16x04 - Holden's Manifesto

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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16x04 - Holden's Manifesto

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Hi, Holden March here.

Look at them. Look at all those beautiful girls.

All of them out on dates, having fun, flirting, kissing.

It's Saturday afternoon, and everybody is out and about with their lovers, except for me.

It is not fair.

Why do these girls only go out with jerks, while I, despite having so much to offer, am alone?

[Ominous music]

♪ ♪

Just breathe.

Mommy's here.



How's Noah?

He's finally fell asleep.

His fever's down.

Detective Amaro called my cell.

I told him you were still here, but your phone's off.

Oh, right.

He said it's urgent.


I'll stay with him.

Okay. You'll wait with Noah till I come back?

Yes. Yeah.

Of course.


All right.

Thanks, Lucy.

[Police radio chatter]

NYPD. Coming through.


Hey, sorry to call, but, you know, there's a lot of press here already.

as*ault in central park?

I have to be here.

What are we looking at?

The suspect's a male white, early 20s, average height.

Stabbed the Vic... Gwen Young, 22... repeatedly, attempted r*pe.

But she's lucky.

Most of her wounds were shallow.

She's out of it.

All right, so he's no pro.

She say anything else?

Not much.

The emts were tending to her wounds.

Though, she did tell me that her assailant counted out each time he stabbed her.

That's not good.

Any witnesses?

A dog Walker found her.

Didn't see the perp.

Unis are canvassing.

Okay, uh, let's get to the hospital.

I want to talk to her as soon as she's able.

Hey, how's Noah?

Uh, he's a fighter.

He's going to be okay.

[Siren wails]


I'm right there, and no one even notices me.

No one ever notices me, but that is all going to change.

Very soon, everyone will know who I am.


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Thank you, Lucy.

I'll be there as soon as I can.

It's a new shift, make sure that the nurse knows that his temperature runs a little low, okay?

All right, honey.

Thank you very much.

How's Gwen?

She's stabilized and talking.

Hey, look, Rollins and I got this.

You don't need to be here.

Until I know what this is, I do.

Can I do anything?

I got this.

Actually, Nick, there is something you can do.


Is there, uh...

Any way maybe you could call your mother and ask her to relieve Lucy at the hospital for a minute?

Yeah, yeah, I'm on it.

Thank you.



Gwen, this is sergeant Benson.


She was just telling me that she didn't see her attacker before the as*ault.

I left some friends at the boathouse, started walking home.

So you didn't notice him at all.

He came out of nowhere, a knife to my neck.

I should have run or screamed, but I just froze.

A knife to your neck, it's normal to freeze.


He pushed me past the playgrounds into the bushes.

He grabbed my breasts, lifted up my skirt, groped.

But he didn't r*pe you?


He didn't seem to know what he was doing.

I pushed him away, I said, "get off me."

That's when he got angry, threw me down, started stabbing me.

And you told me before that he counted each time he stabbed?


I thought he was going to k*ll me.

[Sniffles] Um...

But as soon as he got to 11, he stopped and he ran.

Did he say anything else?

He said, "this is your fault, Gigi.

You missed your chance."


It's an old nickname.

Maybe you use it on your social media pages, or...

No one's called me that since high school, maybe ninth grade.

Okay, so this is somebody who knew you when you were young?

No. I would have remembered someone like that.

I had never seen him before in my life.


He calls her by her old nickname and counts as he stabs her?

It's gotta be personal.

Except Gwen doesn't know him.

Amaro, any luck with those yearbooks?

There's a few guys who had records, run-ins with the S.E.C. for stock fraud.

No one on the registry, no assaults.

I got our best sketch artist on it, but Gwen didn't get a good look at him.

And that's what they came up with?

That's every other white guy in Williamsburg.

Okay, so no luck with the schools.

What about neighbors?

She grew up in Gramercy.

Run the building, run the block.

[Telephone rings]

Did she go to church, summer camp?

I will check it out.

Tutuola, SVU.

He waited until her friends left, so he targeted her.

The counting, that's obsessive.

Are there any open M.O.S that fit?

I mean, amateurish wounds, stalking the Vic, revenge...

It's a one off so far.

Let's hope he doesn't develop a taste for it.

Too late.

Another attempted r*pe in the one-two.

