10x01 - Trials

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit". Aired: September 1999 to present.*

Moderators: Trialia, Sarah Elseify

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"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" follows the detectives of New York City Police Department's Manhattan Special Victims Unit, based out of the 16th precinct, as they investigate s℮xually based offenses.
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10x01 - Trials

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

"No standing, 7:00 a. m.

To 10:00 a. m." You moron!

We barely have gas money to get home, and you go and park in a tow-away zone?

Come on, Amy. It's not the end of the world.

Look out!

Pull over to your right.

Driver of the blue van, pull over to your right.

You, in the blue van!

Exit the vehicle!

Keep your hands where we can see them! Palms up!

What's your problem?

Son of a bitch.

What happened?

Someone stole his credit card.

You cancel it?

They maxed it out before I could.

They'll reverse the charges. Eventually.

Make sure you file a police report.

Trust me, I'm going to get this guy.

Hi. Can I help you?

First of all, apologies. I know you were expecting me last week, but I got held up in D.C. On personal business. Long story.

I'll tell you all about it over drinks sometime after we all get to know each other better.

Great. Who are you?

Kim Greylek.

Lateral move from the Office of v*olence Against Women.

I'm your new A.D.A.

Yeah. Sorry.

Detective Stabler.

Special Victims.

Nice to meet you all.

How old?


Thanks. We'll get right on it.

Got anything for me?

A car chase involving a stolen van.

There was a victim inside?

Can you hold on a minute?

Christopher Ryan.

Our 7-year-old driver says he had to escape because his foster parents were abusing him.

I just got in an elevator, so I'm probably going to lose you. I need you to fax... Hello?

It's a nightmare.

My credit card company doesn't even care if I catch this guy.

They're just going to cover their losses by jacking up the interest rates.

Am I boring you?

I'm sorry. I got absolutely no sleep last night.

Really? So, the blind date went well?

It didn't go at all. I canceled it.


Wow. What's the worst thing that could happen?

A 20-block car chase hitting everything in his path, and not a scratch on him.

No wounds at all?

Not even healed ones?

No. His foster parents aren't beating him.

When the as*ault is sexual, they're usually careful not to leave marks.

Did you do a rectal exam?

Tried. He started kicking and screaming before I could get close.

Well, that's a red flag right there.

He's in here.

His clothes are gone. They were on that chair. Nurse!

You don't think his foster parents took him...


Christopher, if you're hiding from the doctor, he's left.


It's a pretty cool fort you've made here.

I'm Detective Stabler.

Go away.

Well, we're here to help you.

It would really help my back if we could talk over here.

Hey, Christopher. No!


It's okay. It's okay.

I don't want to go to jail!

You don't have to go to jail.

But you do need to tell us why you took off in that van.

I had to!

Well, you can't go around stealing cars.

Why? It was fun.

Christopher, you know how dangerous that was?

You know how many people could have been hurt?

I don't care!

I liked it.

Well, your foster parents aren't going to like it when they have to pay for the damage you did.

Good! I hate them!


Christopher, why do you hate them? What did they do?

Just... Just promise you won't send me back to them.


Foster parents are on their way up.

Gwen and Noah Sibert.

Well, you know the drill.

Split them up.

See if one will roll on the other.

Either one have a record?

Just one. Public Vagary.

I think Mumbles here means "vagrancy. "

No, but thanks for playing.

Public Vagary was a neo-punk song

Noah recorded about 10 years ago.

I never heard it.

No one did. But after his one no-hit wonder, he joined a commune upstate.

Neo-punk to neo-hippy.

What is he now?


Where is he?

Where's Christopher?

He's okay, right?

He's fine, which is more than I can say for your van.

As long as he's safe, that's all that matters.

The van is just an old clunker.

That we just spent a fortune turning to bio-diesel.

Gwen, it's just a material possession.

I know. I know.

I'm sorry. I'm just so upset.

I turned my back for one second, he grabbed the keys and he was gone.

It's not your fault.

He's such a handful.

You sound overwhelmed.

What is this? I thought you were taking us to Christopher.

He tore a long path of destruction through the city.

I'm afraid you've got a boatload of paperwork to deal with.

Can't that wait?

Our son needs us.

You know what would expedite this?

Why don't you and I go in here right now, and Detective Tutuola can go over things with Mrs. Sibert down the hall?

