10x21 - Liberties

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x21 - Liberties

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

911, operator 845.

What is your emergency?

A man broke into my apartment. He r*ped me.

Do you need an ambulance?

No. But he does.

Okay, Pam. I need to get you to the hospital.

It leaks every rain. I kept telling my landlord it wasn't safe.

The seal was broken.

He slipped the pane out.

It's an easy enough drop to the fridge, and then onto the counter.

Then, me. I guess that self-defense class at the Y finally paid off.

It feels like somebody put my balls in a wood chipper.

What happened?

That defenseless young lady you targeted?

Not so defenseless, right?

I was terrified.

When I woke up with him on top of me, all I could do was scream.

Well, screaming is good.

Lots of times, that's enough to scare them away.

Not him.

I don't understand.

Well, you'll figure it out in five to ten.

Wait. Am I under arrest?

Let me guess.

You have no memory of raping Pam Galliano.

No, I remember that.

He slapped his hand over my mouth and said, "Not so loud, Pammy. You want someone to call the police?"

I remembered my instructor saying, "Eyes, throat, or testicles are always within arm's reach.

"Bite, kick, scratch.

Whatever it takes. "

I want her arrested for assaulting me.

Are you kidding me?

What do you call what she did to me?

For a r*pist?

Occupational hazard.

She wanted me to.

When I knocked over the lamp, he said, "Yeah. Fight me, bitch.

That's so hot. "

He needed you to resist to become aroused.

He grabbed my ankle, pulled me down.

I saw the dumbbell under the bed.

I hear you gave him a concussion.

Come on. Let's go. Come on. And a few extra kicks between the legs.

That was okay, right?


You broke into her apartment and forced her to have sex.

How do you not call that r*pe?

No, no, no, no, no. Look in my pants. In the pocket.

I met her on a fantasy r*pe site.

She sent me detailed instructions.

When, where, exactly what she wanted me to do to her.

She wanted me to r*pe her!


That's not my screen name.

Look, I believe you, Pam, but you have to understand that the man who att*cked you has your address.

He has details about your skylight. I didn't even know there were fantasy r*pe sites.

I've certainly never been on one.

We're getting a warrant for Owen's computer.

You won't find anything on mine.

Does anyone else have access to your computer?

No. Why?

Come look at this.

Oh, God. That's got to be Photoshopped. Delete it!

Ma'am. Ma'am, you can't tamper with the evidence.

How did this get on my computer?

They're not pop-ups.

Somebody downloaded them.

I don't watch porn.

Well, it's not illegal.

This one is.

Possession of child pornography is a felony.

I swear, I don't know where this came from.

Owen and Pam both say the other one set them up.

So, who's sketchier?

Our victim or the perp?

Well, judging by looks alone, guilty.

Owen freely admits that he trolls fantasy r*pe websites.

Pam says she's not a member, but her porn stash says different.

Her computer lied.

I found a Trojan horse in it.

Meaning someone downloaded the porn remotely.

Yeah. Through a cyber back door.

Can you prove it was Owen Walters?

I don't think it was. There was no spyware on his computer.

Are you saying there's a second r*pist?

Bring me a computer.

I'll confirm it.

So, Owen read the "Hey, big boy, "come up and r*pe me sometime" post, and was dumb enough to believe it.

Well, if that's how it played out should we void his arrest?

Why? It's still r*pe. She said no, and he didn't stop.

He didn't know to.

In fantasy r*pe's twisted lexicon, no actually does mean yes.

In sex crimes, no means felony r*pe.

So, if Owen isn't the mastermind and Pam wasn't a willing participant, who set her up to be r*ped?

Well, it must have been my crazy ex, Tyler Brunson.

He's a computer consultant.

When did you break up?

Two years ago.

Hey, what about this one?

You think he'd make a good guard dog?

He doesn't look very ferocious.

I think he'd protect you just fine.

It's actually the barking that deters the break-in. But tell us about your ex?

Well, after I dumped him, he'd call, email, text, 24l7.

I'd change my number.

Somehow, he'd find the new one.

He'd show up at my house, my work.

