15x05 - Wonderland Story

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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15x05 - Wonderland Story

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Pretty good turnout.

Yeah. Three judges?

You had me at open bar.

Bartender knows it's well drinks only, right?

I'm on it.


It's a full house.

You guys are going to get a hit on this one.

Where's Prince John?

I'll... call him.


Yeah, better make it a double.

How is she doing?

She is good. I think.

I don't know, I mean...

You know Liv, "Don't ask, don't tell".

Here he is!

Shut the front door.

Please, don't make a fuss.

As you were, hoi polloi.

So this is actually my diary from my very first day at S.V.U.

"Dear diary...

"I felt so nervous walking into the crown jewel of the NYPD.

"And now I have the pleasure being introduce "to detective Cassidy and Munch."

[Laughs] "I thought", "this has to be a mistake.

"This can't be S.V.U.

Maybe traffic enforcement?

Or post office security?"

Prick me, Olivia.

Do I not bleed?

Well, I have to admit that I did underestimate you, um, at first, but over time, I realized that detective Munch was not only a brilliant detective, but a very, very soulful man.

[Partygoers aww]

I will miss you very much, John Munch.

Oh, yeah.

[Light cheers and applause]

Love you.

Love you.

Olivia Benson, ladies and gentlemen.

She'll be here all week.


Are we done here yet?

Because I have a party with some of my more important friends.

I see a couple of my ex-wives are here.

They want to have a three-way.

Unfortunately, it's with my brother, David.

[Laughter] Story of my life.


Uh, believe me, John, none of us want to be here any more than you do.


So before we all leave and go home to our families...

We were all hoping that, like a good soldier, you would just fade away.

But what I do know is our loss is the D.A.'S loss, because I just learned that in a couple of weeks, sergeant Munch is going to begin the third...

Or is it the fifth?... act by becoming a special investigator with the D.A.'S office.


Before we let you go...


I want to thank you, partner.

Munch taught me a lot.

He taught me that oswald never fired a shot.

Taught me we probably never landed on the moon and that hoover had a gay hit squad.


But I want to say something to you.

I love you, and I'm gonna miss you, man.

Oh, thank you, Fin.

That's what's up.

And we got something for you.

A shadow box.

Oh, look, yeah, that's great.

It's your N.Y.P.D. Shield...


And your Baltimore shield.

No, no, no, we ran his butt out of b-more.

Have a seat, gentlemen.

Now, what I have to say tonight doesn't come from here.

It comes from here.

But don't cry for me.

Actually, liv, you can cry.

I mean, liv is the heart of S.V.U.

And Fin is the pancreas.

[Laughter] 12 years in, I show Fin a report.

A r*pist strikes somewhere in America every two minutes.

Fin says to me, "Munch, we gotta catch this guy."


And when I first saw Amaro, I realize I'm still the best-looking guy in the squad, but one good thing about it...

It's kind of a blessing.

Now in the squad room we have someone who's even more paranoid than I am.

So thank you, Nick.

What do you mean?

And [Laughter]

Cap, I know what you're saying to yourself tonight.

Ask not for whom mandatory retirement tolls.

[Cell phone jingles]

It tolls for thee.

I've known this guy...

We gotta go.


I'll tell you on the way.

I'll give you a call later.

Ladies and gentlemen, the mother Teresa of S.V.U.

Is leaving.

Was it something I said?

No, John.

It's everything you said.

Well, I haven't even gotten to the Cassidy jokes yet.

You know, I see you two together.

I think you both could do better.


Hey, you okay?

Yeah, I'm Fine.

It's not about me.

So what's going?

Do you remember Sarah Walsh?

Right, the piano student, the one whose r*pist got off.

Yeah. She just texted me.

She thinks she was r*ped.


She thinks?

I think I was drugged.

I don't remember anything.

Okay, slow down, honey.

Things might start coming back to you.

You... you think you were r*ped?

I mean, I woke up naked.

My clothes were on the floor.

I mean, I...

I'm sore down there.

Hold on, honey, what...

What happened to your ear?

I think he pulled my head down by my earring.

Oh, it's okay, Sarah.

Something happened.


What's the last thing you do remember?


I met my friend Nicole and her fiance, Matthew.

Where and when did you meet them?

The meatpacking district.

