10x02 - Confession

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x02 - Confession

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude!

Dude! Dude! Dude! Dude!

I love cougars.

Well, this should wind down in another week or two.

September is hell.

Why is that?

Get abused at summer camp, and nobody tells until they get back home.

Greek Week plus alcohol equals r*pe in the First Degree.

And there's a spike in DV calls because all the kids are back in school.

Where should I start?

Listen, we're just going to be sifting through statements, corroborating alibis.

If we get something concrete, we'll give you a call.

I've heard that before.

No one is deliberately keeping you out of the loop, Ms. Greylek.

I'm sure it's an oversight.

But just so we're clear, I'll be showing up at crime scenes and sitting in on interviews from now on. That won't last.

Look, Captain, I'm committed to doing this job and doing it well.

And I've heard that before.

I told you, I didn't touch the whore!

Your wife's sitting next door looking like she went a round with Tyson.

What came first, Frank?

The ass-whupping or the r*pe?

What did she do?

Burn your dinner?

The bitch say I r*ped her?

Lisa has vaginal tearing.

You forced her to have sex.

That's a quarter bid, minimum.

And trust me, you're going to be feeling quite petite next to the muscle mass upstate.

That doesn't scare me.

Sweet meat. That's what they're going to say when they reach for you in the dark.

Lisa Deering is in lnterview B if you'd like to sit in.

There better not be a single mark on the suspect when he's transferred to the Tombs, Captain.

He's not going anywhere unless we get a confession.

Why not?

My husband didn't hurt me.

So, the knocks to your noggin were just love taps?

Nothing happened.

Mrs. Deering, testifying against your husband is the only way to stop him.

You don't know Frank.

And I need him.

Lisa, he's escalating.

Last time you were here, you needed 30 stitches.

I fell down the stairs.

Can I go?

If you leave now, the next time I see you, you'll be in the morgue.

The E.R. At St. Luke's has a three-year-old with a suspicious fracture.

I'll ride along with you.

It may be nothing.

What are the odds?

This kid says he's got information about a sexual as*ault.

Where do you want him? My desk.

Here. Why don't you have a seat?



Take a breath.


What's your name?

Eric Byers.

I don't...

I didn't know what to do.

And then I figured...

Can you tell me what happened?

This is...

This is hard to say.

Take your time.

I love him.

But I know it's wrong.

And it's... It's getting hard not to touch.

Hey, Eric, who are you talking about?

It's Cory.

He's my stepbrother.

How old are you, Eric?


Okay. I think we need to call your parents.



Eric, why not?

It's just my mom.

Dad left us.

Her new husband doesn't like me.

Well, I think she needs to know where you are.

This will k*ll her.

Besides, I haven't done anything wrong.

At least... At least, I don't think.

Think? I've been drinking a lot.

Blacking out.

I just want... I just want the pictures in my head to stop.

Okay. Why don't you have a seat?


Just sit back down.

So, what do you think about?

If I tell you, you'll hate me.

Everybody will.

Is there a rehab I can go to?

Rehab is for people with addictions.

Sure feels like I have one.

I can't sleep.

I can't think about anything else.

What am I supposed to do?

What do you think?

I've never had a pedophile turn himself in before.

His mother just remarried.

Could he be making it up to get some attention?

Who would invent something like that?

I mean, the drinking and the way he caressed that photo says he's a pedophile.

But he's also a minor, Olivia.

Who's over 16.

And we don't need a parent present to question him.

The kid has only admitted to thinking bad thoughts and that's not a crime.

It is if he acted on it.

What if he hasn't?

Then I will stop him, if I can.

Dana Kelley?

What's wrong?

Who's hurt?

I'm Detective Olivia Benson. Can we talk inside?

Yes, of course.

What's this about?

Your stepson, Cory.

Have you noticed any changes in his behavior lately?

What do you mean?

Like what?

Any signs of moodiness or tantrums?


Anything like that?


No more than usual.

Have you noticed any signs of him not wanting to be touched?

Okay, you are scaring me.

What the hell is going on?

Please just answer my questions, if you would.

Is Cory enrolled in school?

Yes. Kindergarten.

Have you heard anything from the teachers? Any problems there?

Is that what this is about?

All right, they completely overreacted when Cory played doctor with a little girl on the playground.

Kids are curious.

It's completely natural.

It's actually a little more serious than that.