He stalked me for a year and a half.

Well, hold on. So you broke up two years ago, and he hasn't bothered you in six months?

That's when I moved here from Rhode lsland.

I left my friends, my family, a really good job, my whole life.

He tracked me down.

I can't afford to move again.

I understand. Is he still in Rhode lsland?

You don't get it. He knows the details of my apartment.

He must have been inside.

That means he's here.

And if he is, we're going to find him.

Orchestrating a r*pe, disseminating child pornography, stalking.

This guy's an SVU trifecta.

Assuming it was Tyler.

If he set her up online from Rhode Island, it belongs to the Feds.

Unless he followed her here.

You are correct, O wise one.

Tyler still has a valid license in Rhode lsland, where he is registered to vote.

That's a three-hour drive from here.

Well, why commute when you can stalk up close and personal?

I called Con Edison.

Guess who got the utilities turned on in their new digs in Manhattan last month.

Tyler Brunson.


Of all the apartments in all of Manhattan, why would Tyler choose this one?

This is Tyler's building.

And over here, this is Pam's.

The son of a bitch is right across the street.

We still need a warrant.

I know.

Somebody get Cabot on it.

I've got to give Pam the heads-up.

He's been watching me?

I'm locked in a lease here.

My savings are gone.

If I go to Rhode lsland, he'll just follow me there.

Look, Pam, we're going to get him.

How? You know how hard it was just to get a restraining order?

He's always trying to get back together.

I don't know why.

We never got along.

He had major abandonment issues. And daddy issues.

And control issues.

And anger issues.

Did he ever physically hurt you?

I wish he had.

No. Every time he'd break the restraining order, he'd convince the judge it was a huge coincidence he'd shown up at the same restaurant or store.

Pam, we're going to stop him.

But you can't. No one can.

He's never going to leave me alone.

Not until one of us is dead.

The restraining order that you had in Rhode lsland, is that still in effect?

I don't know.

I was supposed to give my address if I moved, so he'd know where to stay away from.

Kind of defeats the purpose of running away.

So, we'll get you another one. Here.


Judge Koehler. How are you?

A lot better than poor old Alan.

Emergency gall bladder surgery. Oh.

Anything I can do?

No, that's okay.

You're trying a case.

We're on a 15-minute recess.

Walk with me.

I have two applications.

I see that. Busy Saturday?

Kind of. Why?

I'm teaching a civics class at the juvenile detention center.

Of course you are.

I need a guest speaker.


Absolutely. My warrant?

Quid pro quo? Careful, Counselor.

I can't help you with this.

This woman is afraid for her life.

You, of all people, should understand that.

Never once in 30 years have I allowed my son's m*rder to sway a ruling or deny a man due process.

The day that happens, I'll walk away from the bench.

I know that.

There is an existing restraining order in the state of Rhode lsland that is still in effect.

Tyler Brunson violated it when he moved right across the street from the victim.

I can't require him to move.

But I will grant a temporary order of protection.

Which he has the right to appeal. See you Saturday.

You've got to be kidding me.

Pam lives here in Manhattan?

You have trouble letting things go, don't you, Tyler?

Look, I can only imagine what Pam told you, but I dumped her.

Then why is she the one with the restraining order?

She couldn't take the rejection, had some kind of psychotic breakdown.

Lied through her teeth to make it look like I was the stalker.

Really? Then why did you follow her here?

I followed the work.

It dried up back home.

I landed a fat civilian contract with the DOD. Computer training.

And it's just a fluke that you wound up moving right across the street from your ex?

Stranger things have happened. Name one.

We need to look at your computer.

Whatever you need.

"Unclassified. " You got one that's classified?

Wouldn't want to get them mixed up.

We'll need that one, too.

It contains proprietary information.

I have top secret clearance.

Do you?

We can get it.

Good luck.

Third floor? Freaky.

I don't know what's going on here.

Get yourself some counseling.

Hypnotism, acupuncture, something.

And move on. And do as the paper tells you, don't bother her again.

Fine. I'll have my superiors call your superiors.

Bad news, guys.

Tyler's DOD job is legit.