8:00 a-at the brass monkey.

I mean, we...

We were playing jenga.

And drinking?

Uh, one beer.

Maybe two.

Bottle or glass?

A glass.

I'm so stupid.

I shouldn't have gone out.

I mean...

Take it easy.

Have a seat.

Listen, it is nothing that you did.

Do you remember leaving the bar?

Um, uh, yes, um, Nicole and Matthew, they walked me out.

After that, it... it's...

It's a-a blur.

So you don't remember how you got home?


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God it was...

It was him.


Michael Wedmore.

Wait, the man who r*ped you two years ago?

You saw him last night?

I think so.

I mean, he...

These past few weeks, he's been following me.

In your neighborhood?

You sure?

It was him.

I mean, that... that grin.

I mean, I don't forget that.

[Dramatic music]

<b>Law & Order: SVU
15x05- Wonderland Story</b>

Wedmore's boss says he's off today.

Was he on last night?

12hour shift.

Okay, and he just happens to be working three blocks from Sarah's apartment?

The supervisor says he's been here two years.

His mother works here too.

She got him the job.


Is she off today too?

No, she's on break.

She likes to smoke.

Mrs. Wedmore.


I know who you are.

You tried to frame my son two years ago.

Any idea where he is?

At a church retreat with his fiancee.

And he left when?

How is that your business?

Well, we're wondering if he's had any contact with Sarah Walsh.

Are you kidding me?

He knows not to go anywhere near her.

He told me he crosses the street if he even lays eyes on her.

So he has seen her?

If she's saying more than that, she's lying, just like last time.


Were you on duty last night?

Sundown to sunup, just like my boy.

He take a break?

We ate dinner in the cafeteria.

Fish sticks.

Now we're done talking.

Hospital confirmed Sarah was assaulted?

Torn earlobe, bruising, and trauma consistent with dot, dot, dot.

She's not crying wolf.

Neighbors see or hear anything?

No, and no signs of forced entry.

No security cams in the elevator or lobby.


No security after what happened to her?

It's been two years.

She doesn't want to live in fear.

Where's Wedmore?

At a church retreat in Atlanta.

He left early this morning.

That's convenient.

It was scheduled a while ago.

We talked to his mother.

She alibi'd him for last night.

They were working together at Brooklyn mercy.

Well, even if he was at work, her apartment is right near the hospital.


Wedmore's mother alibi'd him?

Last time she said that he was a Saint.

[Cell phone jingles]

Okay, hold up.

r*pe kit came back.

Sarah was drugged.

G.H.B. In her urine.

No semen.


Yes, last time, he used a condom.

It's him.

Well, maybe, but the timeline...

Sarah doesn't remember anything after 10:00 in Manhattan.

Well, doesn't mean that she was drugged there.

Memory loss can be retroactive.

Still, he met her on her way home, drugged her, dragged her upstairs...

All the while, he's on a break?

Sarah said she met friends in the city.

Talk to them.

Maybe they put Wedmore at the bar.

And in the meantime?

He's still out there.

He's violent.

He will go after her.

When he gets back, I'll see if the precinct can put a squad car on her block.

So how do you two know each other?

Sarah and I met at the music academy, and we used to cater together.

Nice place you got here.

[Laughs] I wish.

I just house-sit, and I feed George and Martha.


Now, you and your fiance...

You guys went out with Sarah Friday night?


She left me a message, but I haven't called her back yet.

I'm so busy with the wedding.

Um, is she okay?

Something may have happened, and now we're hoping that you can help us.

Now, did you see Sarah with any guys that night?

No, no.

It was just the three of us.

Recognize any of these guys from the bar?


Was she r*ped again?

How late were you out with Sarah?

Um, like, 11:00.

We gave her the watch, and then Matthew and I went home.

The watch?


I thought you knew.

It's like an entry pass to an underground party.

Where was the party?

You never know.

That's the thing.


Last weekend, it was at an abandoned subway station.

Oh, okay, so it's one of those deals where you meet a guide on the corner, and he...

You give him a pocket watch that you got from someone who went to last weekend's party.

And you gave Sarah one?

Do you have another one?

Yeah, um...

Oh. "Alice came to a fork in the road."

'Which road do I take?'

She asked."

It's an Alice in wonderland theme.