And sexual acting out can often be a sign of abuse.

Well, that's ridiculous.

Where's your husband now?

My husband is downtown plugging potholes.

Okay. He's going to need to meet us at the hospital.

I don't believe this. Who would make these accusations?

Who is telling you these lies? Because they are lies.

Your son. Eric.

Why would he say that?

We believe that he's been abusing Cory.

Well, that... That is not true. That is not true.

I need to search his room.

No. Well, you can forget it because I will not cooperate with you until you can prove to me that my son has done this.

We're not going to know that until after the medical exam.

Is Cory all right?

He's still in with Dr. Larom.

If I see Eric again, I'm going to k*ll him. That's a promise.

Calm down, Mr. Kelley.

Threatening your stepson isn't going to help Cory.

Eric did not do this.

I know he didn't.

Then why go to the police?

Because he is lost.

His father abandoned him, and maybe he thinks I did, too.

I don't know.

You're delusional, Dana.

Only a twisted pervert would admit to abusing a child.

He needs our help, Sean.

Yeah, well, he isn't going to get it from me.


There are no outward signs of penetration.

No a**l abrasions and no evidence of mucosal tears.

I didn't find any sap in his throat either.


Seminal acid phosphatase.

Oh, God.

I had to give Cory a sedative, so he'll want to sleep when you get him home.

I told you Eric didn't do this.

We still don't know that, Mrs. Kelley.

Wait, what do you mean? When there is an oral or digital as*ault, it doesn't leave any physical marks.

There's just no way to tell.

I'm sorry.

Hey. How did it go with the battered kid at St. Luke's?

DCS put him in foster care.

Mother's in custody.

Arraignment's tomorrow.

Greylek works fast.

So, I heard your walk-in's a pedophile.

Well, the urges are there, I'm just not sure Eric's acted on them.

Only one way to find out.

Did you talk to my mother? Yeah.

Does she know?

Yeah, she knows.

Is she coming?

Probably not, under the circumstances.

And you're not going anywhere until we get the truth.

What? Don't be mad at your mom.

Hey, Eric? You're the one who sexually abused your 5- year-old stepbrother.

But I didn't do anything.

Did he cry? Did he beg you to stop?

I came to you so I wouldn't.

Why won't you believe me?

It starts with the fantasies.

Which scared you, at first.

But then you started drinking, and what you wanted didn't seem so bad after all.

That's not true.

I know it's wrong.

So, you started surfing the Net to find people who understand.

People that were just like you, right, Eric?

Did you?

I found a few.


And did you trade photos of little boys like baseball cards?


One guy told me that it wasn't my fault.

That I was born this way.

And you needed to believe that.

It gave you permission to abuse your brother.

I didn't.

Jake said not to.

Look, but never touch.

Who's Jake?

He runs a website called Pediaphax.

He said that he could help me with my urges.

The child psychologist isn't getting anywhere with Cory, so I'm cutting Eric loose.

Well, can't we get him into a program?

I mean, he clearly wants to get help.

The only programs out there are for registered sex offenders.

So, he came to us for help and we can't do anything until he r*pes a kid.

The way Eric is stressed, that's where he's headed.

Photographic stalking in parks, playgrounds, arcades and schools.

I doubt if parents know that their kids' pictures are on the lnternet, let alone a pedophile's website.

This is Jake Berlin, 57, white male. Lives in Alphabet City.

He's a medical supply salesman.

So, managing the website's a hobby.

Yeah, an all-consuming one.

He considers himself a pedophile's advocate.

Lives by the code "look, but don't touch. "

He's convinced Eric Byers that he was born a pedophile.

Berlin even lists the best places for the misunderstood pederast to kiddie watch.

And we can't shut this site down?

Freedom of speech. The kids aren't nude, so we can't touch him.

Is there any way to identify who these kids are?

Landmarks. We could have TARU blow up the photos of the neighborhood, at least let the parents know what they're up against.

ID these kids, then talk to Berlin.

Let him know he's in our crosshairs.

I was wondering when you'd get here.

We're not here to thr*aten you.

Did Eric Byers admit to molesting his stepbrother?


And I did everything I could to make sure that didn't happen.

Like what?

I gave him photos of sweet-cheeked little boys to hold in his sweaty fists.

I don't get the appeal.

I'm into little girls.

You're a steaming bag of crap that I would love to shove down a hole.

