12x08 - Penetration

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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12x08 - Penetration

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. These are their stories.


Don't ever point a g*n at a cop.

Or anyone else for that matter, okay?


I thought it'd be funny.

It's not.

But this is.

Ah, stop!

Oh, come on!

I have to pee!

I have to pee.


Then you're going to bed.

It's after midnight, Calvin.


You would not believe the day I've had.

Sorry to barge in on you so late.

Have you got any bourbon?

Uh, corner cabinet.

Top shelf.

Long time no see.

You still working undercover?

Funny you should ask.

And who might you be?

Is this your girlfriend?


Agent Lewis works for the FBI.

She's here to arrest you.

Because you won't go to bed.

Now, scoot.

Thanks for blowing my cover.

Now I'm gonna have to k*ll him.


Good night.

When did you get a kid?

When his mother abandoned him.

Trying to track down the father.

So...What brings you here?

I need a weensie favor.

I can't take this to the FBI lab.

So can you run that r*pe kit for me as a Jane Doe?

Who's the victim?

Me. what's with the cloak and dagger?

I promised I'd be discreet.

Uh...I dropped off a Jane Doe r*pe kit on our office this morning.



Dana Lewis.

She all right?

She claims to be.

She refuses to report it to her bosses at the bureau.

Like she's been undercover for a year.

She's close to making a bust.

If she tells the feds now, they'll pull her out.

And...They should.

She doesn't know who att*cked her.

If it's the target, her cover's already blown.

She's only asking for a few more days to close the case.

Which is?

She can't tell me.

So how do we investigate?

We can't even get a hold of her.

Look, she's a reluctant complainant, but she promised she'd contact me today.

I'll hold off calling her sac for a while.

But give me the full picture.

St. Paul's chapel Monday, october 25 the labyrinth becomes a mirror for where we are in our life.

It has only one path.

There are no tricks and no dead ends.

I'm sorry what happened to you.

Me too.

I'm also sorry you brought him.

Dana, he's my partner.

I had to tell him.

No, you didn't.

I know you're just here to see if I'm okay.

I'm fine.

I'm working.

Down by ground zero.

So it's an anti-terror case?

Ask me a question I can answer.

Come on.

You gotta fill in the blanks.

I'm working three cases right now.

If my cover was blown on one of them, I need to know which one it is.

I never asked you to investigate.

I just asked for a lab report.

And the second we get it, it's all yours. But in the meantime, why don't you just walk us through your crime scene?

It's not necessary.

You've got everything there is.

Fresh pair of eyes can't hurt.

And if it's not related to the job...

If you were a random victim, he r*pes somebody else, then how are you gonna feel?

Oh, really?

You're playing the guilt card on a fragile victim?



I mean, every time I'm near you, I wind up in the hospital.

When you're chasing down those aryans, I get shot.

When you're after those eco-freaks, I get blown up.


You had me at shot.

We can't be seen going there together.

I'll give you the address.

You meet me there.

She didn't tell me she was r*ped in her crash pad.

Well, they gotta pull her out of here.

Her cover's definitely been blown.

Well, they certainly pumped a lot of money into this one.

Yeah.- Her fake kids even look like her.

That's because they are mine.

And so is the apartment.

Where were the kids when you were att*cked?

They live in D.C.

With their daddy.

I'm shipping 'em off to Europe till I can clean this mess up.

You've a very understanding ex.

Yes, but we're not divorced.

Married 20 years next month.



Alec is a rock.

Well, maybe you should surprise him and join him and the kids in Europe.

But don't you want me to answer all your little questions?

Starting with the romantic details?

Right this way.

I had just come home after crawlin' around in the dirt all day.

He yoked me as I walked through this door.

He was 6'2", maybe 220.

Get a look at his face?

He was wearin' a mask.

I elbowed him in the ribs, but he had me in a sleeper hold.

And you were out in four seconds.

Yep. And, uh...

When I came to, I was lyin' on the bed...

And he was on top of me and, uh...