Yeah, I got that.

Has Sarah been to any of these parties before?


Everything all right?

Uh, yeah, Matthew, these are S.V.U. Detectives.

Sarah was att*cked.

Oh, my God.

She was just starting to have fun again.

So neither of you guys have checked in with her since that party?

Is it okay to call her now?

You mean call her back?


We're gonna need to keep this watch.

[Knock at door]


Hey, guys.

[Indistinct chatter on police radio]

Just like last time.

I'm gonna have to get another new mattress.

Is there anybody else that you could stay with?

I mean, I haven't told my parents.

I can't.

But Nicole called me.

I was at a party, and Michael Wedmore...

He was there?

Well, we reached out to him.

He let us check the g.P.S.

On his phone.

We don't think so.

But it has to be him.

I mean, I saw him.

He was following me.

He works in the neighborhood since before you moved here.

His supervisor and co-workers confirm he was work Friday night.

Okay, well, then he's lying.

I mean, he must have left work, broke into my apartment, and... and drugged me.

The timeline doesn't fit, and it's not his m.O.

I mean, when Wedmore assaulted you, he used a g*n.

No dr*gs.

He was brazen.

This was a different kind of predator.


What are you saying?

Th-that I was r*ped twice by two different men?

Yes, Sarah.

We call it re-victimization, and it happens more than you'd think.

This is not your fault.

Not my fault?

Twice in two years?

What, do I have a sign on my head?

Sarah, it's not you.


Predators, they...

They have this sixth sense.

They pick up on a vulnerability.

So it is my fault.

I am a target.

No, no, it's just that sometimes, victims don't want to be perceived as fearful.

Okay, so I let my guard down and set myself up.

Sarah, please, stop.


Listen to me.

Let's focus on catching this guy now.

And what if we do catch him?

Michael was on trial, and what?

He's still out there.

I see him wandering around free, laughing at me.

I know how hard this is for you, and I'm so sorry that...

You know what?


Why don't I just go out there again, and you guys can follow me, and that way we'll catch a lot of rapists.

Sarah, please...

No, no, no.

Forget I even called you.

I don't want to know who he is.

Will you just think about this?

You know what? Go.

Leave... me... alone.


So, Sarah was a cooperating witness as long as she thought we were going after Wedmore.

Now she's backing off?

Not on her story.

But now she's realizing that she was assaulted by a different man.

We've seen it before.

You get victimized a second time.

You blame yourself.

Either way, she still can't I.D. Anyone.

Look, we're not gonna drop the case.

I mean, whoever slipped g.H.B.

In her drink, he's still out there.

Any luck tracking this underground party?

We know the corner where she met her guide, but it's Sunday night.

Yeah, so what?

The kids that go to these things, they don't have day jobs.

[Lively chatter]

Already hate everyone here.

Yeah, I think they're getting that.

Your old man all right climbing stairs?

Yeah, my old man will be just Fine.

Hey, just in case I fall behind, where are we going?

That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.

She's keeping you young, papi.

Oh, she does that.

[Indistinct chatter, sirens in the distance]

To go down to wonderland, you start by going up.

Follow me.

You coming, papi?

You go.

I'll be up in a second.

[Muffled music playing]

♪ the ghosts of men who drowned ♪
♪ in their colored box ♪
♪ places, gambling faces ♪

Wait for Fin? Hey!

Call it in.

No one's getting out of here.

[Indistinct chatter]

I don't recognize this girl.

Well, were you working Friday night?


Who was?

I don't know.

I'm a modern dancer.

A friend sent me in to sub.

Friday night, I was in the Hamptons.

Whoever gave you the watch, were they at the club Friday?

My date had the watch.

I just do what Lia says.

If she asked you to do something, would you say no?

Do I know her?

In your dreams.

That's a three-time maxim cover girl, and her boyfriend's no slouch either.

He's Cameron Tyler.

He just sold his game app, sweets rush, for $180 million.

Come on, Fin, you need to get out more.

No, I don't.

Was she at the club Friday?

She claims she wasn't, but the club promoter...

It's her last boyfriend.

The party Friday?

Same water tower.

It was a big hit with our guests.

Well, you're lucky no one broke their neck.

See this girl there?


She'd had too much to drink, maybe mixing with dr*gs.

