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01x14 - He Kane Hewa'ole (An Innocent Man)

Posted: 01/20/11 07:09
by bunniefuu
(indistinct radio transmission)

Back in the day, this used to be my beat.

District 5.


Every good cop knows his neighborhood.

I used to spend 60-plus hours a week here, and most of it was to get to know the people.

Earn their trust, right?


If people trust you, then they'll open up when the time comes.

(indistinct radio transmission)

Makes a cop's job a lot easier.

You ever wish you'd chosen another line of work?

Every day.

(both laugh)


Dispatcher: All units, suspect pursuit west on Kamehameha Highway, passing Makalapa Road.

That's only a couple blocks from here.

Can we go?

Well, you got the badge and the wheel.

(tires screeching)


(siren wailing)

This is Kelly and Kalakaua, Five-O, we're on it.

(tires screeching, siren wailing)

Sat Nav voice: 4.6 miles to exit 15.

(siren wailing)

(tires screeching)

You did pass the HPD test for pursuit driving, yeah?

There's a test?

4.2 miles to exit 15.

(tires screeching, siren wailing)

3.8 miles to exit 15.

(tires screeching)

Traffic ahead.

(tires screeching)

(sirens wailing)

Sat Nav voice: Redirecting.

Put your hands where I can see 'em!

When possible, please make a U-turn.

(siren wailing)

Let me see your hands!

Sat Nav voice: Redirecting.

When possible, please make a U-turn.

Chin, I got blood.

What is it?

(gasps): Oh, my God.

(Hawaii Five-O theme song plays)

♪ Hawaii Five-O 1x14 ♪
He Kane Hewa'ole

Original Air Date on January 17, 2010

♪ ♪




What happened to the courtesy knock?

Oh, uh, I think it got played out with the high-five and the bro-hug.

I could... you want me to do it now?


What's in the box?

I got you a present.

You got me a present?

Yeah, I wanted to put a smile on your face.


No, UPS left it for you.

You know anybody in Bettendorf, Iowa?

Yeah. Finally.

So, uh, what is this?

I, uh, I've been looking for a master cylinder for my dad's car.

That piece of junk in the garage?

Hey, all right, that piece of junk in the garage was my dad's pride and joy, and he bought it for us to fix up together.

We just never got around to it.


So you thinking about getting it started again?

Yeah, I'm doing okay, too.

I found this place in lowa that do parts for Mercury Marquis, so, you know...


You know, I am not a gearhead, but that does not look like a master cylinder to me.

Yeah, that's because it's a clutch plate.

Do me a favor.

Am I crazy or does that say "1974 master cylinder for a Mercury Marquis"?

You bought it online?

Yeah, I bought... Why?

What, are you a schmuck?

What's the matter with you?

You don't order anything off the lnternet.

Danny, it's the 21st century.

Says the guy with no master cylinder.

All right, you got a point.

(phone ringing)


Yes, we're on our way.

Looks like a bad wreck.

CHiPs. Reminds me of CHiPs.

You remember CHiPs?

Of course I remember CHiPs.

You know I always thought that would be the sweetest gig.

You get to ride a motorcycle all day, solving crimes, you go on chases.

No, n-no, you know, the mortality rate for motor cops is five times higher than regular people.

Danny, it's a TV cop fantasy.

Why you got to ruin it with statistics?

All right, fine, it's a TV cop fantasy.

In my TV cop fantasy, I am Erik Estrada, you're the other guy.

I don't think so, baby.

What do we got?

HPD says it started as a routine traffic stop, then the kid gunned it and took off.

Is he alive?


EMS took a while to stabilize him.

They're working on getting him out now.

Danny: Got an I.D.?

Not yet, but, uh, we ran the plates and found out the car's a rental.

Kono's reaching out right now to the car rental company to get the driver's info.

Wait a second.

Call said this was a crime scene.

This looks like a traffic accident.

Well, we're here because it's about to get interesting.

We got a John Doe.

Actually, scratch that-- we got part of a John Doe.

What it is, Max?

Holy geez.

Something you don't see every day.

Max: White male, approximately 30.

Cloudiness of the cornea puts T.O.D. at about six to eight hours ago.

There's not a lot of blood in the box.

Minimal capillary hemorrhaging indicates postmortem dismemberment.

You'll notice the irregular marks alongside the posterior surface of the C3 vertebra.

Really, Steve?

Most likely caused by a saw.

You ever see anything like this before?

m*rder and mutilation, uh, as an isolated incident, no.