Don't mind the accommodations.

We're a little short on space.

No. No, no. Why can't we stay together?

You think we did something to him, don't you? That's crazy.

You know, when he came to us, he was angry, malnourished and psychically damaged.

We've done everything we can to love him back to health.

I'm sure you're very affectionate towards him.

Not in any way that's inappropriate, if that's what you're hinting at.

I'm not hinting at anything.

My wife gave up her career to stay at home with that child and give him a better life.

Then why was he so desperate to get away from you?



Whoa, buddy.

Take it easy there.

It's so good.

Christopher, are you allowed to have soft drinks?


Okay. Can you give it to me?

I think you need me to chuck it out.


Give it back!

It's mine!

No, we're all done for this time.


Mine! No!


Hey, Christopher.

No! Christopher.

Christopher. Christopher.

It's mine! Christopher. Hey, hey, hey.

Let go!

Calm down!

Let me go! I hate you! Calm down!

You're stupid buttheads!

Like your foster parents? Because they won't let you have soda?

Or eat candy or potato chips or any good stuff!

What do they want you to eat?

The stinky food that they make.

They're vegetabletarians.

I hate vegetables! They make me puke! They're t*rture!

This is just a huge misunderstanding.

I swore I'd never hurt a child.

I swear I never have.

Do your job. We've got nothing to hide.

Why would Christopher say that you abused him?

He's a very unhappy kid.

Never knew his father.

His mother has real mental problems.

She gave him up when he was five.

He's got serious abandonment issues.

You got to get him some help.

You mean dope him up on psychotropic dr*gs like two-thirds of the kids in foster care?

Try therapy.

I started in utero.

What he needs is to feel more secure.

I think we need to formally adopt him.

We have to give him back.

I can't take it anymore.

Gwen, motherhood's not for everybody. There ought to be a test.

I always wanted to have children.

Noah was the one who said that it was selfish, well, you know, with all the unwanted children in the world.

Christopher was his idea, not yours.

But Noah's not the one stuck at home taking care of him, is he?

No. He didn't have to give up his career.

We... We used to work together.

Doing what?

We started a luxury clothing line.

Eco-friendly haute couture.

It's called the Greenline.

While we were working together, there was always lots of wining and dining the buyers.

And Noah's still out there living it large while you're wrangling the Tasmanian Devil.

He breaks things.

He throws tantrums.

He doesn't listen to a word I say.

And the constant chattering.

He doesn't just make up wild stories.

He tells outright lies.

He's a nightmare.

No! You promised me you wouldn't make me go with them!

No, we didn't.

All parents make their kids eat their vegetables.

It's not abuse.

I know!

So why did you pretend that it was?

Because I'm not allowed to talk about the other thing!

Okay, what other thing?

It has to be a secret from Noah.

You can tell us.

But if I tell, Gwen won't sneak me any more candy.

But I don't want to go there anymore.

Go where?

To this place.

She said it will make me feel happy, but it doesn't.

I had to take all my clothes off. And they gave Gwen money.

Was it a doctor's office?

No. A hotel.

So we're thinking the foster mother is pimping him out?

It gets creepier than that.

She's doing it at the Lydia Hotel.

Skank ho central.

Well, problem is, Vice shut it down earlier this year.

And we know this kid has a wild imagination.

But why would a 7-year-old know this place even existed?

That's the problem with the boy that cries wolf.

Nobody pays attention when the real one shows up.

Where's Christopher's caseworker?

She was called in from the get-go. Still MIA.

Stall the foster parents until she shows.

Liv, you stay with the kid. Fin, grab Elliot and go check out the Lydia.

There a problem?

You know my beef with Stabler.

He's a total head case.

I'd rather have any other partner.

It's not ladies' choice today, Detective. Suck it up. Do your job.

You got my request for transfer three months ago.

Any idea what's holding that up?

No. You signed off on the 57?

And gave you a glowing recommendation.

If you like, I'll call the Chief of D's office, see where it's at.

That's great. Thanks.

No problem. In the meantime, you've got an assignment.

It's not up for debate.

I'm driving.

Yeah, no.

I appreciate it.

My credit card company just faxed over the stolen charges.

I can make some calls, see if anyone caught the skel on security cam.

It's your world, Stabler.

I'm just here to serve you.

This is weird.

These guys usually hit electronics, stuff they can resell.