Not our vibe.

We had to ask her to leave.

You know if she was with anyone?

That I don't remember.

You don't remember?

You remember her being drunk at an intimate, hipster-only party, but you don't remember who she was with?

I notice women.

Well, you might want to start remembering men, Andre.

Operating illegal clubs, serving liquor without a license.

I am here.

I am cooperating.

I'll help you any way that I can.

Well, we'll need a guest list from Friday night.

Credit card receipts.

I'm sorry, cash only.

And we don't keep a list.

We can't control who gets the watch or who it's given to.

All right, sit tight.

He's covering for some rich prick.

Yeah, I got that.

We checked traffic cams, security video on the street.

Nothing with a view of the building entrance or roof.

Tell Fin and rollins to check with the 11th.

See if there's a watch group in the area.

We found an old lady across the street lives on her windowsill.

She's better than the N.S.A.

What do you got for Friday night?

Yeah, I'm just getting there.

Hold on.

Wait a minute.

That's got to be Sarah.

That guy?

Oh, we know him?

Yeah, that's Cameron Tyler, Internet millionaire.

He was there last night.

And he didn't mention carrying an unconscious girl out Friday night?

Worse than that, he told me he was in the Hamptons.


Any chance Sarah knows him?

I mean, she's a caterer.

He's a socialite.

They could have crossed paths.

All right, let's Find out if there is a relationship.

If they do know each other, we'll have her make a controlled call.

Now, she says she doesn't want to talk to you anymore?

Well, she's gonna have to get past that.

Detective Benson.

I told you I don't have anything more to say.

We have a lead, Sarah.

We need to talk.


Everything okay?

Cameron Tyler?


You two know each other?

We're friends.

When I heard what Sarah went through, I wanted to be here for her.

And how do you two know each other?

Nicole house-sits for Cameron.

I've been a cater waitress at some of his parties.

Yeah, that's how we met, but now we all hang.

Does that include Friday night?

Were you at the water tower together?

It turns out we were.

Cameron was just telling me.

Okay, good.

And you went back Sunday, the night we busted the club?

Yeah, I can explain...

I'm sure you can.


Uh, is that okay with you?


We'll be Fine.

So will we.

Come on.

Cameron said he saw me Friday night.

Yeah, did he mention carrying you out of that building?

No, but he said he was worried about how out of it I was.

You know, he...

He was just being nice.

He brought me that orchid.


So you and Cameron are close?

We're usually out in groups.

He's very generous, and he's nice to Nicole.

Okay, man to man, I know this might look bad.

That what might look bad, Cameron?

I didn't tell the other detectives I was at the club Friday night.

Yeah, man to man, that does look bad.

My girlfriend, Lia, she's Czech.

She's hot-tempered.



She didn't need to know I was out with another girl.

So you were on a date with Sarah?

A date?

No, no, no.

I just stopped by to check it out.

Sarah showed up.

You ever have anything romantic between you two?


What are you asking?

Sarah, do you remember if he came up to the apartment with you?

Wait, he...

You think Cameron r*ped me?

He didn't tell the police that he was with you at the club on Friday night.

And now he's here to check in on you?


No, you...

That can't be right.

I mean, he... he...

We're friends, right?

He's got a girlfriend.

She's a model.


You're making a mistake.

So, Friday night, you see anybody working Sarah?

Hitting on her?

I can't say I did.

She was pretty out of it.

I think she'd had some drinks before she got there.

You see her leave with anyone?

Actually, I helped her out of the building.

And you left her on the sidewalk?


Hailed a cab, took her home.

All the way to Brooklyn?

Yeah, it was the gentlemanly thing to do.


Well, I'm sure, as a gentleman, you took her up to her apartment.


No, I offered.

After what happened to her, I didn't want her to walk up alone, but she said no.

What time was all this?

It must have been after 1:00.

You go anywhere after that?

I don't get to Brooklyn too often, so I took a walk home across the bridge.

That's a nice walk.

Anyone at your place who can verify when you got home, Cameron?


Lia was in a late sh**t.

Nicole was at Matthew's.

I can't believe this happened to Sarah again.

I feel like it's my fault.

I never should have left her alone.
So Cameron Tyler puts himself at the club on Friday night, puts himself in a cab with Sarah...

