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01x06 - Ko'olauloa (North Shore of O'ahu)

Posted: 10/28/10 01:50
by bunniefuu
(crowd gasps)

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Coral Prince Surf Championship here at world famous Pipeline.

How about a big hand for all of our competitors?

On the water, some of the finest champions both past and present: we got Ty Samson, Greg Richardson, Kono Kalakaua.

I miss this, Kono, being out here with the people who mean the most to me.

This is where I want to be.

I think your fans couldn't agree more.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce the man behind the brand, Ian Adams!

That's your cue.

Let's give 'em a show.


(cheering and whistling)

Whoo! Go, Ian!


(crowd gasps)



Got him.

Go, go, go!

Ladies and gentlemen, please give the lifeguards some room.

Ian! Ian!

(distant siren wailing)

He's been shot.

(sirens wailing)

He's dead.

(Hawaii Five-O theme song plays)

♪ Hawaii Five-O 1x06 ♪
Ko'olauloa (North Shore of O'ahu)

Original Air Date on October 25, 2010

Steve: I want this entire beach on lockdown.

Nobody leaves until we give the order, okay?

Thank you.

(indistinct radio transmission)

Danny: This place is crazy.

All these people-- you'd think it was the Super Bowl.

It's Hawaii.

The Coral Prince Championship is our Super Bowl.

Grace keeps asking me for surfing lessons.

I told her, "No chance."

You got something against surfing now?

I don't have anything against surfing.

I have something against sharks, skin cancer, anything involving my daughter wearing a bikini.

Hey, it's confirmed.

Victim's lan Adams.

He's the CEO of Coral Prince, biggest surf brand in the world.

He was riding a wave and he took a shot to the chest.

So far, nobody's seen or heard where the shot came from.

It should be easy. Come on.

It's a nationally televised event, right? We got to cameras on it, something panning the crowd.

All the cameras were pointed to the water for the competition.

We're interviewing the other surfers in case lan wasn't the target.

Wait a minute.

Did you catch the surf report this morning?

Can I ask you what that has to do with anything?

Just wait.

Yeah, five to eight, swells from the west, light trades.

That would put the peak about 50 yards out, right?

Moving target, hit center mass.

Come on. That's no lucky shot.

Trained sharpsh**ter, you're thinking.

Maybe. But whoever did the sh**ting, Ian was definitely the mark.

This is gonna be hard on Kono.

Why's that?

She know the vic?

Yeah. Ian signed Kono to a Coral Prince contract when she was about 15.

He was really like a second father to her.

She was actually riding for the team when she blew out her knee.

But instead of dumping her after that, Ian covered everything: surgery, rehab, all of it, even though he knew that she was never gonna compete again.

You okay?

Yeah, I want to go to the Coral Prince house, talk to the team, get statements.

Kono, we can cover this one for you.

No, I want this one.

I hate it when rich people get k*lled.


They got something that everybody wants.

Yeah, money.

Which means plenty of suspects.

(clears throat)

Next time, try flip-flops, brah.

I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that.

Hey, Chin, see if you can find out who's in charge.

Start building a profile.

Get some background information.

Financials-- first rule in homicide investigations.

Follow the money.

Copy that.

So, break it down.

I don't understand.

All these kids live here or what?

The Coral Prince Surf Team and their coaches live here October to January.

I'm sorry. Did you say coaches?


What does that mean What do they say, "Don't fall off the foam toy" or what?

Oh, brah, where'd you eat it?

I'm sorry. What?

The kine, brah.

I'm sorry.

Are you speaking English?

Hey, no need for get agro.

He caught it on land, brah.

Danno don't surf.


I dare you to tell me what he just said.

I'm done.

Excuse me. I'm investigator Chin Ho Kelly.

Linda Leon.

I was lan's executive assistant.

Would you have his schedule from the last week?

Any phone logs, e-mails, financial transactions?

I can get all that for you no problem.

What about anything out of the ordinary recently?

Stalkers, threats?

No, nothing like that.

All lan talked about lately was this event and getting back on his board.

Hmm. Okay.

Did he seem nervous about today or give you any hint that something was wrong?

No. As a matter of fact, he was happier than he'd been in a long time.

