12x10 - Rescue

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x10 - Rescue

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, Sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives Who investigate these vicious felonies Are members of an elite squad Known as the special victims unit. These are their stories.

Would you mind not dancing on the table, please?

Ash, where have you been?

Cleaning up barf out in the hallway.

Hey, jill, great party.

Do you have a black marker?

What do you need a black marker for?

Oh, look at you.

Put an arrow right there...

Oh, my god. Yes!

Who's next?


What are you guys doing in here?


Oh, my god, is that caitlin?

I found her passed out.

She's fair game.

Give me that marker-- no. No!

No one is next!

No one is next!

Get out!

What's your problem?

Seriously, get the hell out, okay?

Is she serious?

She's so lame.

Fun hater.




Time to wake up and go home.


Oh, my god.

Danny...Call 911.

This how you found her?

Yeah, with her shirt ripped.

She's short half a pint of blood From the slash on her scalp.

Her name's caitlin lamarck.

26. From brooklyn.

Here's where she started bleedin'.

Perp rammed her head into this mirror Then threw her over onto those coats and got busy.

Yeah. With dozens of people in the next room.

Uh, you...

You threw the party?

Yes. I'm jill.

Okay, jill, we're gonna need the names Of everyone who was here tonight.

I can give you my evite list, But caitlin wasn't on it.

Anyone have a problem with her crashing your party?

Pretty much everyone.

Okay, tell the e.R. Docs not to wash her face.

Ready to roll, clark.

Let's go.

All right, clear a path, people.

Come on!

Hey, can I just come to work with you?

Calvin, you always say you're bored after ten minutes.

It's better than school.

You know, if you're like me, One day you're gonna look back And think that school was the most fun you ever had.

Oh, you remember back that far?

Listen to you.

Very funny.

Here you go.



Do you think that my mom's dead?

No, calvin, I don't think that.

Honey, sit down here.

Come here, sit down.

I am looking for her every day, And your dad too.

You don't ever remember your mom mentioning his name?

Once she said, "david...

Get out or I'm calling the cops."

Your mom told me that he left right after you were born.

He--he stops by, but...

They always end up in a fight.

Well, anyway, you...

Need to go to school so you can show your parents How smart you've gotten next time you see 'em.

Nice try. wait.

I made this for you Yesterday in art class.

It's you.

Calvin, it's beautiful!

I even signed it.

"calvin benson."

'cause you rescued me.

Go to school.

So how long is this gonna go on?

What, calvin painting?

You playing mom.

Come on, el.

The kid's been through hell.


He's got a junkie mother, Being abandoned--

I'm just trying to give him Some stability in his life.

No luck finding his dad?

First name's david.

There's no last name.

There's no father on the birth certificate, so...

I took a buccal swath from calvin, Sent it to the lab to run for a familial match.

I haven't heard back yet.

Doc, is our victim awake yet?

I hope not.

She's in the morgue.

Caitlin lamarck died from a massive subdural hematoma.

Paramedic said it was just a scalp cut.

When her head hit the mirror, it caused her brain to bleed.

She seized and stopped breathing in the e.R.

Docs couldn't resuscitate her.

Think the perp meant to k*ll her on purpose?

Find the prick and ask him. Till then, I'm ruling it a homicide.

Was she r*ped?

Slight vaginal tearing. but that may have been From rough sex.

Can't tell if he did it before or after he knocked her out.

Find fluids?

Yeah. But it's not semen.

Condom lubricant?

Never seen one that's blue.

Also some kind of micro-particulate in it.

I sent a sample off to the lab for analysis.

Okay. So all we have is a dead girl who nobody liked.

Yeah. And munch and fin just tracked down why.

"my lay list: "a scholarly treatise on office relationships By caitlin lamarck."

It's a 32-page powerpoint document On the 15 dudes she slept with in the last three years.

With their names, photos...

Pros and cons in the sack? and a bar graph of penis size.

You were expecting a pie chart?

Problem is, caitlin did this as a goof Only for her friends to see.