Puts himself on her block in Brooklyn.

Admitting what he can't deny.

But he does deny going up to her apartment.

But she still doesn't remember?

Well, maybe she just doesn't want to admit that it was somebody she knew.

But he's smart.

That condolence call?

He was trying to get in front of it.

Because he's a pro.

That was east Hampton P.D.

They're not big fans of his.

A year ago, he was accused of sexual as*ault by a cater waitress, um, Celine Dubois.

She recanted a week later.


How much did that cost?

For a cater waitress, she's doing all right.

19.99 for tabbouleh?

That's parsley, right?

You've never been to the Hamptons?

They don't wear Jimmy Choos in myrtle beach.

Detectives, is there a problem?

Yeah, is there someplace private we can talk?

About what?

Cameron Tyler.

He's a customer.

You accused him of r*pe.

That was a mistake.

It's been taken care of.

Yeah, from you, maybe it has been, but he's done it again.

Another young woman that worked for him.

He drugged her.

He r*ped her.

I'm sorry I can't help you.

This is a nice place.

When did you open?

Last fall.

Not long after you dropped the charges against Cameron.

Can I ask you how you Finance this place?

I have investors.

People out here are very generous.

Including Cameron?

We make our own potato chips.

Help yourself to a bag on your way out.

Put that back.

That's graft.


They're purple.

Okay, so Sarah and Celine.

He likes to get rough with the help.

Celine doesn't want to talk to you, and Sarah can't even remember how she got to the party.

Well, who gave her the watch?

I feel terrible that we gave her the watch, but Sarah was Finally ready to have a good time.

Did you know Cameron would be there?


On a fall weekend, he's usually in the Hamptons.

But he knew she'd be there.

Oh, well... well, he knew we were all going out.

I mean, maybe Matthew texted him.

I could ask him.

Matthew, your fiance?

Yeah, him and Cameron grew up together.

They're best friends.

Okay, and when did you start working for Cameron?

He just hired me this summer.

He was a real lifesaver.

How do you mean?

Mm, there was this, uh, party at Cameron's house fourth of July weekend, and I got really wasted and missed my Sunday brunch shift.

The restaurant fired me, but Cameron said that he would take care of me.

What-what happened at this party?

I must have, you know, passed out.


I'm never touching that again.

Uh, I think I fell.

I don't know.

Did you have any injuries?

Uh, sore all over.

I, um...

I even tore my earlobe.

Was Matthew there?

No, he was stuck in California on business, but Cameron found me the next morning, and I was a total mess, but he was great.

He gave up a summer Sunday to take me to the doctor.

Son of a bitch.

He r*ped her too.

Poor Girl. She was r*ped.

She doesn't even know it.

Well, it's not gonna be easy to tell her.

Well, do we have to?

I mean, she doesn't know that she was r*ped.


I'm serious.

She doesn't think that she's a victim.

If we tell her, we make her one.

Yeah, but it's her fiance's best friend.

It's her boss.

Can't let her keep working for this guy.

Yeah, we also need to build a case.

We have nothing on him.

So how is that gonna help us?

It's too late for a r*pe kit.

She doesn't remember anything.

Okay, but Cameron's guard is still up about Sarah.

I mean, he thinks he got away with Nicole, so...

We get her to wear a wire, maybe we catch him in a lie.

Maybe we get a warrant for the g.H.B.

That's a whole lot of maybes.

There's one thing that I know for sure.

If we tell Nicole...

She'll never be the same.

What's more important?

He's a r*pist.

Liv, we're not social workers.

We're cops.

They're right.

We don't have a choice.

So why don't you and rollins go talk to her?


Bye, honey.

I'll call you when I can.


That was Matthew.

We're supposed to go over the seating chart.

I can't believe that the wedding is less than a month away.

Um, are we done here?

Actually, there is something that detective Benson and I need to talk to you about.

Okay, I told them everything that I know about Sarah.


Nicole, this isn't about Sarah.

This is about you.


The fourth of July party at Cameron's house.

You said you don't remember anything.

No, it must have been the Tequila.

So you drank a lot?

No, I only remember one Margarita.

Maybe I was dehydrated.

I was just so out of it.

And did you take any dr*gs that night?


Ask anyone. I swear.