He's got a laptop that doesn't leave the department.

So, how do we get to it?

Well, they don't want it gotten to.

They say it's matters of "national security. "


What's the name of the hospital? I'm on my way.

What happened? I ran home on my lunch break to walk Baby, and I turned a corner and ran right into Tyler.

What did he do?

He tried to hug me.

I pushed past him.

He grabbed my throat.

He said, "Don't you dare ignore me.

"You think r*pe is bad?

You haven't seen anything. "

I tried to scream, but he was squeezing so tight, nothing came out.

Pam, how did you get away?

Oh, God. Baby kept barking and stayed right by my side.

I saw him biting at Tyler's pant leg.

He broke three ribs, but Baby wouldn't let go.

No matter how hard Tyler kicked him.

Not until the bastard let me go.

Now, what part of "Stay 500 feet away from her" do you not understand?

I was walking to the store.

We bumped into each other.

I'll say. Your foot bumped into her dog repeatedly.

That mangy sewer rat att*cked me.

Mr. Brunson. Look at this. Pants ruined.

Calm down, Mr. Brunson.

Look at this. Bite marks.

I should be in the hospital getting checked for rabies.

I seriously doubt you gave the dog rabies.

I was defending myself.

Against both of those b*tches.

So, now Pam is a bitch because you ran into her on the street and you lost control?

I don't lose control.

You don't like to lose, period.

Your past employer, ImmerShed Enterprises, wasn't planning on renewing your contract a few years back, so you had a slip and fall.

Won a fat worker's comp claim.

I have persistent back pain!

What you have is an obsessive need for payback to anyone who rejects you.

Now, you took that photo of Pam while you were still together.

Except she was dressed, and you Photoshopped that porno pose.

You see, we had it enhanced, and Pam recognized your bedroom, so we sent it to Providence PD to verify.

It will be back any minute now.

The anticipation is k*lling me.

You didn't tell me we got anything off the enhancement.

We didn't.

Listen to me.

Now, you've wasted enough years on this woman.

You come clean before the photo gets back here, I'll talk to the D.A. For you.

There's no way he's going to fall for this.

She conned me into believing she loved me.

I was going to marry her.

Well, this time, I'm done. I swear.

We're even now.

Not by a long shot, buddy.

God, I love the dumb ones.

Motion to dismiss, request for a MapplDunaway hearing, request for a Huntley hearing. Huntley?

Please don't tell me that someone neglected to advise Mr. Brunson of his constitutional right to remain silent.

The defendant was properly Mirandized.

He freely waived his right to counsel during questioning.

Whereupon statements were coerced by Detectives Benson and Stabler by feeding him a load of malarkey about some nonexistent enhanced photographs, Your Honor.

Deception on the part of the police has constantly been upheld during interrogation.

People v. Jackson, People v. Baldwin. They can deceive.

They cannot coerce.

He was not... A confession is not considered voluntary when induced by false promises of leniency.

What enticements were dangled in front of Mr. Brunson?


"If the government "becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law. "

Clarence Darrow.

That's Brandeis, Mr. Horowitz. Oh.

Some states require all interrogations to be videotaped.

I don't understand why we're so resistant to that here.

I was present, Your Honor.

No terms of leniency were ever put on the table.

Detective Stabler assured my client he'd get consideration from the D.A.

The defendant incorrectly inferred that I would not prosecute.

That's a load of bull crap, and you know it.

A little civility, thank you, Counselors.

Ms. Cabot, due process should always be subject to rigorous spot-checking.

I'm inclined to grant his Huntley hearing.

Detective Stabler, do you recall Mr.

Brunson requesting medical attention while in your custody?

You mean for the scratch on his leg?

For the vicious dog bite.

Isn't it standard procedure to suspend questioning until a suspect's medical needs are attended to?

The skin wasn't even broken.

He conveyed to you a great deal of distress over this wound.

He was more upset about his torn pants.

I didn't run out and get him a tailor either.

Save the jokes for open mic night, Detective.

Your Honor, as far as I'm aware, the defendant never sought treatment for this alleged wound, even after bail.