Yeah, let me guess.

Till one of them put it online.

Yep. She was bombarded with hate mail.

Most of her friends on facebook dropped her.

And then she was axed from her ad agency For generating negative publicity.

Really? Any of the guys lose their jobs?

Not that I can tell.

It's the same old song.

Guys who sleep around are considered studs, And girls who do it are considered sluts.

Okay. So our victim blogs about who she banged, Becomes an outcast.

Now, how'd she end up at the party With all her former friends?

Well, here's the evite list that jill sent us.

I crossed it with caitlin's catalogue of conquests.

So let's go ask the guys on her lay list Who were there last night.

I don't know who invited caitlin.

Didn't stop you from humiliating her with a marker After she arrived.

Party 101--you pass out, you get chiefed.

Happened to me plenty of times.

Except that caitlin didn't pass out.

She was whacked so hard over the head, It k*lled her.

Now, you sure you didn't tap that Before you called in your pals?

Wouldn't be the first time, right?

Look, a lot of people were upset About caitlin making that list not me.

You sure?

'cause under cons it said that you fell asleep in record time afterwards.

And she also voted me biggest penis.

You know how many chicks friended me Because of what she wrote?

I lost a lot of friends 'cause of caitlin's stupid list.

Ah, I wonder why...

"my next lay, ryan, "is the hottest photographer at the firm.

"so I lured him into the darkroom "to see what would develop.

Too bad he sh**t with a very short lens."


That bitch is a liar.

So you invited that bitch to the party To teach her not to open her big mouth About your little wienie.

Look, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean bitch, okay?

I didn't even know caitlin was at the party Until danny told me.

I was too busy taking photos.

Here--they're on here.

You can check the time stamps.

Don't mind if we do.

Do you mind?

I'm on my lunch break.

Well, we're trying to figure out Who m*rder*d caitlin lamarck.

I don't know what to tell you about that.

Well, why don't you start by telling us Who invited her to the party.

I have no idea.

Her friends stopped talking to her months ago.

After she published her lay list.

The one that you appear on...

Under the title "a hot piece of ash."

Caitlin and I partnered on an audi campaign last year.

We were totally wiped after working three nights in a row.

I had a bottle of tequila in my desk.

Before that moment, I never thought of her as anything but a coworker.

That's not how she thought about you.

"I've been crushing on ash all year.

"just my luck that he's the only guy here Who has a steady girlfriend."

If she hadn't blabbed about your fling, Could have stayed your secret.

I told you, We didn't do anything to caitlin.


Me and my girlfriend.

Why would I invite caitlin?

Slut almost ruined my relationship.

By banging your boyfriend and then bragging about it.


Everyone hated her after that.

I was happy she fell off the face of the earth.

Well, that's weird, 'cause you word it a little different In the text you sent to her phone.

"caitlin, sorry I forgot to put you on the list.

Forget the haters.

Come to the party."

Come on, now.

Is that a lip quiver coming from the girl Who set the trap for the slut?

And then you act all horrified When you find your friends drawing on her face?

You're the hater, jill.

That's why you k*lled caitlin.

No, I didn't mean for her to die!

Okay? I just wanted to humiliate her in front of everyone.

Well, you did a little more than that.

She went to throw her coat in the bedroom, And I followed her.

We argued, And I grabbed her...

And her shirt ripped.

Then I shoved her, And her head broke the mirror.

And when I saw blood, I panicked.

I threw her on the bed so people would think she was drunk.

And then you sodomized her 'cause she screwed your boyfriend?

No! God, I only shoved her.

Then I went back to my friends.

So you all were just boozing it up While caitlin was lying there for an hour Bleeding into her brain.

That's some party.


I never wanted her to die.

You believe her?

I hate to say it, but yeah.

Now that we know how she died, We still looking for a r*pist?

It could have been any guy who was at that party.

It wasn't.

The blue substance in the micro-particulate I found inside your victim--

Lab figured out what it was.

Defibrillator transmission gel And silica powder from a latex medical glove.

One of the paramedics r*ped caitlin.