Rapin' me.

Vaginal penetration only.

I am trained...

To get out of that situation.

You can't prepare for every situation. Trust me. I know.

I couldn't move.

Don't blame yourself.

I don't, pinhead.

He had injected me with a paralytic agent.

I couldn't...Scream. Uh...

But I could feel everything.

How long did it last?

Seven minutes of heaven.

Closer to 30.

He left pretty quick after he finished and, uh, the drug wore off pretty fast after that.

I did my own r*pe kit and got to your house around midnight.

We'll get crime scene down here, have 'em go over the place.

That will not be necessary.

I collected all the rest of the evidence there is, so, um...

If you'll excuse me, there is someplace I need to be.

Oh, you're not going back to work.

Those qur'ans ain't gonna burn themselves.

Dana, you are not going back out in the field.

You could walk straight into a trap, and he could r*pe you again.

I'll be fine.

You either let us help you out or we rat you out to your boss.

How 'bout that?

Okay. Okay.

There's gonna be a crowd...

So blend in.

And so help me, if you blow my cover, I will send you home cryin' to your mama.

Park 51 Monday, october 25 no mosque here!

No mosque here!

No mosque here!

No mosque here!

No mosque here!

This is hallowed ground!

3,000 American heroes gave their lives!


This mega mosque is a spit in our faces!

Got a point.

Ever hear of freedom of religion?

Hey, you, al-qaeda is laughin' at us.

And you wanna let 'em build their command center right here?

It's a community center.

Basketball court, pool.

Available to kids of all faiths.

You tell this woman that that mosque is gonna be a monument to terrorism!

Mark my words, this mosque is gonna be the birthplace of the next t*rror1st event!


Hey, they're trying to counteract the hate and fanaticism of their own lunatic fringe.


What are you, some kind of jihad Jane?

No, she's just very misguided.

Well, they can build a mosque here...

She ditched us.

When we can build a synagogue in mecca!

There she is.

No mosque here!

No mosque here!

It's gotta be her contact.

Did he just abduct her?

El, we gotta call it in.

No mosque here!

Ohio plates.

No mosque here!

Got it.

Van's registered to David worthy from akron.

Bolo's out.

Yeah, I got a don't apprehend, just notify.

What's this case... stabler just hung up on me.

What case are they working?

Need to know.

What am I, chopped liver?

How come liv and el get to work anti-terror?

Who told you that?

The guy they're looking for is on six different watch lists.

He's a high-ranking member...

Of the s.C.B.

Is that an anti-Muslim group?


Government, that is.

The sovereign citizen's brigade.

Their members don't carry driver's licenses or register their kids' births.

Yeah. They hate taxes, traffic laws, and making banks rich.

Who doesn't?

What got 'em on the watch lists?

One of their nuts allegedly acting on his own took out an irs agent.

Call Elliot back. Let 'em know who they're dealing with.

We never should have let her back in the field.

You the guys who put out the bolo for the Ohio plate?

Yeah. What happened?

I saw them heading northbound just past the peekskill hollow exit.

I called it in and kept pace.

The instructions were to notify only, not follow.

My call.

How many bodies?

Just one.

In the driver's seat.

Looks male.

It must be David worthy.

Was this the driver?


You saw the expl*si*n?

In my rearview mirror.

I thought you said you were following.

I was hanging back about 100 yards till they lost me.

They must have pulled in here, and I drove right by 'em.

I went another mile...


Wait a minute.

You keep saying "they."

How many people were in the van?

I counted six occupants... five male, one female.

By the time I got back here, there was no sign of them.

And nothing around here for Miles.

So where the hell did they take Dana?

Federal bureau of investigation Tuesday, october 26 you've gotta pull agent Lewis out.


We don't know the particulars, but we know it involves the sovereign citizens brigade.

You heard about the van that blew up on the taconic last night?

Should I have?

The crispy critter inside was more than likely a guy named David worthy.

Now, we observed agent Lewis getting into his van earlier in the day.