Assailant counted out loud as he stabbed her.

Fin, Rollins, go.

Did you notice anyone following you?

No. It was 6:00 am, the streets were empty.

You were on your way to work?

I was actually coming home from a date.

Can you tell us what happened, Haley?

I opened my building door.

He came out of nowhere, pushed me in, dragged me behind the stairs, and pulled a knife.

He grabbed my breast, my legs, tried to stick his fingers inside me.

He tried?

But he didn't r*pe you?

I pushed him away.

I screamed, I told him to get his f'ing hands off me.

That's when he lost it.

And started stabbing you?

More like flailing.

I was fighting him off.

He counted each s*ab, 15 of them.

His voice was flat, and he had this...

Weird smile.

Then he stopped.

Did he say anything else?

Yeah, actually.

When he started, he said, "I know what you like, Haley."

So he knew your name, but you didn't recognize him?

No, not at all.

Is this the guy?

It looks like him, I guess.

Are you sure you don't remember him from school or work?

No, but when I resisted, he accused me of not liking him because he wasn't black.

The guy you were dating last night, was he black?

No. He was lrish.

We met at a bar.

Had you dated any black guys recently?

When I was in high school, a guy on the football team, but not since then.

I understand, chief.

Yes, sir.


Oh, that was Dodds... again.

New deputy chief of SVU.

Yeah, citywide, and he wants to do a full press conference on this perp.

Of course he does.

So guess he's decided that it's only one guy?

He has, and I told him that that was our job, and we're still deciding whether or not to make that call.

So any DNA yet?

In both att*cks, the perp failed to launch.

And from a victimology perspective, they're both in their early 20s, blonde, they're attractive, and he called them both by name, knew personal details from their past.

He also counted out the stabs.

Melinda said the wounds were consistent enough that they could have come from the same knife.

Well, if it is the same guy, he's escalating.

There's fewer hesitation marks on Haley.

He's getting more aggressive.

And the vics don't know each other?

Different neighborhoods, different schools.

No points of intersection, and neither one recognized her assailant.

All right, so find out if anybody else does.

Check open cases.

Show this sketch to any vics of unknown knife assaults.

Okay, and what do we release to the press?

This sketch.

I guess we work off the assumption that it is the same guy and these are his first known assaults.

Rollins, what number are we up to this year?

Lucky pattern 13.

He didn't s*ab me, but he had a knife.

He threw me down.

Could this have been him?

No, the guy that did me had a scar down his cheek.

Did he know your name or anything about you?

Yes, actually.

He called me J.L., which are my initials.

Isn't your name Jean Asher?

My middle name is Louise.

I used to work in this restaurant.

There was girl there named Jean-Anne already, so we used to call her J.A..

And me J.L., you know, to avoid confusion.

Uh, Rollins.

Jean here was telling me about a guy who pulled a knife on her in Chelsea park four days ago.

Nothing happened.

He got scared off.

He knew her initials, which you went by at what restaurant?

Catignano's, on the Upper East Side.

It was almost two years ago.

Okay. Were you ever involved with anybody at the restaurant?

The manager's my ex.

Kinda how I got the job.

Are you still in touch with him?


Anybody else?

Like a co-worker, a waiter, a customer, even.

Anybody there seem jealous?

No, I got along with everyone.

I don't remember anybody being jealous.


[Pounding on wall]

Again? What's his problem?

[Pounding on wall]

Just ignore him.

Ignore him.

[Woman moaning, headboard thumping]

Listen to them, rutting like animals, taunting me with what I cannot have.

All of you women who will not look at me or kiss me, giving yourselves to other men, giving sex to men who do not love you, who use your bodies.

[Woman moaning]

I would know how to take care of you, to worship you, but all of you beautiful girls, you throw yourselves at men who are mean and selfish.

Sweating, grunting brutes.

[Ominous music]

You reject me...

A nice guy, smart, superb, clean.

I dress well, I take care of myself.

I would have taken care of you, been gentle.

But those days are gone.

You had your chance.

You do not deserve me anymore.

You do not deserve to live.

What do you want?

Hello, Leah.

I am Holden March.

So where are we on that restaurant?

Have you reached the manager yet?

I understand that nobody's I.D.'d him, but restaurants have turnover.