Mike o'doole. 56.

Out of brooklyn.

Married with three children.

Been on the job 32 years.

Two prescott medals And numerous pre-hospital save citations.

Okay. So in other words, he's squeaky clean.

His partner, not so much.

Clark tinta. 31.

In '07, 911 received a call From his place in pelham parkway.

His girlfriend told dispatch That he had forced her to have sex.

Now, by the time patrol got there, she changed her tune And said they were just role-playing.

Then last year he's accused of inappropriate contact With a hit-and-run victim.

She came to in back of the bus, And he had his hands in her crotch.

He blamed it on a bumpy ride.

So this guy gets off forcing himself on injured women.

We need to put tinta in the back of that ambulance With caitlin.

Until we make the case, These guys are our fdny brethren.

Just...Tread lightly.

Hey, guys.

Hey. Got a minute?

Detective, uh, stabler, right?

From the party call in soho.

You got it.

This is benson.

Oh, you traded up.

Oh, fin'll be crushed to hear that.

So what can we do for you?

It's about the girl that you transported that night, The one who passed out on all those coats.

Heard about her.

She morted in the e.R.


Yeah, yeah, she was a cutie.

Yeah, actually, the cutie had a name. It was caitlin.

Now, our m.E. Says that she was r*ped.

So what. You're, uh...

Talking to us because--

Well, we were wondering if she came to on board your bus.

Maybe she said something about the party?

Maybe mentioned a guy's name?

What do you say, mike? You were in the back on that run, right?

Girl never spoke.

Maybe you jotted down something you forgot about.

Do you mind if we take a look at your run sheet?

You know, I'm sorry, we're backed up on paperwork.

It's hard to get five seconds Around here without that horn going off again.

Like that.


Now, am I crazy, or did our brethren Just lie straight to our faces?

What the hell kind of man Covers for a partner who's raping girls?

The kind with his own skeletons in the closet.

These are calls o'doole and tinta responded to in the past three months.

These are thefts reported at the same addresses Shortly there after Watches, jewelry, cash left out.

Partners in crime.

Tinta r*pes, o'doole robs.

Yeah. And one covers for the other.

That's pretty ballsy, stealing in plain sight.

Captain, you know how crazy these crime scenes are--

Cops trampling through, nosy neighbors, Kids cryin' and screamin'.

I see valuables lying out all the time.

If I had sticky fingers, I'd be tempted.

Especially when you're wearing rubber gloves.

How come nobody's ever put it together?

Fdny is running an internal investigation on o'doole.

When I told them that his partner may be raping patients, They gave me everything they had and they said, "go with god."

O'doole is the weak link.

We hit him, he'll flip on tinta.

Hit him hard.

John, fin, take csu and see what you can find out From the last people who reported a theft.

I had a heart attack.

Larry...You had a panic attack.

We're being forced to sell, And yesterday was our first open house.

Forced to sell?

My husband made some bad investments.

Bernie madoff.

He can kiss my wrinkled ass.

The paramedics came, took larry to the hospital...

Where the doctors gave him a sedative.

Thank god.

When did you first notice That your wedding ring was missing?

Around midnight. we had so many people in here yesterday--

Makes me sick to think one of them took it.

Well, that's what we're here to find out.

You know, I just can't believe the nypd responds like this For one stolen ring.

Ma'am, we take crime very seriously.

You think I swiped some old lady's ring?

No. We know you did it, o'doole.

What about the 30 other people in the apartment?

None of them are suspects?

They were there for an open house.

You were there to fill your pockets. this is a joke, right?

I mean, what, did tinta put you up to this?

Tinta. We'll get to him in a minute, But first you need to tell us Why you went all the way to the back Of the donohos' apartment When larry collapsed in the front room.

I never went in the back.

Then why did csu Find your pubic hair stuck to the toilet In the master bathroom...

15 feet from where arleen's ring disappeared?

And don't tell us it was the breeze.

Now I remember.

See, I hit the head.

Lady of the house gave me permission.