Meant a lot to lan that you came out today, Kono.

He wanted the entire Coral Prince team there.

Why wasn't Ben there?

You'd have to ask him that as my son no longer talks to me.

I tried last year at his mother's funeral, but he refused.

I think lan tried to reach out to him, too, but nothing ever came of it.

When was the last time you saw Ben?

I don't know.

It's been years.

Steve: Hey, Kono.

Oh. This is Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett.

How you doing?

And Detective Danny Williams.

Carlton Bass.

Carlton and lan grew up surfing together.

Yeah, while lan was selling board shorts out of his van, I was flipping condos in Waialua.

A couple of beach bums, really.

Never dreamed our businesses would take off.

What's a real estate company doing involved in a surf contest?

Carlton owns about 30 shopping malls that house Coral Prince stores.

It's been a lucrative partnership.



Sorry to interrupt, but the press would like a statement.

Thanks, Randall.

If you'll excuse me.

One more thing before you go.

Since you and Ian go back, you got any idea why someone would want to k*ll him?

Look, he marketed the North Shore surfing lifestyle to the masses and he profited wildly.

A lot of people resented that.

But only one pulled the trigger.

Chin: This is the view from the cameraman down in the sand.

Essentially, that's the angle at which the spectators from the beach were watching.

Look at the way he falls; back and to the left.

There's no way that shot came from the beach.

The b*llet came from above.

One of the houses maybe.


The M.E. said the angle of entry was about 30 degrees.

Cuz, I didn't see you there.

Steve: Hey, Kono, listen, why don't you sit this one out?

Just take the day.

No, I'm fine.

Cuz, take the day.

You know I can't do that.

Part of doing this job is knowing when you're not the one to do the job.

She's good.

All right. sh**t.

All right, so if the angle of entry is roughly 30 degrees... that puts the b*llet's trajectory here.

Okay, so the shot was fired from the Pupukea ridgeline above the houses.

Yeah. The only problem is there are no roads going in or out of there.

We don't need roads.



What are you doing here?

Boss told you to beat it, huh?

Look, I really don't want to see that face he makes when we don't do what he tells us to do.

I call it his "constipated look."

I know.


Hey, you cannot blame yourself, okay?


I just felt helpless out there.

I know. Cops are supposed to come in and save the day, but sometimes we just can't.

Did you ever have a teacher that turned you around?

Someone that made you look at everything in whole new way?

Yeah, actually.

Mrs. Stojak, my sixth-grade history teacher.

Till I met her, I thought that the Cold w*r was fought in Alaska.

Well, Ian was my Mrs. Stojak, and surfing was more than just a sport to him.

It was... it was Earth and the sun and the sky and the water and the heart.

It was everything.

And he passed that on to his surfers, and it made up better people.

I need to pay him back for that, and I can't do that sitting here.

I understand.

What do you think?

The shot took some skill.

You know, guys who grew up hunting boar around here could make that shot.

Yeah, also factor in all the qualified military personnel on the island.

Then we're looking at a suspect pool of, oh, only a couple thousand guys.

All right, so the b*llet's trajectory puts our sh**t somewhere along this ridge line.

Hopefully, he left something behind.


I'll start at the northern edge of the trajectory zone and work my way towards you.


Excuse me.

The guy at Giovanni's said Ben Bass was down here.

Have you seen him?

I don't know. Have you?




Where's your hair?

Where's your retainer?

Fair enough.

Well, look at you, Mr. Environmentalist.

So you work for Ocean Protectors?



How you been, Kono?

Well, I'm a cop.

Of course.

Family business.


So are you here as a cop?

And as a friend.

I want to talk to you about lan.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

Look, you and lan were close.

Do you know of anyone that would have wanted to hurt him?


We were close a long time ago.

Before the money.

Once he became the same greedy beast as my father, well, we didn't have much in common.

You sound pretty angry with him.


Were there a lot of people disappointed in him?


But whether that got him k*lled--

I don't know.

I couldn't stand to be around him anymore.

Is that why you weren't at the Coral Prince house today?

That's not my scene anymore, Kono.

Besides, my dad was there, and that's...


I don't know, when I heard about lan, I wanted to remember him in my own way, you know?