It's a serial k*ller thing.

Well, the head could be a trophy.

They just pulled the driver out, but EMS doesn't think he's going to make it.

Hey, guys.

What's your name?

Look, we found the head.

Okay, why'd you k*ll him?

Who is he?

Just give me a name.

Who is the guy?


What did he say?

Ming-húa-- it's a name in Mandarin.


Ming-húa-- is that, is that your name?

Is that you?

Is it the dead guy?

Who's Ming-húa?

Tell me, who's Ming-húa?

Is it you?

Danny: Great, now we got two John Does.

And no answers.

Kono: Spoke to the rental car company.

Turns out the renter is a local.

His name's Spenser Owens.

Okay, doesn't look like Spenser's our driver or our victim.

Kono: No, he's alive and well.

No priors, not even a speeding ticket in the system.

HPD said he reported the car stolen this morning, and I have officers bringing him over for a statement.

Let's just assume the driver is the m*rder*r, okay?

He put a head in a box, he went for a cruise in a stolen car.

Where was he going?

GPS was damaged during the accident.

Maybe I can pull something off it, though.

Get a point of origin, destination.

Danny: Hey.

All right, so I ran prints on our driver and the ones found on the box through AFIS, TSA, and lmmigration, but I still came up with nothing.

Chin: Driver spoke Mandarin, right?

Maybe he was illegal.

That would explain why he's not in the system.


Okay, what about our John Doe #2?

You mean Jack?

You got an I.D.?

No, Ja-- his head was in a box-- Jack.

That just ain't right, bro.

Too soon?

Steve: Little bit.

Okay, what do you know about him?

Uh, besides the fact that his eyes were blue, nothing, but Max said he's done posting the body and the head, so... we should head over.


(Danny laughs)

We need to I.D. these guys, figure out what's going on.

Chin, you take the car.

Kono, talk to this Spenser guy who rented the car.

We'll go talk to Max.


You have zero sense of humor. Zero.

That's not true.

I... It's bad, Danny.

Kono: Spenser, you're a local.

What are you doing renting a car?

Mine was in the shop.

I've been working nights on a loft conversion off Farrington, so I didn't even realize the car was gone till I left work this morning.

I see you filed a police report.

Yes, that's the first thing I did.

Report says that you left the keys in the car.

I'm an idiot.

I lose everything, so I left them under the visor.

Did you also happen to leave a box in the car before it was stolen?

A box?

No, I... I didn't leave anything in the car.

Did you use the GPS?

No, I did not use the GPS.

Look, can you please tell me what's going on?


We found your car.


You get the guy who stole it?

Something like that.

Do you recognize this man?


What about him?


No, ma'am.

What about the name Ming-húa?


I-I wish I could be of more help.


Thank you.

I ran your driver's dental records.

Cross-referenced with the name Ming-húa.

Nothing showed up in the system.

I also talked to my colleagues on the other islands, and they report nothing in terms of similar M.O.

Maybe it was his first k*ll.

Yeah, either that or he's done a good job of covering his tracks so far.

Doesn't the HPD have a tattoo database they use to I.D. suspects?

Why, you don't think that says "mom" in Chinese?

Not exactly.

It's Triad.

This guy was in a g*ng.

Max, what else you got?

Noticed traces of grease and motor oil under his fingernails.

Danny: There's a lot of wear and tear on his hands for a guy his age.

Yeah, signs of manual labor.

Like hacking a guy's head off with a saw?

Obviously, for our... smaller victim, uh, there were no fingerprints to be had or identified.

No hits on the dental.

But I did run blood and tissue samples to Tox, as well as reference samples to DNA.

I will let you know when I have those results.


Hey, I just got off the phone with McGarrett.

Still no I.D.s on our two John Does.

And I ran faces through Missing Persons.

Nothing there.

All right.

What about the guy who rented the car?

Just your average victim of an auto theft.

Didn't give us anything useful.

Have faith, cuz.

The case is hardly cold.

What are you doing with the GPS?

Just watch.

(computer beeping)


It's alive.

All right, let's see if we can get any data off of it.

(computer dings)



All right, looks like there was one address inputted--

Chin: 11878 Keawe Street.

It's an office building-- couple dozen businesses, multiple employees.

Here's a list.

Now based on the time the address was entered, I'd say Keawe Street was our driver's final destination.

No pun intended.

(phone ringing)

Max, go ahead.

You're on speaker.