You got to make sure that you speak to that manager, okay?

Nick, I gotta go.

Dr. Lee.

Noah looks so much better.

His color's come back.

He's smiling.

Thank you.

He's stabilized for now.

He's breathing on his own.


When can I take him home?

We'd like to keep him a few more days.


Noah's birth mother was a drug addict?

Yes. He hasn't had much prenatal or infant care, but we are all caught up.

He's had his vaccinations, his weight...

You brought him into your home four months ago?

Before that, multiple foster care homes?

Yes, but since then, he's been thriving.

Not to alarm you, but his lung x-rays showed old rib fractures.

It's not uncommon in foster care infants.

Were the homes vetted?


But the first 21/2 months of his life, he was...

Not in a stable environment, but child services said that there were no signs of abuse.

How hard did they look?

We need to do a more thorough workup.

What does that mean?

He's had so many needles.

No needles.

Skeletal X-ray, ct scan.

But he's developing normally.

He has lung issues.

He had it rough early on.

Sometimes complications from trauma develop later, physiologically and neurologically.

He can't tell us what he went through.

I'd like to be proactive here.

Sorry I didn't get back to you.

This is about J.L.?

She told me she didn't know the guy who att*cked her.

But maybe she didn't recognize him.

When J.L. worked here, was there anyone she rejected or someone who had a crush on her?

She's a beautiful girl.

Well, you remember anyone who looked like this, a customer maybe?

You know, that looks like this busboy we had.

Guy was kinda off.

O.C.D., I think.

Why do you say that?

No one got the grill as clean as he did.

Broke my heart to fire him.

Anything to do with J.L.?

I fired him after she left.

Last Valentine's day, a couple comes in, buzzed.

They were going at it in the booth.

He "accidentally" pours ice water on the guy's lap.

I can't have that.

What was this busboy's name?

Holden... something.

The son of a bitch filed for unemployment.

Let me check.

Thank you.

So suspect's name's Holden March.

Parents divorced, and Holden's step-father is a Thomas Eldridge, a vp at a software company.

Mother's an Adriana March, a nurse.

Now, Holden grew up in Manhattan, but moved out to Nyack after his mother's re-marriage.

Fin and Rollins are headed there now?


And Holden's name and photo didn't mean anything to the vics?

J.L. couldn't pick him out of a photo array.

Neither could Gwen.

Haley thinks her little brother may have had a friend named Holden, but...

Sergeant Benson.

Chief Dodds, I didn't realize that you were waiting.

If you'd been here, I wouldn't have had to wait.

Of course.

This is detective Nick Amaro.

Yes. I signed off on your conditional return to SVU.

Thank you, chief.

So where are we on the pattern 13 r*pist?

We have a suspect...

Holden March.

How solid?

Anyone I.D. Him?

We're still connecting the dots between Holden and three victims.

Dots. You have dots.

Where is he?

We're trying to get updated cell contacts.

He has no social media presence.

The restaurant manager gave us his last known address, his parents' house in Nyack.

I have two detectives headed there now.

We didn't want to call and risk tipping him off.

So no one's made him, and you haven't even talked to him yet.

No, sir.

I need you at compstat tomorrow to give the update.

We have a serial on the front page of every newspaper.

Solve this, now.

[Cell phone rings]


Maybe somebody could have given me a heads up.

Is Holden in some kind of trouble?

When's the last time you saw your son?


And it was a few months ago.

He doesn't live here?

Not for a few years.

We rent an apartment for him in Murray Hill now.

It's for the best.

Thomas, what is this?

New York detectives.

They're asking...

Holden? What happened?

Where is he?

We don't know.

His name just popped up as part of a broader investigation.

He may have witnessed something, so we need to check the schools he went to.

He changed schools several times.

He got bullied a lot.

I still think that's part of all his...

All his what?

Holden is Holden.

I don't think anything caused it, Adriana.

Holden is Holden?

He may be... on the spectrum.

May be?

There's no one diagnosis.

He's smart, but he's socially awkward.

We've had him in therapy.

He shows progress, and then new challenges surface.

What kind of therapy?

Is he on medication?

When he remembers to take it.

He's lonely, he's brilliant, and no one notices.

Everyone has it easy except him.

But lately, he's been doing better.

He got a new job as a bicycle messenger.