This is all wacky stuff.

A hand-carved African tribal mask.

What? You consider African art wacky?

It's wacky when I'm the one paying for it.

You don't ask for a picture ID with a credit card.

Now, look, you've been a big help. I appreciate it. Yeah.

Just get that security camera fixed, huh?

All right.

Some description.

The guy was black.

Had to be a brother that jacks you up.

Girlfriend was white.

Late teens, early 20s.

Both of them had on University of Hudson T-shirts.

I suppose that you want me to run you over to the campus now.

No, we got something here.

What the hell is this?

I'm guessing it's not a kiddie sex ring.

Weird group, though.

College kids. Immigrants.

Big turnout today, huh?

Yeah, because there's no pain involved. That's why the money is crap.

But this application still has a section for every part of your body.

You know how it is.

The more orifices they probe, the more it pays.

Tell me about it.

Seriously, tell me about it.

This is a drug testing facility, nothing illegal.

They do clinical trials here.

Yeah? What?

For lead poisoning?

This one's for multiple sclerosis.

You got MS?


Dude, this is a Phase I trial.

They test it on healthy people first to make sure it's safe.

What if it's not?

Rash, headache, the runs...

The worst side effect I ever had was for an allergy medication.

My throat swelled shut.

How many of these have you done?

Like, 20.

You do more than one at a time?

You're not supposed to, but people do.

I'm in three right now at different places.

Are you kidding me? You don't know how these dr*gs will interact.

Plus, you're screwing up their data.

Not to mention their patients.

Professional guinea pigs can make 70 grand a year doing this full-time.

I'm trying to put myself through college right now.

I don't have time for a real job.

You believe they're doing medical trials in this dump?

Got to be the cheapest lease in the city.

Well, now we know why Christopher hates coming here.

Gwen's renting him out as a human pincushion.

Mixing the wrong meds could explain his bizarre behavior.

Tell me you're not making another call about your lousy stolen credit card.

Now what? You think we're going to charm Christopher's medical records off them?

I'm calling someone who's anxious to help.

Subpoena duces tecum for all records pertaining to Christopher Ryan.

We'll take it from here.

I've been a desk jockey in D.C. For the past three years.

Drafting legislation, making grants...

It's great to finally be out in the trenches.

Good. We appreciate your help.

I believe you'll find it's all in order.

You think they pay me to deal with crap like this?

Let me go find the medical director.

We'll let you get back.

Mind if I stay?

Actually, I do.


It's hard to do our jobs with the D.A. looking over our shoulders.

Why? We're both working for the same thing, justice for the victim.

Back in D.C., they called me "The Crusader. "

Look... Nice name. I'm sure you're very good in the court, but dealing with suspects out on the street just requires a different people skill.

Do you have any idea how much wheeling and dealing goes on in D. C?

I've got people skills.

Dr. Eichenberry will see you in her office.

Don't worry about cranky balls.

He's only nice to the victims.

Hold on. I'm monitoring a weeklong study on a narcolepsy drug, and the subject just conked out on me.

Lady, you got bigger problems than this guy catching up on his beauty sleep.

You experiment on children here?

In order to ultimately help them, yes.

Yeah, well, I hate to tell you, one of your dr*gs causes road rage.

That's not a good side effect in a 7-year-old.

Christopher Ryan.

What's he on?

Experimental med for ADHD.

Who authorized that?

Not the kid.

Foster mother allowed to put his health at risk just to make a buck off of him?

I think there's some confusion here.

The rules for kids are different from adults.

They have to have the disease or the condition that's being studied.

Christopher was already hyperactive.

So that gives you the right to poke and prod him like a lab rat.

We're helping children, Detective.

Until a decade ago, kids were hardly ever included in these studies.

Since they have been, we've found about a fifth that listed the wrong dosage.

Another fifth didn't work at all.

And in a third, we discovered new pediatric safety issues.

Safety? You're conducting experiments out of a rat hole, exploiting desperate people.

We are closely monitored by a private review board.

And every test subject gives informed consent, meaning that they are made aware of all possible risks.

Noah. Noah, wait. Listen, I can explain.

I cannot believe you gave him dr*gs.

It was him or me.

I was at my wit's end.

They trusted us to help this boy.

You made his life worse!

I thought I was helping him!

We had a game plan!

No, you!