In analyzing the isotope ratios of oxygen and hydrogen in the driver's hair, I've linked him to the drinking water supply in the Waipahu area.

Wait. Spenser said his car was stolen off of Farrington.

That's right. Farrington goes straight through Waipahu.

That makes sense.

There's a pocket of Chinese immigrants that lives right there.

Great work, Max.

Max: Thank you.

How's your Mandarin?

(speaks Mandarin)

(crowd chatter)

He recognize our vic?

Yeah. He says the kid comes in here all the time.

He works at a salvage yard couple of blocks down the street.

(engine revving)

Hey, you don't see many of those on the island.

What's this, a '57?

(speaking Mandarin)

Hey, you speak English?


We need to ask you some questions.

My grandson, Ming-húa.


(speaking Mandarin)


(speaking Mandarin)

Hey, Ming-húa.

You like action figures? Huh?

Me, too.

Me, too, buddy.

Wait a minute.

I had one just like this.

My dad got me one just like this when I was about your age.

Let's see if we can fix him up here.

(plastic clicks)


Good as new.

Here you go.

Sir, do you know where the boy's father is?

Is this him?

What's happened?

Where's my son?

(man crying)



(heavy sigh)

Mr. Chi, when you're ready, we'd like to ask you some questions.


Mr. Chi, we found your son in a stolen car, the victim's head in a... in a box.


It's not possible.

Han could never do these things, no.

What did Han do for work?

He work for me... on cars.

When was the last time you saw your son?

Yesterday morning.

He was... he was very excited...

He said, man gave him a $1,000 job.

What man? Did he give you a name?


He said that man said, you make delivery. That's all.

He good man. He...

He take good care for Ming-húa.

If he was was a good man, why was he running from the police?

(speaking Mandarin)

(speaking Mandarin)

What's going on?

They're here illegally.

Seven years ago, we come here to find new home, to find new life.

Han work very hard for his family.

He would never k*ll any person.

If that's true, we'll prove that.

Danny: So, I-I want to know something.

Tell me, what is it that makes you turn into a softie?

What is that supposed to mean?

What? You just told this guy that you're gonna make sure his son is proven innocent.

And I'm just curious, what happens when you are wrong?

The last words out of Han Chi's mouth were his son's name, okay? Ming-húa.

I mean, does that sound like a person that goes around cutting people's heads off?

Son of Sam liked dogs.

Norman Bates loved his mother.

That's a movie, Danny.

I can give you more non-cinematic references if you like.

I'm just saying, I don't think Han's our guy.

Oh, well, good.

Then it's a wrap.

Hey, you know what I mean?

Let's just go get a plate lunch and call it a day.

There's nothing in Han Chi's autopsy that ties him to the m*rder.

Okay? Which means there's no hard evidence, which you like to say, right?

Danny, as far as we know, Han Chi never even met the victim.

The guy's driving around with a head in his car, Steven.

Okay? Just a head.

A grande cabeza.

The cops go to pull him over, and he runs.

Yeah, the guy's in the country illegally, Danny.

He's gonna get deported if he stops.

I mean, he's got a kid here.

What are you talking about?

See? Stop.

You're done because now I see what's going on.

Why is it that every time somebody's father is involved, you get all goofy? Yeah...

I'm not getting goofy. It's got nothing to do with my father.

I'm telling you, every time we get in a situation like this, you lose all objectivity.

It's got nothing to do...

It's call transference, my friend.

Oh, okay. Now I didn't know I was traveling in a car with Dr. Sigmund Freud.

♪ You don't have to save everybody. ♪ You don't.

That's all. Okay.

You done?

If you've learned something.

I'll take a "yes" there if it'll shut you up.

Somebody offered Han $1,000 to deliver a package.

He took the job and delivered the package so he could put food on the table and feed his family.

But he was just the messenger, Danny.

The guy who hired Han to deliver the package-- that's the k*ller. That's the person we're looking for.

Got tox results back on our severed head.

Lab found elevated levels of lead in his blood.

Which could mean our official C.O.D. is a g*nsh*t wound.


Also found traces of iodine-131.


Yeah, it's radioactive.

Our John Doe was being treated for thyroid cancer.

Based on these levels, most likely dosed within the week.

All right.

So, what's our next move?

I don't know.

What would you do, rook?


Uh, I'd start canvassing our local hospitals and oncology wards.

See if anyone recognizes our vic.


Um... oh, you know, Hawaii Medical Center West has the best oncology ward on the island.