We're gonna need to talk to him.

Can you tell us where he works, give us his cell phone number?

He said his phone broke.

He hasn't gotten a new one.

How about the address to that apartment?

That we can give you.


So if you have any pictures of him as a child, that could really help us in our investigation.

Holden March?

Yes. I am Holden March.

Can we talk to you?

I just got a wall street to midtown run, so now is not really a good time.

You know, actually, this'll just take a minute.

Is this about my neighbors?

Your neighbors?

The ones making all the noise.

You know, having sex all the time.

The whole building can hear them.

We can look into that.

Let's talk inside.

Well, they're not home right now.

She has a job.

She dresses up all fancy, and he gets to spend his days at the gym.

Okay. Well, how about we go back upstairs, and then you can give us more information about them?

Now? No, sorry.

I have to go.

You know what, before you do...

Please do not touch my bicycle.


Okay, Holden, so we were just wondering if you know a Jean Asher?

Maybe you called her J.L.

She worked at a restaurant with me before I quit.

The manager was abusive.


Well, she was assaulted, and we're thinking that maybe it was one of the restaurant's customers that was involved.

With her, who knows?

She flirted a lot with unsavory men at that place.

Did she give you my name?

She remembered who I was?

No, actually, it was the manager.

Oh. Well, I have to go.

Actually, Holden, we'd like you to come to the station with us.

I told you I cannot.

Do you have a warrant?

Am I under arrest?

We just want to ask you a few questions.

It'll just take a second.

Holden March here.

I am with the NYPD.

They are illegally restraining my movement and preventing me from getting to my job.

No one's preventing you from doing anything.

Can we just take a look in your bag?

They have no warrant, and they are bullying me and violating my rights.

[Bystanders shouting]

Holden, Holden.

We're going to catch up with you later, okay?


Call division.

We need 24-hour surveillance on him until we rule him out.


You think I went to camp with the guy who att*cked me?

Yeah, just take a look, okay?

Oh, my God. Him?

Holden March.

That's the guy?

Yeah, just one step at a time.

It's him, the one who att*cked me.

I'm positive now.

But why? I haven't seen him since I was 11.

What do you remember about him?

Just a shy, skinny boy.

Never said a word to me.

All the other guys were going through puberty.

They teased him.
That's him.

Holden March.

I recognize him now.

He went to high school with my brother.

Any reason he'd be angry with you?

He asked me to a dance once.

But he was this shrimp.

I was dating a football player.

A black guy.

That's what he meant.

How old were you, 15?

Is that why he stabbed me 15 times?

You said his name is Holden?

He worked at Catignano?

Mostly in the kitchen.

It could be the guy who came at me.

I don't remember him at all.

Hey. So this guy is a boo radley.

We had to show the girls childhood pictures before they could even start to place him.

But he remembers every slight from grade school on.

He's an accumulator, an injustice collector.

Back up.

Did they I.D. Him?

Two out of three.

Great. Pick him up.

Get a warrant for that knife and for that cell phone.

Okay, we're on it.

Surveillance unit's been outside all day.

They say.

Holden never came home.

What about work?

He didn't show up there, either.

When were they gonna tell us that?

Okay, we're ready.

Holden March. NYPD.

You in there?


Nobody move.


Kitchen's clear.

We're clear.

Bedroom's clear.

He was complaining about the noise that the next door neighbors making.


We got a body.

Nick, he's got some kind of manifesto here.

Look at this.

Nobody home except her.


They're empty.

Two dead.

Holden hasn't been here all day.

These bodies are in rigor.

They've been here a while.

Call a bus.

[Walkie bloops]

We got something!

I found these in the radiator.

He's got at least two g*ns, brand-new, out the box, and over 200 rounds of a*mo.

And there's about a 300-or-so-page document, "now you know," and the laptop was open.

A bunch of videos.

This is the last one.

Hey. Holden March here.

All of you stuck-up girls who date athletes or popular fellows and pay no attention to me, you should have, but it is too late now.

None of you can hide from me.

I will be coming for you.

[Breathing heavily]

Holden March, 23.

Should be considered armed and dangerous.

In the past week, has assaulted three women in revenge att*cks and then escalated to m*rder.

We found a manifesto containing dozens of names from his past, whom he might be targeting.

