

Good to have you back in one piece.

Well, Kono, it's good to be back in one piece.

Phew! What's that smell?

Oh, that's the sashimi special.


Yeah. Danny went home to change his shirt.

I heard you guys lucked out at Morimoto's.

We did. Uh, we recovered a fired round from a .38.

The same caliber as Sal Groves' g*n.

Ballistics is running it through now. What do you got?

All right, the lab just sent this over.

They found traces of jet fuel on our vic's shoes, clothing and skin.

Jet fuel. Okay, he could have come into contact with that when his body was dumped.

Yeah, but, uh, the skin absorption rate suggests that Leung came into contact with it hours before his death.

Oh. Hey, wait a minute.

Why is a fish boat captain handling jet fuel anyway?

Yeah, it's not just any jet fuel.

This stuff is a new biofuel.

There's only one airstrip on the island that uses it.

And the lab traced it back to High Blue Jet Charters.

The Web site says they fly everywhere.

Even over remote locations where you can dump a body?

Even over those.


Man: Yeah, I recognize him.

It's, uh, Jack Leung.

Worked the graveyard shift, refueling, routine maintenance.

Wait a minute.

He worked here?

Yeah. Said he wanted to pick up some extra money.

Hard worker.

Always talking about his son, their fishing boat.

Said times were tough on the docks.

Okay, did he work last night?

Yeah, sure did.

It's our busy season.

Something wrong?

Yeah, something's wrong.

We found his body in the jungle this morning.


So, we know that he came in contact with a special kind of jet fuel several hours before his death.

Like I said, he was our main gas-and-go guy last night.

Okay. Did anything out of the ordinary happen last night?

Yeah, he wanted to use the computer in the office.

What for?

Something about a flight manifest.

Why would he want to see a flight manifest?

Sometimes the guys... they get curious about the folks using the strip.

Just last week, Warren Buffett comes through.

But you know, the ground crew... they're more interested in rock stars, athletes.

Do you remember the plane by any chance?

No, but we didn't have any VIPs come through last night.

All right, can we take a look at his locker?

Yeah, it's just inside, to the left.

Look what I found... flight manifest.

That he wasn't supposed to have.

Okay, the jet is owned by a Lotus Leaf Holding Company.

One-way charter to Hong Kong.

One passenger, and there's no name.

It had to be important.

I mean, went through all the trouble of stealing it.

All right, Leung goes fishing, okay?

Then he comes, he works the nightshift here, and he sees something.

Then he comes home, and he gets k*lled on his own boat.

Question is, what did he see that got him k*lled?

Chin: Lotus Leaf Holding Company... several companies folded into one.

Looks like an import outfit.

Real estate holdings, as well.

Okay, uh, bring up the incorporation paperwork and find me a primary.

Donald Rutherford.

Wait a minute.

You think he's any relation to Jordan Rutherford, the Spring Break Strangler?

He's his father.


Wasn't Leung looking up the Rutherford case right before he was m*rder*d?

Yeah, he was.

He was, right?


Ballistics just got a hit on that .38 you pulled out of the fish.

It wasn't from Sal Groves' g*n, but they did get a hit.

The slug came from a g*n sold at Ace g*n & r*fle.

The owner's an ex-cop who registers a ballistics profile of every g*n that he sells.

Guess who the buyer was.

Donald Rutherford.


But why would he want to k*ll Leung?

I think I know why.

The flight manifest that we pulled out of Leung's locker... it said, one passenger, right?

Yeah, but that couldn't have been Donald Rutherford.

That flight took off hours before Leung was k*lled.

Yeah, that's because it wasn't Donald Rutherford on that plane.

It was Jordan Rutherford.


So Leung witnessed Donald Rutherford helping his son escape from the island.


Okay, Daddy wants to keep the secret, so he follows Leung back to the boat, he kills him, secret safe.

Not anymore.

Not anymore.

(doorbell buzzing)

Man (over intercom): Can I help you?

Mr. Rutherford, Steve McGarrett from Five-O.

We'd like a word.