I'm not the enemy.

I look, I don't touch.

So, you're a good pedophile.

I prefer the term "pedosexual. "

I spend every waking moment controlling my appetites.

I can't change who I am.

I was born this way.

No one's born a deviant.

h*m* were called deviants.

And now, it's widely accepted that their orientation was hardwired at birth.

Just like mine. I wasn't abused as a child.

I mean, I don't choose to love little girls any more than they choose to love the same gender or you choose to love women.

Gay people don't have sex with children.

Neither do I.

I admit I like delicious little angels ages three to nine.

There's nothing I can do except keep my distance, since they can't legally consent.

Your website is like a kiddie treasure map.

What happens if other predators don't follow your rules?

They suffer the consequences.

How do you know that?

Well, a sexually satisfied pedophile loves to share.

And since there's no anonymity on my website, believe me, I'd know.

And I have names, addresses.

Benson. I take the law very seriously.

So do I.

I mean, I can tell you have children.

Do you want to show me your family photos?

I promise not to drool.


That was Greylek.

Cory Kelley just admitted to being molested by his stepbrother.

Let's go pick him up.

Well, if we can find him.

Mother claims she doesn't know where he is.

If you know where your son is, you need to tell us.

I haven't seen him.

You're lying.

I don't know where Eric is, and I don't want to.

I can't stand this.

I mean, look what he's done.

What about you?

What did you do to turn your kid into such a freak?

I've done nothing but love him.

Love him? How?

Everybody knows abused kids turn into abusers.

You son of a bitch.

You shut up!

I don't want you anywhere near my son. I don't want to ever hear...

Shut up!

Get out.


We've got something.

I sprayed the bathroom with Luminol.

Let me guess.

You found semen.

The laundry's covered in it.

Transfer from a kid's T-shirt.

Fast Blue B goes purple when it hits sap.

Can you rush the DNA?

Top of the pile.

What did your brother do next?

Show me on the doll.

Any signs of Eric Byers?

Citywide alert went out last night.

The kid's gone.

He's a minor with no money. How did he disappear without help?

Well, we questioned his mother.

Her world is falling apart.

Enough to throw her kid to the wolves?

I'm afraid you're not going to make it to trial.

Don't get ahead of yourself, Dr. Engels.

All I want to know is if the boy can take the stand.

For one thing, he's too young to testify in a courtroom.

We can videotape his testimony.

And he was coached.

He just shoved a crayon into a doll's ass.

But there's no evidence of sexual as*ault to his rectum.

Somebody told him what to do to raise the alarm.

How much time did you spend with Cory? Meaning?

Meaning you seem pretty anxious to get into that courtroom.

I don't like what you're implying, Detective.

I haven't talked to the boy yet.

You talked with his father.

That's my job.

Wait a minute.

I believe the victim.

Why don't you?

Because Eric Byers walked into our precinct asking for help.

He says that he didn't touch him.

Which is what all pedophiles say.

In your opinion, was Cory Kelley sexually assaulted?

I can't answer that with any certainty. Well, I can.

Are you even interested in justice, or just showboating?

Just do your damn job and I'll do mine.

Well, is there something you think we ought to be doing that we're not?

Yeah. Squeeze the pedophile's mother till she pops.

No hits on Dana Kelley's LUDS for her cell or home phone.

No large withdrawals from her bank.

Maybe she's renting him the apartment because somebody's running her credit.

Well, her marriage just took a nosedive.

She's looking for a place to stay.

You think Jake Berlin helped Eric give us the slip?

No, but I ran him anyway. I'm sorry to say, he came up clean.

You check out Eric's laptop? Friends, instant messages, address book?

He's a textbook loner.

Search history turned up another website with kids in various stages of undress.

Child pornography.

That's federal time.

Greylek already notified the FBI and added that charge to the indictment.

She's making sure he's going to prison.

Sounds like that's where he belongs.

Berlin just uploaded a fresh batch of kids to the site.

DNA came back on the semen found on that kid's T-shirt.

It doesn't match your suspect.

Who does it belong to?

The kid's father, Sean Kelley.

John, go with Liv and talk to this hump. I got to do something.

Captain has me glued to this monitor ID'ing kids until further notice.
Hey! Hey!

What the hell, man?

Try it and I'll smack you.

What's your problem?

Recognize this?

Yeah, it's my son's shirt.