All his former schools are on lockdown.

We need units from each of those precincts outside the schools.

We have unmarked cars at his residence and his psychiatrist's office.

The suspect may be on foot or riding a bicycle.

The last encounter we had with him, his affect was rational.

He was able to mask for a short time what appears to be a psychotic break.

And don't assume that he will stick to his pattern.

Everybody wear your vest.

Do not be a hero.

Rollins, any leads from Holden's shrink?

She says he doesn't have enough anger to commit these acts.

She left town just in case.


What about the parents?

Why aren't they here?

On the way in from Nyack.

As soon as they get here, show them Holden's hit list.

See if they're in touch with any of these people.

[Cell phone rings]

Oh, um...

I'm sorry, I got to take this.

Sergeant, a word.

Detective, you, too.

Dr. Lee.

Yes, I see.




May I call you back in a few moments?

Thank you so much, Dr. Lee.

Are we ready?

I'm on it, chief.

We're gonna find him.

You two had him yesterday, and you let him go?

'Cause at that time, nobody had I.D.'d him yet.

He was smart enough to know that we couldn't compel him to come in, and there wasn't probable cause for an arrest.

You create probable cause.

You push him around, you provoke him!

After Eric Garner and the stop-and-frisk lawsuits, one-p-p's been very clear.

"Don't make a scene."

Then why are you opening your mouth right now?

Chief, please, with all due respect, when we spoke to the suspect, he was in complete control of himself, he knew his constitutional rights, and I ordered immediately for surveillance.

Which didn't matter, because he'd already m*rder*d his neighbors by then.

[Cell phone rings]

I'm sorry.

This is a family emergency, and I have to take it.

I'll wait. Again.

Uh, miss Jackson.

Yes, how are you?

Yes, I know.

I just spoke with the doctor.

Um, hold a second?

I'm sorry.

I need a minute, please.

Miss Jackson, yes.

So sorry.

[On phone] That's not what you should be sorry about.

I'm in the hospital where your foster child is in a step-down unit with a babysitter.

Yes, I know.

I was there all night, and Mrs. Amaro is not a sitter.

She's actually a family friend.

And I just spoke to Noah's doctor.

So did I.

She called me after finding the child's fractured ribs.

Yes. Then you know that those injuries happened before I took custody of Noah, and that they've healed now.

I'm not suggesting that you caused the injuries.

I am troubled that you chose to go to work while your foster child remained in the hospital.

I was called away for an emergency, and I'm doing everything that I can to get back there as soon as possible, believe me.

I hope so.

You do understand that your absence will be included in my report.

Yeah, I do.

Everything all right?

Everything's fine.

The parents are here.

Carla and Bill Franks.

They were friends of ours from church.

Okay, do you have an address?

Uh, they moved to Florida years ago.

What in God's name would he have against the Franks?

He's lost it, Thomas.

Hurting those girls, the people he's k*lled.

I should reach out to their families.

They don't want to hear from us.

What is the matter with you?

Excuse me.

I'm sergeant Benson.

I'm know this must be incredibly painful for the two of you, but time is of the essence.

So I need you to focus on that list so nobody else gets hurt, do you understand?

Of course.

Okay, are there any other names that you recognize?

I had no idea Holden noticed this many people in his life.

He was so, um, shy.

Disconnected, in his own world.

No. This list goes back to kindergarten.

I understand.

There's a lot of people, and that's why we need to use this list to narrow down where he might go.

It is a waste of time.

You were looking for logic?

There is none.

Right now, we're looking for targets.

Trevor Jones.

Holden went on a ski trip with his family in middle school.

Do you have a number?

I'm sorry.

That's okay.

Let's just stay focused.

Anybody else?

Keep looking.

Oh. Oh, Mrs. Syncovich.

Who is that?

Holden's English teacher his sophomore year at St. Francis.

I don't remember a Mrs. Syncovich.

She went by miss Avins then.

Do you know if she's still teaching at that high school?

I don't know. Maybe.

She was Young, pretty, not a very good teacher, though.

Rollins, you and Amaro go check out St. Francis.

Holden always wanted to be a writer.

The summer after he took her class, though, he said he was done with that.

Okay. So let's get back to this list.

What about this page?

Is there anybody here that you can...