I don't even smoke pot.

So let me ask you...

You remember that one drink?

Is it possible that somebody at the party drugged it?


You said that Cameron took you to the doctor.

Did you get a complete exam?

No, I mean, it was just Cameron's friend, so we went to his house.

He stitched my earlobe and said that I should stick with wine.

Okay, so no E.R.?

No blood or urine tests?



So, Nicole, I need to ask you, um...

Is it possible that you were sexually assaulted and... and didn't remember it?

I don't know.

I was...

I was sore.

And, um...

The next morning, I had a bladder infection.

Did you go to your gynecologist?

No, I just took some leftover antibiotics.

To be honest, I kind of, uh...

I didn't want to know what happened.

I thought maybe I had cheated on Matt.

No, Nicole, we don't think that that's what happened.

We think that you may...

Have been r*ped.


We think...

Cameron is a predator.


We know Sarah was drugged Friday night.

Cameron was at that party.

No, Cameron rescued her.

That's what he wanted her to think, the same way he wanted you to think that he rescued you.

You just got off the phone with Matthew.

Did you ask him if he mentioned to Cameron that Sarah would be at the water tower?

Yeah, he said that they were texting, and Matthew told him that c...

We were going home and that Sarah was going to the club.

Oh, my God.

Cameron r*ped Sarah?

We think he r*ped you too.

He's Matthew's best friend.

He's supposed to be the best man at the wedding.

Nicole, we wouldn't have told you if we weren't sure.

Okay, what am I supposed to tell Matthew?

We're staying chaste until we get married.

This is not your fault.

He will understand that.

Why are you telling me this?

Because Cameron is a serial r*pist, and we need to put him away.

I can't help you.

I don't remember what happened.

He does.

Nicole, you're still up.

Uh, can I talk to you?

Everything okay?

Something happen to George and Martha?

No, they're Fine.

I just need to ask you about something.

Okay, it's late.

Lia and I had a hell of a drive.

It's okay.

I'll be upstairs waiting for you in the jacuzzi.

Okay, so?


[Laughs nervously]

What's up?

Um, do you remember that party at your house when I drank too much?

Uh, we had a lot of parties.

Fourth of July weekend.

Oh, yeah.


I'm pregnant.



I think?

You and Matthew?

This is good.

No, it's not good.

Um, it's not Matthew's.

Are you sure?

He never told you?

We're waiting until we get married.

Yeah, but, Matthew and I went to Dalton together.

He's hardly a virgin.

No, but we decided to start fresh.

Wow, so it's not his?

Okay, look, before you tell me that you cheated on him, I'd really rather not hear that.

No, I...

You see, that's the thing.

Um, I took the vow with him seriously.

But then at your party, I think something happened to me.

Did you see any guys with me?

Uh, yeah, some.

I mean, by the time I went to my room, you were pretty sloppy, flirty.

And then you just found me the next morning, naked on that lounge chair?


Yeah, you were passed out cold.

Okay, well, I guess that I'm gonna need the names of all the guys at your party.

What? Why?

Well, for a DNA test, because one of your friends must have had sex with me while I was passed out, so I'm gonna need their names.

You don't need their names.

What do you mean?

Look, you were really aggressive with me.


You're an attractive girl.

You were coming on strong.

I was a little high.

I'm not Gandhi.

So wait.

We had sex?

You and me?

We had sex, and you didn't tell me?

I figured you knew.


There you go.

Wait, whose idea was the pregnancy?

It was Nicole's.

She's staying strong.

I thought you were cool with it.

Besides, I wore a condom, so I really don't see how...

Were there any other guys?

No, no, no.

Everyone left.

It was just us.

Maybe this happened at a different party.

Well, we can do a DNA test, because I need a screening anyway.

You're gonna keep it?

Well, I really haven't thought about that.

I don't know what else to do, 'cause Matthew, he'll leave me.

Matthew doesn't have to know.

I'll take care of this.

Of you.

Not just for the procedure, but the stress of it.

This never happened.

What never happened?

I was too drunk to know I had bruises.

My earlobe was torn.


It's okay.

I'll take care of all of this.

I'll wire money into your account.

Do you think that if you pay me, I am not gonna tell people that you took advantage of me?


It wasn't like that.

You were all over me.