It did not appear to be voluntary.

There were five other subjects on board.

We have reason to believe her cover's been blown and she's in serious danger.

Worthy, before he became barbecue, had a b*llet pumped into his head.

We can't reach Dana.

She hasn't returned to her apartment.

Has she made contact?

Not in about 12 months.

She's that deep under?

Dana...Left the bureau about a year ago.

Who the hell is Dana working for?

She's a pain in the ass, but one of the alphabets would have scooped her up.

Can you? NSA, A*F, DOD got over a thousand government agencies working counterterror.

And that's not even counting the private sector.

All right.

She's stonewalled us on every detail.

She spent the day playing us.

The anti-mosque crowd... that was a smokescreen.

She did meet a real target there.

So that's it.

I mean, the citizen's brigade... we gotta track them down before they wind up putting a b*llet in her head.

They're paranoid conspiracy theorists, right?

Time to call in the expert?

The learning area Tuesday, october 26

"the seminar you can't afford to miss.

"Today only, tom Marshall of the sovereign citizen's brigade."

"How to avoid foreclosure.

What the government doesn't want you to know."

I don't drink the kool-aid, Munch.

We came here to sweat this guy, not sign up for his master class.

A secret identity was created for each and every one of you at birth.

It's called a straw man.

It's linked to an account at the U.S. treasury which they use as collateral on foreign debt.

If you file the right documents at the right offices, that money can be yours.


Each of us can regain our sovereignty, actively opt out of government enslavement.

How do I break these shackles?

I've compiled all the forms you need.

Bill of exchange, promissory Bond...

There's more than enough to go around, gentlemen.

They'll be available for purchase after the lecture.

You tap into the straw man accounts--

It's called a redemption scam, folks.

Sadly, it's been repeatedly rejected by the courts.

Don't give this charlatan another dime.

See what's happening here?

The government has sent its lackeys to obfuscate the truth.

You want truth? You've been preyed upon by wall street, banks, and mortgage companies.

Don't let this schmendrick con you too.

You're under arrest for fraud.

You're tools of an illegitimate government.

I don't recognize your authority.

Or your laws.

David Worthy.

He's part of your pack?

He's with the Ohio chapter.


I used to read his blog.

I never met him.

You're not going to, either.

Your s.C.B. Boys have started getting a little paranoid and k*lling each other off, and that's fine by me, but they've kidnapped a federal agent.

I don't know anything about that...

The feds know you do.

They know you do.

Now, unless you want to end the rest of your life in a fema death camp...

You better start talkin' to me.

Don't look at the mirror.

All I know...

Is that David started to sound crazy on his blog.

He said the time for nonviolence is over.

Where's his compound?

I don't know.

S.C.B. Believes in a peaceful solution to world enslavement.

When we refused to resort to v*olence...

David found a group that would.


"Patriots against tyranny"?

Militia group based right here in New York.

Yeah, who Mr. worthy found more in sync with his ideology.

In the past two years, there's been a 300% increase in active militias.

As they see it, someone's out to take their g*ns away.

That's why they're stockpiling 'em, going out and training in the woods.

For what, a revolution?

Yeah, the usual... PAT's mission is to end the current system of government, one way or another.

My contact's got a bead on the PATs.

Their compound's in staten island.

Tuesday, october 26 what the hell?

Hey, who's in that bus?

No idea.

There's bodies everywhere.

Feds really screwed the pooch on this one.

What happened?

Waco meets Ruby Ridge.

There's the son of a bitch right there.

Hey, dowling.

Cannot believe that you looked us in the eyes and you lied.

You never gave me the code.

If Dana wanted me to share information with you, you'd know it already.

You're interfering with a federal investigation.

El, there's the other guy from the rally, the one that shoved her in the car.

Where's Dana?

When you came in screaming the sky was falling, we had to try to get her out.

But their surveillance blew our cover.

She was embedded when the raid went down.

She's in the house.

Oh, my God.

There were no survivors.

Who let these jokers in here?

You're okay.