What are you gonna do with Holden after find him?


He's not in his right mind.

He's sick.

The police wouldn't hurt a sick boy.

This is surreal.

Holden hasn't been a student here for years.

What do you remember about him?

He was a little off, I have to say.

Intense, quiet, strangely enough, a very precise writer.

So much detail.

In the document that he left on his computer, he blamed you for ruining his love of writing.

That you betrayed him.

I don't see how.

I spent a lot of time with him.

Is it possible Holden had a crush on you?

I suppose.

To be honest, boys that age, bursting with hormones, it happens.

But now that you mention it, I got married that summer.

Come fall, Holden continued calling me Ms. Avins.

Has he tried to contact you recently?

No. But I just came back for the start of school.

I was on maternity leave.

Your husband, does he work in the city?

Jeff is the music teacher at our sister school, St. Anne's.

When's the last time you spoke with him?

I spoke to Mr. Syncovich an hour ago.

He's teaching flute class now.

And what's your security protocol here?

Minimal. We're a small, parochial school.

Mr. Syncovich?

Mr. syncovich.

Oh, my God.

Where are his students?

How many of them are there?

Four, five?

We have to lock down the school, now.


What other rooms are on this floor?

Officer in need of assistance.

What other rooms are on the floor?

Oh, God.

[Bell ringing continuously]

Shut up.

Stop talking.

NYPD! Hey!


[Girl gasping]

Get out, both of you.

Get out, or I will k*ll this bitch right now.

[Bell ringing]

Come on! Come on!

Let's go! Let's go!

Let's go! Move it!

Move it, people!

[bell ringing]

Go, go, go, come on, ladies!

Precinct has control on the street and the neighborhood.

What's going on inside?

Pole cams show the kid's got four girls hostage in a classroom.

Oh, God. Amaro and Rollins?

Them, too.

Please tell me they have their vests on.

Won't stop a head shot.

ESU's all over the halls, sn*pers are setting up across the street.

If Holden steps in front of a window, he's done.

[Police radio chatter]

I can hear your people in the hall.

Get on the radio and tell those monkeys to clear out and get off the roof.

I could do that.

What are you gonna do for me?

I can not sh**t this tramp.

Do it.

How about you let the girl go?

How about you drop your g*n?

You, too.

You don't sh**t, we don't sh**t.

Oh, you are lying.

All pretty girls lie.

Hey, nobody needs to get hurt here, all right?

Shut up.

I am talking to her.

It's okay, Nick.

Both of you, drop your g*ns, or I sh**t her.

Tell them what I did to your teacher.


Please put the g*ns down.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Okay, Holden.

You're in charge, okay?

[g*n clicks]

Nick, he's not messing around.

No. I am not.

Now kick them over to me.

Not you, Nick.


You can call me Amanda.

Can I call you Holden?



Now you, you get on your knees, hands on the back of your head... now.

Nobody in or out.

You got it?

Can I radio them outside, tell them to back off?

No tricks.

No. I promise.

Thank you.

Got your message, Amanda.

Copy that.

I'll tell everybody down here to take it easy and stay back.


He disarmed them. Amanda's trying to bond with him.

We don't have time.

The hostage negotiator just landed.

He's been through a lot of therapy.

More talk won't help.


May I speak to my son?

Mrs. March, that can't happen right now.

Please! I'm begging you!

Please, don't let them hurt him!

You can't be here.

Don't let them hurt him!

Take the family somewhere they'll be safe.

[Handcuffs click]

Not so tough now, are you?

Hey, Holden, he's not the one you're mad at.

Neither are these girls.

Let's talk about the people who've hurt you.

This guy is your partner?

Yeah, you can do better.

He talked to me before with another woman, and I just hopped on my bicycle and rode away.

You played it smart, Holden.

I did not say you could call me Holden.

Are you having sex with this guy?

Let's talk about you.

You are, aren't you?

Of course you are.

Girls like you always go for jerks like this.

Girls ignore you?

That's gotta piss you off.

You know what pisses me off?

What's that?

Is pretty boys like you, you know?

Good-looking all your life.

Born... guapo.

Spin the bottle at seven or eight, and sexual relations at 14, 15.

The girls should have been going after you all along.

You're a good-looking guy.

Shut up!