So I came out here.

Whoever k*lled lan Adams definitely came prepared.

I got indentations from the sh**t's body.

Powder burns and scorch marks on the grass from the muzzle flash and I just bagged a seven mill.


You get anything?

Yeah. Something you should see.

This whole area is a hunting ground.

It's crawling with wild boar.

By the looks of things, someone bled one out here pretty recently.


Whoever it was, decided to tag his turf.

This is Kapu hunting area.

Danny: So, uh, who are the Kapu?

Part lifeguard, part unofficial security force for the North Shore.

Kind of like protectors for the island.

Protecting the island from who?

Oh, the haoles. I get it.

Protection from the haoles. Sorry.

They look after the North Shore and the Hawaiian way of life.

Danny: So what does that mean?

So they're out there giving speeding tickets for surfing too fast? Huh?

They're making sure all the radio stations are playing Don Ho records?

You make them sound like the Hawaiian Boys Scouts.

Yeah, Boy Scouts that will beat you to a pulp if you disrespect their land.

You're looking at every member of the Kapu.

Well, you got them all committed to memory.

It's a pretty exclusive club.

They're all very proud.

No one hides affiliation.

Chin: In the '70s and '80s, the Kapu were heavy into cocaine sales and trafficking.

But once surfing became big business, they went legit.

Started helping brands like Coral Prince establish a footing on the North Shore.

All right, do me a favor.

Narrow these guys down to the ones who have criminal records, and see if any of them have any ties to lan Adams.

Hello, Levi Parker and Diego Stone.

Multiple weapons charges, felony B&E.

Looks like they just graduated from Halawa Correctional on a as*ault charge.

Look at this.

During the trial the prosecution's key witness--

Ian Adams.

Which means they've got motive.


Levi, Diego, you're going back to jail.

Danny: Can I just ask you what we're doing here?

I swear to God, Danny, if you ask me that again I'm going to sh**t you.

Then sh**t me.

Seriously, just sh**t me, because I'm not taking another step until you explain it to me again.

I've explained it three times.

Which is an indication of how ridiculous this detour is.

It's not a detour.

It's a strategic op.

It... A strategic op?

That's a...

You know what I like most-- is how you were able to say that with a straight face.

So what's the problem?

The problem is Levi Parker and Diego Stone.

They are the problem.

Yet we are going to the Tropics Bar at Hilton Hawaiian Village to talk the president of a surf club.



On this island there is an easy way to do things and a hard way.

With the Kapu, talking to Kawika before we go after Levi and Diego is the easy way.

Ah, so what's throwing somebody in a shark t*nk and then hanging another guy off a roof?

Those guys were from out of town.

You're a sick person, you know that.

In the best possible way, though, right?

No, no, not in the best possible way.

In a very terrible way.

It is not a compliment, you understand?

Man: We loved lan.

Half of the club is employed by Coral Prince as store clerks, team managers, warehouse guys.


What is that?

It's called a Blue Hawaii.

You have a problem with that?

No, no, no. I'd like one actually.

I just got to get with no alcohol 'cause we're on duty.

They call that a virgin?

I call it not getting fired.

Excuse me, two more.

Thank you. call that a virgin?

I ll it not getting fired.

Excuse me, two more.

Thank you.

Kawika, listen, we need your help.

The shot that took out Ian came from Pupukea.

That's Kapu turf.

Two of your boys are suspects.

Levi and Diego.

Levi and Diego are no longer Kapu.

Why is that?

They became too violent and were let go.

Okay. Do you know where we could find them?

Of course.


Feel free to share that information with us any time.

Give me one good reason why I should cooperate with you, haole?

Okay. You said you loved lan.

And here's an opportunity for you to help us catch his K*llers.

Okay, maybe you just liked him a little bit, I don't know.

Watch yourself, haole.

There it is again-- the "H" word.

You know, it's Detective Williams or Danny...

I got other words, but they all mean don't tell me what to do on my island.

This is my island, too, Kawika.

Is that right?

That's right.

My father and my mother are both buried here.

And my grandfather died on December 7, 1941, defending the same land you want to protect.

We may go at it different ways, but we got the same endgame, brah, so help us.