Yeah. No thanks to you.

Hey, what part of me ditching you at the rally did you not get?

I met up with a contact that I was working for six months.

Everything was under control.

Control include that van you were in getting blown up?

That was an unscheduled boom boom which wouldn't have happened had you bozos not sicced the state trooper on us.

She wasn't supposed to follow you.

Well, she did!

The pat's plan was to spark a revolution by k*lling a cop, and you guys served up that state trooper on a silver platter.

Then, after all of New York's finest would attend the funeral, they would just blow everybody else up.

Hey, hey...

I don't have a good track record with you and expl*sives.

Oh, relax, Nancy.

Pin's in it.

How did you stop them?

By reminding them...

That all of the pats were supposed to be there when the spark was ignited.

We were a few members short.

Well, did you get 'em all?

Would have...

Had the raid gone down when it shoulda.

All the big boys were comin' in from out west tomorrow.

Why did they k*ll worthy?

When we pulled off into the trees, he accidentally hit his brights and...

They thought that he was signaling to the state trooper.

They're a paranoid bunch.

So where'd you go?

There's nothing for Miles around there.

We didn't pull off the parkway until we had the car in place.

It brought us straight here.

Sorry I didn't have a chance to check in with mommy and daddy.

I k*lled three people today that I meant to take in alive.

Do you have my lab report?

We've been kinda busy.

Well, would you please redirect all my evidence to the FBI lab?

They'll be handling it from here.

We're done.

We're not handing this case over to the feds.

Let it go, liv.

It's our jurisdiction.

Dana is never gonna cooperate with us.

Let them deal with her.

Maybe they'll have better luck.

No, I say we give her a day or two to calm down, and then we go back at her.


Guys, you gotta get Dana down here asap.

Okay, that's not gonna happen.

Well, suck it up and say pretty please.

We just caught a case where the victim was choked out.

And injected with a paralyzing agent, then r*ped.

Sound familiar?

The same m.O. As Dana.

He hit again.

New victim's name is Jennifer Briggs, 27.

She was att*cked in her soho apartment early this morning.

Well, they're connected.

Is she FBI?

Much more dangerous.

An accountant.

Where is she?

We need to talk to her.

Unfortunately, this is where the pattern breaks.

He let Dana live, but Jennifer wasn't so lucky.
Look, we really appreciate this.

Our calls were going straight to voicemail.

Last thing I owe you two is a favor.

Tell cragen we're square.

Flunked High School typing, huh?

Usually, my handler types up my reports.

But since I've been benched...

Don't keep her too long.

You guys created a Mountain of paperwork for her.

I'll leave you ladies to chat.

Look, Dana, we're not here about you.

We've already apologized.

We're here about Jennifer Briggs, your r*pist's newest victim.

Who wasn't as lucky as you.

She's dead.

Well, maybe if y'all had concentrated on my lab report instead of getting knee-deep in my business, she'd be alive.

Wait a minute. How 'bout if you had cooperated from the beginning?

You do your own r*pe kit?

You process the crime scene?

I mean, who knows what evidence you screwed up?

Here's your lab report.



The only way we're gonna break this is to work the pattern.

Can't do that without you.


But I can't talk about it here.

You recognize her?


If your attack was related to one of your cases, you two have to be linked.

Could she be somebody's girlfriend in the patriots against tyranny?

I've never heard her mentioned.

You spent the entire day with them.

After you were att*cked, did anyone jump out at you as a possible suspect?

Well there, uh, there was one guy who was eyeing me a little bit funny, but...

He was in a body bag before this little girl was m*rder*d.

How about one of your other cases?

Tell me about her.

She lived in soho.

She worked in the diamond district.


Bureau was cooperating with interpol on a series of international heists.

Apparently, some of the diamonds have found their way over here into the stonecutter's institute.

Okay. Jennifer worked at kauffman fein as an accountant.

Maybe she got her hand caught in a diamond jar.

It's funny you should say that, because he broke every one of hers.

One at a time.