So, I fail to see the point in this line of questioning.

Mr. Brunson, did you see a doctor?

Mr. Brunson, the Court is addressing you.

I have no intention of participating in this travesty.

Well, that's a great shame.

Because in no other country on Earth is your presumption of innocence so vehemently guaranteed, or are you granted the scope to aid in your own defense.

Your Honor, I was moving on, anyway. Detective Stabler.

Do you recall telling Mr. Brunson, "You've wasted enough years of your life on Pam Galliano?"

Words to that effect, yes.

Intending him to believe that if he told you what you wanted to hear, all the charges against him would be dropped.

No, meaning he should take responsibility for his actions, pay his debt to society, and move on.

Going somewhere, Mr. Brunson?

This is not a tea party.

Attendance is not optional.

A brief recess, Your Honor?

I am not going to sit here and be insulted.

This is a joke!

Court Officer, restrain that man.

Detective Stabler, no one has dismissed you from the stand.

Where are you going, Tyler?

The hearing can't be over.

I haven't even testified.

You're not getting past me.

Don't even think about it.

I'm not...

Thanks, guys.

You just saved me ten bucks.

Get off me!

It's not much fun being hunted down, is it?
The People request the defendant be remanded until trial.

Mr. Brunson violated his bail agreement by fleeing your courtroom.

Mr. Brunson was overwrought.

He's new to the criminal justice system, Your Honor.

Hardly. He has a restraining order in the state of Rhode lsland and an order of protection in the state of New York.

It would be so nice if the two of you could observe the rules of courtroom etiquette and speak in turn.

I'm sorry.


Well, I'm ready to make my ruling.

Given the totality of the circumstances, the Court believes it is unlikely the defendant will return to the court of his own volition.

I am, therefore, revoking bail and ordering him remanded.


Jimmy, take him into custody.

You can't do this.

I have rights.

You can have a toothbrush.

It's okay, Tyler, I can appeal this.

You corrupt piece of garbage!

Son, during the period of your incarceration, I sincerely urge you to do some soul searching.

Consider how your conduct will appear to the jury.

Consider yours. "A tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny!"

What did you say to me?

How much did Pam pay you to persecute me?

Or did you take it out in trade?

How was she?

How was the cheap whore?

Captain, I'm going out of town with my girl this weekend, and I'd love to get a jump on traffic.

Much as I hate to stand in the way of young love, we're short-handed tomorrow.

Liv and Elliot are both on call for court.

Special Victims, Detective Stabler.

Liv, is there any chance of there being an 11th hour plead out on the Pam Galliano r*pe?

I hope not, Munch.

Did you know that nearly three and a half million people are victims of stalking?

It's almost never prosecuted unless it escalates to v*olence.

Trials are the only way that this issue gets any attention.

No. Not a problem at all.

I'll be right over, sir.

What did I do now?

What's the matter?

I don't know.

That was Judge Koehler.

Not his clerk, him.

He wants me to stop by.

Your Honor.

You wanted to see me?

After your testimony last week, I pulled your jacket.

You ruled my interrogation was clean.

It was.

But I see that you have crossed the line in the past.

Civilian complaints.

Excessive force claims.

Official reprimands.

With all due respect, sir, those were situations where I had to make decisions, and I made them.

When wiser men than you or I set up our system of rights and protections, they gave them to all men.

Not just on a case-by-case basis.

Are you trying to tell me I'm a liability to the Brunson trial?

No. I'm trying to hire you.

For what?

Take a seat.

Thirty years ago, my wife and I took our son, Marshall, a three-year-old, on a picnic.

While Shauna was helping me proofread my first book on legal ethics, Marshall ran off to play with the other children.

We never saw him again.

His k*ller was Roy Lee Dotson.

I remember when they caught him.

Seven years later, disposing of his 12th victim.

My son was his fourth.

This is before DNA.

And no one had made out the pattern.

And he was a long-haul trucker, so...

By the time they caught him, he was primed to pop.

Every victim.

Every depraved act.

He spared no gruesome detail.

Except their locations.