Otherwise we'll just find these guys ourselves and then I'll come back here and I'll arrest your ass for obstruction of justice.

I came here today out of respect, Kawika.

If you want to do things a different way, I'm game.

Your grandfather died at Pearl Harbor?

He went down with the Arizona.

He's still entombed there.

Then consider this a favor for him, for his sacrifice.

I'll bring Levi and Diego to you.

You got my word.

Thank you.

Danny: Okay. Thank you very much.

You want me to pay?

Haole, you took eight islands from us.

The least you could do is pick up the tab every now and then.

The least you could do.


Kono: When is the last time you talked to lan?

He stopped by here a couple nights ago.

Really? Why?

I asked him the same thing.

Said he wanted us to be friends again.

That he'd changed.

What did you say?

I told him to put his money where his mouth was.

Then I'd believe him.

Ben's got a girlfriend.


So you live here?

On the beach?

Over a year now.

I drive by this place so many times.

I've never stopped.

Most people speed past it.

They think we're a bunch of homeless meth addicts.

Couldn't be farther from the truth.

Ben-bo, I made this for you.

Thank you, Kaila.

You know I love these bracelets, right?

Since my friend Kono is visiting, do you think maybe we could give this one to her?


Mahalo, Kaila.

You have pretty hair.

So do you.

Kaila's mom runs a clothing store on Waikiki.

That guy-- he works at the Bank of Hawaii.

Most of these people have got jobs and cars and families.

It costs millions of dollars to buy a house here.

So instead of moving off the land of their ancestors, they choose to live this way.

So who owns the land, the state?


Neighbors are trying to get rid of us.

I can't imagine they love a tent city in the middle of mansion-ville.

There's been a lot of threats, some damage.

It's getting worse.

What can we do about it?


I like that.

My tongue's the same color as my shirt.

You didn't have to drink it.

Oh, I didn't?

I apologize if I'm not, uh, if I'm not familiar with the rules of strategic ops.

Okay, I-I mean, I thought that sitting around drinking a 24-ounce cocktail was standard operating procedure.

Well, it worked.

The Kapu said they'd get us Levi and Diego, didn't they?

I don't know.

I don't know.

All I know is I'm standing here while two m*rder suspects could be on a plane right now flying back to the mainland.

Okay? Would you relax.

Just trust me, okay?

If the Kapu say they deliver, they'll deliver.

They were supposed to be here an hour ago.

So I'm just curious, where are they?


Island time.

Right on schedule.


How you guys doing?

You all right?

Couple years back, you two got pinched on an as*ault charge, and lan's testimony is what put you guys away.

So I was just thinking about it.

When you're locked up in the state penitentiary, got time to think about things, plot revenge.

What the hell you talking about?

We found your hangout up on Pupukea Ridge.

It's crazy 'cause there's a... there's a clear view of the Pipeline from there.

Nah, brah.

You don't cross Kawika and get away with it.

Ian was protected by the Kapu.

Danny: So where were you during the Coral Prince Championship?

With our P.O.

Danny: Really?

Call him.

I'm going to call him.

I'm gonna call him right here, and you're gonna sit there and watch me.

And if your parole officer doesn't vouch for you, we're gonna become a lot less friendly.

Well, he will; I'm always cordial.

Yeah, Manny, this is Detective Danny Williams.

Levi: Brah, hey.

You'll tell Kawika we're cool, right?

We never do nothing.

Danny: Having a little conversation with your boys Levi and Diego.


You want to vouch for these guys?

Thank you very much.

They're telling the truth.

All right, get out of here.

Great, back to square one.

No suspects.

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪
♪ Your lipstick stains ♪
♪ On the front lobe of my left side brains ♪
♪ I knew I wouldn't forget you... ♪

Kono: You've come a long way from your condo at Diamond Head and all that Coral Prince swag.

Yeah, the only thing I miss from that time is my mom.

I'm sorry.

I wanted to come to the service, but I heard it was family only.

Yeah, that was my dad's idea.

What happened between you two?

We were on a boat trip, surfing Bali.

Coral Prince owns a factory down there.

So, one day, I go with Dad and lan to check it out, and the thing is pouring pollution into the water.