You had a game plan.

This was your cause of the moment from the very start.

I never had any say in it.

Stop making up stories, Gwen.

Okay? Just shut up!

No. You never had to deal with him. He was driving me nuts.

Hey, Mr.

And Mrs. Sibert.

Hey, champ.

How you doing, bud?

I'm starving.

Well, I would say you deserve a great big frozen yogurt, then.

I want chocolate ice cream.

Okay. Chocolate it is.

Hey, Christopher. If you ever feel like you're in trouble again, I want you to call me at this number, okay?

Okay. You take care of yourself.

Can I push the button?

Just the one marked "G."

Christopher. Please.

Something tells me the Siberts won't be Christopher's last foster parents.

What about the other kids in this study?

Report the clinic to the group who's supposed to be monitoring them.

Well, I'm going to make sure that this one goes to the top of their pile.

Well, do it tomorrow.

Go home. You look like you could use a little sleep.

Yeah. Okay. Night.



Didn't mean to scare you.

I'm usually more careful about sneaking up on people who carry g*ns.

I'm sorry. I'm usually not this jumpy.

You don't remember me. We worked on another case together.

Tonya Majeski? ACS?

Yes, of course. You're Christopher's caseworker.

Yes. I brought you a copy of his file.

I stopped by the Siberts' to check up on them.

We've scheduled a few sessions to determine how we should proceed.

Well, you have a good one.

Thank you.
Oh, my God.

There a problem?

Christopher's birth mother.

Caitlyn Ryan.

Before she gave up custody of him, she was a r*pe victim.

It was my case.


It's Olivia Benson.

Caitlyn, it's important.

It's about Christopher.

Did something happen to him?

He's okay, but I really need to talk to you. May I come in?

I'm not dressed.

The place is a mess.

That's okay. My place is a disaster area, trust me.


I must look awful.

No, you look fine.

I would have called first, but your number was disconnected.

I had a really tough time finding you.

When you move, we need to update your file.

Why? So you can call and remind me you're never going to find my r*pist?

Caitlyn? Your case is cold, but it is not closed.

I'm not going to wake up and suddenly know what my r*pist looked like behind his mask.

We've cracked cases a lot older than this one.

Yeah. With DNA.

I should have scratched him, so you'd have some.

I should have fought back, you know?

I mean, I would have, but I just...

But what?

I don't know how I let it get this bad.

Please. I sleep on my couch quite often.

Do you need to have the TV on?

You said you came here about Chris.


I met Christopher through the Siberts.

I was surprised to find out that he was your son.

I never got to meet him before.

Well, he was only five.

I just didn't want him to know anything about it.

You know, I mean, my only salvation is that he was at a sleepover the night that, you know, that thing broke in.

Caitlyn, why did you give Christopher up?

Look at me.

I mean, at first, I could function.

Then I just started reliving it all the time, you know?

I couldn't concentrate at work, so I lost my job, and I lost my apartment.

And then I just wanted to sleep.

I mean, he would literally, like, beg me to fix him something to eat.

But I just let him go hungry.

I'm not a fit mother.


Caitlyn, listen to me.

You have r*pe trauma syndrome.

It's a form of PTSD.

You need therapy.

And when you get better, you're going to get Christopher back.


That's never going to happen.

Will you talk to a r*pe crisis counselor?

I did. I joined a group.

I've done it all.

I got nothing. I got a new home for Chris. That's all I got.

What do you mean?

That's where I met Gwen Sibert.

She was a r*pe victim, too.

So why didn't your wife mention that she was a r*pe victim raising another victim's son?

It had nothing to do with Christopher.

It happened five years ago, before we were married.

Well, that would have been our case.

Did Gwen not report it? Give me that!


Play nice, kiddo.

She reported it.

We lived in Jersey City then.

Did they catch the guy?

No. And he better pray they never do.

Gwen met Caitlyn in therapy, but she told Detective Tutuola that it was your idea to take Christopher in.

It was.

Gwen told me that Caitlyn was having a rough time raising him and she should have known better.

I like to fix things.

That's how Gwen and I got together.

After she was att*cked, I went over there to fix her locks, look in on her.

We fell in love.

So where do things stand with Christopher?

I want to keep him. Gwen wants to give him back to Caitlyn.

Hey. What about my mom?

She's still kind of sick, champ.

But she told me that she really, really misses you.