See that purple stain?

That's a chemical reaction to semen.

I'll k*ll him.

Well, then, k*ll yourself.

Because DNA proves that the semen came from you.

It's not what you think.

Sure it is.

Unless you can explain how your junk got in that shirt.

Or you're going to be sitting in a cell for a very long time.

This is embarrassing.

When Eric started drinking, he went from being a problem to a nightmare.

My wife blamed me.

It k*lled our marriage.

Along with it, our sex life.

What, don't tell me you never self-served.

Not in my son's shirt.

The bathroom's the only place for privacy.

The hamper was there, the dirty clothes were in it.

Are you done rubbing my nose in it? Can I get back to work?


We got a big problem.

This one of the kids from the website?

I didn't recognize her at first.

Who is she?

That's Stabler's daughter, Elizabeth.

She's 15 now.

Elliot see this?

Yeah. He suddenly had an errand to run.

Move your ass, Munch.

Call Olivia and Fin.

Elliot, what are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?

At least he's still breathing. Get up.

He broke in. He beat me up. He tried to k*ll me.

A little plastic, a few shovels, that sounds like a good idea to me.

This does not look good, El.

I don't give a damn. I want her photo off this site.

Get away from that desk.

Not until I get what I came for.

Now, Detective.

Get him over here.

Delete it, prick.

I want... I want to press charges.

I want that man arrested, in handcuffs, right now.

Any last words?

I figured you'd be doing most of the talking.

Berlin provoked you.

He used your family to piss you off enough to go after him.

It was a set-up. It's a reason, not an excuse.

And so, for now, I want you out of my sight.

You're on unpaid leave starting today.

For how long? Until all his bruises are gone.

And yours, too.

Thank you, Captain.

I'm not done, Detective.

Three standup cops put their careers and pensions on the line for you.

You might want to consider that next time you decide to be a selfish son of a bitch and go off half-cocked.

Have you located Eric Byers?


Are you even trying?

You can look for him yourself.

It's not my job.

So you keep saying.

There something you want to get off your chest?

I've been dismissed, overlooked and ignored.

I deserve to be taken seriously.

I wouldn't have called you if I didn't.

My gut says that Eric Byers didn't molest his stepbrother.

And I'm not comfortable with him being railroaded into prison for something that he didn't do.

We've been through this, Olivia.

The little boy said he did.

After being coached by a man who's obsessed with revenge.

That's a leap.

You're taking a risk going to trial with a 5-year-old witness and no physical evidence.

I've got the child pornography from Eric's laptop.

Won't take a jury long at all.

If Eric had touched Cory, there would be more signs of psychological trauma.

You saw what Cory Kelley did to that doll. What do you call that?

Have you ever had a rectal exam?

Say you're right. Why would Sean Kelley go to the trouble?

To get a pedophile out of his home.

If Eric hasn't molested a kid yet, he will.

The bastards can't help themselves.

So, what do you want from me?

Drop the abuse charge.

Get Eric to plead out on possession of child pornography.

That way, Eric is locked up and in a program.

Programs don't work, Olivia.

Neither does Depo-Provera or surgical castration.

The urges remain.

Well, we have to do something.

And prison rehab is all we have until shrinks find a way to get them to suppress their desires.

I don't like it.

This is our best shot to get Eric off the street before he really hurts someone.

I'll call the Feds, see what I can do.

None of this matters unless you find him.

That's what I'm counting on.

Know where he is? I don't even know who he is.

The deal is time-sensitive, Dana.

Eric needs to turn himself in.

He hasn't called. I wouldn't even know where to begin to look.

Hey, if we find out that you knew his whereabouts, you could be charged with obstruction and accessory yourself.

What's wrong with you people?

Cory was abused and all you care about is his abuser.

We're talking about 3-to-15 years in federal lockup, Mr. Kelley.

It's not a walk in the park.

No, I didn't agree to any deals.

The only thing you should be worried about is my son.

This is the best solution for everyone.

Eric goes to prison and Cory doesn't have to face the trauma of a trial.

Or don't you care about that?

Sean used to be compassionate and forgiving.

I guess that was my fault, too.

No, it isn't.

My son is...

Is sexually stimulated by children.

I can't understand that.

Can you?


I keep going over and over the past in my mind, and I'm...

What did I...

What did I say?

What did I do or what didn't I do?

What did I do wrong?