And it's built on wetlands, which is crucial to the eco-structure.

I mean, it should be protected land.

When I said that to lan, you know what he said to me, Kono?


"That's the cost of doing big business."

And my father agreed.

So protect Hawaii and screw the rest of the world?



I know it hurts you to hear this, Kono, but that's what lan was.

He and my father had it all planned.

They were going to rule the world together.

I didn't want any part of it.

Lived in Bali for a year.

Then one day, I got the call that Mom was sick and I came back.

And you stayed.


This place...

Kamaaina, it's my home now.

Come on, I want to show you something.

Come on.


Hey, you recognize those two kids?

(Kono gasps)

That was the day you won the championship.

(Ben chuckles)

You blew out your knee.

After that, everything changed.

But at this moment, man, life was good.

You got all the girls back then.


Except for the one I really wanted.

(moans quietly)

(woman screams in distance)

Kaila, watch out!

(people shouting, screaming)


Get down, get down!


Ben: Get out of here! Go!

Hey, you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I got a partial plate number off one of the bikes.

Nice work.

Listen, I'm gonna get HPD to sit on that beach village until we find out who att*cked it.

What is the point of burning a place like that down?

I mean, those people haven't done anything.

It's got nothing to do with the people, it's all about the land.

Hey. I just got off the phone with a diving buddy of mine over at the Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands.

She told me that the lobbying got pretty heavy recently to take that land private and zone it for commercial use.

Apparently, there were a number of bidders on the table.

All the typical players popping up, but there was one holding company on the fast track.

They even had money in escrow.

Shortfin International.

Guess who owns it.

Ian Adams.

Okay, so wait a minute.

So what if Ben Bass found out that lan Adams is trying to buy the land he's trying to protect?

If I'm Ben Bass, I'm not happy.

What is it, cuz?

Ben has a r*fle.

He used it to scare off the men who att*cked the camp.

But there's no way he could've...

Okay, wait a minute.

If he's got motive and means, he is a person of interest.

Steve: All right.

Danny and I will go and talk to Ben and run that r*fle through ballistics.

No. Let me.

If Ben is a suspect, I need to be the one to tell him.

All right.

Chin, look into this land deal, okay?

See if you can find out who else knew about it, and you can start with Ian Adams' executive assistant.

So Coral Prince put a multimillion dollar bid on a controversial piece of land that's right where the beach village is, and you don't think that's relevant to lan's m*rder?

I didn't know about it.

Ian kept things very close to the vest.

Here's all of his expenditures for the past six months.

Land projects, donations, payroll.

Who are the Gillis Brothers?

I have no idea.

I've never heard of them.

Well, Ian paid them twice in the two weeks before he died.

Gillis Brothers is a law firm.

They aren't one of Coral Prince's law firms.

I'd know about them.

Check his personal e-mail.

See if he corresponded with them.


They were his personal estate planning attorneys.

He was changing his will.


(line ringing)


Kono: Yeah?

Ian Adams changed his will just before he died.


To make Ben Bass his beneficiary.


Why would he do that?

I don't know, but I'm gonna go speak with the attorneys and see if I can get a copy of that new will.

But, Kono, Ben stood to inherit everything.

That's even more motive.


I'll call you back.

This is where you work?

(chuckles): Tough girl, huh?

When I have to be.

So what's going on?

I got the message you wanted to talk.

Did you know that lan recently changed his will to name you his estate's primary beneficiary?

Uh, uh, no.

He was also in the final stages of purchasing the land the beach village is on.


Are you saying you didn't know?

Am I saying I didn't know?

No, I didn't know.

You know, like I said, Ian came around the village the last couple weeks, saying he was a changed man.

I didn't buy it.

You have to give me more than that.

Like what?

If-If lan was buying the land to develop it and evict all of you, you had motive to k*ll him.

Come on, Kono.

You don't honestly think I...

Ben, I have to ask the question.

It's my job.

You brought me here because I'm a suspect?

No one can confirm your alibi because you were alone on the beach collecting water samples.

That's right, I was.

You saw me...

You have a hunting license.

And so do most of the guys who grew up on the island, Kono; we hunt.

I'm going to need your r*fle.


Do I need a lawyer?