No, she doesn't.

She hates me.

That's not true.

Is so.

She used to love me, till that man made her sad.

Then she gave me away.

What man? Was he real or pretend?


What did he look like?

I don't know.

He was wearing a mask.

Christopher wasn't at a sleepover the night that Caitlyn Ryan was r*ped.

He was in the bedroom right next to hers.

Victims always hold something back. I hate that.

Usually a detail they're embarrassed about.

Why did she keep that from us?

Maternal instinct.

You talked to Christopher?

Yes. And if we'd talked to him two years ago, we would have known that Caitlyn belonged to our pattern r*pe.

Annabelle Ashton.

Four years cold.

Emily Johannsen is under a year, but we linked that to Annabelle's.

And there was a third.

Natalie Clay.

All three single mothers of a young boy, just like Caitlyn.

Masked, break-in r*pist. Aside from the r*pe, none of them were battered.

Well, they couldn't fight back.

The perp threatened to k*ll their kid if they did.

He told them all that they were a bad mother, just like he did to Caitlyn.

Victims had that in common. Nothing else.

Add Caitlyn to the pin map.

See if she fills in a pattern.

He never hit the same neighborhood twice, and Caitlyn's no exception.

Hold up. Emily Johannsen was r*ped in her apartment.

But we looked really hard at a bartender from her favorite dive a block away from Caitlyn's apartment.

The smell of stale beer and quiet desperation.

Did I ever tell you about the bar I owned in Baltimore?

About a kazillion times.

I'd like to open one up here, but the real estate's a bit pricier.

Henry working here today?

I'm going to need investors.

You interested?

What are you smoking?

Come on. Then we'd get to still be partners after you left the squad.

That is, if you're really leaving.

Watch me.

You know, if one more person dumps me, I'm going to start taking it personally.

Aside from my wives, there was Jeffries, Cassidy, Meldrick, Stan "The Big Man" Bolander...

Stan "The Man" was my mentor in Baltimore, just like I am yours.

Circle of life, my friend. Circle of life.

Not youse guys again.


He remembers us.

How about her, Henry?

Never seen her before.

She get r*ped?

Who said anything about r*pe?

You did, the last hundred times you hassled me about that other girl, Emily.

And I was totally straight with you.

Flirted with her.

Never did her.

But you insisted on carding her, even though she was well past the drinking age.

When you ask to see the older ladies' IDs, you get a bigger tip.

And you get to look at their home address on their license.

Emily sat right in this bar and told you everything about her kid.

And the party in my pants was over.

That's the reason I didn't do her.

The bartender handed me back my license, told me that I looked hot for my age.

I'm 34.

He propositioned you?

It was all lame innuendo.

"Babe, you're making my job really hard tonight.

"You're making it hard. "

It was...

And you spoke to him for a while.

Yeah, only because I was sloshed on mojitos.

I would have never let him touch me.

I know, Emily.

I'm just asking if you remember what his voice sounded like.


My r*pist's voice was a hoarse whisper.

No Brooklyn accent.

Accents can be faked.

No. It has to be someone from the online dating service for single mothers.

We checked out everyone you e-mailed.

Yeah, but you never found the one that stood me up.

You said he signed on at an lnternet cafe. Pre-paid card. Dave Jones?

I mean...

It even sounds fake.

A lot of people go to extremes to protect their identity online.

Yeah, well, I sat at that coffee shop for an hour.

So maybe he came and he followed me home.

Because I was r*ped a week later.

None of the other victims used that dating service.

You're positive it wasn't Henry?

No. I never went into that bar.

And you never took Christopher to swim classes at the Y.

And you never used an online dating service?

Caitlyn, please.

This is really important.

I need you to answer me.

Have you?

Once. A free trial session.

Okay. Well, you said that you hadn't.

I was embarrassed.

This girl at work, she made me go on this site on her computer.

It was for single mothers.

Did you meet anybody on it?


One guy on there sounded great.

We were supposed to meet for coffee.

He never showed up.

I'm not lying to you. I've never done online dating.

Natalie, it's just very important.

It could help us catch your r*pist.

I've been hounding you for two years with every humiliating detail I remember.

Why wouldn't I tell you that?

What about chat rooms?

Or anyone you've met with the last name of Jones?

Nat? We've got a situation in the dressing rooms.

Excuse me.