That must have been incredibly painful.

Course... she couldn't do anything about it.

But he exhibited more anger at her than at me.

It means that he had a closer connection to her.

When he was...

Done with me, he held my hand and he said, "you're just lucky you never did anything to piss me off."

We gotta find this guy.

Kauffman fein jewelers Wednesday, october 27

I don't know why anyone would want to hurt Jennifer.

Model employee?

Model human being.

Ah, don't touch the merchandise, please.

Maybe he wanted to buy me something pretty.

It is our ten-year anniversary.

Mazel tov.

Was Jennifer seeing anybody?

No, no.

She had her heart broken a year ago, spent her free time doing charity work.

For who?

You name it.

Uh... soup kitchens, community gardens...

You know, she-she used to write to prisoners?

I-I warned her no good would come of it.

Did she go through a pen pal service?


She thought it was safe.

Uh... they never gave out home addresses, and they only reached out to Jewish inmates.

We got the list from project mitzvah.

Jennifer's corresponded over the last five years with eight different prisoners.

I gotta have a connection with one of them. Give me the list.

Uh..."Sam mendelsohn.

Peter skolnick."

No. I didn't put any of these guys away.

Five of 'em are still locked up.

That means three are out.

Let's pull 'em up.

Paul klein.

He's 5'4".

I think that rules him out?


Jonathan marks. 5'11".

He's in the ballpark.

Well, he's got v*olence.

It says there he k*lled his wife.

And they let that boy out.

Yeah, compassionate release.

The mug shot is from '85.

He's now in his '70s and on a ventilator.


Seth Coleman.


6'2", 224.

Released last week.

That's it.

That's him.

Level three sex offender.

No bodies on him.

But he choked out both his victims.

It's gotta be him.

But he's not a pat.

He's not a member of s.C.B.

What is his connection to me?

I hate to be a self-hating Jew, but...

He doesn't look like a member of the tribe to me.

Division of criminal justice services Wednesday, october 27

Seth Coleman isn't Jewish.

But he was a jailhouse convert to the Aryan brotherhood.

I had to catalogue his prison tats.

How did he get on the Jewish prisoners' list?

Oh, how would I know?

Talk to his parole officer.

We did.

Coleman never checked in.

He had the pleasure of visiting with you 15 days before he got out to register as a sex offender.

You were supposed to verify his placement.

I did.

His aunt said she'd take him.

She changed her mind.

She got cold feet.

Happens all the time.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to place a sex offender?

Which is why you should always follow up.

I did my job.

First address he gave me had a felon living in the building, and I denied it.

Please tell me you kept that address.

Well, that was a bust.

This where he lives?

What are you doing here?

So you stalking us now?


You know that you can't bring in your own r*pist.

Hey, you had my back.

Now I've got yours.

I take it he wasn't home.

You can take it any way you want.

Just let us do our job.

Unless you wanna compromise the case.

You're the only living witness.

We need a clean I.D.

Assuming you bring him in alive.

Get outta here now.

That's him.

Dana, go back to the precinct.

Seriously, Dana, let us handle it.

Come on, pal, don't run.

My knees are k*lling me.

She's gonna run him over!

She's not gonna be happy till she kills me.




Coleman, put the nail g*n down.

No. She puts hers down first.

It's three to one.

Don't be stupid.

Got you cornered.

Can't move, can you?

I'm just defending myself, man.

Are you paralyzed yet?

How's it feel?

Would you please arrest this lunatic?

No, no, no.

No one's getting arrested here.


You come on, scum.

Come on, come on, we got ourselves a fair fight now.

All right, no one has to get hurt here. Both of you, stand down.

Dana, we got him.


Nobody move!

Agent Lewis, that's enough!

He's mine!

Okay, coward.

You filthy coward!

Make peace with your maker.


Got any last requests?

Don't let her k*ll me.

Honey, you are already dead.

How's it feel to be powerless, you mother f--


Oh, my God, what happened?

It ricocheted off the beam.

Oh, my God.