He held on to that for his rainy day fund.

Every few years one lucky couple would be led to their child's remains, in exchange for a few creature comforts.

And you're still waiting for your turn.

Mmm. I'm the last one.

In light of his 12 life sentences, it appears he has a prejudice against judges.

I'll get it out of him.

Detective, I'm not asking you to break the rule of law.

Where is he?


Dying of emphysema.

I can't go to my grave without burying my son.

I understand.

All rise. New York Supreme Court is now in session, with the Honorable Judge Joshua Koehler presiding.

"The People of the State of New York v. Tyler Brunson,

"indictment number 523109."

Be seated.

In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "I consider trial by jury to be the greatest anchor "ever yet devised by humankind "for holding a government to the principles of its constitution. "

Are the People ready to proceed? We are, Your Honor.

Defense ready?



Problems so soon, Mr. Horowitz?

I'm concerned about my client's health, Your Honor.

He hasn't eaten since his remand.

Prison food not up to his standards?

He's on a hunger strike. In protest.

Oh, yeah. His plight's right up there with Gandhi's.

The law requires that he be fit to participate in his own defense, Ms. Cabot.

Plenty of people have fasted for longer than he has for religious or dietary reasons.

I just don't want him passing out in open court.

I'll speak to him at the lunch break. Step back.

We'll now hear opening arguments, starting with the prosecution.

Actually, I've got to call a brief recess.

Remind the members of the jury that they're under oath.

Not to speak to anyone about this case, including fellow jurors.

Be 15 minutes.

Yeah, sorry to bother you.

Have you spoken to him, yet?

I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.

I'll call you as soon as I have something.

Nice try. That was Marshall's daddy, wasn't it?

You should have let me talk to him.

Oh, yeah?

What would you have said?

I would have told him how sweet his boy was.

Pudgy little thing.

It was like making love to a big, squishy squeaky toy.

Well, you're a tough cookie.

That usually gets a rise out of them.

I've dealt with my fair share of kiddie diddlers.

You're a member of NAMBLA?

I'm no h*m*.

I like boys and girls. They're pretty much the same at that age.

No grass on the field.


You've got two feet in the grave.

It's time to make this right for everybody.

Go out with a clear conscience.

Confess my sins? I've already done that. Every last one.

I've been atoning for the last 23 years.

Where are Marshall's remains?


Your trouble is, I'm not afraid of Hell. I'm looking forward to it.

All those un-christened babies.

That's Limbo.

Different place.

Roy. Where is he?

Let me think. Now, what did I do with him?

That guy destroyed my life.

I mean, I'm his victim as much as Pam is.

Mr. Walters, that's not what I asked.

She dated the pig. Okay? I'm just an innocent third party.

Mr. Walters, Ms. Cabot has asked you numerous times to confine your answers to the questions asked.

You're not on trial here.

Please continue.

Where have you seen the photograph that you're holding?

It was posted to me online by someone claiming to be Pam Galliano.

Mr. Walters, what effect did receiving that photograph have on you?

It enticed me to seek further contact.

We entered a private chat room, and began a two-week sext-fest.

I thought it was a woman. Okay?

Do you recognize this transcript from the fantasy r*pe chat room?

Yeah. It's from her. Him.

Could you read the highlighted portions? Out loud?

"Enough talk. I need this to really happen.

"I want to wake up in the middle of the night "with you on top of me, violating me.

"I'll try to fight you off with all my might.

"You have to overpower me. "

Looks dangerous. I mean, you hit a man in the head with that, you'd k*ll him, right?

They let you into Gen Pop with this thing?

The rare occasion I'm not in Medical. They tend to isolate me.

So, you've got no one who will miss you when you're gone, huh?

Never has been.

All that power you had over those helpless three-year-olds.

You ever give them a chance?

A choice on whether they live or die?

Like I'm giving you?

Let go.

Where did you dump the boy's body?

I can't tell you if I'm dead, moron.

Well, then you should tell me now.

I thought you weren't afraid to die.

I can't breathe.

I'm not bluffing.

Okay. I'll tell you.

The location, Roy.

Cough it up.