I'll be right down.


You think he's running?

Yeah, I do.

(alarm blaring)

Donald Rutherford?

(alarm continues blaring)

Donald Rutherford?

(whispers): Go.

(alarm continues blaring)

This door's locked.


The window's are all shut.

He's still in here.

All right, I'm gonna call a K-9 unit.

No, no, wait. I've got a better idea.

Just wait here.

(TV playing indistinctly)

Come on, come on, where are you?

(whispering): Hey, hey, hey, hey.

He's in the floor.

The son of a bitch is in the floor.

Donald Rutherford, put the g*n down right now.

I'm not gonna do that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey.

You know why we're here?

I'm not a stupid man.

Steve: Okay, you were trying to protect your son.

Okay, I get that.

You don't get anything.

You have no idea what it's like to see your boy's name dragged through the papers... hunted.

Let me ask you a question.

How long you think you were gonna hide him down here, huh?

You were just doing what any good father would do, all right?

Okay... okay, you see this?

I'm gonna put my w*apon away, okay?

Don't sh**t me, now.

You sh**t me, he's gonna sh**t you, and it'll be a big mess.

The guy you shot, his name was Jack Leung.

Hey. Leung, he took that other job so that he could take care of his son.

What happened, did Jack catch you trying to smuggle your son out of the country, is that what happened?

He knew.

After weeks of hiding my son and trying to get him out, I wasn't gonna let that man mess things up.

Jordan's all I have.

He's not some monster.

Well... he k*lled that girl.

Her name was Vicki Hailama.

He made a mistake, a stupid mistake... and he should pay with his whole life?

"Stupid mistake"?

No, he strangled that girl.

He strangled her because she wouldn't go up to his hotel room, and then he dumped her body in the ocean.

It's not a stupid mistake... that's what your son did.

Well, he's safe now.

And if you think I'm gonna tell you where he is, you're wrong... dead wrong.

This your son?

Don't you touch that.



Sean: I don't understand what my father was doing working at that airstrip.

He was doing it to help you pay for the boat.

He never said anything.

I knew he wanted me to take over the boat, but I would have made it on my own.

Not with what was going on here.

That's why he took the job at the airstrip... to help you... and your family.

Your father saw Jordon Rutherford, and he knew he was wanted for m*rder.

So Donald Rutherford followed him here?

Because of what your father did, Jordan Rutherford's been picked up by Hong Kong Police.

He's being extradited to stand trial for m*rder.

Sean: We're going to his favorite spot to spread the ashes.

Thank you.

Thank you for what you've done.

Thank you.


My boy, he wants you to have something.

Sean: It's called a slim beauty knot.

My father taught it to me.

Now my son knows it.

Your grandfather was a hero.

Always remember that.

(emcee speaking Hawaiian)

Emcee: Friday night is always special here at Hilton Hawaiian Village.

Tonight's music guest is... Hapa!

Do you mind if I sign that cast?

No, I do not mind.

He minds. I mind, too, if you sign his cast.

So no.

Steve: I don't mind at all.


Where are you going?


Danny: You gonna let her sign your cast and not me, after everything I've done for you?

Hey, did he not tell you what I did for him?


Well, I saved his life, basically.

Steve: Technically, that's not true.

Danny: Not technically true?

Okay, how about this?

Next time I leave you out in the middle of nowhere with a busted arm.

Steve: What's your name?

I'm, uh, Sandrine.

Hi. I'm Steve. How are you?

Hey, wahine.

too loud.

How about "marticulating" up the beach with me?


I'm a wounded bird, too...

I need some TLC.

Danny: Shave ice, do yourself a favor, do me a favor, actually, nobody wants to "marticulate" with you...


So sit down and I'll buy a round.

Take the table cloth off.

She wants the table cloth back.

Uh, you guys have a good night.

To "marticulation," huh?

Steve: To "marticulation," man.

(loud popping)

(people cheering)

(phone ringing)

Chin: Yeah?

(fireworks popping)

Okay. Okay.

I got it.

Auntie passed.

♪ ♪