You okay?

Oh, no.


I am so sorry.

Well, it's... it's all they had in the gift shop.

How you feeling?

I already fessed up.

And you'll be happy to know that they took my g*n away and, um...

I'm suspended without pay.

You should be.

What are you doing?

You were out of line sh**ting at an unarmed man.

You're right, you're right.

The fact that Coleman r*ped and tortured me doesn't excuse what I did.

Liv said that you tried to crash the interrogation.

I just want an update.

I hear they've been tag-teaming him for over 12 hours.

Have they got anything?

He confessed to raping and murdering Jennifer Briggs.

They found his DNA on her.

And what about me?

I never r*ped no FBI skirt.

Look, you're already facing 25 to life for Jennifer's m*rder.

Admitting that you r*ped agent Lewis is not gonna add anything to your sentence.

Bitch ain't my type.

Your type?

Oh your type seems to be anything with...Lady parts.

Mae ling.

22-year-old doctoral student.

Danielle figeretti.

43-year-old. Divorced.

Mother of four.

It's bull that I did seven years.

They were begging for it.

Why? 'Cause they went out clubbing?

Well, when I was workin' the door, they were all over me, whispering in my ear...

Shaking it in my face.

I think they were just trying to get past the rope.

Well, they gave me their addresses.

You were carding them.

Now, both of these women rejected you when you asked them out.

Just like Jennifer.

She stopped writing to you when you asked her to send you naked pictures.

She was looking for a husband.

Why else would you write to men in prison?

I don't know.

Why would you sign up for a Jewish pen pal when you're a Neo-n*zi?

I just hung out with them for protection, okay?

I've always had a thing for Jew girls.

They're freaks in bed.

Where is she even going with this line of questioning?

She's just trying to keep him talking.

Maybe he'll slip and give us something on agent Lewis.

A misogynist like him is not gonna confess to a woman.

Munch and fin went at him for five straight hours.

Well, I only have three hours before I have to arraign him.

Get them back here.

I understand daddy was a locksmith.


Picked up some tricks.

Explains how you got into all those apartments.

Oh, hey, you got me, man.

Now you know all my secrets.

We alsknow that Dana's apartment was broken into.

By an expert.

What are you, deaf?

That wasn't me.

That's funny.

'Cause the lab just confirmed that the paralytic used on Jenny was the exact same one used on Dana.

Well, I can't be the only guy in New York that doesn't like their women to squirm.

You're a moron.

There's no way you could have thought of this on your own.

Did some crooked doctor make you his bff on the inside?

Lotta rapists in there.

What, do you guys have a think t*nk, compare notes?

You know what?

I want a lawyer.

Office of assistant district attorney Friday, october 29

Seth Coleman refused all pleas.

We're going to trial.

I can't.

Dana, you don't have to go through this alone.

Oh, really?

Are you gonna be there when my colleagues order up the trial transcripts and pass them around for kicks?

That's not going to happen.

Look, they'll never take me seriously again.

If I can't even watch my own back, how are they ever gonna trust me to watch theirs?

It's not easy for anyone to confront their attacker, but you, of all people, know how important this is.

First of all, I'm not afraid to confront my own attacker.

But you've already got him for m*rder... what do you need me for?

I have a legal obligation to prosecute this case.

Don't force me to subpoena you.

Make it go away.


It's the only way you're ever going to find peace.

You've gotta stop following me.

I don't know who you bribed to get in here, but this is a bad idea.

Hey, what are you doing?

You're gonna compromise the case.

We need to talk.

What, so you can sh**t at me again?

If I wanted you dead, you'd be in a piney box, not this lap of luxury.

What do you want?

An explanation.

Why me?

Dream on, lady.

I don't know you.

I know it was you.

You're wrong. Guard!

I recognize your voice.

I remember your smell.

Get this crazy broad out of here!

Please... I need to know... why me?

You tell me why me.

What was in it for you?

Why me?


I need to know.

Come on.

Wait. Just wait.

Why me?