No. Actually, she pointed you to the bathroom Right off the kitchen.

Well, I guess I used the wrong john.

So that's your m.O., huh?

You ask to use the john, and you go to the wrong one, Keeping your eyes open for booty along the way?

Anybody looks at you funny, Tinta's right there to back your play, huh?

Like you backed his When we came asking about caitlin lamarck.

We know he was in the back with her--not you.

Look...Come on.

We're all brothers here.

No, don't even.

Don't even.

All right.

All right, uh...

Maybe I took a few things I shouldn't have.

Look, I got two kids who lost their jobs.

They moved back home.

I gotta pay my bills.

By turning a blind eye to a partner Who's raping women?

No! No, no, no.

I don't know what tinta's doing back there.

I just know sometimes he blocks the window, But I-- you don't know!


You don't know--

That makes you the biggest idiot in the world. If you do know, it makes you an accomplice.

So which one are you?

You're right.

All right, you're right.

I'm an idiot, okay?

I should have said something.

I should have--ah, god.

I-- come on, there's gotta Be some way to make this right, no?

Yeah, there is.

Help us nail the son of a bitch.

Okay, so we gotta get o'doole back Before their shift starts in an hour.

Before tinta gets another girl in the back of that bus. olivia benson.

You break o'doole?

Did you doubt we would?

Guy's dirty. It would help if we had some hard evidence on tinta.

Yeah, we're working on that plan right now.

Are you gonna hate me if I flake?

Calvin got in a fight at school.

Go. We'll get it done.

Hey, fin, you want in on bringing down That dirt bag tinta?

Thought you'd never ask.

Let me go put this in evidence first.

She never sent it in.

You're awful quiet.

You still with me?


Just hope we're not following these two for days Before we get what we need.

You know, uh, Clark...

I gotta say--

You really owe me for lying to the cops yesterday, huh?

What, like I never lied for you? no, no, no, I--

I'm just saying that it was...


Naw, you're right.

I do owe you.
You know, that caitlin chick, she was real sweet.

Really, huh?


But, better than the others?

Oh, no.

No, I'm not saying that.

Cutie in the car wreck last week...

She was a nice piece.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oh, oh!


That blonde...

That oded, remember?


That bitch even put up a bit of a fight.

No. Really?

Yeah. She was nice.

You know what, mike?

That's why...

That's why you and I make a good team.


We look out for each other.

Why are these clowns back?

I don't know. Who?

You son of a bitch!

Okay, tinta.

Let's make this easy.

Everybody stay down!

Tinta, freeze!

Open up!

Tinta, open the door.



Oh, my god.

Tinta, don't.

Tinta, don't!


I wasn't expecting you.

Got news.

Yeah. Fin already called.

Tinta gave himself an air embolism?

That's crazy.

Yeah, but that's not why I'm here.

Csu finished running the fingerprints From the donoho place.

The couple who had the open house.

Yeah. None of them popped except for a thumbprint Off the medicine cabinet.

Vivian was there?

Looks like calvin's mom was closer than we thought.

I thought when vivian don we disappeared That she skipped town for good.

She was with her friend sarah.

Csu found her prints in the donohos' living room.

What are they doing at an open house?

It's not like they're looking to buy.

You know what they're doing.

Junkies hit open houses all the time Looking for prescription dr*gs.

Let's go talk to the donohos.

Well, that'll send us on a wild goose chase.

Or it'll give us a chance to maybe find vivian.

Is that why you're dragging your feet?

Excuse me?

Look, you've had four cups of coffee, You cleaned out your in-box--

That's the first time that's happened in a month--

All because you don't wanna go out there And try and find the woman that m*rder*d burlock.

Okay, we don't even know that she m*rder*d burlock, And if she did, we should give her a medal.

I agree with you, so let's find her And pin it on her chest. Look, we can't stall on this The way you've been stalling about finding calvin's dad.


I found the swab yesterday.

I know that you didn't send in calvin's DNA to the lab.

You're snooping through my desk?

You left your drawer open.

I went to close it.