I'll be right back.


Yeah. Did you get a picture?

Okay. Great.

I'll be down.

One of the charges on my stolen credit card, yeah, Bonnie and Clyde used it to get matching tattoos.

Him on the wrist, her on the inner thigh.

That should make the lineup easier when you catch them.


Look at the designer label. The Greenline.

Isn't that the Siberts' clothing line?

Natalie Clay started doing business with the Siberts before her r*pe.

Noah knew she was single with a son.

Could be coincidence.

What about the first victim, Annabelle Ashton?

No connection so far, but she got the hell out of Dodge after her r*pe four years ago. Still tracking her down.

Hey, guys. Noah's old punk band, Public Vagary?

His bandmates were twins.

Dave and Danny Jones.

He used their names on the dating website.

Emily answered David Jones' ad and Caitlyn answered Dan's.

Noah Sibert marries a r*pe victim and then starts raping?


Women with little boys.

Now the son of a bitch is raising one of them.

First, you accuse me of child abuse, now r*pe.

Where does this end?

With justice.

For Natalie, Emily, Annabelle and Caitlyn.

All single moms working outside the home.

You got a problem with that, don't you?


Come on, Noah.

You forced your own wife to quit her job when you got Christopher.

Which was the first time that I ever met Caitlyn.

Months after she was r*ped.

Yeah. That must have been a turn-on for you, huh?

Your wife comes home from her support group, tells you this poor woman's story, and you're hearing all the details of the r*pe that you committed.

My wife was r*ped.


You ask Gwen how supportive I've been.

We know how you like to fix things.

The planet, damaged women, neglected little boys...

Just like yourself.

We hear that your mom didn't stick around after your father left.

Let's leave her out of this.

We know you had issues.

You ran away when you were 16.

You haven't talked to her since.

Did you r*pe all these women to punish Mommy?

I left home to join a band.

That failed so miserably, you never dreamed that anybody would notice that you used your bandmates' names on that dating website.

Danny and Dave?


Someone's using Jones as an alias?

Natalie I know from my business.

What's my six degrees of separation from this woman, Annabelle?

All right, tell you what. You're innocent.

Do a voice lineup.

Number one, please step forward and loudly whisper the line you were given.

You're a bad mother.

Number two.

You're a bad mother.

Number three.

You're a bad mother.

Number four.

You're a bad mother.

Number five.

You're a bad mother.

It was like a harsher whisper.

Like, throatier.

Number five, repeat the line, more from the throat, a little harsher.

You're a bad mother.

Number five.

Great job. Come on.

She picked your client, Mr. Strauss.

But Emily and Natalie picked number two.

I have to admit, two's voice even scared me. I assume we're done?

You assumed wrong.

We'll be in touch.

What was that?

I thought you were supposed to be "The Crusader. "

We need to find the fourth victim.

I take this to the grand jury with only one of the three picking Noah, they'll blow it out and then we're finished.

We're going home now.

Not with Christopher.

I'm his legal guardian.

You have no say in it.

Well, his caseworker does. She's on her way.


Oh, my God.

You've gotten so big.

You worthless bitch!

No. Caitlyn, go back into the squad room.

I don't understand.

You miserable ingrate.

After all we've done for you, you lying bitch!


First, you saddle me with this messed-up little kid...


... and then...

And then you make these ridiculous accusations...

Mrs. Sibert?

... towards my husband?

What are you talking about?

I was just here for a lineup.

I hate you!

I hate you!

Christopher? You leave her alone! Leave her alone!

Christopher. She's my real mom, not you!

Fine. Fine.

Stop it! Stop it!

Take him back. Take him back. Leave her alone!

Gwen. That's my mom! Please! Stop!

That is the best revenge I could wish on you.

You r*ped me.

You're sick. You're nothing but a liar.

Gwen, let's go now.


Hey, champ.

I'm not abandoning you.

I'm going to fight to get you back, okay? You know I love you, right?

It's all slobbery.

Yeah. I know it is. Don't touch your cheek. Don't touch your cheek.

All right, come with me.

That should do it.

I'll let you know if we get DNA.

Thanks. Not that we have anything to compare it against.

This guy's been careful.

Yeah. Maybe he wasn't when he first started.


I'm so sorry.

I'm going to do whatever I can to make this up to you, okay?

How come you gave me away?