Dana, you didn't make your son a pedophile.

That's what he is.

I brought him into this world. What does that make me?

If you hear from Eric, I need you to call me.


Looks like a rough night.

Any movement?

Nothing. Guess I was wrong. I thought she would lead us straight to him.

Maybe she's just being careful.

She's an emotional wreck, Fin.

People like that don't think, they act.

Like your partner.

Elliot told me not to say anything.

He says that he trusts you so...

Well, this time, he should.

I don't know how he did it, but the man showed restraint.

What are you talking about?

You know that bastards like Berlin get off on little kids, and you know exactly what they do when they're having their little fantasies.

If that was my kid, I would have done him.

There she is.

Think she's moving this early?

Only one box. She's got to be making a delivery.

No! No! No! No!

No, my baby!

No. My baby.

No! No, no, no. No, please! Please.

Let him go, Dana.

Just leave me alone.


He's dead. I can't let you touch him.

As soon as you calm down.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. I k*lled him. I did this.

I k*lled him. I k*lled my son. I k*lled him.

Dana, why didn't you tell me where he was hiding?

I didn't know until last night. He called.

Left a message wanting me to come pick him up.

I was going to bring him to you.


With a box of his stuff.

I found photos of more kids.

Evidence for you to give him more time. I never...

Never wanted to see him again.

Where did he get the money for this place?

I don't know.


Did you rent it for him?

No, I told you.

I didn't.

That's not going to fly.

Because we both know Eric didn't have any friends.

He had you.

He called and left a message on voice mail saying he wanted to come home, and I called him back and said...

And said I'd had enough.

That he was on his own.

You turned him away empty-handed?

No. I gave him $300.

I gave him $300.

If what you're saying checks out, then you probably won't be charged.

I loved him.

I loved him.

I loved him, and I'm glad he's dead.

Is the ScanStation almost done?

Triangulation takes time, Doc.

Hey, I am not complaining. That machine creates my court exhibits.

And he's not going anywhere.

All clear.

From the blood volume on the walls and floor, COD is probably going to be exsanguination.

You find a m*rder w*apon? These cheap knives were in the kitchen.

It took seven blades to finish him off 'cause they kept snapping.

I count at least a dozen s*ab wounds.

That's a lot of rage. The k*ller had to cut himself.

That's why I'm hoping all this blood isn't Eric's.

They said he was screaming.

Someone from this neighborhood came forward as a witness?

The victim dialed 911.

Disposable cell.

Couldn't pinpoint his location, but we're getting the tape.

Help! Help! No! No!

Oh, God! Please!

Please! Please! I'm sorry!

Help! Help!

The unit was furnished and the knives were cheap, so Eric probably managed to call 911 after the first blade broke and the k*ller went to get another.

How long is the tape?

About four minutes.

Can you walk us through how this went down?

Arterial bursts by the kitchen wall show that the attack started here.

No sign of forced entry, so Eric had to know the k*ller.

These void areas show where the k*ller stood to s*ab the victim and got covered in his blood.

The blood spatter leads out to the street.

We're hoping the blood belongs to the perp.

I notified the hospitals to call us with any knife wounds.

Well, that much blood means transfer to himself, his vehicle, his home.

There is no way that Sean Kelley cleaned it all up.

What makes you so sure it was Eric's stepfather?

He repeatedly threatened his life and was furious when we offered Eric a deal.

How did Kelley know where Eric was staying when even his own mother didn't know?

Because he left a message at home wanting his mother to pick him up.

He didn't know that his parents had split.

That doesn't prove Kelley heard the message.

We've gotten warrants with less.

Those days are over since Casey Novak lied to a judge and got disbarred.

Call me when you put Kelley at the crime scene, and I'll walk it through myself.

Eighteen s*ab wounds to his back, chest, neck and arms.

The fatal blow was a nicked carotid.

Couldn't have been the first strike, since it took him four minutes to die.

I count at least three postmortem thrusts.

Based on the wound tracks, your k*ller's about six feet tall and right-handed.

That matches Sean Kelley.

And about two million other guys in the city.

The victim was also sodomized with a foreign object.

I removed these splinters CSU identified as Northern White Ash.

White Ash.

I'm thinking baseball bat, but they're usually milled and coated.

Not if they're homemade.

I wouldn't.

You don't know where that's been.

Your client sodomized his stepson with his 5-year-old's homemade baseball bat.