You tell me, why me?

We have to go.

Tell me why you r*ped me. Why.

Let's go. Enough.


Sweet dreams.

I know I will.

Supreme court Monday, November 1 so you saw his face.

He wore a mask.

Any identifying marks on his body?

I couldn't open my eyes.

My attacker used a paralytic agent.

But you saw that it was my client.

I told you I couldn't.

He paralyzed me.

But you knew it was him.

I heard his voice.

Did you pick him out from a voice lineup?


Oh, that's right.

They couldn't do one because when you heard my client, he was pleading for his life...


When you shot at him.


I never intended...

You shot at an unarmed man who was surrendering at the time.

I only wanted to...

You picked my client out on the street and tried to run him over with your motorcycle!

I was giving chase.

Did you identify yourself as law enforcement?


You're not a member of the NYPD.

I'm a special agent with the federal bureau of investigation.

And since when does the bureau have jurisdiction over Manhattan r*pe cases?

I was investigating my own r*pe.

Interfering is more like it.

You took your own r*pe kit, which produced no evidence pointing to my client.

And when detectives told you he'd r*ped another woman, you jumped on board... maybe for the attention.

This is bull.

Is there really any evidence that you were even r*ped?

I mean, other than your own word.

And given your recent actions, that isn't worth much.



I'm done with this witness.

Redirect, your honor.



On the evening of the r*pe when you entered your apartment, what's the first sound you remember hearing?

An oof...

When I elbowed him in the ribs.

This is while he was choking me.

I was aiming for his nuts.

Did he ever say anything to you?

Yeah. He was a talker.

And when I came to on the bed, he was chattering on about...

You know...

Sex stuff.

What did he say to you?

Is this really necessary?

Answer the question.

What exactly did he say?

While he was unbuttoning my blouse...

He commented on my black lace brassiere and what a dirty little slut I was.

Anything else?

When he ripped...

My panties off, he told me that he knew I couldn't move but he hoped I was awake for it.

Then he slapped me several times across the face cursed at me.

What happened next?

He bit my breast.

And I heard him unzip his pants.

Then he...

He p-...

He pulled my jaw open as far as it would go, and he...

I couldn't breathe.

Do you need a minute?


He s-... he said I had a velvet throat.

And he...

Stuck his fingers in me and...

Said he was glad I was enjoying myself.

That's when I felt the full weight of his body on me and his belly...

Slapping... against me.

And... he said, "you sure are a star."

And I... I just...

I just...

Wanted to die.

I just... oh, God.

Let's take a ten-minute recess.


He called you star?

I shoulda put it together myself.

But I haven't used that alias star morrison in over four years.

It's the only name Brian Ackerman knew you by.

There's the connection to Seth Coleman.

Brian ran the revolution-Aryan warriors and he's doing life in attica.

Where you put him.

This is payback.

I k*lled his son, Kyle.

To save your ample ass in that courtroom sh**t-out.

Doesn't make us even.

Look, just play nice.

It's a long ride upstate.

Attica correctional facility Tuesday, November 2

Brian Ackerman.

Long time no see.

How's prison treating you?

It's giving me a whole new population to educate.

The revolution-Aryan warriors are stronger than ever.


Since you went away, we elected a black president.

Yeah. I hear he's Muslim.

Don't believe everything you read on your own website.

How much did you pay that dimwit Seth Coleman to track me down and r*pe me?

Uh... it was a bargain at twice the price.

You enjoy your evening with him?

You're confessing.

Well, I'm already doing life...Right?

I mean, what more can you do to me?

Hardly makes us even for you k*lling my son Kyle, but...

It's a start, I guess.

No more access to your band of losers, no more privileges.

Enjoy your lifetime spent in solitary.

Hey, do you know what's gonna get me through, star?

Replaying everything Coleman did to you.

Name's Dana.

And I'm gonna get past this.

I'm gonna go home to my lovin' husband, and I'm going to watch my kids grow up.

Unlike you, I'm going to have a life.
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