I was just about to tell you when you cut my air off.

Now, you've got to wait until I catch my breath.

I don't think so.

You claim to be an innocent third party.

But weren't you indicted for the r*pe of Pam Galliano?


Did the D.A.'s office, by any chance, offer you a...

Liv, call Warner.

Have her meet you at the pool outside the Bedford Rec Center.

What was the name of the website?

FantasyRapeLand. Com.

I do apologize.

One of my biggest pet peeves is cell phones in court.

We've all done it, Your Honor.

Did you ever consider the other person was simply writing down his wildest fantasy, never intending it to be acted upon in real life?


Calls for speculation.

What? Oh. Overruled.

Answer the question.

Obviously, I didn't.

He gave me her address. How to get in through the skylight.

Haven't you ever incorporated a real life element to make your fantasy seem more realistic? I'm sorry.

I gonna have to stop this.

I'm sorry.

Your Honor, I'm not done questioning the witness.

Sir, you are instructed to return to this witness box on Monday morning.

9:00 a. m. Sharp.

Court is adjourned.


I'm so sorry, Judge. Roy lied. Marshall's not here.

Of course not.

One should always be wary of information obtained by force.

We did find something.


What is that? Paint?

You lost your boy in March of '79?

I believe Roy left his remains here for a few months, then moved him before the pool opened that summer.

You don't need to hear the specifics, Judge.

I do if it concerns my son.

Tell me what it is.

Post-mortem body fats break down into adipocere.

When that combines with an acidic-based cleanser, it leaves a distinctive white stain.

So, that is part of him.

It looks like an angel.

Something's wrong.


I don't know.

Ms. Cabot called and told me they may not get to me today.

That they haven't even started yet.

She didn't say why?

I'm sure it's some trick Tyler pulled just to t*rture me.

Alex worked with me all weekend.

I just want to get this over with.

Okay. Okay. I'll go find out what the holdup is.

Alex. What's going on?

Judge Koehler hasn't shown up yet, and he's a stickler for punctuality.

Has anyone talked to him?

Not since Friday.

The clerk tried his home, his cell. No answer.

Okay. I have an idea where he might be.

Okay. Double check and call me back if he shows up there.

Sorry, Liv. No record of the Judge on the log at Sing Sing.

Last person there to visit Roy was Elliot.

Tyler wasn't out this weekend, was he?

No, he was locked up safely at Rikers.

You said that he made veiled threats against Judge Koehler at his bail hearing.

Where's Tyler now?

He's right through that door, in Holding.

He was still alive and kicking when I saw him at Rikers Sunday morning.

Judge Koehler met with him ex parte? News to me.

The appearance of impropriety alone does not sound like the judge I know.

What did he come to see you about?

Ask Koehler.

Tyler, if you had anything done to him...

Hey, hey, look. First of all, if they discussed the case, it's Judge Koehler who's in trouble, not my client. All right?

Now, no specifics, but did he question you about your case?

No. He wanted to hear my life story.


In court on Friday, he promised he'd talk to him about his hunger strike.

Is that what it was?

I guess.

He refused to leave until I ate something.

This doesn't make sense. Why would Koehler jeopardize the case by going to see him, and then not show up in court?

Maybe he's losing it.

We know that he's dealing with a personal issue right now.

I'm worried that he might have hurt himself.

I knew something was wrong. He's been very distracted during the entire trial.

Taking phone calls while in court, walking out in the middle of testimony.

Fin? Listen. I need you to check Judge Koehler's residence.

Judge Koehler!

It's the police!

We're here to check on your well-being.

You didn't show up for court today.

Is the attacker still on the premises?

No. I wasn't att*cked.

What happened to you?

Are you okay?

No, I'm not.

You need to get in there.

We've got a pulse. SVU Portable, we need a bus at...

Judge, who is he?

5 Park Avenue.

The scourge of the Earth.

His name is Gregory Brunson.

Same last name as the guy on trial.

Gregory's my father.

I haven't spoken to him since I left home at 16.

What did you tell Judge Koehler about him?

Nothing. I...