There it was.

That's it.

I thought that I sent in the swab, So if I didn't, I forgot and I made a mistake.

I'll send it in now.

I already did.


Elliot, do me a favor.

Let me take point on this.

If vivian is ripping off people's medicine cabinets, We have no idea where her head is.

I just don't want her to do anything stupid.

You got it.

I'll follow, you lead. Come on.


You're not going anywhere.

I'm not?

You have custody of our suspect's son.

And you think that's a conflict of interest.

Her attorney will.

A smart one might even say you rigged the game all along, Exerted undue influence so you could get your hands on calvin.

Vivian signed him over to her.

A confused move by an addict Being manipulated by a detective Desperate to start her own family.

Is that how you see me?

Only matters how a jury sees you.

I didn't ask about a jury.

And I'm not asking you To stand down.

Olivia benson.


Well Yes. Yes.

I'm on my way.

Calvin just got in another fight, So, uh, you win.

I'm outta here.

Is your partner okay?

Yeah, she's fine.

She'll be better once vivian arliss is in custody, So we'll call you when I track her down.

You're off the case too.

Who is going to accuse me of stealing anyone's kid?

I already got five of my own.

You've also had detective benson's back For over a decade.

Juries see how close partners get.

Some are tighter than married couples.

Elliot, let's not screw our chance To get vivian for burlock's m*rder.

Fin. I need you.

Yes, she was here, But she called herself claire, not vivian.

Ha. My wife thought she was a little seedy, And what with the tattoos, but...

Claire have a friend with her?

Nice girl too.

Though she did talk my ear off.

Runnin' interference while viv sacked the joint.

Mr. Donoho, did you have a sign-in book For your open house?

We'd like to find out exactly when these two dropped by.

Yeah. They came by at, uh...

Ah. 2:35.

Didn't the lady cop tell you all this?

Lady cop?

Came by 20 minutes ago.

Name was, uh...Benson?

She asked my wife all these same questions.

Liv faked getting that call.

She wasn't going to calvin's school.

She wanted a head start finding vivian. couple of days ago, Two women came out of 262 central park west.

Building security camera caught 'em Getting into your cab.

Yeah. Hot girls. Good tippers.


Can you tell me where you dropped them?

Crappy part of town.

Be more specific?

South bronx.

The place looked condemned.



Hope you got us somethin' to eat.

Olivia. is that really you?

It's really me.

Don't do anything stupid, vivian...


Little late for that, don't you think?


It's never too late.

That's why I'm here, vivian, to help you.

You know how you can help me?

Leave. Please leave.

I do that, and you die.

The biggest help of all.

Turn around. I gotta cuff you.

No, no!

Everything! You!

You ruin everything!

Wherever my home is, you--you come in A-and you piss all over it!

This is your home?

Oh, I'm sorry it's not as nice As your home, maybe, But it's where my-- my heart is, mine and sarah's.

And you walk in here, And you stomp on it!

Calm down, vivian.

You know, maybe I was in a bad place before you met me, but at least I knew who I was.

At least I knew where I came from.

A-and you stole that away from me!

The truth is hard, vivian, I know that.


Stop saying you know who I am And that we're so much alike Because both of our daddies were rapists.

I am nothing like you.

Do you understand?

I am nothing like you!

Vivian arliss, you're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

Listen to me, just walk away.

Anything you say can and will Be used against you in a court of law.

Sarah and I are happy.

I swear we're not gonna do anything to anyone.

Vivian, listen to me.

You deserve better than this!

And you--

You deserve calvin.

That's what you want, isn't it?

You wanna keep him.

If you walk away right now, I promise you can have him.

Calvin can be your little boy forever--

I-I promise you, okay?

Okay? Come on, olivia, please.

Stop this talk and just--

Okay, olivia, you're a good person.

And that's why I left him with you, Because I knew that he would be happy with you.

That's what you want, right?

You want calvin to be happy.


Well, liv, make a decision.

Your call.

It's time to tell us What happened to walter burlock, vivian.

Come on.