Yeah, they do, don't they?

Hey, look, I can, uh...

I can handle it if you want.

I mean, if you're not comfortable.

No, no. I'll go with.

You sure?

Yeah. I'll be fine, kid.



Any luck?

Oh, waiting for the hospital administrator.

The nurses won't release any information without approval or a warrant.

Patient confidentiality and all.


Did you touch base with McGarrett?

Yeah. He thinks the driver was just the messenger, not the k*ller.

Other than that, they got nothing.

You having second thoughts about coming?

I told you I'm fine.

Really? 'Cause that's the third time you hit the elevator button.



How's this?

I'll go wait at the nurses' station.

I'll meet you at the lobby.

Hey, I'm a cop, remember?

Sometimes you got to go places and see people you're not necessarily comfortable with.

It's just part of the job.

Okay. Whatever you say, cuz.

I'll go see what's taking so long.

Be right back.

(elevator bell dings)



Uh... it's great to see you.

Um, yeah.

Great to see you, too.

Uh, so, what-what are you doing here?

Um, Kono and I are working on a John Doe case.

Whoa. Kono's here.

I'd-I'd love to see her.

Oh, yeah, well, I'm sure she'd love to see you, too.

Uh, look, I...

Look, I...

(both laugh)

Ah, you-you first.

Well, I just...


I think this is the first time we've seen each other since...

It is.

You look amazing.

Thank you.

You're wearing it.

Well, you told me to keep it, so...

I did.

Listen, I hope you know that everything I did was to protect you.

I didn't want your protection, Chin. I...

When it ended between us... everyone thought I was the one that left you.


That really hurt.


I'm sorry.

Hey, Malia.


How are you?


So, uh, what are you doing here?

Well, actually, um, maybe you can help us.

We're trying to identify a homicide victim, might have been a cancer patient here.

Oh, my God.

That's Henry.


Chin: His name was Henry Duncan.

35 years old. He was a high school physics teacher.

Emergency contact listed n his file was his wife Nicole.

Kono put in a call to the house, but all she got was a busy signal.

Nobody has a busy signal anymore.

It means something's wrong.

Chin, get us the address.

We're on the way.

Ill text it.


Nicole Duncan?

Clear in here.

Nicole's gone, but come check this out.

We got, uh, blood splatter on the walls.

And a broken heel.


Probably came off in a struggle.

Blood's high velocity, consistent of a g*nsh*t wound.

This could be where Henry Duncan was m*rder*d.


Or his wife.



All right. Thank you.

Okay, uh, according to her boss, Nicole Duncan did not show up for work today.

I got alerts out.

We got her credit cards, cash, cell phone.

All right, all signs are pointing to Nicole joining her husband in the victim category.

(disconnection tone beeps)

All right.

If we can't find her, at least we can find out who they spoke to last.


WOMAN'S VOICE: You've reached Hawaiian Airlines flight information.

Airline computer.

Okay, hang on.

Uh, what is it... star 69.

Dial star 69 and see about the last incoming call.

Man: Hello?

Hey, Jimmy?

I think you have the wrong number.

Who's this?

Robert Rovin. Who's this?

Oh, wrong number. Sorry.

Hold on. Hold on.

Hold on. Hold on.

What you got?

Robert Rovin.

I knew that name sounded familiar. Robert Rovin.

He's one of the guys on Chin's list.

GPS destination.

Okay, he's got an investment firm on the tenth floor of that building on Keawe Street.

Where Han Chi was going.

Yeah, with Duncan's head.

Danny: Are you sure?

Okay, yeah.

We're on our way now.

What is it?

Chin ran background on Robert Rovin.

Okay, and it turns out that he's related to our head in the box.

He's Henry Duncan's father-in-law.

Nicole's father?

Yeah. Since he never filed a missing persons report, that means one of two things-- either he knows what's going on, or we are on our way to make a death notification.

Henry was m*rder*d?

Do you know who did it?

That's what we're working on right now.

My daughter?

What about, uh, Nicole?

I'm afraid she's missing.

What? Missing?

What do you mean, she's missing?

We haven't found her yet, but I have my task force and every available police officer looking for her.




Look, um, we know this is difficult for you.

Please, if you can, you just tell us when's the last time you spoke to your daughter?

I-I, um...

I called her a few days ago.

Okay, um, by any chance, did she mention a trip that she was planning?

No, no. That's impossible.

Henry was sick.

He... he was fighting cancer.