Why didn't you want to be my mom anymore?

I never stopped wanting that.

I just...

Mommy's been very sick, okay?

I'm going to do everything I can to get better, okay?

So I can be a good mom.



I love you.

I love you, too.

Hi, Tonya.

Please. Please, can I take him home?

As soon as we can show the court that it's a safe environment.

Don't cry, Mama.

It'll be okay.

Yeah. I promise you it will be.

Those people starved me to death.

I need a hamburger right now.

Okay. Come on.

You'll get him back.

I'm afraid I've got some bad news.

What now?

I heard back from the Chief of D's office. You know a Greg Burkle?

Oh, no.

Who's that?

Guy I used to work with back in Narcotics.

After his wife divorced him, she started calling me.

Damn. Well, Greg's at One PP now.

He's in charge of processing transfers.

Guess I'm not going anywhere soon.

Well, you know you could never leave me.

Captain, Fin and I are thinking of going in on a bar.

You want to buy in?

Well, gee, John, I don't know.

Let me run it by the guys at my next AA meeting.


I reached out to a friend of mine.

He does security at Hudson U. Got my guy.

He's running him over now. If anything breaks, just come get me.


Kathleen, what are you doing here?

You had my boyfriend arrested? What the hell?

What are you talking about?

Tony didn't steal your credit card.

I had to buy some books for school, so I borrowed it when I was home on Sunday.

You didn't buy any books.

You never told me you had a boyfriend.

Well, I do. And you better make it right.

I'd better make... What did you just say to me?

What did you just say to me?


Tony didn't do anything.

We're not going to talk about this now.

And you're going to get that thing removed from your leg.

You have a tattoo.

What have you got, Liv?

I found our fourth victim, Annabelle Ashton.

She moved back to Iowa after her r*pe.

She k*lled herself last year.

If we had found Noah earlier...

All right, all right, all right.

Look, you can't do this to yourself.

You can't go there.

Hey, guys. We got a hit off Noah's DNA.

Why are you doing this to us?

This is crazy.


He couldn't have done it.

Gwen, it was him. It was the only time he left DNA.

After that, he started covering his tracks.

It's not possible.

Listen to me. The DNA from your r*pe kit was entered into CODIS five years ago.

The match was confirmed.

Noah r*ped you.

Noah? Noah, tell them that they're wrong.

Tell them that they're wrong.

Baby, why aren't you telling them that they're wrong?

Gwen, listen to me. You need to tell them what really happened.


That you filed a false police report.

Oh, God. No.

The sex we had was consensual.

No. No, God. No.

You're telling me I married...

I married my own r*pist?

I loved you.

You never had the time of day for me before that.

It all turned out all right.

I made you feel safe.

You fell in love with me.

Do you know how I feel right now?

Sorry about that.

Noah Sibert accepted the plea deal.

Surprised you offered him one.

I thought you were dying to strut your stuff in the courtroom.

It's not about me.

There were a lot of traumatized victims in this case.

Now they won't be dragged though a trial.

So what's he get?

The max.

You are good.

How did you do that?

Threatened him with a penalty enhancement of 25 years.


The New York Hate Crimes Statute covers race, color, sexual orientation, religion and gender.

Noah targeted a specific subset of women.

Most rapists do.

He actually believed you could charge him with r*pe as a hate crime?

No one's been able to pull that one off.

He knows I intend to be the first.

I wasn't bluffing.

It's my pet project.

Maybe on the next one.

So how does this work? Do we all go out for a celebratory drink?

Well, if we had a bar, drinks would be on the house.

Where's Olivia?

It happened four months ago.

I was working undercover in a prison and a male guard tried to r*pe me.

And I was...

I was okay at first.

And then...

I've started reliving it.

I just feel really jumpy, and I can't sleep.

And I feel very out of control.

And the thing is, is that I wasn't even r*ped.

Olivia, you were sexually assaulted.

He came so close, and there was nothing that I could do to stop him.

He had a w*apon.

And he completely overpowered me.

And I never should have let him take me down there.

Because I know better than that.

r*pe victims often blame themselves.

You know how misplaced that blame is.

I know.

I know.

I know that here.

I've told that same thing to a lot of women.

But now, I...

I feel...

I feel like I don't deserve to be here.

But I feel like...

I feel like he has...

He stole something from me.


And I need help dealing with it.
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