I was passed out cold.

Did Sarah put you up to this?


Does anybody else know?


Of course not.

Hey. Hey...

Don't touch me.

Cameron Tyler.

Who's there?


[Door bangs]

You bitch.

You r*ped me, and you r*ped Sarah.

You set me up.

Mr. Tyler, get away from her.


You did so great.

Are you okay?

I will be.

I want my lawyer now.

A little late for that.

Fine, call your lawyer.

Yeah, and you know what?

In the meantime, we have a warrant for your house, your phone, your computer.

And you're under arrest.

I tried to talk to Sarah.

I'd say that I'm sorry, but she didn't want to hear it.

Well, she's got a lot to deal with.

So do you.

And Matthew.

Nicole and I are still getting married.

It's not her fault.

No. No, it's not.

It's mine.

He met her through me.

You son of a bitch.

Hey, whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey, whoa!

You waited until I was out of town...


And att*cked Nicole!

Hey, hey.

Settle down.

Take it easy.

Easy, pal.

Take a breath.

We have your client on video admitting to sex with Nicole.

It was consensual.

She was passed out at the time.

And you offered her money to forget the consensual sex ever happened.

She was blackmailing me about being pregnant.

Matthew is my best friend.

Not anymore.

And I understand you let him attack my client in the middle of your squad room?

Well, you're lucky we pulled them apart.

I didn't do anything to her.

Or Sarah, or Celine, or the other five girls?

We found your cloud, Cameron.

There's video of him having sex with eight passed-out women.

That was their fantasy.

And the g.H.B.?

What about ripping their earrings out of their ear while you forced them to go down on you?

You kept trophies.

When the DNA comes back on these, the jury'll connect the dots.

I never saw those before.

Not another word, Cameron.

I'm gonna need to speak to your D.A.

We'll see if he's interested.

Well, that should make Barba happy.

Honestly, I don't think anything makes Barba happy.

I'll call him.

I was wrong about not telling Nicole that she was r*ped.

You're allowed.


But before you leave, I've been meaning to give this to you.

Sergeant's exam.

You're my senior detective.

Now that Munch is gone, I don't want one-p-p sticking me with some tube of hair cream.

Yeah, I'm not ready for the desk, captain.

I know you're not, but let's face it, you've been my number two for a while.

Let's just make it official.

Sarah, I know that this is hard, but the D.A. Says that Cameron will take a plea for four counts of aggravated sexual as*ault, including yours.

He's gonna do 10 to 15 years.

All right. Good.

You're okay with that?

After last time, I have no faith in a jury.

Sarah, I'm so sorry that you had to go through this.

You mean again?

I just couldn't believe it was him.

I mean, he seemed like a nice guy.

Some rapists, you know, that's their m.O.

They can be very charming.

Well, obviously, I have no radar at all.

Hey, listen to me.

This is not on you.

Yeah, right.

What, am I supposed to stay home for the rest of my life?


Cameron is behind bars.

He can't hurt you or anyone else.

Okay, well, Michael is still out there.

Men are still out there.

My dad wants to get me a g*n.

I carry a g*n.

And I've been assaulted.


You have?


And the hardest part is...

Not beating myself up every day for getting into that situation.

You said it wasn't my fault.

But it's yours?


It's a feeling.

Not a fact.

You know, my therapist says it can help to...

To change your daily routine, you know?

If you take the bus, then walk.

If you usually read, you know, go to a movie.

Do things that make you happy.

You know, if you focus on the good in life and on the positive things, then it can...

It can shake the negative emotions and patterns away.

And that works for you?

Some days.

You know, it's a process.

Little steps.

They add up.

If you say so.



Oh, I guess, technically, you're not my captain anymore.

I didn't know you were coming in.

Well, I wanted to wait till it was quiet.

I didn't want to make a fuss.


It's gonna be strange.

A whole new view.

At least the D.A.'S office has a fresh coat of paint on the walls.

You had one hell of a run, sergeant Munch.

Did I?

I don't know where it all went.

My friend.


"Did you pull the identity photos?"

Yeah, I pulled the identity photos.

I'm pulling them now.

I'm looking at them now.

Detective Munch.

[Phone rings]


I mean, S.V.U.

Hold on.

I'll get you a detective.


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