He spent most of his time at the hospital.

Could she have gone someplace by herself?

No. She wouldn't have left him alone, uh, during chemo.

When was the last time you spoke to Henry?

Monday. We-We, uh...

We met for dinner.

Anything strange about that night?

Other than the fact that his disease was sucking the life out of him, no.


I can't lose my little girl.

She's all I have left.

We're going to get to the bottom of this.

Do either of you have any children?

Yeah, I do. I have a daughter.

Then you'll understand the lengths you'll go to as a parent to protect your children.

(phone ringing)

Gentlemen, I've been expecting this call, so please, if you'll excuse me....

Um, listen, we're going to let you know as soon as we hear something.

Thank you.

Really quickly, I have one quick question for you.

You ever seen this man before?

No, I haven't.


We have reason to believe that he was on his way here last night.

Well, if he was, I had no idea, so...

(ringing continues)


Uh, excuse me.

Yeah, of course.

That was interesting.

You see how panicked he got when he got that phone call?

See how he was talking about his daughter?

Yeah. "The lengths you would go to protect your children."

Tell you what, that cat knows something.

He just did a bad job of hiding it.

I'm going to call Kono.

We'll sit on Rovin, see what he's up to.

All right.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

How fast can she get here?

♪ ♪

Whoa, whoa. Not so close, Wilcox.

Don't tell me how to tail a suspect.

And if this was CHiPs,

I'd be Estrada.

You'd be Wilcox.

I don't think so.

What's he up to?

Looks like he's got company.

(talking indistinctly)

It's a money drop.

g*n! g*n! Come on!

Come on! Come on!

Hold on!

(tires squeal)

(tires squeal)

Where'd he go?


Spenser Owens.


He rented the Mustang that Chi was driving.

Hey, hey.

Listen to me. Hey.

Where's Nicole? You need to tell us where Nicole is.

Huh? Can you hear me?

Listen to me!

Where's Nicole?

He can't die.

If anything goes wrong, they'll k*ll my daughter. I...

I just sent Owens' g*n off to ballistics in case we find Duncan's body.

Hopefully, we can match it up to a slug.

All right, I want deep background on Owens-- all known associates, addresses, the whole bit.

So you've never seen this guy before?

No, I never saw him before.

The only contact I had with this guy was over the phone.

He said he and his associates had Nicole.

He said, uh, Henry tried to escape, so they k*lled him, but Nicole is was still alive, and if I ever wanted to see her again, I had to give him $5 million.

Okay. So you never thought to call the police?

He told me he'd k*ll her if I told anyone, so he told me to prove he was serious, he was going to send me a package.

But I never got anything.

I had him.

I had him and I let him go.

He wasn't even a suspect.

You did your job.




You're not psychic.

You can't read people's minds.

I should have known he was lying.

That comes with time and experience, Kono.

Look, we all make mistakes.

You got to learn to live with that, because that's part of the job.

(indistinct radio transmissions)

She all right?

She will be.

Danny: Hey, guys, come here.

(flies buzzing)

What do you got?

What is it?


Usually find them around dead bodies.


Here we go.

Looks like we found the rest of Henry Duncan.

All right, uh, male.

g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Danny: No, no, no.

He doesn't need...


Hey, hey, hey.

You got to find my daughter!

You've got to find her!

Get him out of here.

(sobs): My daughter. God.

Listen to me.

Listen to me now.

When Spenser does not return with that money, all right, whoever he's working with is going to know that this went bad... and then Nicole's dead.


Nicole Duncan.





She's not here.

He must have stashed her someplace else.

Call HPD, tell them Nicole might be being held at a secondary location.

And get that saw over to the crime lab, okay?

I want to make sure that blood doesn't belong to Nicole.

Looks like our boy was taking a trip.

Pretty sure he was planning a vacation once he got that ransom money.

Hey, Chin, listen, find out if Spenser Owens purchased any overseas airline trips recently.

Hey, tell him to call Hawaiian Airlines.

Uh, cross-reference any itineraries of female passengers or traveling companions.

You get that?

I'm on it.

(computer trilling)

What are you thinking?

I am thinking that Nicole is definitely involved, right?

But I don't think she's traveling under her own name.

I think she's a little too smart for that.

Smart enough to stage her own kidnapping?

Yeah, I think so.

A little help from Spenser.

Right? I mean, let's think about it.

The guy has never committed a crime in his entire life.

And this-- this beautiful place-- is this where you'd bring a hostage?