(computer beeping)

HPD is holding Ben Bass on probable cause.

Unless we can charge him with lan's m*rder, he's gonna walk in 48 hours.

What about ballistics; they give us anything?

No. The test on Ben's r*fle isn't inconclusive.

What about those satellite maps?

There's nothing showing the spot where Ben said he was at the time of the m*rder.

That doesn't mean he did it.

Doesn't mean he didn't.

Sorry, Kono.

Traced the partial plate that Kono caught back to a tour operation called Katonk Jeep and Bike Rentals.

Guess who works there.


(remote beeps)

Oh, look at that.

Our buddies, Levi and Diego.

Wait a minute.

Don't you guys think it's a little coincidental that these guys are trying to destroy the same land that lan was trying to buy?

I think that it warrants another conversation at the very least.

Come on.

(vehicle approaches)


Hey! Hey!

(tires screeching)

Okay, I got a daughter!

Trust me. I know these roads.

This is not a road!

The road has asphalt. Two lanes.

This is dirt on a trail, okay?

It's a long way down.


No, I'm not scared.

I'm rationally concerned!

(tires screeching)

Hands off the wheel now!

Brah, we never do nothing.

You didn't?

Where'd you get the donut?

My girlfriend got a little rough last night.

That wasn't your girlfriend, that was our partner, and you're lucky you made it out of that beach village with only a mark.

You cops, you can't do nothing.

We're not scared of you.

Now how do you think that makes me feel?

I mean, here I am, a duly sworn officer of the law and you are showing me zero respect.

I mean, it's hurtful, really.

Who's that?

That is someone you are scared of.

Kawika, we never do nothing.

Thanks for coming all this way, Kawika.

Tell the haole cop everything he wants to know.

Who paid you to burn that village?


Randall. Randall who?

Last name?


It's the guy that drives Carlton Bass around.

How do you know him?

We met him at Koko Head, sh**ting.

You met Randall at the r*fle range?


Where else you gonna sh**t at Koko Head, huh?

Yes, sir, Mr. Police.

What else can you tell us about Randall?

We took him to Pupukea.

He said he wanted a clear shot of Pipeline.

Steve: Chin, we got Randall heading east on Ala Wai Boulevard.

Let's box him in from the west.

Consider him armed and dangerous.

(siren wailing)

(siren ceases)

(tires screech)

Randall Barrett, get out of the car.


On your knees.

Get down!

Cross your legs.

(handcuffs click)



Just a wild guess.

m*rder w*apon.

It's not that black and white.

Ben, what's going on?

Why did you call me?


Don't you ever call me that again.


He knows.

What are you talking about?

He knows you had lan k*lled.

That's insane.

Carlton Bass, you're under arrest for the contract m*rder of lan Adams.

Are you kidding me?

No, he's actually not kidding.

We have Randall and your two g*ons Levi and Diego in our custody now.

Chin: You hired 'em to torch the beach village, then set them up for m*rder, knowing they had a beef with lan.

Yeah, so you're probably not gonna walk away free from this one.

So it's my word against that of my driver and two ex-cons.

You know what?

I'll take my chances.

"I, Ian Adams, hereby bequeath my ownership stake "in the Coral Prince Corporation to my only living relative, my son, Bennett Bass."

When did you find out Ian was Ben's father?

Ben said that lan had been coming around trying to get back in his life.

Did Ben's mom confess to lan?

Did she tell you?

You had plans to build a resort on that beach village land, but lan got there first.

He was gonna give the land to Ben.

But you had him k*lled before he could finalize the deal.

Boss, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to do the honors.

Book 'im.

Thank you.

I heard that.


You know, when I say, "Book 'im, Danno," it's a term of endearment.

Okay. Do it every day.

I like it.

I should have known better than to suspect you.

You were only doing your job.


Your forgiveness means a lot, Ben.

Thank you.

It's up to you now.

Manage the team and run Coral Prince.

You can do it the way you always wanted to.

And that's what Ian wanted.

Ian-- he should be here, you know?

Yeah, I know.

He loved you.

And he's home now, and that's all that matters.

(priest begins Hawaiian chant)

(priest chanting)

All: Whoo! (cheering)