And then he stabbed Eric Byers to death, and left him in a pool of his own blood.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

Sure you did, because he had to pay for the fact that he was a pedophile.

He molested my son.

Tell that to yourself while you're rotting in prison.

You said before you couldn't be sure Eric abused Cory.

Now, you're saying he didn't?

Your son doesn't react like a victim of abuse because he's never been touched.

The bastard deserved worse than he got.

He needed to know what it felt like to be violated.

He could dish it out, but he couldn't take it.

But you couldn't stop there, and that's why you took his life.

Anyone who r*pes little kids should be wiped off the planet.

But I didn't k*ll him.

I left him crying, but alive.

What are you selling?

After that performance?


Well, you might want to reconsider.

The jury pool is full of parents.

A boy is dead.

Not my client's problem. He just said he didn't k*ll him.

Although he clearly had reason to.

Nothing justifies premeditated m*rder.

Well, I wouldn't use righteous indignation in your closing arguments for a pedophile, Counselor. You'll lose.


Kelley go the distance?

We got him on sodomy. He claims that he didn't m*rder Eric.

Looks like he's telling the truth.

We didn't find any blood in his truck or his home.

Even his work boots don't match the prints found at the crime scene.

I heard you had a suspect in custody.

He won't cop to the m*rder. Why?

I found blood in the corridor that doesn't belong to the victim.

So, let's swab Kelley and see if the DNA's a match.

Don't bother unless he's a diabetic.

How do you know our k*ller is a diabetic?

I ran the blood for DNA, and the hemoglobin levels were so high, I ran an A1C test.

Either the k*ller doesn't know he's diabetic, or he's not taking enough insulin.

Jake Berlin's a diabetic.

Get his blood, and I'll compare it to the sample from the crime scene.

I thought Berlin was Eric's mentor.

That's what Eric believed.

Then why k*ll him?

Pull up the Pediaphax website and let's check the chatter.

Eric did a kid, then confessed on the website.

He snapped. After all the pressure with Cory, he needed an outlet.

The problem is, Eric didn't reveal his victim's name.

You're under arrest for m*rder, Mr. Berlin.

Okay, my website, my rules. I said there'd be consequences.

Yeah, let me explain something to you.

No matter what you may think, you are not a hero.

Of course I am.

I'm a shining example of how people like me have to live.

I did what the Supreme Court refused to do.

I made raping a child a capital offense. A life for a life.

Did he m*rder the boy?

By molesting him, Eric k*lled his spirit, which pretty much did the same thing.

Is that why you butchered his body?

I didn't intend that.

You repeatedly stabbed him after he was dead.

Which is what he deserved. He crossed a line that I would never breach.

I know who and what I am.

You know, he... I can't fall off the wagon just once. I can't have one.

Just one.

Why, if I can do it, why can't he?

He was a pedophile.

So am I.

If you've never touched a child, then that makes you a first.

I wouldn't hurt a child.

So you say.

But it's my experience that people like you can't control their urges.

It's "don't," not "can't. "

I've never known the sweet release of being with a child.

If I did, I couldn't stop.

Eric Byers would never have stopped, so I did you a favor.

Then do me another one.

Tell me the victim's name.

I don't know it.

Tell me who he is, so I can get him some help.

He wouldn't tell me.

Is that what set you off?

Yeah, I was livid.

He begged me to understand, and he said that he couldn't stop.

He asked... He told me that I should just let go and that I should do it.

That I'd...

That I would know the bliss.

That I'd be unburdened.

And now there's a kid out there, somewhere, hurting, and there's nothing we can do.

Because you just m*rder*d the one person who could lead me to him.

Have you ever seen this young man before?



Where were you?

At the playground.

He gave me candy.

Did he touch you?

Did he hurt you at all?


You sure?

Thank you for coming in. This way.

No joy?

That makes interview number five.

They all saw or talked to Eric, but he didn't touch them.

I'm starting to think that I may never find our victim.

Olivia, he'll turn up. He has to.

Don't forget, Eric described the attack online in graphic detail.

Which means some kid will have so many problems that no parent will be able to ignore.

I love my husband, Detective.

I know you do, Lisa.

And I don't want to be here.

I don't want to do this.

But I don't want to die.

That's good to hear.

Have a seat.

It's good that you came in, okay?

You did the right thing for you and your husband and your family.
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