That's pretty slim.


I'll tell you what's not slim.

What's not slim is that he's got his bags packed.

She made a call from her house to Hawaiian Airlines, and we have champagne.



Champagne with bubbles.

Poured recently.

Look at you.

Why was he drinking champagne if he hasn't gotten the money yet?

(phone ringing)

I wonder what shade Nicole wears.

Chin, go ahead.

Yeah, you were right.

Looks like Spenser purchased two first class tickets to Paris.

Paris, France. France has no extradition treaty with the U.S.

Yeah. He's traveling with a female companion by the name of Erin Barrett, but I can't find any information on her.

Oh, you won't.

It's an alias.

How'd you get to be so smart?

Man (over P.A.): This is the final boarding call for Flight 1182 bound for Paris.

Spenser, where are you?

I've been leaving messages.

Baby, I'm worried.

The plane's about to leave.

This is the final boarding call for Flight 1182 bound for Paris.


Steve: You know, if statistics are anything to go by, flying's actually the safest mode of transportation.

Excuse me?

Well, you seem nervous, that's all.

I'm waiting for somebody.


I don't want to miss my plane.

The thing is, uh... Nicole, that, uh, we-we know everything.

Or should I say Erin?


Oh, um, I don't think Spenser's going to make it.

Actually, I'm positive he's not gonna make it.

The slug we pulled out of your husband's body was a match to the g*n that Spenser had on him, and the thing is, it wasn't just Spenser's prints that we found on the g*n.

Yours were there, too, Nicole.

Danny: I'm just curious about one thing.

Um, how long...

Uh, how long were you having an affair with Spenser before you decided to k*ll your husband?

And why did you, uh... why did you fake your own kidnapping?

I mean, your husband was already dying of cancer.

I couldn't get five million out of my father if he died that way.



That's... that's cold.

So what about Han Chi?

Where does he fit in all of this?


Who? What, are you an owl?

Han Chi. He's the guy that you paid to bring the head of your ex-husband to your father.

I don't know.

Just some day laborer Spenser hired who used to cut his lawn.

You just figured you'd, uh... you'd use him again.

Spenser wanted somebody who didn't ask any questions.

And this guy needed the work.

Spenser rented him a car, plugged the address into the GPS.

All he had to do was drop off the box.

Right, when he didn't, Spenser reported the car stolen, and then you figured that we'd think that Han was the k*ller.

If that guy hadn't messed up, we'd be in Paris right now, and he'd have some money in his pocket.

He'd also be an accomplice to a m*rder.

But Han Chi is dead now because of you.

And you know what else?

A little boy lost a father today because you wanted to take the easy way out.


I really, really hope that you spend the rest of your life rotting in a jail cell thinking about that.

Are you done?

Am I done?


Yeah, I'm done.

Hey, Danny?


You need to get this woman away from me.


You coming?

No. You go.

I'll catch up.



I'm glad we could prove that Han Chi was innocent.

Thank you.

For everything you have done for my son.

There's one last thing.

What is it?

It's a letter signed by the Governor of Hawaii.

It states that she's personally expediting your citizenship papers.

You're gonna be a U.S. citizen.

You and your family.


I... I have something for you.


What is this?


Master cylinder, '74 Mercury Marquis.

You need help putting in, you call me.


Xie xie.


Thank you.

(speaking Mandarin)

(horns honking on video)

Danny: Estrada was a bad bitch, man.

Yup. That's why there's no way.

Wait a minute.

Why can't I be Estrada?

In a world where I didn't exist, you could be whatever you want.

That world sounds lovely.

It's logistics, anyway, Danny.

You know, I mean, Estrada's got dark hair.

Wilcox is the blonde.

I know.

I know, but ladies loved Estrada.

Case in point, bub.

Please. Please stop.

You're making a fool of yourself.

Okay? Just stop.

I'm just saying.

No. Just listen to what I'm saying, man.

I have more in common with Estrada. It's just...

Like what? What do you have in common? Like a nickname?

'Cause I didn't know you had a nickname.

I have a nickname, and so did Ponch.

That's ridiculous.

Just 'cause I call you Danno doesn't make you Ponch.

Can we just both be Estrada?


That's fine.

What are you guys watching?

CHiPs marathon.

I never heard of it.

I used to watch this show as a kid.

Got me interested in riding bikes.

Ooh, that guy's pretty hot.

Steve: The dark one, right?

No. The blonde.

Oh, that's me.