Let's go.


What's there to tell?

I don't know.

I, um...

I knocked on his front door and...

He answered with this big grin on his face.

He might have even licked his lips.

Did you invite yourself in?

He invited.

He told me to sit While he grabbed us a couple of beers.

And I said, I said a woman should serve a man.

He liked that.

And then I...

Walked into the kitchen And saw the frying pan on the stove.

And you picked it up?

After I put on an oven mitt.

And then burlock walked in and...

Smashed his skull.

And then he fell on the carpet And started making these weird gurgling noises and stuff, And then...

I hit him again, and he stopped.

I k*lled the bastard.

The fact that he was my father only made it better.

Both of you out. Now.

What the hell were you doing?

Could I have been any clearer about you standing down?

I'm sorry.

Sorry is not even In the ballpark of where you need to be.

What are we doing?

She's the one who collared vivian.

Isn't that what we wanted?

You think you're gonna escape a rip here?

You defied a direct order just like she did.

And you two knew she was awol and you called him, not me.

We just tried to make the play, captain.

This is on me.

It's not on them.

Playing the martyr is not gonna work here.

Everybody's getting burned this time.

Even though it's a win?

Because vivian just told us the whole story About k*lling burlock.

Any half-assed attorney Will have her recanting that confession Before she leaves that room.



Because vivian didn't k*ll walter burlock.

I did.

I'm glad I did it.

So you admit to k*lling walter burlock?


And vivian confessed to a crime you committed Because...

I love sarah.

Her heart is...So pure.

When she's not murdering men.

She only did that because she loves me.

Vivian is the only person Who accepts me for who I am.

I knew we were soul mates the moment we met Eight years ago in rehab.

And how'd that work out?

We've had our slips...


But vivian wouldn't have slipped this time Or run away If she hadn't just found out who her real father was.

Sarah k*lled burlock Because she thought it would take my pain away.

And did it?

I'll never be free of pain.

Vivian feels more deeply Than anyone you'll ever know.



Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

But I'd follow her anywhere.

We'll always be together.

Even if we're not together.


Codependent and drug dependent. it's like sid and nancy.

Except they're both nancy.

Vivian never once mentioned calvin.

Strung out as she is?

I'd be surprised if she'd even remember his name.

Okay, so sarah's going down for offing burlock. What about vivian?

I'll charge her for stealing dr*gs from the donohos.

Court will order rehab at the very least.


Vivian got money when her mom died.

She'll make bail in five minutes.

And be back on dr*gs in ten.

On the charge of m*rder In the second degree, How does the defendant plead?

My client pleads not guilty, your honor.

Her confession was coerced while under the influence.

The people will have no difficulty Proving ms. Hoyt's guilt without it.

Bail, ms. Hardwicke?


Ms. Hoyt has already proven that she's a flight risk.

Remedied when she voluntarily turned herself in to the police.

Which was ill-advised, Seeing as one of the arresting officers, Detective olivia benson, has a special interest In keeping my client in jail Because she has custody of the son--

Are we arguing the case already?

Mr. Hunter, save it for the jury.

Bail is set at $300,000.

Don't worry, baby.

I'll get you out, okay?

Hey, you go get the car, okay?

I'll just be a second.

I thought you got kicked off the case.

I did.

Prosecutors have it now.

She's not gonna win.

We are.

Vivian, I just came to see if...

If you're okay.

I'm glad you came.

'cause I wanna see calvin.

I'm not sure that that's a great idea, vivian.

Calvin's doing really well.

And I'm his mother, and I love him.

More than you love sarah?

Or dr*gs?

Is that who I am?

It doesn't have to be.

No, you're right.

Maybe I don't love calvin.

Maybe I don't love anyone Unless I can get what I need, right?

What you need is to get help, vivian.

Like I got.

Not everyone can be helped, olivia.

Some of us are just too damaged.

Not that you did me any favors.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

Stay here!

Svu portable to central.

sh*ts fired.

West courthouse steps.

I need backup and a bus now.



No, no, vivian--


Don't touch anything.