[Girl whimpering]

When was your first time?


Yeah, no answer.

Why? Because now you are doing it with her, and you don't want her to know that she is just another notch on your belt.

Do you think he cares about you?

I know what he is.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

What do we have on the pole cam?

He's got the g*n trained on the girl, but he won't go near a window.

Nick's cuffed.

Sergeant, why are your people inside?

Because they have the suspect talking.

And he has their g*ns.

Where'd they learn that technique?

Goes against every bit of protocol and training we have.

He's got their g*n, his g*n, and four hostages.

Rule one...

Don't make things worse.

It's an evolving situation, chief.

Rollins read Holden's manifesto.

She's developing a rapport.

She understands his state of mind.

His state of mind is irrelevant.

He's a m*rder*r on a spree who gets set off by young women.

He's got four of them as hostages.

All your team should be working toward right now is move him into a position from which we can take him out.

Look at him.

Helpless, useless.

You think he's better than me.


I don't.

He's not.

Yes, you do.

I'm not a kid.

These young girls, they don't get it.

They don't see...

They don't understand how special you are.

Are you tricking me?


Thoughtful guys, polite, the kind that will hold the door open for you.

You don't have to be macho.

These girls think you do.


Women don't.

There are things I want to tell you.

Adult things.

Not in front of other people.

Private things, you know, just...

Just for you.


I see the potential in you, Holden.

I see how powerful you are.

Do you?

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

He's got the g*n on Rollins.

Where are the students?

He moved them off camera.

We're trying to get another angle.

Fast. We need to take our shot.

Hold up.

If you miss, our people are still in there.

Coming out!

Come on, come on, come on.


What happened?

Why did he let you go?

He wanted to be alone with Rollins.

[Suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

I'll tell you the truth.

Nick is the kind of boy that I used to like.

Yeah, I fell for the quarterback, the guys with the big shoulders and the big smiles.

They told me that I was special, but they just wanted to use me.

You know what, Holden, and I'll tell you something.

I went back to my high school for a reunion, and everything is different.

The star athletes, they're just fat and sweaty now.

They're with big, ugly women that they don't care about.

It's the intelligent guys, the smart guys they have...

They have everything.

I mean, they're rich, they've got beautiful wives.


They're guys like you.

♪ ♪

They were intelligent, sensitive, considerate.

I try to be.

I know.

I know that.

I can see that in you now.

Now that...

I'm a woman.

And I wish we weren't here right now.

Yeah, I wish we'd met someplace else.

I just don't want this to sound wrong, Holden, but...

I think you're superb.

I really do.

It is too late.

I read your manifesto.

You did?


I couldn't put it down.

Holden, it's...

It's brilliant, and I just...

I'm so sorry that somebody like you has had to go through all this.

You don't deserve this.

You deserve to be adored, to be caressed, to be...


To be kissed, yeah.

Would you let me kiss you?

He's lowering the g*n.

Give them the green light.

sn*per still doesn't have a clear shot.

Holden has to get closer to Amanda.

Why isn't she getting him into range?

Just give her time.

She knows what she's doing.

She'll get him to put the g*n down.

Now, while we're here, while we're alone, just let me kiss you.

I have never kissed anyone.

Give me your hands.

I won't hurt you.

I promise.

It's going to be all right, Holden.

It all begins with a kiss.

[g*nsh*t] Aah!

Oh, God.

Target down.

Get guys up there right now!


What was that?

My son! My baby!

You shot my son!

You said you wouldn't hurt him!

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

It's all right.


It's okay.

My baby!

He's gone.

Amanda, hey.

Are you all right?



I had him.

It was... it was done.

Why didn't you stop them?

It wasn't our call, all right?

Come on, let's get out of here.

Okay. Okay.


I'm fine.

You gave mommy a scare, didn't you, Noah?

But you're my big boy.

You're my little fighter, aren't you?

You're so strong.

You had to be, huh?

You got a long life ahead of you.

You got places to see, things to do.

And people who will love you.

All of you beautiful, blonde, unobtainable girls, I forgive you.

If it were not for you, I would not be here on the edge of greatness.

I could have spent my whole life in the shadows, but I choose instead to fight back, to make sure people remember me, because I know one thing...

It is better to die in infamy than to live a life of obscurity.
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