Look, I really prefer not to talk about that person.

Tyler, did your father sexually abuse you?

That's what the Judge kept asking me.

This is important.

What did you tell him?

That he had.

My entire childhood.

I don't know what Koehler got so emotional about.

I was the one abused, not him.

The body left in the pool house wasn't Judge Koehler's son.

Olivia said you found signs of his decomposition.

Of someone's. I was able to extract a segment of D-loops from the mitochondrial DNA in the adipocere.

It matched a different victim.

I thought Judge Koehler was the last man in the dark.

Roy told this girl's parents where he buried her years ago, just not where he stored her first.

So, Roy played Elliot like a Game Boy.

When did you tell Judge Koehler this?


Why didn't you tell us?

Aside from a tour bus m*ssacre that kept me pretty busy, I was a little uncomfortable with what the Judge asked me to do.

You're up to your elbows every day in viscera.

What could possibly make you uncomfortable?

He asked if Tyler Brunson's DNA was taken at the time of his arrest.

Everybody's is. That's why I don't let my parking meters expire.

He also gave me this short lock of hair.

Judge, why did you ask Warner to run a DNA test on Tyler's hair?

To confirm it was his.

Well, I talked to Tyler.

He doesn't remember you taking a hair sample from him.

Well, that's because he was so young.

I got it from Marshall's baby book.

Tyler is Marshall.

Tyler's your son.

Obviously, I'll have to recuse myself from his case.

Hold on.

How is that possible?

Roy never let any of his victims live.

It's got nothing to do with Roy.

But he got decades of pleasure out of tormenting me.

It was Gregory Brunson who grabbed Marshall from that park.

He destroyed my little boy.

Tyler is not the man Marshall would have been if Shauna and I had raised him.

I know we're always preaching personal responsibility, but it's not his fault.

He was tortured.

I should have kept looking for him. I should have set him free.

I should have saved him.

You couldn't have known.

Marshall was such a bright kid.

He used to count the change in my pocket.

He was only three.

Two quarters, three dimes, one nickel, two pennies.

I kept the exact amount as the day when he went missing, waiting for him to come home and count it.

By the time they caught Roy, I couldn't imagine functioning without that exact amount in my pocket.

When did you start to suspect Tyler was your son?

It was at his bail hearing. He was ranting at me, and he quoted a line.

"A tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny. "

It's a moral from an Aesop fable I used to read to him, "The Wolf and the Lamb. "

He remembered.

That's when you had me check out Roy, to make sure there really was a body.


Can you imagine how astronomical the odds were?

Alex was trying to get another judge for the case. I just happened to walk by.

If I hadn't walked by at that exact moment, and if Marshall hadn't remembered that fable.

Fate brought us back together.

Well, almost.

After what Gregory Brunson did to you, you've got a good shot at temporary insanity.

Maybe jury nullification.

No. There's not going to be a trial.

I've betrayed everything I ever stood for.

I've admitted my guilt. I'll take whatever punishment the judge sees fit.

You've dedicated your entire life to the legal system.

Let it work for you now.

"Chase after the truth like hell. You'll free yourself, "even though you'll never touch its coattails. " Good old Darrow.

Well, I found the truth.

I am free.

I just have one request.

What the hell is this?

First, I'm being transported to court for my new pre-trial hearing, and then I get railroaded back here?

There's somebody that you need to see.

Look, the only person I need to see is my attorney.

Does he know about this?

Just hear the man out.

You've no idea what he's been through for you.



Well, how do you like that?

Turnabout being fair play.

How are you holding up?

I was doing okay until you went off the deep end and caused a mistrial.

Thanks to you, I have to live through this nightmare all over again.

I am so sorry for what that man turned you into.

It's not who you are.

Who I am? What about you?

Why? Why did you attack my father?

"A tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny. "

Do you remember where you were when you first heard that?

I looked it up a few years ago.

It was the moral to a story that I guess my father read to me when I was a kid.

That's right.

But it's not like him, though.

I can't remember him ever doing anything nice for me.

Think. Try to remember the voice.


No, it's...

It's not possible.

It was you?
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