This is because of you!

Everything bad is because of you!

I'm sorry, vivian.

Check this out.

Jason gambel.

That guy was terrorized by his cellmate walter burlock.

No other cameras in the garage, But this doorway is 50 feet Away from where sarah was gunned down.

Gambel's our guy.

So sarah k*lled burlock for raping vivian's mother, And now gambel kills sarah for murdering his master.

Even in death, Burlock still has an iron grip on his prison bitch.

But I didn't k*ll anyone.

Sarah hoyt doesn't count as anyone?

Only burlock makes the grade in your sad little world?

No. I hated burlock.

I still do.

Well, gambel, we caught you on tape Hauling ass from that garage After you pumped three slugs into sarah.

I'm not gonna lie.

I was outside court today.

You're not gonna lie? Well, my partner didn't see you there.

I stayed back.

All I wanted to do was find the girl who k*lled burlock.

She set me free.

I can finally sleep at night.

But before I could, a guy walked up to her car.

I could only see him from the back.

He shot three times, And then he leaned into the window And spit in her face.

Then he turned towards me, so I ran.

I tell you what--you're gonna have the opportunity To tell that story to a jury, and I'm sure they'll believe you As much as I do.

No! I swear I didn't k*ll that girl!

He's telling the truth.

Burlock get his hooks into you too?

Dna did.

From the saliva we found on sarah hoyt's face.

It's not a match to that guy?

Not even close.

But it matches half of another DNA sample I just got back, The one you dropped off?

The man who shot sarah hoyt Is calvin's father.

David drucker!

We have a warrant for your arrest.

Don't worry.

I'm not gonna fight you.

There's the g*n I shot her with.

It's unloaded.

Stand up.

Hands where we can see 'em. so you've been waitin' for us.

I know what I did was wrong.

Well, you should have figured that out Before you k*lled sarah.

She stole vivian from me.

And my son.

Vivian said you didn't care about calvin.

And you believe her?

The way she is now?

Maybe at first I wasn't too good a dad, But I got clean.

Convinced her to go to rehab too.

Where she met sarah.

I couldn't give vivian what she could.

'cause they're both still addicts.

Sarah pulled vivian Back down the hole.

And then they took off.

They took calvin with 'em.

Every time I tracked vivian down, I-I pleaded with her...

Please just...Come home.

At least...

Let me take the boy.

Sarah wouldn't let her.

S-she just kept Filling vivian up with dr*gs.

Then you saw the news reports of sarah's arrest.

That's when I knew.

She had to pay for everything she's done.

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.


Rock, papers, scissors, sh**t.

See? I have fun here.

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.

So do I.

Detective benson.

Scissors, sh**t.

One second. Yes.

Paul vereker, child protective services.

I'm here about calvin arliss.

Yes. I'm his legal guardian.

Not anymore.

"this letter terminates your rights "and responsibility of legal guardianship immediately Per the written revocation of those rights by--"


Hey, kiddo. sir, there must be a mistake.

This isn't possible because that woman right there Is a criminal and a drug addict.

Well, read down the page And see where the boy's biological father Has assigned custody to calvin's grandparents.

Excuse me.

It's time to go, okay?

You're gonna go, uh, Live in vermont for a bit, And mom's gonna get her head together.

No. I don't wanna go anywhere.

Son, you don't have a choice.

Sir, trust me.

You're making a huge mistake.

If you wanna contest this, file a claim with the court.

I'm here to escort this young man To where he belongs.

Come, son.

Come on, honey.



Vivian, you did this.

You talked to david.

You're the one who's shipping him off to vermont.

I'm doing it because it's the best thing for him.

'cause I'm his mom.

It was always temporary.

Come on, son.

Come on, buddy.

No! I don't wanna go anywhere!

Olivia, don't let them take me!

I'll do anything! Please!

It's okay.

We gotta go.

We gotta go.

Let him go!

It's okay, it's okay.

No! No!

Let him go!


It's okay, calvin.




Please don't let them take me!

Get off me!


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